1940 U.S. Federal Census of Linton Township, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of Linton Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AddyAudrey born about 1907
AddyGene Keithborn about 1937
AddyRalph born about 1909
AlexanderBonnie Jeanborn about 1923
AlexanderMama Dellborn about 1931
AlexanderOpal born about 1898
AlexanderRoland born about 1894
AmoreAlberta born about 1914
AmoreAnna born about 1890
AmoreCharley born about 1885
AmoreClement born about 1878
AmoreCornelius born about 1882
AmoreGeorge Wborn about 1854
AmoreGrover Cborn about 1889
AmoreJesse born about 1898
AmoreWesley born about 1908
AmosJames born about 1933
AngleBeatrice Fayborn about 1930
AngleCarl born about 1902
AngleDarrel born about 1933
AngleEdwin born about 1927
AngleFloyd born about 1904
AngleGertrude born about 1874
AngleHelen born about 1905
AngleJoseph Cborn about 1869
AngleMildred born about 1938
AngleRoberta born about 1925
AngleTacy born about 1902
AshbaughMargaret born about 1920
AshbaughShirley born about 1939
AshbaughWilliam Rborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaarsHoward born about 1920
BaarsNorma Jeanborn about 1927
BaarsRobert born about 1924
BabcockErvill born about 1910
BairEdward born about 1894
BairKathleen born about 1902
BairLinda born about 1939
BairMarlys born about 1931
BairdDale born about 1936
BairdDavid born about 1932
BairdJames born about 1904
BairdMary born about 1905
BairdSamuel born about 1908
BairdThomas born about 1938
BairdVirginia born about 1913
BakerCharles Wborn about 1853
BakerDelora born about 1899
BakerEarl born about 1931
BakerEdith born about 1906
BakerEdna born about 1907
BakerEdward born about 1928
BakerEtta born about 1891
BakerEverett born about 1902
BakerHazel born about 1929
BakerJemima born about 1872
BakerLewis born about 1867
BakerMartha born about 1864
BakerNellie born about 1885
BakerRalph born about 1925
BakerRex Oborn about 1886
BakerRoy born about 1896
BakerStanley born about 1933
BakerT Bborn about 1876
BakerWillis born about 1901
BakerZach born about 1884
BallantineMary Eborn about 1919
BantaunnJennie born about 1882
BantaunnJohn born about 1926
BantaunnM Cborn about 1883
BaridAnna born about 1876
BaridJohn born about 1906
BartonA Aborn about 1866
BellJames born about 1917
BenceJohn born about 1873
BenceJoseph born about 1870
BeyersLela born about 1924
BickleCletner born about 1929
BlayneyZelda Aborn about 1911
BodnarAlbert born about 1923
BodnarAnna born about 1901
BodnarAnna born about 1934
BodnarElizebeth born about 1927
BodnarElmer born about 1929
BodnarHelen born about 1937
BodnarJames born about 1939
BodnarLewis born about 1895
BodnarLewis born about 1921
BodnarWilma born about 1932
BordenkircherAmbrose born about 1880
BordenkircherCatherine born about 1885
BordenkircherCorinne born about 1923
BordenkircherElizebeth born about 1874
BordenkircherJesse born about 1883
BordenkircherJesse born about 1925
BordenkircherLeland born about 1926
BordenkircherMarie born about 1928
BordenkircherOrval born about 1920
BordenkircherRobert born about 1910
BordenkircherWendel born about 1870
BordenkircherWinifred born about 1877
BossetBetty born about 1939
BossetHarold born about 1938
BossetHarry born about 1918
BossetLucille born about 1917
BossetPatrica Annborn about 1937
BoyerCleteus born about 1932
BoyerFrances born about 1939
BoyerFrancis born about 1909
BoyerJesse born about 1913
BoyerJulia born about 1863
BoyerLaura born about 1892
BoyerLouise born about 1916
BoyerMary born about 1874
BoyerMary born about 1936
BoyerRichard born about 1939
BoyerRobert born about 1930
BoyerSylvester born about 1905
BoyerSyvilla born about 1912
BoyerWilliam born about 1862
BoyerWilliam born about 1934
BradfordAlice born about 1930
BradfordBetty Fayeborn about 1929
BradfordBeverly born about 1939
BradfordBobby Royborn about 1931
BradfordDorthy born about 1916
BradfordEdward born about 1931
BradfordEugene born about 1936
BradfordGoldie born about 1911
BradfordHarvey born about 1903
BradfordJohn Eborn about 1905
BradfordRoland born about 1936
BredsfordEdna born about 1899
BredsfordRoger born about 1895
BrinkCharles born about 1879
BrinkEmma born about 1877
BrinkRoy born about 1923
BukerClara born about 1897
BukerForrest born about 1922
BukerGerold born about 1919
BukerKenneth born about 1896

