1940 U.S. Federal Census of Prattsburg, Steuben, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Steuben County > 1940 Census of Prattsburg

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckleyClarke born about 1923
AckleyHattie born about 1900
AckleyLeland born about 1891
AckleyMildred born about 1929
AlbandHenry born about 1861
AldenJay born about 1930
AldenKay born about 1925
AldenLeah born about 1903
AllenAlfred born about 1878
AllenFlorence born about 1919
AllenJames Carletonborn about 1939
AllenJoseph born about 1885
AllenLewis born about 1916
AllenRuby born about 1882
AllisAlbert born about 1895
AllisCharles Lborn about 1921
AllisEdith born about 1911
AllisEvelyn born about 1930
AllisGrace born about 1878
AllisHattie Hecterborn about 1910
AllisLou born about 1867
AmesDonald Mborn about 1920
AmesMarion Kborn about 1923
AndrewsCharles born about 1921
AndrewsMyrtie born about 1866
AndrewsWarren born about 1894
AnglissErnest born about 1896
AnglissJames born about 1922
AnglissJune born about 1926
AnglissMary born about 1935
AnglissRebecca born about 1892
AngusAlfred Cborn about 1874
AngusJohn Josephborn about 1931
AngusLulu Hborn about 1878
AppletonClarence born about 1899
ArguesBarbara born about 1865
ArmstrongHarvey born about 1901
ArmstrongLenora born about 1899
ArnoldParl born about 1900
AyersArthur born about 1886
AyersLella born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabcockAnna born about 1927
BabcockBurt Herbertborn about 1867
BabcockCelia born about 1930
BabcockCharles born about 1916
BabcockFlorence born about 1916
BabcockFlorence Lborn about 1884
BabcockFlorence Wborn about 1890
BabcockGlenn born about 1891
BabcockHerman born about 1862
BabcockRobert born about 1920
BabcockRuth born about 1919
BabcockWilloughby born about 1926
BaileyHildredth born about 1924
BancroftLeona born about 1884
BancroftRobert born about 1903
BarberAnna born about 1881
BarberJerome Jborn about 1883
BardeenEva born about 1875
BardeenHerbert born about 1869
BardeenMay born about 1875
BarrowsRichard born about 1921
BatesAudrey born about 1935
BatesCarol born about 1930
BatesEdith born about 1915
BatesElma born about 1909
BatesGordon born about 1938
BatesLaura born about 1927
BatesMilford born about 1910
BatesNorman born about 1939
BatsonLana born about 1927
BeckArba born about 1880
BeckJettie born about 1887
BenedictFrank Eborn about 1853
BenedictKendall born about 1906
BenedictLille Mborn about 1876
BerryAlfred born about 1880
BishopMartha born about 1851
BloodAda Mborn about 1875
BloodFred born about 1871
BoadmanEdith born about 1915
BoadmanMaude born about 1888
BoadmanRoy born about 1883
BottonAugustine born about 1899
BottonMary born about 1904
BottonMary born about 1922
BottonNicholas born about 1923
BottonRocco born about 1927
BradleyJohn born about 1871
BradleyMary born about 1880
BraistedFlorance born about 1887
BraistedFloyd born about 1890
BraistedRuth born about 1928
BrezinskyHarry born about 1888
BrezinskyJohnnie born about 1926
BrezinskyJulia born about 1896
BrezinskyJulia born about 1924
BrezinskyMike born about 1915
BrezinskyOlga born about 1921
BriglinAnna born about 1865
BriglinEverett born about 1903
BrinkAda born about 1895
BrinkAlbert born about 1896
BrinkInabelle born about 1929
BrinkLoren born about 1893
BrinkRobert born about 1926
BrinkRoger born about 1932
BrinkRuby born about 1901
BrinkSelden born about 1862
BrownAlfred born about 1904
BrownBarbara born about 1921
BrownBessie born about 1894
BrownCharles Mborn about 1866
BrownCharlie born about 1891
BrownCharlotte born about 1925
BrownClifford born about 1910
BrownElizabeth Lborn about 1919
BrownHarriet born about 1923
BrownIrene born about 1929
BrownLean Rborn about 1878
BrownMarian Cborn about 1872
BrownMarler born about 1913
BrownMary born about 1891
BrownNettie born about 1861
BrownPauline born about 1917
BrownThomas born about 1887
BrownVirginia born about 1923
BrownellFred born about 1885
BullEllen born about 1878
BullGeorge born about 1877
BurkeBeverly born about 1935
BurkeCornelia born about 1879
BurkeDelbert born about 1860
BurkeHoward born about 1902
BurkeRalph born about 1911
BurkeRebecca born about 1930
BurkeRichard born about 1928
BurkeRoger Lewisborn about 1926
BurkeRoslind born about 1911
BurkeRuth born about 1904
BurkeWeld Lborn about 1877
BurlewJames born about 1861
ButtsAlta born about 1894
ButtsCharles born about 1923
ButtsLaura Maeborn about 1924
ButtsMaynard born about 1897
ButtsVivian born about 1894
ButtsWesley born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellBarbara born about 1926
CampbellDoris born about 1922
CampbellEdith born about 1891
CampbellEdith born about 1901
CampbellFrank born about 1896
CampbellGordon born about 1936
CampbellJames born about 1903
CampbellJohn born about 1884
CampbellMyrtle born about 1898
CampbellNoel born about 1931
CampbellPhyllis born about 1932
CampbellRay born about 1920
CampbellRaymond born about 1906
CampbellWanda born about 1929
CampbellWayne born about 1931
ChamplainEthel born about 1913
ChapmanBetty Louborn about 1937
ChapmanClifford born about 1939
ChapmanEarl born about 1940
ChapmanErnest born about 1882
ChapmanGeorgiana born about 1886
ChapmanHiram Jborn about 1909
ChapmanIona born about 1920
ChapmanLaurance born about 1910
ChapmanLaurine Wborn about 1938
ChapmanMamie born about 1874
ChapmanMarshall born about 1914
ChapmanMary born about 1912
ChapmanMelbourne born about 1927
