1940 U.S. Federal Census of Black Brook, Clinton, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Clinton County > 1940 Census of Black Brook

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbareElizabeth born about 1922
AhearnNancy born about 1871
AkeyDonald born about 1923
AkeyDorothy Annborn about 1940
AkeyFred born about 1879
AkeyGloria born about 1924
AkeyHarlan born about 1927
AkeyHoward Eborn about 1920
AkeyJoseph born about 1913
AkeyJoseph born about 1937
AkeyLaraine born about 1934
AkeyLaura born about 1893
AkeyMabel born about 1919
AllansonIrene born about 1897
AllansonWm born about 1898
AndersonAlice born about 1873
AndersonHerman born about 1896
AnoAbbie born about 1901
AnoCalvin born about 1932
AnoCharles born about 1925
AnoClaude born about 1911
AnoClaude Lborn about 1921
AnoConstance born about 1933
AnoFrancis born about 1935
AnoHarry born about 1930
AnoPaul born about 1932
AnoPeter born about 1879
AnoPeter Lborn about 1899
AnoRoger born about 1937
AnoViola born about 1912
AnoWayne born about 1936
AnsonHiram Jborn about 1866
AnsonNellie Bborn about 1885
AshleyFrederick born about 1924
AshleyHelen Eborn about 1918
AshleyInez born about 1897
AshleyJoseph born about 1885
AshleyJulia born about 1891
AshleyLeo born about 1897
AshleyMarguerite born about 1918
AshleyVictor Eborn about 1915
AubinAdrian born about 1922
AubinAntoinette born about 1916
AubinCatherine born about 1886
AubinElla born about 1896
AubinHarry born about 1914
AubinHoward born about 1930
AubinJames born about 1927
AubinJohn born about 1876
AubinJoseph born about 1879
AubinMary born about 1910
AubinRoch born about 1927
AubinShirley born about 1929
AubinVera born about 1916
AubinVernon born about 1925
AubinWallace born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAmelia Aborn about 1876
BaileyBessie born about 1888
BaileyDennis born about 1864
BaileyLeo Aborn about 1901
BaileyLillis born about 1891
BaileyMae Eborn about 1888
BaileyRose Mborn about 1871
BajaliaLouis born about 1912
BakerNettie born about 1876
BarberAmelia born about 1870
BarberJoseph Hborn about 1864
BarberRose Mborn about 1911
BarberTheodore Sborn about 1900
BarretteBernice born about 1901
BarretteDorothy born about 1917
BarretteNadine born about 1929
BarretteNona born about 1934
BarretteReginald born about 1902
BashawBessie born about 1910
BashawFrances born about 1910
BashawFrank born about 1866
BashawIeleria born about 1872
BashawLaurence born about 1939
BashawNoe born about 1906
BeandoinFred born about 1877
BeaucheminAnna born about 1891
BeaucheminChas born about 1882
BedardEdmund born about 1935
BedardEnna born about 1938
BedardJennie born about 1908
BedardLaurence born about 1929
BedardNora born about 1927
BedardPhillip born about 1896
BedardTeresa born about 1931
BellEva born about 1901
BellFloyd born about 1938
BellNora born about 1915
BellOril born about 1909
BellRoland born about 1936
BellVictor born about 1906
BellVictor Jr born about 1932
BelroseLouis born about 1872
BenwayNapoleon born about 1890
BettersAgnes born about 1916
BettersArthur born about 1897
BettersCharles born about 1927
BettersCharles born about 1939
BettersClarence born about 1924
BettersDonald born about 1931
BettersEvelyn born about 1922
BettersHalsey born about 1913
BettersHelen born about 1937
BettersHoward born about 1923
BettersJoan born about 1939
BettersJohn born about 1898
BettersJosephine born about 1916
BettersKathleen born about 1935
BettersLeo born about 1907
BettersLevi born about 1894
BettersLevi born about 1928
BettersLouis Mborn about 1889
BettersMargaret born about 1896
BettersMarie born about 1922
BettersMarilda born about 1896
BettersMary born about 1906
BettersRose born about 1925
BettersSalina born about 1867
BettersVictor born about 1896
BettersViolet born about 1918
BlackbirdLuther born about 1858
BolaAnna Mborn about 1885
BolaCatherine born about 1918
BolaCharlotte born about 1917
BolaDella born about 1880
BolaEmery born about 1879
BolaHarold born about 1910
BolaHarold born about 1936
BolaJean born about 1938
BolaJerry born about 1883
BombardAlice born about 1935
BombardAnn born about 1925
BombardAnne Janeborn about 1928
BombardAnson born about 1921
BombardBeatrice born about 1925
BombardCharles born about 1906
BombardCharlotte born about 1934
BombardClarence born about 1916
BombardDoris born about 1935
BombardDorothy born about 1923
BombardFlorence born about 1930
BombardFrances born about 1919
BombardFred Jborn about 1892
BombardGabriola born about 1904
BombardHarold born about 1918
BombardHarry born about 1923
BombardJames born about 1935
BombardJesse born about 1914
BombardJohn born about 1905
BombardJoseph born about 1927
BombardJoseph born about 1936
BombardJosie born about 1878
BombardLevi born about 1876
BombardMarvin born about 1938
BombardMary born about 1896
BombardMary born about 1937
BombardMedia born about 1887
BombardMinia born about 1899
BombardMose born about 1888
BombardOwen born about 1923
BombardPeter Eborn about 1882
BombardRoger born about 1935
BombardRonald born about 1933
BombardRose born about 1877
BombardRose born about 1888
BombardRose born about 1914
BombardRosedalla born about 1860
BombardRosemary born about 1939
BombardThomas born about 1929
BombardValda born about 1915
BombardVictor born about 1926
BombardWilliam born about 1893
BombardWilliam born about 1932
BonvilleEdward born about 1885
BonvilleHelen Nborn about 1912
BonvilleRose born about 1887
BoothEmma born about 1894
BoothEmma Jeanneborn about 1938
BoothJames born about 1895
BoothJames Jr born about 1931
BoothMartha born about 1927
BoothThelma born about 1920
BoothVeronica Lborn about 1917
BoothWilliam born about 1919
BoydOrilla born about 1897
BoylanJohn Pborn about 1898
BoylanTeresa born about 1901
BreenCarolyn born about 1933
BreenDonald born about 1927
BreenHarriet born about 1935
BreenMary born about 1906
BreenPeter born about 1904
BrienAlfred born about 1936
BrienArthur born about 1938
BrienBeulah born about 1933
BrienDora born about 1905
BrienDoris born about 1930
BrienGilbert born about 1931
BrienHenry born about 1886
BrienIrving born about 1908
BrienLaurence born about 1928
BrienLeona born about 1923
BrienMaurice born about 1922
BrienMidas born about 1876
BrienPauline born about 1887
BrienRobert born about 1939
BrienSalome born about 1882
BrienWallace born about 1929
BriquierAntoinette born about 1912
BrockwayBertha born about 1865
BrousseauAlbert born about 1932
BrousseauAline born about 1935
BrousseauEdgar born about 1925
BrousseauEdward born about 1928
BrousseauEva born about 1933
BrousseauFred born about 1901
BrousseauJames born about 1935
BrousseauJoseph born about 1871
BrousseauMaude born about 1892
BrousseauNora born about 1909
BrousseauPhillip born about 1884
BrousseauPhillip born about 1904
