1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson Township in Coshocton County, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of Jefferson Township in Coshocton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamEugene born about 1934
AdamGeorge born about 1936
AdamGlen Hborn about 1910
AdamIsabelle Vborn about 1913
AdamLaura born about 1939
AdamWendelle born about 1935
AdamsAlva Williamborn about 1910
AdamsBetty Janeborn about 1932
AdamsCecil born about 1913
AdamsEnna born about 1869
AdamsFlorence born about 1912
AdamsOpportune Maryborn about 1937
AdamsTressie Oliveborn about 1931
AgleCarlos Geraldborn about 1914
AgleGerald Narbertborn about 1934
AgleMariem Maeborn about 1916
AgleViolet Marleneborn about 1937
AllenCarol Jborn about 1938
AllenEmma Kathrynborn about 1917
AllenEunice born about 1912
AllenLewis Eborn about 1911
AllenMary Loisborn about 1939
AllenRobert Maxborn about 1918
AllenRobert Jr born about 1938
AllenRussell Wardborn about 1936
AlmackClyde born about 1914
AppleEdward born about 1921
AppleRobert born about 1930
ArnoldFrank Gborn about 1902
ArnoldJack Lborn about 1925
ArnoldLeatha Eileenborn about 1917
ArnoldLennard born about 1864
ArnoldLucy born about 1872
ArnoldMarie Ireneborn about 1923
ArnoldMina Eborn about 1910
ArnoldPatricia Caemborn about 1933
ArnoldSamuel Williamborn about 1895
ArnoldSarah Graceborn about 1895
ArnoldWalter Lewisborn about 1916
AshcraftMarcella Gborn about 1940
AshcraftMarion Bborn about 1918
AshcraftMary Mborn about 1920

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B Surnames

BaileyAlpha Retaborn about 1874
BaileyJohn Wiliamborn about 1882
BantumLona Blanchborn about 1887
BantumRussell Cliffordborn about 1881
BarklewEmma born about 1875
BarklewVirgil born about 1871
BechtelBeatrice Eileenborn about 1924
BechtelBertha Maeborn about 1882
BeckCarrie Delniaborn about 1892
BeckDowen Annborn about 1932
BeckFrank Hiltonborn about 1888
BeckMyrna Louiseborn about 1906
BeckRaymond Frederickborn about 1911
BerrettBelle born about 1865
BerrettJohn Williamborn about 1863
BesleDora born about 1886
BesleJohn Shermanborn about 1886
BesleRuth Wilheminaborn about 1925
BesstArzula born about 1876
BesstCarl Oborn about 1934
BesstHarold Cborn about 1892
BesstHelen born about 1914
BesstIrene Lborn about 1935
BesstLois Eborn about 1905
BesstMaxine born about 1939
BesstMildred Rborn about 1932
BesstOscar Eborn about 1905
BesstPauline born about 1937
BickelBertha Cborn about 1881
BickelPaul Jborn about 1925
BickelVelma born about 1927
BickelWilliam Aborn about 1873
BikleCarol Graceborn about 1933
BikleGrace Schwendimanborn about 1913
BiklePhilip Watersborn about 1909
BikleSusan Janeborn about 1937
BowerGerald Rborn about 1934
BowerHazel Iborn about 1893
BowerLyla Cborn about 1919
BowerMiriam Iborn about 1930
BowerRay Oborn about 1890
BowersCatherine born about 1870
BowersDorthy born about 1914
BowersElizabeth Pborn about 1870
BowersHarold Williamborn about 1907
BowersLeonard Pborn about 1869
BowersMargaret Pearlborn about 1898
BowersMax born about 1930
BowersSilas Cborn about 1864
BowersWallace Sborn about 1904
BowersWalter Eborn about 1912
BrennemanHarold born about 1917
BrightwellCharles Mborn about 1924
BrightwellDavid Hborn about 1922
BrightwellEverett Lborn about 1895
BrightwellHelen Lborn about 1932
BrillhartCharlie born about 1870
BrillhartEmma Pborn about 1871
BrownDonald born about 1928
BrownEthel born about 1892
BrownRussel born about 1900
BrownRussell born about 1895
BrownVirginia born about 1931
BrownWalter born about 1935
BrozzaBernie Louborn about 1931
BrozzaEthel Kborn about 1907
BrozzaShirley Annborn about 1933
BrozzaWilliam Jamesborn about 1907
BuchlerJune born about 1862
BuchlerLambert Oborn about 1859
BucklerDorothy Elizabethborn about 1925
BucklerEdna Maeborn about 1923
BucklerFrank born about 1887
BucklerFred Galeborn about 1890
BucklerHarriett O'bryonborn about 1898
BucklerWilliam Hborn about 1919
BucklewClarence born about 1930
BucklewEthel born about 1919
BucklewHelen born about 1918
BucklewLaurence born about 1921
BucklewMarjorie born about 1923
BucklewMary born about 1895
BucklewWilliam Eborn about 1891
BurchadtAnna born about 1859
ButterGenevieve born about 1901
ButterKenneth born about 1930
ButterOscar Jborn about 1889
BuxtonAlberta Jborn about 1920
BuxtonEdith Jborn about 1887
BuxtonFrances Eborn about 1922
BuxtonGeorge Aborn about 1918
BuxtonSelby Gborn about 1887
BuxtonWilliam born about 1924

