1940 U.S. Federal Census of Augusta Township, Carroll, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Carroll County > 1940 Census of Augusta Township

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AllenBethine born about 1927
AllinMartin born about 1928
AllmonCarl Rborn about 1925
AllmonClara born about 1900
AllmonHoward Eborn about 1921
AllmonOlive Dborn about 1923
AllmonW Fborn about 1892
AllmonWillard Fborn about 1928
AmonDonna born about 1930
AmonPauline born about 1926
AmonReta born about 1902
AmonRichard born about 1933
AmonShirley born about 1928
AmonWilbur born about 1901
AndersonChrise Eborn about 1917
AndersonEdith Pborn about 1921
AndersonFlorence born about 1939
AndersonJames born about 1940
ArnoldDean born about 1918
ArnoldDorothy born about 1924
ArnoldEva Mborn about 1894
ArnoldHomer Lborn about 1884

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B Surnames

BartonCharles Fborn about 1896
BartonMary born about 1898
BartonSarah born about 1870
BartonSarah born about 1934
BaxterJames born about 1868
BaxterMary Lborn about 1881
BetyHarvey born about 1858
Blackburn??? born about 1927
BlackburnBessie born about 1903
BlackburnDorothy born about 1929
BlackburnEdward born about 1902
BlackburnHarry Lborn about 1927
BlackburnJames Sborn about 1925
BlackburnJoseph Aborn about 1922
BlangerGilbert born about 1931
BlytheHomer born about 1927
BorlandEllen born about 1929
BorlandIrwin born about 1905
BorlandKenneth born about 1931
BorlandMatthew born about 1863
BorlandNorma Dborn about 1936
BorlandRodney born about 1935
BorlandSarah born about 1867
BorlandStella born about 1905
BorlandWayne born about 1933
BowerElizabeth born about 1855
BowerEmma born about 1881
BrannonJohn Jborn about 1860
BriceJohn Fborn about 1887
BriceVesta born about 1891
BrineMabel born about 1915
BrineWilliam born about 1912
BriseAmelia born about 1903
BriseJames Wborn about 1891
BriseThelma born about 1922
BroganBarbara born about 1939
BroganCharles M Jrborn about 1869
BroganJanet born about 1874
BroganMarie born about 1915
BroganOlive born about 1916
BroganPatricia Aborn about 1938
BrohanCharles Iiiborn about 1939
BrohanCharles Jr born about 1906
BrohanGrace Mborn about 1911
BrownEdith born about 1917
BrownHarley Lborn about 1914
BrownLeora born about 1926
BrownMarie born about 1905
BrownNorman born about 1932
BrownW born about 1905
BrwonArdath born about 1912
BrwonHarry Aborn about 1876
BrwonHarry Jborn about 1872
BrwonJanet Lborn about 1934
BrwonRachael born about 1883

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C Surnames

CallwellMary born about 1865
CambronEarl Dborn about 1894
CambronPearl born about 1896
CameronElizabeth born about 1870
CameronGrace born about 1877
CameronPearl born about 1910
CassidyGeorge Wborn about 1910
CassidyIda born about 1880
CassidyJohn Wborn about 1874
CassidyMary born about 1880
ChamperJohn Wborn about 1870
ClarkLawrence Nborn about 1894
ClarkLila born about 1899
ClarkNina born about 1921
ClarkRichard born about 1930
ClarkRuth born about 1923
ClarkSadie Lborn about 1879
ClarkSheldon born about 1928
ClarkVictor born about 1925
CleggMargaret born about 1906
ColdsnowAnna born about 1909
ColdsnowFrank born about 1877
ColdsnowRobert born about 1940
CookGeorge Lborn about 1873
CoxAlbert Eborn about 1910
CoxElsie Cborn about 1909
CrawfordDean Eborn about 1917
CrawfordIna born about 1885
CrawfordMarjorie born about 1929
CrawfordOtto Rborn about 1886
CrawfordPrescilla born about 1920
CrawfordScott Pborn about 1895
CrawfordWilliam Mborn about 1885
CrissClark born about 1914
CrissGlenn born about 1939
CrissMyrtle born about 1913
CusterGeorge born about 1875

