1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fenner, Madison, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Madison County > 1940 Census of Fenner

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AllenElizebeth born about 1892
AllenFrank born about 1889
AndrewsEmma born about 1881
AustinBertha born about 1892
AustinEarl born about 1911
AustinEvelyne born about 1920
AustinHattie born about 1887
AustinJames born about 1888
AustinJane born about 1912
AustinJoyce born about 1928
AustinLa Verneborn about 1924
AustinLinda born about 1939
AustinLyle born about 1915
AustinMary born about 1937
AustinSylvia born about 1913
AustinVivian born about 1927
AustinWilliam born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaconDe Laneborn about 1893
BaconFrancis born about 1919
BaconHazel born about 1897
BaconHoward born about 1921
BaconLeta born about 1926
BaconOla born about 1921
BaconWesley born about 1918
BaileyAnderson born about 1878
BaileyAustin born about 1915
BallBertha Eborn about 1900
BallDe Perryborn about 1924
BallDonald Tborn about 1897
BallErma born about 1926
BallGerdline born about 1935
BallMarria born about 1923
BallRoberta born about 1928
BaronAlma Sborn about 1877
BaronEllison born about 1869
BellingerGarratt born about 1876
BellingerNellie born about 1872
BennettJohn born about 1880
BerryEloise born about 1934
BerryFredrick born about 1928
BerryGeorge born about 1907
BerryGeoroe Jr born about 1932
BerryHazel born about 1912
BerryRichard born about 1940
BerryRobert born about 1930
BishopEverts* born about 1860
BishopMabel born about 1888
BlakesleeMary Fborn about 1882
BlakesleeWarren born about 1882
BlowersDoris born about 1930
BlowersDorothy born about 1926
BlowersElton born about 1922
BlowersGlendon born about 1901
BlowersGlendon born about 1935
BlowersRichard born about 1924
BlowersRosie born about 1904
BradleyAlice born about 1931
BradleyCherry born about 1925
BradleyDurward born about 1926
BradleyFrank born about 1919
BradleyIda born about 1895
BradleyLeo born about 1895
BradleyMarvin born about 1934
BradleyMary born about 1928
BradleyMelda born about 1921
BradleyMelden born about 1921
BrownAlvin born about 1879
BrownBernice born about 1935
BrownCatherine born about 1909
BrownClifford born about 1922
BrownDonald born about 1932
BrownDonald born about 1935
BrownEdwin born about 1921
BrownFrank born about 1865
BrownGeorge born about 1928
BrownHarry born about 1900
BrownJulia born about 1880
BrownKath??En born about 1892
BrownLouise born about 1890
BrownMarion born about 1925
BrownNorma born about 1915
BrownOlin born about 1906
BrownRebecca born about 1925
BrownSarah born about 1894
BrownThomas Aborn about 1918
BrownThomas Dborn about 1876
BrownThomas Gborn about 1931
BrownVern born about 1923
BuchElbert born about 1868
BumpersPearle Dborn about 1870
BurkeDorothy born about 1931
BurkeEdmund Cborn about 1872
BurkeHelen born about 1937
BurkeJames born about 1894
BurkeJames born about 1929
BurkeJohn? born about 1922
BurkeMary born about 1904
BurkeMatilda born about 1877