BrousseauRina born about 1904
BrousseauTeresa born about 1928
BuckleyAnne born about 1933
BuckleyCharles born about 1895
BuckleyDaniel born about 1901
BuckleyDaniel Jr born about 1939
BuckleyDella born about 1903
BuckleyFannie born about 1897
BuckleyJane born about 1937
BuckleyJanet born about 1931
BuckleyJoyce born about 1934
BuckleyKatherine born about 1862
BuckleyLaurence born about 1935
BuckleyMabel born about 1937
BuckleyMadeline born about 1932
BuckleyMarjorie born about 1935
BuckleyRaymond born about 1902
BuckleyRaymond born about 1931
BuckleyRita born about 1933
BuckleyTimothy born about 1939
BuckleyVelma born about 1907
BurgeasAnna born about 1882
BurnaWilliam born about 1877
BurrellBradley born about 1913
BurrellCora born about 1887
BurrellEmmett Wborn about 1900
BurrellEthel born about 1896
BurrellEvelyn born about 1926
BurrellFrank born about 1889
BurrellGeorge born about 1884
BurrellGladys born about 1911
BurrellHelen born about 1915
BurrellMarjorie born about 1899
BurrellMyrtle born about 1919
BusheyAlice born about 1911
BusheyDavid born about 1886
BusheyDavid Jr born about 1934
BusheyEleanor born about 1937
BusheyEveline born about 1885
BusheyHalsey born about 1938
BusheyIna born about 1930
BusheyJames born about 1934
BusheyJohn born about 1882
BusheyJoseph born about 1932
BusheyLester born about 1911
BusheyLester born about 1933
BusheyMarjorie born about 1928
BusheyMary born about 1916
BusheyMary Jborn about 1936
BusheyNancy born about 1939
BusheyVictor born about 1928
BusheyWallace born about 1930
ButterDoris born about 1908
ButterLynn Fborn about 1910
ButtonMary Eborn about 1881
ButtonWilliam born about 1888
ButtonsBetty Aborn about 1926
ButtonsCassius born about 1880
ButtonsLucius Mabborn about 1905
ButtonsMerritt born about 1896
ButtonsMildred Bborn about 1893
ButtonsNancy Cborn about 1933
ButtonsRandal Dborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellChristina born about 1927
CaldwellMary born about 1915
CaldwellRobert born about 1888
CaldwellRosena born about 1872
CaldwellVirginia born about 1925
CallRobert born about 1927
CallRuth born about 1886
CallWilliam born about 1890
CameronE C Dborn about 1890
CameronJ Rborn about 1891
CameronKathryn born about 1927
CarmelJoseph born about 1899
CarmelMary Aborn about 1877
CarmelWilliam born about 1872
CaronEsther born about 1875
CaronJohn born about 1867
CarronFrances born about 1920
CarronRemy born about 1916
CarronScholastick born about
CarrowAlbert born about 1908
CarrowJames born about 1938
CarrowLaura born about 1919
CarrowRose born about 1939
CaseyCatherine born about 1890
CaseyDaniel born about 1908
CaseyHenry born about 1890
CassellMae born about 1888
CassellWilliam born about 1887
CastaingArdella born about 1930
CastaingDorothy born about 1927
CastaingMargaret born about 1904
CastaingMary born about 1925
CastaingPeter born about 1902
CastaingThomas born about 1928
ChampainEsther born about 1882
ChampainEvelyn born about 1930
ChampainFlorence born about 1922
ChampainFrancis born about 1915
ChampainFrank born about 1879
CharbonneauMamie born about 1897
CharbonneauPeter born about 1897
ChartierAlfred born about 1920
ChartierAndrew born about 1929
ChartierClayton born about 1923
ChartierEdward born about 1934
ChartierFrancis born about 1936
ChartierFrederick born about 1937
ChartierHarold born about 1938
ChartierJames born about 1938
ChartierJoseph born about 1932
ChartierLawrence born about 1935
ChartierLilliam Dborn about 1930
ChartierLouise born about 1897
ChartierLouise born about 1931
ChartierMarion born about 1928
ChartierMary born about 1895
ChartierRichard born about 1923
ChartierTeresa born about 1922
ChartierValeda born about 1925
ChartierWilfred born about 1883
ChartierWilmer born about 1894
ChartierWilmer Jr born about 1922
CichellaEmma born about 1923
CichellaRita born about 1887
CichellaS born about 1888
ClairDorothy born about 1926
ClairEdna born about 1924
ClairJoseph born about 1891
ClairRose born about 1903
ClairRussell born about 1900
ClearWm Mborn about 1869
ClodgoAnna born about 1927
ClodgoMabel born about 1898
ClodgoMarjorie born about 1921
ClodgoMartha born about 1923
ClodgoNelson born about 1889
ClodgoRufus born about 1925
ClodgoRuth born about 1925
ClodgoTheresa born about 1933
CobbWilliam born about 1889
CorrowAlbert born about 1893
CoughlinBridget Aborn about 1882
CoughlinConstance born about 1907
CoughlinDaniel born about 1876
CoughlinDavid born about 1909
CoughlinDouglas born about 1933
CoughlinNancy born about 1938
CoughlinRussell born about 1894
CoughlinThomas born about 1921
CoventryCharles born about 1867
CoventryMinnie born about 1885
CraigLoren born about 1917
CraigPatricia born about 1939
CraigSarah born about 1920
CrawfordFrancis born about 1916
CrawfordFrank Sr born about 1882
CrawfordMartha born about 1920
CrawfordRay born about 1940
CrawfordRose born about 1885
CromleyEllen born about 1873
CromleyMarie born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabyMinnie born about 1934
DaceyMary born about 1887
DaceyP Jborn about 1886
DarrahAsa born about 1913
DarrahAsa Jr born about 1936
DarrahGeorge born about 1937
DarrahJohn born about 1939
DarrahMarion born about 1919
DavernFrancis born about 1896
DavernJames born about 1861
DavernJohn Pborn about 1869
DavernKathryn born about 1899
DavidsonFlora Iborn about 1880
DavignonAlice born about 1938
DavignonEarl born about 1915
DavignonEdith born about 1903
DavignonElsie born about 1919
DavignonEmma born about 1885
DavignonEugene born about 1884
DavignonFlora born about 1883
DavignonGladys born about 1921
DavignonJames born about 1887
DavignonJames Jr born about 1917
DavignonJoseph born about 1892
DavignonRaymond born about 1911
DavignonRuth Cborn about 1917
DavignonTheresa born about 1922
DavignonZeta born about 1897
DeloriaAlice Bborn about 1901
DeloriaClifford Eborn about 1907
DenettMartin born about 1884
DenioLela born about 1890
DermodyHarry born about 1935
DermodyJack born about 1929
DermodyMamie born about 1903
DermodyRoderick born about 1924
DermodyRose born about 1927
DevinsAlice born about 1939
DevinsBessie born about 1920
DevinsDora born about 1883
DevinsEugene born about 1917
DevinsGordon born about 1914
DevinsJean born about 1924
DevinsJohn born about 1919
DevinsMildred born about 1921
DinelleArthur born about 1909
DinelleDelvia born about 1887
DinelleGertrude born about 1914
DinelleManuel born about 1918
DinelleOvlia born about 1915
DinellePatricia born about 1939
DinelleRichard born about 1912
DinelleRoland born about 1936
DockumClara born about 1882
DockumEvelyn born about 1920
DockumFranklin born about 1911
DockumJohn Jr born about 1916
DockumLeonard born about 1907
DockumMartha born about 1925
DockumMary born about 1919
DodgeGabriella Eborn about 1874
