1940 U.S. Federal Census of Halfmoon, Saratoga, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Saratoga County > 1940 Census of Halfmoon

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbareEmma Jborn about 1910
AbareLloyd Cborn about 1911
AdsitAnn Marieborn about 1908
AdsitEdmond Jborn about 1895
AdsitElizabeth born about 1868
AdsitFlorence Eborn about 1926
AdsitHelen born about 1895
AdsitJames Mborn about 1867
AdsitKenneth Dborn about 1905
AdsitRuth Lborn about 1925
AdsitWillard born about 1896
AllenMarion born about 1873
AllenParon Gborn about 1869
AllinEdna born about 1887
AllinRichard born about 1882
AmannAlbert born about 1917
AmannFredricke born about 1879
AmannRuppert born about 1865
AnthonyEliza Mborn about 1871
AnthonyEliza Mborn about 1871
AnthonySidney Jborn about 1869
AnthonySidney Jborn about 1869
AyersCatherine Eborn about 1888
AyersEdward Lborn about 1888
AyersLois Hborn about 1927
AyotteCelina born about 1905
AyotteCharles born about 1887
AyotteEvelyn born about 1909
AyotteEvelyn born about 1932
AyotteHector born about 1931
AyotteJohn born about 1907
AyotteJohn Jr born about 1930
AyotteJoseph born about 1934
AyotteKenneth born about 1940
AyotteRonald born about 1938
AyotteWilfred born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaberCharles born about 1927
BaberEdward born about 1894
BaberGeraldine born about 1932
BaberJessie born about 1898
BaberMargaret born about 1929
BaberRobert born about 1939
BakerArthur Aborn about 1882
BakerLilian Rborn about 1888
BaranowskiAlexander born about 1907
BaranowskiAlexander born about 1907
BaranowskiJoseph born about 1938
BaranowskiJoseph born about 1938
BaranowskiKatherine born about 1912
BaranowskiKatherine born about 1912
BaranowskiRichard born about 1936
BaranowskiRichard born about 1936
BaranowskiRobert born about 1933
BaranowskiRobert born about 1933
BarkhurstCharlotte Dborn about 1922
BarkhurstKenneth Mborn about 1908
BarkhurstSara Aborn about 1903
BeadleDannie born about 1883
BeadleEverett born about 1923
BellAnne born about 1901
BellBeverly born about 1924
BellFrancis born about 1932
BellGertrude born about 1905
BellHerbert born about 1929
BellHoward born about 1909
BellJames born about 1868
BellJames Jborn about 1898
BellJohn born about 1901
BellJohn Aborn about 1870
BellLaura Cborn about 1874
BellLoretta Nborn about 1925
BellMicheal born about 1906
BellRoy born about 1933
BellRuth born about 1933
BellSidney born about 1895
BellWilliam born about 1898
BenoitJoseph Nborn about 1898
BenoitPatrice Aborn about 1930
BenoitTeresa Eborn about 1903
BethelLillian born about 1907
BethelNola born about 1938
BethelPaul born about 1900
BillFrancis born about 1906
BillSusan born about 1882
BladenBernice born about 1927
BladenCorinne born about 1902
BladenFred Jborn about 1890
BladenJames Eborn about 1866
BladenJeanette born about 1862
BladenKenneth Jborn about 1918
BladenMary Aborn about 1890
BladenWilliam born about 1898
BladenWilliam Jr born about 1920
BombardierAlbert Eborn about 1900
BombardierEdward Aborn about 1928
BombardierHenrietta born about 1898
BombardierJohn Cborn about 1938
BombardierMoris Wborn about 1936
BombardierPaul Aborn about 1925
BombardierRoger born about 1928
BombardierVerna Aborn about 1932
BonsteelBeatrice born about 1914
BonsteelDonald born about 1936
BonsteelMary born about 1938
BonsteelRonald born about 1937
BorntAverill born about 1913
BorntBertha born about 1901
BorntDonald born about 1910
BorntEllen Jborn about 1852
BorntFlora born about 1881
BorntHeather born about 1935
BorntMerritt born about 1878
BorntRoland born about 1919
BorntVaughn born about 1936
BorntWayne born about 1939
BoswellCleo born about 1926
BrandtBertha Mborn about 1907
BrandtEmile Tborn about 1900
BrandtHarry Eborn about 1925
BrandtJoseph born about 1875
BrandtMary born about 1879
BrandtMary Sborn about 1905
BrennCharles Fborn about 1914
BrennDorothy born about 1918
BrennLulu Aborn about 1879
BrennLulu Cborn about 1879
BrennWilliam born about 1880
BrennWilliam born about 1880
BrennWilliam Kborn about 1911
BrennWilliam Kborn about 1911
BrezoskiAnthony born about 1883
BriggsDorothy born about 1913
BriggsDorothy Lborn about 1919
BriggsHollan Wborn about 1902
BriggsNorman born about 1932
BriggsRoland born about 1934
BrownAlbert Eborn about 1917
BrownAllan Lborn about 1931
BrownAllan Lborn about 1931
BrownBlanche Bborn about 1890
BrownCarol Aborn about 1930
BrownCarol Aborn about 1930
BrownDonald Lborn about 1936
BrownDonald Lborn about 1936
BrownElinor Lborn about 1912
BrownElinor Lborn about 1912
BrownEmerson born about 1886
BrownHarolod Jborn about 1905
BrownHarolod Jborn about 1905
BrownNorman Gborn about 1932
BrownNorman Gborn about 1932
BrownRodney Bborn about 1939
BrownRodney Bborn about 1939
BrownellEmeline born about 1880
BrownellFrances Bborn about 1927
BrownellFrances Bborn about 1927
BrownellFranklin Wborn about 1900
BrownellFranklin Wborn about 1900
BrownellFranklin W Jrborn about 1930
BrownellFranklin W Jrborn about 1930
BrownellIrene Eborn about 1900
BrownellIrene Eborn about 1900
BrownellLloyd born about 1913
BrownellLouise born about 1922
BrownellMina born about 1898
BrownellRaymond Wborn about 1917