ChapmanPatricia Annborn about 1940
ChapmanThelma born about 1919
ChriscadenEdna born about 1906
ChriscadenJerome born about 1904
ChriscadenJohn born about 1873
ChriscadenLeo born about 1912
ChryslerRalph born about 1910
CinceborGrace Mborn about 1885
ClanyBessie born about 1891
ClanyCharles born about 1888
ClanyClifford born about 1889
ClanyMaurice born about 1916
ClarkAgnes born about 1877
ClarkAleida born about 1882
ClarkBurt born about 1879
ClarkCharlie born about 1887
ClarkDonald born about 1928
ClarkDouglas born about 1932
ClarkElizabeth born about 1918
ClarkEvelyn born about 1927
ClarkFrances born about 1889
ClarkGlenn born about 1871
ClarkIdah born about 1877
ClarkJohn born about 1869
ClarkLena born about 1879
ClarkLewis born about 1916
ClarkLewis Zaneborn about 1938
ClarkLottie born about 1906
ClarkMelvin born about 1904
ClarkNorma born about 1915
ClarkRichard born about 1930
ClarkSpencer born about 1877
ClarkeEathel born about 1894
ClarkeElmer born about 1891
ClaytonAlice born about 1928
ClaytonCharles born about 1929
ClaytonFred born about 1904
ClaytonFrederick born about 1939
ClaytonGrace born about 1903
ClaytonJohn born about 1932
ClelandAlfred born about 1918
ClelandAlida born about 1889
ClelandClifford born about 1920
ClelandDoris born about 1914
ClelandJames born about 1912
ClelandJesse born about 1890
ClevelandLester born about 1864
ClevelandMina born about 1873
ColeGeorge Hborn about 1861
ColeJessie Dborn about 1875
ColeSarah born about 1865
ColeVirginia born about 1921
ColeWallace born about 1871
ColegroveAlida born about 1875
CollingEsther born about 1939
CollingFrank born about 1914
CollingMary born about 1912
ConineJessie born about 1882
ConineLeon Hborn about 1884
CookGeorgia born about 1876
CookJoyce born about 1931
CookNina born about 1902
CookSpecer born about 1900
CooperLeon born about 1896
CoreyAlfred born about 1916
CoreyArlene born about 1939
CoreyFred born about 1886
CoreyJanice born about 1938
CoreyLura born about 1882
CoreyMary born about 1915
CornellRose born about 1877
CowanNina born about 1875
CowardHattie born about 1881
CowardJohn Rborn about 1851
CowardWilliam born about 1879
CraggClarabel born about 1905
CraggWilliam born about 1902
CraigWaldo born about 1934
CreanAgnes born about 1910
CreanAlexander born about 1863
CreanAnna born about 1872
CreanDoris born about 1930
CreanJames born about 1898
CreanRita born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaldryGeorge born about 1912
DaldryWalter Jborn about 1863
DarlingElla Maryborn about 1935
DaveyMary Eborn about 1868
DavisHarland born about 1910
DavisHarry born about 1876
DavisHarvey Cborn about 1918
DavisLula born about 1884
DavyBelle born about 1892
DavyJoseph born about 1889
DavyMinnie born about 1890
DavyWilliam Dborn about 1886
DayBetty Jeanborn about 1927
DayClinton born about 1918
DayDurwood born about 1920
DayHarry born about 1876
DayLillian born about 1876
DayMay born about 1883
DaytonMary born about 1862
DaytonRichard born about 1870
DearloveEdith born about 1878
DearloveGeorge born about 1879
DekayLucy Hborn about 1863
DerrickCarrie born about 1859
DhewAlida born about 1885
DhewAnsel born about 1892
DillenbeckCarol born about 1914
DillenbeckCarolyn born about 1936
DillenbeckClara born about 1859
DillenbeckEdith born about 1891
DillenbeckNeva born about
DillenbeckRaymond born about 1891
DipallisFred born about 1928
DipallisIda born about 1901
DipallisJames born about 1930
DipallisVictoria born about 1926
DonleyVinnie born about 1882
DowneyGeo Rborn about 1878
DowneyGrace born about 1878
DrakeBeverly born about 1939
DrakeClair born about 1933
DrakeClark born about 1864
DrakeCloyse born about 1937
DrakeDelbert born about 1869
DrakeDelma born about 1908
DrakeEarl born about 1892
DrakeErwin born about 1935
DrakeEsther born about 1875
DrakeFlorence born about 1897
DrakeHarriett born about 1886
DrakeJames born about 1879
DrakeJennie born about 1872
DrakeKathern born about 1917
DrakeLeonard born about 1888
DrakeLewis born about 1938
DrakeLoraine born about 1925
DrakeLoren born about 1894
DrakeLoris born about 1938
DrakeMabel born about 1894
DrakeMaude born about 1878
DrakeThelma born about 1912
DrakeTheresa born about 1913
DrakeViolet born about 1926
DrakeWanda born about 1913
DrakeWilliam born about 1937
DraperA M Tborn about 1866
DrumCarl born about 1926
DrumDella born about 1885
DrumJames born about 1890
DrumMary born about 1899
DrumMerlin born about 1906
DrumOnolee born about 1922
DrumShirley born about 1934
DrumThelma born about 1910
DrumWarren born about 1895
DuvallCatherine born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarleyCharles born about 1923
EarleyEva born about 1894
EarleyGladys born about 1920
EarleyHayward born about 1911
EarleyJames born about 1889
EarleyLewis born about 1930
EarleyMarlea born about 1940
EarleyMartha born about 1871
EarleyWarren born about 1925
EatonEvelyn born about 1927
EddyCharlotte born about 1859
EddyChas born about 1862
EdgertonArnold born about 1909
EdgertonLoleta born about 1912
EdgertonRonald born about 1936
EdmondsBurr born about 1888
EdmondsLola born about 1890
EldredgeGeorge born about 1872
ElwellAlfred born about 1905
ElwellBuelah born about 1928
ElwellClarence born about 1925
ElwellElsie born about 1931
ElwellErnest born about 1915
ElwellHelen born about 1934
ElwellHoward born about 1926
ElwellInez born about 1900
EverettAllie born about 1892
EverettJulia born about 1854
EverettOrson born about 1888