DodgeGeorge Wborn about 1869
DohertyEdward born about 1875
DohertyElizabeth born about 1879
DohertyHugh born about 1911
DoughertyRebecca born about 1886
DouglasArthur born about 1884
DouglasCarolyn born about 1931
DouglasCharles born about 1932
DouglasJane born about 1878
DouglasKatherine born about 1910
DouglasLeo born about 1935
DouglasMarion born about 1918
DouglasUrgil born about 1933
DouglasWilliam born about 1908
DouglassD'Avignon born about 1906
DouglassDavid born about 1880
DouglassElizabeth born about 1878
DouglassFlorence born about 1907
DouglassFrances born about 1906
DouglassHarlan born about 1935
DouglassHelen born about 1908
DouglassJosephine born about 1875
DouglassJune born about 1937
DouglassLynn born about 1906
DouglassMoses born about 1876
DouglassRobert born about 1933
DouglassRoger born about 1907
DouglassRoy born about 1908
DoyleCatherine born about 1862
DoyleFrances born about 1903
DoyleJoseph Eborn about 1893
DoylePatrick born about 1866
DudleyAda born about 1917
DudleyArthur born about 1899
DudleyBetty born about 1936
DudleyEmma born about 1877
DudleyGilbert born about 1916
DudleyGilbert born about 1929
DuketteAlice born about 1889
DuketteDelphine born about 1924
DuketteElsie born about 1892
DuketteJames born about 1925
DuprawFrancis born about 1921
DuprawFrank born about 1889
DuprawHarold born about 1914
DuprawJames Fborn about 1936
DuprawJeannette born about 1926
DuprawMarguerite born about 1917
DuprawMay born about 1886
DuprawRoy born about 1913
DupreyAlberta born about 1907
DupreyAlfred born about 1896
DupreyArlie born about 1918
DupreyChester born about 1903
DupreyEdward born about 1901
DupreyEola born about 1933
DupreyEugene born about 1862
DupreyEva Maeborn about 1898
DupreyGeorge born about 1901
DupreyGeraldine born about 1935
DupreyHarold born about 1935
DupreyMary born about 1908
DupreyMildred born about 1910
DupreyPhillip born about 1894
DupreyPhillip born about 1937
DupreyRichard born about 1936
DupreyRonald born about 1935
DupreySarah born about 1913
DupreyWayne born about 1939
DupreyWilfred Lborn about 1890
DupreyWinston born about 1939
DuquetteAnthony born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EiffGeorge born about 1922

F Surnames

FacteauAnna born about 1902
FacteauArthur born about 1899
FacteauBernadette born about 1931
FacteauEleanor born about 1933
FacteauEli born about 1875
FacteauElizabeth born about 1928
FacteauErnest born about 1920
FacteauHarvey born about 1895
FacteauHelen born about 1921
FacteauJames born about 1929
FacteauMarjorie born about 1924
FacteauMary born about 1907
FacteauMary born about 1938
FacteauRand born about 1909
FacteauRaymond born about 1926
FacteauRichard born about 1933
FacteauWinifred born about 1923
FaganEmmett Eborn about 1890
FaganMay E Wborn about 1887
FaganRaymond born about 1899
FalconArpha born about 1890
FalconEdgar Fborn about 1881
FalconMaurice born about 1916
FarrellBetty born about 1931
FarrellGenevieve born about 1930
FarrellHenry born about 1908
FarrellJane born about 1940
FarrellJoan born about 1933
FarrellLena born about 1911
FayCharles Edwardborn about 1860
FayElsie born about 1894
FeatherstonLena born about 1877
FeeBlanche born about 1921
FeeVeronica born about 1920
FeekDwight Lborn about 1898
FeekIsabella born about 1902
FeekRobert Gborn about 1857
FeekSally Amesborn about 1930
FenderGeorge born about 1909
FenderWesley born about 1910
FiskHelen born about 1940
FiskMarie born about 1905
FitzgeraldIda born about 1878
FitzgeraldJoseph Kborn about 1911
FitzgeraldKenneth Mborn about 1911
FitzgeraldMabel born about 1914
FitzgeraldMarguerite born about 1913
FitzgeraldMichael born about 1873
FitzgeraldWilliam Bborn about 1914
FletcherIva born about 1918
FletcherRaymond born about 1911
FogartyBessie born about 1906
FogartyJoan born about 1933
FogartyWilliam born about 1905
FortainCharles born about 1875
FountainAlfred born about 1912
FountainAlice born about 1908
FountainArthur born about 1908
FountainCharles born about 1918
FountainEli born about 1878
FountainFlorence born about 1917
FountainFrank Gborn about 1872
FountainFred Wborn about 1887
FountainGenevieve born about 1898
FountainGeorge born about 1877
FountainJosephine born about 1879
FountainKatherine born about 1889
FountainLena born about 1921
FountainMargaret born about 1938
FountainMary born about 1878
FountainOril born about 1924
FountainSilas born about 1844
FourniaEdith born about 1923
FrenyeaAdrian born about 1927
FrenyeaAlbina born about 1900
FrenyeaAlice born about 1905
FrenyeaAlice born about 1931
FrenyeaArnna born about 1869
FrenyeaArthur born about 1925
FrenyeaBlanche born about 1929
FrenyeaCharles born about 1929
FrenyeaCharlotte born about 1927
FrenyeaDonald born about 1931
FrenyeaDonald born about 1934
FrenyeaDoris born about 1932
FrenyeaDorothy born about 1923
FrenyeaEdmund born about 1923
FrenyeaEdna born about 1933
FrenyeaEdward born about 1903
FrenyeaEthel born about 1936
FrenyeaFlorence born about 1906
FrenyeaFrancis born about 1924
FrenyeaGennevieve born about 1915
FrenyeaGeorge born about 1888
FrenyeaGilbert born about 1937
FrenyeaGladys born about 1930
FrenyeaGrace born about 1931
FrenyeaHerman born about 1925
FrenyeaIrene born about 1921
FrenyeaIsaac born about 1880
FrenyeaJennie born about 1904
FrenyeaLee born about 1934
FrenyeaLena born about 1932
FrenyeaLeo born about 1915
FrenyeaLeo born about 1939
FrenyeaLillian born about 1869
FrenyeaLillian born about 1929
FrenyeaMargaret born about 1918
FrenyeaMargaret born about 1935
FrenyeaMarie born about 1926
FrenyeaMaude born about 1938
FrenyeaNorman born about 1939
FrenyeaOril born about 1924
FrenyeaPaul born about 1901
FrenyeaRalph born about 1912
FrenyeaRaymond born about 1905
FrenyeaRichard born about 1933
FrenyeaRichard born about 1936
FrenyeaRoland born about 1925
FrenyeaRosanna born about 1938
FrenyeaTeresa born about 1928
FrenyeaVernal born about 1939
FrenyeaWillfred born about 1903
FurniaAlfred born about 1923
FurniaAnna born about 1921
FurniaArthur born about 1929
FurniaClemis born about 1930
FurniaClifford born about 1929
FurniaDelmore born about 1937
FurniaEdith born about 1924
FurniaElizabeth born about 1939
FurniaElma born about 1925
FurniaFlorence born about 1911
FurniaFred born about 1884
FurniaGeorgiana born about 1889
FurniaHarold born about 1922
FurniaJames born about 1920
FurniaJulia born about 1935
FurniaLucy born about 1926
FurniaMargaret born about
FurniaMary born about 1893
FurniaMary born about 1932
FurniaMay born about 1936
FurniaMitchell born about 1938
FurniaPaul born about 1915
FurniaUna Maeborn about 1931
FurniaVada born about 1938
FurniaWalter born about 1909
FurniaWill born about 1889
FyansCatherine born about 1877
FyansPatrick Jborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GagnonAime born about 1910
