1940 U.S. Federal Census of Monroeville, Huron, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Huron County > 1940 Census of Monroeville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsElizabeth born about 1870
AlbertsCharles born about 1910
AlbertsE Murrayborn about 1883
AlbertsGail born about 1887
AlexanderC Rodneyborn about 1933
AlexanderJ Jamesborn about 1925
AlexanderJoyce Eborn about 1935
AlexanderRobert Eborn about 1931
AlexanderVivian Bborn about 1902
AlexanderW Joyceborn about 1902
AndrewsFred born about 1870
AndrewsMary Elizborn about 1928
ArmstrongElmer Wborn about 1874
ArmstrongZara born about 1861
AshAlma born about 1907
AshAlverna born about 1939
AshBertha born about 1933
AshClifford born about 1925
AshJohn born about 1928
AshMerril born about 1890
AshRichard born about 1935
AshRolland born about 1938
AumillerJohn born about 1919
AusmusFrances Kborn about 1919
AusmusMarjorie Rborn about 1922

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B Surnames

BachlerClayton born about 1913
BachlerGlayds born about 1913
BachlerLadonna Jeanborn about 1936
BachlerVernon born about 1938
BachmanEd born about 1881
BackusFrank born about 1905
BackusNancy born about 1914
BarmanAlvin Cborn about 1920
BarmanEleanor Cborn about 1897
BarmanGilbert Gborn about 1926
BarmanMarcella Lborn about 1918
BarmanRaymond Jborn about 1926
BarmanRoman Aborn about 1894
BartholmewLaura born about 1869
BeckCe Vestaborn about 1901
BeckClarence Cborn about 1883
BeckClarence C Jrborn about 1922
BeckDewey born about 1899
BeckJames born about 1928
BeckPhoebe born about 1926
BeckRoy Dborn about 1924
BeckViola born about 1892
BeebeDale Lborn about 1904
BeebeRuby born about 1903
BehernsLloyd born about 1913
BehernsLouise born about 1885
BehrensGertrude Fborn about 1907
BehrensHarold Wborn about 1907
BennisAlice born about 1884
BennisJames born about 1921
BennisReuben Wborn about 1879
BergerAmeila born about 1903
BergerDonald born about 1926
BergerFrank born about 1876
BergerJacqueline born about 1939
BergerJoan born about 1936
BergerJohn born about 1902
BergerJuanita born about 1925
BergerKathleen born about 1934
BergerLillian born about 1911
BergerLois born about 1937
BergerMarguerite born about 1929
BergerNancy born about 1939
BergerRalph born about 1909
BiltonAlbert born about 1881
BiltonTillie born about 1889
BinieckAnna born about 1865
BinieckEarl born about 1904
BinieckHenry Gborn about 1862
BinieckWalter born about 1893
BleileAnna born about 1862
BleileCarl born about 1880
BleileClara born about 1883
BleileLena born about 1874
BockNorbert Lborn about 1896
BogardLenora Iborn about 1879
BoresBertha born about 1889
BoresCarl born about 1899
BoresHenry born about 1861
BoresMary born about 1866
BoresOtto born about 1889
BoresOtto Jr born about 1930
BoresPaul born about 1917
BoresRaymond born about 1905
BoresTheresa born about 1910
BoresVirginia born about 1918
BoswellMary Aborn about 1860
BramanArlene born about 1930
BramanPearl born about 1903
BramanRalph born about 1899
BramanVirginia born about 1934
BraunCaroline born about 1932
BraunIsabel born about 1914
BraunRaymond born about 1917
BraunRaymond Jr born about 1940
BringtonAllean born about 1909
BringtonWilliam born about 1901
BrownAlice born about 1929
BrownAmanda born about 1896
BrownAnthony born about 1897
BrownBarbara born about 1939
BrownEdward born about 1907
BrownLucille born about 1927
BrownMary born about 1932
BrownPeter Jborn about 1891
BrownRuth Mborn about 1895
BrownWilma Lborn about 1888
BurrerDoris Eborn about 1900
BurrerElizabeth Cborn about 1899
BurrerFrederick Hborn about 1890
BurrerIrene Jborn about 1922
BurrerJohn born about 1895
BurrerJohn Dentonborn about 1927
BurrerKatherine born about 1924
BurrerMargaret Aborn about 1928

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C Surnames

CalmerEdward born about 1922
CalmerSteven born about 1876
CampAlfred born about 1932
CampAloysius Jborn about 1891
CampEthel born about 1925
CampHarold born about 1928
CampKenneth born about 1922
CampMarilyn born about 1923
CampMay born about 1893
CampRuth born about 1924
CampTheresa born about 1930
CaroleyCharlotte born about 1918
ChampneySylvia born about 1918
CharvilleDora born about 1868
ChaseGrace Mborn about 1894
ChaseRussell Mborn about 1898
ClarkVerna Marieborn about 1932
ColdwaterLucille born about 1892
CollinsJohn Jborn about 1871
CollinsMargaret born about 1874
ConradFred Jborn about 1889
ConradTillie born about 1890
CookCaroline born about 1868
CookGrace Jborn about 1879
CookLeo Jborn about 1892
CookVictoria born about 1896
CookVirginia born about 1918
CookWilliam Jborn about 1919
CordreyJames born about 1926
CostesWilliam Cborn about 1911
CramerArlene born about 1932
CramerDonald born about 1932
CramerEmma born about 1883
CramerFrank born about 1893
CramerJacob born about 1891
CramerJanice born about 1939
CramerLeona born about 1934
CramerMary born about 1902
CramerMary Aliceborn about 1929
CramerOlivia born about 1893
CramerRobert born about 1933
CramerVirginia born about 1931
CrawfordGeorge Dborn about 1899
CurtisArthur Wborn about 1873
CurtisGrace born about 1881
CurtisSarah Eborn about 1898