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F Surnames

FaberElizabeth born about 1926
FaberEva born about 1929
FaberJohn born about 1888
FaberJohnny Jr born about 1915
FaberMartha born about 1927
FaberMary born about 1892
FaberRichard born about 1933
FaberTheodore born about 1920
FaberWalter born about 1924
FarleyGeorge born about 1907
FarleyMarian born about 1912
FarleyPatricia born about 1935
FedoraJohn born about 1913
FergusonAndrew born about 1905
FergusonCharlotte born about 1906
FergusonDavid born about 1932
FergusonFrank born about 1889
FisherAlma born about 1890
FisherArthur born about 1935
FisherBruce born about 1930
FisherCharles born about 1928
FisherEmily born about 1904
FisherFrancis born about 1931
FisherGrant born about 1904
FisherJanet Ritaborn about 1933
FisherNora born about 1885
FisherRaymond born about 1926
FlahertyCecilia born about 1893
FlahertyFrank born about 1886
FlahertyHila born about 1898
FlahertyMary born about 1887
FlahertyThomas born about 1922
FlynnJames born about 1879
FlynnThomas Jborn about 1876
FlynnThomas Nborn about 1858
FlynnWalter born about 1909
ForthEdward born about 1920
ForthJohn Wborn about 1875
ForthWendell born about 1875
FoskettMinnie born about 1870
FosterAlice born about 1902
FosterClara born about 1897
FosterCynthia born about 1928
FosterEddy born about 1903
FosterPhillips born about 1932
FoxChauncey born about 1907
FoxDorthea born about 1919
FoxEllsworth born about 1917
FoxFrancis born about 1923
FoxFred born about 1927
FoxLawrence born about 1926
FoxMarie born about 1896
FoxRoy born about 1919
FrazerFanny born about 1856
FrierGrace born about 1880

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G Surnames

GardinerAlfred born about 1869
GardinerAlton born about 1917
GardinerLillian born about 1921
GayCharles born about 1912
GayEva born about 1914
GayFred born about 1876
GayRussell born about 1926
GaySarah born about 1878
GelderDeehaten born about 1905
GelderOrin born about 1878
GibbonJohn born about 1857
GibbonJohn Wborn about 1922
GibbsCharles born about 1922
GilmanAnna born about 1902
GilmanAnna born about 1925
GilmanElizabeth born about 1928
GilmanGeorge born about 1920
GoldewskiJohn born about 1882
GrahamAnna born about 1930
GrahamDoris born about 1923
GrahamIsabelle born about 1900
GrahamOscar born about 1897
GravesAlfa born about 1880
GravesAmanda born about 1895
GravesCalvin born about 1922
GravesCarl born about 1920
GravesCharles born about 1857
GravesDana born about 1879
GravesDewight born about 1874
GravesEliza born about 1862
GravesErwin born about 1910
GravesGlenn born about 1897
GravesHarold born about 1936
GravesHarvey born about 1883
GravesHelen born about 1935
GravesKarl born about 1938
GravesLeo born about 1907
GravesLola born about 1885
GravesLynn born about 1883
GravesMary Eborn about 1859
GravesMelvin born about 1939
GravesPaul born about 1921
GravesRosalind born about 1919
GravesThelma born about 1899
GravesWeld born about 1910
GravesWinona born about 1911
GreenAda born about 1856
GreenArthur born about 1885
GroverHarry born about 1931
GroverIrma born about 1907
GroverJame Lborn about 1925
GroverWilson born about 1905
GurtonAlexander born about 1935
GurtonAndrew Jr born about 1933
GurtonJoseph born about 1939
GurtonOlga born about 1937
GutowAndrew born about 1897
GutowLillie born about 1903

