1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lafayette Township in Coshocton County, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of Lafayette Township in Coshocton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AmoreMary Tborn about 1938
AmoreRonald Leeborn about 1940
AmoreShirley Jeanborn about 1939
AmoreTherman Lborn about 1912
AmoreWilma Cborn about 1917
AnkrimSemil born about 1867
AppisGladys Mborn about 1932
AppisHarby Lborn about 1900
AppisLala Fayeborn about 1911
AppisPatty born about 1940
AppleGene born about 1933
AppleLouis born about 1869
AppleMary born about 1915
AppleWilliam born about 1909
ArcherDiana born about 1862
ArnholtCharles born about 1884
ArnholtDavid born about 1918
ArnholtEmily born about 1852
ArnholtMinnie born about 1884
ArnoldLavina Aborn about 1875
AronhaltHarvey born about 1870
AronhaltLizzie Dborn about 1868
AronhaltRobert Eborn about 1924
AshleyArtlia Eborn about 1873
AshleyGeorge Bradyborn about 1939
AshleyHane Martinborn about 1876
AshleyJosephine born about 1920
AshleyRodger Leoborn about 1900

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B Surnames

BabockHazel born about 1891
BabockSilvia born about 1888
BachmanBilly born about 1927
BachmanGerald born about 1911
BachmanHelen born about 1909
BakerBernice born about 1905
BakerHarley born about 1868
BakerJesse Wborn about 1893
BakerLian born about 1896
BakerLorain Vborn about 1896
BakerOpal Hborn about 1924
BakerVesta Tborn about 1932
BakersBessie born about 1889
BakersClarence born about 1889
BakersDale born about 1924
BakersEsther born about 1927
BakersMerle born about 1919
BakersRichard born about 1939
BakersRobert born about 1917
BakersThelma born about 1918
BarcusAda Maxineborn about 1928
BarcusCharles Dborn about 1905
BarcusCharles Dborn about 1936
BarcusE Eborn about 1890
BarcusLara Iborn about 1910
BarkerHaron Rborn about 1937
BauerCharles born about 1881
BauerChas Wborn about 1936
BauerFred born about 1912
BauerMary born about 1889
BeallEthel born about 1890
BeallLeland born about 1896
BeallRennison born about 1892
BeallZella born about 1896
BechtelAnna Lborn about 1867
BechtelCearicel Lborn about 1907
BechtelRoger Rborn about 1934
BerdsellEva born about 1869
BeringtonLilie born about 1890
BeringtonMartin born about 1868
BinningDaisy born about 1906
BinningDallas Deanborn about 1934
BinningRoy Irwinborn about 1925
BinningRoy Tborn about 1892
BissettEmma Tborn about 1902
BlackMarion Cborn about 1923
BlackMary Cborn about 1897
BlackRussel Mborn about 1893
BlairAlta born about 1890
BlairFrank born about 1902
BlairGene born about 1935
BlairJohn born about 1856
BlairJohn born about 1931
BlairLarry born about 1939
BlairRuth born about 1904
BlairWilmer born about 1891
BlindIrma born about 1890
BlindWalter born about 1889
BoldenCatherine Aborn about 1867
BontragerChas born about 1890
BontragerFred born about 1920
BontragerKathleen born about 1927
BontragerKenneth born about 1923
BontragerMarguerite born about 1894
BowerRosemary born about 1926
BradfordAlbert Tborn about 1919
BradfordIrene born about 1922
BrandMarey born about 1873
BrennenanDan born about 1908
BrennenanMary Annborn about 1939
BrennenanMildred born about 1918
BretingMaria born about 1872
BretingRachel born about 1870
BrommeBelle Mborn about 1892
BrommeBenjamin Elwoodborn about 1924
BrommeRobert Mborn about 1921
BrommeSidney Kborn about 1898
BrownAlice born about 1922
BrownBill born about 1922
BrownBlanche born about 1899
BrownE Wborn about 1872
BrownHugh born about 1891
BrownMary Aborn about 1872
BrownVirginia born about 1928
BukerRoss born about 1872

