1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eagle, Wyoming, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Wyoming County > 1940 Census of Eagle

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AldenDonald born about 1912
AldenFlora born about 1884
AldenMarion born about 1923
AldenMary born about 1855
AllenJulia born about 1875
AllenLewis born about 1886
AllenLewis born about 1889
AllenMargaret born about 1926
AllenMary born about 1920
AllenNellie born about 1891
AndersonEthelyn born about 1939
AndersonEvelyn born about 1924
AndersonForrest born about 1911
AndersonHattie born about 1897
AndersonJean Phillipborn about 1918
AndersonRichard born about 1938
AndersonViola born about 1917
ArnoldAlbert born about 1906
ArnoldEsther Joyceborn about 1936
ArnoldGeorge Eborn about 1909
ArnoldGeorge Nborn about 1873
ArnoldMary Louiseborn about 1913
ArnoldNellie born about 1874
ArnoldRobert Wborn about 1938
AshleyWilliam born about 1873
AtkenHarold born about 1911
AtkenLouise born about 1903
AtkenRobert born about 1937
AustinLouise born about 1924
AustinPearl born about 1900
AustinSara born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerCarrie born about 1864
BakerErnest Lborn about 1884
BallardJesse born about 1919
BarberBeulah born about 1906
BarberClaude born about 1904
BarberEdger born about 1906
BarberEleanor born about 1928
BarberElmer Eborn about 1874
BarberFaye born about 1892
BarberFloyd born about 1909
BarberFrances born about 1928
BarberJesse born about 1919
BarberLucile born about 1912
BarberMabel born about 1916
BarberMaude born about 1885
BarberSidney born about 1886
BarberVernon born about 1926
BarnesGeorge born about 1881
BarnesJean born about 1925
BarnesJoseph born about 1931
BarnesMera born about 1894
BarreyAlice born about 1915
BarreyAlta born about 1888
BarreyDonald born about 1925
BarreyGordon born about 1915
BarreyHugh born about 1920
BarreyNorma born about 1924
BarreyNorman born about 1924
BarreyRobert born about 1928
BarronElizabeth born about 1925
BarronHenry born about 1891
BarronKatherine born about 1896
BarronKatherine born about 1924
BarronVirginia born about 1921
BeldenDonald born about 1918
BeldenE Rudeelborn about 1851
BeldenEdson born about 1890
BeldenMarion born about 1892
BerryEllen born about 1921
BerryGeorge born about 1912
BerryGerald born about 1908
BerryHelen born about 1917
BerryJames born about 1922
BerryJoyce Helenborn about 1939
BerryMary born about 1886
BerryMary born about 1924
BerryWard born about 1912
BlissClinton born about 1874
BlissEdith born about 1877
BlissMary born about 1861
BogertKathleen born about 1922
BondJohn born about 1870
BondMary born about 1876
BookmillerEdward born about 1891
BookmillerEdward born about 1924
BookmillerIrene born about 1890
BookmillerJames born about 1926
BookmillerLeo born about 1931
BookmillerMarianne born about 1939
BookmillerPaul born about 1934
BookmillerRichard born about 1929
BookmillerShirley born about 1922
BraceFloy born about 1885
BraceMartin born about 1931
BraceRobert Hborn about 1886
BrownAlice born about 1888
BrownAlice born about 1924
BrownBertha born about 1901
BrownDe Alton born about 1900
BrownForrest born about 1894
BrownFrank born about 1928
BrownFranklin born about 1912
BrownHerbert born about 1915
BrownJames born about 1906
BrownJennetta born about 1909
BrownJohn born about 1906
BrownMarguerite born about 1912
BrownMarian born about 1906
BrownMildred born about 1896
BrownPatricia born about 1937
BuckEverette Cborn about 1915
BuckMary Eborn about 1915
BurdickAllie born about 1907
BurdickBetty Janeborn about 1938
BurdickDuane born about 1936
BurdickEleanor born about 1932
BurdickFlorence born about 1937
BurdickIsabel born about 1915
BurdickJoyce born about 1940
BurdickMargaret born about 1934
BurnFrank born about 1885
BurnsideDavid born about 1939
BurnsideDorothy born about 1910
BurnsideDuane born about 1938
BurnsideFlorence born about 1890
BurnsideRichard born about 1937
BurnsideRichard Cborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarrierEugene Nborn about 1911
CarrierFrances born about 1913
CartwrightIda born about 1852
CartwrightKatherine born about 1877
CartwrightStanley born about 1878
ChaffeeBenjamin born about 1901
ChaffeePhoebe born about 1900
ClarkMyra born about 1873
ClarkRalph Lborn about 1897
ClinchAlice born about 1893
ClinchJohn born about 1875
ClosserAlice born about 1875
ClosserDalores born about 1937
ClosserElizabeth born about 1913
ClosserFrank born about 1888
ClosserMurray born about 1903
ClosserMurray Jr born about 1934
ClosserPauline born about 1932
ColbyFloyd born about 1902
CollinsBetty Joneborn about 1927
CollinsClifford born about 1905
CollinsDorothy born about 1906
CollinsJack born about 1939
CollinsJoan born about 1926
CollinsMillard born about 1898
CollinsMinnie born about 1905
CollinsTerry born about 1937
CollinsWilma born about 1933
CollverShirley born about 1920
ConleyDora born about 1860
CoonVance born about 1890
CopelandClinton born about 1921
CrassBert Wborn about 1872
CrossJohn Jborn about 1896
CrossKate born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisBetty born about 1918
DavisFrancis born about 1909
DavisIrene born about 1877
DavisRichard born about 1924
DavisRose Aborn about 1888
DavisRose Eborn about 1878
DavisShirley Ruthborn about 1922
DawsonArnold born about 1930
DawsonBernard born about 1927
DawsonEarl born about 1931
DawsonFlorence born about 1905
DawsonFrank born about 1869
DawsonRussel born about 1932
DevinAnn born about 1936
DevinJean born about 1933
DevinJervis born about 1890
DevinLeo born about 1925
DevinNadyne born about 1896
DeweyAmbrose born about 1914
DeweyMaisie born about 1916
DeyMary born about 1863
DitchendorfCharles born about 1872
DitchendorfEdith born about 1873
DoranWilliam born about 1876
DormanAgnes born about 1910
DormanClifford born about 1904
DugganJohn Dborn about 1898
DuttonCharles born about 1872
DuttonCharles born about 1938
DuttonCharles Eborn about 1907
DuttonEva born about 1878
DuttonFrances born about 1903
DuttonFred born about 1902
DuttonGeorge born about 1861
DuttonGertrude born about 1907
DuttonJesse born about 1865
DuttonJoan born about 1937
DuttonJohn born about 1940
DuttonKatherine born about 1862
DuttonMary Kborn about 1939
DuttonMonica born about 1912
DuttonThomas born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EddyArthur born about 1854
EddyCeclia born about 1868