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D Surnames

DabanJohn born about 1884
DanielNeta born about 1915
DanielPaul Jborn about 1934
DanielShirley Nborn about 1938
DanielVictor born about 1936
DanielWilbert born about 1903
DavisBertha born about 1913
DavisClara Jborn about 1927
DavisHarriet born about 1897
DavisJohn Fborn about 1912
DavisJohn Hborn about 1893
DavisJohn Lborn about 1939
DavisJunior Jborn about 1923
DavisLula Mborn about 1935
DavisPaul born about 1934
DeardorffHenry born about 1865
DevaultDonald born about 1905
DevaultForest born about 1913
DevaultIola born about 1914
DevaultJanice Wborn about 1928
DevaultLewis Fborn about 1875
DevaultMattie born about 1876
DevaultPaul Hborn about 1930
DiakerElmer born about 1924
DiakerEunice born about 1926
DiakerJohn born about 1878
DiakerMyrtle born about 1887
DiltzFrank born about 1915
DiltzGladys born about 1918
DingerEarl born about 1911
DingerEdward born about 1879
DingerGeorge born about 1914
DingerHarry born about 1918
DingerHellie born about 1883
DingerIda Mborn about 1879
DingerJean Kborn about 1937
DingerJohn Nborn about 1872
DingerLucy born about 1917
DingerRichard born about 1939
DowdellFred born about 1918
DowdellIrene Avborn about 1927
DowdellMary born about 1878
DowdellW Sborn about 1870
DraberCharles born about 1927
DraberMarjorie born about 1931
DraberMartha Nborn about 1904
DraberNancy born about 1935
DraberRobert Lborn about 1900
DraberVinette born about 1923
DrakOliver born about 1898
DrakWilliam born about 1900
DumbletonFrank born about 1864
DumbletonIda born about 1876

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E Surnames

EcrementCharles born about 1869
EcrementFrances born about 1873
EcrementWalter born about 1901
EcumerteAlton born about 1936
EcumerteEdith born about 1909
EdwardsAlfred born about 1928
EdwardsArden born about 1936
EdwardsGordon born about 1931
EdwardsJoan born about 1931
EdwardsJoseph born about 1934
EdwardsJoseph Aborn about 1902
EdwardsRose Mborn about 1907
ErbDarlene born about 1931
ErbMary Annborn about 1937
ErbPeter born about 1909
ErbWilma born about 1911
ErbaCharles born about 1938
EvansCarl born about 1938
EvansCharles born about 1906
EvansEtta born about 1915
EvansEugene born about 1937
EvansWalter born about 1936

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F Surnames

FankhauserAlbert born about 1885
FankhauserMinnie born about 1890
FankhauserVelma born about 1929
FigleyElma born about 1897
FigleyEvelyn born about 1914
FigleyFlorence born about 1885
FigleyHooley born about 1912
FigleyRobert Jborn about 1879
FigleyRoy born about 1890
FortuneBradford Nborn about 1872
FortuneDoris born about 1924
FortuneNettie born about 1873
FramerBarbara born about 1856
FramerDwight born about 1882
FramerLilie born about 1881
FrantumCharles born about 1894
FrantumCorinne born about 1893
FrantumEsther born about 1927
FrantumEugene born about 1934
FrantumHarold born about 1936
FrantumIlene born about 1932
FrantumLavine born about 1895
FrantumRobert born about 1921
FrantumTheron born about 1890
FreshlyElla Mborn about 1863
FreshlyLawrence Dborn about 1895
FreshlyLawrence Jr born about 1930
FreshlyMyrtle born about 1891
FreshlyOrlo Dborn about 1933
FricherElizabeth born about 1869