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C Surnames

CainesJames born about 1869
CarnesE Aborn about 1866
CarnesEdgar born about 1912
CarnesEdna born about 1919
CarnesEmma born about 1875
CarnesGlenn born about 1914
CarnesHazel born about 1900
CarnesLee Allanborn about 1939
CarnesOral born about 1899
CarrEvelyn born about 1926
CarrFlether born about 1936
CarrJohn born about 1892
CarrRosa born about 1906
ChristianEarl Eborn about 1889
ChristianEva Fborn about 1889
ChristianForrest born about 1928
ChristianMarylin born about 1923
ChristianMerle born about 1921
ClenrensErnest born about 1864
ClenrensGeorge Eborn about 1862
CognionFrancis born about 1886
CognionLoretta born about 1888
CollinsCarl Willsborn about 1932
CollinsMargaret born about 1899
CollinsWayne born about 1900
ConginoCarl born about 1937
ConginoHazel born about 1910
ConginoJames born about 1909
ConginoJunior born about 1934
ConginoRalph born about 1933
CookBirney Bborn about 1896
CookCassie born about 1894
CookCharles born about 1858
CookGeorge Evartborn about 1867
CookJean born about 1925
CookKatherine born about 1855
CookLaura born about 1872
CookVirginia born about 1923
CountrymanAlbert born about 1901
CountrymanAlbert Rborn about 1937
CountrymanGlayds born about 1922
CountrymanJung born about 1929
CountrymanMary born about 1904
CountrymanVirginia born about 1924
CowdsonNannie born about 1871
CowdsonWilliam born about 1891
CraigAnna Eborn about 1869
CraigD Oborn about 1875
CraigGeorge born about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisHerbert Gborn about 1910
DavisMildred born about 1907
DavisRobert born about 1931
DavisRuth born about 1893
DawsonHoward born about 1868
DawsonLucy Mborn about 1882
DeanBert born about 1878
DeanClara born about 1878
DeanFrancis born about 1908
DemuthOrlon born about 1934
DemuthStella born about 1898
DenAndrew Jborn about 1874
DenArch born about 1900
DenBeulah born about 1901
DenCarl born about 1932
DenCharles Wborn about 1894
DenErma born about 1926
DenForest born about 1905
DenLois born about 1925
DenLorena born about 1923
DenLorna Mayborn about 1930
DenMyron born about 1909
DenRalph born about 1898
DenRobert born about 1931
DenRuth born about 1902
DickersonDorthy born about 1920
DickersonEarl born about 1916
DolickAmbrose born about 1907
DolickCleteus born about 1902
DolickDonald born about 1936
DolickDorthy born about 1912
DolickEdward born about 1887
DolickEsquelene born about 1919
DolickGeorge born about 1932
DolickJanet born about 1929
DolickJannati born about 1938
DolickLewis born about 1858
DolickManuel born about 1899
DolickMargaret born about 1865
DolickMary born about 1903
DolickValerian Leeborn about 1939
DolickWilliam Lborn about 1927
DulingAlice born about 1890
DulingClaire born about 1900
DulingClyde born about 1899
DulingClyde Jr born about 1924
DulingEvelyn born about 1922
DulingGlenn born about 1925
DulingJean born about 1915
DulingJoseph born about 1874
DulingLenora born about 1898
DulingLenora Ireneborn about 1919
DulingLloyd born about 1935
DulingLowell born about 1924
DulingLuay Daleborn about 1926
DulingLucy born about 1877
DulingMary born about 1906
DulingMary Leeborn about 1928
DulingRoberta born about 1914
DulingWayne born about 1913
DulingWilliam born about 1889
DulingWilliam Hborn about 1930
DunfeeBelmont born about 1921
DunfeeBenna born about 1923
DunfeeLarry born about 1930
DunfeeMerl born about 1892
DunfeeMerle Jr born about 1925
DunfeeRemona born about 1927
DunfeeWaneta born about 1932
DunfeeWilliam born about 1937
DunmireBeulah Maudborn about 1920
DunmireCatherine born about 1888
DunmireDavid born about 1931
DunmireDelbert born about 1914
DunmireJunior born about 1927
DunmireLewis born about 1885
DunmireOran born about 1918
DusenberryAlma born about 1911
DusenberryEdward born about 1929
DusenberryJerry Leeborn about 1939
DusenberryJudith Lynborn about 1939
DusenberryLawrence born about 1906
DusenberryMarilyn Annborn about 1934
DusenberryVirginia born about 1937
DusenberryWalter Aborn about 1931