BrownellRomaina born about 1895
BrownellWilliam Dborn about 1929
BrownellWilliam Dborn about 1929
BullisAlice born about 1890
BullisAnthony Jborn about 1909
BullisAnthony Jr born about 1936
BullisLaforest born about 1885
BullisMary born about 1901
BurbridgeElma Mborn about 1907
BurbridgeLeland Wborn about 1904
BurchEtta born about 1864
BurgesJosephine born about 1914
BurkDavid Eborn about 1867
BurkKathryn Lborn about 1872
BurkeJohn Pborn about 1903
BurkeJohn Pborn about 1903
BurnsLois born about 1914
BuryStanley born about 1890
ButlerEcho Mborn about 1885
ButlerGrace Eborn about 1924
ButlerJohn Hborn about 1883
ButlerLeander Dborn about 1921
ButlerWilliam Hborn about 1918
ButterElizabeth born about 1889
ButterHarry Cborn about 1917
ButterMary Eborn about 1937
ButterPeggy born about 1919
ButterWalter Gborn about 1884
ButterWalter Gborn about 1917
ByronConstance born about 1915
ByronJoseph born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellMarie born about 1927
CampbellMary born about 1898
CampbellWilliam born about 1933
CampbellWm born about 1900
CarThelma born about 1919
CardenBetty born about 1924
CardenCharles Hborn about 1893
CardenElizabeth born about 1857
CardenGeorge born about 1926
CardenHilda Aborn about 1901
CareyCharles born about 1916
CareyCharles born about 1916
CarollAnn Maeborn about 1900
CarpenterDora Mborn about 1885
CarrFloyed Jr born about 1915
CaryRuth Hborn about 1873
CassidyAnnie Mborn about 1898
CassidyCora Hborn about 1912
CassidyCynthia Jborn about 1885
CassidyEleanor Mborn about 1924
CassidyHoward Bborn about 1908
CassidyJoan Cborn about 1932
CassidyJudith Aborn about 1939
CassidyLaura Aborn about 1929
CassidyRaymond born about 1913
CassidyRichard Wborn about 1935
CassidySponcer Hborn about 1899
CaswellCharles born about 1861
CaswellLottie Vborn about 1886
CaswellMary Esterborn about 1862
CervantesArthur born about 1890
CervantesJennie born about 1882
CervantesJohn born about 1916
ChaseBeverly born about 1939
ChaseCharles Mborn about 1889
ChaseDorothy Aborn about 1921
ChaseFrederick born about 1918
ChaseHarvey Wborn about 1923
ChaseHelen born about 1903
ChristopherAnthony born about 1926
ChristopherAnthony born about 1926
ChristopherCamillo born about 1891
ChristopherCamillo born about 1891
ChristopherCelestine born about 1889
ChristopherCelestine born about 1889
ChristopherClement born about 1883
ChristopherDiminick born about 1916
ChristopherDiminick born about 1916
ChristopherFlorence born about 1894
ChristopherFlorence born about 1894
ChristopherGaetano born about 1870
ChristopherGaetono born about 1870
ChristopherJohn born about 1912
ChristopherJohn born about 1912
ChristopherLaurence born about 1921
ChristopherLaurence born about 1921
ChristopherLoretta born about 1929
ChristopherLoretta born about 1929
ChristopherLucas born about 1917
ChristopherMary born about 1882
ChristopherNichlas born about 1915
ChristopherRoss born about 1918
ChristopherRoss born about 1918
ChristopherSundie born about 1924
ChristopherSundie born about 1924
ChristopherTeresa born about 1872
ChristopherTeresa born about 1872
CiepielaAnna born about 1924
CiepielaChester born about 1934
CiepielaEdwin born about 1931
CiepielaLouise born about 1896
CiepielaMona born about 1926
CiepielaSophie born about 1896
CiepielaWilliam born about 1916
ClarkAnna Eborn about 1916
ClarkBelle Vborn about 1879
ClarkFlorence born about 1899
ClarkHarold born about 1899
ClarkHarold born about 1921
ClarkIsabella born about 1910
ClarkJared Pborn about 1871
ClarkWillard born about 1922
ClarkeHarry Lborn about 1884
ClarkeLouise born about 1890
ClaytonEdna born about 1893
ClaytonRobert born about 1894
ClementArthur born about 1880
ClementGerald born about 1920
ClementJoan born about 1886
ClementJohn born about 1919
ClementMorris born about 1922
ClementTheresa born about 1928
ClossonDonald Eborn about 1918
ClossonEstell Mborn about 1919
ClossonIrene Sborn about 1939
CluteAnna born about 1878
CluteCharles born about 1871
ColganJessie Mborn about 1874
CollinsCornellius born about 1877
CollinsJames born about 1882
CollinsMary Aborn about 1876
ComeauLauise Mborn about 1903
ComeauLauise Mborn about 1903
ComeauLeo Jborn about 1904
ComeauLeo Jborn about 1904
ConnorsJohn born about 1842
ConnorsMargaret born about 1863
CoonsAmy born about 1881
CoonsBurton born about 1872
CoonsEdel born about 1917
CoonsFrank born about 1911
CoonsIlah born about 1912
CoonsJohn born about 1879
CoonsMary born about 1878
CoonsPearl born about 1908
CorcoranEva Mborn about 1894
CorcoranWilliam Mborn about 1892
CoxElla born about 1856
CoxEtta Maeborn about 1896
CranellBertha Lborn about 1922
CranellCatherine Eborn about 1921
CranellElizabeth Jborn about 1939
CranellHelen Mborn about 1926
CranellLe Roy Dborn about 1894
CranellLoura Cborn about 1898
CranellRoger Dborn about 1932
CraverAlvin born about 1851
CraverArthur Sborn about 1882
CraverClark Eborn about 1872
CraverMaggie born about 1887
CraverNewton born about 1882
CrottyEdna born about 1900
CrottyWilliam Pborn about 1900
CummingsCatherine born about 1891
CummingsElizabeth born about 1870
CurtisBeulah Hborn about 1907
CurtisBruce Mborn about 1934

