Preble Genealogy (in Cortland County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Cortland County (785) > Preble (24)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Preble are also found through the Cortland County and New York pages.

Preble Birth Records

Vital records of Preble, Cortland County, New York, 1847-1860 FamilySearch Library

Preble Cemetery Records

Eldridge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Elmwood Cemetery Find a Grave online

Family and cemetery inscriptions, taken from the Boston Transcript, 1937 FamilySearch Library

Gill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Presbyterian Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Presbyterian Church Cemetery Billion Graves online

Otisco Valley Road Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Leo's Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tallmadge Farm Cemetery Billion Graves online

Preble Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Preble, New York LDS Genealogy online

State Census, 1825 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Preble Church Records

Church records, 1875-1893 (Preble Methodist Episcopal Church (New York)) FamilySearch Library

First Presbyterian Church of Preble records, 1827-1875. Archive Grid

First Presbyterian Church of Preble records, Preble, N.Y. Archive Grid

Town of Preble Collection, 1805-1955, Preble Presbyterian Church Archive Grid

Preble Death Records

Vital records of Preble, Cortland County, New York, 1847-1860 FamilySearch Library

Preble Marriage Records

Vital records of Preble, Cortland County, New York, 1847-1860 FamilySearch Library

Preble Miscellaneous Records

Records of town meetings of Preble, Cortland County, N.Y., 1808-1895 FamilySearch Library

Preble School Records

Justice of the Peace and school records, town of Scott, Cortland County, N.Y., 1816-1850, and surrounding areas. FamilySearch Library

School records, town of Scott, Cortland County, N.Y., 1847-1850 FamilySearch Library

School, taxation, and business records of Preble, Cortland County, New York, 1813-1871 FamilySearch Library

Preble Tax Records

School, taxation, and business records of Preble, Cortland County, New York, 1813-1871 FamilySearch Library

Town of Preble Collection, 1805-1955, Preble Presbyterian Church Archive Grid

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