1940 U.S. Federal Census of Newark Valley, Tioga, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Tioga County > 1940 Census of Newark Valley

A SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesU Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesR Surnames
H SurnamesS Surnames

A Surnames

AllenEdward born about 1868
AllenMarian born about 1926
AllenMattie born about 1867
AllenMildred born about 1906
AllenNorman born about 1928
AllenRalph born about 1902
AllenTheodore born about 1866
AmesLyman born about 1880
AmesMary born about 1906
AndersonAlbert born about 1917
AndersonAnna born about 1892
AndersonBert born about 1919
AndersonGuerney born about 1884
AndersonRuth born about 1920
ArmstrongClyde born about 1923
ArmstrongEllen born about 1927
ArmstrongViolet born about 1886
ArnoldEdward born about 1870
ArnoldNellie born about 1876
AustinAlwin born about 1912
AustinDelores born about 1938
AustinEdward Le Royborn about 1933
AustinEmily born about 1913
AustinFred born about 1873
AustinFred Jr born about 1911
AustinHelen born about 1910
AustinJemmie born about 1874
AustinJoyce born about 1934
AustinNorma Jborn about 1931
AustinRobert born about 1907
AustinRoberta Bborn about 1937
AustinVera born about 1932
AveryBernard born about 1936
AveryEmerson born about 1926
AveryEthel born about 1901
AveryLeola born about 1925
AveryLoretta born about 1930
AveryRichard born about 1927
AveryRobert born about 1922
AveryRoy born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAgnes born about 1913
BaileyBessie born about 1886
BaileyBeverly born about 1937
BaileyDanna Leeborn about 1934
BaileyEdwin born about 1939
BaileyFloyd born about 1910
BaileyFred born about 1938
BaileyHarold born about 1916
BaileyIva born about 1911
BaileyJesse born about 1912
BaileyLarry Dborn about 1939
BaileyMarcia born about 1935
BaileyRose born about 1893
BakerByron Vborn about 1879
BakerCharles born about 1911
BakerFrances Dborn about 1853
BakerSarah born about 1911
BaldwinEarl born about 1888
BallardBeatrice born about 1867
BallardEdith born about 1902
BallardEdna Mborn about 1895
BallardHenry Wborn about 1897
BallardJohn Dborn about 1901
BallardKathryn born about 1924
BallardRalph born about 1930
BallardRaymond born about 1925
BallardW Dwaneborn about 1928
BallonBert born about 1881
BallonMary born about 1886
BallonWalter born about 1925
BarberRuth born about 1897
BartonDan born about 1922
BartonFranklin born about 1926
BartonLester born about 1924
BartonPreston born about 1895
BartonRuth born about 1897
BatesDaisy born about 1893
BatesHerbert born about 1897
BeachChristina born about 1925
BeachMaud born about 1892
BeachReed born about 1890
BeanCharles born about 1887
BeanEtta born about 1897
BeanLawrence born about 1934
BeanLina born about 1922
BeanPearl born about 1923
BeanPoland born about 1916
BeanSceone born about 1926
BeanWalter born about 1918
BeauMary born about 1921
BeauWilliam born about 1914
BeebeDonald born about 1912
BeebeEmily born about 1929
BeebeGrace born about 1927
BeebeHarold born about 1911
BeebeHenry born about 1921
BeebeJoyce born about 1935
BeebeJulia born about 1890
BeebeMollie born about 1913
BeebeOlga born about 1920
BeebeRay born about 1890
BeebeRuth born about 1925
BenderElizabeth born about 1916
BenderRichard born about 1916
BillingsLelia born about 1888
BillingsRuth born about 1893
BishopBernard born about 1920
BlewerBeverly born about 1935
BlewerGeorge born about 1913
BlewerMarie born about 1911
BlinnClara born about 1882
BonaVirgila born about 1879
BowenBetty born about 1932
BowenClarinda born about 1908
BowenGerald born about 1930
BowenLois born about 1927
BowenMarjorie born about 1936
BowenRichard born about 1929
BowenRobert born about 1934
BowenRoland born about 1935
BowenThomas born about 1938
BowenWalter born about 1906
BradleyBetty Jeanborn about 1923