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D Surnames

DarrahJessie born about 1890
DarrahLena born about 1888
DavisBarbara Aborn about 1932
DavisKenneth Aborn about 1910
DavisPearl Vborn about 1912
DempseyAgnes born about 1885
DempseyJames Fborn about 1914
DempseyJohn Jborn about 1921
DempseyJohn P Xborn about 1891
DesnoyersJoseph Aborn about 1921
DesnoyersRobert Sborn about 1924
DevaePricella born about 1870
DevoeAlfred Wborn about 1893
DevoeAnn born about 1936
DevoeArthur Lborn about 1909
DevoeArthur Lborn about 1936
DevoeBertha Xborn about 1875
DevoeCharles born about 1930
DevoeDoris born about 1931
DevoeDorthy born about 1932
DevoeDorthy Eborn about 1917
DevoeEdna born about 1924
DevoeElizabeth Dborn about 1938
DevoeElsie born about 1910
DevoeEugene born about 1923
DevoeEvelyn born about 1927
DevoeFranklin born about 1939
DevoeFredinburg born about 1931
DevoeGladys born about 1911
DevoeHarold Wborn about 1903
DevoeIrving born about 1929
DevoeJames born about 1904
DevoeJesse born about 1919
DevoeJessie Dborn about 1872
DevoeKenneth born about 1921
DevoeLawrence Wborn about 1933
DevoeLealand born about 1902
DevoeLeslie born about 1937
DevoeLloyd born about 1931
DevoeLoren born about 1931
DevoeLouis born about 1904
DevoeLouis born about 1922
DevoeMargaret born about 1902
DevoeMarjorie born about 1934
DevoeMarlene Hborn about 1938
DevoeMerrit born about 1934
DevoeMerritt Wborn about 1899
DevoeNettie born about 1895
DevoeNorman Bborn about 1926
DevoeRachel born about 1906
DevoeRaymond born about 1929
DevoeRobert born about 1936
DevoeRonald born about 1938
DevoeRoy Jborn about 1898
DevoeRoy Jrborn about 1935
DevoeSerena born about 1933
DevoeStanley born about 1926
DevoeStuart born about 1928
DevoeVictor born about 1924
DevoeWilliam born about 1929
DillionMarion born about 1897
DillionSadie born about 1899
DixWalter born about 1889
DragonetteAnna born about 1939
DragonetteHelen born about 1922
DragonetteJoseph born about 1917
DucharmeMelcina born about 1869
DuffyFrances born about 1906
DuffyMary Eborn about 1872
DunhamGeorge born about 1860
DunhamHattie born about 1862
DunhamRichard born about 1917
DunnBenjamin born about 1877
DunnElizabeth born about 1878
DutcherOrville born about 1879
DworakFrancis born about 1934
DworakJohn born about 1937
DworakNellie born about 1910
DworakPaul born about 1905
DworakStanley born about 1938
DwyerBryan born about 1872
DwyerEva born about 1872

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E Surnames

EastmanClinton Lborn about 1880
EastmanClinton L Jrborn about 1919
EastmanLura Mborn about 1881
ElliottBessie born about 1896
ElliottDoris Mborn about 1931
EsmondMargaret Eborn about 1872
EsmondMargarite born about 1872
EvansAlfred Nborn about 1879
EvensAnna born about 1922
EvensBernice born about 1930
EvensDoris born about 1925
EvensElizabeth born about 1918
EvensHarriet born about 1897
EvensWilliam Hborn about 1889
EvensWilliam Jrborn about 1916

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F Surnames

FarrellBetty born about 1925
FarrellMargaret born about 1920
FarrellMary born about 1897
FarrellPatrica born about 1935
FarrellWm born about 1890
FarrellWm born about 1918
FaulknerAlbert born about 1903
FaulknerBarbara born about 1935
FaulknerEdith born about 1906
FaulknerEdward born about 1907
FaulknerEdwin born about 1937
FaulknerGale born about 1939
FaulknerWayne born about 1931
FellowsDoris born about 1926
FellowsEthel born about 1899
FellowsMarvin born about 1868
FellowsMerdith born about 1929
FellowsMilford born about 1919
FellowsRobert born about 1932
FergusonJane Cborn about 1876
FergusonJane Cborn about 1876
FifieldElla Cborn about 1875
FifieldGeorge Eborn about 1879
FilkinsElmer born about 1891
FilkinsSarah born about 1897
FinneyAgnes born about 1860
FisetGearldine Lborn about 1937
FisetJennie Cborn about 1910
FisetRomes Tborn about 1904
FisetUrsula Mborn about 1928
FitchHattie Aborn about 1872
FletcherDavid Jborn about 1894
FletcherIrene Mborn about 1899
FloudAbraham Lborn about 1893
FloudAlice Mborn about 1895
FloudHarry Lborn about 1928
FloudMina Dborn about 1926
FloudWilliam Eborn about 1930
FlynnEdward born about 1892
FoleyConstance born about 1937
FoleyFrank born about 1898
FoleyGeorge Fborn about 1911
FoleyJanie Mborn about 1939
FoleyJohn Rborn about 1901
FoleyKathryn born about 1906
FoleyMary Jborn about 1914
FoleyMaureen born about 1934
FordPhoebej born about 1871
FordWillard Fborn about 1872
FowlerMary born about 1874
FowlerSamuel Wborn about 1863
FoxJ Raymondborn about 1926
FoxKenneth born about 1921
FoxMary born about 1894
FreemanAnna born about 1862
FreemanElsie Mborn about 1891
FreemanErnest Cborn about 1896
FreemanEster Eborn about 1906
FreemanGeroge Gborn about 1894
FreemanHarry Eborn about 1883
FreemanMargratte born about 1878
FreemanNelson born about 1875

