1940 U.S. Federal Census of Chatham, Columbia, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Columbia County > 1940 Census of Chatham

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbramsCharles Eborn about 1929
AbramsFrances born about 1899
AbramsHelen Sborn about 1900
AbramsJohn born about 1929
AbramsJohn Rborn about 1902
AbramsPatricia born about 1928
AbramsWilliam born about 1900
AbramsWilliam born about 1924
AdamsErnest born about 1872
AdamsJohn Wborn about 1874
AikenMartha born about 1887
AldrichJane Eborn about 1933
AldrichMary Eborn about 1898
AldrichRobert Fborn about 1902
AldrichRobert F Jrborn about 1936
AlessiAnn born about 1917
AlessiGertrude born about 1920
AlessiJennie born about 1890
AlessiJoseph born about 1887
AlessiJoseph born about 1934
AlessiPaul born about 1924
AlessiPeter born about 1923
AlessiSamuel born about 1918
AllenCarolyn born about 1936
AllenCorinne Bborn about 1892
AllenEdward Mborn about 1911
AllenGarret Hborn about 1878
AllenHarriet Fborn about 1910
AllenJames Gborn about 1923
AllenLouise born about 1897
AllenMarcia Sborn about 1925
AllenMary born about
AllenStanley Gborn about 1894
AllenWendell born about 1895
AllisonAda Fborn about 1856
AlvardAnna Lborn about 1890
AlvardEstelle born about 1908
AlvardHenry born about 1900
AlvardMaude born about 1882
AmbronRobert born about 1902
AmbronRoberta born about 1935
AmbronTheodoro born about 1898
AmbronWilliam born about 1864
AmbrosioElvira born about 1912
AmbrosioFrank born about 1932
AmbrosioLouis born about 1934
AmbrosioPhilip born about 1912
AmesAlbert born about 1861
AmesDaisy born about 1863
AndersonAroon born about 1868
AndersonAugusta born about 1873
AndersonCharles born about 1875
AndersonRuth born about 1909
AndersonStanley born about 1915
AndrewsGeorge born about 1855
AndrewsWilliam Gborn about 1870
AndrusLillian born about 1872
AngellClara Cborn about 1885
AngellClara Jborn about 1928
AngellDorothy Eborn about 1930
AngellEdwin born about 1880
AngellFrancis Mborn about 1917
AngellGeorge Mborn about 1882
AngellHarry Wborn about 1884
AngellLucy Kborn about 1903
AngellMay Aborn about 1864
AngellTheodore Jborn about 1890
ApplebeyAnnie born about 1873
ApplebeyFrank Sborn about 1868
ArcherElizabeth Iborn about 1896
ArnoldAllan born about 1922
ArnoldHubert born about 1884
ArnoldMary born about 1891
ArrighiLena born about 1891
ArrighiMaurice born about 1887
ArrighiMaurice Jr born about 1916
AshleyCalvin born about 1924
AshleyCarrie Aborn about 1872
AshleyCharles born about 1920
AshleyCora Hborn about 1880
AshleyDoris born about 1932
AshleyEugene born about 1908
AshleyFlorence Lborn about 1875
AshleyFrederick born about 1922
AshleyGeorge Nborn about 1899
AshleyHarry born about 1884
AshleyHenry born about 1888
AshleyIrene born about 1906
AshleyJennie born about 1894
AshleyJoan born about 1931
AshleyLloyd Hborn about 1903
AshleyLouis Fborn about 1877
AshleyLydia Vborn about 1911
AshleyMary born about 1866
AtwoodHoward born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagleyMartha born about 1922
BagleyRobert born about 1915
BaileyClarence born about 1880
BaileyFred Sborn about 1856
BaileySarah born about 1900
BailySamuel born about 1933
BakerAndrew Pborn about 1894
BakerArthur born about 1925
BakerCurtis born about 1908
BakerFrank born about 1906
BakerFred born about 1899
BakerHomer born about 1929
BakerJames born about 1934
BakerJean born about 1927
BakerJohn born about 1914
BakerJohn Cborn about 1871
BakerLaura born about 1882
BakerMargaret born about 1914
BakerMargaret born about 1936
BakerMarion born about 1908
BakerMary Jborn about 1894
BakerPhilip born about 1937
BakerRay born about 1920
BaldwinHarold Jborn about 1891
BaldwinHelen Jborn about 1889
BallentineAnnie born about 1872
BallentineJoseph born about 1899
BallentineWilliam born about 1870
BameCarrie Mborn about 1876
BameSylvester Jborn about 1876
BarfordBertha Aborn about 1889
BarfordJohn born about 1854
BarnesSarah born about 1868
BarringerDavid Jborn about 1874
BarringerFlora Lborn about 1874
BarringerGladys born about 1910
BarringerPatricia born about 1936
BarringerPhilip born about 1908
BarryDonald born about 1908
BarryGertrude born about 1913
BartlanAlfred Eborn about 1888
BartlettNellie Mborn about 1864
BartonMaude born about 1901
BartonVera born about 1932
BartowDonald born about 1926
BartowJohn born about 1887
BartowMartha born about 1902
BartowRaymond born about 1927
BashfordClaude Lborn about 1887
BashfordElla born about 1886
BashfordWarren born about 1918
BastianJoseph Wborn about 1883
BastianLena born about 1887
BatesDonald born about 1939
BatesEvelyn born about 1933
BatesFlorence born about 1907
BatesFlorence born about 1934
BatesHarry born about 1904
BatesRose M Jborn about 1930
BatesRussell born about 1907
BatesRussell born about 1931
BatesShirley born about 1937
BawersHarold born about 1913
BawersMary born about 1883
BeamanCornelia born about 1861
BeamanFrederick born about 1890
BeauRuth Eborn about 1918
BeauWilliam Jborn about 1917
BeckerHelen born about 1901
BeckerJean born about 1927
BeckerJoel born about 1891
BeckerRichard born about 1934
BegerEva born about 1888
BegerJohn Gborn about 1875
BehmCharlotte born about 1856
BelshawGeorge born about 1886
BemisCharollote born about 1927
BemisFay born about 1900
BemisGeorge born about 1930
BemisWilliam born about 1896
BemissBert born about 1914
BemissElizabeth born about 1876
BemissJohn born about 1903
BencivinniAntionette born about 1918
BencivinniLeonard born about 1921
BencivinniMichael born about 1888
BencivinniMinnie born about 1924
BencivinniRose born about 1892
BencivinniSal born about 1928
BennettBarbara Aborn about 1932
BennettDonald Vborn about 1901
BennettDonald V Jrborn about 1928
BennettFrances born about 1894
BennettFrederick Wborn about 1938
BennettHelen Eborn about 1908
BennettLeonie born about 1902
BennettManus Pborn about 1931
BennettRaymond Cborn about 1905
BennettRaymond C Jrborn about 1928
BennettThomas born about 1890
BennettVirginie Lborn about 1930
BernardWilliam born about 1887
BernhardtFrederick born about 1897
BerryDoris born about 1908
BerryPriscilla born about 1938
BerryRoger born about 1911
BerschBeverly Aborn about 1940
BerschEdna Mborn about 1920
BerschFrank born about 1870
BerschHarold born about 1903
BerschHarold Wborn about 1939
BestElizabeth born about 1857
BettsRobert C Jrborn about 1917
BetzGloria born about 1933
BetzJohn born about 1939
BetzOren Gborn about 1911
BetzViverne born about 1907
BialeckiBennet born about 1880
BialeckiMary born about 1917
BibbinsFrank Wborn about 1875
BibbinsMable born about 1878
BinghamHarold born about 1901
BinghamHarold Jr born about 1928
BinghamLlyod born about 1935
BinghamRachel born about 1917
BinghamRaymond born about 1909
BinghamRobert Wborn about 1939
BinghamRuth born about 1909
BinghamShirley Mborn about 1938
BinghamWalter born about 1909
BinghamWilliam born about 1873
BirdsallAlan Cborn about 1927
BirdsallMarion Cborn about 1889
BirdsallWebster Jborn about 1890
BirgeLaura Eborn about 1873
BlairHelen born about 1917
BlakeAnn Marieborn about 1937
BlakeConstance born about 1939
BlakeFlorence born about 1917
BlakeFrances Jr born about 1939
BlakeFrancis born about 1916
BlakeHarry born about 1914
BlakeJames born about 1918
BlakeMary born about 1917
BlakeMary born about 1919
BlanchardAgnes Mborn about 1915
BlanchardEugene born about 1901
BlanchardGrace Eborn about 1935
BlanchardWilliam Hborn about 1939
BlassCora Mborn about 1885
BlassGrant born about 1887
BlassJohn Hborn about 1920
BlassRoy Bborn about 1917
BlinnMuriel born about 1902
BlissIda Mborn about 1861
BogardJohn born about 1922
BolandJames born about 1877
BolandJames born about 1927
BolandJohanna born about 1898
BolandJohn born about 1871
BolandJohn born about 1923
BolandMaraget Jborn about 1884
BondGeorge Fborn about 1883
BondLulu Cborn about 1886
BonifacioAndrew born about 1882
BonifacioAnthony born about 1909
BonifacioJennie born about 1884
BonifiacoDominick born about 1910
BonifiacoGladys born about 1918
BonifiacoRobert born about 1939
BordeauxClayton born about 1900
BordeauxLaura born about 1899
BordewickAnna born about 1886
BordewickArnold born about 1918
BordewickCharles born about 1871
BorovichHenry born about 1930
BorovichJanice born about 1937
BorovichJohn born about 1897
BorovichJohn Jr born about 1937
BorovichSophie born about 1899
BorovichStanley born about 1920
BorovichTheodore born about 1925
BowmanAlice Aborn about 1906
BowmanBarbara Aborn about 1939
BowmanThomas Eborn about 1909
BracupLillian born about 1920
BradsherMabel born about 1914
BramanChester born about 1903
BramanChester Jr born about 1927
BramanElinor born about 1929
BramanHanna born about 1910
BramanMary born about 1933
BrendlineGeorge Lborn about 1909
BrennienHelen born about 1922
BrennienMargaret born about 1887
BrennienWilliam born about 1885
BrigeAmanda born about 1865
BroadheadEllen born about 1938
BroadheadHazel born about 1912
BroadheadLa Grandeborn about 1914
BroadheadLaura Jborn about 1935
BroderickCatherine born about 1900
BroderickCharles born about 1930
BroderickJames Wborn about 1910
BroderickRobert born about 1932
BronnionElmira born about 1873
BronnionHarry Aborn about
BrorupCarl born about 1923
BrownCharles born about 1916
BrownCharles born about 1919
BrownChester born about 1923
BrownDe Wittborn about 1908
BrownGertrude born about 1921
BrownGloria born about 1929
BrownGustav born about 1904
BrownIrene born about 1904
BrownLucia born about 1866
BrownWarren born about 1884
BruceFrank born about 1865
BrundageClifford Fborn about 1904
BrundageEllen Rborn about 1935
BrundageJoan Fborn about 1937
BrundageRose Mborn about 1899
BrunkAugustus Fborn about 1881
BrunkEmma born about 1878
BrusieSabrina born about 1869
BryanFlorence Sborn about 1885
BryanJean Eborn about 1919
BryansEdward born about 1904
BryansIsabelle born about 1906
BryansJoan Edwardborn about 1934
BucherDavid born about 1872
BuckbeeBertram born about 1924
BuckbeeDoris born about 1920
BuckbeeFlorence born about 1889
BuckbeeHarvy Wborn about 1888
BuckbeeRichard born about 1916
BuckbeeWillard born about 1917
BuikaJohn Fborn about 1896
BullisEmelie Bborn about 1874
BurhanCharles Hborn about 1919
BurkeJohn born about 1882
BurleyAnna born about 1933
BurleyCharles born about 1931
BurleyElfriede born about 1908
BurleyHarry born about 1897
BurnhamEloise born about 1906
BurnhamLoren born about 1906
BurnsBeatrice born about 1886
BurnsFrank born about 1885
BurrowsAlma born about 1886
BurrowsMortimer born about 1884
BurrowsMortimer born about 1923
BurrowsWilliam born about 1927
BushJane born about 1918
BushJoan born about 1940
BushWinfield born about 1915
BustardJohn born about 1936
BustardMyrtle born about 1917
BustardRidney born about 1905
ButcherGail born about 1939
ButcherRobert born about 1913
ButcherRuth born about 1916
