1940 U.S. Federal Census of Monroe Township in Coshocton County, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of Monroe Township in Coshocton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AkinsBetty Louborn about 1936
AkinsErma Mborn about 1929
AkinsErvin Lborn about 1928
AkinsJanice Iborn about 1939
AkinsKenneth Wborn about 1937
AkinsLulu Iborn about 1911
AkinsMark Wborn about 1906
AkinsUnita Fborn about 1933
AkinsWynona Mborn about 1932
AlbertsonEugene Lborn about 1929
AldermanHelen Vborn about 1911
AmesMary Hborn about 1873

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B Surnames

BechtoeFranie born about 1877
BechtoeSamuel Hborn about 1875
BechtoeVelmer Uborn about 1914
BecktolCharles Eborn about 1928
BecktolMaxine Gborn about 1924
BellBessie Lborn about 1896
BellClarence Eborn about 1890
BellJames Eborn about 1923
BerryAlpha born about 1887
BerryJunior born about 1921
BerryNoel Kborn about 1919
BerryW Herbertborn about 1888
BickelAlice Iborn about 1916
BickelByron Aborn about 1926
BickelCharles Hborn about 1893
BickelClyde Aborn about 1915
BickelIna Mborn about 1892
BickelJosiah Hborn about 1867
BickelMargaret Aborn about 1895
BickelOscar Aborn about 1890
BickelPlina born about 1893
BickelWilliam Aborn about 1892
BishopAnthony Jborn about 1888
BishopDorothy Jborn about 1922
BishopHelen Jborn about 1895
BishopRichard Aborn about 1920
BoothBertha Jborn about 1894
BoothBetty Jborn about 1928
BoothEarl Wborn about 1917
BoothElva born about 1922
BoothFloyd Eborn about 1894
BoothFrancis Mborn about 1926
BoothSarah Iborn about 1930
BoothShirley Aborn about 1934
BordenChalloner born about 1890
BordenFaye born about 1898
BordenG Marieborn about 1895
BordenGayle Fborn about 1894
BordenMary Janeborn about 1882
BordenOliver born about 1897
BordenOscar born about 1883
BordenRalph Wborn about 1895
BowersJohn Eborn about 1873
BowersMollie born about 1876
BowmanJohnnie Lborn about 1906
BowmanLinney Cborn about 1896
BoyceCharles Hborn about 1886
BoyceFrances Rborn about 1923
BoyceIva Mborn about 1892
BoycePaul Hborn about 1920
BretaLottie Dborn about 1872
BrilhartAlvin Rborn about 1911
BrilhartArlene Mborn about 1914
BrilhartJanete Rborn about 1936
BrillhartDonna Lborn about 1921
BrillhartLois Jborn about 1924
BrillhartM Nettieborn about 1881
BrillhartNora Oborn about 1880
BrillhartVictor Dborn about 1873
BrillhartWalter Oborn about 1901
BrillhartWinslow Wborn about 1871
BrushHerbert Aborn about 1871
BrushHerbert Wborn about 1898
BrushLibbie Dborn about 1875
BurrellNancy Uborn about 1931
BurrellPhoebe Dborn about 1931
BurrellRaymond Oborn about 1903
BurrellVirginia Lborn about 1906
BushFrank born about 1893
BushMary Kborn about 1934
BushRosie Sborn about 1895

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C Surnames

CahaneyOmar Kborn about 1931
CalhounWalter Lborn about 1879
CarpenterHenry born about 1868
CarpenterLulu born about 1900
CarterCarrie Eborn about 1880
CarterCharles Lborn about 1870
CarterCharles Rborn about 1936
CarterClara born about 1886
CarterFrancis Eborn about 1915
CarterHelen Mborn about 1920
CarterHilton Bborn about 1888
CarterHilton Jr born about 1923
CarterI Louiseborn about 1927
CarterJames Fborn about 1938
CarterJames Oborn about 1920
CarterJohn Cborn about 1919
CarterJohn Wborn about 1858
CarterNellie Mborn about 1903
CarterPearl born about 1881
CarterWilliam Mborn about 1864
ChadwickAva Mborn about 1911
ChadwickGrover Lborn about 1936
ChanayWalter Jborn about 1893
ChaseSam born about 1863
ClarkLenora Fborn about 1933
ClarkWendell Eborn about 1930
ConnerEmory Cborn about 1921
ConnerJ Stewartborn about 1874
ConnerOra Aborn about 1881
CooperWilbert Mborn about 1920
CroskeyDarleia Mborn about 1916
CroskeyEmily born about 1871
CroskeyHenry Wborn about 1868
CroskeyMyron Eborn about 1938
CroskeyRonald Aborn about 1935
CroskyVincent Eborn about 1914
CurtisEmma Bborn about 1881
CurtisJuston Mborn about 1911