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G Surnames

GantzAlbert Rborn about 1901
GantzAnnabelle Nborn about 1910
GantzMarjorie born about 1939
GantzRichard Lborn about 1934
GantzShirley Aborn about 1933
GantzThomas Gborn about 1937
GeorgeBruce born about 1934
GeorgeGertrude born about 1912
GeorgeGrant born about 1905
GeorgeJeanette born about 1906
GeorgeJoseph born about 1907
GeorgeNorma Lborn about 1937
GoldsmithCarl Hborn about 1902
GoldsmithHarold Cborn about 1922
GoldsmithJames Hborn about 1925
GoldsmithVesta born about 1906
GotchellCorwin born about 1896
GotchellEvelyn born about 1921
GotchellFrances born about 1922
GotchellGua born about 1901
GotchellHorma born about 1925
GotchellJunios born about 1919
GrasakJohn born about 1880
GuthrieAlvada born about 1898
GuthrieFrank born about 1923
GuthrieHarry born about 1930
GuthrieJames born about 1921
GuthrieJeane born about 1926
GuthrieJohn Aborn about 1896
GuthrieJohn J Rabborn about 1931
GuthrieRay born about 1933
GuthrieThomas born about 1937

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H Surnames

HainesGeorge Hborn about 1929
HainesIla born about 1909
HainesJoan born about 1932
HallCharles Eborn about 1904
HallClara born about 1908
HallJanet Mborn about 1929
HallJesse born about 1930
HallWanda Lborn about 1934
HarrellRobert born about 1868
HarrellRobert born about 1935
HarrillJohn born about 1897
HarrillPearl born about 1898
HawkLena Dborn about 1902
HawkMarjorie born about 1923
HawkinxDorothy born about 1923
HempillMarion born about 1868
HempillMinnie born about 1870
HenneLily born about 1862
HenryAnna born about 1900
HenryHarold born about 1924
HenryHarry born about 1895
HerringtonBarbara Aborn about 1936
HerringtonHary Lborn about 1910
HerringtonHazel born about 1895
HerringtonHelne Mborn about 1927
HerringtonJames Mborn about 1933
HerringtonLevina Mborn about 1921
HerringtonMildred Gborn about 1912
HerringtonNorma Jborn about 1930
HerringtonOrin Jborn about 1925
HerringtonPatricia Aborn about 1933
HerringtonThomas Lborn about 1928
HerringtonWilbur born about 1891
HerringtonWilda Rborn about 1930
HinesClara Rborn about 1889
HinesDorothy born about 1915
HinesForster Mborn about 1912
HinesFrank Lborn about 1880
HinesHattie born about 1871
HinseyDonna born about 1939
HinseyJames Cborn about 1937
HinseyNaomi born about 1916
HinseyWalter Sborn about 1934
HoffCatherine born about 1882
HoffCharlotte born about 1932
HoffDorothy born about 1912
HoffEdith born about 1907
HoffJohn Lborn about 1880
HoffJohn Jr born about 1917
HoffRobert Wborn about 1907
HoffVirginia born about 1928
HoffWilliam born about 1871
HoleAnna born about 1874
HoleLem Mborn about 1872
HollandEdwin born about 1925
HollandGoldie born about 1919
HollandGoldie born about 1923
HollandLaura born about 1897
HollandRonald born about 1938
HollandVernon Nborn about 1895
HollandWayne born about 1930
HoopesElla Fborn about 1896
HoopesLorin Sborn about 1892
HootmanFred Mborn about 1896
HoottmanEmma born about 1879
HoottmanIssac Lborn about 1876
HowardDorothy born about 1930
HowardEdna born about 1904
HowardJames born about 1935
HowardShirley born about 1936
HowardWilliam born about 1903
HowardWilliam born about 1926
HowbttLula born about 1937
HowellCora Bborn about 1881
HowellHenry born about 1870
HowellLois Lborn about 1926
HowlettAgnes born about 1871
HowlettDorothy born about 1906
HowlettJohn born about 1906
HowlettJohn Rborn about 1933
HunterClyde born about 1930
HunterCorrie born about 1927
HunterJohn born about 1888
HunterJohn born about 1920
HunterLula born about 1926
HunterMarlene born about 1935
HunterMattie born about 1908
HurtonSarah born about 1853
HutchisonCharles born about 1911
HutchisonEvelyn born about 1911
HyattMary born about 1866