ButerlichFred born about 1887
ButerlichHattie born about 1888
ButerlichHenry born about 1914
ByarFrank J Jrborn about 1892
ByarFrank Sr born about 1866
ByarLelah born about 1868
ByarMarion Eborn about 1898
ByronCharles Eborn about 1873
ByronElsie Wborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalbertJohn born about 1900
CalbertLawerence born about 1896
CalbertMary born about 1897
CalbertMary Eborn about 1869
CalbertThomas Hborn about 1902
CalhounL Margaretborn about 1923
CalhounMildred Sborn about 1896
CalhounWilliam Birgeborn about 1925
CallahanAndrew born about 1910
CallahanCatherine born about 1878
CallahanEleanor born about 1922
CallahanPatrick born about 1876
CallahanTeddy born about 1919
CallahanThomas born about 1910
CallenderBarbara born about 1920
CallenderFredk born about 1916
CalyerTheodore born about 1919
CamadineCharles Aborn about 1880
CamadineEmma born about 1889
CampbellClifford born about 1926
CampbellEdward born about 1888
CampbellKenneth born about 1929
CampbellMabel born about 1910
CampbellMuriel born about 1919
CampbellPatricia born about 1939
CampbellSarah born about 1890
CampbellSelina born about 1898
CampbellVan Rensselaerborn about 1892
CampbellVan Rensselaerborn about 1935
CanaliaAndrea born about 1888
CarlsonEbbe born about 1876
CarlsonRagnar born about 1875
CarmichaelRose Mborn about 1895
CarmillisJohn born about 1880
CaronErnest born about 1928
CaronGeorgiana born about 1931
CaronHelen born about 1933
CaronHelen Fborn about 1907
CaronPauline born about 1925
CaronRenee born about 1926
CarpenterC Raymondborn about 1908
CarpenterCharles born about 1938
CarpenterEdith Eborn about 1907
CarpenterIda Rborn about 1874
CarpenterJonathan Cborn about 1872
CarterAnna born about 1892
CaseyFlorence born about 1887
CaseyJoseph born about 1879
CaseyWestdourn born about 1877
CavalleroGeorge born about 1923
CavalleroLouis born about 1891
CavalleroRegina born about 1895
CavanaughArthur born about 1897
CavanaughJanet born about 1932
CavanaughLee born about 1911
ChapmanArabella born about 1909
ChapmanDoris born about 1911
ChapmanEdward born about 1910
ChapmanElizabeth born about 1889
ChapmanEllsworth born about 1912
ChapmanEstella born about 1883
ChapmanEthel born about 1936
ChapmanFrank born about 1904
ChapmanLois born about 1938
ChapmanLouis born about 1879
ChapmanMarjory born about 1934
ChapmanMildred born about 1914
ChapmanWesley born about 1883
ChaseEugene born about 1875
CherrieEdna born about 1924
ChristnerHewel Hborn about 1898
ClarkBruce born about 1936
ClarkEmma Aborn about 1874
ClarkFrances born about 1870
ClarkHerbert born about 1891
ClarkJohn Dborn about 1898
ClarkMary born about 1864
ClarkMary Mborn about 1910
ClarkShirley Louborn about 1935
ClarkThelma born about 1922
ClarkWestley born about 1917
ClarkWilliam Hborn about 1868
ClarkeHelen born about 1885
ClarkeKate born about 1860
ClarksonGeorge born about 1893
ClarksonGeorge born about 1925
ClarksonMartha born about 1898
CoburnLe Roy Eborn about 1921
CoburnLe Roy Lborn about 1887
CoburnMary Fborn about 1893
CoburnMary Lborn about 1872
CoburnOscar Eborn about 1870
CochranCatherine born about 1866
CoeAlice born about 1889
CoeJames born about 1886
ColbyArthur born about 1914
ColbyEvelyn born about 1918
ColbyLevoy born about 1924
ColbyMildred born about 1892
ColeArthur Aborn about 1888
ColeBenjamin born about 1882
ColeEdna born about 1883
ColeGladys born about 1896
ColeHarry born about 1887
ColeHerbert Aborn about 1908
ColeLena Bborn about 1890
ColeMarion born about 1918
CollinsCharles Hborn about 1862
CollinsEdith Mborn about 1889
CollinsJames Eborn about 1930
CollinsJohn born about 1891
CollinsMargaret born about 1898
CollinsMargaret born about 1918
CollinsMary Aborn about 1933
CollinsMary Hborn about 1864
CollinsOliver born about 1921
CollinsRobert born about 1923
CollinsWilliam Dborn about 1934
ColmanJoseph born about 1890
CondonCharlotte born about 1912
CondonJoseph born about 1908
ConeKatherine born about 1899
ConeMargaret born about 1876
ConeWilliam born about 1899
ConklinCecilia born about 1871
ConklinSophia born about 1906
ConklinWalter Jborn about 1899
ConnorLucy born about 1882
ConnorWilliam born about 1880
ConroyIsabella born about 1873
ContiPatsy born about 1880
ConwayKatherine born about 1866
CookinghamElsie born about 1916
CoonsArthur Rborn about 1913
CoonsBlanche born about 1887
CoonsCyrus born about 1882
CoonsCyrus Jr born about 1921
CoonsEileen born about 1936
CoonsGertrude Eborn about 1909
CoonsNorma born about 1926
CoonsRuth Eborn about 1930
CoonsSusan Mborn about 1940
CoonsVerna Dborn about 1891
CooperCharles born about 1939
CooperDonald born about 1914
CooperHelen born about 1918
CorbittElsa born about 1896
CorbittHugh born about 1889
CorseyAlfred Jborn about 1938
CorseyAlfred Lborn about 1895
CorseyCharolette born about 1895
CoulsonArthur Wborn about 1940
CoulsonMarjoire Pborn about 1919
CoulsonRichard Cborn about 1938
CoulsonWilliam Gborn about 1903
CowanAllen born about 1916
CowanBenjamin born about 1894
CowanCarrie Lborn about 1918
CowanFloyd Wborn about 1898
CowanFloyd W Jrborn about 1923
CowanLuella Mborn about 1899
CowanRosia born about 1894
CoxGordon Wborn about 1897
CoxMarion born about 1900
CoxWallace Gordonborn about 1938
CozzalinoAlbert born about 1922
CozzalinoAnnie born about 1930
CozzalinoAnthony born about 1921
CozzalinoCharles born about 1913
CozzalinoConcetta born about 1889
CozzalinoEugene born about 1928
CozzalinoFrank born about 1912
CozzalinoFred born about 1923
CozzalinoGerald born about 1925
CozzalinoJoseph born about 1914
CozzalinoLillian born about 1924
CozzalinoMary born about 1927
CozzalinoMichael born about 1887
CozzalinoMichael born about 1911
CozzalinoNicholas born about 1918
CozzalinoPhilomena born about 1889
CozzalinoTerry born about 1889
CraftAline born about 1912
CraftEdward born about 1910
CraftGeorge born about 1906
CraftNellie born about 1912
CraigAnnie Bborn about 1880
CrandallHarriet Eborn about 1865
CrandellMary Hborn about 1863
CrosbyAlbert Eborn about 1885
CrosbyAlbert Hborn about 1904
CrosbyMary Fborn about 1933
CrosbyMary Jborn about 1884
CrosbySherman born about 1930
CrosiarCharles born about 1876
CulverArchie born about 1876
CulverDoris born about 1912
CulverNellie Bborn about 1879
CurranMabel born about 1911
CurryFrances born about 1883
CurryFrank born about 1920
CurryHelen born about 1917
CurtisAlice born about 1911
CurtisAlice Gborn about 1939
CurtisEdith Mborn about 1892
CurtisEdwin born about 1909
CurtisFrank born about 1882
CurtisFred born about 1854
CurtisJane born about 1883
CurtisJohn born about 1933
CurtisPaul Rborn about 1880
CurtisRichard born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleHelen born about 1912
DaleJohn Mborn about 1909
DaleJohn Rborn about 1937
DaleyJohn Cborn about 1876
DalrympleHugh born about 1873
DalyAgnes Bborn about 1877
DalyEleanor born about 1910
DalyFrances born about 1867
DalyWilliam born about 1873
DalzellIsabelle born about 1909
DalzellIsabelle born about 1939
DalzellJames born about 1876
DalzellJames Jr born about 1913
DalzellWilliam born about 1937
DalzellWilliam Hborn about 1901
DanyewBertran Aborn about 1886
DanyewConstance Gborn about 1922
DanyewDouglas Aborn about 1909
DanyewEmma Pborn about 1888
DanyewGertrude Pborn about 1885
DanyewMary Rborn about 1914
DarbyCarrie born about 1893
DarbyHughes born about 1904
DarbyThomas born about 1928
DarbyVelena born about 1926
DardessHarry born about 1875
DardessMary born about 1875
DardessMary Eborn about 1906
DardessWilliam Aborn about 1871
DarlingElsie Oborn about 1918
DarlingJoel Mborn about 1918
DatyAleta born about 1934
DatyDorathy born about 1929
DaviesAbbey born about 1864
DaviesEmily born about 1891
DavisArthur Mborn about 1882
DavisAugusta born about 1888
DavisAugusta Hborn about 1888
DavisCharles Eborn about 1872
DavisHarriet born about 1882
DavisJulia Bborn about 1862
DaytonFlorence born about 1895
DaytonFrank born about 1891
DeckerBeatrice born about 1909
DeckerBernard Hborn about 1900
DeckerBernard Jborn about 1926
DeckerBertha born about 1884
DeckerCornell born about 1876
DeckerDavid born about 1933
DeckerDorothy born about 1932
DeckerEdward Aborn about 1880
DeckerEthel born about 1896
DeckerFlorence born about 1896
DeckerGordon born about 1931
DeckerHarry born about 1896
DeckerHomer born about 1870
DeckerJake born about 1868
DeckerJennie born about 1907
DeckerJosephine born about 1875
DeckerMadeline born about 1929
DeckerMarilyn born about 1931
DeckerMinnie born about 1872
DeckerNeil born about 1908
DeckerVernon born about 1928
DecroceJosephine born about 1896
DecrocePalmo born about 1886
DecroceWilliam born about 1924
DedrickAlberta born about 1929
DedrickCharles born about 1864
DedrickClara born about 1906
DedrickClayton born about 1905
DedrickFlorence born about 1931
DedrickForest born about 1927
DedrickGeraldine born about 1928
DedrickHelen born about 1937
DedrickHelena born about 1925
DedrickJanice born about 1937
DedrickMathilda born about 1909
DedrickRalph born about 1904
DegmanMargaret born about 1880
DeichesAmelia born about 1872
DelaneyPalmer born about 1906
DelsonBenjamin Hborn about 1895
DelsonSara born about 1900
DemasAthena born about 1922
DemasChristopher born about 1926
DemasHarriett born about 1928
DemasNicholas born about 1899
DemasPota born about 1899
DenautEdward Jborn about 1871
DenautMary born about 1869
DennisGeorge born about 1893
DennisGeorge born about 1922
DennisHarriet born about 1891
DennisJessie born about 1882
DennisMary born about 1866
DeyoEdith Bborn about 1905
DeyoJohn Bborn about 1869
DeyoLester Gborn about 1905
DeyoRichard born about 1935
DeyoRussell Lborn about 1931
DiamondClayton born about 1930
DiamondEarnest born about 1924
DiamondEdward born about 1926
DiamondFloyd born about 1923
DiamondGerald born about 1929
DiamondLuther born about 1885
DiamondMrytle born about 1891
DiamondNathan born about 1907
DiamondWalter born about 1934
DicapuaJoseph born about 1897
DickinJames born about 1891
DickinJames born about 1925
DickinJohn born about 1932
DickinMary born about 1926
DickinPatrick born about 1866
DickinPearl born about 1899
DickinThomas born about 1927
DilorenzoEugene Dborn about 1939
DilorenzoFrancis Aborn about 1930
DilorenzoMary born about 1900
DilorenzoMary Gborn about 1932
DilorenzoMary Tborn about 1929
DilorenzoNickolas born about 1893
DingmanWalter born about 1902
DingmonPercy born about 1896
DonnellyDaniel Jborn about 1924
DonnellyDelia Mborn about 1884
DooleyFred born about 1889
DorlandCharles born about 1918
DorlandKatherine born about 1879
DorlandKatherine born about 1916
DoughertyMary born about 1894
DoyleCarrie Eborn about 1883
DoyleJames born about 1869
DoyleWilliam Hborn about 1908
DrowneCharles born about 1888
DrowneDonald born about 1919
DrowneEsther born about 1920
DrowneLawrence Rborn about 1915
