1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pike Township in Coshocton County, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of Pike Township in Coshocton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AfineAddie Aborn about 1860
AfineJohn Hborn about 1864
AndersonBlanch born about 1884
AndersonCancy born about 1904
AndersonClark Sborn about 1906
AndersonDoris Iborn about 1931
AndersonFredrick Mborn about 1937
AndersonFreeman Bborn about 1877
AndersonHerbert born about 1885
AndersonJustine Vborn about 1935
AndersonKenneth Eborn about 1909
AndersonLawrence Aborn about 1903
AndersonMary born about 1883
AndersonMary Fborn about 1913
AndersonMilton born about 1883
AndersonOra Fborn about 1879
AndersonRuth Cborn about 1911
AndersonTugle Lborn about 1932
AndersonVirgil Bborn about 1913
AndersonWilliam Eborn about 1934
AndersonWilma born about 1923
AsgcraftArthur born about 1924
AsgcraftMary Pborn about 1896
AsgcraftRussel Cborn about 1895
AshcraftAda born about 1910
AshcraftAmanda Jborn about 1864
AshcraftAnna Mborn about 1870
AshcraftBert Cborn about 1880
AshcraftBertie Mborn about 1891
AshcraftBetty Aborn about 1938
AshcraftBurl born about 1879
AshcraftCarl Fborn about 1912
AshcraftDella Eborn about 1876
AshcraftDorothy Eborn about 1907
AshcraftEarnest Mborn about 1896
AshcraftFrances born about 1916
AshcraftFrank born about 1875
AshcraftFred Bborn about 1885
AshcraftFreda Iborn about 1927
AshcraftFrench born about 1891
AshcraftGilbert born about 1862
AshcraftGlenna Kborn about 1911
AshcraftHoward Aborn about 1872
AshcraftHoward Bborn about 1936
AshcraftJames Cborn about 1935
AshcraftJesmine Hborn about 1888
AshcraftJesse Hborn about 1917
AshcraftJosephine born about 1924
AshcraftLouise born about 1911
AshcraftLura Lborn about 1876
AshcraftM Royborn about 1887
AshcraftMary Eborn about 1935
AshcraftNancy born about 1888
AshcraftNoah Mborn about 1866
AshcraftRay Eborn about 1938
AshcraftRonald Eborn about 1926
AshcraftRosa Fborn about 1876
AshcraftRoy Eborn about 1913
AshcraftRussel Eborn about 1874
AshcraftShirley Yborn about 1939
AshcraftVirginia Fborn about 1910
AshcraftVirginia Jborn about 1915
AshcraftWalter Bborn about 1878
AshcraftWanda Eborn about 1936
AshcraftWilber Aborn about 1910
AshcraftWilber Fborn about 1931
AxfineDonald Dborn about 1893
AxfineEsther Bborn about 1896
AxfineWilma Mborn about 1922

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B Surnames

BakerHazel born about 1921
BakerLemert Fborn about 1908
BakerLester Gborn about 1908
BakerNellie Bborn about 1883
BakerWilber Lborn about 1915
BakerWillard Lborn about 1912
BaughmanGrace Jborn about 1916
BaughmanJohn Lborn about 1938
BaughmanKennith Lborn about 1917
BaughmanShirley Hborn about 1939
BeckholtDon Rborn about 1917
BeckholtPearl Eborn about 1916
BeckholtRobert Dborn about 1937
BeckholtRoger Dborn about 1937
BillmanMark Pborn about 1869
BlaireBrice born about 1877
BlaireClyde Rborn about 1893
BonhamRezin Sborn about 1869
BottsGertrude Mborn about 1875
BradfieldJoseph Wborn about 1862
BrookoverOdssa Hborn about 1887
BrookoverOliver Hborn about 1887
BryanBernice Lborn about 1906
BryanLula Bborn about 1876
BryanMargret born about 1935
BryanMelvin Jborn about 1878
BurclCalvin Cborn about 1926
BurclClarence Aborn about 1928
BurclDarrell Eborn about 1929
BurclEdna Eborn about 1894
BurclElsie Mborn about 1924
BurclHobert Aborn about 1891
BurclJames Gborn about 1937

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C Surnames

CaffreyJohn born about 1866
CessnaAllen born about 1864
CessnaVesta Rborn about 1869
CognionAnna Lborn about 1939
CognionDorthy Aborn about 1934
CognionFlora Lborn about 1912
CognionLeonard Aborn about 1938
CognionSara Vborn about 1936
CognionWalter Vborn about 1915
CrawfordEtta born about 1879
CrissEarl Wborn about 1931
CrissHarold born about 1899
CrissLaura born about 1908
CrissLola Eborn about 1929
CrissMyorn Fborn about 1928
CrissRaymond Oborn about 1904
CrissViola born about 1874