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C Surnames

CarrFlora Bellborn about 1862
CarterBernard Rborn about 1939
CarterBessie Mborn about 1904
CarterDella born about 1875
CarterDoris born about 1919
CarterEmmet born about 1913
CarterFrances Eborn about 1937
CarterHarlan born about 1889
CarterImogene born about 1939
CarterIrene born about 1913
CarterPearl born about 1889
CarterWallis Jborn about 1903
CasperVerna Lborn about 1918
ClarkAlan Rogerborn about 1933
ClarkDavid Scottborn about 1912
ClarkEarl born about 1882
ClarkEarl Hborn about 1879
ClarkEmma born about 1870
ClarkEverett born about 1926
ClarkHerbert Aborn about 1908
ClarkJames Silasborn about 1874
ClarkJeanine Leoneborn about 1936
ClarkJohn Bartnettborn about 1870
ClarkJudy Raeborn about 1939
ClarkKathryn Janeborn about 1934
ClarkKathryn Louiseborn about 1910
ClarkMargaret Annborn about 1939
ClarkMarilla Mayborn about 1879
ClarkMary Opalborn about 1907
ClarkOlive Mborn about 1912
ClarkPauline born about 1916
ClarkPhyllis Kborn about 1936
ClarkPrenties Mooreborn about 1911
ClarkRobert Wborn about 1904
ClarkSadie Mborn about 1881
ClarkSilas born about 1869
ClarkWilliam Lourenceborn about 1903
ClarkWilmina born about 1876
CooperChester Rborn about 1913
CooperDessie Lborn about 1879
CooperEarl Glenborn about 1919
CooperFlorence born about 1903
CooperFlorence born about 1915
CooperIra born about 1878
CooperJames Cborn about 1903
CooperJean born about 1938
CooperRobert born about 1939
CooperShirley born about 1936
CoullieLaura born about 1870
CreightonViola Bellborn about 1868
CrogoDonis born about 1919
CrogoGary born about 1939
CrogoIrene born about 1917
CrostonAnna born about 1907
CrostonFrances born about 1927
CrostonLoren born about 1930
CrostonMark born about 1939
CrostonPhilip born about 1934
CrostonRosevelt born about 1904
CrowlEdna Mborn about 1922
CrowlJosephine born about 1861
CroyAda born about 1907
CroyCaroline Aborn about 1875
CroyCharles Leonardborn about 1912
CroyEmmanuel Eborn about 1907
CroyJohn Leonardborn about 1865
CroyJohn Wborn about 1907
CullisonAlva Wborn about 1869
CullisonMinerva born about 1879
CullisonNorman Tborn about 1917
CuppsFracy Mborn about 1907
CuppsWilliam Floydborn about 1926
CurtisJames Lewisborn about 1862
CurtisRebecca born about 1865

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D Surnames

DarlingAlois born about 1904
DarlingBetty Jeanborn about 1927
DarlingBeverly Aborn about 1933
DarlingCharles born about 1867
DarlingCora Bborn about 1878
DarlingDella born about 1884
DarlingDema born about 1873
DarlingEdmund Roeborn about 1923
DarlingEdward born about 1863
DarlingEleanor born about 1916
DarlingEmil Dborn about 1871
DarlingEverett born about 1878
DarlingFlora Mborn about 1858
DarlingFred born about 1901
DarlingGeorge born about 1871
DarlingHazel born about 1906
DarlingKate born about 1878
DarlingLaura Ellenborn about 1853
DarlingLillian born about 1907
DarlingLoyd Vernonborn about 1885
DarlingMabelle born about 1882
DarlingMarilyn born about 1930
DarlingRalph Jborn about 1905
DarlingRene born about 1936
DarlingRobert born about 1912
DarrAlta Elizabethborn about 1898
DarrClarence Woodrowborn about 1919
DarrClyde Normanborn about 1904
DarrDonna Joanborn about 1927
DarrDwight Hborn about 1910
DarrElma Claudineborn about 1927
DarrFemma Aborn about 1876
DarrFlorence Maeborn about 1923
DarrFlorence Marieborn about 1904
DarrGlen Daleborn about 1938
DarrHarriett Leveniaborn about 1886
DarrHarriett Maxinaborn about 1924
DarrHarvey Eugeneborn about 1921
DarrHenry born about 1872
DarrHoward Scottborn about 1883
DarrJohn Danielborn about 1930
DarrJohn Hborn about 1867
DarrLamial Sborn about 1879
DarrLillian Mborn about 1915
DarrMary Isabelleborn about 1920
DarrPaula Janeborn about 1936
DarrPerry Anthonyborn about 1893
DarrRoland Harveyborn about 1932
DarrRudy Owenborn about 1907
DarrSarah Kathleenborn about 1926
DarrSophia Hborn about 1871
DarrTabitha born about 1867
DarrWilma Lucilleborn about 1932
DavidsonClara Ellenborn about 1868
DavidsonDavid Georgeborn about 1862
DavisDennis Jborn about 1906
DavisIva Mborn about 1878
DavisJohn Tborn about 1871
DavisMarwin Tborn about 1924
DavisReo Jborn about 1911
DawsonAda Vborn about 1888
DawsonCharles Millerborn about 1881
DawsonJohn Albertborn about 1928
DawsonMary Ellenborn about 1932
DawsonMelva Annborn about 1901
DawsonRobert Eugeneborn about 1924
DaysNellie Graceborn about 1880
DaysStuart Beeborn about 1873
DeanHamilton Iborn about 1857
DeanMary born about 1895
DeanWilliam Lborn about 1860
DickersonAlbert Fborn about 1876
DickersonGeorgia Annaborn about 1877
DickersonJesse born about 1873
DickersonMary born about 1878
DominicoClaria Annborn about 1920
DonaldsonBeulah Gborn about 1905
DonaldsonDenver Jborn about 1915
DonaldsonEdith Annborn about 1929
DonaldsonElla Aborn about 1882
DonaldsonEthel Mayborn about 1931
DonaldsonForest Dborn about 1927
DonaldsonJohn born about 1875
DonaldsonMarie born about 1917
DonaldsonRussel Dborn about 1906
DoughertyCarrie Bborn about 1908
DoughertyHugh Bborn about 1925
DoughertyJames C Srborn about 1865
DoughertyJames Jr born about 1922
DoughertyJohn Lborn about 1926
DoughertyJulia Eborn about 1924
DoughertyMinnie Mborn about 1893
DoughertyNancy Aborn about 1928
DoughertyRobert Aborn about 1934
DoughertyWilliam Hborn about 1930
DowGenevieve born about 1924
DowHarold born about 1929
DowKenneth born about 1927
DowNellie Bborn about 1895
DowRay Eborn about 1890
DruschelCharley born about 1872
DruschelMartha born about 1873
DulingHiram Leonardborn about 1887
DulingMary Estellaborn about 1893
DunnFrank Delanoborn about 1934
DwigginsHarriet born about 1918

