1940 U.S. Federal Census of Byrd Township, Brown, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Brown County > 1940 Census of Byrd Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAgnes born about 1917
AdamsAnna Marieborn about 1939
AdamsHarlan born about 1915
AdamsHarley born about 1906
AdamsHarry born about 1873
AdamsIrene born about 1918
AdamsMabel born about 1937
AdamsMarie born about 1906
AdamsPauline born about 1938
AdamsRoy born about 1939
AdamsRuth born about 1936
AdamsThomas born about 1893
AdamsTowell born about 1936
AndersonLuther born about 1907
ArnoldLula born about 1879
ArnoldMont born about 1871
AyersAngie born about 1912
AyersHoward born about 1911
AyersLeon born about 1934
AyersPhyllis born about 1939

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B Surnames

BaileyBobbie born about 1930
BaileyCharles born about 1913
BaileyGene born about 1938
BaileyMary born about 1935
BaileyPauline born about 1917
BaileyTommy born about 1939
BairdAby born about 1904
BairdBetty born about 1931
BairdBlanche Dborn about 1903
BairdCharles born about 1898
BairdClint born about 1872
BairdFrank born about 1909
BairdGeneva born about 1912
BairdJames born about 1924
BairdJames born about 1934
BairdKenneth born about 1939
BairdLydia born about 1896
BairdNellie born about 1908
BairdRebecca born about 1936
BairdSarah born about 1865
BairdSusie born about 1875
BairdWilliam born about 1930
BandEd born about 1870
BandMary born about 1872
BartleyFlora born about 1873
BartleyJames born about 1874
BeckEtta born about 1884
BenderEarl born about 1916
BennettEmma born about 1872
BennettJohn born about 1871
BerryBernice born about 1918
BerryBertha born about 1916
BerryC Eborn about 1871
BerryCharles born about 1904
BerryElmer born about 1906
BerryGlen born about 1917
BerryLeo born about 1921
BerryLola born about 1894
BerryMaud born about 1875
BerryOliver born about 1890
BerryThelma born about 1929
BerryWilbur born about 1899
BickFrank born about 1896
BickGeraldine born about 1932
BickHelen born about 1936
BickLarence born about 1922
BickMerl born about 1897
BlackBaldwin born about 1867
BlackEarnest born about 1889
BlackEthel born about 1901
BlackLarry born about 1938
BlackLeota born about 1934
BlackMary born about 1914
BlackMolly born about 1877
BlackOpal born about 1914
BlackRalph born about 1914
BlackRay born about 1936
BlackRobert born about 1913
BlackRonald born about 1939
BlackSherman born about 1914
BloomAlbert born about 1911
BloomAlvareta born about 1871
BloomBlanche born about 1903
BloomBullah born about 1918
BloomCharlotte born about 1932
BloomGeorge born about 1908
BloomGeorge born about 1928
BloomHelen born about 1924
BloomHendry born about 1876
BloomJohney born about 1909
BloomLee born about 1904
BloomMyrl born about 1901
BloomRachel born about 1877
BloomWilliam born about 1871
BowmanAdda born about 1876
BowmanAlta born about 1907
BowmanCarl born about 1904
BowmanCharles born about 1917
BowmanDelbert born about 1928
BowmanElsie born about 1901
BowmanEvelyn born about 1924
BowmanNowal born about 1897
BowmanPaul born about 1935
BrockBarbra Annborn about 1939
BrockCharles born about 1918
BrockCharles born about 1937
BrockJackie born about 1939
BrockNellie born about 1918
BrownAddie born about 1866
BrownC Fborn about 1896
BrownCarol born about 1934
BrownCatherine born about 1869
BrownCatherine born about 1905
BrownCharles born about 1939
BrownCharlotte born about 1932
BrownClarence born about 1900
BrownDale born about 1931
BrownDavid born about 1906
BrownEarl born about 1894
BrownEd Eborn about 1862
BrownEdna born about 1899
BrownEleanor born about 1908
BrownLee born about 1877
BrownMaggie born about 1877
BrownMary born about 1866
BrownMildred born about 1926
BrownMilford born about 1927
BrownPaul born about 1925
BrownRuby born about 1928
BrownRuth born about 1897
BrownSadie born about 1868
BrownSusanna born about 1936
BrownWalter born about 1870
BrwonCressie born about 1901
BrwonElizabeth born about 1878
BrwonGeorge born about 1892
BrwonPhillip born about 1876
BrwonRuth born about 1916
BrwonWilliam born about 1925
BumleyCrystal born about 1901
BumleyScott born about 1895
BurbageCharles born about 1915
BurbageFrank born about 1859
BurbageLeland born about 1924
BurbageMay born about 1898
BurhageArlene born about 1940
BurhageGladys born about 1916
BurhageNancy Louborn about 1939
BurhageThomas born about 1907

