Woodbridge Genealogy (in Middlesex County, NJ)

USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > Middlesex County (1,352) > Woodbridge (133)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Woodbridge are also found through the Middlesex County and New Jersey pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Woodbridge Birth Records

Extracts of births, marriages, and deaths of Piscataway, 1676-1970, and Woodbridge, ca. 1669-1784 FamilySearch Library

Quaker records : the births of the children of friends in and about Woodbridge, New Jersey. WorldCat

Woodbridge records; marriages, births, and deaths, 1668-1781 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records - Liber B & Quaker Marriages Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1668-1781;1851-1867 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge, N.J. - 1st Presbyterian Church history etc Archive Grid

Woodbridge Cemetery Records

Beth Israel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clover Leaf Memorial Park Find a Grave online

Clover Leaf Park Cemetery; Woodbridge US Gen Web Archives online

First Presbyterian Churchyard Find a Grave online

Inscriptions, Cemetery of the First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, New Jersey Ancestry online

Inscriptions, cemetery of the First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, New Jersey FamilySearch Library

Little Quaker Churchyard Find a Grave online

Saint James Cemetery and Mausoleum Find a Grave online

Saint James Cemetery and Mausoleum Billion Graves online

St. James Cemetery; Woodbridge US Gen Web Archives online

Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Woodbridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Find a Grave online

Woodbridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Billion Graves online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Methodist-Episcopal & Trinity Cemeteries Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Presbyterian Cemetery, Graves 1 to 800 Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Presbyterian Cemetery, Graves 801 to 1634 Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge Church Records

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Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, N.J., May 24, 25, 26, and 27, 1925 Ancestry online

Celebration of the Two Hundred and Twenty Fifth Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, NJ Ancestry online

Church records, 1707-1954 (First Presbyterian Church (Woodbridge, New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1795-1929 (First Presbyterian Church (Metuchen, New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1881-1895 (Union Presbyterian Church (Woodbridge, New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Directory, First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, N.J FamilySearch Library

First Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, 1831-1850 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Deaths, 1707-1853 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1872-1918 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1918-1935 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Deaths, 1707-1850 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Historical Discourse Delivered at the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, NJ Ancestry online

Historical discourse delivered at the two hundredth anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, N.J., June 20th, 1875 FamilySearch Library

Historical highlights of Woodbridge Methodist Episcopal Church FamilySearch Library

History First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, New Jersey 300th Anniversary May 25, 1975 LDS Genealogy online

History First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, New Jersey 300th Anniversary May 25, 1975 Internet Archive online

History of First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, New Jersey : 300th anniversary May 25, 1975 FamilySearch Library

List of members, marriages, baptisms of Metuchen Presbyterian Church, formerly known as Second Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, N.J., and Burials of Piscataway graveyard, Piscataway, N.J. Separate index of each division. WorldCat

Minutes, 1686-1788 (Society of Friends. Woodbridge Monthly Meeting (New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Monthly meeting records, 1686-1894 (Society of Friends. Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting (New Jersey : Hicksite)) FamilySearch Library

Quaker records : the births of the children of friends in and about Woodbridge, New Jersey. WorldCat

Second Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1848-1857 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Second Presbyterian Church, Deaths, 1795-1825 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

St. Andrew's Church "A Field of Dreams" A Parish History 1920 - 1995 Internet Archive online

St. John's, October 1964, Parish Register, Vol. 3 (included in New Jersey, U.S., Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Church Records) Ancestry online

Trinity Church, N/A, Parish Register 1829-1919 (included in New Jersey, U.S., Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Church Records) Ancestry online

Trinity Church, N/A, Parish Register, 1910-1934, No. 3 (included in New Jersey, U.S., Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Church Records) Ancestry online

Trinity Church, N/A, Parish Register, 1934-1961, No. 4 (included in New Jersey, U.S., Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Church Records) Ancestry online

Trinity Church, N/A, Parish Register, 1962-1995, No. 5 (included in New Jersey, U.S., Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Church Records) Ancestry online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records - Liber B & Quaker Marriages Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1668-1781;1851-1867 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge, N.J. - 1st Presbyterian Church history etc Archive Grid

Woodbridge City Directories

Directory, First Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, N.J FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge City Directory 1927 MyHeritage online

Woodbridge Death Records

Death Records, 1668-1781 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Extracts of births, marriages, and deaths of Piscataway, 1676-1970, and Woodbridge, ca. 1669-1784 FamilySearch Library

Middlesex County, New Jersey records of the 17th and 18th centuries : taken from First settlers of ye plantations of Piscataway and Woodbridge by Orra Eugene Monnette WorldCat

Woodbridge records; marriages, births, and deaths, 1668-1781 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records - Liber B & Quaker Marriages Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, N.J. - 1st Presbyterian Church history etc Archive Grid

Woodbridge Histories and Genealogies

An Educational History Of The School District of Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey 1666 - 1933 LDS Genealogy online

An Educational History Of The School District of Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey 1666 - 1933 Internet Archive online

Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and adjoining country : with sketches of men and events in New Jersey during the provincial era FamilySearch Library