DrowneMildred born about 1917
DrowneNita Tborn about 1918
DrowneRobert born about 1895
DrowneRoland born about 1923
DrowneRuby born about 1891
DrowneVerna born about 1896
DruckerDonald born about 1929
DruckerEdward born about 1890
DruckerElsie born about 1896
DruckerElsie born about 1933
DruckerFreda born about 1928
DruckerGloria born about 1939
DruckerJohn born about 1935
DruckerMary born about 1926
DrumgooleDoris born about 1915
DrumgooleEdward born about 1939
DrumgooleJames born about 1912
DrumgooleMina born about 1882
DrummHattie born about 1863
DrummPauline Dborn about 1883
DrummWright Bborn about 1883
DumphyJames Fborn about 1881
DumphyMary born about 1885
DunavinElmo born about 1913
DunavinHelen Vborn about 1912
DunhamAlfred born about 1933
DunhamFranklin born about 1903
DunhamHazel born about 1904
DunneMargaret born about 1864
DurrantOlive Mborn about 1913
DutcherDaisy born about 1872
DutcherDavid born about 1911
DutcherEdith born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EberleGustav born about 1871
EberleJulia born about 1872
EchstodtAugust born about 1876
EchstodtKatherine born about 1875
EddyTruman born about 1888
EisemannHenry Aborn about 1878
EisemannLouise born about 1881
EkiertJosephine born about 1892
EkiertWilliam born about 1892
EldridgeClayton born about 1927
EldridgeEffie Bborn about 1906
EldridgeFordyce Wborn about 1895
EldridgeKenneth born about 1924
ElliotIrene born about 1911
ElliotJames born about 1938
ElliotLawrence born about 1933
ElliotWilliam Rborn about 1907
EllisDorothy born about 1916
EllisFranklin Jborn about 1916
EmpeyMildred born about 1913
EngleAlma born about 1879
EstabrookAnne Rborn about 1897
EstabrookArthur born about 1886
EvansElmer born about 1902
EvansHelen born about 1911
EvansJane born about 1905
EvansKatherine born about 1930
EvansMary born about 1915
EvansRichard born about 1932
EverettDoris Hborn about 1923
EverettEdna born about 1880
EverettFrances Cborn about 1918
EverettHazel Hborn about 1886
EverettHilton Hborn about 1921
EverettJackie born about 1938
EverettJohn born about 1898
EverettJohn Hborn about 1882
EverettJohn Mborn about 1878
EverettMargaret born about 1870
EverettMerrill Tborn about 1925
EverettWilliam Tborn about 1862
EveryAnna Mborn about 1898
EveryCharles born about 1894
EveryCharles Jr born about 1926
EveryKenmeth born about 1917
EveryMary born about 1918
EveryRay Cborn about 1923
EveryRobert born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FalknerBenjamin born about 1940
FalknerDorothy Mborn about 1906
FalknerEugene born about 1897
FalknerEva born about 1905
FalknerFrances born about 1924
FalknerFredia born about 1936
FalknerIda born about 1879
FalknerJohn born about 1938
FalknerMary born about 1935
FalknerRalph born about 1923
FannabyHerman born about 1877
FarduliCaroline born about 1928
FarduliJohn born about 1891
FarduliJohn born about 1920
FarduliMary born about 1918
FarrellGeorge born about 1928
FarrellMichael born about 1901
FarringtonGeorge Bkeborn about 1922
FarringtonLewis Mborn about 1878
FarringtonMyrtle Bborn about 1879
FaulknerBeverly Annborn about 1937
FaulknerConstance Mborn about 1934
FaulknerDonald Rborn about 1939
FaulknerE Lawrenceborn about 1935
FaulknerLois Jborn about 1927
FaulknerLorenzo born about 1907
FaulknerMurtle Rborn about 1909
FaulknerPhyllis Gborn about 1933
FaulknerRobert Lborn about 1931
FaxonBettyann born about 1938
FaxonHanah born about 1913
FaxonRobert born about 1936
FaxonTheodore born about 1913
FeltenHarriet Lborn about 1872
FentonJames Sborn about 1880
FergusonEarl born about 1871
FergusonMary born about 1861
FergusonMay Iborn about 1882
FinchCaroline born about 1887
FinchCharles born about 1888
FinchEmily Wborn about 1863
FinchGeorgiana born about 1866
FinchStephen Wborn about 1903
FinkleAlbert born about 1870
FinkleGertrude born about 1870
FinkleHazel Mborn about 1895
FinkleRalph Hborn about 1899
FischerCarl Eborn about 1868
FischerMargaret born about 1878
FishDorothy born about 1904
FishI Addisonborn about 1903
FisherAlphonso Bborn about 1881
FisherLena Nborn about 1882
FitzegeraldWilliam born about 1875
FleischerEllen born about 1929
FleischerHerbert Eborn about 1922
FloodDonald born about 1919
FloodGeorge Hborn about 1910
FloodGeorge H Jrborn about 1938
FloodHarrietta born about 1891
FloodMary Nborn about 1914
FloodPatrick born about 1880
FloodPatrick Jr born about 1923
FlueellingRose born about 1905
FordAlbert Nborn about 1868
FordAnna born about 1873
FordBurtt born about 1868
FordEdna born about 1896
FordMary Cborn about 1897
FordMay Hborn about 1869
FordThomas born about 1870
ForsterJennie born about 1867
FosterBlanche born about 1883
FoxAnnie born about 1864
FoxSimon born about 1863
FrancesDoris born about 1911
FrancesOwen born about 1908
FrancisBessie born about 1875
FrancisNorman born about 1898
FreehamElla Lborn about 1872
FreidelClara born about 1908
FreidelFred born about 1898
FreidelGladys born about 1920
FreidelGrant born about 1867
FreidelJean born about 1921
FreidelRuth born about 1929
FreringSophie born about 1882
FreringWilliam born about 1905
FrisbeeAnna Lborn about 1868
FrisbeeFrank Fborn about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GardnerEdward born about 1894
GardnerHattie born about 1866
GardnerMary born about 1907
GarnerFrank born about 1861
GarrettAgness born about 1875
GarretyMargaret Mborn about 1875
GarriguesAdeline Bborn about 1875
GarriguesWalter Lborn about 1876
GarrisonFlorence born about 1907
GarrisonWilliam Hborn about 1900
GarveyMyrtle born about 1901
GathenAudrey born about 1934
GathenBeatrice born about 1929
GathenCharles Lborn about 1906
GathenMarion born about 1905
GathenVirginia born about 1931
GaultAlvah born about 1936
GaultCalvin born about 1933
GaultClaris born about 1930
GaultHarvey born about 1890
GaultMinna born about 1903
GaultThurston born about 1938
GaultWendall born about 1925
GaylordAlden born about 1918
GaylordFrank born about 1888
GaylordGloria born about 1931
GaylordOlga born about 1888
GearingL Perryborn about 1934
GearingLeon born about 1901
GearingLeta born about 1908
GearingRonald born about 1938
GearingStella born about 1869
GeeCaroline born about 1883
GeeThomas born about 1881
GeeWillard born about 1910
GenslerJessie born about 1886
GenslerRobert born about 1927
GiffordMary Hborn about 1875
GilletteFrank born about 1878
GilliardFrank born about 1874
GilliardSamuel born about 1868
GillisEleanor born about 1917
GlynnDennis born about 1878
GlynnDennis E Jrborn about 1924
GlynnJane born about 1898
GlynnLouise born about 1921
GlynnMarion born about 1929
GodeyWilliam born about 1930
GoldenCharles born about 1920
GoldenEdna born about 1927
GoldenEdward Wborn about 1923
GoldenElmer Jborn about 1893
GoldenHarold born about 1899
GoldenHarold born about 1923
GoldenMabel Jborn about 1893
GoldenOlive born about 1897
GoldsteinRachel born about 1883
GoldsteinSamuel born about 1872
GoodrichAnna Eborn about 1878
GoodrichCalvin Hborn about 1927
GoodrichDelmer born about 1912
GoodrichDelmer Jr born about 1936
GoodrichDexter Aborn about 1921
GoodrichE Royborn about 1896
GoodrichElaine born about 1935
GoodrichFred Lborn about 1880
GoodrichGeorgiana born about 1888
GoodrichGertrude born about 1920
GoodrichGordon Eborn about 1888
GoodrichHelen born about 1925
GoodrichHerbert Lborn about 1939
GoodrichIvana Lborn about 1923
GoodrichLester Cborn about 1883
GoodrichLillian born about 1915
GoodrichLloyd Kborn about 1925
GoodrichMadida Bborn about 1911
GoodrichRoger born about 1936
GoodrichRuth born about 1898
GoodrichRuth born about 1930
GooldEllen Fborn about 1863
GordonBetty Mborn about 1933
GordonGertrude Sborn about 1926
GordonLaura Mborn about 1900
GordonLeon born about 1895
GordonLouise Fborn about 1901
GordonRodney Vborn about 1893
GordonVirginia Aborn about 1930
GormanBlanche born about 1897
GormanDoris born about 1926
GormanGeorge born about 1895
GormanHelen born about 1910
GouldAlan born about 1932
GouldArlene born about 1908
GouldBetsy born about 1939
GouldGordon born about 1907
GrantBurton Aborn about 1860
GrantWalter born about 1898
GrawHenry born about 1868
GrawJesse born about 1904
GreenAnna Mborn about 1906
GreenBettey born about 1922
GreenCalvin born about 1923
GreenDaniel born about 1927
GreenFlora born about 1899
GreenFlora born about 1925
GreenThomas Cborn about 1901
GreeneClifford born about 1885
GreeneGrace Eborn about 1886
GreggHoward Eborn about 1906
GreggMargaret Jborn about 1872
GreggOliver Sborn about 1862
GriffenFrances born about 1892
GrimesEva born about 1892
GrimesF Marieborn about 1917
GrimesGuy W Lborn about 1923
GrimesHannah Jborn about 1924
GrimesJohn Rborn about 1892
GrimesKatherine born about 1927
GrimesLois Aborn about 1933
GrimesRichard Aborn about 1928
GriswaldGrafton born about 1896
GriswaldGrafton Jr born about 1934
GriswaldMarie born about 1926
GriswaldMary born about 1903
GriswaldVirginia born about 1927
GriswoldDe Foraceborn about 1869
GriswoldLeland born about 1901
GriswoldLeone born about 1870
GrofieldBlanche Mborn about 1900
GrofieldMabel born about 1882
GrofieldRobert Vborn about 1920
GrofieldVincent born about 1877
GrovesClarence born about 1881
GrovesCora Eborn about 1890
GrovesHarold Gborn about 1913
GrovesHoward Wborn about 1916
GrovesJohn Cborn about 1906
GrovesMary Aborn about 1866
GundrumEdward born about 1876
GundrumElizabeth born about 1874
GuptillGrace Bborn about 1882
GuptillWalter Aborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HachAmelia born about 1878
HackerChristian Wborn about 1907
HackerRuth Cborn about 1909
HageboomJoel Pborn about 1887
HagenElinor Mborn about 1929
HagenHoward Aborn about 1909
HagenLois Aborn about 1934
HagenMildred Jborn about 1911
HagenRichard Eborn about 1931
HaireMabel born about 1877
HallCarol born about 1927
HallEdwin Jborn about 1913
HallEthel born about 1892
HallFlorence born about 1894
HallFlorence born about 1933
HallGrace born about 1884
HallHarold born about 1901
HallJames Dborn about 1881
HallJune born about 1920
HallLeonard born about 1896
HallLillian born about 1901
HallWalter born about 1903
Hallenbeck born about 1880
HallenbeckCora ?born about 1873
HallenbeckGrant Eborn about 1871
HallenbeckMary Jborn about 1861
HallidayEdna Hborn about 1865
HalsteadAlbrecht Kborn about 1931
HalsteadAlbrecht Oborn about 1910
HalsteadAllen Bborn about 1935
HalsteadBeatrice born about 1914
HalsteadBeatrice Mborn about 1932
HamiltonAdeliede Lborn about 1938
HamiltonAnna Lborn about 1915
HamiltonDoris born about 1922
HamiltonElizabeth Lborn about 1878
HamiltonEstelle born about 1891
HamiltonFrank Rborn about 1937
HamiltonIda born about 1879
HamiltonJames Jborn about 1878
HamiltonJoyce Annborn about 1939
HamiltonRussell born about 1912
HamiltonWilliam born about 1888
HammRobert born about 1864
HandNelson born about 1863
HanerSanford Cborn about 1858