BradleyHarold born about 1902
BradleyHarold Jr born about 1925
BradleyRuth born about 1901
BradleyVirginia Janeborn about 1926
BriggsDavid born about 1933
BriggsHarold born about 1923
BriggsHazel born about 1894
BriggsJames Aborn about 1921
BriggsNorman born about 1931
BriggsRaymond Eborn about 1889
BriggsRoy born about 1929
BrinkCarl born about 1930
BrinkClara born about 1873
BrinkElla born about 1940
BrinkHarold born about 1932
BrinkHarry Jr born about 1902
BrinkJulia born about 1911
BrinkPriscilla born about 1936
BrinkRichard born about 1934
BrooksElla born about 1870
BrownBen born about 1893
BrownBertha born about 1883
BrownDoris born about 1920
BrownEdna born about 1892
BrownGeorge Wborn about 1864
BrownHarry born about 1887
BrownHattie Bborn about 1871
BrownHazel Mborn about 1905
BrownHelen born about 1894
BrownMurray born about 1920
BrownSarah born about 1922
BuckFrances born about 1939
BuckFrancis born about 1920
BuckMattie Mborn about 1881
BuckPaul born about 1879
BuckSylvia born about 1922
BudneyAdam born about 1921
BudneyAlfred born about 1924
BudneyArthur born about 1931
BudneyChester born about 1921
BudneyDolores born about 1938
BudneyEdwin born about 1927
BudneyPauline born about 1899
BudneyWilliam born about 1893
BurrellEdgar Tborn about 1875
BurrellEdgar Jr born about 1922
BurrellEdna Eborn about 1925
BurrellLinda Rborn about 1879
BushJames born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellGeorge Rborn about 1875
CampbellMinnie Mborn about 1884
CarlsonConstance born about 1936
CarlsonDavid born about 1938
CarlsonElizabeth born about 1912
CarlsonNorbert born about 1907
CarrCarrie Mborn about 1881
CarrMarcus Le Royborn about 1884
CaryRobert born about 1886
CaslerElla born about 1866
CaslerErnest born about 1860
ChamberlainLeo born about 1882
ChamberlainMary born about 1874
ChauvinDora born about 1905
ChauvinLeo born about 1897
ChauvinVirginia born about 1926
ChristopherEva born about 1861
ClementsCharles Arthurborn about 1939
ClementsLee born about 1898
ClementsLee Robertborn about 1938
ClementsLillian born about 1918
ClementsLloyd Wborn about 1922
ClevelandAlbert born about 1874
ClevelandNelson born about 1908
ClevelandNelson Garyborn about 1939
ClevelandRoxy born about 1905
ClevelandVelma born about 1875
CliffordDelia born about 1879
CliffordRobert born about 1878
CollinsArlene born about 1926
CollumBelva born about 1926
CongdonRoy born about 1894
ConklinAlbert born about 1929
ConklinDonna born about 1933
ConklinDorothy born about 1927
ConklinFrancis born about 1936
ConklinGeraldine born about 1924
ConklinHughla Faeborn about 1935
ConklinJudith born about 1940
ConklinLana Belleborn about 1931
ConklinLaura born about 1908
ConklinOrin born about 1901
ConklinPaul born about 1939
ConklinRamona born about 1930
ConradAnna Maeborn about 1888
ConradDonald born about 1925
ConradDouglas born about 1928
ConradJohn born about 1879
ConradRobert born about 1918
CookDella Fborn about 1881
CooperFreeman born about 1928
CooperHerrick born about 1930
CornellDoris born about 1918
CornwellMinerva born about 1863
CorwinClarence born about 1910
CorwinFrances born about 1878
CorwinFrank born about 1874
CorwinJames born about 1935
CorwinMaxine born about 1932
CorwinSarah born about 1909
CorwinVirginia born about 1929
CoxElla Hborn about 1861
CraftJames born about 1923
CrispellBernice born about 1926
CrispellLambert born about 1923
CrispellMarvin born about 1924
CrispellMinnie born about 1901
CrispellWilbur born about 1900
CrossenBeatrice born about 1913
CrossenCharlyn Lborn about 1939
CrossenJohn born about 1908
CrossenSteuart born about 1937
CulverCharles born about 1914
CulverEdna born about 1894
CulverHomer born about 1874
CulverLillian born about 1939
CulverMarguerite born about 1918
CurtisErnest born about 1885
CurtisJennie born about 1887