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D Surnames

DarrAmy Roseborn about 1937
DarrDorothy Hborn about 1923
DarrJohn Wborn about 1935
DarrLouis Eborn about 1900
DarrNettie Zborn about 1901
DavidsonFloyd Nborn about 1905
DavidsonM Myrtleborn about 1903
DavidsonVida Vborn about 1895
DewittDorothy Mborn about 1931
DewittOrland Jborn about 1923
DewittOrland Wborn about 1874
DewittRosa Eborn about 1895
DewittThomas Jborn about 1921
DidingerA Pearl Cborn about 1911
DidingerDolores Rborn about 1930
DidingerFlora born about 1878
DidingerFrank born about 1867
DidingerRalph Rborn about 1903
DidingerVera Iborn about 1932
DonakerAva Mborn about 1917
DonakerCharles Eborn about 1896
DonakerEmily Bborn about 1924
DonakerI Fernborn about 1928
DonaldsonEmerson Kborn about 1912
DonaldsonLaura Lborn about 1883

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F Surnames

FarsonErnest Dborn about 1899
FeslerDwight Lborn about 1936
FeslerMildred Aborn about 1918
FeslerThoma Hborn about 1939
FisherClemmie Iborn about 1897
FisherEdward Aborn about 1894
FisherFloyd Fborn about 1900
FisherLewis Fborn about 1862
FisherLloyd Lborn about 1939
FisherLloyd Mborn about 1902
FisherMagdalena born about 1863
FisherMary Lborn about 1914
FortineGerald born about 1936
FortineJerald born about 1936
FortinePaul born about 1934
FortuneAlex born about 1876
FortuneDorothy Gborn about 1924
FortuneDorothy Jborn about 1928
FortuneElizabeth born about 1872
FortuneErnest Lborn about 1925
FortuneFlorence Eborn about 1894
FortuneFord Rborn about 1905
FortuneGeorge Eborn about 1940
FortuneGoldie Fborn about 1912
FortuneHarold Dborn about 1930
FortuneIrene Mborn about 1938
FortuneJack Wborn about 1937
FortuneJohnie Fborn about 1936
FortuneLaura Eborn about 1895
FortuneMadeline Eborn about 1934
FortuneMary Eborn about 1927
FortuneMiller Vborn about 1930
FortuneN Virginiaborn about 1922
FortuneNoble Eborn about 1891
FortunePaul Jborn about 1932
FortuneRalph Hborn about 1932
FortuneRaymond Lborn about 1929
FortuneRichard Jborn about 1931
FortuneRobert Dborn about 1929
FortuneRodger Lborn about 1940
FortuneVirginia Mborn about 1932
FortuneWallace Jborn about 1922
FortuneWard Jborn about 1910
FortuneWilbert Hborn about 1883
FortuneWilmer Fborn about 1920
FosterCharles Jr born about 1925
FosterKenneth Cborn about 1921
FosterLeona Mborn about 1902
FoxMargaret Mborn about 1860
FryAlbert Wborn about 1871
FryDavid Eborn about 1879
FryHilton born about 1888
FunkR Glennborn about 1916

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G Surnames

GrantHerman Eborn about 1903
GrantJ Thomasborn about 1873

H Surnames

HainesBessie Bborn about 1905
HainesCorbin born about 1909
HainesE Franklinborn about 1938
HainesElvie born about 1886
HainesElwood Wborn about 1881
HamerFlora Bborn about 1872
HamerFrank Eborn about 1867
HamerMartha Eborn about 1923
HamerMary Kborn about 1921
HansmontreeAllie Cborn about 1870
HansmontreeJ Oliveborn about 1873
HansmontreeRussell Sborn about 1904
HawkinsAlice Pborn about 1874
HawkinsAndrew Jborn about 1858
HawkinsDonald Dborn about 1910
HawkinsElder Hborn about 1874
HawkinsFloyd born about 1916
HawkinsHarold Sborn about 1900
HawkinsThomas born about 1914
HayansRobert Lborn about 1933
HessArminta born about 1874
HessMarjorie Jborn about 1917
HessRhea Fayeborn about 1937
HessSamuel Aborn about 1875
HessTennys Hborn about 1914
HessThomas Dborn about 1939
HuntJoan born about 1930
HunterBasil Jborn about 1891
HunterBecky Iborn about 1895
HunterDonald Dborn about 1931
HunterDorothea Aborn about 1931
HunterEdwin Mborn about 1923

