1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bethlehem Township in Coshocton County, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of Bethlehem Township in Coshocton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamCecil Bborn about 1913
AdamHattie Lborn about 1891
AdamJoseph Nborn about 1886
AdamJunior Jborn about 1925
AdamRobert Eborn about 1934
AronhaltB Haroldborn about 1893
AronhaltGertrude Mborn about 1926
AronhaltHelen Gborn about 1933
AronhaltJames Hborn about 1917
AronhaltMaxine Eborn about 1928
AronhaltOttis Rborn about 1929
AronhaltSherley Lborn about 1936
AronhaltWayne Dborn about 1923
AronhaltWinafred Eborn about 1892

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B Surnames

BakerCary Jborn about 1909
BantramAna born about 1870
BantramJack born about 1916
BantramJohn Gborn about 1866
BendesGene Lborn about 1926
BendesHarvey Mborn about 1894
BendesLeo Dborn about 1929
BendesLillie Mborn about 1901
BibleAdam Hborn about 1882
BibleElnora born about 1882
BibleGlenn Aborn about 1919
BibleRobert born about 1922
BickelJohn born about 1868
BinningAnnabell born about 1913
BinningLester Cborn about 1908
BinningWilliam Hborn about 1874
BinningWilliam Rborn about 1929
BradleyBernice born about 1917
BrennumanBlaine born about 1927
BrennumanHarold born about 1924
BrennumanOscar born about 1894
BrennumanRay Eborn about 1930
BrennumanRobert born about 1936
BrityDaniel born about 1924
BuckleyAdam Cborn about 1903
BunalChanty Vborn about 1913
BunalJoseph Nborn about 1869
BunalMina Aborn about 1879
BunalRussell Nborn about 1903
BuntunBenjamin Nborn about 1898
BuntunBernard Aborn about 1922
BuntunElva Gborn about 1903

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C Surnames

CaleyHomer Fborn about 1903
CaleyJoyce Hborn about 1932
CaleyVena Mborn about 1908
CarnesClay Hborn about 1900
CarnesElizabeth Aborn about 1932
CarnesJennie Mborn about 1900
CarnesMinnetta Jborn about 1920
CarnesOdice Mborn about 1926
CaronArthur Gborn about 1895
CaronRoxie Eborn about 1895
ClarkJoseph Lborn about 1885
ConkleAlbert born about 1912
ConkleAlberta born about 1911
ConkleDurver born about 1938
ConkleDwain born about 1936
ConradCrawford Gborn about 1904
ConradMariam Rborn about 1930
ConradMarsilla Mborn about 1912
ConradRonald Dborn about 1934
ConradRoy Wborn about 1938
ConradRussell Nborn about 1931
CoxBetty Jborn about 1927
CoxHarold Eborn about 1922
CoxMarium Jborn about 1900
CrawfordBothwell born about 1896
CrawfordJame Hborn about 1922
CrawfordNaomi Wborn about 1899
CrawfordSamuel Wborn about 1920
CroulIra Gborn about 1883
CroulMarlow Gborn about 1910
CroulMary Iborn about 1887
CrousoDorthy Jborn about 1928
CrousoGeorge born about 1898
CrousoJanice Iborn about 1931
CrousoMinnie born about 1907
CrousoRobert Gborn about 1927
CrousoVictor Sborn about 1930
CroussJames Oborn about 1933
CullismL Sborn about 1891
CurtisFrances Lborn about 1913
CurtisTheron Rborn about 1906

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D Surnames

DanAlice Fborn about 1939
DanBetty Eborn about 1923
DanEarl Aborn about 1902
DanElma Aborn about 1893
DanEmary Fborn about 1896
DanHazel Mborn about 1907
DanHelen Mborn about 1921
DanJack Eborn about 1929
DanRalph Wborn about 1917
DarlingHomer Bborn about 1901
DarlingJames born about 1927
DarlingMary Eborn about 1937
DarlingVirginia born about 1904
DavisEsmond Cborn about 1931
DavisGarry Mborn about 1894
DavisGladys Eborn about 1901
DavisLeonard Kborn about 1914
DavisMary Bborn about 1927
DavisMary Cborn about 1872
DavisWayne Tborn about 1926
DavisWilliam Aborn about 1868
DencosoJennie Eborn about 1888
DencosoJohn Wborn about 1924
DencosoLeslie Dborn about 1887
DencosoRalph Lborn about 1922
DewittMildred born about 1919
DewittThomas born about 1939
DownesAlbert born about 1873
DownesEmma born about 1876
DownesFred Oborn about 1908
DownesLeo Pborn about 1924
DownesLester Cborn about 1901