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D Surnames

DavidsonWilliam born about 1862
DavisEdward Jborn about 1922
DavisHilda Aborn about 1904
DavisJames Pborn about 1876
DavisJustin Lborn about 1899
DavisLena Lborn about 1870
DavisRichard Gborn about 1926
DawsonBetty born about 1921
DawsonFlorence born about 1897
DawsonHelen born about 1926
DawsonJack born about 1923
DawsonRoscoe born about 1895
DawsonRpbert born about 1919
DehenningCatherine born about 1873
DehenningCharles born about 1867
DeirtesfeldChristine born about 1852
DeirtesfeldHelen born about 1903
DennisFaith born about 1906
DennisJacqueline born about 1925
DennisJames Dborn about 1876
DeringerGrover born about 1885
DeringerJames born about 1915
DeringerLena born about 1885
DeringerMarjorie born about 1923
DidionCamilla born about 1898
DidionClemens born about 1896
DidionClifford born about 1921
DidionDorothy born about 1912
DidionEugene born about 1920
DidionLewis born about 1924
DidionUrban born about 1909
DietrichJohn born about 1911
DietrichMarie born about 1907
DietrictFrank born about 1906
DietrictHelen born about 1927
DietrictKatherine born about 1920
DietrictLucy born about 1880
DietrictVictor Aborn about 1866
DrakeEvelyn Lborn about 1912
DrakeGeorge born about 1910
DrakeMary Lborn about 1883
DunlaveyCatherine born about 1888
DunlaveyJames born about 1872
DurandElla born about 1868
DurandMary born about 1922
DurandRay born about 1887
DurandZona born about 1894

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E Surnames

EasterlinEdward born about 1868
EasterlinElizabeth born about 1870
EasterlinGustave born about 1875
EberleyClara born about 1882
EberleyConrad Jborn about 1879
EberleyWillis born about 1911
EberlyArlene born about 1936
EberlyCharles born about 1871
EberlyFrank Jborn about 1887
EberlyGerald born about 1912
EberlyLoretta born about 1895
EberlyPatricia born about 1931
EberlyRichard born about 1921
EberlyRita born about 1921
EberlyRobert born about 1931
EberlyRosalie born about 1915
EberlyRose born about 1871
EberlyWilliam born about 1938
EbyCharles Eborn about 1928
EbyEdward Nborn about 1903
EbyRose Lborn about 1906
EgleElla born about 1881
EgleRose born about 1862
EndersAugust Cborn about 1879
EndersMatilda born about 1886
EnrightEdna Lborn about 1916
EnrightEdward Cborn about 1888
EnrightJames born about 1926
EnrightMary Mborn about 1894
EnrightPatricia Annborn about 1934
EnrightRodger born about 1930
EnsignJane born about 1919
ErfAnna Mborn about 1890
ErfBernard Oborn about 1923
ErfOtto Aborn about 1882
EvansE Nelsonborn about 1927
EvansEdwin Nborn about 1900
EvansElla born about 1908
EvansEsther Aborn about 1897
EvansHarold born about 1900
EvansIrma Mborn about 1924
EvansPaul born about 1933
EvansRachel born about 1901
EvansRaymond Mborn about 1922
EvansSundra Raeborn about 1940
EverettDonald born about 1932
EverettJohn born about 1900
EverettMarie born about 1904
EverettRay born about 1935
EverettRichard born about 1929

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F Surnames

FarleyBertha born about 1930
FarleyDolley born about 1906
FarleyJohn born about 1926
FarleyLaurence born about 1929
FarleyLuena born about 1925
FarleyMaurice born about 1904
FarleyMaurice Jr born about 1933
FarleyVerna born about 1935
FarrEmma born about 1882
FaulheberChristine born about 1896
FaulheberEarl born about 1918
FaulheberKathryn born about 1933
FaulheberRoland Aborn about 1917
FaulheberRoland Wborn about 1892
FentonElizabeth Dborn about 1916
FentonHarold Lborn about 1910
FentonWilliam Dborn about 1938
FisherEdward Jborn about 1889
FisherGerald born about 1918
FisherHomer born about 1923
FisherLaura born about 1920
FisherTheresa born about 1888
FitzAntle born about 1869
FlaggMalinda born about 1873
FortnerCleo born about 1919
FriendClara born about 1909
FriendGerald born about 1907
FriendMargaret born about 1873
FrishMary Aborn about 1867
FritzAnthony born about 1857
FritzClifford born about 1921
FritzEdna born about 1889
FritzEugene born about 1910
FritzFrank Aborn about 1880
FritzFrank Jborn about 1883
FritzJ Frankborn about 1886
FritzLouise born about 1883
FritzMarguerite born about 1917
FritzMayme born about 1879
FritzTheresa born about 1879
FritzTheresa born about 1883
FritzWalter born about 1914
FryDarwin born about 1904
FryDolores born about 1922
FryDouglas born about 1913
FryIva born about 1886
FryJerry born about 1938
FryLivanna born about 1928
FryMaria born about 1909
FryMarjorie born about 1919
FryPatricia born about 1934
FryWilliam born about 1937