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H Surnames

HallElizabeth born about 1904
HallR Cyrilborn about 1936
HallVora born about 1896
HansonEllen born about 1896
HansonEllen Carolborn about 1928
HansonGuy Clarenceborn about 1932
HansonJoan Eborn about 1930
HansonJohn Edwdborn about 1927
HarrisChas Dborn about 1871
HarrisPhilo born about 1913
HarrisStella Eborn about 1880
HendrickErnest born about 1913
HendrickIrene born about 1912
HenrissBeualah born about 1929
HenrissMarion born about 1932
HenrissPaul born about 1935
HibbardFlora Mborn about 1882
HibbardWilliam born about 1877
HilesIdema born about 1907
HilesNeola born about 1931
HilesRuth born about 1918
HilesStella born about 1868
HilesWilliam Lborn about 1916
HimesEmory born about 1871
HoagHarvey born about 1887
HoagMary born about 1887
HobonJohn born about 1899
HoepfingerFred born about 1887
HoepfingerLouise born about 1858
HoffmannLouis born about 1882
HolzmeierCatherine born about 1873
HooseDwight born about 1908
HooseEarl born about 1897
HooseGoldie born about 1920
HooseHelen born about 1915
HooseLenora born about 1938
HooseLester born about 1939
HooseMarvin born about 1922
HorneHenry born about 1887
HortonCharlie born about 1867
HortonDorothy born about 1907
HortonEwra born about 1875
HortonHoward born about 1895
HortonLaura born about 1872
HotchkissBlanche born about 1900
HotchkissCharles born about 1880
HotchkissElsie born about 1926
HotchkissEva born about 1851
HotchkissJesse born about 1895
HotchkissJessie born about 1886
HotchkissRobert born about 1928
HotckissAlice born about 1854
HotckissCharles born about 1850
HowardFrances born about 1918
HoweCharlotte born about 1872
HowlandBernice born about 1908
HurlburtHild born about 1908
HurlburtHoward born about 1907
HurlburtMadeline born about 1933
HurlburtWilliam born about 1894
HydeGeorge born about 1897
HydeGretchen born about 1895

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I Surnames

IngrahamBernard born about 1930
IngrahamDonald born about 1937
IngrahamFrances born about 1924
IngrahamGladys born about 1926
IngrahamLeona Mborn about 1900
IngrahamMargaret born about 1928
IngrahamRoger born about 1934
IngrahamVirginia born about 1932

J Surnames

JamesArloine born about 1889
JamesLee born about 1891
JamesMarcia born about 1939
JamesPatricia born about 1920
JamesRichard born about 1913
JeanroyAlice born about 1893
JeanroyAugust born about 1896
JeanroyBeatrice born about 1938
JeanroyRoger born about 1925
JeanroyYvonne born about 1923
JensenAlice Cborn about 1936
JensenCaroline Jborn about 1937
JensenDorothy Pborn about 1935
JensenMarla Jborn about 1939
JensenMildred born about 1916
JensenOliver born about 1911
JensenRobert born about 1913
JensenShirley Aborn about 1939
JohnsonEmil born about 1889
JohnsonEstella born about 1881
JohnsonLena born about 1882
JohnsonLeon born about 1876
JohnsonOliver born about 1869
JohnsonWilliam born about 1867
JonesAdna born about 1873
JonesArthur born about 1910
JonesDavid Wborn about 1940
JonesG Wilhelminaborn about 1934
JonesGladys born about 1913
JonesJames born about 1871
JonesJames Fborn about 1935
JonesLaurence Aborn about 1937

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K Surnames

KapinsThelma born about 1933
KeepsLilette born about 1889
KellyEdward Hborn about 1910
KellyMildred born about 1911
KennedyArthur born about 1885
KennedyCarleton born about 1913
KennedyClifford born about 1903
KennedyD Jeanborn about 1921
KennedyDaniel born about 1872
KennedyEstelle born about 1885
KennedyLaura born about 1930
KennedyLouise born about 1928
KennedyMartha born about 1935
KennedyMary born about 1885
KennedyRobert born about 1876
KenzieAllan born about 1935
KenzieRoss born about 1932
KenzieRuth born about 1911
KilburyMyra born about 1925
KilburySmith born about 1923
KlettingJosep born about 1898
KlettingMagdalene born about 1898
KullerDorothy Jborn about 1935
KullerJohn Cborn about 1932
KullerJohn Wborn about 1902
KullerMargaret Mborn about 1909

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L Surnames

LagrangeFlorese Bborn about 1870
LagrangeHobart born about 1906
LagrangeHoward born about 1901
LaneFred born about 1872
LareElizabeth born about 1860
LaughlinCatherine born about 1913
LeeCharles born about 1919
LeeJohn born about 1878
LeeWaneta born about 1926
LentIra born about 1898
LeroneJacob born about 1890
LeshureElizabeth Rborn about 1871
LevandowskiAnthonia born about 1888
LevandowskiBernard born about 1921
LevandowskiBernice born about 1881
LevandowskiStanley born about 1912
LevandowskiSygmund born about 1918
LewisCora Sborn about 1861
LewisJanie born about 1893
LewisLawrence born about 1893
LewisLeon born about 1888
LewisMary born about 1862
LewisRichard born about 1927
LewisShirley born about 1920
LewisSidney born about 1870
LewisWarren born about 1893
LockeErmina born about 1910
LockeLaurance born about 1933
LockeLeward born about 1910
LoeschckeWilhelmina born about 1885
LookayIsabella born about 1870
LookayLaura born about 1894
LookayMary Kowsborn about 1871
LookayRobert Fborn about 1901
LoveErnest born about 1917
LoveJudith Eborn about
LoveMarion born about 1920
LownieLegman born about 1916
LuffredJoan born about 1927
LuffredMildred born about 1900
LuffredShirley born about 1924
LylonsSarah Jborn about 1875
LylsDuanne born about 1929
LylsHoward born about 1907
LylsRuby born about 1912
LyonsBernard born about 1922
LyonsHarry born about 1897
LyonsRuby born about 1903
LyonsVirginia born about 1925