GagnonJernme born about 1918
GaleAda born about 1861
GarrowLouise born about 1930
GauthierBert Lborn about 1878
GauthierHaven born about 1924
GauthierRose born about 1884
GeorgeCarrie born about 1914
GeorgeDonald born about 1925
GeorgeHelen born about 1924
GeorgeJames born about 1915
GeorgeMichael born about 1881
GeorgePaul born about 1920
GeorgeRose born about 1889
GeorgeTheresa born about 1928
GeroArthur born about 1902
GeroBeatrice born about 1936
GeroBeulah born about 1924
GeroCarrie born about 1889
GeroEunice born about 1928
GeroEva born about 1915
GeroFrancis born about 1919
GeroJoseph born about 1929
GeroMarvin born about 1932
GeroSally Annborn about 1938
GeroTracy born about 1934
GeroWalter born about 1912
GiltzE Glennborn about 1910
GiltzLeah Bborn about 1909
GiltzRoderick Gborn about 1938
GleasonAnne born about 1927
GleasonElizabeth born about 1895
GleasonJohn born about 1885
GleasonTeresa born about 1929
GleasonThomas born about 1929
GleasonWilliam born about 1932
GordonClifford Aborn about 1895
GordonKathleen born about 1896
GordonLawrence born about 1923
GordonLewis born about 1925
GordonRobert born about 1866
GrauelArchie born about 1901
GrauelCarl born about 1927
GrauelFreda born about 1900
GrauelGeorge born about 1939
GrauelLucille born about 1936
GrauelMarion born about 1926
GrauelThresa born about 1931
GravellDorothy born about 1874
GravellRobert born about 1868
GravellRobert born about 1905
GreenwoodAlbert born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallBessie born about 1906
HallEdward born about 1912
HamiltonDana born about 1876
HamiltonMargaret born about 1878
HamiltonMarvin born about 1921
HamiltonRiley born about 1903
HarriganBernard born about 1888
HarriganEthel born about 1894
HarriganKatherine Mborn about 1883
HarrisonMarjorie born about 1918
HarrisonNeil Dborn about 1881
HartArthur born about 1905
HartBeatrice born about 1921
HartDavid born about 1929
HartFlorence born about 1895
HartFred born about 1915
HartHelen Dborn about 1882
HartJoseph born about 1880
HartMargaret born about 1917
HartMarie born about 1908
HartVeronica born about 1923
HaywoodArthur born about 1904
HaywoodBernice born about 1909
HaywoodJohn born about 1880
HaywoodWilliam born about 1897
HaywoodWilliam born about 1931
HealeyEdward born about 1873
HernigleElizabeth born about 1940
HernigleMarie born about 1915
HerniglePatricia born about 1933
HorcifskiJohn born about 1880
HorcifskiJosie born about 1920
HorcifskiMary born about 1878
HorriganElizabeth born about 1929
HorriganJ Raymondborn about 1898
HorriganMary born about 1899
HoughAlice born about 1922
HoughCharles Hborn about 1882
HoughCharles Jr born about 1922
HoughGerald born about 1925
HoughHarold born about 1922
HoughHelen born about 1911
HoughHenry born about 1911
HoughJames born about 1924
HoughMarguerite born about 1895
HoughPatricia born about 1938
HoughWalter born about 1894
HowleyEdward born about 1878
HowleyElizabeth born about 1876
HowleyPatrick born about 1872
HubbardAbraham born about 1913
HubbardAnna born about 1903
HubbardBernadette born about 1913
HubbardCharles born about 1877
HubbardPhilip born about 1905
HubbardSandala born about 1939
HulettHarry born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrwinElinor born about 1909
IrwinEsther born about 1934
IrwinLloyd born about 1925
IrwinMary Janeborn about 1877
IrwinRobert born about 1904
IrwinRobert born about 1929
IrwinThresea born about 1932
IrwinWilfred born about 1927

J Surnames

JardnerEdward born about 1884
JardnerHenry born about 1893

K Surnames

KayeaFloyd born about 1923
KayeaFrederick born about 1926
KayeaGertrude born about 1930
KayeaGrace born about 1903
KayeaJeremiah born about 1902
KayeaLeonard born about 1939
KayeaMarie born about 1903
KayeaMary Lborn about 1928
KayeaPaul born about 1934
KayeaRaymond born about 1902
KayeaRoger born about 1936
KayeaRonald Vborn about 1930
KayeaVirginia born about 1924
KayeaWallace born about 1928
KellyJohn J Revborn about 1882
KennedyDaniel born about 1917
KennedyDoris born about 1923
KennedyEdgar born about 1893
KennedyHarriet born about 1892
KennedyIrene born about 1899
KennedyJohn born about 1928
KennedyMargaret born about 1901
KennedyMary born about 1865
KennedyMatthew born about 1861
KennedyMay born about 1931
KennedyNancy born about 1938
KennedyRay born about 1933
KennedyVernon born about 1886
KennyJohn born about 1887
KinneyBeatrice born about 1892
KittsCelia born about 1881
KittsEdward born about 1914
KittsIsabelle born about 1917
KuchnuskiAnthony born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabarrElizabeth born about 1911
LabombardAlice born about 1933
LabombardBetty born about 1937
LabombardCora born about 1910
LabombardDelphine born about 1932
LabombardDorothy born about 1910
LabombardEdward born about 1879
LabombardEdward born about 1901
LabombardEli born about 1928
LabombardFlora born about 1904
LabombardFlorence born about 1924
LabombardFrancis born about 1903
LabombardFrancis born about 1929
LabombardFrank born about 1890
LabombardHarold born about 1922
LabombardHoward born about 1926
LabombardIrene born about 1911
LabombardJames born about 1935
LabombardRaymond born about 1910
LabombardRobert born about 1937
LabombardRobert born about 1938
LabombardVeronica born about 1930
LabombardWallace born about 1939
LabombardWalter born about 1905
LadukeEdgar born about 1935
LadukeEdward born about 1937
LadukeEli born about 1934
LadukeErnest born about 1913
LadukeFrank born about 1875
LadukeJean born about 1939
LadukeLaurence born about 1939
LadukeLida born about 1918
LadukeMargaret born about 1881
LadukeRichard born about 1917
LadukeRita born about 1917
LadukeRoger born about 1915
LadukeRonald born about 1929
LadukeTeresa born about 1937
LadukeWalter born about 1936
LafountainEdmond Rborn about 1927
LafountainEdward born about 1882
LafountainEva born about 1891
LafountainMary born about 1883
LafountainMary born about 1918
LafountainPaul born about 1913
LafountainRobert Aborn about 1924
LafountainShirley born about 1938
LagoyBert born about 1939
LagoyClifton born about 1922
LagoyDelia born about 1888
LagoyDolph born about 1874
LagoyEl??? born about 1934
LagoyErnest born about 1904
LagoyGreta born about 1928
LagoyJames born about 1934
LagoyJanet born about 1910
LagoyJeddie born about 1897
LagoyLeonard born about 1925
LagoyLouis born about 1909
LagoyLucinda born about 1902
LagoyMildred born about 1909
LagoyMilton born about 1934
LagoyMonica born about 1931
LagoyTheresa born about 1931
LahartAnthony born about 1940
LahartClayton born about 1908
LahartClayton Jr born about 1929
LahartElizabeth born about 1882
LahartFlora born about 1911
LahartGeorge born about 1933
LahartJames born about 1936
LahartJulia born about 1911