F Surnames

FarwellDorrance born about 1875
FarwellSara Jborn about 1879
FieldsAlma born about 1864
FieldsBetty Marieborn about 1939
FieldsCarl born about 1900
FieldsClaude born about 1867
FieldsErnestine born about 1914
FitzgeraldPeter born about 1861
FlintArlowene born about 1922
FlynnMary born about 1909
FlynnWilliam born about 1915
FoateDella born about 1902
FoateDora born about 1868
FoateDorothea born about 1940
FoateHarlan born about 1928
FoateRay born about 1899
FoateRodger born about 1925
FooteBeulah born about 1890
FooteGlenn born about 1892
FordArlie born about 1885
FordCamilla born about 1909
FordEveritte born about 1917
FordFreda born about 1918
FordGlenn born about 1878
FordJulius born about 1905
FordLeonard born about 1914
FordMavis born about 1927
FordNorman born about 1906
FordPetricia born about 1939
FordRichard born about 1938
FordVerna born about 1925
FosterEmery born about 1878
FosterLottie born about 1884
FowlerEdgar born about 1902
FowlerIris born about 1910
FowlerNalyne born about 1937
FowlerRichard born about 1930
FrankEmory born about 1888
FrenchEthyl born about 1898
FrenchJean born about 1923
FrenchLena born about 1877
FrenchMyron born about 1863
FrenchRichard born about 1921
FrenchTheodore born about 1900
FugleGertrude born about 1897
FugleNorman born about 1926
FullerMilo born about 1890
FullerRobert born about 1889
FullerWalter born about 1900