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E Surnames

EckelberryBert born about 1880
EckelberryElla born about 1886
ElderCyrms Elswarthborn about 1863
ElderFannie Mborn about 1877
ElderQuinten Mborn about 1911
ElderSamuel Bborn about 1865
ElderWilliam Hborn about 1875
EmlerRaymond Oborn about 1911
EndsleyGayle born about 1940
EndsleyMildred born about 1921
EndsleyRobert born about 1908
EndsleySidney Lborn about 1939
EudaleyDavid born about 1926
EudaleyDon born about 1920
EudaleyDuane born about 1922
EudaleyEdna born about 1893
EudaleyMarilla born about 1861
EvagoEdgar born about 1874
EvagoMildred born about 1906

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F Surnames

FarlowJunior born about 1926
FarlowMarie born about 1922
FarlowNoah born about 1902
FarlowSylvia born about 1906
FenderBernice Estherborn about 1915
FenderCarl Edwardborn about 1909
FenderMichael born about 1861
FenderPaul Russellborn about 1907
FerrellCharles Lborn about 1918
FerrellCharles Wesleyborn about 1939
FerrellLaura Eborn about 1877
FerrellLoretta Jeanborn about 1923
FischerBertha Cborn about 1879
FischerDon Eugeneborn about 1936
FischerEverett Prenborn about 1891
FischerFranklin Johnborn about 1911
FischerHelen Fborn about 1892
FischerJames Rodneyborn about 1918
FischerLucille Jessieborn about 1910
FischerLynn Royborn about 1938
FischerN Oborn about 1878
FischerPatricia Joanborn about 1933
FordWoodrow born about 1919
FosterAndrew born about 1929
FosterBernard Wborn about 1917
FosterBessie Bborn about 1899
FosterCharles Pborn about 1875
FosterClara Mborn about 1925
FosterClare Hborn about 1901
FosterConstance born about 1935
FosterDavie Daleborn about 1887
FosterEsther born about 1897
FosterEsther Rborn about 1906
FosterGrover Hborn about 1893
FosterHarold born about 1893
FosterJames born about 1932
FosterJulia Annborn about 1924
FosterLeona born about 1931
FosterMarilyn born about 1929
FosterMartha Annborn about 1933
FosterNancy born about 1923
FosterNelle Nborn about 1883
FosterNewton Aborn about 1939
FosterOrlan Jamesborn about 1884
FosterPlenna Darlborn about 1885
FosterPren born about 1932
FosterRhoda Sborn about 1938
FosterSadie born about 1894
FosterSamuel Cborn about 1902
FosterWinston Aborn about 1899
FosterWinston Aborn about 1938
FosterZona Vborn about 1883
FowlerJohn born about 1860
FowlerLesty born about 1862
FrankEvelyn born about 1914
FrankFredrick Pborn about 1912
FrankGenevieve born about 1938
FrederickAlzadia Janeborn about 1857
FrederickHarriett born about 1872
FrederickJames Mborn about 1870
FrederickLydia Mborn about 1872
FryArlie born about 1882
FryBernice Pborn about 1930
FryBessie born about 1890
FryElla Lborn about 1887
FryErnest Jborn about 1875
FryFranklin Mborn about 1880
FryLoyd born about 1879
FryRalph Dborn about 1921
FryRaymond Kborn about 1919
FryRobert Eborn about 1926
FrySarah born about 1894
FunkCharles Mborn about 1897
FunkDessie Kborn about 1887
FunkEverett Fborn about 1892
FunkFranklin Wborn about 1920
FunkGladys Jborn about 1900
FunkLillis born about 1857
FunkMyrtle Mborn about 1892
FunkPaul Aborn about 1885

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G Surnames

GamerfelderChristine born about 1865
GamertsfelderGrame Aborn about 1884
GamertsfelderSamuel Jborn about 1885
GaumerEmma born about 1861
GivensWalter Mborn about 1893
GreenEdward born about 1921
GriffinCharles Oborn about 1891
GriffinEsther Cborn about 1897
GriffinNorella born about 1921
GriffinWynona born about 1928
GuthrieAlta born about 1871