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I Surnames

IdeJohn born about 1924
ImhoffElla born about 1885
ImhoffEugene Sr born about 1868
IsueAdolph born about 1912
IsueCora born about 1882
IsueDaisy born about 1922
IsueDominie born about 1880
IsueHenry born about 1919
IsueJane born about 1917
IsueJoseph born about 1916
IsueTheadore born about 1910

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J Surnames

JacksonBert born about 1873
JacksonCharles Eborn about 1922
JacksonEdward born about 1912
JacksonEva born about 1916
JacksonEva Lborn about 1897
JacksonHoward Wborn about 1898
JacksonOlive born about 1872
JacksonPerry born about 1873
JacksonRalph Kborn about 1920
JamesGrace Mborn about 1900
JamesIlene born about 1923
JamesMargaret born about 1930
JamesNaomi born about 1926
JamesWanda born about 1921
JamesWilliam born about 1928
JamesWilliam Iborn about 1892
JenkinsAda Mborn about 1897
JenkinsDuritt born about 1935
JenkinsEmma born about 1867
JenkinsFloyd born about 1932
JenkinsFred Mborn about 1896
JenkinsGuane born about 1928
JenkinsHarold born about 1926
JenkinsJames born about 1858
JenkinsScott born about 1937
JensenElla born about 1877
JomacisMate born about 1887

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K Surnames

KandelLaura born about 1896
KandelMartha born about 1925
KandelNorma born about 1929
KandelNova born about 1939
KandelSamuel Wborn about 1897
KelleyJesse born about 1892
KellyJohn Mborn about 1872
KennedyHerbert Jborn about 1879
KennedyOra born about 1881
KennedySarah born about 1857
KikoBlanch born about 1911
KikoGilbert born about 1908
KikoKennth born about 1937
KikoLaverne born about 1935
KikoRaymond born about 1931
KinseyDorothy born about 1917
KinseyEmma born about 1923
KinseyEmma Cborn about 1885
KinseyEvelyn born about 1929
KinseyGeorge born about 1920
KinseyLafe ???born about 1914
KinseyLorena born about 1918
KinseyThomas born about 1913
KinseyThomas Jborn about 1879
KinseyWm Cborn about 1925
KistnerBenu born about 1922
KistnerClarence born about 1893
KistnerGarett born about 1904
KistnerJuanita born about 1929
KistnerJune born about 1925
KnightAndrew born about 1875
KnightDorothy born about 1923
KnightGeorge born about 1912
KnightGeorge Aborn about 1937
KnightMary born about 1885
KnightMary born about 1914
KnightShirley Lborn about 1933
KroheFrank born about 1895
Kuprowicz??? born about 1908
Kuprowicz??? born about 1934
KuprowiczBuni born about 1937
KuprowiczIndy born about 1929
KuprowiczLean born about 1936
KuprowiczLou?? born about 1933