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M Surnames

MacdougalDonald born about 1909
MacdougalDonald Jr born about 1938
MacdougalJoyce born about 1919
MacdougalNancy born about 1935
MacdougalPatsy born about 1937
MacdougalPauline born about 1908
MacdougalStanley born about 1913
MacdougalStanley Jr born about 1939
MalionBernice born about 1910
MalionFrank born about 1905
MannBuelah born about 1913
MannBurt Rborn about 1935
MannClair Lborn about 1904
MannClark born about 1908
MannGerald born about 1940
MannGordon born about 1938
MannHarold Gborn about 1930
MannMargaret Eborn about 1906
MarkluckGeorge born about 1872
MarkluckMary born about 1882
MartinEleanor born about 1916
MatlegaAlbero born about 1938
MatlegaJennie born about 1924
MatlegaJoseph born about 1936
MatlegaJosephine born about 1901
MatlegaMary born about 1926
MatlegaPeter born about 1895
MatlegaPeter born about 1929
MattesonGeorge born about 1889
MatticeBryan born about 1897
MatticeMary born about 1860
MatticeNina born about 1880
MatticeWalter born about 1885
MattisArthur born about 1917
MattisHoward born about 1923
MattisJohn born about 1873
MattisNellie born about 1884
MattisRalph born about 1915
MattonRaymond born about 1872
MattonSarah Lborn about 1874
MaysBenn born about 1887
MaysBlaine born about 1918
MaysBuelah born about 1912
MaysRexford born about 1909
MaysRobert born about 1937
MaysTerrance Kborn about 1939
MaysThelma born about 1890
MccloudDoris born about 1931
MccloudGladys born about 1934
MccloudHenry Jr born about 1926
MccloudMarian born about 1904
MccloudMildred born about 1925
MccloudRobert born about 1928
MccloudRuth born about 1922
McconnellAlta born about 1870
McconnellCatherine born about 1924
McconnellCloyse born about 1894
McconnellDella born about 1891
McconnellDonna Mborn about 1924
McconnellEdith born about 1903
McconnellElinor born about 1927
McconnellJack born about 1917
McconnellJennie born about 1868
McconnellJoseph born about 1914
McconnellLynn born about 1892
McconnellMarey born about 1928
McconnellMattie born about 1889
McconnellMeralitt born about 1936
McconnellMuriel born about 1926
McconnellNellie born about 1889
McconnellRobert born about 1922
McconnellWard born about 1904
McconnellWard Jr born about 1932
MccormackCharles born about 1897
MccormackCharles Jr born about 1924
MccormackGladys born about 1895
MccormackHarry born about 1925
MccormackJoe born about 1922
MccormackJoyce born about 1920
McgayRalph Aborn about 1914
McginnisRowena born about 1927
McgradyElmer Jborn about 1862
McgradyMinnie born about 1869
MckieDavid born about 1919
MckieEdith born about 1875
McmaichelGrace born about 1879
McmaichelWelham born about 1867
MeekerEarl born about 1892
MerrittBurt born about 1879
MerrittCornelia born about 1919
MerrittPrudence born about 1879
MiddletonJ Robertborn about 1880
MilfordAlfred born about 1934
MilfordJohn born about 1870
MillerVirgenia born about 1926
MillespaughNorman born about 1862
MoonClifford born about 1887
MoonClyde born about 1921
MoonFrank born about 1883
MoonHelen born about 1930
MoonIda born about 1891
MoonIrene born about 1891
MoonLawrence born about 1923
MoonUna born about 1928
MooreEsther born about 1861
MooreLawrence born about 1905
MooreLeila born about 1892
MooreMargaret born about 1919
MooreMarion born about 1915
MoorePeter born about 1885
MooreRuth Maryborn about 1939
MorganBeatrice born about 1904
MorganClay born about 1884
MorganEmerson born about 1892
MorganEmery born about 1892
MorganFlorence born about 1896
MorganGrace Belleborn about 1889
MorrisonElizabeth born about 1866
MorseElla born about 1929
MorseJune born about 1932
MorseLillian born about 1927
MorseLillie born about 1907
MorseMargaret born about 1925
MorseMerritt born about 1894
MoserJoseph born about 1881
MosesHenry Clarkeborn about 1878
MosesJulia born about 1881
MyerJerome born about 1895
MyerMarcia born about 1889
MyerMarilyn born about 1929
MyerSeth Carletonborn about 1927