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H Surnames

HaasDella born about 1873
HaasFrederick Eborn about 1935
HaasLena Iborn about 1905
HaasMaud Eborn about 1910
HaasPeter born about 1870
HaasPhilip born about 1857
HagansGrace born about 1929
HagansMary Jborn about 1890
HagansRollie Rborn about 1879
HahnMyrtle born about 1876
HahnPaul Daewinborn about 1912
HainesRollin Merlborn about 1909
HainesRuth Marieborn about 1911
HainesSamuel Wilbertborn about 1932
HainsCarl Fborn about 1937
HainsClarence born about 1914
HainsClarence Jr born about 1936
HainsInez born about 1915
HainsValora born about 1893
HainsWilliam born about 1875
HallEugene born about 1922
HallFred Cborn about 1896
HallFred Jr born about 1919
HallGeraldine born about 1921
HallJulia born about 1925
HammondEmma Sborn about 1885
HammondJ Albertborn about 1882
HammondNaomi born about 1917
HammontreeMary born about 1860
HarmanMary Blainborn about 1891
HarmanRalph Leoborn about 1881
HarperCarrie Mborn about 1881
HarperGlenna born about 1927
HarperLester born about 1875
HarperMae born about 1895
HarperMelvin born about 1930
HarperRobert born about 1926
HarperRussel born about 1924
HartBonnie born about 1930
HartCalvin Mborn about 1887
HartDelbert born about 1926
HartDoris born about 1920
HartEdith born about 1922
HartEdith born about 1923
HartEileen born about 1922
HartEsther born about 1925
HartFaith born about 1928
HartGrace born about 1900
HartHarold born about 1917
HartLarry Lborn about 1939
HartLawrence born about 1919
HartMina born about 1893
HartOrlen born about 1890
HartPauline born about 1922
HartWarren born about 1933
HartWilmer born about 1918
HaxtonMary Katherineborn about 1868
HaxtonRalph Wayneborn about 1914
HaysLorna Jeanborn about 1934
HaysVirginia Maeborn about 1915
HaysVivian Carolborn about 1936
HaysWilliam Edwardborn about 1913
HaysWilliam Edwardborn about 1940
HebronClarence Jamesborn about 1927
HebronDenzil Wborn about 1905
HebronElmer Gborn about 1872
HebronEthel Allinaborn about 1906
HebronFloyd Kennethborn about 1930
HebronJoseph Mywardborn about 1904
HebronLewis Leeborn about 1933
HebronNorma Eileenborn about 1924
HebronSibbilla born about 1875
HendersonRobert Dborn about 1917
HenryEmma Gborn about 1938
HenryIva Iborn about 1883
HenrySidney born about 1903
HenryStella born about 1908
HobergAlta Marcellaborn about 1932
HobergFreda Jeanborn about 1928
HobergHollis Lborn about 1895
HobergLulu Graceborn about 1902
HobergWillard Garryborn about 1938
HogansEdna Cborn about 1890
HogansLloyd Lborn about 1890
HolsterCharles born about 1874
HomerHunt born about 1874
HonabargerDella born about 1882
HonabargerElsworth born about 1888
HonabergerHarold Dixonborn about 1927
HonabergerJohn Aborn about 1878
HonabergerJohn Paulborn about 1926
HonabergerPearl Zelphaborn about 1885
HowelsGeorge Pborn about 1871
HowelsLizzie Mborn about 1874
HumbertsonErnest born about 1908
HumbertsonGladys born about 1910
HumbertsonKarl born about 1938
HumphreyNellie born about 1900
HumphreyWillie Vernonborn about 1895
HunterAndrew Robertborn about 1924
HunterEdward Jayborn about 1927
HunterElla born about 1900
HunterEllen Jeanetteborn about 1921
HunterJay Rborn about 1892
HustedBarbara Joanneborn about 1933
HustedHarry Lborn about 1892
HustedJonathan Kissnerborn about 1939
HustedLawrence Kissnerborn about 1910
HustedMyrtle Aborn about 1890
HustedNancy Katherineborn about 1937
HustedRuth La Vonneborn about 1910
HustedWilliam Sborn about 1872
HustonElsie born about 1919
HustonMinnie born about 1885
HustonPerry Wborn about 1884
HustonWilliam Everettborn about 1874

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J Surnames

JamesLaurence Lborn about 1926
JohnsonAlmeda born about 1872
JohnstonBlanch born about 1874
JohnstonHerman born about 1866
JohnstonWilliam born about 1883
JonesAllen Dborn about 1939
JonesEdwin Wborn about 1915
JonesErie Lborn about 1885
JonesHerbert Iborn about 1885
JonesZona Fborn about 1910

