Oneida County NY Church Records

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Oneida County (2,223) > Oneida County County Church Records (175)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > New York Church Records (7,891) > Oneida County Church Records (175)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Oneida County are also on the New York Church Records page.

Alder CreekOriskany Falls
Clark MillsUtica
New HartfordYorkville
New York Mills

Oneida County Church Records

A narrative of the revival of religion in the county of Oneida Ancestry online

Oneida County Collection I, 1791-1918, Baptist Church Archive Grid

Alder Creek Church Records

Annsville Church Records

Augusta Church Records

Barneveld Church Records

Boonville Church Records

Bridgewater Church Records

Cassville Church Records

Clark Mills Church Records

Clayville Church Records

Clinton Church Records

Centennial anniversary of the installation of the Rev. Asahel Strong Norton, D.D. : as pastor of what now is the Presbyterian Church in Clinton, N.Y., September 27, 1893 FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1788-1846 (Stone Presbyterian Church (Clinton, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Congregational Church, Clinton, Oneida, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1788-1843 FamilySearch Library

Records of the Society of Clinton : A Congregational Church in the village of Clinton in the Town of Kirkland, Oneida County, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Records of the Society of Clinton : a Congregational Church in the village of Clinton, in the Town of Kirkland, Oneida County, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Records of the Society of Clinton, a Congregational church in the village of Clinton, in the town of Kirkland, Oneida County, N.Y. WorldCat

Deerfield Church Records

Durhamville Church Records

Floyd Church Records

Forestport Church Records

Kirkland Church Records

Vol. 14: Church records, 1811-1849 FamilySearch Library

Knoxboro Church Records

Marcy Church Records

New Hartford Church Records

Filter By Year:

Baptism Records - Presbyterian Church, 1791 - 1802 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Centennial day of the Presbyterian Church, New Hartford, N.Y. Ancestry online

Centennial day of the Presbyterian Church, New Hartford, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Church Members - Presbyterian Church, 1791 - 1834 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Death Records - Presbyterian Church, 1792 - 1797 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Marriage Records - Presbyterian Church, 1792 - 1802 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Presbyterian Church, New Hartford, Oneida, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1791-1872 FamilySearch Library

Presbyterian Church, New Hartford, Oneida, New York computer printout; marriages, 1792-1870 FamilySearch Library

Records of Good Shepherd Moravian Church Records, 1979-1992 Moravian Archives online

Records of Good Shepherd Moravian Church Records, 1993-2008 Moravian Archives online

Records of New Hartford First Baptist Church, 1832-1894 FamilySearch Library

Records of the Presbyterian Church in New Hartford ... Oneida County, N.Y., 1791-1887 FamilySearch Library

Session records, 1870-1914 (Walcott Memorial Presbyterian Church (New York Mills, New York)) FamilySearch Library

New York Mills Church Records

Oriskany Church Records

Oriskany Falls Church Records

Paris Church Records

Filter By Year:

Baptisms - Congregational Church, 1795 - 1822 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Death Records for the Congregational Church, 1795 - 1817 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Marriage Records for the Congregational Church, 1795 - 1823 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Records of the Paris Religious Society (a Congregational Church) in the town of Paris, Oneida County, N.Y. WorldCat

Records of the Paris Religious Society (a Congregational Church) in the town of Paris, Oneida County, N.Y., 1791-1855 FamilySearch Library

Records of the Paris Religious Society, 1792-1823 FamilySearch Library

Records of the United Presbyterian Congregational Church in Paris, 1823- 1825, and the Congregational Church of Paris, 1825-1919 FamilySearch Library

Saint Paul's Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

The Paris Religious Society, Paris, Oneida, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1795-1855 FamilySearch Library

The Paris Religious Society, Paris, Oneida, New York computer printout; marriages, 1795-1855 FamilySearch Library

United Presbyterian Congregational Church Baptism Records, 1823 - 1855 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Remsen Church Records

Rome Church Records

Filter By Year:

Bethel Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1928-1962 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Directory, 1919-1920 : Calvary M. E. Church, Rome, N. Y. FamilySearch Library

Historical discourse FamilySearch Library

Records of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Mamakating (later known as the Dutch Reformed Church of Wurtsboro (Rome) Ancestry online

Saint Andrew's Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Semi-centennial (First Presbyterian Church of Rome) Ancestry online

Semi-centennial : a sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Rome, N.Y., September 29, 1850, upon it fiftieth anniversary FamilySearch Library

The First one hundred and fifty years, 1800-1950 (First Presbyterian Church of Rome) Ancestry online

The first one hundred and fifty years, 1800-1950 : First Presbyterian Church, Rome, New York FamilySearch Library

Zion Episcopal Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Sauquoit Church Records

Sherrill Church Records

Trenton Church Records

Utica Church Records

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A history of the Calvinistic Methodists in Utica, New York, originally published in 1896 FamilySearch Library

All Saints Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

American Vital Records from the Baptist Register, 1824-1829 and the New York Baptist Register, 1829-1834 FamilySearch Library

Baptisms in Calvary Episcopal Church, 1859 - 1865 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Chiesa Italiana Dei Santi Apostoli church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Church records, 1830-1910 (Reformed Dutch Church (Utica, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1852-1887 (Corn Hill Methodist Episcopal Church (Utica, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1854-1861 (Utica Methodist Episcopal Church (Utica, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1869-1890 (Elizabeth Street Presbyterian Church (Utica, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1894-1899 (Highland Presbyterian Church (Utica, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Computer printout of Utica, First Presbyterian Church, Oneida, Newy FamilySearch Library

