1940 U.S. Federal Census of Columbus, Luna, New Mexico

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Mexico > Luna County > 1940 Census of Columbus

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AcostaJaun born about 1908
AkeCharles Wborn about 1885
AndersonHanna Pborn about 1883
AndersonPhilip Wborn about 1885

B Surnames

BaileyLawrence born about 1931
BaileyLenore Gborn about 1865
BeallCharles Pborn about 1883
BeallRuby Gborn about 1900
BeallWilliam born about 1930
BeratoBarbara Jeanborn about 1935
BeratoEugene Nborn about 1908
BeratoLola Bborn about 1917
BerkleyTom Jborn about 1875
BlairFloyd Rborn about 1885
BlissClerance Wborn about 1914
BlissJohn Pborn about 1879
BlissMargaret born about 1884
BooserHarriet born about 1915
BooserJo Anneborn about 1935
BoyleCatherine born about 1872
BretzBeatrice Pborn about 1907
BukerCarl Hborn about 1920
BukerRuth Aborn about 1891
BukerTom Lborn about 1882
BukerVelma Eborn about 1914
BurkhardAnne born about 1871
BurkhardLouis Lborn about 1867
BurksBarbara Annborn about 1938
BurksDon Lborn about 1898
BurksDon L Jrborn about 1933
BurksKatherine born about 1905
BurksLawana born about 1928
BurksPeggy born about 1931
BurksRichard born about 1936
BurnsBruce Mborn about 1913
BurnsInus Gborn about 1916
BurnsJames born about 1890
BurnsMaude Aborn about 1894

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C Surnames

Caldron??? born about 1890
Caldron??? born about 1935
CaldronArthura born about 1931
CaldronFilmena born about 1918
CaldronLuz born about 1905
CaldronMadine born about 1913
CaldronRoberto born about 1933
CaldronVirginia born about 1929
Carreon??? born about 1908
Carreon??? born about 1927
CarreonAlfonso born about 1925
CarreonAndra born about 1931
CarreonElisa born about 1928
CarreonFrances born about 1890
CarreonGloria born about 1927
CarreonJuses Bborn about 1905
CarreonMarcedes born about 1925
CarreonOlga born about 1933
Carrion??? born about 1871
CarrionJaun born about 1876
CarzanzJase born about 1939
CarzanzJosephine born about 1910
CarzanzVirginia born about 1935
CathcartF Eborn about 1890
ChadhamAnne born about 1885
ChadhamDan Jborn about 1881
ChadhornBuck born about 1939
ChadhornCharles born about 1938
ChadhornDan Cborn about 1902
ChadhornDannie born about 1929
ChadhornFern born about 1912
ChadhornGene born about 1933
ChadhornKenneth born about 1932
CharteCarolann born about 1937
CharteGlenn Cborn about 1909
CharteWilmith born about 1915
ChipAngel born about 1921
ChipAnia born about 1939
ChipPaula born about 1922
ChonezJose Gborn about 1905
ChonezJuan born about 1938
ChonezRomana born about 1918
ChonezVictor born about 1936
ConsidineMona Jborn about 1914
CulpepperEdna Hborn about 1919

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D Surnames

DanielMary Leeborn about 1922
DarrowClarence born about 1924
DarrowFred Hborn about 1887
DarrowJack born about 1922
DarrowNina born about 1926
DarrowRalph Nborn about 1920
DukeGeorge Wborn about 1880
DukeTom Aborn about 1876

E Surnames

EanesArchie Lborn about 1907
EanesClara Fborn about 1918
EanesRobert Lborn about 1937
EanesWilliam Lborn about 1938
EvansAllene born about 1918
EvansAuthor Jborn about 1879
EvansEdnia Bborn about 1881
EvansWilliam Eborn about 1913

F Surnames

FaulknerAnne Bborn about 1894
FaulknerRichard Bborn about 1917
FaulknerRufus Bborn about 1893
FlaserCarmena born about 1933
FlaserMarta born about 1906
FlaserRoberto born about 1936
FlaserSantigo born about 1937
FlaserStephen born about 1940
FlaserSteve born about 1906
Flores??? born about 1939
Flores??? born about 1940
FloresAlberto born about 1919
FloresJesse born about 1881
FloresJim born about 1877
FloresJulia born about 1922
FloresOfelia born about 1929
FloresRaymond born about 1924
FullerJess born about 1883