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L Surnames

LaffertyEdward born about 1900
LaffertyEdward born about 1935
LaffertyElmer Bborn about 1936
LaffertyElmer Wborn about 1867
LaffertyHugh born about 1870
LaffertyIda born about 1875
LaffertyMaggie Mborn about 1879
LaffertyRuth born about 1908
LangClnna Mborn about 1923
LangHarold Wborn about 1928
LangMabel born about 1895
LangOlen Lborn about 1900
LanningAaron born about 1906
LanningGary born about 1937
LanningIris born about 1913
LanningJack born about 1932
LanningJoan born about 1934
LanningPhyllis born about 1931
LawrenceCora born about 1920
LawrenceWilliam born about 1918
LeatherberryBernice born about 1917
LeatherberryBertha Mborn about 1923
LeatherberryCharles born about 1899
LeatherberryChester Eborn about 1921
LeatherberryDean Jborn about 1911
LeatherberryEarl born about 1922
LeatherberryEmbert born about 1885
LeatherberryEvelyn born about 1926
LeatherberryFrank Eborn about 1885
LeatherberryFreda Jborn about 1932
LeatherberryGeorge born about 1864
LeatherberryJennie Lborn about 1888
LeatherberryJosephine born about 1911
LeatherberryLily born about 1881
LeatherberryLloyd born about 1924
LeatherberryMyrna born about 1894
LeatherberryPaul Jr born about 1919
LeatherberryRhoada born about 1904
LeatherberryVera Mborn about 1924
LeatherberryVictor born about 1927
LeiperHenna born about 1929
LeiperHugh born about 1923
LeiperLula Bborn about 1899
LeiperMonita born about 1924
LennartClyde born about 1928
LockeBoyd born about 1915
LockeCatherine born about 1878
LockeDenton born about 1922
LockeDonald born about 1917
LockeEdgar born about 1908
LockeEugene born about 1927
LockeFrank born about 1874
LockeJoseph born about 1878
LockeJoseph Jr born about 1921
LockeLarry born about 1937
LockeLoran born about 1939
LockeNora born about 1906
LockeRonald born about 1925
LockeRussell born about 1937
LockeSylvia born about 1882
LockeVilma born about 1917
LongDella Mborn about 1880
LongDorothy born about 1922
LongEarl Mborn about 1898
LongEdward born about 1901
LongElla Sborn about 1862
LongGeorg Wborn about 1863
LongHazel born about 1921
LongHelen born about 1891
LongLovella born about 1898
LongMarlin born about 1870
LongMary born about 1874
LongMary born about 1920
LongMinnie born about 1874
LongOrville born about 1871
LongRobert Sborn about 1890
LongRoy Gborn about 1908
LongSylvia born about 1904
LongworthMargaret born about 1906
LongworthMargaret born about 1938
LongworthRobert Hborn about 1906
LongworthRobert Mborn about 1937
LozierDorothy born about 1929
LozierEleanor born about 1924
LozierEsther Fborn about 1926
LozierFlorence born about 1905
LozierRobert Wborn about 1935
LozierRuby Eborn about 1905
LozierRussell Wborn about 1905
LucasClara born about 1921
LucasEdwin Bborn about 1913
LucasIda Nborn about 1892
LucasPaul Jborn about 1928
LucasThomas Lborn about 1881
LucasThomas Lborn about 1925
LutsFrank born about 1884
LutsFrank born about 1927
LutsLeilafay born about 1924
LutsMary born about 1886
LutyCora born about 1879
LutyWilliam born about 1876