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C Surnames

CaleyCarl Shermanborn about 1926
CaleyClara Lborn about 1901
CaleyEdward Lborn about 1921
CaleyFrank Hborn about 1899
CaleyVera Mayborn about 1929
CalhorinAnna born about 1862
CanlierArthur born about 1914
CanlierDoris Eborn about 1914
CarpenterCharles Cborn about 1889
CarpenterGrover Lborn about 1921
CarpenterMarion Vborn about 1923
CarpenterMary Pborn about 1927
CarpenterRebeca Janeborn about 1891
CarrBessie born about 1869
CarrDorothy Ireneborn about 1937
CarrEdith Gborn about 1908
CarrHarriet Lborn about 1925
CarrHelen Iborn about 1923
CarrHoward Aborn about 1896
CarrJohn Hborn about 1921
CarrMary Elnorborn about 1928
CarrMary Lborn about 1902
CarrRichard Lborn about 1932
CarrRobt Lborn about 1928
CarrollBetty born about 1920
CarrollChas born about 1918
CarrollChas Jr born about 1940
CarrollMargaret Annborn about 1939
CarrollSophia born about 1849
CartleElizabeth Iborn about 1928
CartleJoe Mborn about 1927
CartleMarilyn Jborn about 1924
CartleMartha Kborn about 1897
CartleRobert born about 1895
CartleRobert B Jrborn about 1923
CaseyHazel born about 1912
CaseyMils born about 1912
CassArthur Cborn about 1909
CassPatrick born about 1930
CatonMartha Jborn about 1880
ChaseGeorge born about 1906
ChasePauline born about 1916
CherryEdgar Allenborn about 1927
CherryHelen Fborn about 1904
CherryJames Gborn about 1931
CherryLewis Samuelborn about 1939
CherryRalph Lborn about 1905
ClarkBeulah Eborn about 1890
ClarkJoe Wborn about 1866
ClarkMyrtle Vborn about 1880
ClarkSamuel born about 1877
CloughAnna born about 1892
CloughBetty Jeanborn about 1924
CloughThomas born about 1890
ConleyBerta born about 1884
ConleyLoyd born about 1885
ConocrseNatie born about 1875
CorbinJames born about 1913
CortrightEdna Maeborn about 1931
CortrightFrances born about 1922
CortrightInez born about 1900
CortrightJean born about 1927
CortrightLeland born about 1925
CortrightLester born about 1901
CountsJasper born about 1875
CourtrightBernard born about 1913
CraigLottie Eborn about 1875
CraigWilliam Mborn about 1870
CramlettEdith born about 1902
CramlettGladdys Mborn about 1926
CramlettPatricia Lborn about 1933
CramlettRussel born about 1889
CropperDorethy Pborn about 1914
CropperLorna Lborn about 1938
CrossleyLois born about 1926
CutshallBetty born about 1927
CutshallDonald born about 1930
CutshallGlenn born about 1917
CutshallJacob born about 1887
CutshallJo Annborn about 1938
CutshallLucille born about 1918
CutshallMary born about 1939
CutshallPearl born about 1934
CutshallRachel born about 1894

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D Surnames

DaughertyMarlene born about 1937
DaughertyOpal born about 1910
DaughertyWayne born about 1911
DavisFord born about 1874
DavisMary born about 1878
DayAlvin born about 1923
DayArthur born about 1924
DayClara born about 1894
DayEugene born about 1925
DayRussell born about 1895
DeiberAda Lauraborn about 1889
DeiberEdwin Lborn about 1884
DeiberMary Eborn about 1911
DickersonClara Mborn about 1903
DickersonClarence born about 1894
DickersonMary Lborn about 1929
DickersonRalph Lborn about 1921
DickersonWilliam born about 1921
DissettBrice born about 1870
DobsonJohn born about 1875
DobsonRosabelle born about 1872
DunmiceBeulah born about 1922
DuveLucille born about 1924
DyserHaisy born about 1874

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E Surnames

EatonEmma born about 1882
EmigAlice born about 1902
EmigAlvin born about 1897
EmigMary Francesborn about 1925
EmslieGordon born about 1913
EmslieVelma born about 1917
EnslilCharles Gborn about 1890
EnslilDeloris Jborn about 1919
EnslilDonald Wborn about 1930
EnslilFannie born about 1886
EnslilGlen Gborn about 1923
EnslilRoy Aborn about 1926
ErmanBert born about 1881
EsterVirginia born about 1917