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D Surnames

DannyMarrilla born about 1873
DevollCharles Oborn about 1911
DevollElizabeth Fborn about 1908
DickersonDeney Rborn about 1888
DickersonHenry Jborn about 1883

F Surnames

FairallBetty Mborn about 1926
FairallFrancis Lborn about 1922
FairallGilbert born about 1897
FairallGrace born about 1902
FarsheyCarre Oborn about 1905
FarsheyChester Jborn about 1925
FarsheyJames Hborn about 1900
FarsheyPhillin Mborn about 1927
FrostLeath Aborn about 1903
FrostWilliam Kborn about 1922
FrostWilliam Rborn about 1893

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G Surnames

GainesMargaret Jborn about 1925
GardnerAmy born about 1886
GardnerChester Aborn about 1927
GardnerEarnest born about 1896
GardnerFreda Mborn about 1937
GardnerHazel Mborn about 1929
GardnerIda Aborn about 1873
GardnerLeatha Fborn about 1931
GardnerNellie born about 1907
GardnerParene Hborn about 1884
GardnerSam Aborn about 1856
GardnerSylvia born about 1863
GardnerVirginia Cborn about 1934
GaultBarbara Kborn about 1940
GaultBlanch born about 1887
GaultCarl Rborn about 1913
GaultCharles Sborn about 1879
GaultChester Rborn about 1920
GaultDonald Fborn about 1927
GaultDorothy Aborn about 1922
GaultElla Rborn about 1877
GaultGlen Cborn about 1896
GaultJohn Wborn about 1919
GaultLucille Mborn about 1921
GaultLulie Bborn about 1888
GaultMargaret Iborn about 1928
GaultMary Iborn about 1917
GaultNina Mborn about 1896
GaultOtto Rborn about 1913
GaultRay Hborn about 1886
GaultTilden Aborn about 1877
GaultWillard Jborn about 1917
GrahamBertha Mborn about 1879
GrahamClayton Gborn about 1873
GrahamClyde Lborn about 1881
GrahamColeman Eborn about 1911
GrahamElma born about 1918
GrahamEsther born about 1913
GrahamFred born about 1888
GrahamGeorge Hborn about 1917
GrahamGeorge Wborn about 1938
GrahamHazel Cborn about 1915
GrahamJohn Wborn about 1913
GrahamLeora Aborn about 1883
GrahamLola Mborn about 1937
GrahamMary Mborn about 1934
GrahamOtis Wborn about 1935
GrahamRuth Nborn about 1913
GrahamSarah Mborn about 1858
GraverEdward born about 1913

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H Surnames

HainesEdna Bborn about 1880
HainesEffie Dborn about 1883
HallBernlin Bborn about 1888
HallCarey Cborn about 1913
HallCharles Eborn about 1911
HallEarnest Aborn about 1920
HallGlen born about 1915
HallHarry Rborn about 1885
HallHarry Wborn about 1923
HallOrville Aborn about 1909
HallRobert Eborn about 1916
HartleyElizabeth Jborn about 1908
HartleyJess born about 1897
HeftDaniel Pborn about 1881
HiltnerAugusta Mborn about 1909
HiltnerClinton born about 1899
HiltnerDonaeld Lborn about 1927
HiltnerKenneth Wborn about 1933
HowellElmer Eborn about 1865

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K Surnames

KendallGeorge Wborn about 1921
KendallTherse Cborn about 1887
KendallWilda Cborn about 1885
KilpatrickCarlous Hborn about 1874
KilpatrickLaura Lborn about 1888
KilpatrickPaul Hborn about 1923
KramerJohin Rborn about 1898
KramerVirgine Lborn about 1916

L Surnames

LakeEarnest Jborn about 1901
LakeEthel Gborn about 1914
LakeGlay Jborn about 1939
LakeJoseph born about 1876
LampJohn Pborn about 1897
LangArnet Eborn about 1935
LangBert born about 1888
LangCarl Sborn about 1921
LangClaude Rborn about 1916
LangDorothy Eborn about 1898
LangEarnest Eborn about 1929
LangGlen Eborn about 1928
LangHarttel Aborn about 1934
LangNell born about 1925
LangPearl Nborn about 1920
LangRiley Eborn about 1932
LangShirley Rborn about 1938
LangTray Jborn about 1923
LarryBen Franklinborn about 1912
LarryBenja Jborn about 1874
LarryMaud Nborn about 1881
LeggSarah Aborn about 1868
LongAaron born about 1865