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C Surnames

CalvertCharles Cborn about 1874
CalvertIna born about 1879
CalvertSally born about 1912
CampbellFred born about 1878
CampbellIva born about 1885
CarlLloyd born about 1915
CarlSamuel born about 1872
CarpenterEd born about 1878
CarrEarl born about 1906
CarrElmer born about 1904
CarrGleen born about 1938
CarrJames Aborn about 1877
CarrLorena born about 1905
CarrMarjorie born about 1940
CarrZaa born about 1878
CarriganW Sborn about 1867
CarsonForrest born about 1921
CarsonJohn born about 1884
CarsonMaude born about 1895
CarsonShirley born about 1939
CarsonVilma born about 1923
ChapmanDonald born about 1932
ChapmanGeorge born about 1922
ChapmanJean born about 1928
ChapmanKenneth born about 1936
ChapmanLaurel born about 1902
ChapmanRaymond born about 1901
ClayLon born about 1875
CookersBetty born about 1927
CookersDale born about 1934
CookersE Lorenaborn about 1905
CookersEmmett born about 1906
CookersMary born about 1925
CookersShelba born about 1939
CooperCarrie born about 1913
CooperCharlie born about 1866
CooperClifton born about 1880
CooperElizabeth born about 1854
CooperGeorge born about 1915
CooperJames born about 1933
CooperJoan born about 1938
CooperMarshall born about 1903
CooperNettie born about 1904
CooperNora born about 1887
CooperVirginia born about 1921
CooperWalter born about 1871
CooperWilliam born about 1935
CoppleCarolyn born about 1939
CoppleClarence born about 1883
CoppleDelbert born about 1906
CoppleEmerson born about 1933
CoppleLeon born about 1915
CoppleLouise born about 1936
CoppleMary Annborn about 1938
CoppleMinnie born about 1887
CoppleRoy born about 1935
CoppleVivian born about 1912
CovertNina born about 1859
CovertRobert born about 1853
CraigWalter born about 1904
CriscoellArch born about 1893
CriscoellEdith born about 1891
CriscoellFlorence born about 1916
CriscoellJames born about 1935
CrossDolores born about 1932
CrossEdna born about 1903
CrossStanley born about 1901

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D Surnames

DialGeorge born about 1930
DowningAlva born about 1928
DowningClarence born about 1895
DowningClarence Jr born about 1930
DowningGrace born about 1906
DowningMargorie born about 1930
DowningNorma born about 1926
DowningPeggy born about 1934
DowningRaymond born about 1922
DowningRuth born about 1901
DowningWalter born about 1893
DowningWendell born about 1924
DowningWilliam born about 1861
DuncanMayme born about 1882
DuncanWilliam born about 1877

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E Surnames

EdwardsBell born about 1877
EdwardsBessie born about 1910
EdwardsBobbe Jeanborn about 1933
EdwardsDonald born about 1934
EdwardsDwight born about 1914
EdwardsEileen born about 1919
EdwardsLucille born about 1911
EdwardsRaymond born about 1909
EdwardsSpencer born about 1870
EdwardsWilliam Dborn about 1868
EvansBillie born about 1927
EvansCharles born about 1904
EvansCharles born about 1923
EvansJohn born about 1937
EvansMary born about 1940
EvansRichard born about 1932
EvansSadie born about 1904