History of Education Woodbridge Township 1664 - 1964 LDS Genealogy online

History of Education Woodbridge Township 1664 - 1964 Internet Archive online

History of Education, Woodbridge Township, 1664-1964 Ancestry online

History of Woodbridge Township LDS Genealogy online

History of Woodbridge Township Internet Archive online

History of Woodbridge Township Police Department LDS Genealogy online

History of Woodbridge Township Police Department Internet Archive online

History of education, Woodbridge Township, 1664-1964 FamilySearch Library

Official Book of the 255th Anniversary and Memorial Celebration, Woodbridge, New Jersey Ancestry online

The history of Woodbridge, New Jersey FamilySearch Library

Township of Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1669-1781 Ancestry online

Township of Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1669-1781 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge and vicinity : the story of a New Jersey township ; embracing the history of Woodbridge, Piscataway, Metuchen and contiguous places, from the earliest times ; important official documents relating to the township, etc. LDS Genealogy online

Woodbridge and vicinity : the story of a New Jersey township ; embracing the history of Woodbridge, Piscataway, Metuchen and contiguous places, from the earliest times ; important official documents relating to the township, etc. Internet Archive online

Woodbridge and vicinity : the story of a New Jersey township, embracing the history of Woodbridge, Piscataway, Metuchen and contiguous places, from the earliest times; the history of the different ecclesiastical bodies; important official documents relating to the township, etc. FamilySearch Library

Woodbrige and vicinity : the story of a New Jersey township, embracing the history of Woodbridge, Piscataway, Metuchen and contiguous places, from the earliest times; the history of the different ecclesiastical bodies; important official documents relating to the township, etc. FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge Land Records

East New Jersey index to records at Perth Amboy, 1665-1743 FamilySearch Library

List of Freeholders, 1750 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Woodbridge Map Records

Map of Woodbridge township FamilySearch Library

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge Twp, Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1924 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1901 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1909 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1916 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, April 1896 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, November 1886 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, October 1891 Library of Congress online

Woodbridge Marriage Records

Extracts of births, marriages, and deaths of Piscataway, 1676-1970, and Woodbridge, ca. 1669-1784 FamilySearch Library

List of members, marriages, baptisms of Metuchen Presbyterian Church, formerly known as Second Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, N.J., and Burials of Piscataway graveyard, Piscataway, N.J. Separate index of each division. WorldCat

Woodbridge records; marriages, births, and deaths, 1668-1781 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ, Vital Records - Liber B & Quaker Marriages Jane Devlin online

Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey computer printout; marriages, 1668-1781 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge Military Records

List of members, marriages, baptisms of Metuchen Presbyterian Church, formerly known as Second Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, N.J., and Burials of Piscataway graveyard, Piscataway, N.J. Separate index of each division. WorldCat

Woodbridge Miscellaneous Records

Woodbridge Township Freeholders book 1668-1716 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge Township, New Jersey, voting survey, 1884-1888 FamilySearch Library

Woodbridge Newspapers and Obituaries

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Independent Leader, 1940 - 1965 Woodbridge Public Library online

Leader Journal, 1934 - 1939 Woodbridge Public Library online

Leader Press, 1967 - 1970 Woodbridge Public Library online

The Independent Hour, 1876 - 1877 Woodbridge Public Library online

The Weekly Register, 1898 - 1902 Woodbridge Public Library online

The Woodbridge Leader, 1926 - 1931 Woodbridge Public Library online

The Woodbridge News, 1899 - 1902 Woodbridge Public Library online

Woodbridge Independent, 1919 - 1939 Woodbridge Public Library online

Woodbridge Leader, 1931 - 1934 Woodbridge Public Library online

Woodbridge Sentinel 11/05/2003 to 12/09/2009 Genealogy Bank online

Woodbridge Township Historic Newspapers 1876-1970. Woodbridge Public Library online

Offline Newspapers for Woodbridge

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Central Jersey Focus. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1987-Current

Edison Township and Fords Beacon. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1954-1962

Independent Hour. (Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., N.J.) 1876-1898

Independent-Leader Edison Fords Beacon. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1962-1966

Leader-Journal. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1934-1939

Middlesex County Press and Woodbridge Independent. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1922-1923

Weekly Register. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1891-1909

Woodbridge Gazette. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1866-1867

Woodbridge Independent and the Mosquito. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1919-1922

Woodbridge Independent. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1923-1939

Woodbridge Leader. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1909-1934

Woodbridge News. (Woodbridge, N.J.) 1899-1910

Woodbridge School Records

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History of the Woodbridge Township Stadium and School System Internet Archive online

Middlesex County Vo-Tech School yearbook, 1961 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Middlesex County Vo-Tech School yearbook, 1961, 1984 Classmates online

Middlesex County Vo-Tech School yearbook, 1961, 1984 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Woodbridge High School - Baronet Yearbook (Woodbridge, NJ), 1947, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1961, 1977 E Yearbook online

Woodbridge High School yearbook, 1947, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Woodbridge High School yearbook, 1947, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 2003, 2006 Classmates online

Woodbridge High School yearbook, 1947, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 2003, 2006 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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