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J Surnames

JacksonCharles Rborn about 1923
JacksonDonald Eborn about 1930
JacksonHoward Nborn about 1933
JacksonJosie Oborn about 1902
JacksonLaura born about 1928
JacksonVallard Pborn about 1897

K Surnames

KanuckelLouis Hborn about 1910
KanuckelOra Eborn about 1912
KaserC Doresborn about 1875
KasnerAda Vborn about 1880
KasnerDorothy Lborn about 1933
KasnerEverett Eborn about 1892
KasnerI Henryborn about 1878
KasnerIrene Bborn about 1897
KasnerJames Hborn about 1928
KasnerLawerence Gborn about 1931
KasnerRobert Eborn about 1921
KochlarGrace Vborn about 1879
KochlarRussell Cborn about 1902
KrownappleEdward Gborn about 1939
KrownappleFrances Jborn about 1916
KrownappleM Helenaborn about 1910
KrownappleMargaret Eborn about 1936
KrownappleMinnie Cborn about 1894
KrownapplePaul Aborn about 1919
KrownappleRalph born about 1905
KrownappleRay Aborn about 1893
KrownappleWalter Mborn about 1902

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L Surnames

LattimoreArtie Lborn about 1881
LattimoreFrand Eborn about 1876
LindellRobert Pborn about 1932
LingCarrie Kborn about 1907
LingFloyd Eborn about 1903
LintAlice Lborn about 1925
LintDallas Wborn about 1921
LintNellie Lborn about 1901
LintO Clarenceborn about 1900
LintWilliam Lborn about 1930
LongstrethClarence Eborn about 1938
LongstrethFrank Eborn about 1899
LongstrethJoy Bborn about 1901
LongstrethO Grantborn about 1929
LongstrethWinona Tborn about 1936
LonsingerCharles Louis Jrborn about 1924
LonsingerE Verneborn about 1891
LonsingerLee born about 1887
LoweEmmet Lborn about 1887

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M Surnames

MaceClara Bborn about 1886
MarkleyAnna born about 1872
MarkleyDorothy Mborn about 1932
MarkleyEarl Eborn about 1929
MarkleyEdith Mborn about 1903
MarkleyElvin Dborn about 1903
MarkleyIrene born about 1909
MarkleyMarcella born about 1930
MarkleyMary Graceborn about 1936
MarkleyN Josephborn about 1870
MarkleyRuth Vborn about 1928
MarkleyWillis born about 1906
MartinCharles Rborn about 1930
MartinJanet Aborn about 1932
MartinMildred Aborn about 1907
MartinVerlie Jr born about 1906
MathenyAlbert Cborn about 1881
MaxBlaine born about 1940
McClainCharles Mborn about 1899
McClainMargaret Eborn about 1916
McClainMary Aborn about 1881
McGradyClara born about 1876
McGradyDorothy Aborn about 1938
McGradyE Lethaborn about 1906
McGradyF Vaughanborn about 1928
McGradyFrances Lborn about 1914
McGradyGeorge Aborn about 1902
McGradyJ Lawrenceborn about 1932
McGradyJames born about 1870
McGradyJames Hborn about 1928
McGradyJessie Mborn about 1910
McGradyJoe Mborn about 1900
McGradyM Joanborn about 1933
McGradyPaul Aborn about 1929
McGradyRalph Lborn about 1936
McGradyRichard Vborn about 1930
McGradyRussel Vborn about 1907
McKelveyC Bernardborn about 1924
McKelveyCharles Bborn about 1894
McKelveyEllsworth born about 1892
McKelveyHarold Wborn about 1918
McKelveyLola Eborn about 1895
McKelveySusie Rborn about 1895
MohlerBetty Iborn about 1928
MohlerD Loganborn about 1885
MohlerDewain Dborn about 1932
MohlerEmmet Vborn about 1902
MohlerHazel Mborn about 1910
MohlerJack Tborn about 1930
MohlerPaul Lborn about 1926
MooreBelle Lborn about 1876
MooreBetty Iborn about 1925
MooreGene Rborn about 1932
MooreHarold Wborn about 1923
MooreJennis Pborn about 1880
MooreKenneth Wborn about 1904
MooreKenneth Jr born about 1936
MooreLarry Lborn about 1938
MooreLeonidas Hborn about 1858
MooreMary Kborn about 1906
MooreSamuel Vborn about 1873
MooreSarah Jborn about 1928
MortonCharles Bborn about 1907
MortonClarence Eborn about 1935
MortonCleva Dborn about 1938
MortonEarl Aborn about 1933
MortonEthel Mborn about 1909
MortonHarry Rborn about 1930
MortonHarvey Jborn about 1913
MortonHarvey Jr born about 1940
MortonJ Nicely`born about 1879
MortonWilliam Rborn about 1936
MulletAda Mborn about 1911
MulletCharles Iborn about 1876
MulletFloyd Aborn about 1939
MulletIda Bborn about 1875
MulletKenneth Bborn about 1913
MulletMyron Dborn about 1935
MullettBernice Mborn about 1931
MullettBetty Lborn about 1934
MullettElmore born about 1928
MullettGrace Mborn about 1882