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D Surnames

DaltonCornelius born about 1875
DaltonEdward born about 1921
DaltonLizzie born about 1880
DaltonWilliam born about 1875
DanielsCarrie born about 1888
DanielsCleon born about 1918
DanielsEthel born about 1910
DanielsFenton born about 1890
DanielsFred born about 1920
DanielsHarold born about 1910
DanielsJ Hailonborn about 1890
DanielsLeslie Eborn about 1910
DanielsLester born about 1914
DanielsMaggie born about 1892
DanielsRalph born about 1931
DanielsWalter born about 1933
DarlingMabel born about 1891
DarlingRobert born about 1882
DavisArietta born about 1876
DavisHarvey born about 1879
DeanLouise born about 1908
DeanWarren born about 1903
DeckLester born about 1905
DeckerWilliam born about 1918
DelaneyAnna born about 1924
DelaneyFrances born about 1935
DelaneyGeraldine born about 1926
DelaneyJames born about 1868
DelaneyJames born about 1924
DelaneyJohn born about 1887
DelaneyRita born about 1921
DelaneyRuth born about 1921
DelaneySue born about 1892
DelaneySuzanne born about 1929
DemingArnold born about 1931
DemingBetty Louborn about 1933
DemingDonna born about 1936
DemingLillian born about 1909
DemingLoretta born about 1929
DemingTheodore Kborn about 1877
DemingWarren born about 1907
DermodyDora born about 1882
DermodyJohn born about 1874
DodsonJ Wesleyborn about 1875
DodsonNettie born about 1878
DotyBarbara born about 1933
DotyLillian born about 1935
DotyRoland born about 1939
DotySarah born about 1910
DotyWilliam born about 1897
DugganJohn born about 1868
DugganLizzie born about 1870
DunhamGrace born about 1927
DuttonMarie born about 1913
DuttonPatricia born about 1937
DuttonWilliam Rborn about 1933

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E Surnames

ElwoodFlorence Sborn about 1874
ElwoodWilliam born about 1873

F Surnames

FehrAnna born about 1882
FehrEva born about 1906
FehrRaymond born about 1906
FergusonCharles Pborn about 1875
FergusonJosephine born about 1875
FiskJames born about 1910
FiskLenodene born about 1917
FiskMarlene born about 1939
FiskeEdwin born about 1894
FiskeElla born about 1901
FiskeMarian born about 1924
FiskeMary born about 1920
FiskeMaxine born about 1932
FiskeMildred born about 1929
FiskeRobert born about 1922
FrearFred born about 1939
FrearHelen born about 1918
FrearJesse born about 1908
FredenburgW Watsonborn about 1856
FreyGeorge Fborn about 1879
FreyMargaret born about 1881
FrostAlma born about 1887
FrostFred born about 1888