HansmanJoan born about 1926
HansmanRalph born about 1924
HansmanWilliam born about 1922
HansonAnna born about 1873
HansonDonald born about 1934
HansonFrancis born about 1938
HansonGerard born about 1910
HansonGrace born about 1905
HansonHilda born about 1912
HansonJimmy born about 1935
HansonJohn born about 1929
HansonJohn Jborn about 1904
HansonJoseph born about 1900
HansonJoseph born about 1926
HansonMadeline born about 1933
HansonMargaret born about 1939
HansonMary born about 1925
HansonMicheal Aborn about 1914
HansonMicheal Jborn about 1869
HansonPalma born about 1917
HansonThomas born about 1909
HansonThomas born about 1930
HanyonLea born about 1886
HarderCharles Eborn about 1890
HarderClarence Kborn about 1916
HarderEdna Kborn about 1876
HarderHelen Sborn about 1918
HarderJoan Cborn about 1922
HarderJohn Wborn about 1926
HarderNancy Lborn about 1940
HarderRuby Bborn about 1890
HardingJames born about 1918
HardingMable born about 1892
HardingMary Eborn about 1920
HardingWillard Gborn about 1890
HarmonGrace born about 1882
HarmonIra born about 1872
HarrisAlbert born about 1880
HarrisAlbert born about 1880
HarrisFrancis born about 1901
HarrisFrancis E Jrborn about 1921
HarrisIdella born about 1901
HarrisNellie born about 1886
HarrisNellie born about 1886
HartEdmund Eborn about 1876
HartFanny born about 1879
HartiganJohn born about 1881
HartiganKatherine born about 1891
HartiganPatricia born about 1928
HartiganVirginia born about 1891
HartiganVirginia born about 1925
HartiganWilliam born about 1888
HarveyAugusta born about 1862
HauerGordon Jborn about 1937
HauerKatherine Tborn about 1902
HauerLeland Gborn about 1895
HauerRichard Lborn about 1929
HauerRonald Sborn about 1934
HaverlickHenry born about 1919
HaverlickJohn born about 1925
HaverlickSadie born about 1897
HaverlickWilliam born about 1892
HawarthCharles Wborn about 1890
HawarthEthel Bborn about 1887
HawarthRobert born about 1922
HawdMarguerite born about 1918
HawlandEstella born about 1866
HawlandFrank born about 1859
HawleyCatherine Bborn about 1882
HayesBarbara Aborn about 1936
HayesGeorge Hborn about 1932
HayesKatherine born about 1890
HayesLeslie Hborn about 1910
HayesLeslie H Jrborn about 1940
HayesLottie Dborn about 1912
HayesRobert Lborn about 1933
HayesShirley Jborn about 1937
HaywoodAllen Dborn about 1906
HaywoodLillian Wborn about 1908
HazenCarl born about 1905
HazenLuella born about 1877
HazenMarcellus born about 1924
HazenRaymond Aborn about 1899
HazenWilliam born about 1874
HeckrothBarbara Lborn about 1938
HeckrothJanean born about 1935
HeckrothJohn born about 1908
HeckrothMarion born about 1906
HeinzerNellie born about 1873
HeistWilliam born about 1923
HellerCharlotte Eborn about 1887
HellerF Paulborn about 1939
HellerFrederick Pborn about 1912
HellerKathleen Eborn about 1912
HellerM Gailborn about 1935
HellerTheodore Lborn about 1884
HendersonIda born about 1886
HendersonRobert born about 1884
HenryAlameda born about 1930
HenryCatherine born about 1935
HenryCharles born about 1898
HenryJames born about 1934
HenryJohn born about 1929
HenryRuth born about 1901
HenryTeresa born about 1928
HeodGeorge born about 1896
HerbertJohn born about 1912
HerbertLouis born about 1933
HerbertVirginia born about 1913
HessElsie Bborn about 1885
HessH Slennborn about 1892
HessHarold Gborn about 1892
HicksAlice born about 1875
HicksRaymond born about 1927
HigginsCharlotte Aborn about 1880
HigginsFred Hborn about 1881
HigginsHelen Cborn about 1880
HillAlice born about 1915
HillDonald born about 1910
HillGeorge born about 1875
HillJennie born about 1887
HiltonEmmit Bborn about 1879
HiltonMary born about 1918
HiltonWilliam Lborn about 1915
HoagAnna Rborn about 1897
HoagEdward Wborn about 1859
HoagFayette Eborn about 1903
HoagHarriet born about 1875
HodgeClifford born about 1907
HodgeFlorence born about 1906
HoffmanBarbara born about 1926
HoffmanDorothy born about 1902
HoffmanDorothy born about 1921
HoffmanEdward born about 1895
HoffmanFrederick Jborn about 1886
HoffmanFrederick Jr born about 1923
HoffmanGeorge born about 1895
HoffmanHenry born about 1907
HoffmanMary Kborn about 1869
HoffmanMyrtle born about 1902
HoffmanRose born about 1896
HoffmanStewart born about 1891
HogeboonClara born about 1892
HogleHerbert Mborn about 1875
HogleRaymond Hborn about 1905
HogleRaymond H Jrborn about 1937
HogleRuth Lborn about 1903
HoleHazel born about 1896
HollandEdna born about 1912
HollandFrancis born about 1909
HoltCarol born about 1940
HoltJohn Lborn about 1866
HoltMary Eborn about 1877
HoltVirginia born about 1920
HoltWalter born about 1910
HonickerFrank born about 1888
HonickerGertrude born about 1919
HonickerOlive born about 1898
HookEmma Aborn about 1909
HookEugene Dborn about 1899
HookLouise Eborn about 1928
HookMargaret Eborn about 1926
HookWillis Eborn about 1925
HorchheimerAlice Eborn about 1907
HorchheimerAuril Eborn about 1935
HorchheimerChris born about 1905
HorchheimerVirginia Aborn about 1932
HornEdward Jborn about 1940
HornGail Mborn about 1938
HornJohn Mborn about 1912
HornMarjoire Hborn about 1911
HotalingMae Jborn about 1884
HotalingSilas born about 1884
HotchkissAnna born about 1851
HoughtalingAnna Gborn about 1869
HoughtalingFred born about 1873
HoughtalingHarry Oborn about 1899
HoughtalingJeanne Mborn about 1928
HoughtalingSylvia born about 1898
HoverEulalia born about 1902
HoverMichael born about 1900
HowardAdeline Mborn about 1929
HowardAnn born about 1936
HowardArthur Cborn about 1901
HowardBlanche Cborn about 1880
HowardCarrie Aborn about 1900
HowardCarrie Jborn about 1869
HowardCharles born about 1860
HowardChilon Eborn about 1876
HowardDorothy Cborn about 1927
HowardEdward born about 1870
HowardEdward Cborn about 1883
HowardEtta born about 1869
HowardKatie Fborn about 1876
HowardMurtle born about 1913
HowardShirley born about 1935
HowardWesley born about 1911
HowardWilliam Cborn about 1866
HowesEster born about 1872
HowesNellie born about 1910
HowesWilliam born about 1869
HreczkosyAnna born about 1895
HreczkosyJohn born about 1890
HubbardAlice born about 1873
HuckingAlice born about 1919
HuckingLena born about 1890
HughesBarbara born about 1933
HughesClaire born about 1920
HughesEllen born about 1895
HughesEnnett born about 1926
HughesEthle Aborn about 1925
HughesGertrude born about 1887
HughesHelen Bborn about 1923
HughesJames born about 1892
HughesJames Jborn about 1879
HughesJames Lborn about 1921
HughesJohn born about 1914
HughesMartin born about 1915
HughesMary born about 1918
HughesWilfred born about 1919
HughesWilliam born about 1883
HulvertElizabeth born about 1884
HumestonEdith born about 1914
HumestonPerry born about 1901
HunterGrace born about 1912
HunterJames born about 1938
HunterRussell Jborn about 1903
HurlbutCharles born about 1872
HurlbutLouise Mccolonborn about 1875
HurleyCecil Nborn about 1901
HurleyEdith born about 1907
HurleyJohn born about 1935
HurleyJoyce born about 1930
HurtAbraham born about 1862
HurtAlice born about 1854
HutchisonAubrey born about 1928
HutchisonLouise born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IshamFred born about 1872
IshamKatherine born about 1880

J Surnames

JacksonArchie born about 1916
JacksonDorothy born about 1912
JacksonNellie born about 1886
JacksonNelson born about 1910
JacksonRaymond born about 1924
JacksonRuth born about 1900
JacobiaArthur Cborn about 1922
JacobiaCharles born about 1891
JacobiaDorothy Eborn about 1925
JacobiaKenneth Hborn about 1915
JacobiaLeila born about 1895
JenkinsCharles born about 1882
JenkinsEdna born about 1913
JenkinsFlorence born about 1889
JenkinsHarry born about 1885
JenkinsHoratio born about 1907
JenkinsJoseph born about 1886
JenkinsMyra born about 1892
JenkinsTheodore born about 1891
JenksCatherine Hborn about 1906
JenksEdith Mborn about 1913
JenksJulia Hborn about 1875
JenksWalter Rborn about 1872
JohnsonAda Bborn about 1867
JohnsonAgnes born about 1921
JohnsonAlfred born about 1863
JohnsonAlice born about 1936
JohnsonAlice Bborn about 1875
JohnsonArchie born about 1907
JohnsonArthur born about 1883
JohnsonCharles born about 1885
JohnsonClarence Eborn about 1895
JohnsonDonald born about 1904
JohnsonEdward Cborn about 1874
JohnsonElizabeth Kborn about 1875
JohnsonEverett born about 1936
JohnsonHugh Eborn about 1936
JohnsonIngbord born about 1879
JohnsonJennie Mborn about 1881
JohnsonLuther born about 1922
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1868
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1930
JohnsonMary Mborn about 1905
JohnsonMinie Lborn about 1866
JohnsonRalph born about 1932
JohnsonRaymond born about 1939
JohnsonViolet born about 1909
JonesBessie Lborn about 1872
JorayPeter born about 1896
JulieanoMarion born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaplanBertha born about 1901
KaplanCharles born about 1899
KaplanIrving born about 1927
KaplanMarion born about 1932
KaplanSamuel born about 1925
KastnerRonald born about 1935
KastnerWilliam born about 1936
KeefeCelia born about 1862
KeefeMary born about 1864
KeefeMary Lborn about 1872
KeleherJoseph Sborn about 1897
KelleherDonald Sborn about 1926
KelleherFrances Eborn about 1898
KelleyE Francesborn about 1902
KellsHarry Nborn about 1897
KellyHarrett Jborn about 1884
KellyJohn born about 1880
KellyMarion Rborn about 1925
KemperFlorence Nborn about 1886
KemperRobert Mborn about 1871
KemperRuth born about 1882
KempfGerard born about 1915
KempfRita born about 1916
KendrickHarold born about 1906
KendrickMargary born about 1908
KendrickShirley born about 1929
KennyArnold born about 1911
KennyEdward Kborn about 1884
KennyElsa Sborn about 1887
KennyIsabelle born about 1911
KennyLawrence born about 1933
KennyMichael born about 1876
KernArthur born about 1929
KernEdith born about 1907
KernEzra Gborn about 1898
KernRichard born about 1931
KerriganKatherine born about 1861
KettleCharles born about 1902
KettleChester born about 1899
KettleDonald born about 1930
KettleDoris born about 1939
KettleEleanor born about 1926
KettleEmma born about 1867
KettleHarriett born about 1906
KettleKathleen born about 1922
KettleMarjory born about 1928
KettleNellie born about 1880
KettleWilliam born about 1874
KettleWilliam born about 1881
KilleenJulia born about 1870
KingEden Wborn about 1878
KingEdward born about 1881
KingPauline born about 1896
KingSevilla born about 1881
KinneyMae Wborn about 1881
KinneyOscar Fborn about 1873
KinyonElliot born about 1874
KinyonRuth born about 1876
KippElmer born about 1866
KippMary born about 1912
KirbyAbraham 1St born about 1902
KirbyDoris born about 1902
KirbyDouglas born about 1939
KirbyJosephine born about 1914
KirbyLewis born about 1912
KirbyLillian Hborn about 1888
KirbyMarjorie born about 1912
KirbyMary born about 1938
KirbyPerry born about 1882
KirbyRichard born about 1930
KirbyRoger born about 1938
KirbyWalter born about 1906