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E Surnames

EckelberryDoris born about 1936
EckelberryElla born about 1904
EckelberryHelen born about 1929
EckelberryMarjorie born about 1926
EckelberryOren born about 1900
EltanghamNancy born about 1857
EmlerC Sborn about 1860
EmmaKat born about 1873
EstesEmma born about 1879
EvansEdward born about 1920
EvansEugene born about 1892
EvansJanet born about 1938
EvansMargaret born about 1931
EvansMarie born about 1897
EvansRaymond born about 1922
EvansRichard born about 1924

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F Surnames

FelverJames Cborn about 1880
FelverMaude born about 1880
FelverWilliam born about 1918
FowlerAnnabelle born about 1914
FowlerEdgar born about 1907
FowlerJohn born about 1876
FowlerLloyd born about 1913
FowlerNar born about 1862
FowlerRichard born about 1932
FowlerWilfred born about 1933

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G Surnames

GallionDelbert born about 1885
GallionDonald born about 1927
GallionGuida born about 1895
GarretAlvin Eborn about 1877
GarretElsie born about 1895
GarretWalter born about 1924
GaskillHarry born about 1906
GaumerFrank born about 1878
GaumerMary born about 1879
GaumerThomas Lborn about 1930
GreeneBertha born about 1913
GreeneCharles born about 1933
GreeneHarvey Hborn about 1886
GreeneMary Ellenborn about 1935
GreenePaul born about 1939
GreenePauline born about 1939
GreeneRaymond born about 1936
GreeneRoxie born about 1885
GreeneRoy born about 1909
GreyAda born about 1915
GreyChester born about 1913
GreyJames born about 1923
GreyJanet born about 1939
GreyMarvin born about 1937
GreyRodney born about 1924
GreyWesley born about 1885
GriffithAlthea born about 1895
GriffithBilly born about 1934
GriffithEmmet born about 1923
GriffithJ Aborn about 1891
GriffithJames born about 1928
GriffithJane born about 1932
GriffithJoseph born about 1921
GriffithLovetta born about 1925
GriffithRichard born about 1930
GuiherDavid born about 1894
GuiherDavid born about 1936
GuiherEllen born about 1935
GuiherEvelyn born about 1914
GuiherJames born about 1938
GuiherMay born about 1939
GuilliamsRobert born about 1925

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H Surnames

HahnFrank born about 1882
HallFrederick born about 1927
HallGoldie born about 1903
HammersleyHarry born about 1872
HammersleyViola born about 1870
HamptonFrances born about 1889
HamptonOrlie born about 1918
HamptonWilliam born about 1881
HarboltC Aborn about 1889
HarboltCharles born about 1874
HarboltElma born about 1867
HarboltEthel born about 1892
HarboltMattie born about 1890
HarstineAmy born about 1903
HarstineHarold born about 1928
HarstineLyle born about 1932
HarstineNancy Janeborn about 1871
HarstineRaymond born about 1924
HarstineWilliam born about 1901
HaskinsCarl born about 1895
HaskinsElizebeth born about 1905
HaskinsEugene born about 1921
HayesCarroll Mborn about 1885
HayesClaude Rborn about 1917
HayesHomer born about 1927
HayesHoward born about 1921
HayesLeota born about 1920
HayesLois born about 1925
HayesMabel born about 1923
HayesNettie born about 1890
HayesPreston born about 1911
HectorJohn born about 1920
HectorMargaret born about 1916
HislopeBoyd born about 1927
HislopeClifford born about 1920
HislopeElizebeth born about 1899
HislopeHomer born about 1916
HislopeJewell born about 1930
HislopeOscar born about 1898
HootmanGroves Cborn about 1885
HouseholderAnne born about 1900
HutsonE Aborn about 1882
HutsonElizebeth Hborn about 1891
HutsonNorman Tborn about 1925