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K Surnames

KanuckelCynthia Angeliaborn about 1908
KanuckelDonald Wayneborn about 1918
KanuckelEmma born about 1870
KanuckelEmma born about 1873
KanuckelEmma Leeborn about 1882
KanuckelEvelyn Hayansborn about 1908
KanuckelHarriett Annborn about 1932
KanuckelJacob born about 1863
KanuckelJessie Franklinborn about 1903
KanuckelJimmie Edmundborn about 1931
KanuckelSara Raeborn about 1938
KanuckelWilbur Sheppardborn about 1901
KanuckelWilma Jeanborn about 1939
KaserAndy Joeborn about 1939
KaserCharles born about 1859
KaserDonnie Fborn about 1918
KaserFlora Mayborn about 1878
KaserHarry Cborn about 1887
KaserHerman Jborn about 1882
KaserJohn Cborn about 1873
KaserJohn Charlesborn about 1905
KaserKliens Dborn about 1915
KaserMarie Lborn about 1917
KaserRussell Lewisborn about 1906
KaserSadie born about 1872
KaserSammy Lynnborn about 1939
KaserSarah born about 1880
KaserStella Mearborn about 1904
KaserThelma Rebeccaborn about 1910
KeeferJean Mborn about 1936
KeeferJerry Ledeborn about 1937
KeeferLaura born about 1869
KeeferMartha born about 1865
KeeferMary Aborn about 1934
KeeferSara Jborn about 1935
KeeferThomas Jborn about 1914
KingCharles Howardborn about 1874
KissnerCharles Mborn about 1917
KissnerEarl Dborn about 1884
KissnerElinore born about 1920
KissnerElmer born about 1876
KissnerJames born about 1923
KissnerJohn Dborn about 1846
KissnerKate Eborn about 1863
KissnerLeora born about 1881
KissnerLilia Bborn about 1916
KissnerNellie Pborn about 1886
KlineJean born about 1917
KlingEsther Cborn about 1920
KlingEthel Mborn about 1939
KlingGordon Cborn about 1915
KorschelHelen born about 1890
KorschelLedoris born about 1921
KorschelMarcella born about 1918
KorschelWalter born about 1892
KreidlerAlice born about 1908
KreidlerBilly Gborn about 1933
KreidlerBobby Hborn about 1933
KreidlerDonald Gborn about 1929
KreidlerRosaline Lborn about 1938
KuhnJack Raymondborn about 1917
KuhnRay Cborn about 1887
KuhnSylvia Berniceborn about 1890
KuhnWilliam Aborn about 1915

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L Surnames

LaflinJohn Dborn about 1873
LaughlinAdaline born about 1868
LaughlinAnna Belleborn about 1898
LaughlinBarbara Jborn about 1936
LaughlinCarl Dborn about 1885
LaughlinCarl Sborn about 1938
LaughlinDarrell born about 1922
LaughlinDavid Fborn about 1856
LaughlinDwight born about 1895
LaughlinEsther Tborn about 1913
LaughlinEugene born about 1863
LaughlinGerald Leeborn about 1938
LaughlinGladys Kborn about 1923
LaughlinJames Cborn about 1935
LaughlinLelah Gborn about 1890
LaughlinLoren Mborn about 1922
LaughlinLouella Almedaborn about 1869
LaughlinOpal Leonaborn about 1917
LaughlinRalph Fborn about 1910
LaughlinReese Devidborn about 1916
LaughlinRichard Dborn about 1935
LaughlinRobert Eborn about 1919
LaughlinRobert Mborn about 1870
LaughlinRussell born about 1919
LaughlinStella born about 1893
LawrenceAnna Myrtleborn about 1898
LawrenceDonald Francisborn about 1923
LawrenceEdith born about 1917
LawrenceElizabeth Louborn about 1928
LawrenceEthel Louiseborn about 1922
LawrenceFrederic born about 1937
LawrenceMary Faithborn about 1938
LawrenceMay Eugeneborn about 1924
LawrenceRobert Gborn about 1917
LawrenceRoss Karr Jrborn about 1919
LaymanBessie Opalborn about 1901
LaymanFrank Harrisonborn about 1889
LaymanTed Fborn about 1917
LeareCarrie Mborn about 1894
LeareLelea Mborn about 1922
LeareLewis Lborn about 1924
LeareMaurice Lborn about 1893
LeareNancy Jborn about 1937
LebaldLouis Deweyborn about 1899
LeonardAnn born about 1934
LeonardErnest born about 1893
LeonardJuanita Banborn about 1907
LepleyRoss Tborn about 1877
LepleyVernia Aliceborn about 1890
LeritilleyJay born about 1862
LinebaughElmer Eborn about 1867
LintDavid Leeborn about 1935
LintEmmaniel born about 1885
LintGretchen Harrisborn about 1933
LintHelen Graceborn about 1890
LintWilliam Hborn about 1862
LousingerChristina Sborn about 1873
LousingerEsther Hborn about 1896
LousingerMarjorie Ireneborn about 1906
LowerNannie Mborn about 1862
LoymanIrvin born about 1878
LoymanMinnie born about 1883