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M Surnames

MahghillDan Vborn about 1888
MahghillMary Sborn about 1888
ManfullBrooks born about 1912
ManfullClair born about 1919
ManfullCohen Jr born about 1883
ManfullDeford born about 1874
ManfullDonald born about 1927
ManfullDonna Jborn about 1939
ManfullEdgar Jborn about 1913
ManfullEllen born about 1883
ManfullEmma born about 1859
ManfullFrances born about 1913
ManfullFreeman Fborn about 1906
ManfullGenevive born about 1917
ManfullGeorge born about 1865
ManfullGeorge born about 1922
ManfullGrace Eborn about 1908
ManfullJames Hborn about 1939
ManfullKathryn born about 1880
ManfullKenneth Oborn about 1936
ManfullKennth Oborn about 1878
ManfullLaura born about 1891
ManfullMary born about 1904
ManfullPul Jborn about 1893
ManfullRichard Sborn about 1940
ManfullRoyal Gborn about 1891
ManfullSusan Dborn about 1897
ManfullWilbur born about 1903
ManfullWilford born about 1924
MangunCalvin Eborn about 1937
MangunClifford Oborn about 1918
MangunDaniel Hborn about 1923
MangunDorothy Rborn about 1932
MangunEleanor Cborn about 1925
MangunIva born about 1896
MangunJames Hborn about 1890
MangunWalter born about 1929
MarhoverAda Lborn about 1885
MarhoverAlbert born about 1885
MarhoverDorothy born about 1921
MarhoverPaul born about 1918
MarteneyClifford born about 1908
MarteneyNeile born about 1887
MarteneyOscar born about 1880
MarteneyPerry born about 1927
MarteneyThomas born about 1928
MartinArthur born about 1869
MartyRandolph born about 1875
MartySarah born about 1879
McBrideAda Mborn about 1935
McBrideClarence born about 1887
McBrideDorothy born about 1927
McBrideIda Mborn about 1935
McBrideJames born about 1940
McBrideLewis Sborn about 1901
McBrideLillie Mborn about 1906
McBrideMartha born about 1936
McBrideMary Alnborn about 1929
McBrideMyrtle born about 1887
McBrideRobert born about 1930
McBrideRoy Aborn about 1934
McBrideRuth Aborn about 1932
McBrideShirley Jborn about 1938
McCauleyBessie Lborn about 1899
McCauleyEdward born about 1884
McCauleyHerbert Jborn about 1936
McCortFrances born about 1932
McCortInez born about 1899
McCortJohn born about 1894
McCortMaxine born about 1928
McCortRuth born about 1921
McCrackenJoseph born about 1885
McCuneOscar born about 1898
McGheeGertrude born about 1899
McGheeJames born about 1876
McGheeMargaret born about 1878
McGheeMary Lborn about 1927
McGheeOren born about 1903
McLesterDorothy Eborn about 1919
McLesterJohn Sborn about 1885
McLesterLucy Kborn about 1890
McNeileyBernard born about 1939
McNeileyDonald born about 1918
McNeileyForest born about 1894
McNeileyOpal born about 1920
McNeileyVerda born about 1896
MichaelEarl born about 1915
MichaelMary born about 1918
MickBeulah born about 1898
MickEsther Eborn about 1929
MickHarold Eborn about 1925
MickJohn Hborn about 1919
MickStewart Hborn about 1897
MickWallace Sborn about 1920
Miller??? born about 1882
MillerCalista born about 1856
MillerCharles born about 1909
MillerDewight Oborn about 1902
MillerEthel born about 1914
MillerMary born about 1919
MillerNora born about 1884
MillerPerl born about 1882
MillerPerry born about 1881
MillerStewart Mborn about 1866
MillsAndrew born about 1881
MillsEva Mborn about 1876
MilnarIna Dborn about 1874
MilnarOtto Fborn about 1875
Mitchell??? born about 1889
MitchellJames born about 1921
MitchellWilbert born about 1888
MokaraAlice born about 1880
MorckelMary born about 1870
MorrisAlice born about 1903
MorrisErnest Mborn about 1908
MoserAnna born about 1861
MoserBessie born about 1894
MoserCorwin born about 1899
MoserCorwin Jr born about 1937
MoserMamie born about 1931
MoserNellie born about 1934
MoserNora born about 1905
MoserRobert born about 1929
MoserRuth born about 1925
MoserWilbur born about 1927
MozerisAlonzo born about 1864
MurryAnna Jborn about 1925
MurryBernie born about 1907
MurryDonald born about 1929
MurryRalph born about 1905
MurryRobert Eborn about 1927
MyersEverett Fborn about 1881
MyersFlorence born about 1857

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N Surnames

Neidig??? born about 1926
NeidigBarbara born about 1939
NeidigCarl born about 1908
NeidigGeorge born about 1916
NeidigGeorge born about 1939
NeidigHarry Jborn about 1939
NeidigMadeline born about 1928
NeidigMargarite born about 1919
NeidigMartha born about 1919
NeidigRobert born about 1938
NelsonEarl Cborn about 1917
NelsonMonroe Hborn about 1889
NelsonSadie Cborn about 1889
NelsonVirginia born about 1920
NewecomerElla born about 1928
NewecomerHazel born about 1910
NewecomerThomas Dborn about 1899
NewecomerThomas Rborn about 1937
NicholsOlie born about 1894
NickersonClaude born about 1902
NickersonMaude born about 1881
NickersonThomas Bborn about 1874
NileClara Eborn about 1875
NileJohn Eborn about 1877
NobileSevila born about 1854
Noling??? born about 1922
NolingGladys Aborn about 1919
NolingJames Wborn about 1890
NolingLawrence born about 1903
NolingLeila Pborn about 1928
NolingMary Eborn about 1899
NolingMerl Jborn about 1936
NolingRobert born about 1882
NolingVera born about 1924
NolingVerna born about 1882