KirklandElvira born about 1900
KirklandMary born about 1868
KleiserLusie born about 1885
KnightAlice born about 1924
KnightCaroline born about 1925
KnightHallett born about 1898
KnightHelen born about 1900
KnightRichard Hborn about 1934
KobesleinFrances born about 1899
KobesleinHans Gborn about 1886
KochJohn born about 1872
KochJoseph born about 1905
KochMinnie born about 1867
KoenigGertrude born about 1888
KoenigHenry born about 1884
KollerElizabeth born about 1896
KollerJoseph born about 1897
KollerMadelin born about 1926
KollerRosie born about 1923
KotwasJohn born about 1916
KraftArthur born about 1933
KraftCarolyn born about 1928
KraftDorothy born about 1907
KraftDorothy born about 1934
KraftFloyd born about 1930
KraftGeorge born about 1939
KraftJohn born about 1939
KraftOscar born about 1904
KraftOscar Jr born about 1925
KranteMarnon born about 1887
KrapiJoseph born about 1898
KrickMary Jborn about 1877
KrickNettie born about 1876
KrickWilliam born about 1873
KuhmistAnna born about 1917
KuhmistCaroline born about 1874
KuhmistJoseph born about 1915
KuhmistMichael born about 1878
KuhmistMinnie born about 1913
KurtznackerChristopher born about 1867
KurtznackerEva born about 1868
KurtznackerIrene Mborn about 1927
KurtznackerLillian born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LagrangeGrant Wborn about 1873
LagrangeLuella Pborn about 1878
LakeAlexander born about 1873
LakeClarence born about 1904
LakeFlorence born about 1880
LakeFrances born about 1913
LakeShirley born about 1931
LamoreeDaniel born about 1880
LamoreeLucy Bborn about 1881
LampmanCharles born about 1870
LampmanElla Sborn about 1866
LantDorothy born about 1929
LantMabel born about 1886
LantRay Rborn about 1884
LapeHenry born about 1874
LaplacaFrank born about 1892
LaplacaJoseph born about 1915
LarrawayCharles born about 1938
LarrawayClifford born about 1934
LarrawayDorothy born about 1940
LarrawayHazel born about 1912
LarrawayJohn born about 1931
LarrawayMary Aborn about 1935
LarrawayRag born about 1902
LarrawayRichard born about 1932
LarrawayRobert born about 1937
LashwayCharles born about 1917
LashwayFrances born about 1919
LashwayFrederick Eborn about 1886
LashwayHarold Fborn about 1920
LashwayMargaret born about 1884
LashwayRobert Cborn about 1939
LebanEdward born about 1881
LeeDonald born about 1922
LeeDorothy born about 1922
LeeEdward born about 1913
LeeElfleda born about 1880
LeeGrace born about 1920
LeeHazel born about 1919
LeeJanet born about 1937
LeeJohn born about 1914
LeffertCasiebell born about 1873
LeffingwellOliver born about 1918
LehmanMargaret born about 1885
LehmanOtto born about 1883
LeinbohmAugust Gborn about 1905
LeinbohmLillian Kborn about 1910
LeonardCharles born about 1885
LeonardCharles born about 1919
LeonardJames Jr born about 1914
LeonardLouise born about 1885
LeovenworthJannie born about 1873
LeovenworthNelson born about 1885
LevenworthClarence born about 1903
LevenworthLe Royborn about 1926
LevenworthMaude born about 1903
LevenworthRaymond born about 1931
LewisAlberta born about 1918
LewisEvelyn born about 1921
LewisMargretta born about 1880
LewisMinnie born about 1875
LewisStephen Cborn about 1878
LewisWilliam Jborn about 1876
LibbyDouglas born about 1912
LibbyFlora born about 1887
LibbyFrancis born about 1926
LibbyGeorge born about 1930
LibbyJoseph born about 1881
LibbyJoseph Jr born about 1908
LillimanIrene born about 1869
LindeyFrank born about 1903
LinkAnna born about 1897
LinnGeorge born about 1872
LobdellAudrey born about 1939
LobdellEarl born about 1916
LobdellGrace born about 1880
LobdellLouis born about 1878
LobdellMarion born about 1908
LobdellRichard born about 1925
LobdellRonald born about 1933
LobdellRussell born about 1909
LobdellWesley born about 1931
LohmannC Nelsonborn about 1884
LohmannNellie Mborn about 1903
LohrmannHelen Eborn about 1927
LombackEvelyn born about 1910
LongfrancesAlbert born about 1872
LonkeCharles born about 1867
LonkeEmogene born about 1872
LonkeRobert born about 1904
LoomsCharles Eborn about 1935
LoomsDavid born about 1905
LoomsDavid born about 1939
LoomsDelbert born about 1912
LoomsEdwin born about 1889
LoomsEdwin born about 1889
LoomsElla born about 1912
LoomsElsie born about 1908
LoomsGeorge born about 1908
LoomsGrace born about 1938
LoomsJanet born about 1933
LoomsJeanette born about 1908
LoomsKatherine born about 1890
LoomsKatherine born about 1890
LoomsRuth born about 1930
LoomsS Nilesborn about 1852
LoomsS Nilesborn about 1852
LoseffBessie born about 1886
LoseffFrederick born about 1888
LoutHenry born about 1905
LovefaceElizabeth born about 1870
LovefaceRichard born about 1871
LovelaAlbert born about 1876
LovelaSarah born about 1885
LuceaFrank Sborn about 1881
LuceaLina Sborn about 1891
LundisClara born about 1903
LundisGeorge born about 1901
LundisGeorge Jr born about 1930
LundisMartha Sborn about 1939
LundisRichard born about 1932
LuneGeore Aborn about 1876
LuneMary born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldCharles born about 1926
MacdonaldLenore born about 1874
MacdonaldOscar Jborn about 1874
MackenzieLillian Mborn about 1914
MackenzieWilliam Lborn about 1906
MadsenAnna born about 1866
MadsenMargaret born about 1893
MadsenMildred born about 1923
MadsenPeter born about 1867
MadsenWalter born about 1894
MadsenWalter born about 1925
MaguireKatherine born about 1877
MahoneyMary born about 1880
MalloryHarriett born about 1880
MalloryHorace born about 1877
MalloryMary Rborn about 1878
MalloryNora born about 1852
MalloryNora Hborn about 1877
MalloryPhebe born about 1851
MalmbergJoan born about 1933
MalmbergJohn born about 1928
MalmbergLeon born about 1939
MalmbergLyla born about 1904
MalmbergWallace born about 1899
MaloneDorothy born about 1905
MaloneHarold born about 1904
MaloneHugh born about 1877
MalonePatrick born about 1936
MansfieldJean born about 1934
MarigliaFrancis born about 1925
MarigliaJanet born about 1931
MariglioJohn born about 1901
MarkleDaniel born about 1862
MarsdenHoward born about 1880
MarshallGeorge born about 1865
MarshallMary Eborn about 1863
MarshallMaybele born about 1875
MarsyFrances born about 1916
MarsyLee born about 1939
MarsyRandall born about 1909
MasonCaroline born about 1892
MasonMargery born about 1913
MasonRichard born about 1888
MatherEmma born about 1873
MatherErnest Lborn about 1880
MatherGrove born about 1909
MathusaHarold Jborn about 1893
MathusaRuth born about 1892
MaximFrank Cborn about 1878
MaximFrank C Jrborn about 1913
MaximMyrtle Aborn about 1881
MayhoodElizabeth born about 1865
MayhoodElla born about 1892
MayhoodEvelyn born about 1925
MayhoodFrank born about 1895
MayhoodLilian born about 1922
MayhoodMarie born about 1931
MayhoodSadie born about 1896
MayhoodSamuel born about 1854
MayhoodWilliam born about 1891
MayhoodWilliam Jborn about 1912
MccaggCarlton born about 1912
MccaggElizabeth born about 1882
MccaggHarvey born about 1914
MccaggJess Eborn about 1881
MccaggMarjoire born about 1927
McclevyJohanna born about 1933
MccullochBrenda born about 1940
MccullochDavid born about 1908
MccullochDavid Rborn about 1937
MccullochMarion born about 1916
McevoyEdward born about 1886
McevoyWilliam born about 1883
McgilvryAnna born about 1897
McgilvryHelen born about 1928
McintyreCharles Bborn about 1923
McintyreDonald Jborn about 1927
McintyreEdwin Jborn about 1925
McintyreElecta Fborn about 1921
McintyreMary Eborn about 1891
MckayAdella born about 1924
MckayJames born about 1927
MckayMary born about 1907
MckinnisAnna born about 1909
MclaughlinDorothy born about 1929
MclaughlinFrank Jborn about 1890
MclaughlinRuth born about 1909
McloughlinHelen born about 1891
McloughlinJoseph born about 1889
McloughlinJoseph Jr born about 1931
McmahonMartin born about 1860
McmannLeola born about 1889
McuherTimothy born about 1898
MeadHenry Cborn about 1895
MeadHenry Dborn about 1918
MeierKenneth Lborn about 1909
MejeskiChester born about 1905
MembertHenry born about 1856
MembertM Sophieborn about 1874
MenegioCarmella born about 1921
MenegioDemmonde born about 1915
MenegioJohn born about 1906
MenegioMamie born about 1912
MenegioMariano born about 1873
MenegioMario born about 1933
MenegioNancy born about 1880
MenegioNancy born about 1935
MercerJulia born about 1860
MerwinBelle Mborn about 1881
MerwinCharles Eborn about 1878
MerwinGreta born about 1934
MerwinLouise born about 1907
MerwinPaul born about 1906
MesickBertha born about 1888
MesickCharles Dborn about 1916
MesickMaude Dborn about 1891
MesickPaul Mborn about 1890
MessingerElizabeth born about 1889
MetzGeorge Cborn about 1896
MetzMarie born about 1896
MichaelsonAlexander born about 1902
MichaelsonCarol born about 1936
MichaelsonCharles born about 1905
MichaelsonCharles born about 1932
MichaelsonCharles born about 1932
MichaelsonFrances born about 1901
MichaelsonFrances born about 1907
MichaelsonSue Carolborn about 1937
MickleMary Dborn about 1907
MickleMary Lborn about 1867
MiddlebrookCatherine born about 1868
MiddlebrookFrank born about 1865
MilhamAnna born about 1867
MillerAttie Pborn about 1891
MillerBertha Mborn about 1918
MillerCarrie Lborn about 1860
MillerCharlotte born about 1874
MillerElla Jborn about 1873
MillerGenevieve born about 1937
MillerHarry Wborn about 1866
MillerJames born about 1910
MillerJames born about 1918
MillerJessie born about 1888
MillerJohanna born about 1886
MillerLaverne born about 1886
MillerPearl born about 1882
MillerSheridan born about 1871
MillerViolet born about 1911
MillerWashburn born about 1912
MiniseeClaude born about 1894
MiniseeJulia born about 1899
MinneciCarmella born about 1891
MinneciCharles born about 1921
MinneciFrank born about 1891
MinneciJoseph born about 1930
MinneciLena born about 1916
MinneciRosie born about 1923
MinneciSalvatore born about 1928
ModleskiAnna born about 1931
ModleskiFrank born about 1904
ModleskiMary born about 1891
ModleskiPaul born about 1934
ModleskiRita born about 1933
MonettFred born about 1871
MontrossAlice born about 1934
MontrossClarence born about 1901
MontrossClarence Jr born about 1924
MontrossDorothy born about 1906
MontrossElizabeth born about 1928
MontrossMildred born about 1929
MooneyDaniel born about 1881
MooreJohn born about 1930
MooreJohn Tborn about 1881
MooreLouis born about 1908
MooreMargaret born about 1935
MooreMarjory born about 1913
MooreMildred born about 1910
MooreSarah born about 1910
MooreThomas born about 1932
MoreyCarrie Cborn about 1859
MorrisDorothy Aborn about 1894
MorrisRuth Mborn about 1899
MorriseyTimothy born about 1888
MorrisonBrenda born about 1940
MorrisonCarl Jborn about 1909
MorrisonEva born about 1884
MorrisonJoan born about 1939
MorrisonMabel born about 1907
MorrisonMaely born about 1926
MorrisonMary born about 1905
MorrisonSanford born about 1888
MortinoConstance born about 1936
MuhlfelderInge born about 1922
MuhlfelderMartha born about 1881