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G Surnames

GabeleRuth born about 1916
GabeleStephen born about 1940
GabeleThomas Hborn about 1908
GageClifford born about 1920
GageClifford Jr born about 1938
GageEdith born about 1921
GassmanCharles born about 1853
GasteierCharles born about 1875
GasteierDouglas born about 1900
GatesEdward Gborn about 1885
GatesElizabeth Aborn about 1887
GathergoodEmma Mborn about 1892
GathergoodJohn Wborn about 1922
GathergoodMarcella Lborn about 1886
GathergoodRay born about 1888
GathergoodWilliam Jborn about 1886
GeigerCharles Fborn about 1858
GeigerMinnie born about 1866
GfulAlice born about 1934
GfulAnna born about 1878
GfulBlanche born about 1918
GfulCleora born about 1899
GfulEdward born about 1910
GfulEstelle born about 1925
GfulFred born about 1889
GfulLeona born about 1926
GfulLouis Wborn about 1884
GfulLouise born about 1920
GfulMary born about 1887
GfulMary Evelynborn about 1939
GfulMary Janeborn about 1918
GfulRalph born about 1888
GfulRalph born about 1924
GfulRaymond born about 1937
GfulRobert born about 1908
GfulRoberta Janeborn about 1939
GfulZelma born about 1917
GoodwinEtta born about 1880
GoodwinHarry born about 1905
GravenhorstJerome born about 1932
GreenJos born about 1919
GreenfelderGenevieve born about 1902
GreenfelderJames born about 1865
GreenfelderOtilia born about 1866
GregoryBurdette born about 1937
GregoryDe Elton born about 1939
GregoryHoward Dborn about 1909
GregoryMargarett Mborn about 1914
GregoryMarton Dborn about 1938
GreilichCarl born about 1876
GreilichHelen born about 1914
GreilichMary born about 1880
GreilichWalter born about 1911
GrewlickLouis born about 1905
GrewlickRosalyn born about 1907
GrossEdward Jborn about 1896
GrossHilda born about 1906
GumbertHelen born about 1918

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H Surnames

HaasDorothy born about 1899
HaasDorothy born about 1905
HaasMinnie born about 1866
HaasMinnie born about 1878
HaasWilliam Jborn about 1869
HaeuptleLeon Jborn about 1907
HaeuptleMildred Aborn about 1907
HallIvan born about 1918
HannelEva born about 1909
HannelJay Leeborn about 1909
HannelMary Louiseborn about 1937
HasbrookBetty born about 1891
HassJohn born about 1859
HaynesEva born about 1896
HayteDonna Lenborn about 1931
HayteLizzie Rborn about 1869
HeneryGlayds born about 1904
HeneryGlenn born about 1925
HeneryHarold born about 1897
HeneryHarold Jr born about 1922
HeneryJames born about 1924
HeneryJerry born about 1927
HenningerEmma Hborn about 1871
HenningerPhilipene born about 1865
HerholzerHannah born about 1864
HernerAlma born about 1898
HerrickAmanda born about 1898
HerrickHenry born about 1894
HerrickJean born about 1926
HerrickJohn born about 1858
HerrickMatilda born about 1861
HerrickPauline born about 1921
HerrickPhyllis born about 1932
HessCelia born about 1882
HessCornelius born about 1882
HessElizabeth born about 1883
HessFrancy Emilyborn about 1914
HessNellie Mborn about 1870
HessRobert Gborn about 1876
HessWilliam born about 1891
HeterHarriet Ruthborn about 1896
HetterJacob born about 1914
HetterJohn born about 1858
HetterMargaret born about 1878
HettieCarrie born about 1872
HeymanAlma born about 1896
HeymanAugusta Aborn about 1882
HeymanB Louisborn about 1923
HeymanCalvin born about 1887
HeymanClare born about 1859
HeymanDelbert born about 1926
HeymanGotthold born about 1884
HeymanHarold Aborn about 1902
HeymanJames born about 1931
HeymanKenneth born about 1914
HeymanLouise born about 1935
HeymanLydia Eborn about 1882
HeymanMary born about 1900
HeymanMary born about 1915
HeymanPerry born about 1901
HeymanRose born about 1892
HillAnna born about 1878
HillGeorge Cborn about 1880
HillsonAlma born about 1919
HillsonCharles Tborn about 1887
HillsonClara born about 1887
HillsonGilbert born about 1923
HillsonJames born about 1927
HillsonMelvin born about 1917
HiltzHelen born about 1885
HiltzSteve born about 1875
HindleyJames Mborn about 1906
HindleyMartin Lborn about 1870
HindleyMyrtle Mborn about 1877
HissAnna Aborn about 1874
HofacherCatherine born about 1927
HofacherJohn born about 1929
HofacherLoretta born about 1904
HofacherMartin born about 1899
HofacherRobert born about 1933
HofacherThomas born about 1936
HohlerNellie born about 1867
HollowayMyrtle born about 1883
HollowayWarren Dborn about 1883
HornEunice born about 1889
HornJames Pborn about 1914
HornLouise born about 1917
HornPhilip born about 1887
HoukDulla born about 1891
HoukEdwin born about 1915
HoukErnest born about 1871
HoukMary Louiseborn about 1923
HowardBertieb born about 1877
HowardCatherine born about 1882
HowardRichard born about 1877
HutherJane born about 1880
HutherJohn born about 1878