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G Surnames

GageCharlotte born about 1919
GageIva Eborn about 1898
GageKenneth Eborn about 1917
GageKenneth Jr born about 1936
GageVivian Roseborn about 1938
GageWilliam Aborn about 1894
GaigeCharlotte born about 1887
GaigeHiram born about 1906
GaigeVern born about 1882
GatesMariette born about 1885
GatesRaymond Gborn about 1876
GoodfellowCharlotte born about 1885
GouldEthel born about 1869
GouldMerton born about 1908
GouldStella born about 1863
GrahamArthur born about 1879
GrahamLouise born about 1880
GrahamLucille born about 1903
GreyDoris Annborn about 1938
GreyEdna born about 1912
GreyGerald born about 1907
GrimleyBurnetta born about 1906
GrimleyClarence born about 1930
GrimleyClifford born about 1905
GrimleyClifford born about 1927
GroverAlton born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HainesByron born about 1920
HainesGerald born about 1922
HainesJames born about 1898
HainesJohn Lawrenceborn about 1937
HainesJoyce born about 1928
HainesManilla born about 1900
HallMabel born about 1897
HallockHulitt born about 1871
HamiltonWilliam born about 1873
HarfordThad born about 1923
HarlanAlberta born about 1915
HarlanCharles born about 1912
HarlanNellie born about 1877
HarlanWilbur born about 1879
HartwellAlbert born about 1888
HarveyBetty Janeborn about 1939
HarveyClaude born about 1881
HarveyDoris born about 1922
HarveyEtta born about 1884
HarveyFred born about 1910
HarveyFred born about 1936
HarveySylvia born about 1915
HarveyVaughn born about 1917
HarveyVaughn Jr born about 1940
HatfieldBessie born about 1901
HatfieldJames born about 1893
HendrixClarence born about 1892
HendrixJane born about 1855
HendrixVera born about 1898
HendrixVernon born about 1892
HillEliza born about 1877
HillFloyd born about 1930
HillJoseph born about 1911
HillNorma born about 1908
HillShepherd born about 1867
HillWilliam Sborn about 1866
HoagAnnie Sborn about 1872
HoagArthur Eborn about 1871
HoffCarrie born about 1862
HoldenMae Cborn about 1881
HollandBilly born about 1933
HollandDonald born about 1920
HollandLawrence born about 1899
HollandLela born about 1899
HollenbeckEarl born about 1898
HollenbeckEarl Jr born about 1921
HollenbeckEtta born about 1893
HollenbeckEvelyn born about 1923
HollenbeckJeanette born about 1939
HollenbeckJohn born about 1869
HollenbeckKathryn born about 1886
HollenbeckKenneth born about 1934
HollenbeckLa Vernborn about 1930
HollenbeckLee born about 1886
HollenbeckLucille born about 1922
HollenbeckNelson born about 1882
HollenbeckRichard born about 1927
HollenbeckRuth born about 1900
HookerFred born about 1868
HoverEmma born about 1899
HoverGrace born about 1892
HoverJunior born about 1931
HoverMerle born about 1892
HoverOlin born about 1890
HoverRaymond born about 1923
HoverRose born about 1868
HoverTheresa born about 1929
HoveyCarl born about 1915
HowardEmogene born about 1867
HoweLillian Gborn about 1937
HulslanderJanette born about 1854
HumistonJay born about 1891

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J Surnames

JacksonCecil born about 1902
JacksonGenevieve born about 1903
JaphetLeland born about 1905
JaphetMildred born about 1910
JayneHarry born about 1889
JayneJesse born about 1921
JayneMayme born about 1886
JayneRobert Eborn about 1884
JayneStella born about 1895
JayneWilliam born about 1922
JohnsonAndrew born about 1875
JohnsonCarl born about 1900
JohnsonErye Jeanborn about 1931
JohnsonGerrett born about 1934
JohnsonGrace born about 1899
JohnsonGrayce born about 1912
JohnsonJames born about 1890
JohnsonMarion born about 1907
JohnsonNina born about 1921
JohnsonRoland born about 1934
JohnsonTheodore born about 1905
JohnsonWallce born about 1866
JohnsonWarren born about 1938
JonesMary born about 1870
JonesRobert born about 1869
JordanEva born about 1889
JordanJohn born about 1878

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K Surnames

KasperAnthony born about 1923
KasperCharles born about 1890
KasperCharles Jr born about 1931
KasperEdward born about 1927
KasperMary born about 1896
KasperSophia born about 1925
KasperStella born about 1918
KeisterCcecil born about 1930
KeithDonald born about 1927
KeithGertrude born about 1896
KeithGladys born about 1923
KeithHarold born about 1922
KeithJessie born about 1892
KeithMildred born about 1908
KeithMildred born about 1920
KeithNorma born about 1934
KeithRichard born about 1936
KeithRoss born about 1905
KeithRuth born about 1926
KellamAlice born about 1891
KellamClifford born about 1900
KellamEunice born about 1862
KellamJoyce born about 1931
KellamRetha born about 1911
KellamRobert born about 1935
KenyonCharles Eborn about 1925
KenyonElsie Jr born about 1916
KenyonEmerson Jamesborn about 1938
KenyonEthel born about 1894
KenyonFred born about 1892
KenyonJames born about 1910
KnappClaud Lborn about 1895
KnappEsther born about 1900
KnappFrank born about 1863
KnappHelen born about 1933
KohlerRobert born about 1915
KohlerRoy born about 1937
KohlerShirley born about 1915
KulikowskiCornelia born about 1929
KulikowskiEdward born about 1922
KulikowskiJ Arthurborn about 1925
KulikowskiJoseph born about 1886
KulikowskiSally born about 1933
KulikowskiValeria born about 1894