LahartMabel born about 1931
LahartNihil born about 1873
LahartPeter born about 1937
LahartWilfred born about 1912
LamarshJoseph born about 1870
LamarshRose born about 1875
LamoyGeorge born about 1889
LamoyThomas born about 1860
LandryEmma born about 1866
LandryRussell born about 1859
LaplantClifford born about 1918
LaplantEvelyn born about 1920
LassardDorothy born about 1920
LassardRobert born about 1939
LaundryBeatrice born about 1887
LaundryBenjamin born about 1888
LaundryCatherine born about 1919
LaundryDorothy born about 1930
LaundryElizabeth born about 1916
LaundryHarold born about 1920
LaundryJoseph born about 1912
LaundryKenneth born about 1914
LaundryLorraine born about 1931
LaundryLuban born about 1886
LaundryPatricia Aborn about 1940
LaundryShirley born about 1936
LaundrySusan born about 1883
LaundryWilfred born about 1922
LeblaneGilbert born about 1875
LeclairCatherine born about 1909
LeclairEdmond born about 1910
LeclairGordon born about 1935
LeclairHarlan born about 1929
LeclairRobert born about 1932
LeelereAime born about 1882
LeelereLucy Mborn about 1892
LeggettCarol born about 1926
LeggettHarry Jborn about 1889
LeggettHelen born about 1918
LeggettJoan born about 1932
LeggettMabel Aborn about 1891
LeggettRalph born about 1921
LeggettRuth born about 1922
LeightGladys born about 1925
LewisCarrie born about 1863
LibertyAlexander born about 1857
LibertyAlfred born about 1913
LibertyArthur born about 1916
LibertyDorothy born about 1914
LibertyElizabeth born about 1926
LibertyIrene born about 1905
LibertyJoseph born about 1886
LibertyJoseph born about 1924
LibertyJoyce born about 1940
LibertyKenneth born about 1938
LibertyMartha born about 1939
LibertyPatricia born about 1920
LittleBlanche born about 1914
LongdrewMarie born about
LongthonLucy born about 1885
LozineAlbert born about 1897
LozineAlice born about 1921
LozineAlta born about 1932
LozineArthur born about 1930
LozineBetty born about 1936
LozineBeulah born about 1928
LozineClinton born about 1924
LozineDoris born about 1924
LozineErnest born about 1893
LozineGerald born about 1938
LozineGordon born about 1934
LozineHelen born about 1935
LozineMargaret born about 1894
LozineMargaret born about 1907
LozineMarie born about 1927
LozineMay born about 1939
LozineNorma born about 1929
LucashGrace Pborn about 1901
LucashPaul Eborn about 1903
LyncheskiMargaret born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldAlexander born about 1904
MacdonaldBessie born about 1902
MacdonaldDonald born about 1931
MacdonaldMargaret born about 1927
MaceAgnes born about 1909
MaceCarlton born about 1915
MaceErnest born about 1890
MaceLeigh born about 1917
MaceLucille born about 1906
MaceRobert born about 1912
MaceRobert Mborn about 1940
MaceVan Sr born about 1880
MaddenFrank born about 1932
MaddenFrank Hborn about 1902
MaddenMarguerite Hborn about 1905
MaggyJames born about 1914
MaggyLila born about 1917
MaggyLorraine born about 1936
MagoonWayne Tborn about 1918
MaicusAnthony born about 1890
MaicusCarl Rborn about 1927
MaicusDoris Eborn about 1921
MaicusEva Mborn about 1933
MaicusGordon Jborn about 1939
MaicusIrene Aborn about 1930
MaicusJennie Belleborn about 1900
MaicusPaul Fborn about 1925
MaicusSydney Gborn about 1937
MaicusVirginia born about 1923
MaicusWilliam Wborn about 1928
MapleWallace born about 1873
MarshallEdward born about 1874
MarshallMae born about 1885
MartinDonald born about 1923
MartinEdward born about 1879
MartinMelvina born about 1872
McarthurWarren born about 1889
MccallanHelena Mborn about 1892
McintyreGladys born about 1933
McintyreJohn born about 1907
McintyreLoretta born about 1907
MckeeCarrie born about 1877
MckeeClaude born about 1904
MckeeDavid born about 1869
MckeeJohn born about 1864
MckeeJuliet born about 1880
MckeeKenneth born about 1915
MckeeLeona born about 1908
MckeeLloyd born about 1937
MckeeLoretta born about 1934
MckeeRae born about 1905
MckeeRobert born about 1939
MckeeSamuel born about 1872
MckeeValeria born about 1929
MckeeVernice born about 1899
MckeeVernon born about 1929
MckenzieFrances Cborn about 1870
MckenzieWm Aborn about 1872
McnallyBertha born about 1877
McnallyLouis born about 1869
MeigsDorothy Fborn about 1917
MeigsEdward born about 1909
MeigsFlorence born about 1922
MeigsGenevieve born about 1883
MeigsGuy born about 1883
MeigsWilliam Eborn about 1908
MerrifieldArthur born about 1918
MerrifieldBetty born about 1926
MerrifieldEulalia born about 1899
MerrifieldSylvia born about 1924
MeyersAnna born about 1884
MeyersHarold born about 1927
MeyersHoward born about 1908
MeyersJohn born about 1899
MeyersLea born about
MeyersLeta born about 1935
MeyersLloyd born about 1905
MeyersOrrin born about 1881
MeyersValeda born about 1904
MinerCatherine Bborn about 1885
MinerDennis born about 1877
MitchellAgnes born about 1869
MitchellArthur born about 1896
MitchellDaniel born about 1931
MitchellGerold born about 1937
MitchellHarold born about 1920
MitchellHenry born about 1870
MitchellIrene born about 1912
MitchellJoseph born about 1908
MitchellLillian born about 1904
MitchellMarie born about 1925
MitchellMary born about 1896
MitchellRaymond born about 1922
MitchellRobert born about 1926
MitchellRobert born about 1927
MitchellWalter born about 1923
MontyMelinda born about 1864
MoquinAlan born about 1938
MoquinArchie born about 1904
MoquinEvelyna born about 1905
MoquinFrank born about 1872
MoquinJanice born about 1936
MousseauAbbie born about 1900
MousseauAdeline born about 1887
MousseauEzra born about 1895
MyePatricia born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NasonClara Cborn about 1901
NasonE Robertborn about 1927
NasonElizabeth Annborn about 1930
NasonEphraim Cborn about 1891
NasonHelen born about 1933
NasonPhilip born about 1938
NelsonAgnes born about 1940
NelsonAngeline born about 1893
NelsonAnnie born about 1875
NelsonCatherine born about 1920
NelsonClara born about 1876
NelsonDavid born about 1907
NelsonDelphine born about 1914
NelsonFred born about 1871
NelsonFrederick born about 1931
NelsonGeorge born about 1872
NelsonHenry born about 1904
NelsonJoan born about 1932
NelsonJohn born about 1929
NelsonLevi born about 1887
NelsonLouis born about 1873
NelsonMargaret born about 1912
NelsonMartha born about 1910
NelsonMary born about 1932
NelsonRaymond born about 1909
NelsonRobert born about 1936
NelsonRoger born about 1938
NelsonSally Jeanborn about 1939
NelsonThomas born about 1933
NelsonWilliam Johnborn about 1898
NicholsLaura born about 1893
NolanAgnes born about 1893
NolanAlfred born about 1929
NolanAndrew born about 1936
NolanAnn born about 1914
NolanBetty Janeborn about 1938
NolanCharles born about 1894
NolanCharles born about 1920
NolanEsther born about 1913
NolanFrancis born about 1925
NolanHenry born about 1885
NolanJohn born about 1914
NolanJohn born about 1939