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G Surnames

GaffMargerete born about 1931
GillEliza born about 1861
GillFred Wborn about 1859
GilmartinDarwin born about 1926
GilmartinGeorge born about 1930
GilmartinKatheryn born about 1894
GilmartinLean born about 1888
GilmartinVirginia born about 1924
GravesDorothy born about 1930
GravesFrances born about 1928
GravesGlenn born about 1899
GravesHelen Jeanborn about 1936
GravesLola born about 1910
GravesPaul born about 1937
GravesThelma born about 1929
GreenBessie born about 1928
GreenFrancis born about 1926
GreenGeorge born about 1925
GreenLee born about 1908
GreenMargaret born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasBertha born about 1888
HaasJames Lborn about 1887
HaasRobert born about 1921
HadleyAlton born about 1874
HadleyCarlos born about 1885
HadleyJohn born about 1915
HallClifford born about 1911
HallFloy born about 1913
HallHelen born about 1915
HallIda born about 1885
HallJary born about 1936
HallLee born about 1912
HallNettie born about 1880
HammesGenevieve born about 1893
HammesMary born about 1925
HammesRaymond born about 1894
HansonCarl born about 1886
HansonGerda born about 1891
HansonHarold born about 1927
HansonHilda born about 1924
HansonWalter born about 1922
HartBridget born about 1854
HaskinsFrank born about 1896
HaughtonElizabeth born about 1914
HaughtonFrank born about 1865
HaughtonFranklin born about 1912
HaughtonRichard born about 1937
HaynesRuth born about 1917
HenryRena born about 1885
HessBlanch born about 1900
HessCharlotte born about 1934
HessFreda born about 1921
HessKermit born about 1928
HessLuella born about 1924
HessRichard born about 1920
HessRobert born about 1921
HessThomas born about 1899
HinzArliean born about 1926
HinzBetty born about 1922
HinzDonald born about 1929
HinzEdith born about 1938
HinzKeith born about 1939
HinzMarian born about 1931
HinzMildred born about 1900
HinzMildred born about 1933
HinzRichard born about 1899
HinzRobert born about 1924
HinzRoland born about 1924
HoernerHueglin born about 1897
HoernerThomas born about 1896
HoernerThomas Jr born about 1923
HotchkissEdith born about 1901
HotchkissElmer born about 1906
HotchkissLaura born about 1933
HotchkissLyle born about 1923
HoynesJanet born about 1912
HurlburtAnna born about 1897
HurlburtArchie born about 1906
HurlburtBessie born about 1930
HurlburtEgbert born about 1900
HurlburtForrest born about 1895
HurlburtFrank born about 1891
HurlburtFrank Jr born about 1918
HurlburtHildreth born about 1927
HurlburtHoward born about 1927
HurlburtJay born about 1926
HurlburtMargaret born about 1887
HurlburtMarian born about 1922
HurlburtMellie born about 1928
HurlburtRay born about 1923
HurlburtRussell born about 1924
HurlburtRuth born about 1905
HurlburtSadie born about 1895
HurlburtVirginia born about 1929
HustedDe Alton born about 1916
HustedEmmett born about 1897
HustedFrank born about 1876
HustedLouise born about 1874
HustedMargaret born about 1895
HylandDean born about 1878
HylandJennie born about 1875
HylandJoseph born about 1924
HylandMarguerite born about 1896
HylandPaul born about 1925
HylandRita born about 1931
HylandZena born about 1892

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I Surnames

IlligCharles born about 1874
IlligCharles Jborn about 1931
IlligCharles Jr born about 1907
IlligDolores born about 1930
IlligElsia born about 1908
IlligLaretta born about 1912
IlligLena born about 1876

J Surnames

JamesDonald born about 1925
JamesFloyd born about 1888
JamesHelen born about 1922
JamesJessie born about 1898
JeanAnderson born about 1918
JenningsEdward born about 1911
JenningsFred born about 1906
JenningsGladys born about 1911
JenningsJanet born about 1936
JenningsMinnie born about 1876
JenningsPercy born about 1904
JenningsRobert born about 1875
JenningsRonald born about 1938
JohnsonEzra born about 1916
JohnsonHelen born about 1919
JoinerAndrew Cborn about 1880
JoinerMinnie born about 1885
JonesCarrie born about 1882
JonesEvelyn born about 1921
JonesFrancis born about 1917
JonesMay born about 1922
JonesNorman born about 1939
JonesRobert born about 1914
JonesRobert Leeborn about 1939

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K Surnames

KaderEdith born about 1926
KaderEdna born about 1928
KaderHazel born about 1893
KaderJoseph born about 1894
KaderLa Verne born about 1925
KaderWarren born about 1922
KarlJohn Bborn about 1850
KempJoseph born about 1903
KempMarion born about 1908
KesslerEdna born about 1898
KesslerHariette born about 1928
KesslerHerman born about 1889

