USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > Sussex County (558) > Wantage (28)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Wantage are also found through the Sussex County and New Jersey pages.
Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Church, Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1785-1818 FamilySearch Library
Wantage Township, Sussex, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1848-1867 FamilySearch Library
Beemer Church Meeting House Cemetery Find a Grave
Brink-Colesville Cemetery Billion Graves
Coe Smith Burial Ground Find a Grave
Deckertown Union Cemetery Find a Grave
Deckertown Union Cemetery; Wantage US Gen Web Archives
Mount Salem Cemetery Find a Grave
Mount Salem Cemetery Billion Graves
Mount Salem Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Clove Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Colesville / Peter Hough Farm Cemetery Billion Graves
Van Fleet Burying Ground Find a Grave
Van Fleet Burying Ground Find a Grave
Wantage Cemetery Find a Grave
Wantage Cemetery US Gen Web Archives
Wantage First Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Federal Census of 1940, Wantage, New Jersey LDS Genealogy
Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Church, Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1785-1818 FamilySearch Library
Computer printout of Wantage, Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex, Newj FamilySearch Library
History of the First Baptist Church of Wantage, Sussex, New Jersey FamilySearch Library
Outline of the history of the First Baptist Church of Wantage, Sussex County, N.J. FamilySearch Library
Records of the Clove Dutch Reformed Church of Clove Valley New York Genealogical and Biographical Society at FindMyPast
Records of the First Baptist Church of Deckertown, Sussex, New Jersey : Orange Baptist Church, Orange County, New York, Mt. Salem Baptist Church, New Jersey FamilySearch Library
Wantage Township, Sussex, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1848-1867 FamilySearch Library
A Historical Sermon Designed As A Memorial To the Inhabitants of Wantage, Sussex County, NJ Ancestry
Our Wantage heritage FamilySearch Library
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