BurkeMatilda born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CareyAnna born about 1901
CareyCale born about 1878
CareyCarlton born about 1915
CareyDoris born about 1924
CareyElecta born about 1885
CareyErnist born about 1928
CareyGeneive born about 1923
CareyGergorg born about 1925
CareyHarold born about 1921
CareyIvan born about 1926
CareyJohn born about 1888
CareyLaurince born about 1922
CareyLoretta born about 1936
CareyLucielle born about 1931
CareyMargaret born about 1879
CareyMargaret born about 1919
CareyMichal Wborn about 1885
CareyRita born about 1926
CareyRoy Wborn about 1885
CareyViola born about 1901
CareyVivian born about 1928
CarmanStephen born about 1888
CarneyEmmet born about 1885
CenterRoy born about 1890
ClarkBertian born about 1922
ClarkClifford born about 1923
ClarkIone born about 1905
ClarkLulu born about 1932
ClarkRaymond born about 1925
ClarkWalter born about 1890
ClarkeBerle born about 1897
CodyK Stanleyborn about 1887
CodyKathleen born about 1931
CodyKendall born about 1938
CodyMabel born about 1896
CodyMildred born about 1936
CollettCharles born about 1916
ColvinClarence born about 1922
ColvinEarl Eborn about 1881
ColvinGrace born about 1919
ColvinLloyd born about 1915
ColvinLydia born about 1913
ColvinMelvin born about 1938
ColvinRonald born about 1939
ColyerCarolyen born about 1911
ColyerWilliam born about 1915
CooperDoris born about 1927
CooperNellie born about 1890
CooperWilliam born about 1891
CordellCarl born about 1931
CordellCharles born about 1933
CordellDorthy born about 1909
CordellGeorge born about 1876
CordellGlenn born about 1906
CordellLloyd born about 1935
CordellRichard born about 1927
CordellRobert born about 1930
CorneyDonald born about 1923
CostelloAnna born about 1903
CostelloCatherine born about 1932
CostelloFrancis born about 1933
CostelloLeo born about 1902
CostelloLeo born about 1924
CostelloPaul born about 1925
CostelloPhilip born about 1939
CostelloRaymond born about 1936
CostelloVincent born about 1929
CoxEatha born about 1912
CoxHollis born about 1916
CoxRonald born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DandreaRomeo born about 1881
DavisBryon born about 1877
DavisBryon born about 1914
DavisDonald born about 1918
DavisDonald born about 1918
DavisFrancis born about 1885
DavisHelen born about 1920
DavisHenery Wborn about 1876
DavisMarian born about 1916
DavisVeionacra* born about 1915
DawsonGeorge born about 1890
DevoreDonald born about 1916
DoughertyHelen born about 1873
DoughertyJames born about 1870
DoughertyJohn born about 1872
DoughertyMary born about 1903
DoughertyPaul born about 1918
DoughertyWilliam born about 1914
DownsCurtis born about 1882
DownsSarah born about 1875
DoyleRuth born about 1917
DuellAugusta born about 1874
DurkenLydan* born about 1928
DuyerJohn born about 1862
DwyerJane born about 1883
DwyerJohn born about 1886
DwyerKatherine born about 1883
DwyerMicheal Wborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EaganAlbert born about 1884
EdickPaul born about 1914
ElmerAlice born about 1880
ElmerFredrick born about 1884