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L Surnames

LawrenceBetty Jeanborn about 1928
LawrenceClifford born about 1902
LawrenceDonald born about 1916
LawrenceMaud born about 1897
LawrenceNorman born about 1924
LawtonClair born about 1895
LawtonMerle born about 1939
LawtonSally born about 1933
LawtonShirley born about 1936
LawtonSylvia born about 1902
LillieDora born about 1865
LivermoreArthur born about 1889
LivermoreFlora born about 1862
LockwookJohn born about 1866
LockwookMary born about 1882
LoeffleurFlorence born about 1903
LoeffleurRaymond born about 1900
LoeffleurRichard born about 1929
LoomsCathrine born about 1939
LoomsGordon born about 1919
LoomsLuella born about 1892
LoomsRaechel born about 1919
LoomsRalph born about 1913
LoomsRay born about 1888
LymberCharles born about 1869
LymberEdna born about 1905
LymberLura born about 1866

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M Surnames

MareanNina born about 1894
MarshEdward born about 1927
MarshallAllard born about 1890
MarshallDorothy born about 1907
MarshallFenton born about 1890
MarshallFenton born about 1934
MarshallHarold born about 1931
MasonEmily born about 1885
MasonEmily born about 1925
MasonLeon born about 1887
MasonStillwell born about 1920
MayElrene born about 1937
MayFlorita born about 1914
MayJohn born about 1903
MayJohn Jr born about 1933
MayKenneth born about 1935
MccabeClara born about 1867
MccabeFrank born about 1880
McculloughLilla born about 1880
McculloughWilliam born about 1875
McphailLutie born about 1873
McphersonAngie born about 1868
McphersonFrank born about 1892
McphersonGeorge born about 1865
McphersonHelen born about 1894
McrorieFloyd born about 1876
MeadClarence born about 1886
MeadDoris born about 1921
MeadEldon born about 1936
MeadFrank born about 1928
MeadGladys born about 1894
MeadGrace born about 1887
MeadKenneth born about 1909
MeadOnalee born about 1918
MeadPearl born about 1909
MeadRaymond born about 1887
MeadRhonda born about 1923
MeadRichard born about 1920
MeyersAlice born about 1872
MiddletonGeorge born about 1882
MillsBertha born about 1883
MillsCatherine born about 1927
MillsCharles born about 1930
MillsEarl Tborn about 1865
MillsEunice born about 1914
MillsFred born about 1887
MillsFred Jr born about 1919
MillsGurdon born about 1928
MillsIda born about 1935
MillsJennie born about 1869
MillsLena born about 1904
MillsLeo born about 1934
MillsMartin born about 1911
MillsRaymond born about 1914
MillsSarah Jborn about 1871
MillsWesley Eborn about 1893
MinerAlbert born about 1914
MinerIna born about 1912
MinerJennie born about 1894
MockDelbert born about 1897
MockDelbert Jr born about 1938
MockEileen born about 1924
MockMuriel born about 1902
MoonEarl born about 1889
MorleyClayton born about 1887
MorleyClifford born about 1911
MorleyJessie born about 1877
MorrisFrances born about 1925
MorseDonald born about 1917
MorseElizabeth born about 1921
MortonLeonard born about 1918
MoshierBetty born about 1934
MoshierDonald born about 1938
MoshierEvelyn born about 1932
MoshierLeodore born about 1911
MoshierMarie born about 1914
MoshierRichard born about 1938
MoshierViolet born about 1937
MyersAnton born about 1888
MyersFrank born about 1933
MyersJo Charlesborn about 1937
MyersLouise born about 1900
MyersMaria born about 1935
MyottAmelia born about 1926
MyottHelen born about 1901
MyottJoseph born about 1928
MyottWalter born about 1897
MyottWalter Jr born about 1925

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N Surnames

NealLee born about 1880
NeedhamBernice born about 1905
NeedhamCarolyn born about 1940
NeedhamDorothy born about 1929
NeedhamLillian born about 1927
NeedhamMarjorie born about 1935
NeedhamPhyllis born about 1931
NeedhamWilliam born about 1899
NeedhamWilliam born about 1938
NeildCarl born about 1917
NeildMarion born about 1913
NeildOtto born about 1915
NicholsDorothea born about 1931
NicholsEdith born about 1902
NicholsLa Vernborn about 1928
NicholsRichard born about 1900
NicholsRichard born about 1929
NilesCarl born about 1932
NilesJohn born about 1928
NilesMable born about 1904
NilesStanley born about 1904
NowlanJoseph born about 1863
NowlanMargaret born about 1863