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O Surnames

OsslerChristine born about 1907
OsslerEllwin born about 1906
OsslerJack born about 1935
OsslerThomas born about 1933
OsslerWilliam born about 1931
OwnAlbert born about 1917
OwnC Jayborn about 1897
OwnLola born about 1898
OwnMartha Jborn about 1922
OwnMyra born about 1928

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P Surnames

PackardAnthony born about 1878
PackardElizabeth born about 1888
PalmerAlmon born about 1913
PalmerAnna born about 1894
PalmerCharles Wborn about 1884
PalmerEdgar born about 1881
PalmerF Murielborn about 1930
PalmerGrace Hborn about 1889
PalmerHarry born about 1895
PalmerIda born about 1888
PalmerJoseph Aborn about 1886
PalmerNetta Oborn about 1877
PalmerVernon born about 1928
ParkesFrederick born about 1918
PattersonJohn born about 1865
PattersonLizzie born about 1866
PattersonMartha born about 1858
PattersonThomas born about 1872
PennochAlice born about 1874
PennochBessie born about 1903
PennochEarl Jborn about 1898
PennochEverett born about 1908
PennochHarold born about 1934
PennochHarry Cborn about 1892
PennochIda born about 1913
PennochLila Pborn about 1920
PennochLoren born about 1874
PennochRuth Eborn about 1934
PennochShirley born about 1936
PeoplesElza born about 1923
PhillingCharles born about 1917
PimFred Cborn about 1890
PimGrace Sborn about 1885
PittmanHarold born about 1914
PlottBessie Gborn about 1903
PlottElwood born about 1922
PlottJune born about 1928
PlottMonoreo Juniorborn about 1926
PlottMonroe Jborn about 1898
PlottPaul born about 1924
PoreNaomi born about 1911
PoreRalph born about 1909
PriceCharles Mborn about 1880
PriceOla born about 1881

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R Surnames

RamseyAllice born about 1923
RamseyBetty Lborn about 1935
RamseyCharles Eborn about 1925
RamseyDonna Mborn about 1939
RamseyGeorge Cborn about 1929
RamseyJames Cborn about 1896
RamseyLela born about 1905
RamseyOpal Cborn about 1927
RamseyRobert Lborn about 1930
RamseyThomas Rborn about 1937
ReisbergerBertha born about 1881
ReisbergerMorris Jborn about 1876
RhoodsMauch Mborn about 1888
RhoodsWilliam born about 1888
RichardsDeane born about 1933
RichardsMarion born about 1929
RichardsVera born about 1903
RichardsWilliam Dborn about 1894
RoudebushOlive born about 1878
RoudebushWilbert born about 1879
RueLarry Lborn about 1938
RueOlive born about 1917
RueWilliam Cborn about 1916
RumbergBlanch born about 1896
RumbergDale Gborn about 1935
RumbergEdison born about 1879
RumbergWm Lborn about 1924
RussellFreda Mborn about 1928
RutledgeEdward born about 1859