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J Surnames

JamesEdward born about 1886
JamesJames born about 1932
JamesMergie born about 1891
JamesPaul born about 1935
JamesSim born about 1935
JecmenEarnest born about 1912
JenningsBeula born about 1910
JenningsLarson born about 1904
JohnsonAl born about 1885
JohnsonDora born about 1918
JohnsonEdward born about 1872
JohnsonEdward born about 1934
JohnsonElmer born about 1895
JohnsonEmma born about 1887
JohnsonFrank born about 1901
JohnsonJ Fborn about 1857
JohnsonJacquelin born about 1936
JohnsonLewis Fborn about 1857
JohnsonMargaret born about 1907
JohnsonRaymond born about 1921
JonesArther born about 1906
JonesCharles born about 1878
JonesIvy born about 1909
JonesJohn born about 1933
JonesJunior born about 1937
JonesLola born about 1930
JonesMargaret born about 1927
JonesStella born about 1881
JonesWalter born about 1939

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K Surnames

KaserBeatrice born about 1913
KennedyAlice born about 1913
KennedyCarl born about 1934
KennedyWallis born about 1911
KinnerFrances Kborn about 1908
KinnerHarold born about 1929
KinnerJames born about 1907
KinnesDorthy born about 1907
KinnesElica born about 1937
KinnesMargaret Jeanborn about 1928
KinnesMervin born about 1936
KinnesRaymond born about 1934
KinnesRussel born about 1908
KleinMary Cborn about 1878
KleinSherman born about 1879
KreisCharles Mborn about 1881
KreisKatie born about 1885
KreisPaul born about 1920

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L Surnames

LafertyCalvin born about 1914
LafertyLawrence born about 1939
LafertyPearl born about 1917
LafertyWilliam born about 1936
LahnaCarl born about 1926
LahnaClarence born about 1921
LahnaDavid born about 1875
LahnaFrances born about 1888
LahnaGeorge born about 1917
LahnaJoseph born about 1884
LahnaMarie born about 1884
LahnaRichard born about 1924
LahnaRobert born about 1919
LahnaWilliam born about 1883
LarntzFrancis Kborn about 1918
LarntzJohn Kborn about 1888
LathemCarl born about 1927
LathemCharles born about 1889
LathemDeliaha born about 1892
LaurelMary born about 1873
LaurelS born about 1866
LawarenceIna born about 1879
LawarenceMilton born about 1876
LenardJohn Pborn about 1871
LoosCinderella born about 1901
LoosJohn born about 1893
LoosRosalie born about 1928