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N Surnames

NageliJohn born about 1895
NageliMabel born about 1892
NeffBurt born about 1881
NeffCora born about 1871
NeffFloyd born about 1877
NeffFred born about 1873
NeffMary born about 1868
NegeliNeva born about 1920
NicklesBlanche born about 1870
NicklesElmer born about 1864
NicklesIsabelle born about 1896
NickolesGettie born about 1892
NickolesLeonard born about 1891
NielsonDorothy born about 1907
NielsonLeman born about 1909
NielsonRichard born about 1931
NielsonRonald born about 1929
NimsAlma born about 1887
NimsVictor born about 1885
NistokAndrew born about 1918
NistokJacob born about 1884
NistokJohn born about 1918
NistokMary born about 1889
NobleCharles born about 1877
NobleLeah born about 1877
NorthrupCharles born about 1871
NorthrupCharlie born about 1874
NorthrupFrank born about 1910
NorthrupLola born about 1874
NorthrupLuella born about 1875
NorthrupVilla born about 1901
NorthrupWillis born about 1898
NorthurpClifton born about 1902
NorthurpClifton Jr born about 1930
NorthurpEthel born about 1934
NorthurpEunice born about 1928
NorthurpHelen born about 1910
NorthurpLola born about 1932
NorthurpShirley born about 1927
NorthurpThomas born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OlneyAfida Cborn about 1876
OlneyHenry Cborn about 1877
OlneyMelburne born about 1925
OlneyPearl born about 1897
OlneyRowene born about 1935
OlneyWilliam born about 1896
OrvisGrace Bborn about 1880
OrvisGreely Hborn about 1874
OstranderFred born about 1873
OstranderGeorge born about 1907
OstranderJoyce born about 1931
OstranderLillian born about 1908
OstranderRamona born about 1933
OstranderRhoda born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageArthur born about 1910
PageFrances born about 1915
PageThomas born about 1936
PalosDorothy born about 1901
PalosRaymond born about 1911
ParsonsCarl born about 1930
ParsonsHarry born about 1887
ParsonsHelen born about 1924
ParsonsMargaret born about 1891
ParsonsRobert born about 1927
PatchAmelia born about 1855
PatchGrace born about 1887
PeckEdith born about 1936
PeckElizabeth born about 1876
PeckMagaret born about 1912
PeckOrren born about 1910
PeckStanley born about 1905
PelhamAlmeda born about 1904
PelhamBurt born about 1863
PepperLeona born about 1908
PerryEva born about 1884
PerrymanRobert Jborn about 1940
PerrymanRuth born about 1921
PifeBeatrice born about 1929
PifeEllis born about 1926
PifeHart born about 1877
PifeMaude Eborn about 1890
PindjakHermino Kathrneborn about 1912
PolmanteerAlva born about 1896
PolmanteerArden born about 1866
PolmanteerDavilla born about 1890
PolmanteerElinor born about 1910
PolmanteerElmer Jamesborn about 1939
PolmanteerSarah born about 1897
PooskyAnne born about 1906
PooskyElizabeth Annborn about 1937
PooskyFrank born about 1924
PooskyJoseph born about 1933
PooskyMary Ruthborn about 1931
PooskyThomas born about 1929
PooskyVictor born about 1926
PooskyWilliam Eborn about 1935
PovowskyFred born about 1895
PrattAlice Cborn about 1870
PrattEmily Bborn about 1868
PresslerAlice born about 1896
PresslerAlice Marieborn about 1938
PresslerBernice born about 1905
PresslerDoris born about 1920
PresslerDoris born about 1929
PresslerE Ireneborn about 1913
PresslerEarl born about 1892
PresslerElmer born about 1906
PresslerElmon Eugene Jrborn about 1936
PresslerElnora born about 1868
PresslerElwin born about 1890
PresslerEva born about 1897
PresslerEvelyn born about 1922
PresslerFred born about 1863
PresslerGrace born about 1888
PresslerHarry born about 1914
PresslerIvan born about 1922
PresslerMine born about 1880
PresslerPaul born about 1924
PresslerRay born about 1888
PresslerWilfred born about 1920
PresslerWilliam born about 1923
PresslerWilliard born about 1906
PridmoreDonald born about 1908
PridmoreDorella born about 1914
PridmoreJanet Dborn about 1939
PridmoreJoanne born about 1935
PridmoreJudith Dborn about 1939
PridmoreRichard Dborn about 1933
PridmoreRobert Lborn about 1940
PridmoreShirley Aborn about 1937
PulverJennie born about 1888
PulverMaynard born about 1880
PulverNora born about 1879
PulverOlin born about 1888
PutnamAlice Lborn about 1879
PutnamArthur born about 1876
PutnamArthur born about 1933
PutnamFrances born about 1905
PutnamHarold born about 1907
PutnamJohn born about 1932
PutnamKarl born about 1913
PutnamMary born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuigleyAnne born about 1886
QuigleyCharles born about 1904
QuigleyGrace born about 1908
QuigleyJames born about 1878
QuigleyKenneth born about 1933
QuigleyPaul born about 1928