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E Surnames

EasterDavid born about 1880
EasterEdward Jborn about 1919
EasterJunior Bborn about 1926
EasterMaud Jborn about 1885
EasterVirgie Fborn about 1908
ElizabethSpeck born about 1869
ElliottAlvin Dborn about 1933
ElliottBetty Jborn about 1922
ElliottDonald Eborn about 1937
ElliottEstella born about 1887
ElliottGarfield born about 1880
ElliottGeorgia Mborn about 1925
ElliottGrace Iborn about 1931
ElliottMildred Sborn about 1912
ElliottRichard Eborn about 1939
ElliottSarah Mborn about 1927
ElliottVirginia born about 1898
EnfildClifford Fborn about 1914
EnfildPaul Lborn about 1920

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F Surnames

FasherLeo Eborn about 1914
FinkleCatherine Eborn about 1890
FinkleWilliam Hborn about 1886
FinlayFanny Cborn about 1880
FinlayHazel Eborn about 1918
FinlayMarshall born about 1913
FinlayRobert born about 1909
FisherAlley Mborn about 1893
FisherCora Eborn about 1884
FisherJames born about 1934
FisherJohn born about 1891
FisherMilo Eborn about 1881
FisherWard Tborn about 1921
FisherWilliam born about 1923
FosterCollum Mborn about 1931
FosterDonis Rborn about 1896
FosterDonna Lborn about 1919
FosterGuy Vborn about 1902
FosterHollis Mborn about 1910
FosterIleen Nborn about 1929
FosterJohn Lborn about 1920
FosterJune Mborn about 1923
FosterLouise Mborn about 1898
FosterMary Lborn about 1938
FosterMathew Sborn about 1930
FosterRichard born about 1935
FosterRochie born about 1935
FouneAgnes Mborn about 1903
FouneClyde Eborn about 1899
FouneKenneth Aborn about 1935
FouneRobert Dborn about 1926
FoxCharlie born about 1883
FoxCora Bborn about 1874
FoxEdith born about 1917
FoxJay Eborn about 1919
FoxJohn Aborn about 1875
FoxJohn Hborn about 1913
FoxMargaret Eborn about 1912
FrederickCharles Lborn about 1884
FrederickIda Rborn about 1876
FrederickLida Bborn about 1893
FryAlice Aborn about 1920
FryGarry Dborn about 1939
FryRupert Sborn about 1917

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G Surnames

GawerClara Bborn about 1892
GawerGrover Cborn about 1886
GawerKenneth born about 1915
GawerMildred Lborn about 1919
GianqueBlanche 2born about 1894
GianqueBucher born about 1892
GianqueEileen Lborn about 1927
GildowCloy born about 1897
GrinesElla Jborn about 1843
GuthineAnn Fborn about 1899
GuthineDarlene born about 1933
GuthineGene Rborn about 1927
GuthineGlen Rborn about 1901
GuthineJack Cborn about 1930
GuthrieClifford Rborn about 1887
GuthrieEdward Lborn about 1863
GuthrieEma Cborn about 1867
GuthrieHenrietta Sborn about 1893
GuthriePearl Jborn about 1919