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F Surnames

FelverEdgar Aborn about 1906
FelverJudith born about 1934
FelverLucille born about 1906
FelverPatricia born about 1930
FettersDoris Jeanborn about 1935
FettersHelen born about 1917
FettersJoan born about 1938
FettersLloyd born about 1910
FitzgeraldHarold born about 1914
FlemingAudrey born about 1902
FlemingClarence born about 1902
FlemingEugene born about 1924
FlemingHatrriet born about 1931
FlemingRobert born about 1926
FlemingRuth born about 1929
FosterClermont born about 1926
FosterFlora born about 1875
FosterKen Maynardborn about 1937
FosterLovella born about 1908
FosterRoy born about 1906
FretageCecil Hborn about 1927
FretageClarence born about 1902
FretageForest Mborn about 1936
FretageJene Eborn about 1932
FretageLarry Hborn about 1939
FretageMearl Rborn about 1931
FretageOpha Pborn about 1904
FretageThelma Gborn about 1929
FryFlorence born about 1903
FryRay born about 1899
FyeNettie born about 1901

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G Surnames

GeeseGrover Cborn about 1863
GeeseNan born about 1893
GeeseOlive Bborn about 1877
GeeseSheridan born about 1898
GeeseThelma born about 1921
GephartErnest born about 1916
GephartViolet born about 1921
GiffenCalvin born about 1870
GiffenDella born about 1876
GosserBonnie Jeanborn about 1936
GosserHarriette born about 1902
GosserMartin born about 1892
GosserMartin Jr born about 1934
GosserMary Margaretborn about 1931
GrantLucy Aborn about 1886
GrantNoah Jborn about 1885
GreenEllis born about 1906

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H Surnames

HackenbrachtFrank born about 1878
HackenbrachtLillian born about 1925
HackenbrachtMabel born about 1906
HackenbrachtMary born about 1928
HackenbrachtSally born about 1940
HaldermanEdwin Low Rborn about 1893
HaldermanFrank Wborn about 1935
HaldermanHazel born about 1903
HaldermanWayne Eborn about 1929
HamiltonRobert born about 1883
HamiltonVictoria born about 1890
HammerslyWauda born about 1922
HamptonBetty Ruth Hborn about 1935
HamptonBoyce Hborn about 1907
HamptonCharles Cborn about 1911
HamptonHerbert Leeborn about 1932
HamptonJohn Williamborn about 1940
HamptonLyda Pearlborn about 1909
HamptonMildred Lborn about 1912
HamptonRalph Eborn about 1936
HarrisBert born about 1882
HarrisMaggie Mborn about 1883
HarstineDonald born about 1935
HarstineHomer born about 1909
HarstineWilma born about 1910
HartcockIrene born about 1928
HartcockLetha born about 1894
HartleyAnna Leeborn about 1930
HartleyAnnie Elizabethborn about 1916
HartleyArthur Sborn about 1916
HartleyDuglas Eborn about 1883
HartleyJackie Sheldeborn about 1936
HartleyJerry Vanborn about 1938
HartleyLunde Lborn about 1882
HartleyMaggie Mborn about 1924
HartleyMary Lillianborn about 1926
HartleyWinnie Ruthborn about 1927
HaskinsElla born about 1878
HaskinsWm born about 1875
HayBertha born about 1881
HendersonAnna born about 1890
HendersonArchie Sborn about 1933
HendersonDelphia Dborn about 1920
HendersonDonald born about 1931
HendersonGeorge Aborn about 1885
HendersonRobt Bborn about 1912
HendersonRudney Mborn about 1929
HindsAmelia Gborn about 1894
HindsFrances Leroyborn about 1935
HindsLeroy Fborn about 1887
HindsMary Normaborn about 1922
HindsMirian Roeborn about 1931
HindsReta Graceborn about 1919
HockenbrachtElanor born about 1915
HockenbrachtGrace born about 1881
HockenbrachtHenry born about 1880
HockenbrachtJoe born about 1925
HockenbrachtOlive born about 1888
HockenbrachtRalph born about 1886
HockenbrachtReese born about 1917
HockenbrachtRichard born about 1921
HockenbrachtRosalie born about 1917
HockenbrachtWood born about 1922
HoffmanCharles Eborn about 1917
HoffmanVelma Pborn about 1923
HoldsworthClyde born about 1887
HoldsworthEdith born about 1909
HoldsworthGlenna born about 1911
HoldsworthHelen born about 1909
HoldsworthNolen born about 1908
HoldsworthRobt born about 1937
HolmesBernice born about 1909
HolmesErnest born about 1906
HolmesHattie born about 1873
HolmesJo Ellenborn about 1931
HolmesRobert born about 1934
HooverDelbert born about 1889
HooverMabel born about 1891
HouseholderLouis born about 1906
HouseholderLovell born about 1872
HouseholderMarilyn born about 1907
HouseholderMartha born about 1916
HouseholderRobert born about 1929