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J Surnames

JacksonJames Eborn about 1874
JacksonLessie born about 1875
JacobsChester born about 1899
JacobsFlorence born about 1921
JacobsGeorge born about 1919
JacobsGlenn born about 1931
JacobsJoinette born about 1902
JakesArlene born about 1918
JakesGordon born about 1918
JakesJoanne born about 1939
JardinJohn Carlborn about 1899
JardinMarian born about 1899
JardinWilliam born about 1926
JewellJosephine born about 1872
JohnstonEdith Lborn about 1887
JohnstonJ Robertborn about 1929
JohnstonThomas born about 1879
JohnstonThomas Jborn about 1922
JonesEdith born about 1896
JonesErnest born about 1894
JonesHarry Cborn about 1867
JoyceBernard born about 1910
JumpBetty born about 1925
JumpFrieda born about 1902
JumpJohn born about 1930
JumpLois born about 1926
JumpMax born about 1927
JumpRuby Annborn about 1932
JumpWarren Jborn about 1903
JumpWarren Lynnborn about 1928

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K Surnames

KelloggM Leeborn about 1881
KelloggMinnie born about 1877
KerrDewey born about 1920
KerrGrace born about 1898
KerrRobert born about 1897
KerrThomas born about 1923
KesslerJacob Jborn about 1881
KesslerLaura born about 1881
KleinknechtEmma born about 1870
KlineEstelle born about 1890
KlineJeanette born about 1923
KlinePortland born about 1887
KlineWilford born about 1926
KnollJessie born about 1867
KoshJoseph born about 1924
KrayMary Bborn about 1897
KreiderMabel Gborn about 1875
KrissDorothy born about 1939
KrissLeona born about 1908
KrissMary born about 1929
KrissMelvin born about 1903
KuntzmanJohn born about 1892

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L Surnames

LarsonGrace Eborn about 1909
LarsonHarry Cborn about 1900
LarsonJudith Aborn about 1939
LarsonPeter Eborn about 1938
LaschClarence born about 1906
LaschIvan born about 1933
LaschJames born about 1939
LaschKatherine born about 1915
LaschNorma born about 1905
LaschRobert born about 1935
LaschWalter born about 1907
LathamDavid born about 1936
LathamDorothy born about 1916
LathamGuy born about 1911
LaweryClarence Jborn about 1871
LaweryEmma Cborn about 1873
LeberEda born about 1898
LeberLester born about 1917
LeberPaul born about 1921
LeberPhilip Jr born about 1895
LeberRichard born about 1931
LeeAnna Maryborn about 1888
LeeDorothy Mborn about 1933
LeeHoward Wborn about 1908
LeeJames Rborn about 1906
LeeLucille Mborn about 1917
LeeMildred born about 1908
LeeRobert born about 1930
LeeRuth born about 1904
LeeVirginia Mborn about 1939
LeebenElizabeth born about 1867
LeekJ Le Royborn about 1902
LeekKaren born about 1940
LeekKathryn born about 1907
LeekPhilip Hborn about 1932
LehnertAlbert born about 1891
LehnertKatherine born about 1895
LehnertLowell born about 1922
LehnertNelson born about 1924
LeibyJuanita born about 1904
LeibyLucy born about 1873
LeisFrances born about 1917
LeisHoward born about 1913
LeisMary Francesborn about 1939
LelandAddie Rborn about 1877
LepelyEleanora born about 1924
LepelyEssa born about 1903
LepelyJohn born about 1930
LepelyJohn Dborn about 1899
LettsF Lelia Lborn about 1902
LewisGlaydwyn Lborn about 1906
LieberArthur born about 1898
LieberClarence born about 1894
LieberClifford born about 1910
LieberElizabeth born about 1872
LieberJuanita born about 1912
LieberKarl Lborn about 1866
LiebesEdna born about 1916
LiebesGrace born about 1891
LiebesGustaves born about 1890
LinderLena born about 1888
LinkHelene born about 1859
LinkOlive born about 1897
LinkViola Cborn about 1902
LonzCaroline born about 1877
LonzFred Gborn about 1874
LonzNelson born about 1916
LordCharles Bborn about 1880
LordClayton born about 1910
LordElizabeth born about 1885
LordHilda born about 1921
LoseyJanes born about 1939
LoseyJohn Hborn about 1901
LoseyJohn Rborn about 1935
LoseyMargaret born about 1907
LoseyMarjorie born about 1933
LoseyRuth born about 1928
LoseyThomas Eborn about 1850