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F Surnames

FettersDorthy born about 1939
FettersEveret born about 1922
FettersJulius born about 1916
FettersMary born about 1917
FettersWilbur born about 1924
FettersWilliam born about 1927
FisherBillie born about 1933
FisherMary born about 1908
FisherRaymond born about 1925
FisherRobert born about 1902
FisherThelma born about 1930
FitchFlorence born about 1905
FitchSally born about 1871
FitchWalter born about 1862
FlanghtersJames born about 1901
FlanghtersVelma born about 1892
FultonCaryl born about 1939
FultonFrank born about 1910
FultonLeola born about 1918
FunkJulia born about 1862
FunkOscar born about 1857
FussneckerAlbert born about 1912
FussneckerDelores born about 1939
FussneckerEarl born about 1935
FussneckerMary born about 1915
FussneckerRosemary born about 1937

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G Surnames

GardnerM Agnesborn about 1875
GardnerWilliam born about 1869
GelterAnnalee born about 1908
GelterAuthur born about 1900
GelterChester born about 1905
GelterGlen born about 1935
GelterHelen born about 1935
GelterHoram born about 1926
GelterLaura born about 1873
GelterMabel born about 1904
GilfordEverett born about 1912
GilfordH Sborn about 1879
GilfordLeslie born about 1923
GilfordLouise born about 1920
GilfordP Fborn about 1888
GillespieDorthy born about 1899
GillespieFred born about 1901
GillespieMary born about 1924
GrayChester born about 1925
GrayEsther born about 1925
GrayLee born about 1920
GrayRuby born about 1896
GrayVern born about 1922
GrimesHarry born about 1874
GrimesRosetta born about 1880
GrimesThelma born about 1905
GrommsCarl born about 1904
GrommsSara born about 1907
GubickBettie born about 1926
GubickEllis born about 1870
GubickEva born about 1904
GubickRoy born about 1905
GulichEleanor born about 1926
GulichLuetta born about 1903
GulichRay born about 1904
GulichWilson born about 1937
GulickD Mborn about 1899
GulickR Rubyborn about 1902
GuthrieEliza born about 1885
GuthrieFrank born about 1877

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H Surnames

HaferDorthy born about 1934
HaferErnest born about 1902
HaferGrace born about 1907
HaferMary born about 1932
HalanDaisy born about 1889
HalanDaniel born about 1924
HalanJoe born about 1922
HalanMary born about 1928
HalanPearl born about 1894
HalfieldWilliam born about 1876
HamiltonFlorence born about 1869
HardinMary born about 1924
HarmanHarry born about 1916
HarrisHershal born about 1908
HarrisMargret born about 1908
HecketCarl born about 1885
HecketLaura born about 1888
HermanDanny born about 1940
HermanEthel born about 1892
HermanLewis born about 1885
HermanMartha born about 1922
HermanWilliam born about 1922
HileNellie born about 1909
HileS Aborn about 1903
HoltonBessie born about 1900
HoltonCora born about 1892
HoltonDonald born about 1926
HoltonEvelyn born about 1935
HoltonIffie born about 1869
HoltonJohn born about 1897
HoltonLloyd born about 1913
HoltonMartha born about 1935
HoltonRuth born about 1931
HoltonShirley born about 1931
HoltonWilliam born about 1866
HoltonWilliam born about 1903
HottonChester born about 1921
HottonFrank born about 1920
HottonJoe born about 1928
HottonMary born about 1889
HottonMary born about 1924
HottonNicholas born about 1890
HottonRalph born about 1918
HuffCaryl born about 1926
HuffClarence born about 1890
HuffEdwin born about 1917
HuffEsta born about 1888
HuffHomer born about 1888
HuffLola born about 1918
HuffMarvin born about 1913
HuffMary born about 1890
HuffMildred born about 1922
HuffVelma born about 1918
HughesAna born about 1894
HughesCharles born about 1880
HughesElla born about 1875
HughesEmma born about 1870
HughesJohn born about 1875
HughesJoseph born about 1880
HughesLuanna born about 1888
HughesMartha born about 1878
HughesMary born about 1923
HughesOlin born about 1893
HughesRobert born about 1920