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M Surnames

MartinAlbert Jborn about 1897
MartinCarl Wborn about 1922
MartinCharles Emeryborn about 1904
MartinChester born about 1930
MartinEdith born about 1926
MartinErnest born about 1938
MartinJessie Avonelleborn about 1905
MartinJosephine Aborn about 1925
MartinJunior born about 1934
MartinMonedta Mborn about 1924
MartinShirley born about 1940
MartinSusie born about 1901
MartonyClarence Robertborn about 1891
MartonyElsie Meredithborn about 1921
MartonyRosalie Virginiaborn about 1919
MartonyVirginia born about 1891
MascoAlbert born about 1860
MathewsMargaret Ruthborn about 1918
MathewsMinnie Maeborn about 1885
MathewsRoss Greenleeborn about 1885
MathiasAlbert born about 1910
MathiasCharlene born about 1914
McClainAllie Lborn about 1903
McClainBernice born about 1907
McClainCarol born about 1939
McClainClarence Sborn about 1900
McClainClarence Jr born about 1926
McClainEdgar Deanborn about 1931
McClainEldon born about 1933
McClainKenneth born about 1929
McClainMarjorie born about 1928
McClainRobert Fborn about 1903
McClainRuth Eborn about 1929
McClainStewart born about 1935
McClainVerna born about 1907
McClainWilliam Rborn about 1908
McClainWynona Mborn about 1938
McClairCora born about 1866
McCoyAvery Jborn about 1889
McCoyBetty Aborn about 1926
McCoyDollie Wborn about 1906
McCoyLaken Dborn about 1937
McCoyRebecca Jborn about 1863
McCoySalina Jborn about 1924
McCurdyBarbara born about 1891
McCurdyCharles Lborn about 1918
McCurdyClara Taylorborn about 1862
McCurdyLeslie Tborn about 1888
McCurdyLyman Jborn about 1927
McCurdyMargaret Oborn about 1921
McCurdyNaomi Fborn about 1928
McCurleyEthel Mborn about 1898
McCurleyNadine born about 1923
McCurleyWilliam Nborn about 1900
McDermottEffie born about 1860
McGradyAnna born about 1910
McGradyPaul born about 1904
McGradyRuth born about 1909
McGuireRalph born about 1921
McKeeCharles born about 1877
McKeeDaisy born about 1879
McKeeGary Fredericborn about 1935
McKeeHelen Louiseborn about 1913
McMillanAndrey born about 1916
McMillanCarl born about 1917
McMillanNorma Jeanborn about 1939
McNabbElizabeth born about 1925
McNabbGeorge Mborn about 1875
McNabbHarry Gborn about 1884
McNabbHelen born about 1914
McNabbJosephine born about 1922
McNabbLouise born about 1912
McNabbLucille born about 1895
McNabbPauline born about 1879
MizerBetty Eborn about 1932
MizerEdward Jborn about 1887
MizerGlen Lborn about 1926
MizerKenneth Hborn about 1929
MizerLeo Eborn about 1934
MizerMyrtle born about 1904
MoneAnna born about 1902
MoneCatherine born about 1872
MoneHobert Lborn about 1900
MoneJohn Eborn about 1933
MoneKathryn born about 1931
MoneMckinley born about 1902
MoneRobert Hborn about 1862
MoneWilliam Aborn about 1934
MoneryDavid Earlborn about 1916
MoneryIvea Jborn about 1917
MoonNellie Dborn about 1872
MooreAra born about 1891
MooreElla born about 1859
MooreJulia born about 1869
MyersBlanche Bborn about 1906
MyersCarl Eborn about 1894
MyersCharles born about 1923
MyersDonnie Fborn about 1929
MyersDoris Oborn about 1915
MyersEdna Mayborn about 1926
MyersJohn Wborn about 1903
MyersMary Jborn about 1887
MyersMary Mborn about 1852
MyersPaul born about 1921
MyersRobert born about 1927
MyersVelma born about 1894
MyersWilbur Fborn about 1887
MyersWilliam born about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeilCatherine born about 1906
NeilLewis born about 1869
NeilLucy born about 1874
NeilMary Eborn about 1903
NeilMary Lborn about 1927
NyhartSarah Jennieborn about 1878

O Surnames

ObryonBess Bborn about 1885
ObryonVitallas born about 1878
OgleBeulah Eborn about 1900
OgleRay Gborn about 1892

P Surnames

ParksCharles Aborn about 1873
ParksEthel Eborn about 1879
ParrishGenevieve Mborn about 1907
ParrishGeorge Eborn about 1899
ParrishJames born about 1931
ParrishJeanette born about 1925
ParrishJoseph born about 1927
ParrottAlice born about 1917
ParrottDonna Jborn about 1937
ParrottLeroy born about 1935
ParrottRobert born about 1916
ParrottRobert born about 1939
PeirsDomino born about 1932
PeirsGita Aborn about 1926
PeirsGrace born about 1906
PeirsLavaughn born about 1930
PeirsMitchell born about 1904
PerkinsHerbert Mborn about 1919
PewCharles Aborn about 1914
PewCharles Lewisborn about 1935
PewDonna Maeborn about 1937
PewVernice Charlineborn about 1915
PhillipLucille born about 1920
PigmanDora Nborn about 1883
PryarDonald Walterborn about 1917
PryarDoris Margaretborn about 1917
PryorAndrew Jacksonborn about 1865
PryorLaura Parksborn about 1875
PurdyLee Nborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuimbyLovina born about 1869