NolanSarah born about 1910
NolanWilliam born about 1888
NolanWilliam born about 1910
NolanWilliam Hborn about 1904
NolanWilliam Jr born about 1923
NoletteDoris born about 1912
NoletteGerald born about 1911
NoletteHalsey born about 1887
NoletteLena born about 1888
NormanKathryn born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OberAllan Cborn about 1934
OberMildred Vborn about 1899
ObrienAgnes born about 1882
ObrienAnna born about 1878
ObrienBartholomew born about 1923
ObrienEmma born about 1892
ObrienGenevieve born about 1925
ObrienHugh born about 1916
ObrienMary born about 1919
ObrienPatrick born about 1880
ObrienSarah Aborn about 1865
OconnellCornelius born about 1860
OconnellElizabeth born about 1898
OconnellL Franklynborn about 1902
OconnorPatrick Jborn about 1906
OeuimetteEdward born about 1907
OeuimetteEugene born about 1939
OeuimetteGrace born about 1911
OneilMargaret born about 1894
OneilRobert born about 1937
OneilThomas born about 1935
OneilThomas Aborn about 1890
OneillAlfred born about 1922
OneillJoan born about 1930
OneillMae born about 1897
OneillRita born about 1924
OsterhoutEleanor born about 1908
OsterhoutRaymond born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParrowArthur born about 1892
ParrowEmma born about 1893
ParrowHarold born about 1922
ParrowRichard born about 1925
PassinoEvelyn born about 1928
PassinoFrancis born about 1929
PassinoHalsey born about 1897
PassinoHoward born about 1934
PassinoLillian born about 1911
PassinoTheresa born about 1931
PattersonChester born about 1926
PattersonFrancis born about 1923
PattersonStella born about 1893
PattnoA Jborn about 1907
PattnoFrank Jborn about 1880
PattnoJennie born about 1877
PattnoM Robertaborn about 1934
PayroBarbera born about 1936
PayroCatherine born about 1915
PayroDennis born about 1886
PayroDorothy born about 1918
PayroEliza born about 1879
PayroFrancis born about 1937
PayroFred born about 1873
PayroHalsey born about 1911
PayroJudith born about 1940
PayroMinnie born about 1887
PayroRussell born about 1914
PayroSadie born about 1917
PayroShelby born about 1938
PelkeyAlice born about 1909
PelkeyAnna Florenceborn about 1928
PelkeyDelia born about 1869
PelkeyDorothy Eborn about 1920
PelkeyEuclid born about 1907
PelkeyFred born about 1903
PelkeyGeorge Sr born about 1870
PelkeyJerome born about 1909
PelkeyJoseph born about 1901
PelkeyM Dorothyborn about 1914
PelkeyMarjorie Mborn about 1931
PellerinEuclid born about 1876
PellerinHattie born about 1884
PettigrewDaniel born about 1880
PettigrewGeorge born about 1888
PhillipsCassius born about 1939
PhillipsDorothy born about 1925
PhillipsJohn born about 1918
PhillipsMary born about 1895
PhillipsMary born about 1925
PhillipsMildred born about 1917
PhillipsNaomi born about 1932
PlumadoreBeatrice born about 1922
PlumadoreBeatrice born about 1937
PlumadoreBernice born about 1937
PlumadoreFrederick born about 1932
PlumadoreHenry born about 1904
PlumadoreHenry born about 1931
PlumadoreKenneth born about 1935
PlumadoreLaura born about 1884
PlumadoreMay born about 1904
PlumadoreNoel born about 1879
PolandAgnes born about 1936
PolandCatherine born about 1934
PolandEdward born about 1939
PolandJanet born about 1937
PolandPaul born about 1909
PolandRita born about 1913
PorterAlberta born about 1923
PowersCordelia born about 1904
PowersJoseph born about 1890
PowersMargaret born about 1934
PowersMary Aborn about 1924
PowersTeresa born about 1928
ProvostCharles born about 1937
ProvostDora born about 1937
ProvostEdward born about 1910
ProvostFlorence born about 1915
ProvostHenry born about 1905
ProvostLela born about 1914
ProvostLucille born about 1935
ProvostMarie born about 1877
PrumerAgnes born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuirkCatherine born about 1870
QuirkGertrude Mborn about 1900
QuirkMarjorie born about 1911
QuirkRufus Jborn about 1905
QuirkRussell Mborn about 1900
QuirkW Stewartborn about 1898

R Surnames

RabatoyClarence born about 1917
RabatoyPearl born about 1920
RacetteDonald born about 1933
RacetteElizabeth born about 1931
RacetteErnest born about 1905
RacetteErnest Jr born about 1930
RacetteEugene born about 1938
RacetteGerald born about 1936
RacetteGeraldine born about 1936
RacetteIsabel born about 1905
RacettePatricia born about 1935
RascoeBlaze born about 1938
RascoeEleonor born about 1935
RascoeFrederick born about 1909
RascoeMark born about 1933
RascoeMarshall born about 1937
RascoeTimothy born about 1939
RascoeYvonne born about 1915
RedfordBeverly Mborn about 1929
RedfordElizabeth born about 1906
RedfordJames Mborn about 1903
RedfordMary born about 1933
RedfordMildred Oborn about 1924
RedfordNancy Gborn about 1935
RhinoBetty born about 1932
RhinoCharles born about 1875
RhinoCharles born about 1921
RhinoChester born about 1904
RhinoDoris born about 1906
RhinoFrancis born about 1928
RhinoFrank born about 1882
RhinoJames born about 1931
RhinoJoyce born about 1936
RhinoKatherine born about 1881
RhinoLila born about 1910
RhinoMaude born about 1878
RhinoPatrick born about 1908
RhinoPatrick Jr born about 1930
RobareAlice born about 1909
RobertsAlberta born about 1938
RobertsAmelia born about 1883
RobertsAndrew born about 1924
RobertsCatherine born about 1938
RobertsClarence born about 1929
RobertsCordelia born about 1874
RobertsDonald born about 1938
RobertsDoris born about 1935
RobertsEdmund born about 1936
RobertsEdward born about 1912
RobertsElizabeth born about 1915
RobertsErnest born about 1918
RobertsFrancis born about 1932
RobertsGerald born about 1934
RobertsHenry born about 1910
RobertsHoward born about 1934
RobertsJohn born about 1902
RobertsJonas born about 1870
RobertsJoseph born about 1939
RobertsLeonard born about 1911
RobertsLila born about 1917
RobertsMay born about 1901
RobertsRaymond born about 1924
RobertsRichard born about 1936
RobertsVelma born about 1927
RobertsWilliam born about 1871
RobertsWilliam born about 1876
RockEli born about 1858
RockeThos Jborn about 1887
RogersAda born about 1939
RogersAnn Cheneryborn about 1935
RogersFrances Gborn about 1913
RogersJames Ii born about 1903
RogersJames Iii born about 1932
RogersJohn Rborn about 1906
RogersJohn Wborn about 1936
RogersMargaret born about 1906
RogersPauline born about 1929
RogersSusan Geerborn about 1938
RondeauBurton born about 1935
RondeauChester born about 1923
RondeauDelia born about 1901
RondeauDorothy born about 1922
RondeauJoseph born about 1896
RondeauOral born about 1927
RondeauRonald born about 1933
RondeauShirley born about 1937
RondeauVeronica born about 1926
RondeauViola born about 1905
RondeauWilliam born about 1892
RosioEdward born about 1919
RosioEvelyn born about 1912
RosioFrancis born about 1934
RosioHalsey born about 1907
RosioMary born about 1880
RosioRaymond born about 1923