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G Surnames

GalindoFranceca born about 1883
GalindoGaspar born about 1919
GalindoPaul born about 1936
GardCharles Cborn about 1872
GardHarry Jborn about 1884
GardnerAlbert Bborn about 1897
GardnerAlbert B Jrborn about 1923
GardnerHattie Bborn about 1864
GardnerMargaret born about 1914
GardnerMargaret Tedborn about 1940
GardnerMary born about 1912
GardnerMary Toddborn about 1937
GardnerRalph born about 1924
GardnerWilliam Cborn about 1908
GilcreaseGenevieve born about 1921
GilcreaseGenevieve Maeborn about 1939
GilcreaseGladys born about 1902
GilcreaseJohn Bborn about 1888
GilcreaseJohn B Jrborn about 1917
GilcreaseWilliam Cborn about 1917
GorciaRefio born about 1866
GreerLily Mayborn about 1919
GreerWalter born about 1915
GregoryFred Sborn about 1885
GregoryMadalie Lborn about 1891
GueyLidy born about 1924
GueyMock born about 1872
GueyPaulo born about 1884
GueyRaymond born about 1930
GueySom born about 1922
Guterrez??? born about 1925
GuterrezFidel born about 1928
GuterrezInez born about 1924
GuterrezJauna born about 1901
GuterrezJuses born about 1937
GuterrezNicholas born about 1895
GuterrezRefugio born about 1919
GuterrezRosia born about 1930
GuterrezSocorro born about 1934

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H Surnames

HaldenWilliam Aborn about 1919
Hanas??? Gborn about 1936
HanasCharles Fborn about 1910
HanasCharles F Jrborn about 1935
HanasGertrude born about 1919
HutchensonHenry Lborn about 1914

J Surnames

James??? Mborn about 1925
JamesMilton born about 1885
JamesZone Eborn about 1924
JeffersBrawnie Dborn about 1902
JeffersHerbert Nborn about 1900
JohnsonMyrtle born about 1896
JohnsonWilliam Rborn about 1882
JohnsonWilliam R Ab Jrborn about 1927

K Surnames

Karlin??? born about 1924
KarlinEna Kborn about 1895
KarlinMaryary born about 1922
KeelerAbner Aborn about 1888
KeelerFern born about 1933
KeelerFern Hborn about 1892
KeelerHal Bborn about 1929
KeelerHugh born about 1919
KeelerJame Eborn about 1934
KeelerKent born about 1921
KeelerLarrayne born about 1923
KingIda Hborn about 1865

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L Surnames

LamerEmma born about 1871
LauyanConsuela born about 1917
LauyanGilberto born about 1931
LauyanMaria Luisaborn about 1901
LauyanRaduff born about 1926
LeeClara born about 1907
LeeJohn Iborn about 1895
LopezBobby born about 1937

M Surnames

Madrid??? born about 1902
Madrid??? born about 1934
MadridCornielo born about 1927
MadridDora Mborn about 1936
MadridEliclia born about 1909
MadridEnginsio born about 1926
MadridRamon born about 1930
MarcalJaun Eborn about 1886
Martinez??? born about 1926
MartinezAndra born about 1907
MartinezAuestina born about 1938
MartinezCarmel born about 1931
MartinezEullada born about 1929
MartinezJaun born about 1924
MartinezMateo Jr born about 1922
MartinezMatio born about 1901
MartinezPasquella born about 1927
MartinezRaymond born about 1925
MartinezRita born about 1930
Maynes??? born about 1926
Maynes??? born about 1937
MaynesElica born about 1929
MaynesEstor born about 1935
MaynesFelicia born about 1877
MaynesLua born about 1913
MaynesMadelina born about 1922
MaynesManuel born about 1891
MaynesRosia born about 1913
McCauleyEstella born about 1881
McCauleyJame Eborn about 1922
McCauleyMary Aborn about 1915
McCauleyTom born about 1877
McCauleyTom Jr born about 1933
McColloughSusana Lborn about 1873
MelhorineHarold Fborn about 1860
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1907
MillerGeorge W Jrborn about 1934
MillerTonny born about 1918
MillerVal born about 1874
MillsIsabella Pborn about 1873
MooreRoy Uborn about 1904
MossAlma Vborn about 1904
MossWalter Lborn about 1904
MotoyaThomas born about 1925

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N Surnames

NicholsonJohn Rborn about 1908

O Surnames

OxfordAlbert Lborn about 1871
OxfordJack Lborn about 1939
OxfordRuth Oborn about 1915

P Surnames

PaschickDorthey born about 1927
PaschickIdabel born about 1931
PaschickJohn Mborn about 1924
PaschickMargaret born about 1926
PaschickMartha born about 1933
PaughtmanBoyce born about 1938
PaughtmanRuth born about 1916
PerdezAmelia born about 1929
PerdezLuise born about 1927
PetersGeorge Gborn about 1862
PhilpsTom born about 1916
PowellAd Gborn about 1914