F Surnames

FaleyWilliam born about 1926
FargoArnold born about 1891
FargoMartha born about 1885
FarrErnest born about 1927
FaulknerEsquire born about 1863
FordCharles born about 1873
FordHelen born about 1871
FrentzGust born about 1860
FrentzMay born about 1897
FritzRay born about 1922
FurmanRobert born about 1887
FurmanRuth born about 1902
FurmanWalter born about 1920

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G Surnames

GamlenF??? born about 1921
GamlenHowlett born about 1893
GamlenIva born about 1900
GamlenLe Moy??born about 1897
GamlenLouis born about 1931
GilesIrma born about 1893
GilesLeslie born about 1896
GilmourAlfred born about 1890
GilmourMildred born about 1906
GilmourWilliam born about 1903
GrantAiden born about 1875
GrantAiden born about 1922
GrantAiden born about 1922
GrantFloyd born about 1899
GrantFloyd Jr born about 1929
GrantGenevieve born about 1925
GrantGrace born about 1920
GrantMary born about 1913
GrantRuby born about 1927
GrantRuth born about 1926
GriffinMarsha born about 1915
GriffinSidney born about 1911
GriffithsRobert born about 1918
GrovesGeorge born about 1881
GrovesGrace born about 1890

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H Surnames

HallAlbert born about 1880
HallEarl born about 1924
HallHarry born about 1927
HallMary born about 1887
HallMryon born about 1920
HallRussell born about 1914
HarveyJames born about 1884
HendersonCharles born about 1866
HendersonEva born about 1882
HendersonGlendon born about 1904
HendersonHarriet born about 1906
HigginsJohn born about 1897
HigginsMargret born about 1871
HigginsMargret born about 1931
HigginsMary born about 1901
HillCaroline born about 1908
HillEtoile born about 1903
HillFranklin born about 1919
HillJessie born about 1875
HillJohn born about 1862
HillJoseph born about 1880
HillWilliam born about 1881
HillerFredrick born about 1877
HughesBernard born about 1936
HughesMabel born about 1911
HughesMarilyan born about 1934
HughesMerwin born about 1911
HughesRobert born about 1930
HurdSanford born about 1905
HyattAdine born about 1924
HyattEarl born about 1922
HyattGrayce born about 1891
HyattHobbie born about 1886
HyattJane born about 1921
HyattWillard born about 1931
HynesEdna born about 1903
HynesMyles born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JenkinsBruce born about 1923
JenkinsEmma born about 1884
JenkinsFreda born about 1902
JenkinsJene born about 1883
JenkinsRobert born about 1904
JenningsGrace born about 1936
JenningsJames born about 1934
JenningsPaul born about 1939
JenningsRuth born about 1914
JenningsWalter born about 1912
JenningsWalter born about 1938
JohnsonMartha born about 1924
JonesAda born about 1874
JonesBernard born about 1928
JonesMay born about 1891
JoslinCora born about 1872
JoslinEugene born about 1933
JoslinHarold born about 1895
JoslinMary born about 1905
JoslinNina born about 1910
JoslinRoland born about 1904
JuddBlanche born about 1884
JuddEdward born about 1886
JuddHilda born about 1892
JuddLeon born about 1905
JuddWilliam born about 1886

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K Surnames

KeelenNancey born about 1859

L Surnames

LackeAnna born about 1924
LackeGussie born about 1887
LackeWilliam born about 1877
LambEdward born about 1904
LarkinElla born about 1911
LarkinJohn born about 1868
LarkinMary born about 1872
LarkinMary born about 1917
LarkinWilliam born about 1916
LoucopoulosAlberta born about 1928
LoucopoulosMelvin born about 1896
LoucopoulosOlive born about 1904
LoucopoulosVernon born about 1926
LyonsDoris born about 1914
LyonsFay born about 1940
LyonsMerritt Jr born about 1912
LyonsRaymond born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MageeDavid born about 1936
MageeHilda born about 1913
MageeRebecca born about 1939
MageeRichard born about 1913
MageeRobert born about 1940
MainePalmer Gborn about 1867
MarlettAlbert born about 1874
MarlettEliza born about 1879
MarlettElsie born about 1910
MarlettPaul born about 1918
MarshallCavie born about 1877
MarshallJohn Bborn about 1859
MarshallStanton born about 1880
MasonHarold born about 1919
MatherAnna born about 1939
MatherAugustus born about 1873
MatherClarence born about 1908
MatherClarence born about 1932
MatherEmma born about
MatherFoster born about 1939
MatherFrancis born about 1901
MatherLeland born about 1919
MatherMaribeth born about 1937
MatherMartha born about 1935
MatherMildred born about 1910
MatherPhilip born about 1914
MatherRaslyn born about 1905
MatherRose Maryborn about 1932
MatherRoslyn born about 1935
MatherVivian born about 1918
MattsonFrank born about 1882
MerrillGerald born about
MerrittPearl born about 1876
MerrittWhitfield born about 1872
MilesViola born about 1878
MillerClifford born about 1905
MillerEdna born about 1915
MillerMary born about 1939
MillerShirley born about 1937
MosherAnna born about 1883
MosherDudley born about 1924
MosherEmine born about 1894
MosherLillis born about 1926