R Surnames

RalstonAudrey Mercedesborn about 1922
RalstonEmma born about 1891
RandlesEmma born about 1857
RandlesLeonard Woodborn about 1920
RandlesPaul Robertborn about 1917
RandlesRuby Lucilleborn about 1922
RandlesSarah Eborn about 1869
RandlesVernie Maeborn about 1887
RandlesWilliam Aborn about 1877
RanuckelBirdeal born about 1875
RanuckelJohn born about 1869
RayRichard Earlborn about 1921
ReissFrances Darlingborn about 1917
ReissGlendara born about 1879
ReynoldsHarlon Bborn about 1896
ReynoldsJohn born about 1932
ReynoldsLucille Bborn about 1904
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1929
RichardsonCharles Franklinborn about 1888
RichardsonGuilese Geneborn about 1936
RichardsonKathrine born about 1857
RichardsonMaurice Kennethborn about 1912
RichardsonVirgelene Gborn about 1914
RinehartGerald Mborn about 1911
RinehartIda Mborn about 1920
RinehartLeo Gborn about 1937
RobertsBetty born about 1926
RobertsDelwon born about 1923
RobertsDorothy born about 1915
RobertsEsta Mborn about 1903
RobertsEula Bborn about 1933
RobertsMary born about 1892
RobertsMaston Rborn about 1900
RobertsRoland born about 1881
RobertsWalden Gborn about 1927
RobinsonA Scottyborn about 1938
RobinsonDewaine Bborn about 1935
RobinsonJohn Jborn about 1903
RobinsonLeroy born about 1896
RobinsonMae Belleborn about 1890
RobinsonMildiah Mborn about 1915
RobinsonVernon Aborn about 1939
RobinsonWilma Maeborn about 1928
RodgersArch born about 1870
RodgersErnest Eugeneborn about 1922
RodgersGuy Charlesborn about 1895
RodgersJames Bborn about 1859
RodgersMargaret Louisaeborn about 1920
RodgersMarion Charlesborn about 1924
RodgersMary Eborn about 1873
RodgersMary Elizabethborn about 1899
RodgersMary Lborn about 1861
RodgersOscar Pborn about 1897
RodockCelaus born about 1898
RodockCharles Rborn about 1923
RodockDora Aborn about 1874
RodockMary Janeborn about 1929
RodockMildred Rborn about 1903
RodockPress born about 1917
RodockRobert Hborn about 1925
RodockWilliam Eborn about 1921
RollerBertha Eborn about 1882
RollerDale Rborn about 1933
RollerFrancis Cborn about 1906
RollerRobert Bborn about 1926
RollerWilliam Fborn about 1883
RolstonJennie Eborn about 1863
RossBertha born about 1882
RossJacob Fborn about 1881
RossWilliam Harveyborn about 1907
RussellEdward born about 1908
RussellElnora born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScheurmanCarol Jborn about 1938
ScheurmanHubert Fborn about 1907
ScheurmanSarah Lborn about 1910
ScheurmanWilliam Fborn about 1935
SeldersCharles Lborn about 1928
SeuzEdith Vborn about 1915
SeuzEvelyn Lborn about 1938
SeuzWilliam Jborn about 1916
SevernsDevina born about 1854
SevernsDonald Floydborn about 1939
SevernsIda born about 1886
SevernsJohn Rborn about 1856
SevernsMargaret born about 1855
SevernsMary Evelynborn about 1913
SevernsSamuel Floydborn about 1884
SevernsShirley Annborn about 1935
SharpleyClara Vborn about 1858
ShaupEmma Elizabethborn about 1923
ShaupGlenroy born about 1875
ShaupMary Denaborn about 1886
ShaupMary Glennaborn about 1921
ShepardCharles born about 1879
ShepardDonnis born about 1924
ShepardElzena born about 1885
ShepardEsther born about 1929
ShepardEthel Mborn about 1898
ShepardHarold born about 1916
ShepardHazel Mborn about 1902
ShepardIrene born about 1923
ShepardLester born about 1929
ShepardLibbie born about 1893
ShepardLucinda born about 1920
ShepardMahala born about 1880
ShepardMarion born about 1868
ShepardRay born about 1898
ShepardStewart born about 1891
ShepardSylvester born about 1878
ShepardThomas born about 1862
ShepardVirgil born about 1897
ShepardWalter Bborn about 1934
ShermanRalph born about 1923
ShrimplinTressia Mayborn about 1899
SigmanGeorge Jborn about 1882
SigmanGladys born about 1922
SigmanHattie Mborn about 1885
SigmanJames born about 1916
SmithAnna Mborn about 1880
SmithBetty born about 1938
SmithDale Robertborn about 1938
SmithDewey Eborn about 1899
SmithEddie Lborn about 1934
SmithEdward Jr born about 1918
SmithGarnet born about 1911
SmithHazel Maryonborn about 1915
SmithJohn Tborn about 1932
SmithMalcolm Deanborn about 1939
SmithMarvin born about 1937
SmithMary born about 1939
SmithMary Aborn about 1938
SmithMelvin born about 1937
SmithMike Jborn about 1874
SmithNellie Eborn about 1910
SmithRobert Charlesborn about 1915
SmithTheodore Tborn about 1907
SmithWilliam Lborn about 1931
SnyderMyrl born about 1892
SnyderPearl Elizabethborn about 1924
SnyderWilliam Loganborn about 1884
SowersEdna Ageliaborn about 1893
SowersRoss Malenborn about 1886
SowersSarah Elnoraborn about 1870
SpaugCharles born about 1867
SpaugEffa born about 1868
SpeckmanAlbert born about 1863
SpeckmanGrover Cborn about 1885
SpeckmanHattie Lucretiaborn about 1863
SpeckmanNellie Aborn about 1885
SpenceEolia Eborn about 1898
SpenceMarylyn Rborn about 1935
SpenceRobert Cborn about 1904
StairheimHelen born about 1908
StairheimRussell Lborn about 1875
StantonJohn Loganborn about 1888
StantonKatherine born about 1888
SteffeeEdith Eborn about 1923
SteffeeMyrtle Oborn about 1886
SteffeeWilliam born about 1873
SteinesMary Elizabethborn about 1912
SteinesOliver Leeborn about 1911
StillsBeverly Jeanborn about 1927
StillsEmma born about 1872
StillsHilda born about 1896
StillsVirginia Louborn about 1923
StittsAnna Fborn about 1880
StittsAnna Graceborn about 1938
StittsMax Georgeborn about 1910
StittsMildred Louellaborn about 1917
StittsRobert Thomasborn about 1905
StockliAnna born about 1902
StockliCalvin born about 1925
StockliGertrude born about 1928
StockliOtto born about 1892
StormEmma Janeborn about 1880
StormJoseph Wborn about 1882
StoverGeorge born about 1885
StoverLena born about 1886
StricklingEdward born about 1917
StrigerAlbinas Hborn about 1879
StrigerFlorence Mborn about 1908
StrigerHattie born about 1876
StrigerLarry Lborn about 1932
StrigerLloyd Jborn about 1937
StrigerLloyd Wborn about 1910
SunkleArthur born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorFlorence born about 1911
TaylorJohn Pborn about 1872
TaylorJulia Annborn about 1933
TaylorLulu Gborn about 1876
TaylorNorma Cborn about 1937
TaylorShirley Jeanborn about 1935
TaylorSusannah born about 1855
TaylorWalter Rborn about 1908
ThacherBonnie Louborn about 1936
ThacherJack born about 1939
ThacherKenneth Jayborn about 1907
ThacherNaomi Gerturdeborn about 1911
TishElla Mborn about 1876
TishFrona Aborn about 1878
TishSamuel Gborn about 1884
TishWilliam born about 1876
TorglerAnna born about 1914
TorglerHarvey Wborn about 1913
TorglerJohnie born about 1936
TorglerRose Marieborn about 1936
TredwayAnna Fborn about 1880
TredwayEdward Eborn about 1873
TreherneMinnie born about 1874
TullossHarriett Aurillaborn about 1909

