Greenfield Genealogy (in Saratoga County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Saratoga County (1,607) > Greenfield (63)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Greenfield are also found through the Saratoga County and New York pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Marriage Records

Greenfield Birth Records

Congregational Church, Greenfield, Saratoga, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1792-1814 FamilySearch Library

Record of births, marriages and deaths, town of Greenfield, Saratoga County, N. Y. as registered with the town clerk FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Cemetery Records

Allen Cemetery Find a Grave online

An index to Greenfield cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Bailey Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bowen Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cemetery inscriptions from Saratoga, County, New York FamilySearch Library

Chatfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Comstock Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cornell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Crawford Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cronkhite Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dake Cemetery Find a Grave online

Davenport Farm Cemetery US Gen Web online

Day Cemetery Find a Grave online

Early Find a Grave online

Early Cemetery Interment online

Edwards Cemetery Find a Grave online

Edwards Cemetery New York Gravestones online

Gifford Find a Grave online

Greenfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Haggerty Cemetery US Gen Web online

Haggerty Hill Find a Grave online

Haggerty Hill Cemetery Interment online

Harris Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harris Cemetery US Gen Web online

Hodges Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hutchings Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lewis Find a Grave online

Locust Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Locust Grove Cemetery US Gen Web online

Medbery Cemetery Find a Grave online

Medbery Cemetery New York Gravestones online

Middle Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Middle Grove Cemetery US Gen Web online

Middle Grove Cemetery New York Gravestones online

Miller Find a Grave online

Mitchell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ormsbee Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ormsbee Cemetery US Gen Web online

Other Greenfield Cemeteries US Gen Web online

Quaker Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rowland Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Johns Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saratoga County, New York, cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Scott Cemetery Find a Grave online

Scott Cemetery New York Gravestones online

St. John's Cemetery US Gen Web online

Town of Greenfield Cemeteries US Gen Web online

Town of Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N.Y., cemetery records FamilySearch Library

Wing Cemetery Billion Graves online

Wood Cemetery Find a Grave online

Greenfield Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Greenfield, New York LDS Genealogy online

New York State Census of the Town of Greenfield 1855 US Gen Web online

Greenfield Church Records

Baptist Church in Greenfield Records 1791-1797 US Gen Web online

Congregational Church, Greenfield, Saratoga, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1792-1814 FamilySearch Library

Congregational Church, Greenfield, Saratoga, New York computer printout; marriages, 1792-1814 FamilySearch Library

Day book of Rev. Zerah Taylor Hoyt FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Death Records

Record of births, marriages and deaths, town of Greenfield, Saratoga County, N. Y. as registered with the town clerk FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Histories and Genealogies

Greenfield glimpses FamilySearch Library

Name Index to "Greenfield Glimpses" US Gen Web online

Greenfield Marriage Records

Congregational Church, Greenfield, Saratoga, New York computer printout; marriages, 1792-1814 FamilySearch Library

Record of births, marriages and deaths, town of Greenfield, Saratoga County, N. Y. as registered with the town clerk FamilySearch Library

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