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P Surnames

PanasCazimier born about 1910
PanasFlora born about 1931
PanasMateus born about 1884
PanasMatthew born about 1935
ParadisClyde born about 1922
PattersonAlbert born about 1902
PattersonGertrude born about 1913
PattersonLe Roy born about 1895
PerryHugh born about 1870
PerryNellie born about 1881
PetzoldBeverly Jeanborn about 1936
PetzoldFredrick born about 1916
PetzoldHarry Wborn about 1891
PetzoldKatherine born about 1921
PetzoldMary born about 1890
PetzoldRobert born about 1924
PetzoldRuth born about 1920
PetzoldWilliam born about 1858
PetzoldWilliam born about 1914
PhillipsEli born about 1877
PhillipsMinnie born about 1878
PierCaroline born about 1878
PierceBertha born about 1883
PierceDelorise born about 1938
PierceDorothy born about 1922
PierceEarl born about 1917
PierceEleanor born about 1932
PierceGenevieve born about 1908
PierceGerald born about 1925
PierceManuella born about 1928
PierceRaymond born about 1905
PierceRaymond born about 1937
PierceVirginia born about 1920
PiersonMary born about 1908
PiersonRobert born about 1899
PitcherAlice born about 1882
PitcherBarbara born about 1939
PitcherBetty born about 1932
PitcherClyde born about 1911
PitcherDoris born about 1930
PitcherEli born about 1869
PitcherEloise born about 1922
PitcherJames born about 1904
PitcherJames born about 1939
PitcherJane born about 1936
PitcherKenneth born about 1912
PitcherLoretta born about 1918
PitcherMargaret born about 1907
PitcherNancy born about 1934
PitcherPatricia born about 1937
PitcherVivian born about 1920
PollardGeorge born about 1875
PostAlice born about 1922
PostCarol Aborn about 1936
PostDana born about 1921
PostHarold born about 1923
PostHarold born about 1923
PostIra born about 1869
PostJames born about 1926
PostLillian born about 1924
PostRaymond born about 1926
PostRussel born about 1931
PriceCecil born about 1916
PriceFredrick born about 1922

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R Surnames

ReeseWalter born about 1900
RhodesFredrick born about 1919
RhodesGeorge born about 1918
RidgewayEleanor born about 1929
RidgewayFlorence born about 1901
RidgewayJames born about 1905
RidgewayJames Jr born about 1927
RobinsonInmanuel born about 1903
RobinsonMyrtle born about 1912
RockwellWilliam born about 1888
RosinskiIrene born about 1924
RosinskiJohn born about 1929
RosinskiJosephine born about 1900
RosinskiLeo born about 1922
RosinskiMary born about 1927
RosinskiStanley born about 1895
RosinskiZigmond born about 1926
RoundsCatherine born about 1889
RoundsKenneth born about 1898
RowlandFern born about 1896
RowlandJoe born about 1892
RusselDonald born about 1924
RusselEdith born about 1938
RusselGordon born about 1928
RusselHarry born about 1880
RusselHattie born about 1885
RusselJohn born about 1937
RusselKenneth born about 1927
RusselMartin born about 1922
RusselRoger born about 1926
RusselRuth born about 1917
RusselVincet born about 1908
RussellBurton born about 1879
RussellMary Elizabethborn about 1886