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H Surnames

HainesFoy Eborn about 1896
HainesFrank born about 1862
HainesGene Bborn about 1929
HainesGoldie Mborn about 1906
HainesRobert Eborn about 1924
HallLaurena Eborn about 1900
HallNelson Lborn about 1936
HarmonBlann Jr born about 1893
HarmonCharles Oborn about 1900
HarmonJohn born about 1931
HarmonJoseph born about 1932
HarmonRolla born about 1929
HarmonRuth born about 1934
HarmorBlanco born about 1903
HarmorSylvia born about 1905
HarmorWorth born about 1928
HarstunArthur Aborn about 1924
HarstunCarl Eborn about 1926
HarstunCharles Eborn about 1895
HarstunFreda Mborn about 1921
HarstunNancy Cborn about 1936
HartleEleanor Jborn about 1936
HartleMargarete Bborn about 1906
HartleMarton Wborn about 1911
HartleSarah born about 1939
HochinsChris Oborn about 1901
HolderGeorge Wborn about 1884
HolskyWilbert Kborn about 1919
HookerCharles Nborn about 1893
HookerFrances Oborn about 1894
HookerRoy Nborn about 1921
HughesNellie Fborn about 1919
HugueWilliam Rborn about 1871

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I Surnames

InfieldEva Mborn about 1883
InfieldPaul Hborn about 1919
InfieldRoy Eborn about 1881
InfieldRuth Eborn about 1916
InfieldWillis Bborn about 1915
IrwinRobert Jborn about 1912

J Surnames

JacobsPhoebe born about 1871
JohnsonPaul Bborn about 1870
JohntsonCharles Dborn about 1868
JohntsonDonald born about 1903
JohntsonJane Tborn about 1934
JohntsonJanice Sborn about 1927
JohntsonLela Mborn about 1905
JohntsonRichard Aborn about 1926
JonesEllenor Cborn about 1932
JonesEllsworth Nborn about 1923
JonesElnora Eborn about 1932
JonesLester Sborn about 1900

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K Surnames

KanuckelRobert Bborn about 1865
KifferEmmett Dborn about 1885
KlingerBeatrice Oborn about 1921
KlingerEugene Fborn about 1920
KlingerFred Mborn about 1870
KlingerGrace born about 1883
KollarAda Mborn about 1905
KollarJoan Kborn about 1931
KollarJohn Dborn about 1904
KollarLinda Sborn about 1935

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L Surnames

LangstrethPhillip born about 1906
LaurenceHugh born about 1876
LoweryGeorge Wborn about 1890
LoweryIsaac Mborn about 1860
LoweryLaura Sborn about 1866
LukeCurt Cborn about 1873
LukeSamuel Mborn about 1913

M Surnames

MackeyCarrol Aborn about 1937
MackeyGladys Zborn about 1919
MackeyMaryland born about 1939
MackeyPaul Cborn about 1918
MansonRichard Lborn about 1925
MansonTroyles Eborn about 1929
MapleLoren born about 1912
MausonAlta Mborn about 1893
MausonHoward born about 1892
McCindyJohn born about 1874
McCindyMyrta Aborn about 1879
McClareGeneva Mborn about 1872
McClareNathaniel Sborn about 1900
McClunCallie Mborn about 1891
McClunMay Sborn about 1864
McClunRoy Sborn about 1889
McConnellEdward Rborn about 1871
McConnellMary Aborn about 1875
McCordAnna Mborn about 1887
McCordClinton Lborn about 1885
McCordOwilla Gborn about 1923
McKeeEula Gborn about 1928
McKeeGilbert Eborn about 1926
McKeeHarry born about 1873
McKeeLoela Gborn about 1903
McKeeMax Lborn about 1930
McKeeReva Jborn about 1934
McKeeWayne Rborn about 1932
McKeeWilliam Hborn about 1899
McKeeWilliam Jr born about 1923
McMaeAmby Fborn about 1900
McMaeHarold Dborn about 1921
McMaeJack Wborn about 1936
McMaeMary Kborn about 1901
McMaeNanna Gborn about 1926
McNealMaude Eborn about 1879
McNealThomas Hborn about 1882
MillerCharles Jborn about 1876
MillerGray Wborn about 1902
MillerMary Aborn about 1879
MillerNellie Mborn about 1903
MoonFrances Lborn about 1924
MoranMac Eborn about 1883
MoweryJohn Wborn about 1924
MoweryMargaret Eborn about 1933
MoweryMary Eborn about 1902
MoweryMildred Eborn about 1926
MoweryRobert Jborn about 1925
MoweryWalter J Oborn about 1903
MoweryWard Fborn about 1938