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G Surnames

GaffMellie Mborn about 1875
GagnonAlice born about 1907
GagnonMadeline born about 1927
GagnonPhidime born about 1904
GeorgeClimentine born about 1892
GeorgeClimentine born about 1892
GeorgeWilliam Pborn about 1888
GeorgeWilliam Pborn about 1888
GermainAlice born about 1904
GermainRalph born about 1901
GeroFrank born about 1877
GeroKatherine born about 1878
GibbsElsie born about 1924
GibbsLecil Hborn about 1917
GibbsRaymond born about 1936
GibbsRobert Jr born about 1932
GibbsWilliam born about 1926
GodfreyAddie born about 1915
GodfreyDaniel born about 1874
GodfreyFranklin born about 1902
GodfreyKatherine born about 1910
GodfreyVivian born about 1908
GodfreyWealtha born about 1881
GoffMellie Mborn about 1875
GoyetteAnna Eborn about 1911
GoyetteArmedos Jborn about 1910
GoyetteEdward Aborn about 1939
GoyetteJanet Aborn about 1938
GreenEmma born about 1874
GreenoElsie born about 1868
GreenoWarren born about 1869
GregoireAlfred born about 1877
GregoireArthur Jborn about 1939
GregoireGeorge born about 1916
GregoireLia Mborn about 1873
GregoireLilian Mborn about 1907
GregoireMarion Mborn about 1932
GregoireMona born about 1938
GregoireMonica born about 1918
GregoireRobert Aborn about 1937
GregoireWilfred Jborn about 1900
GregoireWilfred Jr born about 1930
GroatAdeline born about 1885
GroatCharles born about 1884
GroatEarle born about 1896
GroatEleanor born about 1935
GroatFrederick born about 1921
GroatGladys born about 1898
GroatLouis born about 1938
GroatMarjorie born about 1924
GroatVirginia born about 1921
GuyerGerald born about 1934
GuyerNora Iborn about 1897
GuyerRichard Hborn about 1900
GuyerRichard Hborn about 1931

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H Surnames

HallMary Fborn about 1886
HalloranCharles Lborn about 1903
HalloranDorthy Dborn about 1907
HalloranMarine Jborn about 1935
HarnettJohn born about 1891
HarnettMargaret born about 1898
HarrisAdell born about 1911
HarrisAlton born about 1905
HarrisFreda Lborn about 1909
HarrisFrewda Lborn about 1909
HarrisHamelton born about 1903
HarrisJoan born about 1939
HarrisJoan born about 1939
HarrisLloyd born about 1937
HarrisLloyd born about 1937
HarrisLora born about 1915
HarrisLora born about 1915
HarrisMailyn Gborn about 1937
HarrisMailyn Gborn about 1937
HarrisMary born about 1872
HarrisPearl born about 1908
HarrisRussel born about 1901
HarrisRussel born about 1901
HartHelen born about 1860
HasslerSamuel born about 1913
HasslerSamuel born about 1913
HaydenAnna Mborn about 1887
HaydenEdward Jborn about 1887
HaydenEdward Lborn about 1926
HaydenJames Jborn about 1924
HaynerAddie born about 1902
HaynerCarrie Eborn about 1901
HaynerHelen Dborn about 1925
HaynerIrene born about 1929
HaynerLe Roy Sborn about 1901
HaynerMarjorie born about 1926
HaynerMillard born about 1900
HaynerSidney Hborn about 1936
HeffermanAnn born about 1879
HellHanna Aborn about 1859
HenricksBernard born about 1887
HenricksClifford born about 1918
HenricksJohn Fborn about 1861
HenricksLena born about 1893
HenricksLloyd born about 1922
HerleyDorothy born about 1911
HerrickBarbara Aborn about 1937
HerrickJohn Arthurborn about 1908
HerrickMarietta born about 1910
HerrickNancy Mborn about 1935
HerringtonElnor Hborn about 1918
HerringtonFrank born about 1881
HerringtonHazel Mborn about 1891
HillCharles born about 1895
HillCharles Nborn about 1924
HillDoris Lborn about 1919
HillEva Aborn about 1919
HillEva Aborn about 1919
HillFlayd Hborn about 1921
HillFlayd Hborn about 1921
HillJean Eborn about 1925
HillKenneth born about 1917
HillKenneth born about 1917
HillLeona born about 1930
HillMadie Aborn about 1886
HillMadie Aborn about 1886
HillMaud born about 1896
HillRollie Eborn about 1889
HillRollie Eborn about 1889
HinkleEdward born about 1887
HoffmanChristine born about 1856
HoganBetty born about 1939
HoganEdward born about 1897
HoganEdward born about 1925
HoganElla born about 1922
HoganJohn born about 1938
HoganMary born about 1897
HolmesNellie Mborn about 1871
HonsingerEtson born about 1885
HonsingerFrances born about 1886
HorrocksElizabeth born about 1903
HorrocksElizabeth Aborn about 1939
HorrocksGergina Mborn about 1928
HorrocksIris born about 1924
HorrocksJane Aborn about 1935
HorrocksJohn Rborn about 1933
HorrocksStanley born about 1903
HorrocksStanley Wborn about 1931
HosmerE Maeborn about 1875
HouseMabel born about 1883
HouseWilliam Eborn about 1877
HowlandDonald Jborn about 1937
HowlandFrancis Sborn about 1929
HowlandFrank Sborn about 1902
HowlandKatheryn Jborn about 1905
HowlandWilliam Hborn about 1927
HughesMary born about 1873
HuntHoward Hborn about 1882
HuntHoward H Jrborn about 1934
HuntMay Lborn about 1893

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I Surnames

IvesEverett born about 1917

J Surnames

JackeFrances born about 1937
JackeFrank born about 1862
JackeJohn born about 1904
JackeLessie born about 1872
JackeMary born about 1905
JackeMicheal born about 1929
JackeStasia born about 1926
JarrardFredrick born about 1924
JarrardFredrick born about 1924
JastinFrank born about 1890
JeffersCharles Eborn about 1883
JeffersEugene Lborn about 1851
JeffersLouise born about 1890
JenningsAlfred Jborn about 1901
JenningsGrace born about 1926
JenningsHelen born about 1905
JenningsMarlynn born about 1930
JenningsRobert born about 1935
JeskeJane born about 1875
JohnsonAlice Mborn about 1924
JohnsonCarl Hborn about 1928
JohnsonChris born about 1892
JohnsonDorthy Jborn about 1932
JohnsonEarl born about 1929
JohnsonEdward born about 1917
JohnsonEdward born about 1921
JohnsonEdward born about 1928
JohnsonElla Eborn about 1901
JohnsonElsie Cborn about 1931
JohnsonElsie Gborn about 1889
JohnsonElsie Gborn about 1889
JohnsonErnest Tborn about 1911
JohnsonErnest Tborn about 1911
JohnsonFlorence born about 1926
JohnsonGrace born about 1930
JohnsonHelen born about 1924
JohnsonHenry Bborn about 1901
JohnsonJames Dborn about 1925
JohnsonJohn born about 1916
JohnsonJune born about 1934
JohnsonKaiser Xborn about 1902
JohnsonMartha Aborn about 1919
JohnsonMartha Aborn about 1919
JohnsonMary born about 1900
JohnsonMary born about 1906
JohnsonMay born about 1932
JohnsonPauline born about 1907
JohnsonRichard Bborn about 1927
JohnsonRoman born about 1927
JohnsonRoman Fborn about 1922
JohnsonRoman Jborn about 1921
JohnsonRoman Jborn about 1921
JohnsonRoman Lborn about 1886
JohnsonRoman Lborn about 1886
JohnsonSylvester born about 1889
JohnsonTeresa born about 1925
JohnsonVeronica born about 1900
JohnsonWalter born about 1930
JohnsonWilliam born about 1897
JonesAlva born about 1916
JonesEthel born about 1893
JonesWilliam born about 1892