R Surnames

RaceFrancis born about 1919
RaceLarry born about 1940
RansomJames born about 1874
RansomOleda born about 1875
RansonClara born about 1903
RansonFrancis born about 1897
RansonJessie born about 1891
RansonJudson born about 1901
RansonJudson Jr born about 1938
RansonLa Vernaborn about 1933
RansonRuth born about 1925
RectorEthelyn born about 1911
RectorHoward born about 1915
ReedClaude born about 1883
ReedClaude born about 1928
ReedEmma born about 1902
ReedGerald born about 1923
ReeseClaude born about 1890
ReeseClaude Jr born about 1922
ReeseClinton born about 1921
ReeseDoris born about 1923
ReeseEarl born about 1916
ReeseEleanor born about 1915
ReeseJessie born about 1892
ReevesLucinda born about 1848
ReynoldsRichard Tborn about 1854
RiceGeorge born about 1858
RingroseAlice Gborn about 1885
RingroseCharlie born about 1870
RingroseFannie born about 1873
RingroseMargaret born about 1877
RingroseThomas Edwardborn about 1877
RobbinsByron born about 1909
RobbinsEdna born about 1920
RobbinsGeorge born about 1876
RobbinsNellie Janeborn about 1881
RobinsonCharles born about 1871
RobinsonElla born about 1863
RobinsonFlorence born about 1918
RobinsonIvan born about 1902
RobinsonJesse born about 1863
RobinsonJoyce born about 1938
RobinsonMerton born about 1885
RockbaughThelma born about 1922
RohanEdward born about 1861
RolosonLou born about 1879
RolosonMymie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadowyAnne born about 1925
SadowyJohnnie born about 1930
SadowyPete born about 1924
Salvatore born about 1901
SandfordLyman born about 1849
SandfordLynn born about 1882
SandfordOnolee born about 1923
SandfordQaviaola born about 1890
SandfordRoyse born about 1926
SantonEstina born about 1901
SantonWillette born about 1899
SaundersChas born about 1878
SaundersSusan Lborn about 1872
SchmittAgnes born about 1916
SchmittAgnes born about 1938
SchmittFrank born about 1902
SchonherAlbert born about 1913
SchonherHazel born about 1916
SchonherLena born about 1884
SchwingleEthel born about 1885
SchwingleHerman born about 1882
ScotchmerElla born about 1904
ScotchmerForest born about 1937
ScotchmerHoward born about 1904
ScotchmerJuanita born about 1924
ScotchmerMarvin born about 1925
ScotchmerWendell born about 1931
ShaderAvalyn born about 1871
ShaderMerlin born about 1872
ShafferCharlotte born about 1865
SharpeFlorida born about 1900
ShedrickErnestine born about 1935
ShedrickFlorence born about 1883
ShedrickLoraine born about 1928
ShedrickMaude Francisborn about 1896
ShedrickWilliam Aborn about 1900
ShedrickWilma born about 1933
ShedrickWilmont born about 1926
SherwoodClifford born about 1902
SherwoodEarl born about 1937
SherwoodJames born about 1888
SherwoodLucille born about 1931
SherwoodMary born about 1899
SherwoodMinnie born about 1885
SherwoodTheda born about 1923
SimmonsAllan born about 1885
SimmonsAlvin born about 1916
SimmonsAnn born about 1910
SimmonsBertha born about 1886
SimmonsClara born about 1921
SimmonsEsther born about 1930
SimmonsGene born about 1939
SimmonsGeorge born about 1910
SimmonsHarold born about 1924
SimmonsLee born about 1935
SimpsonMarian born about 1908
SissonGeorge born about 1871
SissonLottie born about 1874
SkinnerEva born about 1870
SkinnerLilly born about 1885
SmalleyJ Robertborn about 1932
SmalleyJohn born about 1906
SmalleyLaura born about 1909
SmalleyMary Daleborn about 1938
SmithAda born about 1880
SmithAdah born about 1878
SmithAlma born about 1918
SmithAmo born about 1887
SmithBeulah born about 1909
SmithBeulah born about 1910
SmithBruce born about 1923
SmithCarrie born about 1877
SmithCharles Fborn about 1897
SmithCharles Wborn about 1929
SmithClarence born about 1874
SmithDoris Eborn about 1939
SmithDorothy born about 1921
SmithEdith born about 1868
SmithElwood born about 1917
SmithFranklin Debenoborn about 1935
SmithGeorge born about 1898
SmithGeorge Emmetborn about 1863
SmithGertrude born about 1904
SmithHarold born about 1901
SmithHelen born about 1884
SmithJames Stewartborn about 1937
SmithJohn Henryborn about 1881
SmithJohn Henry Jrborn about 1909
SmithLouis Elwoodborn about 1930
SmithMabel born about 1894
SmithMarian Jeanborn about 1930
SmithMarinna born about 1916
SmithMary Marleneborn about 1939
SmithMerlin born about 1939
SmithNettie Mborn about 1865
SmithOlin born about 1880
SmithOrin born about 1906
SmithOviatt born about 1911
SmithPaul born about 1912
SmithRobert Emmettborn about 1937
SmithShorterman born about 1877
SnyderArthur born about 1924
SnyderCarroll born about 1922
SnyderGertrude born about 1886
SnyderHadley born about 1896
SnyderHarold born about 1923
SnyderKathleen born about 1915
SnyderLaura born about 1927
SnyderLeo born about 1915
SnyderLeo born about 1915
SnyderLeo born about 1937
SnyderMae born about 1907
SnyderRalph born about 1908
SnyderRalph born about 1928
SnyderRaymond born about 1917
SnyderVerda born about 1895
SnyderWalter born about 1875
SocolaEdward born about 1902
SocolaLeo born about 1939
SocolaMary born about 1917
SocolaNellie born about 1934
SpagueRosabell born about 1884
SpragueDonna born about 1931
SpragueHarry Rborn about 1937
SpragueJulia born about 1910
SpragueNancy born about 1939
SpragueWalter born about 1907
StantonEabrin born about 1918
StantonLydia born about 1884
StantonRaymond born about 1883
StewartHerman born about 1901
StewartMillie born about 1879
SticklerWalter born about 1878
StickneyBelle born about 1887
StickneyCharles born about 1877
StickneyDorothy born about 1899
StickneyJ Dewittborn about 1900
StickneySasvel born about 1887
StillwellCaroline born about 1890
StillwellWalter born about 1921
StillwellWinthrop born about 1886
StrattonHarry born about 1886
StrongCharles born about 1883
StrongMabel born about 1883
SturdevantBuelah born about 1872
SturdevantCarleton born about 1902
SturdevantMartha born about 1875
SturdevantWalter born about 1874
SwalesBurt born about 1921
SwalesElinor born about 1882
SwalesElsie born about 1917
SwalesWilliam born about 1882