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S Surnames

SaddlemireBeatrice born about 1924
SaddlemireBernard born about 1916
SaddlemireClara born about 1932
SaddlemireClarence born about 1911
SaddlemireEilean born about 1925
SaddlemireFrances born about 1919
SaddlemireGrant born about 1910
SaddlemireHarold born about 1908
SaddlemireHiram born about 1914
SaddlemireLizzie born about 1889
SaddlemireSylvester born about 1880
SatterlyPauline born about 1897
SatterlyRalph born about 1892
SchraderIda Mborn about 1876
ScottAlice born about 1912
ScottEarl born about 1886
ScottJohn born about 1932
SeegarVera born about 1891
SeegarWilbur born about 1921
SeegarWilliam born about 1889
SeegarWilliam Jr born about 1920
SettleArvilla born about 1845
SettleEarl born about 1893
SettleErwin born about 1915
SettleEva born about 1869
SettleGordon born about 1895
SettleJoyce Annborn about 1935
SettleJunie born about 1895
SettleLester born about 1897
SettleOscar born about 1852
SettleSherman born about 1869
SevernAmanda born about 1866
SevernCharlesw born about 1868
SevernGertrude born about 1880
SevernLouise born about 1924
SewardBetty born about 1925
SewardEzra born about 1878
SewardJuanita born about 1925
SewardLila born about 1880
SharpLena born about 1875
SharpMina born about 1876
SharpWilliam born about 1870
SharpsteenGertrude born about 1925
ShellhammerArthur born about 1910
ShellhammerMarie born about 1911
ShellhammerWilliam born about 1933
ShieldsJosephine born about 1871
ShinerEmma born about 1913
ShinerKatherine born about 1937
ShinerKenneth born about 1911
SmithBetty born about 1936
SmithDavid born about 1939
SmithDick born about 1912
SmithEvelyn born about 1914
SmithGeorge Aborn about 1901
SmithGrace born about 1922
SmithHarold Eborn about 1916
SmithHarold Jamesborn about 1938
SmithJachie born about 1937
SmithLillie Maeborn about 1937
SmithMary born about 1889
SmithMary Jeanborn about 1925
SmithNellie born about 1913
SmithNora born about 1913
SmithPaul born about 1890
SmithPauline born about 1920
SmithPearl born about 1885
SmithPhillip born about 1918
SmithRobert born about 1922
SmithThur born about 1884
SmullenArchie born about 1885
SmullenWilhelmenia born about 1888
SodenGeorge born about 1863
SokolowskiBronislova born about 1890
SokolowskiEddie born about 1928
SokolowskiFelix born about 1919
SokolowskiFrank born about 1891
SokolowskiHelen born about 1935
SpencerAlda born about 1930
SpencerElla born about 1910
SpencerHarley born about 1928
SpencerLawrence born about 1936
SpencerPerry Nborn about 1898
SpencerShirley born about 1932
SpencerVerna born about 1926
SpicerCharles Fborn about 1934
SpicerHelen born about 1908
SpicerLeon born about 1900
StannardRoy born about 1879
StevensAlice born about 1872
StevensAnna born about 1915
StevensEarl born about 1906
StevensEdward born about 1876
StevensHelen born about 1939
StevensJearldean born about 1917
StevensRichard born about 1937
StevensShirl born about 1911
StottAlfred born about 1913
StoughtonAlberta born about 1901
StoughtonDonald born about 1935
StoughtonIda born about 1875
StoughtonStiles Rborn about 1871
StoughtonWalter born about 1873
StoughtonZelnor born about 1902
StowellHugh born about 1893
StowellJane born about 1927
StowellSarah born about 1886
StraitAgnes born about 1909
StraitDonald born about 1940
StraitDorothy born about 1928
StraitFrank born about 1907
StraitKathryn born about 1930
StraitShirley born about 1935
StricklandEdna born about 1925
StricklandFrances born about 1923
SwaglerBlanche born about 1914
SwaglerJoan born about 1937
SwaglerPaul born about 1910
SwaglerRobert born about 1908
SwaglerRoy born about 1931
SwartzAlice born about 1928
SwartzDonald born about 1939
SwartzDorothy born about 1925
SwartzLarry born about 1933
SwartzLillian born about 1908
SwartzPaul born about 1907
SwartzPhillip born about 1929
SwartzRita born about 1934
SwartzShirley born about 1935
SwartzVirginia born about 1926
SwartzWalter born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TappanAnna born about 1865
TappanCarl born about 1921
TappanGertrude born about 1901
TappanJames born about 1936
TappanRichard born about 1930
TappanRobert born about 1922
TappanRoss born about 1897
TerpenningBeverly born about 1929
TerpenningCarl born about 1928
TerpenningFreeland born about 1924
TerpenningMarian born about 1904
ThompsonBoyd born about 1921
ThompsonClarence born about 1889
ThompsonJemmie born about 1894
ThompsonJosie born about 1889
ThompsonLeon born about 1894
ThompsonLuana born about 1915
ThompsonMary born about 1854
ThompsonNeal born about 1918
ThompsonPaul born about 1931
TobinEsther born about 1917
TobinGlenn born about 1916
TobinLinda born about 1938
ToftBarbara born about 1907
ToftEugene born about 1877
ToftHarold born about 1910
ToftRobert born about 1928
TompkinsGertrude born about 1890
TompkinsGertrude born about 1922
TompkinsGrace born about 1914
TompkinsRichard born about 1917
TompkinsRobert born about 1927
TompkinsTruman born about 1935
TorreyBessie born about 1892
TorreyDavid born about 1890
TorreyElva born about 1884
TorreyFrank born about 1884
TorreyHubert born about 1918
TorreyRalph born about 1921
TullerDaniel born about 1878
TurnerEmma born about 1893
TurnerJean born about 1920
TurnerSada born about 1892
TurnerWanda born about 1935
TuttleDwane born about 1910
TuttleIrene born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlrickClifford born about 1923
UlrickMauld born about 1887