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M Surnames

MaddoxMabel born about 1897
MaibergerTeresa born about 1867
MarguartDoris born about 1917
MarguisAda born about 1873
MartinBetty Janeborn about 1919
MartinJames Aborn about 1875
MartinJennie Jborn about 1886
MartinMargaret Eborn about 1888
MartinWilliam Cborn about 1884
MasonHarry born about 1868
MasonStella Sborn about 1879
MastNellie born about 1876
MayerAmanda Eborn about 1893
MayerHenry Dborn about 1878
MaynardCharlotte born about 1899
MaynardEthel born about 1927
MaynardFrancis born about 1901
MaynardFrancis born about 1925
McChesneyAnna Vborn about 1895
McChesneyHarold born about 1896
McChesneyMarjorie Jborn about 1928
McCordLouise Bborn about 1882
McCordRalph E Jrborn about 1922
McCordWilliam Jborn about 1920
McMahonEleanor born about 1889
McMahonGeorge Jborn about 1886
McMahonJohn born about 1919
McMahonMary Iborn about 1917
MehringBernard born about 1868
MehringWallace born about 1905
MenchAlwilda born about 1904
MenchElmer Eborn about 1867
MenchJohn Elderborn about 1938
MenchWaldo born about 1902
MeyerAlayisus born about 1931
MeyerAlbert Bborn about 1901
MeyerAlbert Jr born about 1938
MeyerAmbrose born about 1924
MeyerBernadette born about 1935
MeyerDorothy born about 1930
MeyerElmer born about 1926
MeyerEmil born about 1891
MeyerJessie born about 1894
MeyerLeo born about 1922
MeyerLouann born about 1928
MeyerLucy born about 1900
MeyerMarie born about 1933
MeyerMary Eborn about 1905
MeyerPaul born about 1859
MeyerRalph born about 1898
MeyerRosie born about 1865
MeyersAnna born about 1886
MeyersLawrence born about 1875
MeyersRaymond born about 1907
MeyersRose born about 1874
MeyersRose born about 1880
MihalekAgnes born about 1931
MihalekAlbert born about 1926
MihalekAnna born about 1905
MihalekAnna born about 1929
MihalekDolores born about 1933
MihalekElizabeth born about 1924
MihalekRose Maryborn about 1938
MihalekValentine born about 1897
MilhauptCecilia born about 1884
MilhauptCharles born about 1874
MilhauptGertrude born about 1880
MilhauptJohn born about 1886
MilhauptTeresa born about 1889
MillerArthur Mborn about 1916
MillerBessie born about 1885
MillerBurton born about 1921
MillerClarence Aborn about 1894
MillerDward Eborn about 1920
MillerEl Janetteborn about 1913
MillerElizabeth born about 1867
MillerEugene born about 1939
MillerGeorge born about 1888
MillerGlayds born about 1924
MillerHenry born about 1860
MillerIda born about 1893
MillerLeonard born about 1920
MillerLouis Jborn about 1883
MillerLouise born about 1885
MillerMarcella born about 1916
MillerMarjorie born about 1916
MillerMary Janeborn about 1927
MillerOra born about 1884
MillerPearl Lborn about 1898
MillerSamuel Fborn about 1879
MillerWilbur born about 1913
MillisClauncey born about 1890
MillisCora born about 1870
MillisIrene born about 1910
MillisJohn born about 1909
MillisNora born about 1892
MillisRobert born about 1929
MinadeoRichard born about 1929
MissigMary born about 1880
MissigRose born about 1922
MoodyForrest born about 1871
MoodyPluma born about 1870
MooreEarl Wborn about 1910
MooreMildred Lborn about 1916
MooreRichard Eborn about 1938
MoreheadLorston born about 1900
MorserAnna born about 1892
MorserRoss born about 1918
MurphyCharles born about 1925
MurphyDominica born about 1893
MurphyThos Eborn about 1892
MushetAletha born about 1912
MushetClifford born about 1906
MushetGlenn Aborn about 1939
MushetVernn born about 1931
MushettFrank born about 1864
MushettLeonard born about 1898
MushettMary born about 1875
MuskettAnna born about 1875
MuskettEdward born about 1872
MyersCarl Jborn about 1908
MyersDonald Cborn about 1936
MyersMary Jborn about 1912
MyersRichard Cborn about 1937

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N Surnames

NagleEdward born about 1866
NeedhamEarl born about 1895
NickoliLeona born about 1903
NicoliDale born about 1924
NiemanEmery born about 1897
NiemanLeola born about 1924
NiemanLeonora born about 1898
NuhnFrances born about 1919
NuhnRalph born about 1916
NyeForrest born about 1893