SzatkowskiCharles born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TachanElizabeth born about 1910
TachanHans born about 1901
TachanHans born about 1931
TaftClinton born about 1931
TaftLeasie born about 1907
TaftWendell born about 1928
TaylorEdmond born about 1888
TerryCharles Nborn about 1860
ThomasElizabeth born about 1872
ThomasElizabeth born about 1932
ThomasJack born about 1932
ThomasLe Verneborn about 1870
ThomasReginald born about 1900
ThompsonDavid born about 1917
ThompsonJessie born about 1921
ThompsonRobert born about 1877
ThompsonShirley born about 1940
TownsendFlora born about 1863
TrantAsa born about 1891
TrantEugene Jborn about 1867
TrantEugene J Jrborn about 1928
TrantMorria born about 1869
TrantNora born about 1877
TrojanowskiAnthony born about 1887
TrojanowskiJean born about 1923
TrojanowskiJohn born about 1918
TrojanowskiKatherine born about 1909
TrojanowskiLeo born about 1930
TrojanowskiWalter born about 1916
TylerBeverly born about 1932
TylerHarry born about 1899
TylerLela born about 1909
TylerPhyllis born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValleyMary born about 1866
VanamburgAlbert born about 1883
VanamburgEva born about 1890
VanamburgGenevive born about 1910
VanamburgGeorge born about 1891
VanamburgJanice born about 1912
VanamburgLottie Cborn about 1881
VancleafGeorge born about 1880
VancleafHarry born about 1909
VangelderBarbara Jeanborn about
VangelderDelbert born about 1879
VangelderDeweth born about 1907
VangelderJamie Cborn about 1884
VangelderMary Elizabethborn about 1926
VangelderMyrtle born about 1882
VangelderPauline born about 1903
VanhasteLillian born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WahburnGeraldine born about 1929
WahburnGertude born about 1910
WahburnHarold born about 1908
WahburnPaeline born about 1940
WaiteGrant born about 1868
WaiteMyrtle born about 1881
WalbridgeLena born about 1878
WalbridgePhilo born about 1878
WaldoOtis born about 1877
WaldoPearl Aborn about 1883
WalkerClarence born about 1922
WalkerDonald born about 1899
WalkerErnest born about 1920
WalkerRobert born about 1867
WalkerRosellen born about 1929
WalkerRowena born about 1898
WaltherClifford born about 1906
WaltherDorothy born about 1906
WaltherRobert born about 1927
WatchBessie born about 1881
WatchElmer born about 1879
WeaverHarriet born about 1906
WeaverJohn born about 1939
WeaverOtto born about 1903
WebsterJean born about 1923
WebsterLoyd Archieborn about 1888
WebsterMayme born about 1889
WeedEliza born about 1850
WeldyJohn born about 1903
WellesChester born about 1889
WellesMaude born about 1898
WesniewskiJohn Mborn about 1919
WestfallJohn born about 1891
WheatonHarry born about 1902
WheatonMary born about 1868
WheatonNina born about 1895
WheatonVictor born about 1884
WheelerAnna born about 1869
WheelerCarol born about 1939
WheelerClarabel born about 1940
WheelerDorothy born about 1918
WheelerFlorence born about 1885
WheelerFrank born about 1870
WheelerFred born about 1887
WheelerFronia born about 1894
WheelerHoward Aborn about 1887
WheelerLinda born about 1858
WheelerLoretta born about 1918
WheelerLuther born about 1859
WheelerMinnie born about 1873
WheelerNellie born about 1876
WheelerPaul born about 1916
WheelerRobert born about 1907
WheelerSeth born about 1871
WheelerShurley born about 1938
WheelerThelma born about 1936
WheelockBeverly born about 1937
WheelockFrances born about 1918
WheelockFrank born about 1887
WheelockJames Normanborn about 1935
WheelockLazelia born about 1913
WheelockRuby born about 1886
WhiteClara born about 1866
WhiteJames born about 1860
WhiteLena born about 1906
WhiteOtto born about 1904
WhiteRuth born about 1929
WhiteShirley born about 1927
WhiteVirginia born about 1925
WhiteWilliam born about 1937
WhitemanArthur Mckenzieborn about 1938
WhitemanDelsie Catherineborn about 1935
WhitemanDoris Gretchenborn about 1935
WhitemanHenry born about 1908
WhitemanMargelia Jessieborn about 1931
WhitemanOrpha born about 1900
WhitemanTheodore Henryborn about 1928
WhitneyEveline born about 1872
WhitneyJohn born about 1867
WilliamsForest born about 1918
WilliamsJohn born about 1883
WilliamsMabel born about 1885
WilliamsS Walterborn about 1878
WilsonDonald born about 1930
WilsonHarley Richardborn about 1938
WilsonJane born about 1886
WilsonJohn born about 1887
WilsonLawrence born about 1915
WilsonLeman born about 1892
WilsonLeonard Gordonborn about 1936
WilsonMargaret born about 1919
WilsonPearl born about 1891
WilsonRobert born about 1926
WilsonTheresa born about 1920
WisniewskiJosephine born about 1882
WisniewskiStanley born about 1911
WisniewskiWalter born about 1906
WixsonDawson born about 1870
WoodAddison born about 1880
WoodCharles Hborn about 1919
WoodMary Aborn about 1916
WoodMaryetta born about 1893
WraightAnne born about 1939
WraightDoris born about 1918
WraightDuanne born about 1921
WraightEsther born about 1901
WraightGeorge born about 1899
WraightGerry born about 1880
WraightGertude born about 1881
WraightGordon born about 1926
WraightHattie born about 1878
WraightHelen born about 1930
WraightLawrence born about 1916
WraightLena born about 1930
WraightLucyn born about 1873
WraightMartha born about 1935
WraightShirley born about 1937
WraightUnadah born about 1911
WraightVictor born about 1902
WraightWarren born about 1939
WraightWilford born about 1934
WyckoffCarrie born about 1869
WyckoffElwy born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YastremskiAnna born about 1927
YastremskiFrank born about 1922
YastremskiHelen born about 1933
YastremskiJohn born about 1923
YastremskiJoseph born about 1920
YastremskiMike born about 1930
YastremskiPeter born about 1925
YastremskiStella born about 1888
YastremskiSteve born about 1890
YastremskiSteve born about 1931
YastremskiWalter born about 1928
YongeHerman Hborn about 1862
YoungMildred born about 1920
YoungRichard Jr born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZamroskyMary born about 1866
ZchnakGeorge born about 1880

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