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I Surnames

InfieldAdelbert born about 1910
InfieldAlbertina born about 1877
InfieldEdward born about 1876
InfieldElizabeth born about 1876
InfieldIrma born about 1919
InghamMargaret born about 1881
InghamWm born about 1876

J Surnames

JenningsEliza Mborn about 1870
JenningsIda born about 1868
JenningsLee born about 1868
JenningsReva born about 1937
JohnsonAlice Aborn about 1866
JohnsonElwood Cborn about 1871
JohnsonLucinda born about 1875
JohnsonPeter born about 1863
JonesAgnes born about 1907
JonesBetty born about 1929
JonesHarry born about 1903
JonesRaymond born about 1926
JonesWalter born about 1925
JuhrElla born about 1858

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K Surnames

KemphCharles born about 1869
KennedyBessie born about 1910
KinnerJames Wborn about 1872
KinnerNellie Bborn about 1874
KirganKenneth Fborn about 1920
KirganMary Eborn about 1880
KirganOrville Fborn about 1862
KirganRobert Pborn about 1882
KirkPatrick Robertborn about 1903
KirkmanMary Lborn about 1890
KirkmanOvid Lborn about 1891
KiserBetty born about 1939
KiserElizabeth born about 1885
KiserJack Eborn about 1927
KiserJohn Gborn about 1886
KiserRaymond born about 1909
KiserSarah Janeborn about 1917
KiserWilliam born about 1939
KreisRose born about 1919

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L Surnames

LathamEdna Mborn about 1918
LathamWillard Cborn about 1906
LathamWillard Rborn about 1937
LawCharity Eborn about 1871
LawElmer born about 1869
LeahtellLaurilla born about 1868
LeavengoodJas Dborn about 1867
LeavengoodJesse born about 1894
LeavengoodMargaret born about 1899
LeavengoodPaula born about 1935
LeggeCharles Wborn about 1926
LeggeEugene Aborn about 1901
LeggeGerald Aborn about 1937
LeggeJane born about 1934
LeggeJohn Jborn about 1933
LeggeThelma Vborn about 1905
LeggeVirginia Jborn about 1927
LennoxMargaret born about 1871
LinardWilliam born about 1867
LindellCinderella born about 1917
LindellWalter born about 1901
LindellWalter Jr born about 1939
LindsayAubrey born about 1892
LindsayBetty born about 1922
LindsayGrace born about 1897
LindsayLois born about 1927
LittleLaura Maeborn about 1886
LittleRussell born about 1882
LoosBetty born about 1918
LoosClyde born about 1887
LoosLucretia born about 1882
LoosSusan born about 1858
LoosWayne born about 1916
LorenzGeorge born about 1936
LorenzJessie born about 1905
LorenzRaymond born about 1902
LorenzStanley born about 1939
LowerFrance born about 1869
LowerFrances born about 1872
LoweryClarence Rborn about 1899
LoweryDavis Jborn about 1873
LoweryLena Mayborn about 1897
LoweryMax Davisborn about 1921
LoweryPaul Fredrickborn about 1926
LoweryPearl Fborn about 1878
LyonsArthur born about 1908
LyonsJames born about 1862
LyonsMary Annborn about 1869