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L Surnames

LairdNina born about 1871
LawrenceElla born about 1866
LawrenceTheodore Wborn about 1849
LeeNellie born about 1862
LevingerAllen born about 1888
LevingerBelle born about 1892
LevingerNorma born about 1917
LewisArchie Rborn about 1877
LewisMinnie born about 1876
LipkaMargaret born about 1901
LipkaMatthew born about 1911
LittleArthur born about 1913
LittleJosephine born about 1912
LittleRichard A Sborn about 1875
LongdaleArthur born about 1919
LongdaleLloyd born about 1893
LongdaleMildred born about 1899
LyncheskiCharlotte born about 1883
LyncheskiThomas born about 1873

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M Surnames

MableAlexander born about 1907
MableAllen born about 1937
MableKathryn born about 1939
MableMabel born about 1913
MakerDoris born about 1917
MarrisonFloyd Eborn about 1882
MarshAlbert born about 1938
MarshDoris born about 1915
MarshGeorge born about 1913
MarshMarion born about 1936
MarshWesley born about 1937
MarshallPaul born about 1885
MaxwellEdwin born about 1900
MaxwellFrancis born about 1921
MaxwellKaterine born about 1900
MaxwellMartha born about 1877
MaxwellWilles born about 1865
MccallAllen Jborn about 1882
MccallFrank born about 1897
MccallGertrude born about 1884
MccallMalinda born about 1855
McginnL Jborn about 1886
McgowanErving born about 1886
McgowanFlorence born about 1882
McgowanHenry born about 1876
McgowanJessie born about 1888
MckerrowDoris born about 1913
MckerrowEleanor born about 1935
MckerrowFranklin born about 1909
MckerrowKeith born about 1938
McnamaraCharles born about 1895
MeherBernice born about 1901
MeherCara born about 1881
MeherJerry born about 1878
MeherJoan born about 1932
MeherMaurice born about 1888
MeherPatricia born about 1921
MeherRichard born about 1929
MeherVirginia born about 1926
MervilleEdgar born about 1936
MervilleElizabeth born about 1915
MervilleHarry born about 1910
MillenGlenn born about 1886
MillenSmith born about 1858
MoareAllan born about 1938
MoareCelil born about 1910
MoareViolet born about 1914
MooreDorothy born about 1939
MooreFaster born about 1909
MooreHazel born about 1916
MooreShirley born about 1936
MorganEdris born about 1883
MorganGrace born about 1889
MorganHarlow born about 1921
MorganKenneth born about 1917
MorseJohn born about 1865
MorseNellie born about 1874
MowerBessie born about 1903
MowerClifford born about 1900
MowerClifford Fborn about 1927
MowerDonald born about 1928
MowerMary born about 1931
MowerRobert born about 1929
MungerFredrick born about 1923
MungerLucy born about 1925
MungerPhoebe born about 1928
MungerPhyllis born about 1927
MunroAnn Maryborn about 1890
MunroLeo Nelsonborn about 1885

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N Surnames

NelsonAlta born about 1881
NelsonBertha born about 1920
NelsonEmma born about 1917
NelsonJennie born about 1867
NelsonJohn born about 1873
NelsonLawrence born about 1919
NelsonLevinger born about 1922
NelsonMartin born about 1879
NelsonMaude born about 1878
NelsonRussell born about 1916
NelsonThomas born about 1912
NewmanHarold born about 1906
NewmanHarold Jamesborn about 1938
NewmanNatalie born about 1937
NewmanValerie born about 1908
NobleAlexander born about 1882
NobleBertha born about 1886
NobleLeonard born about 1924
NortonAlice Marieborn about 1935
NortonDonald born about 1937
NortonDoris born about 1916
NortonPaul born about 1910
NortonRonald born about 1940
NortonThelma born about 1908

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P Surnames

PagettCarol born about 1939
PagettDorene Belleborn about 1936
PagettMarian born about 1910
PagettTheodore born about 1906
PaulsenHarry born about 1908
PeakIrene born about 1898
PearceFredrick born about 1915
PeetAudrey born about 1933
PeetJessie born about 1896
PeetPaul born about 1931
PeetRaymond born about 1896
PeetRaymond born about 1924
PeetWilma born about 1929
PeetWilson born about 1923
PefferBurt born about 1887
PefferGertrude born about 1881
PefferH born about 1857
PefferJacklyn born about 1939
PefferJane born about 1929
PefferJean born about 1926
PefferJerre born about 1933
PefferJoan born about 1927
PefferZella born about 1900
PhetterplaceBeatrice born about 1909
PhetterplaceFrank Lynnborn about 1930
PhetterplaceFranklin born about 1902
PhetterplaceMargaret born about 1935
PhetterplaceVirginia born about 1928
PhetterplaceWilma born about 1930
PikeBessie born about 1881
PikeFrank Hborn about 1875
PowellConstance born about 1937
PowellDonald born about 1910
PowellEdna born about 1916
PowellHerbert born about 1938
PowellMinnie born about 1870
PowellRosalette born about 1849