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N Surnames

NanenGeorge Pborn about 1872
NanenSusan born about 1875
NeldonAda Vborn about 1880
NeldonHarold born about 1903
NeldonMaria Aborn about 1871
NeldonMay born about 1884
NeldonNellie born about 1904
NeldonRobert Hborn about 1864
NeldonWaldo Lborn about 1877
NorrisRobert born about 1917

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P Surnames

PackJohn Dborn about 1899
ParkerDale Bborn about 1927
ParkerDonna Cborn about 1893
ParkerJesse Eborn about 1888
ParksBenjamin born about 1877
ParksSarah Eborn about 1871
PashMonland born about 1934
PegmanBessie Mborn about 1905
PegmanClarence Eborn about 1901
PerkinsBetty Lborn about 1933
PerkinsElnora Eborn about 1932
PerkinsGeorge Dborn about 1929
PerkinsMarlon Gborn about 1935
PerkinsMildred Fborn about 1911
PerkinsNoah Tborn about 1904
PewCatherine Eborn about 1909
PewFletcher Cborn about 1909
PewMarion Fborn about 1932
PewRiva Kborn about 1934

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R Surnames

RaineoDella Mborn about 1908
RaineoDenver Sborn about 1909
RaineoDenver Jr born about 1930
RaineoGrace Eborn about 1939
RaineoLuther Rborn about 1932
RaineoRosetta Mborn about 1928
RaineoVirginia Cborn about 1936
RaineoWillard Sborn about 1914
RandelLelah Rborn about 1893
RandelWard Bborn about 1884
RandlesConeous Rborn about 1873
RandlesFaye Mborn about 1911
RandlesMaggie born about 1879
RandlesWalter Wborn about 1901
RhodesClark Aborn about 1921
RhodesLone born about 1890
RhodesMary Cborn about 1898
RichardsMartha Jborn about 1877
RichissinDonald Lborn about 1920
RichissinEdna born about 1899
RichissinEmma born about 1866
RichissinFay Eborn about 1923
RichissinFloy Iborn about 1923
RichissinFred Eborn about 1925
RichissinHarold Jborn about 1918
RichissinJohn Lborn about 1899
RichissinJoseph Kborn about 1866
RishBessie Mborn about 1898
RishFrank Eborn about 1885
RobansonIsabelle born about 1881
RobansonJoseph born about 1869
RobansonMathew born about 1915
RobansonPaul born about 1915

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S Surnames

ScaughterDonald Jborn about 1916
ScaughterEdith born about 1927
ScaughterElsie Rborn about 1885
ScaughterGeorge Eborn about 1919
ScaughterGunia born about 1912
ScaughterJoseph Hborn about 1886
ScaughterKathryn born about 1910
ScaughterMarjorie born about 1923
SchomoonEdgar Aborn about 1922
SchomoonJames Cborn about 1925
SchomoonRussell Cborn about 1901
SeldersMillie Pborn about 1881
SeldersUbery Rborn about 1878
ShawDorthy Aborn about 1918
ShawJulis Aborn about 1868
ShawLoyd Eborn about 1939
ShawRodney Gborn about 1911
ShellenbargerEllen Rborn about 1918
ShellenbargerJanis Hborn about 1875
ShellenbargerJennie Gborn about 1877
ShenelsAngeline born about 1873
ShenelsNathaniel born about 1875
ShenerLester Fborn about 1914
ShenerMary Eborn about 1855
ShenerMary Eborn about 1919
SheplerDonald Hborn about 1930
SheplerDorothy Mborn about 1929
SheplerEarl Hborn about 1891
SheplerHarvey Hborn about 1928
SheplerJosephine Iborn about 1932
SheplerSilvia Fborn about 1907
ShrimplinCliarence born about 1918
ShrimplinDorris Mborn about 1921
ShrimplinLydia Sborn about 1939
ShwerEllis Tborn about 1864
ShwerSarah Aborn about 1874
SingerByron Bborn about 1914
SingerCarrol Gborn about 1939
SingerEvelyn Gborn about 1915
SingerMary Sborn about 1887
SlaughterLillian born about 1919
SlaughterManon Jborn about 1912
SmithEdith Dborn about 1933
SmithEdward Dborn about 1935
SmithElnora born about 1925
SmithHenry Dborn about 1887
SmithIrene Mborn about 1913
SmithLeander Hborn about 1869
SmithMargaret Eborn about 1864
SowersEstella Rborn about 1886
SowersRaymond Jr born about 1925
SowersWilliam Eborn about 1876
SpeakesDale Wborn about 1921
SpeakesFay Lborn about 1895
SpeakesForest Eborn about 1893
SpeakesGene Fborn about 1923
SpunkelFannie Fborn about 1905
SpunkelRaymond born about 1899
StartsArthur Eborn about 1927
StartsBlanch Vborn about 1902
StartsDonald Eborn about 1926
StartsLoull Mborn about 1900
StewartIrene born about 1876
StewartJoseph Lborn about 1875
StewartRoy born about 1915
StingleClearance born about 1905
StingleConstance born about 1910
StingleKarl Cborn about 1929
StinglePaul Aborn about 1924
StofenBertha Jborn about 1883
StofenClyde Rborn about 1902
StofenVirginia Hborn about 1923
StonbrookOliver born about 1885
StyersCharles Jborn about 1887
StyersElizabeth born about 1860
SurtzerFrank born about 1908
SweartzBeatrice Iborn about 1920
SweartzRun Jborn about 1939
SweartzRussell Wborn about 1918