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M Surnames

MableyCarol born about 1934
MableyChas born about 1891
MableyDennis born about 1936
MableyDorothy born about 1915
MableyHarold born about 1912
MableyJudith born about 1940
MableyLucy born about 1893
MableyMary Louborn about 1934
MableyRuth born about 1927
MableyWilbur born about 1911
MagerLarry born about 1933
MagerRobert born about 1935
MagnassMargaret born about 1917
MagnassRalph born about 1913
MainesCharles Aborn about 1922
MainesClara Eborn about 1895
MainesEarl Cborn about 1886
MainesEdith Nborn about 1925
MaloneJohn born about 1891
MaloneOllie born about 1885
MarguandMabel born about 1904
MarguandMarilyn born about 1933
MarguandRalph born about 1903
MarlatIda Mayborn about 1884
MarrinEveline Mayborn about 1919
MarrinGeorge Eborn about 1877
MarrinGeorge Wborn about 1912
MarrinHarold Cborn about 1918
MarrinLuela born about 1881
MarrinMargaret born about 1922
MarrinRorella Mayborn about 1939
MartFrank born about 1905
MartRoland born about 1903
MartTheodosia born about 1862
MathewsEmma born about 1863
McCallerlerJean born about 1918
McCallisterEdward Jborn about 1876
McCallisterVernie born about 1884
McConnellEbert Rborn about 1921
McConnellJeta Jborn about 1933
McConnellLindy Eborn about 1928
McConnellNana Eborn about 1898
McConnellPaul Rborn about 1923
McConnellRussel Dborn about 1897
McConnellVestal Eborn about 1924
McCoyBill born about 1927
McCoyDonald born about 1926
McCoyMary Louborn about 1932
McCoyNona born about 1901
McCoyRobert born about 1923
McCoyRonald born about 1935
McCoyRoyal born about 1899
McCuneElizabeth born about 1860
McElfreshHelen born about 1909
McElfreshMarilyn born about 1936
McElfreshPearl born about 1906
McGregorArdith Annborn about 1939
McGregorHoward born about 1911
McGregorJean born about 1914
McGuireEdna born about 1890
McGuireFannie born about 1906
McGuireSamuel born about 1888
McKeeJohn born about 1896
McKeeMarie born about 1908
McMastersNellie born about 1907
McMastersSuie born about 1875
McMillersDoris born about 1916
McMillersMary born about 1887
McPhersonAaron Cborn about 1886
McPhersonAllie Eborn about 1890
McPhersonBarbara Janeborn about 1939
McPhersonBetty Jborn about 1928
McPhersonFrancis born about 1935
McPhersonFrank born about 1883
McPhersonLloyd Cborn about 1921
McPhersonMary Janeborn about 1930
McPhersonRussel Eborn about 1920
McPhersonSarah Louborn about 1932
McPhersonWilla born about 1900
MedleyEmma Louborn about 1938
MedleyHarold born about 1926
MedleyHoward born about 1892
MedleyJennie born about 1898
MedleyWilliam born about 1940
MillerCharles born about 1927
MillerCharlone born about 1926
MillerEmmalyn born about 1922
MillerGeneva born about 1893
MillerHattie Cborn about 1871
MillerJohn Aborn about 1871
MintierEmma born about 1853
MooreElliott born about 1880
MooreEthel born about 1881
MooreFrances born about 1923
MoranDora Leeborn about 1936
MoranRoss born about 1930
MorrisonEtta born about 1868
MotteLyman born about 1890
MrockElsie born about 1886
MrockFrank Oborn about 1885
MyersEugene Iborn about 1902
MyersJack Curtisborn about 1939
MyersLeana Mborn about 1912
MyersRonald Eborn about 1933