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Q Surnames

QuackenbushCora born about 1871
QuackenbushDonald born about 1926
QuackenbushOlwen born about 1894
QuackenbushRay born about 1894
QuackenbushRobert born about 1925
QuackenbushSylvia born about 1932

R Surnames

RableeDesmond born about 1916
RableeGeraldine born about 1918
RandallAta born about 1873
RandallJames born about 1871
ReddingEileen born about 1916
RedmondGaylord born about 1908
RedmondHarriet born about 1888
RedmondRobert born about 1887
RichardsHarriet born about 1882
RichardsonEdward born about 1866
RiderDonald born about 1921
RiderJames born about 1936
RiderLenwood born about 1919
RiderMary born about 1898
RiderMilton born about 1888
RiderOscar born about 1924
RobbinsGwendolyn born about 1916
RobbinsWard born about 1915
RobertsAgnes born about 1883
RobertsBernice born about 1926
RobertsBeulah born about 1905
RobertsBurton born about 1919
RobertsClayton born about 1921
RobertsClyde born about 1918
RobertsDavid born about 1855
RobertsDe Alton born about 1923
RobertsDorothy born about 1920
RobertsEarl born about 1882
RobertsEdward born about 1881
RobertsElliot born about 1903
RobertsErma Louisborn about 1926
RobertsEthel born about 1890
RobertsEvelyn born about 1922
RobertsFlora born about 1885
RobertsFlorence born about 1915
RobertsFred born about 1875
RobertsGordon born about 1917
RobertsHarold born about 1901
RobertsIrving born about 1884
RobertsKatherine born about 1917
RobertsKenneth born about 1910
RobertsKenneth Jr born about 1935
RobertsLeila born about 1929
RobertsLester born about 1926
RobertsLewis born about 1896
RobertsMable born about 1892
RobertsMadge born about 1924
RobertsMargaret born about 1916
RobertsMargarett born about 1895
RobertsMary born about 1887
RobertsMary Mborn about 1922
RobertsWayne born about 1938
RobleeDonald born about 1918
RocheKenneth born about 1928
RocheMary born about 1892
RocheRose Marieborn about 1932
RocheTheresa born about 1930
RoyceMertie born about 1864
RuggBelle Tborn about 1865
RuggLarraine born about 1927

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S Surnames

SchurmanSophia Jborn about 1879
SchurmanStephen Wborn about 1874
SeamansMarjorie born about 1914
SearsErnest born about 1883
SergentArchie born about 1911
SergentJary born about 1935
SergentMyrta born about 1912
SergentRobert born about 1936
SergentRonald born about 1937
ShaffnerAnn born about 1937
ShaffnerCrystal born about 1915
ShaffnerDola born about 1922
ShaffnerDouglas born about 1920
ShaffnerFloyd born about 1896
ShaffnerJohn born about 1933
ShaffnerMary born about 1888
ShaffnerMary Elizabethborn about 1926
ShaffnerMildred born about 1900
ShaffnerPaul born about 1915
ShaffnerSylvia Janeborn about 1930
ShaffnerWayne born about 1939
ShaffnerWilliam born about 1886
ShanleyAileen born about 1924
ShanleyAnn born about 1903
ShanleyHoward born about 1928
ShanleyWilliam born about 1861
ShawAllen Daleborn about 1936
ShawBernard born about 1909
ShawCarol born about 1939
ShawClaude born about 1897
ShawClayton born about 1931
ShawDeeter born about 1865
ShawDonald born about 1939
ShawDoris born about 1905
ShawEdna born about 1916
ShawGladys born about 1904
ShawGuy born about 1901
ShawGuy Jr born about 1933
ShawJune born about 1923
ShawMillard born about 1910
ShawMinnie born about 1873
ShawNewton born about 1932
ShawOlin born about 1913
ShawRuth born about 1910
ShawSadie born about 1902
ShislerBernice born about 1937
ShislerCharles born about 1924
ShislerEdward born about 1921
ShislerEdward Dborn about 1875
ShislerEmaline born about 1898
ShislerEthel Mayborn about 1933
ShislerFrancis born about 1899
ShislerLily born about 1875
ShislerMarion born about 1935
ShislerNelson born about 1926
SlusserArthur Bborn about 1899
SlusserCarrie Eborn about 1877
SlusserLeverett born about 1868
SmithBernice born about 1903
SmithCharles born about 1933
SmithFrancis born about 1926
SmithFrank born about 1897
SmithJames Allenborn about 1922
SmithJoyce born about 1932
SmithJulius born about 1925
SmithLois born about 1928
SmithLula born about 1870
SmithLynn born about 1899
SmithMargaret born about 1924
SmithMortimer born about 1866
SmithNorma born about 1926
SmithOlive born about 1897
StaffardBetsy Rossborn about 1931
StaffardEdward born about 1936
StaffardIsabel born about 1906
StaffardRoss born about 1905
StageEliab born about 1866
StensonCharles born about 1905
StensonEdward born about 1897
StensonMary Eborn about 1914
StensonMary Jborn about 1875
StreeterEmeray born about 1888
StreeterFred born about 1889
SullivanArthur born about 1893
SullivanCharles born about 1931
SullivanLucile born about 1921
SullivanRose born about 1902