V Surnames

ValentineMary born about 1880
ValentineVernon born about 1908
VanostrandRalph born about 1929
VergusonLeamon born about 1891
VergusonOrlie born about 1897

W Surnames

WadeFlorence born about 1898
WadeFloyd born about 1898
WadeFloyd Jr born about 1931
WadePhyllis born about 1927
WadeSusie born about 1868
WadeWilliam born about 1924
WaitJoseph born about 1878
WaitJoseph born about 1923
WaitMary born about 1926
WaitRosa born about 1888
WaitWelden born about 1924
WaitWillfred born about 1931
WakemanArthur born about 1939
WakemanBilly born about 1938
WakemanBobby born about 1938
WakemanEdna born about 1913
WakemanJerry born about 1932
WakemanMarion born about 1935
WakemanWilliam born about 1887
WaltersBetty born about 1938
WaltersBeverly born about 1936
WaltersLester born about 1912
WaltersNancy born about 1916
WatermanDe Forestborn about 1889
WatermanFlorence born about 1899
WatermanForest Earlborn about 1921
WatermanRobert born about 1924
WatkinsJames born about 1908
WatkinsNorman born about 1932
WatkinsViola born about 1913
WeberBonita born about 1932
WeberElizabeth born about 1904
WeberHelen born about 1934
WeberMildred born about 1930
WeberPaul born about 1931
WeberThelma born about 1928
WeberWalter born about 1897
WeberWalter Maxborn about 1925
WelchRobert born about 1923
WestfallBeatrice born about 1903
WestfallClark born about 1901
WestfallElla born about 1868
WestfallElmer born about 1929
WestfallFrank born about 1864
WestfallLena born about 1895
WestfallRuth born about 1912
WestfallWalter born about 1894
WhippleHarriett born about 1889
WhiteheadJames born about 1907
WhiteheadJames born about 1939
WhiteheadJuanita born about 1910
WicksErnest born about 1901
WicksKathryn born about 1907
WicksLeafa born about 1880
WicksLewis born about 1936
WicksWilliam born about 1877
WildmanJames born about 1877
WildmanNettie born about 1880
WilsonCatherine born about 1872
WilsonJames born about 1894
WinslowAnna born about 1929
WinslowGerald born about 1931
WinslowIda born about 1912
WinslowRobert born about 1901
WinslowViolet born about 1936
WoodrowGerald born about 1926
WoodrowJane born about 1929
WrightJames born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungD Henryborn about 1898
YoungEsther born about 1921
YoungMabel born about 1899
YoungRachel born about 1866

Z Surnames

ZimmerAlice born about 1926
ZimmerAnna born about 1894
ZimmerBarbara born about 1937
ZimmerBryant born about 1880
ZimmerCharles born about 1888
ZimmerClifford born about 1928
ZimmerFloyd born about 1922
ZimmerGerald born about 1914
ZimmerGertrude born about 1918
ZimmerLeon born about 1893
ZimmerLeslie born about 1924
ZimmerMatie born about 1888
ZimmerPatricia born about 1938
ZimmerPearl born about 1930
ZimmerPhillip born about 1921
ZimmerRaurom born about 1931
ZimmerRobert born about 1917
ZimmerStanley born about 1940
ZimmerTheresa born about 1897
ZimmerVernon born about 1924
ZimmerVictor born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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