Glenville Genealogy (in Schenectady County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Schenectady County (941) > Glenville (38)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Glenville are also found through the Schenectady County and New York pages.

Glenville Birth Records

A complete copy of the church records of Glenville, 1814-1920 Digital Public Library of America online

Vital records of Woestina Reformed Church (Rotterdam, NY) and Glenville Reformed Church, 1800-1899 [i.e. 1904] FamilySearch Library

Glenville Cemetery Records

Fonda Cemetery Find a Grave online

Glenville Centre Methodist Episcopal Cemetery Find a Grave online

Glenville, N. Y., cemetery records, a complete copy of all vital records from the cemetery around the church : with additional records from burial certificates, also records from several small cemeteries in the vicinity FamilySearch Library

Glenville, N.Y. cemetery records : a complete vital record from the cemetery around the Church. Also records from several small cemeteries in the vicinity FamilySearch Library

Hagen Family Memorial Find a Grave online

Inscriptions copied from headstones and monuments in the cemetery belonging to the Glenville Center Methodist Episcopal Church FamilySearch Library

Inscriptions copied from headstones and monuments in the cemetery formerly belonging to the First Reformed Dutch Church of Glenville : now under the jurisdiction of Glenville Cemetery Association, West Glenville Village, Town of Glenville, Schenectady County, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Inscriptions copied from headstones and monuments in the cemetery formerly belonging to the First Reformed Dutch Church of Glenville, now under the jurisdiction of the Glenville Cemetery Association, West Glenville Village WorldCat

Inscriptions copied from headstones and monuments in the cemetery formerly belonging to the West Glenville Methodist Church FamilySearch Library

Mabee-Van Antwerp Cemetery Find a Grave online

Park Cemetery Original Location Billion Graves online

Private family burial grounds of Scotia - Glenville WorldCat

Private family burial grounds of Scotia-Glenville FamilySearch Library

Records of the First Reformed (Dutch) Church of Glenville, Schenectady County, New York FamilySearch Library

Saint Anthony Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sanders Family Burial Plot Billion Graves online

Scotia-Glenville cemetery records FamilySearch Library

Seaman Family Burial Ground Find a Grave online

The Beukendaal Battle Memorial Find a Grave online

Van Patten, Jesse & Rebecca Burial Yard Find a Grave online

Van Voast Cemetery Find a Grave online

Yates Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Glenville Census Records

State Census Index, 1835 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Glenville Church Records

A complete copy of the church records of Glenville, 1814-1920 Digital Public Library of America online

A complete copy of the church records of Glenville, Schenectady County, N.Y., 1814-1920 [i.e. 1921] FamilySearch Library

Church records [Glenville, New York], 1812-1876 (First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Glenville (Glenville, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1812-1889 (First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Glenville (Glenville, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Historical sketchbook of the First Reformed Church of Glenville, New York, 1812-1962 FamilySearch Library

Records of the First Reformed (Dutch) Church of Glenville, Schenectady County, New York FamilySearch Library

Vital records of Woestina Reformed Church (Rotterdam, NY) and Glenville Reformed Church, 1800-1899 [i.e. 1904] FamilySearch Library

Glenville City Directories

Glenville, NY 1860-1861 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Residents 1862 Glenville Genealogy Trails online

Glenville Death Records

A complete copy of the church records of Glenville, 1814-1920 Digital Public Library of America online

Vital records of Woestina Reformed Church (Rotterdam, NY) and Glenville Reformed Church, 1800-1899 [i.e. 1904] FamilySearch Library

Glenville Marriage Records

A complete copy of the church records of Glenville, 1814-1920 Digital Public Library of America online

Vital records of Woestina Reformed Church (Rotterdam, NY) and Glenville Reformed Church, 1800-1899 [i.e. 1904] FamilySearch Library

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