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N Surnames

NedhamRichard Eborn about 1917
NelsonDean Fborn about 1931
NelsonHerbert born about 1900
NelsonJacqueline born about 1939
NelsonLewis Eborn about 1911
NelsonMae born about 1898
NelsonMarion Kborn about 1918
NewellJames Iborn about 1935
NickolsAlfred born about 1928
NickolsEdith born about 1905
NickolsElanor born about 1926
NickolsJoseph born about 1904
NickolsThomas born about 1927
NobleArthur Dborn about 1915
NobleFrank born about 1888
NobleGeorge Wborn about 1906
NobleHarold born about 1914
NobleHelen born about 1939
NobleLeroy Dborn about 1916
NobleMary Eborn about 1886
NobleNellie born about 1904
NoblePearl born about 1891
NobleThomas born about 1873
NobleThomas Allenborn about 1918
NobleVincent Irvinborn about 1925
NobleViolet born about 1916
NormanAmanda born about 1863
NormanClara born about 1886
NormanFred born about 1902
NormanHarry born about 1886
NormanHelen born about 1924
NormanIsaac born about 1861
NormanNettie born about 1861
NormanRobert born about 1922
NormanRonald born about 1939
NormanThelma born about 1916

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O Surnames

OlingerBruce born about 1930
OlingerCarma Graceborn about 1928
OlingerClaude born about 1899
OlingerEva Roseborn about 1926
OlingerKeith born about 1929
OlingerMaybelle born about 1907
OneyDolly born about 1901
OneyGeorge born about 1923
OneyJames born about 1895
OneyRaymond born about 1919

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P Surnames

PapeAlice born about 1857
ParksBetty Aborn about 1923
ParksClestia Cborn about 1887
ParksFrank Wborn about 1909
ParksMargaret Jborn about 1929
ParksRuby Helenborn about 1917
ParksShirley Annborn about 1939
ParksSylvester born about 1881
ParksWinifred Lborn about 1926
PeoplesHattie born about 1878
PeoplesJohn born about 1882
PfleghardtHerman born about 1890
PfleghardtIda born about 1860
PfleghardtLouis born about 1883
PfleghardtMolly born about 1892
PhillabaumCecil born about 1921
PhillabaumDella born about 1883
PhillabaumEmma born about 1913
PhillabaumHerman born about 1911
PhillabaumJess born about 1882
PhillipsChas born about 1881
PhillipsGladys born about 1904
PhillipsLouis born about 1859
PhillipsMarion born about 1925
PhillipsMarjorie born about 1933
PhillipsRonald born about 1904
PhillipsWilliam born about 1932
PollockSarah born about 1906
PollockSarah born about 1937
PollockWm Edwborn about 1938
PollockWm Lborn about 1896
PortersBessie born about 1883
PorteusBeulah Mborn about 1889
PorteusBeulah Maryborn about 1922
PorteusDavid Bborn about 1921
PorteusFrances Eborn about 1890
PorteusHarry Mborn about 1918
PorteusHeth Mborn about 1890
PorteusLucian born about 1917
PorteusMarion Mborn about 1915
PorteusMarjorie Jborn about 1919
PorteusMary Janeborn about 1940
PorteusMathew Bborn about 1920
PorteusMatilda Janeborn about 1918
PorteusNina Daleborn about 1920
PorteusRosmary born about 1925
PorteusRoy Edwardborn about 1917
PorteusWalter born about 1925
PorteusWalter Jborn about 1886
PowellFriend born about 1890

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R Surnames

ReddickArnold born about 1920
ReddickBertha Pearlborn about 1926
ReddickMary Eborn about 1890
ReddickRichard Eborn about 1932
ReddickVoneta born about 1923
ReddickWalter Cborn about 1886
ReddickWarren born about 1938
ReedClarence born about 1916
ReedMinnie born about 1883
ReesKate born about 1863
RegulaLesta Vivianborn about 1934
RegulaLester born about 1911
RegulaMarlene born about 1932
RegulaVivian Lborn about 1913
RehardJames born about 1936
RehardPauline born about 1917
RehardWillis born about 1915
RehnerDora born about 1864
RennerAlbert born about 1867
RennerBeatrice born about 1884
RiggleEster Iborn about 1919
RiggleKatherine Hborn about 1921
RiggleMartha Eborn about 1903
RigglePaul Bborn about 1888
RippleRuth Wborn about 1905
RippleWaive Bborn about 1900
RobsonHenry Eborn about 1902
RobsonJacqueline born about 1936
RobsonLaura born about 1905
RobsonLaura Sborn about 1933
RobsonPatricia born about 1931
RoderickDarius born about 1895
RoderickJean born about 1926
RoderickLloyd born about 1922
RoderickMary born about 1895
RogersDve Fborn about 1889
RogersJack Fborn about 1920
RogersKate Lborn about 1894
RogersRobert Nborn about 1931
RutledgeArminda born about 1857