RosioTheresa born about 1936
RossJames born about 1926
RoudeauHattie born about 1893
RoudeauJohn born about 1893
RoudeauKatherine born about 1916
RoudeauKenneth born about 1918
RougeauAlfonsine born about 1875
RougeauEdgar born about 1910
RougeauEva born about 1908
RougeauJoseph born about 1912
RougeauLeo born about 1914
RougeauMargaret born about 1924
RougeauWilliam born about 1917
RuckeVictor Gborn about 1892
RuleAnita born about 1936
RuleClifford born about 1913
RuleDavid born about 1937
RuleJanet born about 1918
RushiaAlbina born about 1899
RushiaErnest born about 1914
RushiaEunice born about 1918
RushiaFred born about 1890
RushiaFrederick born about 1919
RushiaJames born about 1922
RushiaJanet born about 1924
RushiaKathleen born about 1923
RushiaKenneth born about 1922
RushiaMinnie born about 1894
RushiaOvelia born about 1896
RushiaPatricia born about 1935
RushiaRaymond born about 1927
RussellMabel born about 1913
RussiaFrank born about 1910
RussiaIda born about 1881
RussiaRichard born about 1919
RyanClaire born about 1935
RyanFrederick Jborn about 1925
RyanGeorgia Aborn about 1891
RyanHenry Dborn about 1887
RyanIrene born about 1921
RyanJames born about 1916
RyanJohn born about 1874
RyanM Jborn about 1862
RyanMary Loreborn about 1931
RyanPatricia born about 1939
RyanRobert born about 1926
RyanRoma born about 1896
RyanWalter born about 1930
RyanWiliam Jr born about 1924
RyanWilliam Jborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampicaMelvina born about 1883
SampicaPatrick born about 1880
SampicaTheresa born about 1928
SampicaUlysses born about 1918
SantoAlberta born about 1929
SantoClarence born about 1902
SantoHarlan born about 1924
SantoNorma born about 1904
SantoVivian born about 1934
SantorEugene Hborn about 1908
SarrellAmelia Rborn about 1872
SarrellBeatrice born about 1907
SarrellEli born about 1903
SarrellEthel born about 1907
SarrellFrancis born about 1931
SarrellFred born about 1871
SarrellHarold born about 1934
SarrellMarilyn born about 1933
SarrellMary Margaretborn about 1911
SarrellOril born about 1899
SarrellSherman born about 1910
SarrellThelma born about 1916
SarrellThomas born about 1935
SarrellViola born about 1907
SarrellWalter born about 1913
SarrellWilfred born about 1893
SarrellWilfred Jr born about 1929
SavageDavid born about 1887
SavageEmma born about 1855
SavageEtha born about 1933
SavageFrank born about 1892
SavageLouise born about 1891
SavageMonroe born about 1915
SavageRaymond born about 1920
SawyerAlan born about 1931
SawyerBetty born about 1925
SawyerBetty Janeborn about 1938
SawyerBeverly Joyceborn about 1939
SawyerCarolyn born about 1935
SawyerChester born about 1927
SawyerClifton born about 1923
SawyerErnest born about 1934
SawyerFrancis Jr born about 1917
SawyerFrank born about 1895
SawyerFreeman born about 1898
SawyerGordon born about 1918
SawyerHoward born about 1919
SawyerIda born about 1900
SawyerIone born about 1917
SawyerJohn born about 1940
SawyerJune born about 1921
SawyerLester born about 1932
SawyerMary born about 1920
SawyerMary Aborn about 1939
SawyerMilton born about 1936
SawyerMinnie born about 1877
SawyerMona born about 1938
SawyerRaymond born about 1909
SawyerShirley Aborn about 1938
SawyerStephens born about 1940
SawyerWanda born about 1928
SawyerWinifred born about 1906
SawyerWinston born about 1927
SchiltzAnna born about 1882
SchiltzJackson born about 1906
SchiltzMorris born about 1877
SchultzJeanne born about 1920
SeguinAlbert born about 1920
SeguinClifford born about 1927
SeguinDelina born about 1905
SeguinElizabeth born about 1923
SeguinFlorence born about 1892
SeguinFrancis born about 1934
SeguinFred born about 1891
SeguinGeorge born about 1925
SeguinIda born about 1899
SeguinJoseph born about 1892
SeguinKatherine born about 1922
SeguinLucille born about 1930
SeguinManuel born about 1901
SeguinMargaret born about 1914
SeguinRita born about 1927
SeguinRuth born about 1925
SeguinTheodore born about 1909
SeguinVernon born about 1933
SeguinViola born about 1908
SeguinWilliam born about 1921
SenecalBarbera born about 1935
SenecalDavid born about 1936
SenecalErnest born about 1906
SenecalEulalia born about 1912
SenecalHenry born about 1880
SenecalMae born about 1915
SenecalMartha born about 1913
SenecalProsper born about 1912
SenecalRaymond born about 1908
SequinBeverly born about 1937
SequinEdward born about 1929
SequinEdward Aborn about 1906
SequinEvelyn born about 1907
SequinJune born about 1933
SequinShelva Jeanborn about 1940
SeymourAnnabelle born about 1916
SeymourFred born about 1881
SeymourJoseph born about 1877
SeymourKenneth born about 1919
SeymourLeon born about 1896
SeymourLoretta born about 1906
SeymourRoland born about 1926
ShambeauDonald born about 1937
ShambeauEdward born about 1880
ShambeauEdward born about 1927
ShambeauMyrtle born about 1902
ShambeauRobert born about 1930
ShamboBernard born about 1924
ShamboJames born about 1920
ShamboJohn born about 1881
ShamboJohn born about 1916
ShamboJoseph born about 1927
ShamboJulia born about 1892
ShamboMichael born about 1909
ShamboWilliam born about 1921
SharronAlthea born about 1939
SharronEva born about 1916
SharronShanile born about 1912
SheffieldArthur born about 1918
SheffieldChester born about 1923
SheffieldDell born about 1891
SheffieldLawrence born about 1927
SheffieldRuth born about 1925
SheffieldWilliam born about 1886
SheleyClarence Jr born about 1918
SheleyMarie born about 1919
SimonsHarold born about 1900
SimonsIda born about 1867
SimonsWilliam born about 1905
SisterM Bernardetteborn about 1913
SisterM Georginaborn about 1917
SisterM Michaelborn about 1918
SisterMary Claudiaborn about 1903
SisterMary Graceborn about 1889
SisterMary Lucinaborn about 1906
SmileyArthur born about 1904
SmithClarence Eborn about 1924
SmithEls? born about 1934
SmithEthel Mborn about 1900
SmithGeorge Cborn about 1939
SmithGeraldine born about 1939
SmithHarold born about 1907
SmithHoratio Kborn about 1922
SmithJames Rborn about 1926
SmithJanet Rborn about 1937
SmithLloyd born about 1932
SmithMarie born about 1932
SmithPearl born about 1899
SmithPearl born about 1928
SmithRaymond Hborn about 1930
SmithThelma born about 1918
SmithThomas born about 1925
SmithWilliam Jborn about 1928
SmithWm Henryborn about 1899
SmithWm Thomasborn about 1891
SnowAnna born about 1883
SnowBarbara born about 1929
SnowBenjamin Fborn about 1881
SnowBenjamin Jborn about 1882
SnowClarence born about 1897
SnowDoris born about 1923
SnowEslie born about 1931
SnowFrances born about 1922
SnowGermaine born about 1933
SnowGragory born about 1940
SnowHarold born about 1924
SnowHobert born about 1931
SnowHorace born about 1930
SnowHoward born about 1936
SnowJael Hborn about 1898
SnowJames Mborn about 1896
SnowJean born about 1933
SnowJennie born about 1867
SnowJoseph born about 1929