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M Surnames

MagnessFielding born about 1926
MagnessJay born about 1895
MagnessLevi born about 1883
MagnessMargaret born about 1896
MagnessMarilyn born about 1922
MagnessOlla born about 1882
MansillFrancis born about 1928
MansillGabel born about 1904
MansillMaryalin born about 1934
MapleAlbert born about 1873
MarkleyHazel born about 1903
MarkleyHow Ardborn about 1896
MarlettAl born about 1868
MarlettBlanche born about 1934
MarlettDave born about 1868
MarlettDenver born about 1899
MarlettEdward born about 1924
MarlettEthel born about 1901
MarlettHelen born about 1936
MarlettJennie born about 1875
MarlettJune born about 1926
MarlettMary Blancheborn about 1922
MarlettSadie born about 1880
MarlettShirley Annborn about 1939
McAllisterEileen born about 1933
McAllisterHelen born about 1901
McAllisterJohn born about 1899
McAllisterKlein born about 1930
McAllisterMaxine born about 1926
McAllisterRachel born about 1867
McClainAda born about 1871
McClainEdward Hborn about 1875
McClainGlenn born about 1913
McClainJohn born about 1918
McClainLoren born about 1922
McClainMargaret born about 1873
McClarryGeorge born about 1870
McClearyBessie born about 1865
McClearySamuel born about 1908
McCoyFlorence born about 1878
McCoyWilliam Cborn about 1873
McCuneElizebeth born about 1916
McCuneJohn Sborn about 1882
McCuneLaura born about 1863
McCuneMarchie born about 1891
McCuneRobert Lborn about 1921
McKeesLloyd born about 1891
McKeesLucy born about 1891
MinorBetty born about 1928
MinorClyde born about 1905
MinorClydie born about 1936
MinorDeloras born about 1931
MinorDonald born about 1929
MinorEther born about 1912
MinorFrances born about 1930
MinorFrank born about 1907
MinorFrankie born about 1931
MinorGeorge born about 1903
MinorJack born about 1923
MinorJames born about 1927
MinorJoyce born about 1936
MinorLawrence born about 1931
MinorMargaret born about 1909
MinorMildred born about 1905
MinorRobert born about 1928
MiskimensJohn Cborn about 1858
MiskimensLuella born about 1870
MoodyArther born about 1920
MoodyMatie born about 1897
MoodyNorman born about 1918
MoodyPaul born about 1922
MoodyPlato born about 1886

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N Surnames

NashDaisy Eborn about 1885
NashGanet Lborn about 1892

O Surnames

OdomKersie born about 1902
OdomMabel born about 1904
OdomMartha Annborn about 1929
OsbornBilly born about 1926
OsbornC Mborn about 1875
OsbornChaney born about 1925
OsbornMartha born about 1877
OsbornRoy born about 1882

P Surnames

ParksBudd born about 1929
ParksChlore born about 1923
ParksDellah born about 1925
ParksElmer born about 1927
ParksMinnie born about 1898
ParksOrville born about 1921
ParksWilliam born about 1892
PaughRoy born about 1918
PetersClarence born about 1896
PetersDorthy born about 1925
PetersEvenglon born about 1923
PetersMary Aborn about 1907
PetersMary Linborn about 1934
PetersRussel Eborn about 1929
PhilipsClarence born about 1894
PhilipsCora born about 1878
PhilipsW Bborn about 1873
PolandWilliam born about 1878
PowelsonGlayds born about 1899
PowelsonImogene born about 1928
PowelsonJoseph Rborn about 1884