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T Surnames

TobeyGranville born about 1915
TobeyJames born about 1938
TobeyMarilyn born about 1939
TobeyMillicent born about 1919
TobyEllis born about 1922

V Surnames

VandykeJohn born about 1882
VandykeLaura born about 1875

W Surnames

WaltonAlfreda born about 1927
WaltonAnna born about 1914
WaltonBelle born about 1878
WaltonBurnell born about 1918
WaltonDorothy born about 1921
WaltonErnest Gborn about 1874
WaltonEverette born about 1917
WaltonFred born about 1872
WaltonGlenn born about 1895
WaltonGrace born about 1880
WaltonHarry born about 1918
WaltonJessie Marieborn about 1937
WaltonJoyce born about 1927
WaltonMary born about 1888
WaltonMaude born about 1891
WaltonPearl born about 1897
WaltonWilliam born about 1909
WardEdward born about 1920
WardMyrtie born about 1874
WashburnBernice born about 1939
WashburnEmma born about 1898
WashburnEverette born about 1928
WashburnGlenn Allenborn about 1939
WashburnGohn born about 1888
WashburnJay born about 1925
WashburnJoan born about 1933
WashburnJoyce born about 1933
WashburnLynn born about 1932
WashburnMarie born about 1917
WashburnNancy born about 1937
WebsterBetty born about 1938
WebsterClara born about 1889
WebsterDolores born about 1931
WebsterFrank born about 1896
WebsterFredrick born about 1919
WebsterGeprge born about 1885
WebsterGertrude born about 1903
WebsterGladys born about 1927
WebsterLaura born about 1933
WebsterRaymond born about 1916
WebsterVernon born about 1935
WellesCelestia born about 1865
WellesErnest born about 1873
WhippleBertha born about 1877
WhippleGeorge born about 1873
WhitemanEdward born about 1937
WhitemanRichard born about 1939
WhitemanRuth born about 1916
WhitemanWillard born about 1909
WilcoxFred born about 1884
WilcoxStanley born about 1916
WilderAnna born about 1933
WilderChester born about 1886
WilderDevere born about 1930
WilderLaura born about 1895
WilderRandolph born about 1923
WilleyHelena Aborn about 1884
WilliamsDonald born about 1933
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1928
WilliamsJessie born about 1907
WilliamsWalter born about 1899
WilliamsWalter Jr born about 1932
WilsonArchie born about 1886
WilsonRachel born about 1885
WingEthel born about 1889
WrightCasper born about 1897
WrightErnest born about 1895
WrightEugene born about 1855
WrightFlora born about 1856
WrightJennie born about 1904
WrightLloyd born about 1920
WrightMabel born about 1894

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Y Surnames

YorkEllis born about 1858
YorkLula born about 1901
YorkMelvin born about 1874
YorkMillie born about 1872
YoungersAndrew born about 1897
YoungersAndrew born about 1936
YoungersAnne Mayborn about 1930
YoungersCarl born about 1932
YoungersDonald born about 1922
YoungersElizabeth born about 1925
YoungersHelena born about 1898
YoungersMargaret born about 1923
YoungersRichard born about 1928
YoungersRose Maryborn about 1927
YoungersTeresa born about 1920

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Z Surnames

ZechesFred born about 1888
ZechesGertie born about 1892
ZechesGus born about 1896

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