MuhlfelderWerner born about 1911
MuhlfelderWilliam born about 1876
MulreadyDelia born about 1895
MulreadyMichael born about 1888
MurgittorydElla born about 1879
MurrayAmelia born about 1892
MurrayMary Hborn about 1898
MyersCharles born about 1871
MyersFred Dborn about 1873
MylesFrank born about 1925
MylesJohn born about 1895
MylesLillian born about 1924
MylesVinez born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeumannAugusta born about 1875
NeumannErnstine born about 1859
NicholsAlice born about 1929
NicholsAlice Sborn about 1902
NicholsDonald born about 1937
NicholsDorothy born about 1925
NicholsEdward born about 1879
NicholsGladys born about 1905
NicholsJennie Lborn about 1861
NicholsMay born about 1879
NicholsRobert born about 1904
NicholsRobert born about 1935
NicholsWilliam Cborn about 1902
NicholsWilliam Uborn about 1859
NixonDavid Gborn about 1918
NixonJoseph Hborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakleyJohn born about 1934
OconnellAnn born about 1906
OconnellDonald born about 1924
OconnellElieen born about 1929
OconnellMary born about 1896
OconnellMaureen born about 1935
OconnellMaurice born about 1902
OconnellSheild born about 1937
OconnellThomas born about 1895
OconnorCatherine born about 1855
OdellCharlotte born about 1934
OdellDaniel born about 1935
OdellDora Janeborn about 1884
OdellEdith Mborn about 1913
OdellEdward born about 1936
OdellEleanor Bborn about 1911
OdellElizabeth born about 1931
OdellEnos born about 1895
OdellEnos Jr born about 1921
OdellFlorabell Eborn about 1934
OdellFrank born about 1939
OdellGeneive Aborn about 1936
OdellHenry born about 1940
OdellHenry born about 1940
OdellJohn born about 1926
OdellLester born about 1932
OdellLouis born about 1903
OdellLouis Jr born about 1928
OdellMary Hborn about 1938
OdellPaul born about 1910
OdellPaul Jr born about 1931
OdellThomas born about 1930
OdellTunis born about 1917
OdellTunis Le Royborn about 1910
OdellTunis Le Roy Jrborn about 1930
OgdenAnnice born about 1858
OgdenErnest born about 1857
OkrinskyAnna born about 1882
OkrinskyPaul born about 1930
OkrinskyPhillip born about 1884
OkrinskyStephen born about 1921
OkrinskyVera born about 1926
OlesBetty born about 1937
OlesCamilla born about 1921
OlesDaisy Eborn about 1885
OlesJoan born about 1935
OlesMerton Rborn about 1881
OlesMerton Jr born about 1939
OlesMerton Sr born about 1915
OlesOlga born about 1913
OlesRichard born about 1919
OlesRobert born about 1936
OlsonEvald born about 1891
OlsonVelma born about 1909
OrswellDonald born about 1935
OrswellDoris born about 1934
OrswellGeorge born about 1922
OrswellGrove born about 1884
OrswellHannah born about 1902
OrswellHarold born about 1926
OrswellRichard born about 1928
OrswellWillard born about 1900
OrthGeorge born about 1896
OrthGrace born about 1897
OstranderAnna Mborn about 1879
OstranderJames Hborn about 1867
OstrowskiEdward born about 1920
OstrowskiMary born about 1893
OstrowskiMary born about 1926
OstrowskiStanley born about 1918
OstrowskiThomas born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PacandaCaroline Sborn about 1921
PacandaCatherine Rborn about 1916
PacandaFrank born about 1883
PacandaRosa Aborn about 1888
PackardDorothy born about 1908
PackardEdward born about 1904
PageJohn Hborn about 1864
PageMarguerite Cborn about 1893
PalmerAgness born about 1917
PalmerAllie Hborn about 1857
PalmerElla born about 1892
PalmerFlora Aborn about 1890
PalmerFred Wborn about 1879
PalmerHugh born about 1910
PalmerIra Eborn about 1904
PalmerIra E Jrborn about 1937
PalmerIrene born about 1901
PalmerRose born about 1877
PalmerVerna born about 1911
PapanoFrederick born about 1894
PapanoLena born about 1890
Park born about 1869
ParmeleeIda born about 1869
PassetHelen born about 1906
PassetLillian born about 1933
PassetMargaret born about 1930
PassetWalter born about 1927
PatrickElizabeth born about 1876
PatrickRobert born about 1877
PatrieRose born about 1864
PattenHarry born about 1881
PattenLawrence born about 1928
PattenRose born about 1895
PeakeMabel born about 1895
PeaseChandler Fborn about 1912
PeaseMargarete Fborn about 1908
PeirceKatherine born about 1859
PendletonJohn born about 1877
PerkieEber born about 1886
PetryDorothy born about 1918
PetryFrank born about 1893
PetryKatherine born about 1920
PetryMarion born about 1896
PiersonAlvin born about 1921
PinceEleanor born about 1938
PinceEva born about 1915
PinceGeorge born about 1905
PinceRose born about 1939
PinkertonAndrew Jborn about 1911
PinkertonBarbara Aborn about 1928
PinkertonJay Wborn about 1919
PinkertonNellie Mborn about 1913
PinkertonWilliam Jborn about 1868
PitcherBeverly born about 1938
PitcherChester born about 1912
PitcherEvelyn born about 1919
PitcherSheirley born about 1936
PittsLevi born about 1877
PittsMary Aborn about 1858
PlossArmetta Mborn about 1884
PlossDonald born about 1909
PlossHerman Hborn about 1879
PlossMary born about 1910
PlossRobert born about 1922
PockardBertha born about 1870
PohndorfDorothy born about 1913
PohndorfMinnie born about 1880
PohoreskyLouise born about 1938
PohoreskyMatilda born about 1939
PohoreskyMildred born about 1910
PopansJennie born about 1871
PopansRachel born about 1863
PopeckAnna born about 1915
PotterFlorence Eborn about 1908
PotterMelville Rborn about 1886
PotterSue Aborn about 1887
PowellMary born about 1863
PrattAgnes born about 1876
PrattAnn born about 1865
PrattBlanche born about 1874
PrattEmma born about 1873
PrattEphraim born about 1879
PrattFlorence born about 1888
PrattFloyd born about 1931
PrattFrank born about 1869
PrattPhillip born about 1920
PrattRichard born about 1928
PrattWilliam born about 1867
PritchettMyrtle Iborn about 1893
PritchettRufus Hborn about 1892
PritchettRufus H Jrborn about 1922
PultzMary Aborn about 1875
PulverAllan Bborn about 1940
PulverBurtis born about 1900
PulverCarol born about 1939
PulverCaroline born about 1870
PulverChester born about 1885
PulverChester Fborn about 1931
PulverCyrus Hborn about 1884
PulverElsie Mayborn about 1939
PulverEva born about 1923
PulverFlorence born about 1881
PulverForest Gborn about 1891
PulverFrank Bborn about 1933
PulverFrank Wborn about 1874
PulverFred born about 1895
PulverGeorge Aborn about 1934
PulverMajorie born about 1909
PulverManetta Wborn about 1890
PulverMary Eborn about 1917
PulverRoger Cborn about 1935
PulverWebster born about 1916
PuzioConrad born about 1893
PuzioFrances born about 1890
PuzioHelene born about 1924
PuzioJohny born about 1916
PuzioStanley born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinionDonald born about 1938
QuinionDonald Jborn about 1916
QuinionIrma born about 1919
QuirinoAnthony born about 1924
QuirinoCatherine born about 1896
QuirinoPasquall born about 1893
QuirinoThomas born about 1917

R Surnames

RadleyCharles Eborn about 1891
RadleyCharles Fborn about 1922
RadleyDonald Rborn about 1921
RadleyMargaret Lborn about 1927
RadleyRobert Fborn about 1925
RamsdellEstelle born about 1890
RamsdellHarry Dborn about 1880
RansfordBarbara born about 1901
RansfordEarl born about 1900
RansfordEdmond born about 1874
RansfordHarriet born about 1906
RansfordHoward born about 1935
RansfordSarah Aborn about 1880
RansfordWilliam Cborn about 1934
RansfordWilliam Eborn about 1902
RappJohn born about 1867
RappJulia Nborn about 1873
RauchFrederick born about 1902
RauchMaria born about 1883
RedmondDorothy born about 1898
RedmondEileen born about 1920
RedmondNellie born about 1878
RedmondPatricia born about 1935
RedmondRose born about 1862
ReedHarry Wborn about 1885
ReehlEdna born about 1897
ReehlElaine born about 1926
ReehlGeorge born about 1897
ReehlGeorge Hborn about 1924
ReehlJean born about 1930
ReesE Louiseborn about 1883
ReinhartFred L Srborn about 1903
ReinhartFred Jr born about 1925
ReinhartMary born about 1903
ReinhartPamelia born about 1935
ReinhartThomas born about 1928
RendellEva Aborn about 1892
RendellJane Eborn about 1918
RendellRichard born about 1875
ReynoldsClarence born about 1878
ReynoldsMabel Cborn about 1885
RicePaul Jborn about 1905
RiceTracy Jborn about 1870
RichardsJames born about 1932
RichardsonPhoebe Aborn about 1882
RichardsonWilliam born about 1869
RidderAnna born about 1861
RidderLeonard born about 1889
RiderFrank born about 1868
RiderWeston born about 1864
RieffannachtEdith born about 1881
RieffannachtMary Gborn about 1861
RiegelRay born about 1904
RingCarrie Sborn about 1873
RingEdith Mborn about 1903
RingJames Fborn about 1937
RingJohn Eborn about 1873
RingJohn E 2Ndborn about 1902
RingJohn E 3Rdborn about 1927
RingJoyce Eborn about 1934
RingwoodCaroline born about 1870
RingwoodEllen born about 1910
RivenbergAlice Lborn about 1913
RivenbergJoyce Aborn about 1931
RivenbergOla Sborn about 1904
RivenbergSimeon Rborn about 1874
RivenbergSterling Rborn about 1906
RivenburghBessie born about 1891
RivenburghDoris born about 1923
RivenburghElla born about 1866
RivenburghFlorence born about 1901
RivenburghFlorence Jborn about 1922
RivenburghFred born about 1929
RivenburghFred Sr born about 1896
RivenburghRussell born about 1904
RobertsonIsabella Wborn about 1875
RockerfellerClara Rborn about 1878
RockerfellerLouis Kborn about 1876
RockhillLeon born about 1872
RockhillLeonard born about 1921
RockhillMildred born about 1922
RodrieguizFlorence born about 1881
RodrieguizThomas born about 1891
RoeDorothy born about 1925
RogersBertha born about 1918
RogersCornelius born about 1913
RogersMay Dborn about 1877
RogersOrson Jborn about 1879
RogowskiBertha born about 1856
RohrerAnna born about 1876
RohrerJohn born about 1871
RohrerMildred born about 1930
RolleConnie born about 1891
RolleGustav born about 1885
RoneyBertha born about 1902
RoneyCharlie born about 1894
RoneyChauncey born about 1864
RoneyGrace born about 1893
RoneyMinnie born about 1867
RoneyNorman born about 1896
RoofJohn born about 1910
RootAlice Lborn about 1895
RootFranklin Fborn about 1894
RootHarland born about 1926
RootHelen Eborn about 1919
RootJanette Aborn about 1923
RoseSusan born about 1925
RossCharles Eborn about 1907
RossDonald born about 1911
RossFlorence born about 1909
RossMildred Sborn about 1908
RoweEmma born about 1906
RoweLemuel born about 1897
RubioAmerica born about 1894
RubioCharles born about 1927
RubioHector born about 1921
RubioHenry Sr born about 1885
RubioRichard born about 1914
RubioWilliam born about 1933
RugglesCaroline born about 1922
RugglesCarroll born about 1939
RugglesEstella born about 1886
RugglesGeorge born about 1881
RugglesGeorge Jr born about 1919
RussellSarah Mborn about 1897
RussellWillis Wborn about 1897
RyanHelen Eborn about 1891
RyanJohn Aborn about 1888
RyanJohn A Jrborn about 1919
RyanLoretta born about 1904
RyanMargaret born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaklinskiEdward born about 1888
SalchowCarl born about 1877
SarechookCarl (Nicholson)born about 1916
SawyerAlice born about 1880
