Sennett Genealogy (in Cayuga County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Cayuga County (1,080) > Sennett (19)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Sennett are also found through the Cayuga County and New York pages.

Sennett Cemetery Records

Cayuga County, NY town of Sennett & Owasco cemetery records. WorldCat

County House Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hill Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

McMasters Corners Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Sennett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sennett Rural Cemetery Find a Grave online

Soule Cemetery Find a Grave online

Soule Cemetery New York Gravestones online

Tombstone records, First Reformed Dutch Cemetery, Kingston, New York : Owasco, New York; and Sennett, New York FamilySearch Library

Sennett Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Sennett, New York LDS Genealogy online

Sennett Church Records

Church records, 1882-1900 (Presbyterian Church (Sennett, New York)) FamilySearch Library

First Baptist Church of Sennett records, 1810-1915. Archive Grid

First Baptist Church of Sennett records, Sennett, N.Y. Archive Grid

First Congregational Church of Sennett records, 1805-1886. Archive Grid

First Congregational Church of Sennett records, Sennett, N.Y. Archive Grid

Marriages, 1814-1839, performed by missionaries of the Baptist Church in western Vermont and central New York FamilySearch Library

Records of First Baptist Church of Sennett, Cayuga County, New York : with data from town of Sennett and 1867 directory of individuals from Cayuga County 1868 directory by Hamilton Child, church records compiled by Laura O. Jennings, 1963 FamilySearch Library

Sennett Death Records

New York Death Records, 1847 - 1848 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Sennett Marriage Records

Marriages, 1814-1839, performed by missionaries of the Baptist Church in western Vermont and central New York FamilySearch Library

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