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K Surnames

KaneKatherine born about 1881
KesslerAlfred born about 1877
KesslerAlfred Jborn about 1913
KesslerAnn born about 1921
KesslerArthur born about 1910
KesslerEdward born about 1903
KesslerEdward born about 1939
KesslerEva born about 1917
KesslerMary born about 1873
KesslerShirly born about 1937
KingAlida born about 1873
KleinFrank born about 1901
KleinFrank born about 1901
KnechtFred born about 1864
KnightAlice Rborn about 1870
KnightElizabeth born about 1868
KnightFrank Bborn about 1869
KnightJade born about 1890
KnightsEdward Mborn about 1898
KnightsLaura Mborn about 1903
KnoopElizabeth born about 1890
KnoopLouis Rborn about 1889
KnoopRobert born about 1919
KnoopTheora born about 1916
KnowltonEdna born about 1908
KnowltonHarriet born about 1888
KnowltonWalter Jborn about 1883
KowalskiJohn born about 1891
KraszewskiAgnes born about 1889
KraszewskiAnthony born about 1916
KraszewskiBenjamin born about 1917
KraszewskiLio born about 1922
KraszewskiPeter born about 1884
KromMortimer Eborn about 1893
KruegerCarrie Eborn about 1882
KruegerDorothy born about 1913
KruegerRaymond Wborn about 1908

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L Surnames

LakeDoris Lborn about 1930
LakeEmma Aborn about 1906
LakeVern Lborn about 1907
LamayAnna born about 1917
LamayArcher born about 1914
LaneBetty born about 1920
LaneClarence born about 1893
LaneLeona born about 1894
LaneWilliam Bborn about 1918
LaskerMary Eborn about 1874
LaskerWilliard Lborn about 1873
LeesonArthur born about 1917
LeesonBessie born about 1887
LeesonEdward born about 1884
LeggettEdward born about 1909
LeggettEdward born about 1909
LeggettElizabeth born about 1894
LeggettElizabeth born about 1894
LeggettGrace born about 1890
LeggettJohn born about 1893
LeggettMary born about 1891
LeggettMary born about 1891
LeggettThais born about 1909
LeggettThais born about 1909
LelandCarnelia born about 1883
LelandCornelia born about 1883
LewisEllie Eborn about 1867
LewisGeorge Eborn about 1863
LisaBronslaw born about 1922
LisaEdna born about 1894
LisaStephen born about 1889
LisaWanda born about 1924
LivingstonHugh born about 1870
LivingstonMary Aborn about 1871
LockwookAnna born about 1870
LoiserBeatirce born about 1902
LounsboroughEllis Mborn about 1862
LounsboroughEllis Nborn about 1908
LutherintzCarol Aborn about 1938
LutherintzEdward Aborn about 1905
LutherintzEdward A Jrborn about 1931
LutherintzFlorence born about 1909
LutherintzMina Aborn about 1927