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I Surnames

InsperpEtta born about 1895
InsperpHelen born about 1928
InsperpLeo born about 1921
InsperpMardell born about 1918
InsperpMaurice born about 1890
InsperpRussell born about 1923
InsperpWendell born about 1926

J Surnames

JannitaHiram Jr born about 1928
JannitaNada born about 1925
JenkinsAlbert born about 1904
JenkinsAuthur born about 1867
JenkinsCarlos born about 1919
JenkinsClara born about 1936
JenkinsMayme born about 1900
JenkinsNellie born about 1905
JenkinsOlin born about 1897
JenkinsWylie born about 1883
JohnsonAnna born about 1914
JohnsonBertie born about 1921
JohnsonCarlos born about 1897
JohnsonCarlos Jr born about 1925
JohnsonEthel born about 1898
JohnsonGeorge born about 1908
JohnsonIrene born about 1910
JohnsonMay Maudeborn about 1882
JohnsonPhillip born about 1938
JohnsonRobert born about 1931
JohnsonRobert born about 1933
JohnsonSam born about 1870
JohnsonWilliam born about 1905
JonesAda born about 1883
JonesAlbert born about 1914
JonesCarye born about 1937
JonesClyde born about 1903
JonesDonald born about 1935
JonesFrances born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellyLouis Nborn about 1875
KinnettBobbie born about 1930
KinnettDonald born about 1933
KinnettGlenn born about 1905
KinnettMary born about 1903
KinnettMary Helenborn about 1923
KinnettOrpha born about 1906
KinnettRay born about 1925
KinnettRoy born about 1904
KinnettRuth born about 1928
KirkerCora born about 1894
KirkerEdwin born about 1890
KirkerFreida born about 1895
KirkerGeorge born about 1876
KlicknerArminda born about 1935
KlicknerCharles born about 1937
KlicknerDelbert born about 1906
KlicknerDelbert Jr born about 1928
KlicknerHelen born about 1930
KlicknerMary born about 1903
KlicknerRobert born about 1940
KlicknerWilliam born about 1932
KlumpJohn born about 1878
KneckkeyAnne born about 1865
KnightBerna born about 1932

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L Surnames

LawsonEthel born about 1938
LawsonLettie born about 1911
LawsonMargret born about 1929
LawsonMary born about 1936
LawsonOpal born about 1931
LawsonThomas born about 1907
LawsonThomas Jr born about 1933
LeachShirley born about 1937
LeedeuerFlorence born about 1889
LewisEmma born about 1886
LewisJames Pborn about 1881
LewisPaul born about 1925
LinvilleLeo born about 1922
LinvilleLillian born about 1928
LinvilleLucy born about 1886
LinvilleO Wborn about 1877