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S Surnames

SauerbreyGerald born about 1923
SauerbreyGerry born about 1939
SauerbreyMyrtle born about 1903
SauerbreyPretz Eborn about 1872
SauerbreyWayne born about 1926
SaylesAnna Wborn about 1885
SaylesWalter Aborn about 1885
ScharioGeorge Wborn about 1872
ScharioKatherine born about 1920
ScharioMary Cborn about 1875
SchererRea Eborn about 1911
SchererThelma Jborn about 1934
SchlegelAudrey Mborn about 1903
SchlegelCharles born about 1898
SchlegelJoyce Hborn about 1927
SchlegelKenneth Cborn about 1923
ScottEstora born about 1886
SeldersArletta born about 1897
SeldersDonald born about 1930
SeldersLyman born about 1895
SeldersLyman Jr born about 1924
ShaferFoy born about 1873
ShawBradley born about 1940
ShawCleon born about 1903
ShawClermont born about 1892
ShawDaisy born about 1905
ShawDoris born about 1928
ShawEffie born about 1873
ShawEverett born about 1889
ShawGladys Verneborn about 1892
ShawHarvey born about 1898
ShawJo Annborn about 1929
ShawJohn born about 1910
ShawLillian born about 1926
ShawMartha born about 1859
ShawRosalie born about 1920
ShawSaloma born about 1882
ShawSandra born about 1935
ShawVernon born about 1925
ShawVincent born about 1882
ShawWillis born about 1871
ShereClark Dborn about 1939
ShroyerAnna born about 1874
ShroyerGeorge Bborn about 1902
ShroyerIrene born about 1928
ShroyerRaymond born about 1933
ShumakerClyde born about 1906
ShumakerMartha Jeanborn about 1935
ShumakerPatricia born about 1932
ShumakerTwila born about 1928
ShumakerVirginia born about 1906
ShurtzDaisy born about 1884
ShurtzEarl Dborn about 1935
ShurtzElizabeth born about 1918
ShurtzFrank born about 1879
ShurtzGeorge Wborn about 1909
ShurtzGrover born about 1884
ShurtzHarry born about 1882
ShurtzMargaret born about 1921
ShurtzMelody born about 1931
ShurtzMyrtle born about 1891
ShurtzNerlio born about 1909
ShurtzWilliam born about 1927
SimmonsBernard born about 1922
SimmonsHomer born about 1933
SimmonsLourina born about 1896
SimmonsWanda born about 1929
SimmonsWarner born about 1893
SimsCecil born about 1912
SimsLorena born about 1915
SinclairRhoda born about 1868
SmalleyClarence born about 1898
SmalleyDonald born about 1923
SmalleyGeorge born about 1919
SmalleyLoretta born about 1900
SmalleyMary Louborn about 1932
SmalleyNancy Annborn about 1938
SmithAdrian born about 1911
SmithAlice born about 1879
SmithCarolyn born about 1913
SmithEddie born about 1933
SmithHelen born about 1913
SmithJacob born about 1863
SmithJane born about 1914
SmithJanet born about 1935
SmithJoseph born about 1911
SmithLexdia born about 1913
SmithRussell born about 1906
SnitzerMalble born about 1912
SnitzerRalah Wborn about 1913
SnyderBell born about 1865
SnyderDon born about 1926
SpringElmer born about 1909
SpringWimma born about 1922
SteffeNellie born about 1881
SteffeSeymour born about 1871
SteinElla born about 1874
SteinHenry born about 1870
SteirgleAnita born about 1892
SteirgleElanor born about 1931
StineFred Jborn about 1900
StineHenry Jr born about 1926
StineL Annaborn about 1925
StineNeva Eborn about 1903
StineNora Aliceborn about 1937
StoneDelbert born about 1872
StoneElla born about 1872
StoneJohn born about 1931
SummersLouis born about 1870
SummersRasey born about 1866
SwitzerDelbert Rborn about 1912
SwitzerMarjorie Fborn about 1934
SwitzerNellie born about 1909
SwitzerShirley born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TammerElla born about 1868
TaylorEsther born about 1897
TaylorKeith born about 1930
TaylorLorain born about 1870
TaylorLottie born about 1910
TaylorLyle born about 1921
TaylorMargery born about 1935
TaylorRhoda Estelleborn about 1873
TaylorRobert born about 1897
TaylorWayne born about 1919
ThomasClayton born about 1928
ThomasFrancis born about 1922
ThomasHelen born about 1918
ThomasLester born about 1920
ThomasWm Eborn about 1891
TrenorDorothy born about 1935
TrenorJohn Wborn about 1863
TrenorMary born about 1906
TrenorMatilda born about 1866
TrenorWilliam born about 1902
TrenorWilliam Jr born about 1928
TysingerEliza born about 1855