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M Surnames

MacyCharles Jborn about 1923
MacyCharles Rborn about 1890
MacyErnest born about 1918
MacyKenneth born about 1926
MacyMary born about 1929
MacyMonica Aborn about 1921
MacyRosanna born about 1888
MadsenEthel Mborn about 1893
MadsenEthel Mborn about 1893
MadsenHolger Jborn about 1892
MadsenHolger Jborn about 1892
MalekAgnes born about 1924
MalekFrank born about 1930
MalekHelen born about 1927
MalekJohn born about 1889
MalekJohn Jr born about 1922
MalekJosephine born about 1894
MalekMary born about 1928
MalinowskiJohn born about 1900
MalinowskiJohn born about 1930
MalinowskiMary born about 1901
ManningBenjanin born about 1898
ManningEdward born about 1870
ManningJoseph born about 1890
ManningKatherine born about 1868
MarrowIda born about 1870
MarrowJohn born about 1864
MarrowMae born about 1903
MartinClarence born about 1890
MartinCornell Lborn about 1912
MartinDonald Lborn about 1937
MartinEdward born about 1929
MartinElie born about 1931
MartinElizabeth born about 1895
MartinElizabeth born about 1929
MartinHarold born about 1906
MartinIrene Jborn about 1940
MartinJames born about 1884
MartinLeo born about 1934
MartinLloyd Hborn about 1940
MartinLouis born about 1930
MartinMarilyn Jborn about 1933
MartinMarion born about 1908
MartinMaude born about 1893
MartinMildred born about 1916
MartinReuben born about 1902
MartinRobert Rborn about 1931
MartinRose Maryborn about 1932
MartinWilliam born about 1889
MartinWillis Eborn about 1920
MayNellie born about 1905
MayWilliam born about 1879
MayoAlfred Jborn about 1928
MayoCharles born about 1901
MayoDorothy born about 1922
MayoEdger born about 1917
MayoEli Hborn about 1896
MayoEsther born about 1896
MazurIgnatz born about 1894
McbrideAgnes born about 1933
McbrideAgnes born about 1933
McbrideAnn Eborn about 1938
McbrideAnnea Mborn about 1866
McbrideCharles Fborn about 1882
McbrideClara born about 1906
McbrideClara born about 1906
McbrideDanald Jborn about 1937
McbrideDanald Jborn about 1937
McbrideEster born about 1927
McbrideEster born about 1927
McbrideGeorge born about 1851
McbrideGeorge born about 1887
McbrideGeorge born about 1936
McbrideGeorge born about 1936
McbrideJames born about 1934
McbrideJames born about 1934
McbrideJohn born about 1930
McbrideJohn born about 1930
McbrideLeona born about 1926
McbrideLeona born about 1926
McbrideRebecca Eborn about 1902
McbrideWilliam born about 1896
McbrideWilliam born about 1896
McbrideWilliam Jr born about 1925
McbrideWilliam Jr born about 1925
McdermottEmily born about 1890
McdermottJohn born about 1889
McdonaldJeff born about 1854
McdonnellWilliam born about 1940
McfarrenEdwin born about 1913
McfarrenKeith Wborn about 1940
McfarrenVivian Mborn about 1916
McwhinnieCammelia born about 1900
McwhinnieCammelia born about 1900
McwhinnieDauglas born about 1935
McwhinnieDauglas born about 1935
McwhinnieDonald born about 1918
McwhinnieDonald born about 1918
McwhinnieEdward Cborn about 1932
McwhinnieEdward Cborn about 1932
McwhinnieJohn born about 1892
McwhinnieJohn born about 1892
McwhinnieJohn Bborn about 1929
McwhinnieJohn Bborn about 1929
MedinaDonald Wborn about 1925
MedinaEthel Mborn about 1905
MedinaKenneth Mborn about 1927
MedinaManuel Pborn about 1901
MeehanEffie born about 1861
MerwitzAnn born about 1939
MerwitzDavid born about 1937
MerwitzJacob born about 1875
MerwitzSophia born about 1887
MerwitzWilliam born about 1914
MeyerJennie born about 1864
MeyerOrville Fborn about 1890
MichaudBeatrice born about 1900
MichaudEdna born about 1927
MichaudGasper born about 1898
MichaudJoseph born about 1921
MichaudLoretta born about 1919
MichaudMarcel born about 1923
MichaudMary born about 1925
MichaudTheressa born about 1928
MillerGeroge born about 1899
MillerHenry born about 1898
MillerJoanne born about 1928
MillerJohn born about 1930
MillerKatheryn born about 1903
MillerKenneth born about 1915
MillerMarie born about 1922
MillerMarilyn born about 1936
MillerRichard born about 1934
MillerThomas born about 1932
MincherAlbert Eborn about 1925
MincherAlfred born about 1921
MincherAnna born about 1893
MincherCarol born about 1936
MincherFrederick born about 1861
MincherGeorge Jborn about 1900
MincherGeorge Jborn about 1927
MincherIda born about 1890
MincherIda Mayborn about 1935
MincherJ Bborn about 1887
MincherJames born about 1926
MincherJames born about 1932
MincherJames Aborn about 1919
MincherJoy Bborn about 1934
MincherLouise born about 1911
MincherNorma born about 1920
MincherThelma Nborn about 1923
MitchellGeorge Bborn about 1925
MitchellIrene Eborn about 1932
MitchellJohn Mborn about 1896
MitchellLeah Nborn about 1896
MooneyEdward born about 1875
MooneyMargaret born about 1876
MorrisCharles Eborn about 1864
MorrisCharles Eborn about 1894
MorrisCharles Eborn about 1917
MorrisGerald born about 1920
MorrisNettie Mborn about 1897
MortonAllie Bborn about 1903
MortonAllie Bborn about 1903
MortonCharles Lborn about 1923
MortonHelen Aborn about 1897
MortonRobert Wborn about 1923
MortonRobert Wborn about 1923
MortonShirley Vmborn about 1934
MortonShirley Vmborn about 1934
MortonWillard Bborn about 1898
MortonWillard Bborn about 1898
MortonWilliam Mborn about 1898
MudryHenry born about 1899
MurphyAnn Eborn about 1918
MurphyAnn Eborn about 1918
MurphyF Louraettborn about 1884
MurphyF Louraettborn about 1884
MurphyLeo born about 1916
MurphyLeo born about 1916
MurphyRuth Mborn about 1913
MurphyRuth Mborn about 1913
MurphyThomas born about 1872
MurphyThomas born about 1872
MurrayAlice born about 1882
MurrayGeorge Bborn about 1885
MurrayJennie Eborn about 1864
MyersArchie born about 1899
MyersArchie born about 1899
MyersWalulu Jborn about 1872
MyersWalulu Jborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NesbittFrank Eborn about 1884
NesbittMarion born about 1892
NeubauerDonald Wborn about 1927
NeubauerMaude Fborn about 1894
NeubauerMilton Jborn about 1891
NeubauerMilton Jrborn about 1924
NewellEtola born about 1921
NewtonAndrew Cborn about 1859
NewtonJohn Eborn about 1886
NewtonMary Fborn about 1859
NewtonTheressa born about 1882
NormandinB Anneborn about 1936
NormandinCharles born about 1905
NormandinElla born about 1908
NormandinJune born about 1925
NormandinPeggy born about 1924
NortonAlfred born about 1928
NortonClyde born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OneilEl???In born about 1919
OneilMargaret born about 1895
OneilWilliam Jborn about 1884
OvertonDonald Aborn about 1936
OvertonErnest Cborn about 1895
OvertonEvangeline born about 1907
OvertonRalph Aborn about 1938

P Surnames

PalmerLaura Janeborn about 1922
PatrickNorman born about 1882
PatrickThena born about 1893
PeltierClarence Jborn about 1887
PeltierHattie born about 1885
PeltierIda born about 1881
PennerPauline born about 1912
PerryRita born about 1936
PhillipsAnna born about 1860
PhiloWellington born about 1886
PhinneyElnor Lborn about 1915
PhinneyElnor Lborn about 1915
PhinneyRichard Bborn about
PhinneyRichard Bborn about
PicardJoseph Aborn about 1911
PicardJoseph Jrborn about 1934
PicardJune born about 1936
PicardLoretta born about 1914
PicardRobert born about 1938
PlantFrank Wborn about 1878
PlossWinifred born about 1878
PohlFrank born about 1884
PohlFrank Jr born about 1914
PohlHelen Gborn about 1920
PohlWilliam Uborn about 1939
PollockCharles born about 1875
PollockHattie born about 1881
PottsEdward Rborn about 1899
PottsGeorge born about 1868
PrescottDorothy Gborn about 1928
PrescottGladys Eborn about 1925
PrescottHoward born about 1901
PrescottHoward Kborn about 1935
PrescottRaymond Eborn about 1929
PrimeElmer born about 1905
PrimeElsie born about 1882
PrimeJames born about 1875
PughAnna born about 1891
PughJohn Wborn about 1917
PughRowland born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuackenbushAnna born about 1904
QuackenbushFrederick born about 1931
QuackenbushGeorge born about 1902
QuackenbushJohn born about 1930
QuackenbushShirly born about 1928

