Bronx County NY Birth Records

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Bronx County (559) > Bronx County County Birth Records (21)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > New York Birth Records (1,561) > Bronx County Birth Records (21)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Bronx County are also on the New York Birth Records page.

Bronx County Birth Records

1910-1965 Birth Index for New York, New York Ancestry online

Birth Certificate Index for New York, New York, 1866-1909 (includes Bronx County 1898-1908) Ancestry online

Birth Index for New York, New York, 1878-1909 Ancestry online

Births Reported in Brooklyn 1891, 1898, and 1899 (includes parts of Manhattan and Bronx) Brooklyn Genealogy Information Page online

Births reported in the city of New York, 1881-1965 FamilySearch Library

Borough of the Bronx certificate and record of birth, 1898-1909 FamilySearch Library

NYC Geographical Birth Index - Bronx - 1898-1910 Internet Archive online

New York City Birth Certificates 1855 to 1909 NYC Department of Records & Information Services online

New York City Birth Index, 1878-1909 MyHeritage online

New York City Birth Records online

New York City Vital Records, 1798-1903 Ancestry online

New York City, Birth Records, 1910-present New York City Health Department

New York Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms (includes baptisms from 1853-1920 in churches in the Bronx including Holy Family, Holy Spirit, Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Conception Gun Hill Road, Our Lady of Mercy, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Pity, Our Lady of Solace, Our Lady of Victory, Our Savior, Sacred Heart, SS Peter & Paul, St Adelbert, St Angela Merici, St Ann, St Anselm, St Anthony of Padua, St Anthony Commonwealth Avenue, St Anthony Richardson Avenue, St Athanasius, St Augustine, St Barnabas, St Brendan, St Frances of Rome, St Jerome, St John Chrysostom, St John, St Joseph, St Luke, St Margaret of Cortona, St Martin of Tours, St Mary, St Mary Star of the Seas, St Nicholas of Tolentine, St Philip Neri, St Pius V, St Raymond, St Roch, St Simon Stock, St Thomas Aquinas, St Valentine) FindMyPast online

New York, Episcopal Diocese of New York Church Records, 1767-1970 (includes church records for Bronx) Ancestry online

New York, New York, Birth Index, 1891-1902 Ancestry online

The Bronx (Bronx County), Birth Records, 1898-1909 New York City Municipal Archives

Vital records of New York City, 1686-1706, 1807 FamilySearch Library

Westchester, Westchester County, New York record of births, marriages and deaths (ledgers), 1881-1895 (now Bronx County) FamilySearch Library

Fordham Birth Records

Dutch Reformed Church, Fordham, Bronx, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1793-1875 FamilySearch Library

Wakefield Birth Records

South Mount Vernon and Wakefield, N.Y., register of births, marriages and deaths Westchester, N.Y., record of births, marriages and deaths. WorldCat

South Mount Vernon and Wakefield, New York, register of births, marriages and deaths (ledgers) FamilySearch Library

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