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O Surnames

ObertHarold born about 1899
ObertLeo born about 1904
ObertMary born about 1864
ObertMildred born about 1901
ObringerJohn born about 1906
ObringerLoretta born about 1911
OdonnellFrancis born about 1920
OdonnellLouise born about 1923
OliverMargaret Jborn about 1913

P Surnames

PalmerLydia born about 1873
PalmerSamuel Jborn about 1875
PalmersHomer born about 1918
PalmersMildred born about 1920
PancoastElla born about 1885
PancoastRaymond Fborn about 1884
PancoastRobert born about 1918
PapworthEmma Eborn about 1871
ParkerGeorge born about 1874
PavkaAlbert Jamesborn about 1937
PavkaAnna born about 1917
PavkaFrances born about 1887
PavkaJohn born about 1914
PawleyClarence Lborn about 1881
PawleyHomer born about 1910
PawleyJane born about 1913
PawleyMary Sborn about 1880
PolandDorothy born about 1912
PolandGilbert born about 1909
PolandRobert born about 1939
PolandRonald Jborn about 1934
PondLois born about 1918
PowleyBenjamin Jborn about 1879
PowleyCarl Wborn about 1911
PowleyLudwina born about 1913
PowleyMargaret born about 1910
PowleyMary Rborn about 1882
PrentiasCatherine born about 1861
PrentiasEdith born about 1877
PrentiasEmily born about 1875
PrentissEtta Aborn about 1861
PringeEdwin Eborn about 1904
PringeGertrude born about 1939
PringeHazel Eborn about 1907
PringeRachel born about 1940
PringeRichard born about 1933

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Q Surnames

QuilterDonald born about 1935
QuilterHenry Hborn about 1903
QuilterHenry H Jrborn about 1933
QuilterMary Ellenborn about 1929
QuilterOlive Mborn about 1902