R Surnames

ReedDanial Dborn about 1872
ReedDanial Dborn about 1872
ReedDean Aborn about 1916
ReedEileen Mborn about 1915
ReedElizabeth Vborn about 1918
ReedEva Hborn about 1890
ReedGeorge Aborn about 1882
ReedGrace Aborn about 1879
ReedGrace Aborn about 1879
ReedHarry Rborn about 1908
ReedJohn Dborn about 1885
ReedJoyce Sborn about 1936
ReedSaddia Mborn about 1884
ReedTimothy Rborn about 1939
RiceSarah born about 1857
RickterMax born about 1876
RileyHoward Hborn about 1927
RileyHoward Jborn about 1888
RileyJames born about 1920
RileyJames Jborn about 1885
RileyJoseph born about 1922
RileyLulu Mborn about 1889
RileyMargaret born about 1894
RobertEllen born about 1940
RobertHelen born about 1913
RobertVincent born about 1912
RobertWilliam born about 1935
RobertsAnita born about 1924
RobertsEdna born about 1898
RobertsGeorge born about 1926
RobertsJoseph born about 1895
RobinsonFlorence born about 1919
RobinsonRoydenn born about 1907
RobinsonWilma born about 1901
RoseLoura born about 1870
RosePauline born about 1914
RyanAntornette Mborn about 1901
RyanDavis Aborn about 1920
RyanEdwin Aborn about 1933
RyanJohn Mborn about 1932
RyanPatricia Aborn about 1937
RyanThomas Lborn about 1924
RyanWilliam born about 1897
RyanWilliam Fborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabourinAdolphe born about 1916
SabourinAlice born about 1888
SabourinArthur born about 1890
SabourinBeatrice born about 1923
SabourinMargaret born about 1925
SabourinMary born about 1920
SammerCarleton Jborn about 1902
SammerCharles Jborn about 1932
SammerGertrude Mborn about 1904
SandersInez Mborn about 1901
SandersJames born about 1903
SatterleeGeorge born about 1900
SatterleeGeorge Aborn about 1924
SatterleeLorrine born about 1926
SatterleeWilliam born about 1922
SauerbreyRudolph born about 1912
SauerbreyWeltha born about 1913
ScoutenRalph Cborn about 1898
SeibertAda born about 1903
SeibertHelen born about 1923
SeibertHenry born about 1902
SextonCharles Hborn about 1920
SextonHarry born about 1875
SextonJames Fborn about 1910
SextonMary Eborn about 1880
SextonMaud Sborn about 1915
ShaferCarolyn Aborn about 1934
ShaferHenry Aborn about 1891
ShaferIda born about 1899
ShaferLuzerne born about 1894
ShaferOlive Lborn about 1895
ShaleyLouis born about 1891
ShaverRachele born about 1871
ShawJohn born about 1859
SheaHelen born about 1909
SheaMatthew born about 1903
ShearEthel born about 1901
ShearIda born about 1867
ShearMilford born about 1871
ShearSilas born about 1881
ShearVernon born about 1898
ShellCatherine born about 1903
ShepardDorothy born about 1916
ShepardJohn Gborn about 1910
SicklerBeulah born about 1895
SicklerConell born about 1892
SicklerHarold born about 1894
SicklerJennie born about 1899
SicklerWilliam born about 1919
SickoAdam born about 1918
SickoAndrew born about 1878
SickoAndrew Jrborn about 1910
SickoAnna born about 1885
SickoAnna born about 1911
SickoAnne Maeborn about 1910
SickoBarbara born about 1935
SickoEdward born about 1921
SickoFrances born about 1935
SickoJohn born about 1905
SickoJoseph born about 1919
SickoJoseph born about 1929
SickoLawerence born about 1930
SickoMarie born about 1931
SickoMicheal born about 1920
SickoMildred born about 1930
SickoPeter born about 1917
SickoRobert born about 1934
SickoShirley born about 1933
SickoStephen born about 1907
SickoWalter born about 1931
SilerArthur born about 1927
SilvernailEdward born about 1881
SilvernailEmma Mmayborn about 1887
SilvernailGrace born about 1874
SilvernailMarshall born about 1911
SimmonsCharles Eborn about 1925
SimmonsCharles Eborn about 1925
SimmonsElizabeth Mborn about 1935
SimmonsElizabeth Mborn about 1935
SimmonsGeorge born about 1896
SimmonsGeorge born about 1896
SimmonsHarriet Mborn about 1938
SimmonsHarriet Mborn about 1938
SimmonsHenry Eborn about 1932
SimmonsHenry Eborn about 1932
SimmonsKhathlem born about 1908
SimmonsKhathlem born about 1908
SimmonsWalace Dborn about 1927
SimmonsWalace Dborn about 1927
SimsJohn born about 1885
Sinsabaugh??? born about 1874
SinsabaughAllen born about 1908
SinsabaughMary born about 1873
SlaterDaisy Eborn about 1888
SlaterGeorge Hborn about 1888
SmithAnna Eborn about 1876
SmithArthur Eborn about 1885
SmithBertha Bborn about 1890
SmithBessie Mborn about 1911
SmithCharles born about 1893
SmithDavid Cborn about 1900
SmithEdgar born about 1931
SmithEllis Dborn about 1897
SmithGeroge Pborn about 1870
SmithGrant born about 1914
SmithHarriett born about 1861
SmithHarry Lborn about 1896
SmithHarry Rborn about 1938
SmithJames Kborn about 1903
SmithJames Kborn about 1903
SmithLibbie born about 1863
SmithLibbie born about 1863
SmithMarvin Dborn about 1874
SmithMathianal born about 1866
SmithMathianal born about 1866
SmithMildred born about 1900
SmithStephen born about 1861
SmithThea born about 1923
SmithVirgina born about 1934
SomersJason born about 1870
SparksMildred born about 1901
StarkChar Jborn about 1889
StarkJoan born about 1914
StarkMary born about 1883
StarkRuth born about 1919
StarkWm born about 1913
StevensJames born about 1872
StevensMary born about 1880
StilesAlfred Eborn about 1891
StilesHazel Eborn about 1893
StilesJoan Eborn about 1933
StilesMarjorie Jborn about 1925