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S Surnames

SalingCharles born about 1919
SalingCharles born about 1940
SalingClarence born about 1939
SalingEdward born about 1926
SalingElta born about 1920
SalingJackie born about
SalingJames born about 1937
SalingJames Aborn about 1891
SalingJames Dborn about 1867
SalingLola born about 1931
SalingLoreta born about 1934
SalingMarvin born about 1917
SalingRoy Mborn about 1897
SalingRuth born about 1928
SalingSarah Jborn about 1867
SaltmanClara Lborn about 1872
SaltmanGeorge born about 1878
SanndersFord born about 1923
SchaalElise born about 1892
SchaalJames Aborn about 1915
SchaalMary Mborn about 1927
SchaalWilbert born about 1890
SchaalWilbert Jborn about 1919
SeniorEdward born about 1872
SeniorEdward Hborn about 1926
SeniorFloyd Wborn about 1902
SeniorHelen born about 1903
SeniorLoretta Eborn about 1931
ShafferCecil born about 1899
ShafferClara born about 1872
ShafferLower Oborn about 1872
ShafferMerle born about 1923
ShafferOlen Oborn about 1897
ShechtCharles Hborn about 1881
ShechtZelpha born about 1888
ShicklerEvelyn born about 1926
ShicklerHelen born about 1920
ShicklerJessie born about 1903
ShicklerRalph Aborn about 1899
ShicklerWard born about 1931
ShicklerWilliam Dborn about 1869
SmithDessie born about 1907
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1895
SmithJames born about 1934
SnivelyDavid Nborn about 1936
SnivelyDonald Fborn about 1923
SnivelyFred Mborn about 1898
SnivelyMyrne Leeborn about 1901
SnivelyRaymond born about 1929
SnivelyRoberts born about 1927
SnivlyElla born about 1894
SnivlyJoanne born about 1932
SnivlyJoseph Eborn about 1891
StahlerBlanch born about 1872
StahlerCorwin born about 1935
StahlerHoward Jborn about 1905
StahlerJay Hborn about 1939
StahlerMary Bborn about 1938
StahlerNeva Mborn about 1937
StahlerRalph Lborn about 1931
StahlerRoxie born about 1905
StahlerRoy Wborn about 1899
StalterDoris born about 1923
StalterFred born about 1896
StalterRobert born about 1900
StalterRosa born about 1870
StuderCharles born about 1890
SwickardWalter Dborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggartWalter Wborn about 1871
ThompsonMario born about 1861
ThomsonBetty born about 1926
ThomsonEdna born about 1887
ThomsonMary born about 1922
ThomsonMyrtle born about 1924
ThomsonRobert born about 1916
ThomsonWilliam born about 1884
TurveyHerbert born about 1918

U Surnames

UlmanCorabelle born about 1871
UlmanFloyd born about 1893
UlmanFoster born about 1919
UlmanHarold born about 1929
UlmanHazel born about 1929
UlmanJoseph born about 1925
UlmanLorendo Wborn about 1870
UlmanMargaret born about 1927
UlmanMary Ellaborn about 1923
UlmanNellie born about 1899
UlmanRuth born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanpeltClyde born about 1886

W Surnames

WaltersCharles born about 1924
WaltersChringhton born about 1927
WaltersFloyd born about 1888
WaltersFloyd born about 1922
WaltersHarold born about 1924
WaltersMaly born about 1920
WaltersMarrion born about 1919
WaltzCharles born about 1893
WaltzFreda Lborn about 1927
WaltzGilbert born about 1930
WaltzIrene born about 1895
WaltzJosephine born about 1932
WardBetty Jborn about 1935
WardCarl born about 1936
WardDonald born about 1921
WardDoris born about 1900
WardForest born about 1898
WardWilliam born about 1926
WatsonAddine born about 1869
WatsonAlice born about 1908
WatsonBetty born about 1930
WatsonCarl born about 1931
WatsonDale born about 1927
WatsonDean born about 1935
WattsonMyra Cborn about 1863
WebsterDaniel born about 1932
WebsterEarl born about 1900
WebsterHomer born about 1930
WebsterLouetta born about 1926
WebsterLulu born about 1906
WebsterOscar born about 1927
WilsonBeulah born about 1933
WilsonBlanche born about 1930
WilsonFrederick born about 1929
WilsonLeslie Dborn about 1904
WilsonNellie born about 1904
WitherspoonHoward born about 1905
WitherspoonMyrtle born about 1887
WoodFred Hborn about 1916
WoodFreda born about 1919
WoodLenord born about 1938
WoodwardAlice born about 1890
WoodwardJohnthan Hborn about 1868
WoodwardJosephine born about 1869
WoodwardMary born about 1931
WoodwardTaylor born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZallersFrank born about 1935
ZallersIrma born about 1897

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