SawyerGenevieve born about 1920
SawyerNellie born about 1905
SchaafGertrude Lborn about 1884
SchaeferElla Mborn about 1866
SchenckAda Mborn about 1867
SchenckMorrison Cborn about 1866
SchermerhamAlice born about 1896
SchermerhamForrest born about 1891
SchermerhamGeorge born about 1914
SchermerhamJohn Hborn about 1878
SchermerhamKenneth born about 1922
SchermerhamLura born about 1887
SchermerhamRaymond born about 1919
SchermerhamWalter born about 1922
SchermerhornEarl Mborn about 1923
SchermerhornIra born about 1893
SchermerhornLyndon Iborn about 1925
SchermerhornMary Fborn about 1892
SchillingAnna born about 1878
SchlehuberEva Mborn about 1871
SchlehuberWilliam Gborn about 1876
SchlottererAgnes born about 1911
SchlottererAugust born about 1922
SchlottererClaire born about 1926
SchlottererHerman born about 1915
SchlottererRose born about 1892
SchoenheimerJohanna born about 1875
SchoenheimerPaul born about 1869
SchoenheimerWilliam Lborn about 1900
ScottAda Mborn about 1914
ScottAnna Eborn about 1871
ScottArthur born about 1876
ScottJames Fborn about 1891
ScottJoan Mborn about 1939
ScottMuriel Aborn about 1935
SeamanClaire born about 1890
SeamanFlorence born about 1902
SeamanGuy born about 1895
SeamanHarvey Pborn about 1899
SeamanJohn Rborn about 1926
SeamanKatherine born about 1929
SeamanMolley born about 1923
SeamanRobert born about 1922
SeamanRuth born about 1896
SeeleyCharles born about 1911
SeeleyDorothy born about 1919
SeeleyEmma born about 1917
SegilhamElla Gborn about 1884
SegilhamHarrison Fborn about 1885
SeymourCarrie born about 1857
SeymourCharles born about 1882
SeymourCharles born about 1882
SeymourEdward Wborn about 1911
SeymourEdward Wborn about 1911
SeymourFlorence born about 1885
SeymourFlorence born about 1885
SeymourHarold Hborn about 1918
SeymourHarold Hborn about 1918
SeymourHarvey Aborn about 1848
SeymourThomas Cborn about 1915
SeymourThomas Cborn about 1915
ShakespeareWeller born about 1898
ShanahanElla born about 1920
ShanahanFrancis born about 1916
ShanahanJoseph born about 1920
ShanahanLawrence born about 1913
SharpAlbert born about 1912
SharpCatherine born about 1913
SharpDale born about 1938
SharpJoyce born about 1937
SharpMinnie born about 1870
SharpRuth born about 1935
ShauerGlendon born about 1909
ShayIbert born about 1915
ShayJane born about 1922
ShayJohn Rborn about 1918
ShayLulu Kborn about 1889
ShayMaurice Mborn about 1887
ShayMaurice Jr born about 1920
ShayRalph born about 1924
SheeleyAsa Bborn about 1859
SheeleyFloyd Gborn about 1894
SheeleyNellie born about 1899
ShelandMildred born about 1916
ShelandOliver Jr born about 1914
ShelandRoberta Mborn about 1940
SheldonBernard born about 1930
SheldonBeverly born about 1937
SheldonClaudia born about 1940
SheldonDorothy born about 1913
SheldonDorothy born about 1926
SheldonGladys born about 1932
SheldonHarold born about 1924
SheldonHerbert born about 1928
SheldonJoan born about 1939
SheldonMarlene born about 1936
SheldonNora born about 1899
SheldonRebertta born about 1938
SheldonRobert born about 1892
SheldonRuth born about 1934
SheldonWesley born about 1914
SheldonWilfred born about 1919
ShepherdJames born about 1923
ShepherdJanet born about 1884
ShepherdWilliam Gborn about 1884
ShermanAbram born about 1864
ShermanAlfred born about 1924
ShermanDaniel born about 1922
ShermanDaniel Wborn about 1903
ShermanElla born about 1867
ShermanEthel born about 1902
ShermanHerbert born about 1921
ShermanMartha born about
ShermanRuth born about 1931
SherndalAlfred born about 1886
SherndalBeatrice born about 1902
SherndalJaquelin born about 1926
SherndalJill born about 1928
ShieldsCatherine born about 1928
ShieldsEdward born about 1925
ShieldsEdward Jborn about 1896
ShieldsElizabeth born about 1900
ShieldsElizabeth born about 1934
ShieldsJoseph born about 1926
ShoemakerJohn born about 1869
ShufeltKathryn born about 1882
ShufeltMay born about 1878
ShufeltWilliam Rborn about 1874
SienkiewiczElizabeth born about 1875
SienkiewiczStanley born about 1904
SillimanHenry born about 1913
SilvernailEarl born about 1915
SilvernailMay Eborn about 1875
SimmonsEdith born about 1922
SimmonsElizabeth born about 1896
SimmonsGeorge Rborn about 1923
SimmonsHarrison born about 1889
SimmonsHelen born about 1922
SimmonsJane born about 1928
SimmonsMartin born about 1858
SimmonsMary Fborn about 1863
SimmonsNellie born about 1897
SimmonsSarah Eborn about 1859
SincavichBrany born about 1888
SincavichEdward born about 1922
SincavichMargaret born about 1888
SingerEugene born about 1938
SitcerArthur Eborn about 1906
SitcerDorothy born about 1921
SitcerEvelyn born about 1900
SitcerFred born about 1891
SitcerIrene born about 1906
SitcerJean Bborn about 1929
SitcerKenneth born about 1917
SiterBenjamin born about 1920
SitterlyFrank Cborn about 1868
SitterlyFrank Cborn about 1899
SitterlyOphelia Lborn about 1869
SitzerCharles born about 1869
SitzerCharlotte born about 1872
SitzerEarl born about 1903
SkalaMartha Eborn about 1900
SkinkleHarriet Rborn about 1880
SkinkleHelen Mborn about 1901
SkolnikAnna born about 1907
SkolnikJack born about 1904
SkolnikLawrence born about 1937
SlatteryElizabeth born about 1881
SlatteryJames born about 1927
SlatteryJoseph Pborn about 1915
SlatteryPatrick born about 1879
SlatteryPatrick Hborn about 1913
SliterFlorence Eborn about 1861
SliterFlorence Mayborn about 1893
SmeltzerBruce Rborn about 1925
SmithAdela born about 1891
SmithAlfred born about 1914
SmithAnna Mborn about 1872
SmithCharles Eborn about 1902
SmithEmma Aborn about 1870
SmithFlorence Cborn about 1891
SmithFlorence Lborn about 1928
SmithFranklin Dborn about 1890
SmithMarey born about 1870
SmithMarjorie born about 1918
SmithMaud Hborn about 1877
SmithMildred born about 1920
SmithRuth born about 1929
SmithSpencer born about 1908
SmithStaunton born about 1862
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1866
SnareAngela born about 1927
SnareArchibald born about 1892
SnareArchibald Jr born about 1920
SnareGrace born about 1892
SnarePhillip born about 1924
SnyderClara born about 1880
SolomonDora born about 1851
SommerF Catharineborn about 1899
SommerFrank H Jrborn about 1907
SommerKate Wborn about 1872
SommerMartha born about 1910
SpanglerCelia born about 1860
SpathFlorence Sborn about 1889
SpathJohn born about 1875
SpathMarian Kborn about 1927
SpathMinne born about 1870
StaatsGeorge Aborn about 1890
StaatsHarry Cborn about 1882
StaatsHelen born about 1872
StaatsMary born about 1886
StalkerAlida born about 1924
StalkerCatherine born about 1900
StalkerCecil born about 1896
StalkerCecil Jr born about 1928
StalkerClara born about 1900
StalkerElsie born about 1923
StalkerJames Aborn about 1888
StalkerNelson born about 1917
StalkerParker born about 1912
StalkerPaulinie born about 1920
StalkerWarren born about 1921
StarksEdsyl born about 1931
StarksHarriet Wborn about 1897
StarksIrving born about 1864
SteeleGertrude born about 1887
SteeleJoseph Lborn about 1861
SteeleReginald born about 1892
SteembergAlbert Aborn about 1869
SteembergEliza Aborn about 1861
SteitzJokabina born about 1861
SteitzValentine born about 1859
StemerLucy born about 1882
SterlingHelene born about 1875
StevensGladys born about 1929
StevensGladys Jborn about 1905
StevensMary born about 1928
SteverIra born about 1891
SteverIra Jr born about 1931
SteverMadeline born about 1928
SteverMargaret born about 1893
SteverSarah born about 1918
StickleEliza born about 1859
SticklesAlbert born about 1925
SticklesDorothy born about 1923
SticklesEdith born about 1892
SticklesEthel born about 1928
SticklesEzra born about 1896
SticklesGeorge Hborn about 1894
SticklesGeorge Pborn about 1892
SticklesIda born about 1927
SticklesJean Bborn about 1926
SticklesJohn Pborn about 1930
SticklesLillian born about 1931
SticklesLouise born about 1934
SticklesMyrtle born about 1895
SticklesRose born about 1929
SticklesWilliam born about 1924
SticklesWilliam Iborn about 1896
StimersChester Jborn about 1893
StimersClark Hborn about 1927
StimersEdna Hborn about 1930
StimersJames Hborn about 1928
StimersMary Hborn about 1900
StimersMortimer born about 1898
StoneAlice Eborn about 1886
StoneFrank Bborn about 1879
StormStephen born about 1938
StouterCaroline born about 1899
StouterJohn Hborn about 1898
StreeterEdward born about 1880
StreeterNellie born about 1876
StreverAdele born about 1893
StreverLeland born about 1891
StrongElma born about 1930
StrongGeraldina born about 1931
StrongMary born about 1913
StrongPatricia born about 1938
StrongRaymond born about 1932
StrongRobert born about 1939
StrongWalter born about 1905
StuffelbeanTiny born about 1852
StupplebeenBlanche born about 1890
StupplebeenHazel born about 1924
StupplebeenLeverett born about 1875
StupplebeenLeverett Jr born about 1922
SunderlandAndrew Jborn about 1877
SunderlandHelen Jborn about 1881
SunderlandHelen Jborn about 1924
SunderlandMyra Jborn about 1921
SunderlandMyron Jborn about 1921
SwiersEmma Fborn about 1863
SwiersGeorge Wborn about 1917
SwiersIda born about 1893
SwiersMartha Fborn about 1918
SwiersWillard born about 1894
SwiersWillard Tborn about 1928
SyringArnold born about 1873
SyringCora Bborn about 1883
SyringErie born about 1878
SyringMargaret born about 1879
SzczurEva born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabinAnnie born about 1886
TankH Elizabethborn about 1910
TankMorton Rborn about 1876
TankStella Bborn about 1878
TardiffEileen Cborn about 1919
TardiffEllen born about 1918
TardiffEllen Jborn about 1918
TardiffEllen Kborn about 1893
TardiffEugene Jborn about 1894
TardiffEugene Tborn about 1921
TardiffMathew born about 1893
TardiffSeymour Rborn about 1926
TatorEttie Mborn about 1868
TatorPearl Dborn about 1921
TausickEdwin born about 1865
TaylorArnold born about 1857
TaylorClarence born about 1859
TaylorGeorge born about 1881
TaylorHarriet born about 1882
TaylorMary Mborn about 1908
ThalkeAlma born about 1891
ThalkeDoris born about 1925
ThalkeHerman born about 1884
ThalkeMildred born about 1922
ThayerElmer born about 1881
ThomaBeverly born about 1938
ThomaElizabeth born about 1934
ThomaMarilyn born about 1935
ThomaMichael Vborn about 1902
ThomaRuth Bayneborn about 1939
ThomaRuth Mborn about 1908
ThomasClara born about 1893
ThomasGenevieve Aborn about 1868
ThomasJames born about 1860
ThompsonAlbert born about 1884
ThompsonBarbara born about 1938
ThompsonCalvin born about 1919
ThompsonCharles born about 1885
ThompsonDaniel born about 1872
ThompsonDaniel Jborn about 1907
ThompsonHattie born about 1878
ThompsonJean born about 1934
ThompsonJennie born about 1879
ThompsonLewis born about 1909
ThompsonLillia born about 1888
ThompsonMabel born about 1918
ThompsonPercy born about 1914
ThompsonWalter born about 1936
ThorneClark born about 1881
ThorneEmily born about 1891
ThorneIda born about 1890
ThorneSeymour born about 1885
ThorntonBeatrice born about 1938