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M Surnames

MannAnna born about 1896
MannJoseph born about 1881
ManningAnna Zolaborn about 1917
ManningBarla born about 1938
ManningBilly Leeborn about 1939
ManningDexter born about 1911
ManningEmmet born about 1936
MartinCharlie born about 1870
MartinDonald born about 1914
MartinIsabel born about 1916
MartinJoanna born about 1918
MartinMarion born about 1908
MartinNora born about 1880
MartinWilbur born about 1910
McCartyKing born about 1899
McCartyMargret born about 1864
McCoyPatricia born about 1933
McCoyStacy born about 1907
McCoyZetta born about 1914
McDanielCharles born about 1892
McDanielJanice born about 1938
McDanielMary born about 1933
McDanielNellie born about 1900
McDanielRussell born about 1925
McHendryBessie born about 1896
McHendryJames born about 1896
McPhersonAnnie born about 1870
McPhersonDavid born about 1862
McPhersonElla born about 1860
MelvinF Mayborn about 1869
MelvinFrank born about 1869
MillerGeorge born about 1897
MillerGrace born about 1905
MillerRobert born about 1928
MillerRuby born about 1923
MillerRuth born about 1926
MmoreCharles born about 1937
MmoreGertrude born about 1910
MmorePatricia born about 1934
MontgomeryBessie born about 1880
MontgomeryClifford born about 1919
MontgomeryE Aborn about 1883
MontgomeryEdsel born about 1917
MontgomeryFrank born about 1867
MontgomeryGladys born about 1914
MontgomeryHarold born about 1914
MontgomeryIrene born about 1881
MontgomeryMartin born about 1916
MontgomeryMary born about 1891
MontgomeryO Scottborn about 1876
MontgomeryWilliam born about 1864
MooreAnna Maryborn about 1936
MooreBertha born about 1914
MooreCarolyn born about 1940
MooreEarnest born about 1899
MooreHarold born about 1909
MooreJames born about 1907
MooreMary born about 1867
MoorePatricia born about 1939
MooreRuth born about 1937
MorrisWilliam born about 1857
MyersBobbie born about 1930
MyersDanny born about 1935
MyersDorthy born about 1937
MyersEarl born about 1939
MyersElizabeth born about 1917
MyersFrank born about 1902
MyersGeneva born about 1907
MyersHoawrd born about 1911

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N Surnames

NealMargaret born about 1873
NeelAlbert born about 1923
NeelBertha born about 1898
NeelHazel born about 1922
NeelLawrence born about 1893
NeelLawrence born about 1921
NeelMarshall born about 1868
NeelRichard born about 1938
NeelRoberta born about 1925
NicksonMargorie born about 1916
NicksonRay born about 1916
NillDonald born about 1930
NillEva born about 1908
NillMary born about 1928
NormanCharles born about 1876
NormanFlora born about 1905
NulJulia born about 1876

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O Surnames

OliverLeonard born about 1915

P Surnames

PaeltzAurthur born about 1901
PaeltzJosie born about 1904
ParkerAlice born about 1917
ParkerElizabeth born about 1880
ParkerFrancis born about 1857
ParkerHayse born about 1877
ParkerJanie born about 1898
ParkerJohn born about 1882
ParkerLemuel born about 1851
ParkerMckinley born about 1892
ParkerNorma born about 1918
ParkerRufus born about 1924
ParkerW Jackborn about 1906
ParkerWilliam born about 1918
PaulAudrey born about 1930
PaulBessie born about 1900
PaulBille born about 1938
PaulGeorge born about 1934
PaulLinnie born about 1870
PaulRuth born about 1925
PaulSherman born about 1923
PaulWalter born about 1895
PearsonChales born about 1867
PenrodDelmos born about 1939
PenrodElmer born about 1916
PenrodOpal born about 1917
PetersOralle born about 1919
PittengerAnne born about 1876
PittengerCharles born about 1858
PittengerLaura born about 1864
PittengerWamsley born about 1902
PittengerWilliam born about 1845
PurdinAuthur born about 1935
PurdinBessie born about 1903
PurdinEsther born about 1928
PurdinIra born about 1868
PurdinMarcella born about 1934
PurdinSam born about 1856
PurdinVirgil born about 1891
PurdineGeorge born about 1868
PurdineIda born about 1871
PurdineRobert born about 1898