R Surnames

RaddonRobert born about 1863
RahrigClarence born about 1925
RahrigEdward Pborn about 1891
RahrigEugene born about 1921
RahrigMary Rborn about 1892
RahrigMelvin born about 1923
ReamCatherine born about 1878
ReamRollin born about 1880
ReserDavid Aborn about 1938
ReserRichard Fborn about 1909
ReserRichard Rborn about 1931
ReserRuth Bborn about 1908
RhoadesDorothy born about 1913
RhoadesHarold born about 1908
RhoadesJoann born about 1936
RhoadesJohn born about 1932
RichardsBetty Janeborn about 1927
RichardsClara Lborn about 1894
RichterAnna Jborn about 1880
RichterJohn Jborn about 1880
RiegglenCharles Dborn about 1874
RiggsGeorge born about 1854
RiggsGrace Mborn about 1883
RiggsJohn born about 1900
RiggsLydia Jborn about 1856
RockElizabeth born about 1929
RockEva born about 1900
RockLaurence born about 1899
RockRichard born about 1927
RockSusan born about 1867
RolderCharles Aborn about 1905
RolderHilda born about 1904
RolderNorman born about 1937
RoseDonald born about 1924
RoseIrene born about 1935
RoseLouise born about 1900
RoseRalph born about 1898
RoseRobert born about 1929
RoseVirginia born about 1925
RosswurmEarl Wborn about 1897
RosswurmElsie born about 1910
RosswurmLouis born about 1874
RosswurmRuth born about 1939
RoushWalter born about 1904
RuessBeverley born about 1940
RuessJames born about 1938
RuessMarguerite born about 1913
RuessMarlene born about 1936
RuessRaymond born about 1909
RuoffErnest born about 1868
RuppCatherine born about 1917
RuppClayton born about 1915
RuppDolores born about 1920
RuppJohn born about 1872
RuppMarjorie born about 1922
RuppMary Eborn about 1881
RuppRebecca born about 1868
RuppSimon born about 1866
RuppThalia born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaboJean born about 1920
SalisburyKenneth Gborn about 1925
SalisburySarah Aborn about 1904
SalisburyWilliam born about 1889
SanginesSarah born about 1869
SayersAlbert born about 1891
SayersGeorge born about 1894
SayersMelvin Jborn about 1867
SayersMinnie born about 1869
SayersRichard Dborn about 1917
ScantonMargaret Eborn about 1872
ScardAlbert born about 1863
ScardMarie born about 1865
ScardWalter born about 1890
SchaefferCarl born about 1898
SchaefferCarl Jr born about 1930
SchaefferDolores born about 1921
SchaefferEleanora born about 1923
SchaefferEugene born about 1931
SchaefferM Ruthborn about 1911
SchaefferMartha born about 1897
SchaefferMary born about 1873
SchaefferMary born about 1920
SchaefferMildred born about 1925
SchaefferPaul born about 1927
SchaefferRose Maryborn about 1936
SchaefferVincent born about 1932
ScharfDonald born about 1931
ScharfEdgar born about 1924
ScharfEmma Hborn about 1896
ScharfHenry Jborn about 1892
ScharfMonica born about 1934
ScheidAlbert born about 1869
ScheidArnold Nborn about 1903
ScheidArthur Jborn about 1888
ScheidDoris born about 1904
ScheidEdwin born about 1892
ScheidElden born about 1926
ScheidGeorge born about 1883
ScheidGeorge born about 1933
ScheidGlayds born about 1907
ScheidHenrietta born about 1861
ScheidKatherine born about 1870
ScheidLorene born about 1928
ScheidMarilyn born about 1931
ScheidMarlene born about 1935
ScheidNaomi born about 1904
ScheidOlive born about 1899
ScheidRalph born about 1892
ScheidRobert born about 1940
ScheidRoger born about 1937
ScheidRonald born about 1935
ScheidRose born about 1875
ScheidWilliam Fborn about 1905
SchibleyRichard born about 1933
SchibleyRuth born about 1929
SchibleyThayraza born about 1903
SchibleyWilbur born about 1899
SchibleyWilliam born about 1931
SchiegEvelyn born about 1916
SchiegMelvin born about 1913
SchiegRoger Fborn about 1938
SchiegSally born about 1936
SchmidtJacob born about 1860
SchmidtJeanette born about 1863
SchmidtMary Kborn about 1865
SchmitzGerhard Mborn about 1881
SchneeBeverley born about 1936
SchneeClara born about 1909
SchneeDale born about 1932
SchneeLeigh born about 1903
SchneiderEdward Jborn about 1887
SchneiderEileen Aborn about 1926
SchneiderEmma born about 1886
SchneiderFred Pborn about 1878
SchneiderLydia Cborn about 1883
SchneiderMary born about 1870
SchneiderOlin Eborn about 1922
SchneiderViola Cborn about 1924
SchnellGeorge born about 1886
SchnurrCatherine born about 1860
SchugAlbert born about 1889
SchugArthur born about 1894
SchugArthur born about 1921
SchugEthel born about 1897
SchugHarriet born about 1928
SchugMary born about 1895
SchugMary born about 1923
SchugRobert born about 1929
SchugWilliam born about 1925
SeamanAlice Lborn about 1883
SeamanReginald born about 1888
SeardFlora born about 1863
SeefElizabeth born about 1939
SeefFred born about 1876
SeefHelena born about 1916
SeefJane Aborn about 1938
SeefKatherine born about 1937
SeefLillian Iborn about 1902
SeefMaurice born about 1899
SeefRobert Rborn about 1940
SeefThelma born about 1898
SeelyDoris born about 1906
SeelyForrest born about 1901
SeibelElla Kborn about 1893
SeibelFlora born about 1895
SeitzAlfred born about 1906
SeitzDora born about 1903
SeitzMargaret born about 1925
SetzlerHenry born about 1872
ShermanCatherine born about 1900
ShermanWilliam born about 1888
ShreetHoward born about 1890
SieselMike born about 1865
SieselMinnie born about 1870
SietzCatherine born about 1874
SietzClifford born about 1905
SimonArlene born about 1927
SimonDonald born about 1934
SimonEstella Rborn about 1897
SimonGeorge born about 1868
SimonHelen born about 1905
SimonRobert born about 1930
SimonRoman Dborn about 1898
SimonRosalie born about 1871
SitterlyBernice born about 1918
SitterlyClarence Jborn about 1913
SitterlyFrances born about 1937
SitterlyHelen born about 1939
SitterlyRuth born about 1938
SkiltonHenry Aborn about 1906
SkiltonJulia Aborn about 1919
SlmmonsL born about 1868
SlmmonsMargaret born about 1870
SmithAlfred born about 1910
SmithBetty born about 1934
SmithBeverly born about 1936
SmithCharles Lborn about 1863
SmithDaisy born about 1906
SmithDonald born about 1926
SmithDorothy born about 1918
SmithElizabeth born about 1926
SmithElmer born about 1921
SmithEthel Lborn about 1886
SmithFrances born about 1913
SmithGuy born about 1889
SmithGuy Jr born about 1928
SmithJ Duaneborn about 1913
SmithKatie born about 1895
SmithLee Eborn about 1891
SmithLois born about 1921
SmithLouis born about 1882
SmithLyle born about 1931
SmithMary born about 1888
SmithMary Vborn about 1884
SmithNorman born about 1938
SmithPaul born about 1915
SmithPauline born about 1937
SmithRobert born about 1921
SmithRobert Leeborn about 1918
SmithWatt born about 1907
SparksHoward Cborn about 1908
SparksHoward Jborn about 1936
SparksMary Eborn about 1911
SparksRonald Leeborn about 1939
SpeckerChristine born about 1854
SprauAlice born about 1926
SprauCharles born about 1901
StatzCarl Aborn about 1899
StatzIrene born about 1898
StatzJohn Lborn about 1925
StatzMargaret born about 1922
SteinAdolph Wborn about 1887
SteinCora born about 1890
SteinDoris born about 1926
SteinEdgar born about 1923
SteinHelen born about 1930
SteinVerneita born about 1921
StevensArthur born about 1889
StevensGrace born about 1899
StevensLena born about 1866
StevensMatilda born about 1865
StewartAllene born about 1929
StewartDennis born about 1918
StewartDonna born about 1927
StewartEdith born about 1916
StewartEugene born about 1933
StewartFayhelle born about 1933
StewartFloetta born about 1933
StewartForrest Leeborn about 1933
StewartLois born about 1934
StewartLouis born about 1934
StewartMarjorie born about 1916
StewartVirginia born about 1924
StewartVivian born about 1922
StockmasterDamane born about 1916
StockmasterDonald born about 1935
StockmasterHerman born about 1912
StolzAmanda Eborn about 1895
StolzEdgar Lborn about 1892
StolzHarold Jborn about 1903
StolzLewis Eborn about 1921
StolzMarian Gborn about 1903
StonerDonna Maeborn about 1939
StonerFloyd born about 1892
StonerMarie born about 1902
StowerAnna born about 1872
StowerGeorge born about 1861
StowerIla born about 1915
StrackJulia born about 1889
StrackOscar Wborn about 1885
StrimpfelClara Mborn about 1909
StrimpfelLouis Bborn about 1908
StrubCharles Jborn about 1876
StrubClara Lborn about 1888
StrubMinnie born about 1855
SueMargaret born about 1911
SueMarlin born about 1907
SuePhyllis born about 1935
SulysEdward born about 1874
SulysPearl born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorColetta Aborn about 1895
TaylorMary Annborn about 1851
TaylorRalph Mborn about 1894
TaylorRobert Jborn about 1922
TaylorRose Mborn about 1863
TaylorRosemary born about 1930
ThomasAnna Mborn about 1880
TrumanAlma born about 1892
TrumanErnest born about 1888
TylerBetty born about 1918
TylerCarl Bborn about 1889
TylerCharles born about 1920
TylerClara born about 1928
TylerFrances born about 1869
TylerGertrude born about 1893
TylerJames born about 1917
TylerMargaret born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UeblerCarlos born about 1936
UeblerDolores born about 1938
UeblerElmo born about 1914
UeblerJay born about 1939
UeblerPauline born about 1910
UeblerVirginia born about 1935