Elizabeth St Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, 1870-1889 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First Presbyterian Church, Utica, Oneida, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1813-1852 FamilySearch Library

First Presbyterian Church, Utica, Oneida, New York computer printout; marriages, 1813-1850 FamilySearch Library

Good Shepherd Mission church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Grace Church seventy-fifth anniversary, 1838-1913 LDS Genealogy online

Grace Church seventy-fifth anniversary, 1838-1913 Internet Archive online

Historical discourse : delivered on the occasion of the semi-centennial year of the Reformed Church, Utica, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Inscriptions from the cemetery of the First Baptist Church at Deerfield, located at Utica, Oneida County, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Italian Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Marriage and death reported in The Temperance Advocate : Vol. I July 7, 1847 - June 28, 1848, published Wednesdays in Utica, N.Y., B.S. Merrill Publisher WorldCat

Marriage records, Plymouth Congregational Church, 1884-1927, 1950-1988 (Became Plymouth-Bethesda Ch. of Christ, 1963), Utica, New York WorldCat

Members (1830-1893), baptisms (1830-1892), and marriages (1830-1890) [Utica, New York] (Reformed Dutch Church (Utica, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Memorial addresses on the character and public services of the Rev. Samuel Ware Fisher, D.D., L.L.D. : delivered in the chapel of Hamilton College, on Thursday, January 29th, 1874 : and in Westminister Church, in Utica, on Sunday evening, February 8th, 1874, with a historical sketch of Westminister Church FamilySearch Library

Methodist Episcopal Church book, Utica, Methodist Episcopal Church (Utica, N.Y.). Archive Grid

Old Trinity Episcopal Church, Utica, N.Y. : founded by Rev. Philander Chase, in year 1798 : records in possession of Rev. T.T. Butler WorldCat

One hundred years of Trinity Church : Utica, New York LDS Genealogy online

One hundred years of Trinity Church : Utica, New York Internet Archive online

One hundred years of Trinity Church, Utica, N. Y. FamilySearch Library

One hundred years of Trinity Church, Utica, N.Y. Ancestry online

Plymouth Cong'l Church (now Plymouth-Bethesda Church of Christ) Utica, New York record of infant baptisms (including some adult baptisms) 1874-1987 WorldCat

Presbytery of Utica, Minutes, 1888-1898 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Records of First Moravian Church Records, 1855-1881 Moravian Archives online

Records of First Moravian Church Records, 1911-1954 Moravian Archives online

Records of Old Trinity Episcopal Church, Utica, N.Y., 1804-1857 FamilySearch Library

Records of Trinity Moravian Church, 1912-1962 Moravian Archives online

Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Utica in Oneida County, N.Y., 1813-1852 FamilySearch Library

Reminiscences of 15 years of the history of the First Presbyterian Church, Utica, N. Y. Cornell University Library online

Reminiscences of fifteen years of the history of the First Presbyterian Church, Utica, N.Y. Ancestry online

Reminiscences of fifteen years of the history of the First Presbyterian Church, Utica, N.Y. : a discourse, delivered January 7, 1866 FamilySearch Library

Saint Joseph's parish centennial : an historical and illustrated commemorative of Saint Joseph's parish (of Utica) Ancestry online

Saint Joseph's parish centennial : an historical and illustrated commemorative of Saint Joseph's parish, its origin, its development, its activity, its property : May eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth, nineteen hundred forty-one FamilySearch Library

Saint Luke's Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Saint Luke's Memorial Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Saints Peter and Paul's Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Sayre Memorial Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, 1878-1943 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Trinity Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Two transcripts of the records of Old Trinity Episcopal Church : Utica, Oneida County, New York Archive Grid

Utica Presbytery (Presbyterian Church in the USA), Minutes, 1898-1912 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Utica Presbytery (Presbyterian Church in the USA), Minutes, 1912-1922 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Utica Presbytery (Presbyterian Church in the USA), Minutes, 1922-1932 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Uticana Collection. Church Records, 1829-1938, First Presbyterian Church, German Lutheran Sunday School, Reformed Dutch Church, Second Baptist Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, West Utica Presbyterian Church, Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion, Men's Club of Grace Episcopal Church, First Presbyterian Society Archive Grid

Volume 1: Bible, cemetery and church records, ca. 1744-1921 FamilySearch Library

West Utica Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1865-1970 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Vernon Church Records

Verona Church Records

Vienna Church Records

Waterville Church Records

Westdale Church Records

Westernville Church Records

Westmoreland Church Records

Exercises in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the First Congregational Church of Westmoreland, N.Y., Tuesday, September 20th, 1892 LDS Genealogy online

Exercises in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the First Congregational Church of Westmoreland, N.Y., Tuesday, September 20th, 1892 Internet Archive online

First Congregational Church, Westmoreland, Oneida, New York computer printout, births or christenings, 1792-1821 FamilySearch Library

First Congregational Church, Westmoreland, Oneida, New York computer printout; marriages, 1793-1821 FamilySearch Library

Gethsemane Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

Records of the First Congregational Church of Westmoreland, Oneida County, New York FamilySearch Library

Records, 1792-1863 (First Congregational Church (Westmoreland, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Whitesboro Church Records

Whitestown Church Records

Yorkville Church Records

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