Southport Genealogy (in Chemung County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Chemung County (924) > Southport (62)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Southport are also found through the Chemung County and New York pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Marriage Records Military Records Probate Records

Southport Birth Records

Southport Births 1847 Joyce Tice online

Southport Births 1848 Joyce Tice online

Southport Births 1849 Joyce Tice online

Southport Births 1850 Joyce Tice online

Southport Cemetery Records

Baldwin/Jenkins Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Baldwin/Jenkins Cemetery (1932 List) Joyce Tice online

Burials in the Seeley Creek Valley Joyce Tice online

Christian Hollow Cemetery (Rosstown Cemetery) Joyce Tice online

Comfort Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Conklin Family Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Dutch Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dutch Hill Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Fitzsimmons (Pioneer, Griswold, or Old Settlers) Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Fitzsimmons Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fitzsimmons Cemetery Billion Graves online

Fitzsimmons Cemetery Extension Find a Grave online

Hendy Creek Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Hendy Hollow Find a Grave online

Kelly Family Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Marvin Cemetery Find a Grave online

Marvin Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Marvin or Beckwith Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Pedrick Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pedrick Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Pine City Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Sagetown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sagetown Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Sagetown Cemetery (partial) Joyce Tice online

Seeley Creek Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Storms Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Waeir Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waeir Cemetery (Crooker or Mountain View) Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Webb Mills Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Southport Census Records

Census-Veterans in Town of Southport 1890 Joyce Tice online

Southport (Federal) Census 1830 Joyce Tice online

Southport (Federal) Census 1840 Joyce Tice online

Southport (NY State) Census 1825 Joyce Tice online

Southport (NY State) Census 1835 Joyce Tice online

Southport Census (Mortality Schedule) 1850 Joyce Tice online

Southport Census (Mortality Schedule) 1860 Joyce Tice online

Town of Southport Census 1860 Joyce Tice online

Town of Southport Census 1880 Joyce Tice online

Southport Church Records

History of the Pine City Baptist Church Joyce Tice online

Marriages in Southport Circuit, 1843-1845, Friendship, 1845-1848, Eden, 1848-1851, Java, 1851-1852, Clarkson, 1852-1853 FamilySearch Library

Record of marriages in Smithport Circuit, Friendship Circuit, Java, and Clarkson, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Southport Death Records

Deaths from 1865 Southport Census (NY State Census) Joyce Tice online

Southport Deaths 1847 Joyce Tice online

Southport Deaths 1848 Joyce Tice online

Southport Deaths 1849 Joyce Tice online

Southport Deaths 1885 Joyce Tice online

Southport Histories and Genealogies

History of Southport Joyce Tice online

Town of Southport 1879 History Joyce Tice online

Southport Land Records

Land Survey (of area that became Ashland and Southport) 1788 Joyce Tice online

Southport Marriage Records

Marriages from 1865 Southport Census (NY State Census) Joyce Tice online

Marriages in Southport Circuit, 1843-1845, Friendship, 1845-1848, Eden, 1848-1851, Java, 1851-1852, Clarkson, 1852-1853 FamilySearch Library

Record of marriages in Smithport Circuit, Friendship Circuit, Java, and Clarkson, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Southport Marriages 1847 Joyce Tice online

Southport Marriages 1848 Joyce Tice online

Southport Marriages 1849 Joyce Tice online

Southport Military Records

Civil War Deaths of Southport Joyce Tice online

Southport Military Roll 1851 Joyce Tice online

Southport Probate Records

Abstracts of Some Early Southport Wills Joyce Tice online

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