V Surnames

VanhornDonald Gborn about 1894
VanhornGeorge Gborn about 1858
VanhornMatilda Jborn about 1862
VanhornMildred Rborn about 1895
VanhornVirginia born about 1932

W Surnames

WagnerGeorge born about 1856
WagnerMinnie born about 1862
WalterH Richardborn about 1928
WalterHarlin Lborn about 1906
WalterLydia born about 1907
WalterMargaret born about 1932
WaltersKatherine born about 1862
WanglerNancy born about 1938
WanglerRalph born about 1913
WanglerSusan born about 1939
WanglerViola born about 1913
WeberElizabeth born about 1864
WeberLizzie born about 1872
WeberWilliam born about 1861
WechterAnthony born about 1912
WechterJames born about 1940
WechterMargaret born about 1912
WechterRichard born about 1939
WeilerIsadore born about 1918
WeisMarcus Lborn about 1870
WeisTheresa born about 1870
WetzelFred born about 1873
WetzelRose born about 1880
WhippEdna born about 1905
WhippJanice born about 1936
WhiteAlbert born about 1879
WhiteMiriam born about 1876
WilhelmAlma born about 1912
WilhelmCharles born about 1920
WilhelmJohn Cborn about 1874
WilhelmKathryn born about 1922
WilhelmLucy Mborn about 1879
WilhelmMary born about 1918
WilhelmMelvin born about 1916
WilhelmRonald born about 1939
WilhelmVernon born about 1907
WilliamsAnna born about 1900
WilliamsElizabeth Aborn about 1939
WilliamsGeorge Rborn about 1895
WilliamsGrant Cborn about 1866
WilliamsHilda Eborn about 1909
WilliamsI Celborn about 1898
WilliamsNicholas born about 1897
WilliamsOwen Jborn about 1901
WilliamsRalph Oborn about 1935
WilliamsRebecca born about 1874
WilliamsWilliam born about 1920
WilsonAlvin born about 1905
WilsonClifford born about 1932
WilsonRuby born about 1912
WindEleanor Eborn about 1916
WiseAlbin born about 1905
WiseDorothy born about 1908
WitterBetty born about 1929
WitterDarwin born about 1903
WitterIrma born about 1936
WitterJimmy born about 1937
WitterJosephine born about 1907
WitterLois born about 1932
WitterMarilyn born about 1934
WobbeCleona born about 1922
WobbeVirgil born about 1916
WuebkerEvelyn born about 1921
WuebkerFlorence born about 1910
WuebkerFred born about 1883
WuebkerOlga born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YinglingJulia born about 1872
YinglingMary born about 1867
YontzCarrie Belleborn about 1920
YontzEdward born about 1919

Z Surnames

ZieglerEdith Lborn about 1890
ZieglerIra Wborn about 1890
ZipfelCarole Fborn about 1907
ZipfelClarence Hborn about 1884
ZipfelElizabeth born about 1871
ZipfelJennie born about 1865
ZipfelJohn Aborn about 1869
ZipfelJosephine Cborn about 1885
ZipfelPaul Aborn about 1905
ZipfelThomas born about 1928
ZwayerMary Lborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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