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U Surnames

UreyAda born about 1896
UreyE Rborn about 1880
UreyMaggie Cordeliaborn about 1885
UreyWesley Gborn about 1876

V Surnames

VankannelCora Ellenborn about 1877
VansickleEleanor Sborn about 1873
VansickleGeorge Eborn about 1936
VansickleSidney born about 1935
VansickleViola Hborn about 1905
VansickleWalter Dborn about 1940
VansickleWanda Fborn about 1938

W Surnames

WalkerBessie Cborn about 1882
WalkerFlorence born about 1888
WalkerJames Mborn about 1920
WalkerJames Stewartborn about 1878
WalkerPren Fborn about 1885
WallacNellie born about 1886
WardEva Mborn about 1892
WardFred born about 1887
WardMartha Mborn about 1919
WardWayne Pborn about 1922
WarrenCharles Williamborn about 1936
WarrenVerchie born about 1906
WarrenWilliam Burlborn about 1904
WatkinsPink Eborn about 1915
WatsonCharles born about 1888
WeberAry Aborn about 1864
WeilClement Jborn about 1912
WeilJoseph Fborn about 1883
WeilRose born about 1890
WeilRuth born about 1924
WelkerElbert Collinsborn about 1878
WelkerFlorence Leonaborn about 1880
WelkerGlada Ireneborn about 1906
WelkerHarry Hammondborn about 1917
WellerAgnes born about 1917
WellerAlice born about 1863
WellerBenjamin Harrisonborn about 1889
WellerDorothy Mborn about 1915
WellerDorothy Pearlborn about 1914
WellerEdward born about 1912
WellerEffie Mayborn about 1891
WellerGary Lborn about 1936
WellerGlen Rborn about 1938
WellerJacob Eborn about 1872
WellerJohn born about 1924
WellerRachael Eborn about 1884
WellerRay Eborn about 1907
WellerRobert born about 1914
WellerSamuel Aborn about 1877
WellerSamuel Mborn about 1848
WengerLillian Adeleborn about 1920
WengerRichard Frederickborn about 1916
WheelerAlex born about 1870
WheelerBetty born about 1928
WheelerMary born about 1907
WheelerMax born about 1924
WheelerRussell born about 1900
WhittemoreEva born about 1879
WhittemoreFrank Eborn about 1872
WhittmanEdward Aborn about 1903
WhittmanFlorence Eborn about 1901
WigleyLouise born about 1926
WigleyMable born about 1908
WigleyRetha born about 1930
WilhelmDavid born about 1884
WilhelmMina Mborn about 1893
WilhelmPaul Eborn about 1918
WilhelmRuth Eborn about 1930
WillardRosetta born about 1869
WilliamsBetty Ireneborn about 1925
WilliamsFred born about 1897
WilliamsGoldie born about 1898
WilliamsHarvey Glennborn about 1896
WilliamsLawrence Williamborn about 1923
WilliamsNellie Lucilleborn about 1897
WilliamsonIrwing Piottborn about 1888
WilliamsonJessie Menaborn about 1896
WilliamsonJune Evelynborn about 1921
WillisGladys Pearlborn about 1875
WillisMartha Jborn about 1852
WillisW Rborn about 1873
WillsonLeora born about 1858
WoodsElmer Eborn about 1906
WrightBonnie born about 1933
WrightCarmelia Mborn about 1919
WrightDavid Eborn about 1935
WrightDora Mborn about 1883
WrightEmma born about 1860
WrightErnest born about 1896
WrightGerald Lborn about 1938
WrightLaura born about 1913
WrightMargaret born about 1913
WrightNancy Ellenborn about 1886
WrightNaomi born about 1903
WrightNovice Dborn about 1920
WrightShirley Janetborn about 1940
WrightWalter born about 1908
WrightWilliam born about 1872
WrightWilliam Hamptonborn about 1859
WrightWilliam Jborn about 1933

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Y Surnames

YoungA Lborn about 1877
YoungAnna Sborn about 1899
YoungFremont Websterborn about 1900
YoungJulia Annborn about 1931
YoungSarah Sueborn about 1938
YoungerVivian Lborn about 1909

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