SnowKate Mborn about 1883
SnowKeith born about 1939
SnowLarn born about 1893
SnowLarn Jr born about 1926
SnowLelia born about 1903
SnowMarion born about 1904
SnowNora born about 1872
SnowRita born about 1907
SnowShirley born about 1903
SnyeBeatrice born about 1929
SnyeHenry born about 1889
SnyeLeona born about 1899
SnyeNelson born about 1924
SnyeTeresa born about 1927
SoucyAnna born about 1922
SoucyEdward born about 1887
SoucyEveline born about 1883
SoucyRita born about 1920
SousisAlzada born about 1923
SousisLaura born about 1881
SpranzAgnes Bborn about 1908
SpranzJohn Fborn about 1908
StaeppollBlanche born about 1892
StaeppollEber Edwardborn about 1928
StaeppollEber Wborn about 1891
StaeppollFlorence born about 1912
StaeppollPaul born about 1913
StanleyFrank born about 1878
StanleyJohn born about 1909
StephensonDema born about 1912
StephensonJoan born about 1934
StephensonMerritt born about 1900
StephensonPatricia born about 1935
StrackEva born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TerryBlanche born about 1915
TerryCarl born about 1930
TerryCharles born about 1927
TerryEva born about 1897
TerryEvelyn born about 1923
TerryHarry born about 1925
TerryJessle born about 1918
TerryMitchell born about 1893
TerryMitchell Jr born about 1917
TerryRose born about 1939
TerryShirley born about 1933
TerryWarren born about 1920
ThomasAlice born about 1905
ThomasBetty born about 1924
ThomasClarence Wborn about 1903
ThomasClaude born about 1925
ThomasHazel born about 1895
ThomasJohn born about 1928
ThomasJulia born about 1871
ThomasJulia born about 1933
ThomasSusan born about 1933
ThomasVesta Cborn about 1929
ThomasWilliam born about 1896
ThomasWilliam born about 1920
ThompsonAnn born about 1913
ThompsonGerald born about 1938
ThompsonJames born about 1934
ThompsonLoretta born about 1936
ThompsonRoy born about 1895
TrombleyAgnes born about 1931
TrombleyAgnes born about 1938
TrombleyAnna born about 1901
TrombleyArthur born about 1933
TrombleyCelinda born about 1897
TrombleyCorrine born about 1927
TrombleyDominic born about 1885
TrombleyFlorence born about 1910
TrombleyFlorence born about 1929
TrombleyFrancis born about 1924
TrombleyHarold born about 1933
TrombleyHarry born about 1917
TrombleyHelen born about 1903
TrombleyHelen born about 1937
TrombleyHenry born about 1900
TrombleyJeannette born about 1929
TrombleyJoseph born about 1930
TrombleyJospeh born about 1894
TrombleyKenneth born about 1937
TrombleyLauria born about 1926
TrombleyMildred born about 1921
TrombleyNancy born about 1935
TrombleyPhillip born about 1891
TrombleyRaymond born about 1928
TrombleyShirley born about 1938
TrombleyTeresa born about 1931
TrombleyWilliam born about 1925
TromblyCharles born about 1886
TromblyJulia born about 1875
TromblyLaura born about 1901
TromblyLouis born about 1923
TrongLouisa born about 1868
TrongoGeorge born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VannAmelia born about 1878
VannFred born about 1873
VannLaurence born about 1906
VannLeo born about 1908
VannLida born about 1917
VenneAlbert born about 1922
VenneFrances born about 1920
VenneMitchell born about 1884
VenneVernon born about 1918
VenneWilfred born about 1916
VosburgElizabeth born about 1923
VotrawJohn born about 1887
VotrawJosephine born about 1866
VotrawOla born about 1890
VotrawPaul born about 1916
VotrawWilliam born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldronDonald born about 1934
WaldronElizabeth born about 1898
WaldronGeorge born about 1930
WaldronHelen born about 1925
WaldronMary born about 1928
WaldronRita born about 1926
WardMinnie Mborn about 1870
WatsonDavid born about 1872
WatsonDonald born about 1937
WatsonDorothy born about 1940
WatsonFlorence born about 1900
WatsonGrace born about 1878
WatsonJohn born about 1864
WatsonJohn born about 1881
WatsonThomas born about 1877
WeaverEthel Macborn about 1886
WeaverFred born about 1874
WeeksMellie born about 1887
WeeksWilliam born about 1870
WelcomeClaude born about 1917
WelcomeFrances born about 1917
WestonOrrin Eborn about 1871
WhiteAltha born about 1880
WhiteCharles Hborn about 1889
WhiteThos Eborn about 1885
WilliamsHattie born about 1887
WilliamsJames Paulborn about 1935
WilliamsJas Bborn about 1880
WilliamsMildred Lborn about 1912
WilliamsPaul Jborn about 1905
WilliamsRoger born about 1912
WillisHenry born about 1860
WillisMamie born about 1895
WillisMary born about 1888
WillisThomas born about 1893
WisherCarolyn born about 1937
WisherDolores born about 1913
WisherHarold born about 1914
WisherJohn Haroldborn about 1939
WoodAlton born about 1895
WoodEva born about 1899
WrightAnna born about 1936
WrightBenjamein born about 1885
WrightBertha born about 1918
WrightBessie born about 1889
WrightCarole born about 1940
WrightClarence born about 1915
WrightClark born about 1929
WrightClaude Eborn about 1898
WrightCurtis born about 1921
WrightDella born about 1890
WrightDorothy born about 1923
WrightEdward born about 1889
WrightEvelyn born about 1912
WrightEvelyn born about 1931
WrightGoldie born about 1933
WrightGordon born about 1919
WrightHomer born about 1900
WrightJanice born about 1927
WrightKenneth born about 1913
WrightLaverna born about 1926
WrightLoretta born about 1918
WrightMadeline born about 1903
WrightMargaret born about 1929
WrightMargaret Maryborn about 1900
WrightMary born about 1934
WrightMaude born about 1930
WrightMilton born about 1931
WrightNellie born about 1902
WrightOswald born about 1919
WrightPatricia born about 1929
WrightPaul born about 1938
WrightRalph born about 1907
WrightRobert born about 1937
WrightRoberta born about 1937
WrightWallace Cborn about 1924
WrightWilliam born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YandoBetty born about 1928
YandoFrancis born about 1916
YandoFrancis born about 1925
YandoFrancis born about 1939
YandoFrank born about 1895
YandoHarold born about 1920
YandoJoseph born about 1895
YandoMae born about 1897
YandoMarian born about 1927
YandoMary born about 1893
YandoPrudence born about 1921
YandoWalter Dborn about 1937
YelleAbbie born about 1893
YelleArthur born about 1899
YelleCecile born about 1934
YelleClifford born about 1910
YelleEdgar born about 1919
YelleGregory born about 1923
YelleJohn born about 1936
YelleKatherine born about 1929
YelleLeo born about 1915
YelleMargaret born about 1912
YellePhoebe born about 1899
YelleTeresa born about 1926
YelleVeronica born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZenoJoseph Fborn about 1912
ZielinskiDail born about 1939
ZielinskiEdward born about 1900
ZielinskiEdward Fborn about 1926
ZielinskiJoan born about 1932
ZielinskiJune born about 1934
ZielinskiMabel born about 1907
ZielinskiRupert Jborn about 1928
ZielinskiVirginia born about 1937

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