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N Surnames

NealDenver Wborn about 1924
NealHelen Mborn about 1927
NealMelvin born about 1888
NealRussell Rborn about 1906
NealRuth Eborn about 1904
NyhartAdam Lborn about 1892
NyhartBernard Wborn about 1920
NyhartOlive Dborn about 1898

O Surnames

OxleyDerius born about 1859

P Surnames

ParkhillElvin Aborn about 1878
ParksBetty Eborn about 1924
ParksCharles Mborn about 1884
ParksDalton Cborn about 1920
ParksM Eltaborn about 1887
PhillipsJoseph Eborn about 1887
PigmanHelen Juneborn about 1932
PoormanAllen Aborn about 1934
PoormanDonald Rborn about 1931
PoormanFrancis Gborn about 1938
PoormanGifford Lborn about 1906
PoormanKenneth Rborn about 1940
PoormanMarguerite Oborn about 1936
PoormanMarie Eborn about 1900
PrestonClara Eborn about 1885
PrestonWilliam Rborn about 1885
PurdyHenry Aborn about 1885
PurdyLena Sborn about 1892

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R Surnames

RandlesCarl Dborn about 1931
RandlesClarence Aborn about 1919
RandlesEarl Eborn about 1925
RandlesFern Fborn about 1895
RandlesGlenn Eborn about 1927
RandlesIsaac Lborn about 1878
RandlesJohn Lborn about 1911
RandlesLoyd Aborn about 1894
RandlesMary Jborn about 1875
RandlesMary Jborn about 1928
RandlesNorma Jborn about 1933
RandlesOwen Aborn about 1926
ReissA Derbeyborn about 1899
ReissBarbara Cborn about 1938
ReissBeverly Eborn about 1938
ReissBlanche Iborn about 1915
ReissGloria Mborn about 1925
ReissJanet Rborn about 1934
ReissLena born about 1884
ReissLewis Bborn about 1873
ReissMildred Lborn about 1900
ReissNorma Cborn about 1929
ReissRobert Aborn about 1936
ReissRobert Lborn about 1904
ReissShannon Wborn about 1917
RennerBessie Bborn about 1892
RennerHarold Aborn about 1925
RennerSylvester Aborn about 1887
RichardsE Gilbertborn about 1932
RichardsElmo Eborn about 1934
RichardsMary Eborn about 1908
RichardsPhyllis Cborn about 1931
RichardsWilliam Iborn about 1892
RinehartClara Bborn about 1890
RinehartE Roseborn about 1921
RinehartHaarold Bborn about 1918
RinehartIngram Aborn about 1879
RinehartOrmonde Jborn about 1919
RinehartRobert Lborn about 1915
RobinsonArthur Bborn about 1917
RobinsonClifford Aborn about 1863
RobinsonEdwin born about 1888
RobinsonG Iloborn about 1892
RobinsonMargaret Eborn about 1929
RobinsonPaul Rborn about 1922
RootMarion Jborn about 1901
RothAlbert Eborn about 1888
RubleDale Rborn about 1929
RubleMax Lborn about 1940
RubleOlive Lborn about 1904
RublePaul Hborn about 1928
RubleRandolph Pborn about 1903