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R Surnames

RandlesFred born about 1897
RandlesHomer born about 1925
RandlesMarie born about 1902
RarricCharley born about 1893
ReitlerAlbert born about 1925
ReitlerCarl born about 1899
ReitlerGeorge born about 1887
ReitlerJoan born about 1927
ReitlerMildred born about 1906
RetzlerBetty born about 1925
RetzlerFrank born about 1876
RetzlerKathaleen born about 1923
RetzlerManervia born about 1881
RiceBessie born about 1909
RiceBetty Janeborn about 1926
RiceEvengln born about 1929
RiceIva Maeborn about 1935
RiceLincoln Aborn about 1902
RichardsDewit born about 1901
RichardsJack born about 1932
RichardsJeny born about 1930
RichardsMyla Kborn about 1909
RichardsRobin born about 1927
RiegerPaul born about 1906
RoahrigAnna Louiseborn about 1924
RoahrigBertha born about 1897
RoahrigCarson born about 1880
RoahrigCharles born about 1908
RoahrigCharles born about 1934
RoahrigClarence born about 1891
RoahrigCorb born about 1904
RoahrigEldred born about 1912
RoahrigElla born about 1889
RoahrigFrancis born about 1936
RoahrigFreida born about 1923
RoahrigGerald Eborn about 1919
RoahrigHarold born about 1923
RoahrigHayden born about 1903
RoahrigHomer born about 1931
RoahrigJohn Wborn about 1917
RoahrigJunior born about 1924
RoahrigLaura Louiseborn about 1926
RoahrigLester Eborn about 1888
RoahrigLewis born about 1897
RoahrigMargaret born about 1914
RoahrigMary born about 1878
RoahrigMildred born about 1922
RoahrigNancy Eborn about 1891
RoahrigPaul born about 1938
RoahrigSarah born about 1863
RoahrigSidna born about 1878
RoahrigVirgil born about 1921
RoahrigWilliam born about 1873
RobinsonKenneth born about 1919
RobinsonMary Elizebethborn about 1918
RobinsonMarylin born about 1939
RobinsonPaul born about 1920
RollerChristina born about 1888
RollerPhilip Hborn about 1870
RollerVernie born about 1884
RollerWalter born about 1883
RoofLuther born about 1926
RoofNorma born about 1924
RoofRachel born about 1922
RoofRay born about 1889
RoofRebecca born about 1891
RossGeorge born about 1865
RossHarold born about 1930
RossLeonia born about 1904
RossRobert Iborn about 1881
RossSusie born about 1881
RubyA Jborn about 1872
RubyAda born about 1925
RubyBell born about 1869
RubyEllie born about 1863
RubyForrest born about 1917
RubyHarry born about 1928
RubyJames born about 1889
RubyJohn born about 1882
RubyLaura born about 1893
RubyLois born about 1905
RubyMary born about 1857
RubyMaude born about 1894
RubyNathen born about 1934
RubyOscar born about 1904
RubyRoy born about 1930
RubyRuey born about 1881
RubySherman born about 1900
RubyThomas born about 1865

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S Surnames

ScarborghMaggie born about 1868
ScherrerAmbrose born about 1876
ScherrerAnthony born about 1874
SchweitzerBirney born about 1921
SchweitzerEdith born about 1925
SchweitzerGeorge born about 1885
SchweitzerRosie born about 1889
SchyrockEthel born about 1905
SchyrockJean born about 1930
SchyrockMckinley born about 1894
ScottAndrew Bborn about 1910
ScottBarbra Leeborn about 1935
ScottBeverly born about 1939
ScottCharles born about 1939
ScottDonald born about 1928
ScottElsie born about 1878
ScottFlorence born about 1877
ScottHelen born about 1926
ScottJohn born about 1932
ScottMary born about 1902
ScottMary born about 1916
ScottShirley Annborn about 1934
ScottWillard born about 1903
SeidelAldoph born about 1910
SeidelMargaret born about 1912
SeidelRosella born about 1937
SeidelShirley born about 1939
ShaferRoy born about 1886
ShannonFay born about 1911
ShannonIrene born about 1938
ShannonJames born about 1936
ShannonLawrence born about 1929
ShannonMary born about 1932
ShannonRalph born about 1905
ShanyfeltCarl born about 1931
ShanyfeltClaude born about 1930
ShanyfeltGoldie born about 1893
ShanyfeltHarold born about 1934
ShanyfeltJacob born about 1926
ShanyfeltMary Aliceborn about 1927
ShanyfeltWilliam born about 1924
SharrockEffia born about 1878
SharrockFannie born about 1911
SharrockStanley born about 1875
ShotwellCharles born about 1872
ShrinesCharles born about 1930
ShrinesClara born about 1905
ShrinesE Jborn about 1899
ShrinesVernon born about 1932
ShryockIda born about 1876
ShryockWilliam born about 1873
ShurtzAnnabel born about 1927
ShurtzCharlotte Roseborn about 1932
ShurtzSamuel Lborn about 1929
SickerCarl Lborn about 1915
SickerGeorge Sborn about 1883
SickerNettie born about 1883
SickerOdeania born about 1916
SnowCharles Wborn about 1886
SnowImogene born about 1928
SnowJennie Eborn about 1886
SparksEvart Eborn about 1905
SpragueClifton born about 1876
SpragueMary born about 1877
StockumDasey Kborn about 1924
StockumEmma born about 1891
StockumGlenn born about 1930
StockumWilbert born about 1881
StoneEdna born about 1908
StoneJames born about 1933
StoneMaggie born about 1887
StonePatrica Leeborn about 1935
StoneRussel born about 1906
StoneVirginia born about 1939
StoneWilliam born about 1930
StubbsHerbert born about 1930
StubbsRaymond born about 1928
StubbsRobert born about 1896
StubbsWilliam born about 1926
SturtzArlie born about 1918
SturtzBernice born about 1914
SturtzCarl born about 1914
SturtzClara born about 1919
SturtzDoris Jeanborn about 1940
SuggettJohn born about 1906
SuggettLuella born about 1910
SuggettNorma Jeanborn about 1933
SunnyfrankAnna born about 1917
SunnyfrankCatherine born about 1935
SunnyfrankClarence born about 1914
SunnyfrankJean born about 1936
SunnyfrankLinda born about 1939
SurbaughMary Eborn about 1923