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R Surnames

ReevesJohn born about 1854
ReidEarnest born about 1922
ReidFlorence born about 1885
ReidFloyd born about 1924
ReidLester born about 1920
ReisingerBertha born about 1895
ReisingerLucy born about 1921
ReisingerMary born about 1920
ReisingerO Rborn about 1895
ReisingerRichard born about 1921
ReisingerSharon born about 1939
ReisingerStanley born about 1918
RiceEarl born about 1921
RiceJane born about 1883
RiceJohn born about 1881
RiceVirginia born about 1926
RichmondBrooker born about 1906
RichmondCallie born about 1932
RichmondElisabeth born about 1911
RichmondJunior born about 1940
RichmondMary born about 1935
RickettsGeorge born about 1901
RickettsJames born about 1933
RickettsMary born about 1895
RickeyBell born about 1875
RickeyBobbie born about 1930
RickeyCatherine born about 1928
RickeyCharles born about 1928
RickeyEdna born about 1899
RickeyElmer born about 1903
RickeyElmer Jr born about 1935
RickeyHoward born about 1895
RickeyJanet born about 1932
RickeyLois born about 1931
RickeyLucille born about 1905
RickeyM Lesterborn about 1897
RickeyRuth born about 1925
RickeyS Cborn about 1868
RickeyZelma born about 1925
RinchenEd born about 1896
RossmanAlen born about 1915
RossmanAllene born about 1909
RossmanBertha born about 1879
RossmanFlorence born about 1907
RossmanMargret born about 1917
RossmanWilliam born about 1879
RubenakerAnna born about 1883
RubenakerJoe born about 1876
RutherfordCora born about 1886
RutherfordJohn born about 1879

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S Surnames

SalisburyArch born about 1882
SalisburyDessie born about 1882
SalisburyLeroy born about 1919
SanderAudrey born about 1923
SanderMinnie born about 1869
SanderRaymond born about 1900
SanderSally born about 1899
SandersEdgar born about 1881
SandersMarion born about 1926
SandersSarah born about 1885
SchmakerBernard born about 1931
SchmakerClem born about 1928
SchmakerColetta born about 1935
SchmakerElizabeth born about 1896
SchmakerF Fborn about 1899
SchmakerMary Annborn about 1924
SchmakerPaul born about 1922
SchmakerStanley born about 1933
SchwabDelia born about 1886
SchwabJohn born about 1879
SchwabLeon born about 1911
ScottDorthy born about 1932
ScottEmma born about 1937
ScottHarold born about 1912
ScottHazel born about 1935
ScottViola born about 1911
ScottWilliam born about 1933
SeipeltAuthur born about 1896
SeipeltMarie born about 1918
SeipeltNellie born about 1894
SeipeltPaul born about 1924
SeipeltWilson born about 1927
SelfEd born about 1890
SelfJames born about 1853
SharpAlice born about 1916
SharpIda born about 1884
SharpJohn born about 1918
SharpRobert born about 1920
SheelerBert born about 1905
SheelerEarnest born about 1896
SheelerForrest born about 1919
SheelerGuru born about 1928
SheelerHelen born about 1908
SheelerJea born about 1876
SheelerJhonnie born about 1874
SheelerLoena born about 1899
SheelerMary born about 1931
SheelerRobert born about 1928
SheelerRoberta born about 1934
SheelerShirley born about 1936
SheltonMary born about 1925
ShusterCharles born about 1866
ShusterSamuel born about 1871
SlaughterBeverly born about 1928
SlaughterHester born about 1906
SlaughterRoger born about 1930
SmallLouis born about 1862
SmithAnna born about 1886
SmithDella born about 1901
SmithElick born about 1876
SmithJerry born about 1890
SmithJudy born about 1939
SniderAnna born about 1904
SniderBerta born about 1934
SniderFred born about 1880
SniderGolda born about 1935
SniderKaren born about 1938
SniderMyrtie born about 1883
SniderPaul born about 1912
SnyderLeon born about 1916
SnyderRussell born about 1939
SnyderThelma born about 1919
SowersA Cborn about 1882
SowersBertha born about 1880
SronberdDoris born about 1935
SronberdFlorence born about 1906
SronberdFrances born about 1931
SronberdGordon born about 1927
SronberdRonald born about 1933
SronberdStanley born about 1893
SronberdStanley Jr born about 1929
SronfeAline born about 1922
SronfeCarl born about 1924
SronfeEdith born about 1898
SronfeEmery born about 1895
SteeleDella born about 1889
SteeleMary born about 1891
StephensonCharlie born about 1882
StephensonEdward born about 1879
StephensonHattie born about 1880
StephensonIva born about 1885
StephensonLaura born about 1884
StephensonLee born about 1883
StephensonMildred born about 1920
StevensonBertha born about 1877
StevensonIda born about 1875
StevensonJohn born about 1872
StevensonJoseph born about 1918
StevensonWarren born about 1912
StevensonWilliam born about 1918
SwaringerCora born about 1882
SwaringerJ Cborn about 1885
SwaringerWoodrow born about 1917
SwearingenBertha born about 1891
SwearingenBircha born about 1916
SwearingenCharles born about 1913
SwearingenCora born about 1926
SwearingenGeorge born about 1922
SwearingenHarold born about 1915
SwearingenHomer born about 1891
SwearingenLarry born about 1939
SwearingenLola born about 1937
SwearingenLouis Eborn about 1888
SwearingenMary born about 1917
SwearingenStella born about 1893