ThorntonEldora born about 1912
ThorntonThomas born about 1898
TierneyJohn born about 1875
TiffanyFrances Mborn about 1880
TiffanyJohn born about 1924
TiffineyWilliam born about 1904
TillimanEster born about 1910
TillimanLawerence born about 1906
TillmanDorothy born about 1933
TimpsonNellie born about 1861
TingerAlfred born about 1922
TingerAnna born about 1892
TingerMichael born about 1891
TobiasEmma Mborn about 1864
TobiasGeorge Jborn about 1863
TobiasHarriet Cborn about 1898
TobiasJames Oborn about 1895
TobiasJohn Rborn about 1907
TobiasVirginia Fborn about 1925
TobinAlice Mborn about 1894
TobinHenry Wborn about 1901
TompkinsAlfred Pborn about 1886
TompkinsFlora born about 1876
TompkinsKatherine born about 1888
TompkinsMary Aborn about 1883
TompkinsThomas born about 1888
TompkinsVera born about 1920
TorborgElsie Jborn about 1896
TorborgLouis Gborn about 1896
TotorArlene born about 1932
TotorIvan born about 1899
TotorMarion born about 1925
TotorRuth born about 1904
TowartEdward born about 1926
TowartMae born about 1900
TracyEdward born about 1926
TrickleAnna born about 1881
TrickleJohn Dborn about 1871
TrickleMary Aborn about 1881
TrippCatherine born about 1869
TroskowskiAnna born about 1920
TroskowskiEdward born about 1927
TroskowskiElizabeth born about 1929
TroskowskiHelen born about 1928
TroskowskiJoseph born about 1922
TroskowskiJosephine born about 1894
TroskowskiKsarey born about 1885
TroskowskiSophie born about 1924
TroskowskiTheodore born about 1918
TubbsAlbert Dborn about 1914
TubbsAlbert Gborn about 1886
TubbsAllen born about 1934
TubbsJessie Fborn about 1889
TurnerAnna born about 1891
TurnerBurton Aborn about 1873
TurnerCaroline born about 1868
TurnerGeorge born about 1886
TurnerGertrude Fborn about 1913
TurnerHiram born about 1864
TurnerLavina Mborn about 1868
TurnerRaymond Wborn about 1903
TuttleMartha born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodAlvah L 2Ndborn about 1921
UnderwoodCarlton Eborn about 1891
UnderwoodHelen Eborn about 1916
UnderwoodMarion born about 1892

V Surnames

VadneyEllsworth Aborn about 1902
VanalstineEthel born about 1898
VanalstineJane born about 1934
VanalstineRichard born about 1929
VanalstineWalter born about 1895
VanalstyneAndrew born about 1882
VanalstyneElizabeth born about 1918
VanalstyneIrving born about 1873
VanalstyneKate Rborn about 1870
VanburenCharlie born about 1908
VanburenErnest born about 1911
VanburenGeorgie born about 1890
VanburenIda Sborn about 1876
VanburenMabel born about 1886
VandenburghEmma born about 1857
VandeusanAugustus born about 1846
VandeusanCamelia born about 1868
VandeusenClaude Rborn about 1900
VandeusenCornelius born about 1883
VandeusenKing born about 1919
VandeusenLillian born about 1880
VandeusenMabel Jborn about 1898
VandeusenRoger born about 1926
VandyckCarnell Eborn about 1876
VandyckSusan born about 1873
VanfleetCoral born about 1935
VanfleetLloyd born about 1909
VanfleetMarcia born about 1937
VanfleetMiriam born about 1909
VanhoesenElvira born about 1877
VanhoesenJohn born about 1883
VanlaukAnnia born about 1881
VannessChristina born about 1904
VannessDorothy born about 1910
VannessEdward born about 1912
VannessFannie born about 1890
VannessFrances Vborn about 1862
VannessFred born about 1894
VannessHilda born about 1922
VannessJames Eborn about 1935
VannessJosephine born about 1913
VannessMarion born about 1901
VannessMay born about 1892
VannessNewton born about 1902
VannessRobert born about 1894
VannessRobert Fborn about 1920
VannessSophie Mborn about 1938
VannessWilliam born about 1924
VannessWilson born about 1912
VanpeltC Janiceborn about 1927
VanpeltCoral born about 1899
VanpeltGeorge born about 1899
VanpeltWilliam born about 1925
VantasselBetty born about 1930
VantasselGrant born about 1904
VantasselJan Mborn about 1939
VantasselMarjory born about 1910
VantasselPatricia born about 1933
VanwagnerBarbara Aborn about 1934
VanwagnerCaroline born about 1940
VanwagnerJames Bborn about 1908
VanwagnerMaria born about 1909
VanwagnerShirley born about 1936
VerityEdith born about 1912
VerityGeorge born about 1908
VincentCora Bborn about 1865
VincentDorothy born about 1938
VincentHelen born about 1918
VincentPerry born about 1890
VincentWilliam Hborn about 1856
VinckAlbert born about 1918
VinckCatherine born about 1884
VinckJoseph born about 1919
VinckLouis born about 1877
VogelCharles born about 1896
VogelElizabeth born about 1925
VogelLillian born about 1897
VogelRichard born about 1926
VolceFred born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadsworthAllen born about 1873
WadsworthClara born about 1921
WadsworthDonald born about 1914
WadsworthEva born about 1899
WadsworthKenneth born about 1889
WadsworthLydia born about 1872
WadsworthVera born about 1891
WagnerArthur born about 1885
WagnerCharles born about 1870
WagnerIda Mborn about 1885
WagnerMary born about 1872
WalkerEdward born about 1902
WalkerEloise Bborn about 1878
WalkerFlorence Pborn about 1892
WalkerHerbert born about 1883
WalkerJesse Wborn about 1887
WalkerJosephine born about 1911
WalkerLillian Eborn about 1874
WalkerSara born about 1867
WalkerWilliam E Drborn about 1870
WallaceArchibald Hborn about 1877
WallaceInga born about 1887
WalterJane born about 1929
WaltermireGertrude born about 1873
WaltermireJulia born about 1853
WaltermireKatherine born about 1890
WaltermireKenneth born about 1881
WaltonEarnest born about 1917
WaltonFred Fborn about 1890
WardAlma born about 1849
WarringerHulda born about 1881
WaterburyAda Dborn about 1881
WaterburyChauncey Aborn about 1882
WatsonCinthay born about 1866
WatsonLula born about 1886
WeaverElon born about 1874
WeaverGilbert born about 1931
WeaverJohn born about 1885
WeaverSharann born about 1876
WeaverWilbur born about 1924
WebsterAlice Mborn about 1925
WebsterCharles born about 1862
WebsterFannie born about 1864
WebsterFlorence born about 1888
WebsterG Earlborn about 1924
WebsterGeorge born about 1885
WebsterHelen Sborn about 1923
WebsterIvan Cborn about 1927
WebsterSteven born about 1890
WeisMargaret Mborn about 1892
WelchAlbert Eborn about 1875
WelchEdith Mborn about 1876
WelchLloyd Aborn about 1908
WestBarbara born about 1938
WestBeatrice born about 1916
WestKenneth born about 1914
WestPatricia born about 1936
WestoverAlice born about 1930
WestoverArthur born about 1925
WestoverCaroline born about 1911
WestoverCharles born about 1932
WestoverCharlotte born about 1932
WestoverClara born about 1885
WestoverClara born about 1915
WestoverCora born about 1872
WestoverCora born about 1872
WestoverEmily born about 1887
WestoverFranklyn born about 1927
WestoverGeorge Eborn about 1897
WestoverHarold born about 1910
WestoverKatherine born about 1915
WestoverKatherine born about 1915
WestoverMary Mborn about 1859
WestoverReuben born about 1886
WestoverSophie born about 1905
WestoverWright born about 1909
WestoverWright born about 1909
WhaleyEgerton born about 1883
WheelerAnna Mayborn about 1924
WheelerElizabeth born about 1890
WheelerGertrude born about 1860
WheelerHorace born about 1929
WheelerMalcolm born about 1927
WheelerMartha born about 1895
WheelerNelson born about 1880
WheelerSatie born about 1887
WheelerWallace born about 1930
WheelerWalter born about 1884
WheelerWilliam born about 1926
WhiteLucy L Fborn about 1894
WhiteNewtown Eborn about 1893
WhiteWilliam born about 1859
WhitemanHettie born about 1886
WhitemanJanice born about 1932
WhitemanMaude born about 1886
WhitemanMilton born about 1912
WhitmanClarence Dborn about 1877
WhitmanSusan Gborn about 1879
WilborLillian born about 1906
WilborLydia born about 1884
WilborRichard born about 1912
WilcoxMary born about 1915
WilcoxWilliam born about 1909
WilderDonald born about 1903
WilderElla born about 1890
WilderElsie born about 1892
WilderFrances born about 1853
WilderIda born about 1907
WilderLettie born about 1875
WilderMargaret born about 1893
WilderMargret born about 1926
WilderMarion Lborn about 1919
WilderNora born about 1896
WilderRichard born about 1923
WilderVera born about 1927
WilderWallace born about 1895
WilderWalter born about 1889
WilderWilliam born about 1908
WilderWilliam born about 1908
WilliamsArthur born about 1893
WilliamsBarbara Jborn about 1936
WilliamsCalvin born about 1893
WilliamsCalvin born about 1893
WilliamsCharles born about 1911
WilliamsEarl born about 1892
WilliamsFred born about 1904
WilliamsGilbert Pborn about 1873
WilliamsHelene born about 1907
WilliamsIda Mborn about 1877
WilliamsJames Wborn about 1914
WilliamsJane born about 1939
WilliamsJohn Hborn about 1883
WilliamsKatherine born about 1868
WilliamsKenneth born about 1923
WilliamsLeslie born about 1889
WilliamsLora born about 1911
WilliamsLucy born about 1879
WilliamsMargaret born about 1894
WilliamsMary born about 1886
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1915
WilliamsMyron born about 1875
WilliamsNettie born about 1879
WilliamsReba Gborn about 1939
WilliamsRichard born about 1933
WilliamsRussell born about 1906
WilliamsShirley born about 1896
WilliamsSidney born about 1898
WilliamsSusie born about 1878
WilliamsWalter born about 1901
WilliamsWilliam born about 1895
WilliamsWilliam Mborn about 1938
WilskaAlbert born about 1919
WilskaEmma born about 1889
WilskaEmma born about 1923
WilskaHenry born about 1926
WilskaJohn born about 1916
WilskaPaul born about 1890
WilskaWilks born about 1913
WilsonFannie born about 1904
WilsonWalter born about 1904
WinchellClara born about 1880
WinchellPaul born about 1882
WinslowSamuel Bborn about 1871
WinterHelen B Dborn about 1909
WittingElsie born about 1886
WittingTheodore born about 1890
WolfeLouise born about 1869
WoodClaude born about 1913
WoodDora Fborn about 1873
WoodFrank Hborn about 1862
WoodRoberta born about 1913
WoodSarah born about 1888
WoodwardMinnie Cborn about 1878
WoodwardWilliam Mborn about 1891
WoolcockNellie Jborn about 1875
WorthingtonEugene Bborn about 1918
WorthingtonMarguerite Bborn about 1890
WrightCaroline born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceJohn born about 1880
YoungEdwin Eborn about 1884
YoungHenderson Mborn about 1900
YoungIstar born about 1899
YoungJohn Bborn about 1922
YoungJoseph Aborn about 1883
YoungJoseph A Jrborn about 1915
YoungJulia Gborn about 1885
YoungKathleen born about 1927
YoungKurt born about 1885
YoungLucille born about 1892
YoungMary Eborn about 1887
YoungRosemary born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZempkoAgusta born about 1915
ZimmermanAnna born about 1890
ZitoCarlo born about 1926
ZitoCarmela born about 1895
ZitoJennie born about 1923
ZitoMarie born about 1931
ZitoSeraphino born about 1892
ZochGertrude born about 1887
ZochGertrude born about 1934
ZochHelen Eborn about 1920
ZochJoseph born about 1882
ZochJoseph Jr born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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