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R Surnames

RagsdaleClarence Dborn about 1916
RaysorWayne Gborn about 1916
ReedByrom Mborn about 1881
ReedJesse Mborn about 1894
ReedJohn Sborn about 1876
ReedSadie ???born about 1883
ReidellGeorge Wborn about 1912
Renes??? born about 1888
RenesMartha born about 1929
RenesMyrele Eborn about 1904
Reyes??? born about 1920
ReyesAlisa born about 1922
ReyesEfraine born about 1939
ReyesEladie born about 1862
ReyesManuel born about 1926
ReyesMaria born about 1913
ReyesTrinidad born about 1886
ReynoldsFrancis Hborn about 1906
ReynoldsHenry Johnborn about 1940
ReynoldsMary born about 1913
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1938
Robinson??? born about 1914
RobinsonBelle born about 1880
RobinsonLily Mborn about 1901
RobinsonRobert Rborn about 1893
RoderiguezCarmen born about 1937
RoderiguezDora born about 1928
RoderiguezErnstine born about 1930
RoderiguezMaria born about 1927
RoderiguezRichard Bborn about 1924
RoderiguezRonald born about 1934
RoderiguezTeresta born about 1935
RosconCruz born about 1932
RosconEsttelle born about 1886
RosconJose born about 1878
RosconRay born about 1885
RosconTorrecia born about 1879

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S Surnames

SageMary born about 1893
SageRobert Dborn about 1888
SageVirgil Bborn about 1913
SantiagoBernard born about 1891
SantiagoCarmal born about 1934
SantiagoJosephine born about 1909
SantiagoPedro born about 1936
SantiagoYsidre born about 1937
SateloAntonio born about 1932
SateloDaniel born about 1930
SateloFredricko born about 1924
SateloPetra born about 1928
SateloVentura born about 1906
ScottElbert Wborn about 1938
ScottEunice ???born about 1940
ScottEvalyn born about 1914
ScottMarshall Kborn about 1936
ScottNoah Aborn about 1901
ScottNoah A Jrborn about 1931
SemasConsuelo born about 1925
SemasEmma born about 1938
SemasFernando born about 1929
SemasJaunita born about 1927
SemasLinia born about 1899
SemasPalonaro born about 1900
Sepuleds??? born about 1887
SepuledsCarolina born about 1911
SepuledsO Felixborn about 1921
SepuledsOrfita born about 1923
SepuledsPedro born about 1926
ServiceEdwin born about 1930
ServiceMary Oborn about 1927
ServiceNey Mborn about 1906
ServiceNeydene born about 1935
ServiceThelma Jborn about 1909
SewordHenry Eborn about 1885
SewordSamuel Oborn about 1893
SingerEwart Aborn about 1890
SingerStella Mborn about 1887
SotoloJulia born about 1880
StevensonDaniel born about 1931
StevensonHugh born about 1929
StevensonJaun born about 1933
StevensonLinda born about 1908
StevensonManuel born about 1927
StiglerPerry Aborn about 1906
SullivanKatherine born about 1901
SullivanMarie born about 1905
SullivanMarjorie born about 1925
SullivanWarren born about 1929

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T Surnames

ThomaLee born about 1867
ThomaMary Jborn about 1871
ThomasHunley Jborn about 1893
ThomasRuby Cborn about 1899
ThomasRuby Mborn about 1929
ThomasWilburn Hborn about 1922
TosterHenry born about 1901
TosterMary born about 1918
TundervilleEarle Aborn about 1901
TundervilleEdward born about 1929
TundervilleMadeline born about 1925
TundervilleMargaret born about 1905
TundervilleRobert born about 1927
TyreeAdrian Wborn about 1906
TyreeCatherine born about 1912

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U Surnames

UndersonBertil born about 1904

V Surnames

Valtierra??? born about 1913
Valtierra??? born about 1916
Valtierra??? born about 1938
ValtierraAul born about 1940
ValtierraJosephine born about 1932
ValtierraLuisa born about 1936
ValtierraMaria born about 1907
ValtierraSonania born about 1917
Villolahus??? Aborn about 1903
VillolahusLuis born about 1939
VillolahusOlga born about 1937
VillolahusSara born about 1907
ViscarraAlbert born about 1894
ViscarraAlbert born about 1929
ViscarraErininia born about 1935
ViscarraFrank born about 1927
ViscarraJohnny born about 1938
ViscarraMartina born about 1924
ViscarraSeleriona born about 1902
ViscarraWillie born about 1930

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W Surnames

WardThomas Wborn about 1868
WeatherbyTheda born about 1919

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