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T Surnames

TiceBilly born about 1933
TiceDavid born about 1898
TiceEster born about 1932
TiceGerald born about 1924
TiceGlaydes born about 1930
TiceHulda born about 1901
TiceMarion born about 1936
TiceWilber born about 1919
TishBlanche born about 1908
TishDale born about 1937
TishGale born about 1937
TishRussel born about 1903
TishTherman born about 1939
TysonBetty Janeborn about 1922
TysonChester born about 1918
TysonEdith born about 1884
TysonHoward born about 1913
TysonThomas Lborn about 1883

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V Surnames

VanlstynsCarl born about 1897
VanlstynsCarl born about 1925
VanlstynsCarlos born about 1925

W Surnames

WagnerGeorge born about 1891
WagnerGeorge born about 1917
WagnerGoldie born about 1895
WagnerRuth born about 1925
WaltersBessie born about 1918
WaltersBryon born about 1937
WaltersLewis born about 1911
WardenMary born about 1861
WarrenEliza born about 1922
WarrenFred born about 1910
WarrenJoan born about 1939
WatsonAnita born about 1922
WatsonJohn Wborn about 1933
WatsonWilliam Maxborn about 1916
WatsonWillis Charlesborn about 1930
WatsonWilson born about 1904
WeaverBernard born about 1903
WeaverBetty born about 1931
WeaverDoris Jeanborn about 1938
WeaverJane Annborn about 1935
WeaverMadaline born about 1902
WeaverMary Louborn about 1933
WeaverThomas born about 1932
WeaverWilliam born about 1936
WeldonRobert born about 1872
WelkerCarrie born about 1888
WelkerHildred born about 1900
WelkerIda born about 1872
WelkerJohn born about 1869
WelkerJohn born about 1886
WelkerMary Ellenborn about 1894
WelkerMelvin born about 1888
WelkerNorma born about 1922
WelkerOrrie born about 1919
WelkerRoy born about 1891
WelkerVelva born about 1920
WelkerWayne born about 1919
WertsCalvin born about 1865
WhiteEarnest born about 1906
WhiteEdith born about 1919
WhiteJames born about 1872
WhiteRichard born about 1940
WigginsAlice born about 1937
WigginsB Aborn about 1879
WigginsBertha born about 1881
WigginsBessie born about 1929
WigginsBetty Annborn about 1936
WigginsClarence born about 1910
WigginsEdward born about 1927
WigginsEthel born about 1900
WigginsJames born about 1939
WigginsLoy born about 1936
WigginsMerl born about 1902
WigginsRalph born about 1935
WigginsRuth born about 1913
WilliamsEdith born about 1911
WilliamsEugene born about 1929
WilliamsFrank born about 1912
WilliamsJohn Fborn about 1933
WilliamsMary born about 1931
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1869
WiseAnna born about 1913
WiseEarnest born about 1899
WiseMargaret born about 1931
WisemanElizebeth born about 1878
WisemanW Wborn about 1875
WoodnardBertha Eborn about 1882
WoodnardJohn Dborn about 1873
WoodwardAlice born about 1884
WoodwardCharley Wborn about 1875
WoodwardPermeila Jborn about 1872
WorkmanAmanda born about 1854
WrightGanet Lborn about 1913

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Y Surnames

YoungDonald born about 1936
YoungHarvey born about 1933
YoungSheldon born about 1903
YoungThelma born about 1907

Z Surnames

ZeaverJames Nborn about 1913

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