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S Surnames

SampselArthur Jborn about 1929
SampselBetty Jborn about 1937
SampselCarol Jborn about 1939
SampselClarence Vborn about 1903
SampselEmma Jborn about 1889
SampselEmma Lborn about 1924
SampselFern Eborn about 1927
SampselFloyd Tborn about 1932
SampselHelen Vborn about 1922
SampselJohn Dborn about 1886
SampselLela Mborn about 1912
SchonoverA Glenewoodborn about 1938
SchonoverCharles Eborn about 1928
SchonoverCharles Fborn about 1898
SchonoverFred Garretborn about 1940
SchonoverHelen Mborn about 1929
SchonoverLeroy Fborn about 1922
SchonoverLulu Maeborn about 1900
SchonoverOris Lborn about 1931
SchonoverP Lucileborn about 1926
SchonoverR Denverborn about 1936
ScottElizabeth born about 1888
ScottGilbert Dborn about 1882
ShannonAnna Cborn about 1919
ShannonDorothy Mborn about 1920
ShannonFrank Gborn about 1880
ShannonLewis Wborn about 1920
ShannonMargaret Fborn about 1889
ShannonSadie Eborn about 1880
ShannonSophia Jborn about 1905
ShearNancy Aborn about 1873
SheldonDallas born about 1886
SheldonElsie born about 1889
SheldonEvelyn Lborn about 1920
SheldonFloyd Cborn about 1912
SheldonHoward Pborn about 1910
SheldonKay Mborn about 1938
SheldonSusie Mborn about 1860
ShellhornCharity Aborn about 1908
ShellhornHarold Rborn about 1924
ShellhornPeter born about 1864
ShellhornRalph Mborn about 1929
ShellhornRmon Hborn about 1923
ShrimplinClarence Eborn about 1890
ShrimplinDonald Fborn about 1921
ShrimplinLydia Cborn about 1893
SingerDonis Hborn about 1897
SingerJohn Hborn about 1939
SingerLucy Mborn about 1920
SmithFloyd Gborn about 1919
SmithGrover Cborn about 1887
SmithRuth Gborn about 1912
SmithSylvia Mborn about 1885
SnowBlaine Sborn about 1916
SnowChatlie born about 1886
SnowClyde Kborn about 1920
SnowE Ireneborn about 1922
SnowErmmil Jborn about 1909
SnowEunice born about 1888
SnowJean Cborn about 1927
SnowJohn born about 1876
SnowJohn Henryborn about 1924
SnowM Evangelineborn about 1918
SnowVada Mborn about 1924
SnowValta Mborn about 1921
SnowWalter born about 1878
StaserAlta Mborn about 1901
StaserEdgar Cborn about 1924
StaserHanna Mborn about 1866
StaserJanice Mborn about 1926
StaserJohn Dborn about 1936
StaserLila Mborn about 1928
StaserWalter Cborn about 1898
SterrettEdith Mborn about 1916
SterrettRichard Vborn about 1936
SterrettWalter Rborn about 1918
StillElizabeth born about 1862
StillFred Wborn about 1888
StoneBetty Mborn about 1939
StoneCecelia born about 1902
StoneFrances Aborn about 1874
StoneFrancis Wborn about 1923
StoneGene Fborn about 1938
StoneGeorge Eborn about 1925
StoneIlene Fborn about 1928
StoneMary Lborn about 1931
StoneMinnie Mborn about 1934
StoneWilliam Gborn about 1901
StowersFred Hborn about 1901
StowersLouis Gborn about 1938
StowersOwen Fborn about 1927
StowersPaul Cborn about 1931
StowersSadie Jborn about 1902

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T Surnames

TateFred Wborn about 1883
TateMinnie born about 1870
TurnerAaron Aborn about 1891
TurnerMarie Aborn about 1897

U Surnames

UreyEdward Lborn about 1930
UreyGeorge Wborn about 1923
UreyJohn Cborn about 1872
UreyJohn Rborn about 1921
UreyMable Bellborn about 1901
UreyRobert Lborn about 1928

W Surnames

WeatherwaxA Lindberghborn about 1930
WeatherwaxFannie Eborn about 1927
WeatherwaxGeorge Wborn about 1925
WeatherwaxHarry born about 1886
WeatherwaxMary Mborn about 1904
WilliamsonBetty Jborn about 1922
WilliamsonM Artiemissieborn about 1866
WilliamsonRobert Aborn about 1918
WilliamsonWilliam Aborn about 1863
WilsonAline Lborn about 1919
WilsonRaymond born about 1915
WilsonWoodrow born about 1936

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Y Surnames

YoungRobert Cborn about 1919

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