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O Surnames

OlsonOscar born about 1919
OlsonSam born about 1870
OlsonTaren born about 1880
OwensLaura born about 1868
OwensWilliam Hborn about 1888

P Surnames

PetersonHenery born about 1878
PetersonHenery born about 1935
PetersonRuth born about 1905
PickardBlanche born about 1925
PickardElva born about 1887
PickardHector born about 1886
PickardJack born about 1927
PickardJohn born about 1886
PickardOra born about 1890
PieperBertha born about 1931
PieperClara born about 1902
PieperEdwin born about 1901
PorterArthour born about 1901
PorterMarion born about 1909

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R Surnames

RaymondHarrietta born about 1892
RaymondPeter born about 1875
RaymondWilliam born about 1869
RaymondWina born about 1874
RecordBerul born about 1911
RecordCharles born about 1915
RelyeaFrine born about 1877
RenyeSophia born about 1862
RiceJohn born about 1899
RiceMary born about 1877
RichmondG??? born about 1877
RobertoDoris born about 1909
RobertoEvelyn born about 1929
RobertoJuanita born about 1933
RobertoLouis born about 1907
RobertoRonald born about 1938
RobertsAndrew born about 1884
RobertsBeatrice born about 1909
RobertsBertha born about 1916
RobertsCharles born about 1927
RobertsElmer born about 1921
RobertsEmma born about 1938
RobertsFlorence born about 1924
RobertsGussie born about 1897
RobertsHenry born about 1889
RobertsHoward born about 1935
RobertsJohn born about 1927
RobertsLaurine born about 1933
RobertsMargret born about 1921
RobertsMildred born about 1926
RobertsNellie born about 1923
RobertsRobert born about 1919
RobertsStanley born about 1940
RobertsWilliam born about 1909
RobieAlbert born about 1854
RockwellElla born about 1890
RouseCharles born about 1910
RouseClaude born about 1920
RouseErnest born about 1918
RouseFrank born about 1879
RouseMabel born about 1887
RowanAnna born about 1870
RowanMalachi born about 1864
RyanBernadine born about 1929
RyanEilen born about 1923
RyanJean born about 1926
RyanL?Treris born about 1925
RyanLoretta born about 1927
RyanMicheal born about 1890
RyanMicheal born about 1933
RyanMolly born about 1896
RyanRuth Annaborn about 1936
RyanSheila born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SauleBertha born about 1880
SaylesFrank born about 1874
SaylesNellie born about 1873
SchaffAnna born about 1898
SchaffFredrick born about 1932
SchaffGrace born about 1925
SchaffGrant born about 1886
SchaffGrant born about 1924
SchaibleJohn born about 1883
SchwabeClive born about 1918
SeitzAnathony born about 1931
SeitzAurelia born about 1938
SeitzEmile born about 1940
SeitzFrances born about 1934
SeitzGertrude born about 1925
SeitzHenery born about 1894
SeitzHenery born about 1922
SeitzJohn born about 1927
SeitzJoseph born about 1929
SeitzMary Anneborn about 1934
SeitzRobert born about 1928
SeitzTheresa born about 1897
SeitzValentine born about 1936
ShanahanThomas born about 1904
ShanerEdwin born about 1902
ShanerNora Mayborn about 1903
ShephardBernard born about 1938
ShephardDavid born about 1934
ShephardDonald born about 1930
ShephardHelen born about 1904
ShephardHomes born about 1905
ShephardRobert born about 1928
ShortsleeveOlive born about 1887
SiversMildred born about 1914
SmithGeorge born about 1895
SnyderAlberta born about 1906
SnyderAlice born about 1868
SnyderDavid born about 1939
SnyderDonald born about 1924
SnyderFloyd born about 1899
SnyderGerald born about 1932
SnyderGlen born about 1939
SnyderLenora born about 1918
SnyderMaurice born about 1910
SnyderPeter born about 1866
SouleIda born about 1888
SouthwickHartin* born about 1924
SouthwickLee Bborn about 1866
SouthwickLee Jborn about 1919
SouthwickRuth born about 1919
StaffordEdna born about 1907
StaffordHarold born about 1905
SternsGaylord born about 1901
StevensonJames born about 1873
StevensonLeah born about 1918
StevensonNellie born about 1877
StevensonRalph born about 1908
StockerBurr born about 1903
StockerBurr Jr born about 1937
StockerHenery born about 1932
StockerIva born about 1906
StockerMuriel born about 1936
StockerWarren born about 1939
StockerWinifred born about 1930
SullivanAnna born about 1871
SullivanJerry Dborn about 1866
SullivanJohn Fborn about 1913
SwanI??? born about 1885
SwanNellie born about 1903
SwanRobert born about 1903
SwayzeClifford born about 1908
SwayzeClifford born about 1932
SwayzeDaniel born about 1937
SwayzeDavid born about 1938
SwayzeGerald born about 1934
SwayzeJames born about 1935
SwayzeMary born about 1910
SwayzeMary born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBreda born about 1940
TaylorCharles born about 1906
TaylorCharles born about 1936
TaylorJosie born about 1878
TaylorRaymond born about 1908
TaylorThelma born about 1918
TaylorVirgina born about 1938
TaylorWilliam born about 1876
TayntorAlberta born about 1864
TayntorCora Lborn about 1863
TayntorNina Eborn about 1893
ThompsonMargret born about 1907
ThompsonPeter born about 1906
TweedieGrace born about 1872