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T Surnames

TallmadgeBurposte born about 1859
ThompsonLaura born about 1883
ThompsonWm Jborn about 1883
TownvilleFrancis Aborn about 1914
TownvilleFrank Wborn about 1934
TownvilleShirley Aborn about 1936
TownvilleVirginia Mborn about 1915
TredwellMary Lborn about 1939
TredwellNancy Lborn about 1936
TredwellNeal Oborn about 1911
TredwellOlie Vborn about 1916
TredwellPatsy Aborn about 1934
TunnFrank born about 1861
TunnLaura born about 1869
TurnbullDucane Eborn about 1936
TurnbullMadie Mborn about 1904
TurnbullRay born about 1892
TurnbullRaymond Mborn about 1925
TurnbullRita Aborn about 1938
TurnerBertha Aborn about 1900
TurnerGeo Dborn about 1894
TurnerJohn Wborn about 1880
TurnerKathryn born about 1865
TurnerLillie Sborn about 1886
TurnerLouis Nborn about 1863

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U Surnames

UebelClermont Sborn about 1901
UebelLeo Gborn about 1933
UebelTwila Lborn about 1914

V Surnames

ValemmGladys Vborn about 1893
ValentineEna born about 1895
VansickleElzena born about 1894
VansickleWm Mborn about 1877

W Surnames

WalkerJames born about 1935
WallenGladys born about 1913
WallenGlenn born about 1905
WallenGlenn Eborn about 1844
WallenMinnie Lborn about 1932
WaringDavid Jborn about 1929
WaringDavid Lborn about 1857
WaringHannah Wborn about 1893
WaringJames Oborn about 1861
WaringJames Pborn about 1926
WatersLyman born about 1900
WatersPearl born about 1888
WatersVernie Jborn about 1903
WeatherwaxGeorge born about 1858
WeilFranklin born about 1914
WeilLaura born about 1877
WeilMarloe born about 1915
WeilWilliam born about 1880
WhidtcraftHerbert born about 1885
WhidtcraftJuanita Jborn about 1917
WhidtcraftLulu born about 1887
WhidtcraftRobert Eborn about 1920
WhitneyAlbert Cborn about 1890
WhitneyDoris Hborn about 1922
WhitneyGrace Mborn about 1895
WilliamsJennie born about 1867
WilliamsJennie Aborn about 1872
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1869
WilliamsLillian Wborn about 1914
WilliamsRobert Rborn about 1908
WilliamsWanda Mborn about 1933
WistCharles Wborn about 1931
WistEdward Jborn about 1927
WoodCharles Dborn about 1923
WoodIlla Gborn about 1898

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