StilesMildred Eborn about 1921
StivesMittie born about 1883
StivesMittie born about 1883
StokesCharles born about 1886
StokesJohn born about 1881
StoneEmma Bborn about 1888
SweeneyDale born about 1939
SweeneyElizabeth Cborn about 1909
SweeneyGeorge born about 1935
SweeneyJames Eborn about 1870
SweeneyJames Wborn about 1902
SweeneyJessie born about 1918
SweeneyJohn Pborn about 1900
SweeneyJoseph born about 1916
SweetAlberta born about 1891
SweetClara born about 1906
SweetGeorge born about 1866
SweetGeroge Mborn about
SweetMarion born about 1900
SweetNorman born about 1893
SweetNorman Aborn about 1921
SweetPeggy Rborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallmanJohn born about 1904
TallmanMary born about 1891
TaylorMabel born about 1881
TeachoutElmina Tborn about 1866
TeachoutFrank Sborn about 1866
ThayerMarrion born about 1867
ThieleAlma Pborn about 1933
ThieleFrancis Cborn about 1936
ThieleLillian born about 1935
ThieleMarie Aborn about 1931
ThieleWilliam Gborn about 1893
ThieleWilliam G Jrborn about 1934
TrauisCharles Eborn about 1933
TrauisEdward born about 1903
TrauisLillian Mborn about 1911
TrauisRoger Nborn about 1931
TuckerByron Jborn about 1871
TuckerNellie Mborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UberFrank born about 1924
UberHattie born about 1922
UberMyrtle born about 1923
UberRobert born about 1916
UberRose born about 1882
UberWilliam born about 1875
UrbanskiEdward born about 1928
UrbanskiJoseph born about 1928
UrbanskiLean born about 1895
UrbanskiLeonard born about 1923
UrbanskiMary Aborn about 1893
UrbanskiViola born about 1925
UrschelChristine born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandenburgDruilla Mborn about 1883
VandenburgFred C Xborn about 1877
Vandenburgh??? born about 1886
VandenburghAnna born about 1907
VandenburghJane born about 1940
VanhusenBernard born about 1917
VanhusenVivian born about 1914
VanhusenVivian Rborn about 1935
VanwoertEdward Iborn about 1875
VanwoertMinnie born about 1872
VanwoertStella born about 1868
VerchereauGeorge ?born about 1871
VickeryMina born about 1877
VickeryWellington born about 1868
VosburgDorthy born about 1931
VosburgDorthy born about 1931
VosburgJohn born about 1888
VosburgJohn born about 1888
VosburgRuth born about 1893
VosburgRuth born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldronBenjamin born about 1853
WalkerAb?Am born about 1867
WalkerEdith Bborn about 1880
WalkerElizabeth born about 1924
WalkerElizabeth born about 1924
WalkerFrank born about 1882
WalkerFrank born about 1882
WalkerLeland born about 1915
WalkerLeland born about 1915
WalkerMaud born about 1902
WalkerRalph born about 1900
WalkerWilliam Jborn about 1879
WardGeorge born about 1877
WardJennie born about 1876
WardMary born about 1916
WeberAlbert Tborn about 1862
WeberDaisy born about 1873
WelchMargaret Mborn about 1902
WelchMichael born about 1856
WelchNellie Aborn about 1900
WernerArmine born about 1892
WernerBlanche born about 1917
WernerCarl born about 1917
WernerDorthy born about 1887
WernerElizabeth born about 1890
WernerFreda born about 1921
WernerHarold born about 1914
WernerJimmy born about 1939
WernerMarion born about 1938
WernerMarvin born about 1937
WernerShelda born about 1940
WernerWilliam born about 1919
West??? born about
WestAlfred Aborn about 1887
WestArthur Kborn about 1894
WestChauncey Jborn about 1869
WestHarold born about 1923
WestLannie born about 1874
WestMarie Jborn about 1918
WestMary Aborn about 1894
WestMary Lborn about 1876
WestMinnie Eborn about 1874
WestNelson Jborn about 1910
WestonIssac born about 1882
WestonMargaret born about 1890
WhittakerIsaiah born about 1871
WildermuthGerald born about 1926
WildermuthGerald born about 1926
WildermuthHurlbert Lborn about 1919
WildermuthIna Bborn about 1920
WildermuthIsabel born about 1901
WildermuthIsabel born about 1901
WildermuthLee born about 1897
WildermuthLee born about 1897
WildermuthRuth born about 1931
WildermuthRuth born about 1931
WildermuthYvonne born about 1934
WildermuthYvonne born about 1934
WillEdna born about 1909
WillJohn born about 1875
WillJohn born about 1901
WillPaul born about 1903
WillTheresa born about 1869
WillettsAgnes born about 1915
WillettsFlorence born about 1901
WillettsJoseph born about 1911
WillettsPercy born about 1879
WillettsRobert born about 1940
WilliamsAnn Rborn about 1934
WilliamsAnn Rborn about 1934
WilliamsArchie Jborn about 1894
WilliamsArchie Jborn about 1894
WilliamsMary Mborn about 1900
WilliamsMary Mborn about 1900
WillsBlanche Wborn about 1916
WilsonJennie Wborn about 1862
WilsonJennie Wborn about 1862
WiltseyEphraim born about 1863
WiltseyEphraim born about 1863
WiltseyEtta born about 1868
WiltseyEtta born about 1868
WojtowiczJoseph born about 1905
WolfeGibson born about 1863
WoodJames born about 1900
WoodenRoland born about 1884
WoodinDora Jborn about 1865
WoodinDora Jborn about 1865
WoodinHerbert born about 1877
WoodinIda Mayborn about 1903
WoodinJane Bborn about 1893
WoodinPeter Fborn about 1893
WoodinPeter Fborn about 1926
WoodinPorter Tborn about 1884
WoodinRobert Gborn about 1927
WoodruffEdward Pborn about 1875
WoodruffEugenna born about 1888

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