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V Surnames

VanalstineFrank born about 1876
VanalstineFrank born about 1908
VanalstineJames born about 1937
VanalstineJonetta born about 1918
VanalstineLouis born about 1872
VanalstineNellie born about 1881
VanalstineOlin born about 1902

W Surnames

WardArmenia born about 1877
WardRobert born about 1925
WardWilliam born about 1868
Warner?Ena?Vieve born about 1931
WarnerAlice born about 1923
WarnerAnna born about 1896
WarnerDarwin born about 1936
WarnerDora born about 1882
WarnerEdward born about 1930
WarnerFredrick born about 1898
WarnerGeorge born about 1892
WarnerGeorge born about 1932
WarnerGeorge Jr born about 1917
WarnerGrace born about 1917
WarnerHarold born about 1914
WarnerHarriett born about 1912
WarnerJames born about 1940
WarnerJohn born about 1900
WarnerJohn born about 1939
WarnerJoyce born about 1936
WarnerKatherine born about 1933
WarnerLaurence born about 1935
WarnerLeon born about 1918
WarnerMildred born about 1902
WarnerRoger born about 1937
WarnerWilliam Eborn about 1864
WellesHilda born about 1922
WestFloyd born about 1913
WestFrancis born about 1936
WestFredrick born about 1937
WestNellie Mayborn about 1916
WhaleyClark born about 1912
WhaleyClinton born about 1873
WhaleyHarriet born about 1884
WhaleyRichard born about 1919
WheelerAlberte born about 1851
WheelerErnest born about 1880
WheelerMolly born about 1882
WhiteWilliam born about 1867
WidemanRufford born about 1922
WilcoxGrace born about 1940
WilcoxHarold born about 1914
WilcoxNellie born about 1921
WilkinsonB??? born about 1936
WilkinsonEdith born about 1910
WilkinsonJohn born about 1940
WilkinsonRobert born about 1913
WilkinsonRoberta born about 1937
WilliamsAlfred born about 1895
WilliamsCarlton born about 1919
WilliamsCarolyn born about 1939
WilliamsDaisy born about 1895
WiltsieLena born about 1905
WiltsieWalter born about 1907
WoodworthCharles born about 1930
WoodworthKenneth born about 1932
WoodworthLe Royborn about 1936
WoodworthLeon born about 1894
WoodworthMagdlane born about 1906
WoodworthRodger born about 1926
WrightDavid born about 1923
WrightHarry born about 1877

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