Chemung Genealogy (in Chemung County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Chemung County (924) > Chemung (36)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Chemung are also found through the Chemung County and New York pages.

Chemung Cemetery Records

Batterson Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Chemung Village Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Chemung Village Cemetery Find a Grave online

Drake Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dutchtown Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Fred Price Cemetery (Price Cemetery #1) Joyce Tice online

French Cemetery Find a Grave online

French Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Frost/Owen Farm or Drake Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Harvey & Rebecca Price Cemetery (Price Cemetery #2) Joyce Tice online

Lockwood Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Riverside Cemetery (1970s partial) Joyce Tice online

Riverside Cemetery (2005) Joyce Tice online

Riverside Cemetery (2007) Records Joyce Tice online

Warren Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Warren Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wells and Cooley Cemeteries Joyce Tice online

Wynkoop Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chemung Census Records

Chemung Census 1790 Joyce Tice online

Federal Census of 1940, Chemung, New York LDS Genealogy online

Town of Chemung Census 1840 Joyce Tice online

Town of Chemung Census 1850 Joyce Tice online

Town of Chemung Census 1860 Joyce Tice online

Town of Chemung Census 1880 Joyce Tice online

Veterans-Town of Chemung Census 1890 Joyce Tice online

Chemung City Directories

Chemung County, NY 1860 City Directories Allen County Public Library

New York County Histories City Directories Allen County Public Library

Town of Chemung Business Directory and 1935 Phone Directory 1869 Joyce Tice online

Chemung Histories and Genealogies

Facts about Chemung History Joyce Tice online

Town of Chemung 1879 History Joyce Tice online

Town of Chemung History Joyce Tice online

Chemung Military Records

List of World War II Honor Soliders from Chemung Joyce Tice online

Chemung Tax Records

Chemung Tax Assessment 1801 Joyce Tice online

Chemung Tax Assessment 1802 Joyce Tice online

Tax Assessment of Chemung 1799 Joyce Tice online

Tax Assessment of Chemung 1800 Joyce Tice online

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