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M Surnames

MarsholderNathan born about 1870
MarsholderPosa Aborn about 1875
MasonLaura Mborn about 1890
MasonSherman born about 1883
MatthewsMinnie Bborn about 1870
MatthewsWilliam born about 1858
McGruderJohn Wborn about 1869
McKeEgbert Gborn about 1873
McKeGrace Gborn about 1893
McKeeDonald Rborn about 1939
McKeeDorothy Vborn about 1917
McKeeFrank born about 1917
McKeeGeorge Wborn about 1913
McKeeHarry Rborn about 1887
McKeeHattie Bborn about 1892
McKeeLawrence born about 1894
McKeeLeona born about 1889
McKeeLillie Jborn about 1878
McKeeLois Lborn about 1918
McKeeMerrle Wborn about 1939
McKeeRoy Eborn about 1914
McKeeRuth Lborn about 1916
McKeeSusan born about 1856
McKeeVirginia Mborn about 1938
McKeeWalter Cborn about 1910
MelickElla born about 1867
MelickZock born about 1857
MeyersGeorge Lborn about 1928
MeyersLawrence Aborn about 1895
MeyersSarah Vborn about 1900
MiddlemusAllen Jborn about 1894
MiddlemusAlvin Gborn about 1894
MiddlemusArsula Lborn about 1899
MiddlemusBlanch born about 1900
MiddlemusBonnie Jborn about 1927
MiddlemusCarl Hborn about 1931
MiddlemusDonald Rborn about 1925
MiddlemusEsther Lborn about 1923
MiddlemusMarjorie Aborn about 1939
MiddlemusWayne Cborn about 1926
MikesellFlorence Cborn about 1909
MikesellRaymond Cborn about 1907
MikesellRobert Lborn about 1933
MilkJennie Eborn about 1881
MillerClifford Eborn about 1905
MillerClitis Jborn about 1936
MillerEmma Aborn about 1897
MillerKenneth Eborn about 1938
MillerMary Fborn about 1912
MizeEverett born about 1890
MizeIda Bborn about 1930
MizeInez Eborn about 1894
MizerEmma Eborn about 1882
MizerHoward Sborn about 1884
MooreCharles Eborn about 1934
MooreDavid Sborn about 1902
MooreMargaret Aborn about 1937
MooreMary Bborn about 1905
MorganBeatrice Kborn about 1921
MorganGeorge Fborn about 1917
MowaryMary Kborn about 1864
MyersAnna born about 1871
MyersMary born about 1890
MyersRoger born about 1888

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N Surnames

NeldonNellie Oborn about 1877
NolandMelissa Aborn about 1864

P Surnames

PallonLenna Bborn about 1870
PattersonAlva Rborn about 1893
PattersonAnna Hborn about 1896
PattersonFranklin born about 1919
PattersonNina Lborn about 1916
PattersonRichard Lborn about 1938
PigmanBessie Jborn about 1875
PigmanFrank Mborn about 1889
PocqutteAddie Pborn about 1890
PocqutteHarvey Hborn about 1920
PorterDana Dborn about 1883
PorterEstella Hborn about 1875

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R Surnames

RamseyAnna Oborn about 1887
RamseyClarence Rborn about 1893
RamseyDorothy Cborn about 1931
RamseyEdith Eborn about 1928
RamseyJesse Lborn about 1894
RamseyLewis Wborn about 1884
RamseyMargaret Lborn about 1899
RamseyNellie Eborn about 1897
RamseyNellie Gborn about 1908
RamseyOlive Mborn about 1923
RamseyRobert Eborn about 1929
RamseyRoss Hborn about 1904
RineCora Bborn about 1869
RineDavid Eborn about 1868
RineKennith Dborn about 1916
RineRoa born about 1868
RineSarah Eborn about 1875
RineSmrte born about 1873
RobinsonAlonzo Lborn about 1857
RobinsonJames Eborn about 1921
RobinsonMelvina born about 1860
RussellFay Lborn about 1934
RussellFrances Eborn about 1932
RussellFrench born about 1912
RussellHattie Bborn about 1879

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S Surnames

SallinghJames born about 1914
SovettEffa born about 1874
StahlEyvon born about 1923
StarleyAnna born about 1881
StarleyAsie Dborn about 1889
StevensEdith Vborn about 1901
StevensV Wilhelminaborn about 1923

T Surnames

TiptonConrad Mborn about 1858
TishEarl born about 1879

W Surnames

WellingFrank born about 1870
WellingGrace Mborn about 1879
WestervillerJoseph born about 1878
WhiteEdward Lborn about 1885
WhyeeAvo born about 1889
WhyeeCharles Eborn about 1921
WillJohn Eborn about 1917
WillLenda Dianaborn about 1940
WillMaryland Jborn about 1938
WillSarah Eborn about 1917
WinzelHarold born about 1920
WolfordDayle Eborn about 1931
WolfordDorothy born about 1921
WolfordFrank Eborn about 1910
WolfordFred born about 1918
WolfordFred Rborn about 1938
WolfordMae Mborn about 1910
WolfordRonald Lborn about 1939
WrightCora Rborn about 1888

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Y Surnames

YoungAngie Mborn about 1893
YoungJames Aborn about 1921
YoungRussel Lborn about 1918

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