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T Surnames

ThompsonLorest born about 1920
TruesdellCharles born about 1939
TruesdellClifford born about 1906
TruesdellGlen born about 1922
TruesdellHazel born about 1927
TruesdellHelen born about 1930
TruesdellJane born about 1933
TruesdellLillian born about 1925
TruesdellLillie born about 1904
TruesdellRobert born about 1936
TumblesonBulah born about 1929
TumblesonJesse born about 1927
TumblesonKatherine born about 1940
TumblesonNellie born about 1909
TumblesonRalph born about 1908

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V Surnames

VanceBeulah born about 1918
VanceDonald born about 1937
VanceMargie born about 1939
VanceOmar born about 1918
VanceOmar born about 1940
VanceyGeorge born about 1901
VanceyLillie born about 1905

W Surnames

WalkerDaisy born about 1922
WalkerOtto born about 1914
WamsleyGeneva born about 1903
WamsleyMary born about 1925
WamsleyRussell born about 1924
WeckesAra born about 1868
WeckesJohn born about 1863
WestElla born about 1863
WestJanet born about 1932
WestMaude born about 1890
WestMildred born about 1915
WestRobb born about 1886
WhisnerHendry born about 1892
WhisnerMargaret born about 1904
WhisnerMargorie born about 1922
WhisnerRichard born about 1929
WilesBernard born about 1918
WilesCaryl born about 1928
WilesChester born about 1921
WilesDonald born about 1935
WilesE Masonborn about 1915
WilesEleanor born about 1920
WilesEthel Gborn about 1874
WilesFrances born about 1923
WilesGeorge born about 1896
WilesIda born about 1900
WilesM Kborn about 1868
WilesRichard born about 1938
WilliamsCarolyn born about 1925
WilliamsCharles born about 1929
WilliamsDavid born about 1938
WilliamsElisabeth born about 1927
WilliamsHelen born about 1927
WilliamsLeroy born about 1867
WilliamsMabel born about 1897
WilliamsMary born about 1903
WilliamsRichard born about 1940
WilliamsRobert born about 1902
WilsonDorthy born about 1919
WilsonFlorence born about 1873
WilsonJames born about 1864
WilsonJames born about 1877
WilsonLeslie born about 1919
WorksAra born about 1892
WorksCharles born about 1891
WorksClarence born about 1921
WorksG Lborn about 1861
WorksMargaret born about 1867

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Y Surnames

YockeyClara born about 1896
YockeyJoseph born about 1880
YockeyMary born about 1934
YoungDennie born about 1892
YoungDorthy born about 1916
YoungJessie born about 1873
YoungLewis born about 1875
YoungLyda born about 1892
YoungMargret born about 1882
YoungNellie born about 1888
YoungNorman born about 1926
YoungSherman born about 1919
YoungThomas born about 1884

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Z Surnames

ZachrieAuthur born about 1902
ZachrieMabel born about 1905

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