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValentineBetty born about 1928
VandusenFlora born about 1896
VandusenFoster born about 1896
VandusenFoster Jr born about 1922
VandusenHarold born about 1924
VandusenJoseph born about 1915
VandusenJune born about 1933
VanhornEdward born about 1930
VanhornJohn born about 1891
VanhornJohn Jr born about 1928
VanhornRichard born about 1932
VanneideshansernFred born about 1876
VanneideshansernHarriet born about 1885
VanwintleElizabeth born about 1920
VanwintleOttie born about 1885
VanwintleRalph born about 1924
VanwintleRay born about 1886
VanwintleRobert born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerSarah born about 1863
WarneBertha Rborn about 1899
WarneFrances Lborn about 1924
WarneHenry born about 1898
WarneJames Hborn about 1919
WarneLeah Dorothyborn about 1929
WarneMaurice Dborn about 1926
WatsonCarrie born about 1890
WatsonDona Jeanborn about 1936
WatsonElizabeth Lborn about 1932
WatsonFelix Aborn about 1898
WatsonHerbert born about 1905
WatsonIva Maeborn about 1905
WatsonMargie born about 1875
WeaverJennie born about 1863
WessClayton born about 1928
WessClifford born about 1939
WessElanor born about 1931
WessGertrude born about 1907
WessJean born about 1926
WessRoy born about 1907
WessRoy Cborn about 1880
WestArthur born about 1913
WestEdward Aborn about 1900
WestJohn Jborn about 1865
WestMarie born about 1905
WheelerCarolyn Gborn about 1940
WheelerCharles born about 1914
WheelerLaura Aborn about 1922
WhitensThelma born about 1910
WigginsArthur Wborn about 1903
WigginsBettie born about 1880
WigginsClara Aborn about 1933
WigginsDale born about 1916
WigginsDaniel Nborn about 1917
WigginsDonald born about 1930
WigginsElizabeth born about 1858
WigginsFearn born about 1911
WigginsHarry born about 1875
WigginsJ Everettborn about 1924
WigginsJesse born about 1883
WigginsJohn Wborn about 1928
WigginsKatherine Lborn about 1924
WigginsMargeite Lborn about 1903
WigginsPearl born about 1893
WigginsUrey Rborn about 1936
WildeArline born about 1928
WildeFreda born about 1903
WildeGlenn born about 1921
WildeMildred born about 1923
WildeRichard born about 1901
WildeThela Joyceborn about 1938
WildeVerlin born about 1931
WildeWilbur born about 1926
WolfeVelerie born about 1876
WylerEugene born about 1923
WylerLucy born about 1888
WylerVictor born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZarosClarice born about 1912
ZarosDorothy born about 1933
ZarosHelen born about 1914
ZarosJoseph born about 1907
ZarosLouis born about 1916
ZarosRosetta born about 1937
ZimmeCharles Jborn about 1884
ZimmeClyde Rborn about 1924
ZimmeGeorge Wborn about 1912
ZimmeNora Fborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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