1940 U.S. Federal Census of West Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Ohio > Coshocton County > 1940 Census of West Lafayette

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AddyLois born about 1914
AddyMarshall Vborn about 1913
AddyTheodore Iborn about 1919
AddyTheodore Kborn about 1890
AllarAnny born about 1871
ApplePaul born about 1916
AppleRuth born about 1919
ArcherPaul born about 1917
AshbakerCecil born about 1912
AshbakerEvelyn born about 1915
AshbakerGertrude born about 1888
AshbakerHarold born about 1937
AshbakerNellie born about 1924
AufderheidGeo born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabcockKatherine born about 1878
BakerHarvey born about 1912
BakerHarvey Jr born about 1931
BakerLarn A Lborn about 1912
BarcusHarold born about 1927
BarcusHelen born about 1923
BarcusJennie born about 1883
BarcusJohn Cborn about 1872
BarrettCarrie born about 1905
BarrettElizabeth born about 1928
BarrettEllen Lborn about 1926
BarrettMartha Jborn about 1929
BarrettWilliam Aborn about 1900
BarrettZona born about 1876
BarthalowErnest born about 1902
BarthalowMarie born about 1904
BarthalowMartha born about 1874
BaxterEdward Hborn about 1897
BaxterIva born about 1899
BaxterRay born about 1891
BaxterRuth born about 1911
BeallEarl Craigborn about 1887
BeallMargaret born about 1912
BeallVivian born about 1888
BeaverAnna born about 1889
BeaverEarl Eborn about 1888
BeaverHarold Wborn about 1914
BeaverMargaret born about 1913
BedfordSophia born about 1869
BellHanford Pborn about 1891
BellHazel born about 1900
BellJohn Sborn about 1855
BellLeslie born about 1913
BellMargaret born about 1884
BellMary born about 1871
BellMary Rborn about 1892
BellSamuel Jborn about 1879
BellStewart born about 1891
BellWilma born about 1923
BergerElizabeth born about 1879
BergerErnest born about 1876
BerkshireMabel born about 1905
BerkshireRobert born about 1907
BerkshireVirginia Rborn about 1929
BerleanJames born about 1918
BerleanMary Eborn about 1893
BerleanMildred born about 1922
BerleanRussel Kborn about 1896
BesstSarah born about 1863
BesstWelker born about 1856
BevingtonRuth born about 1903
BevingtonWilliam Jborn about 1905
BlackElizabeth born about 1871
BonnellMartha born about 1916
BonnellRichard born about 1916
BordenkircherClara born about 1893
BordenkircherWalter Lborn about 1892
BotimerChas Wborn about 1900
BotimerChas W Jrborn about 1923
BotimerJack Wborn about 1927
BotimerMildred born about 1900
BowersJesse Lborn about 1925
BoydCaroline born about 1928
BoydCatheryn born about 1923
BoydChas Hborn about 1866
BoydCora Bellborn about 1867
BoydElizabeth born about 1932
BoydRachel born about 1901
BoydRobt Iborn about 1872
BoyerCarl Aborn about 1897
BoyerIva born about 1901
BoyerRobert Rborn about 1928
BoyerWilliam Gborn about 1926
BranigerAthea born about 1904
BranigerGeorge born about 1898
BranigerGeorge Jr born about 1933
BranigerKathleen born about 1925
BranigerLewis born about 1929
BridgeCaroline born about 1860
BridgesAudra born about 1920
BridgesCharles born about 1935
BridgesEvelyn born about 1928
BridgesGladys born about 1900
BridgesHelen born about 1930
BridgesJean born about 1922
BridgesPaul born about 1924
BridgesRay born about 1890
BridgesWilma born about 1925
BrightwellCaroline born about 1874
BrinerAlta Bborn about 1902
BrinerBeverly born about 1935
BrinerCherie born about 1933
BrinerClifford Aborn about 1936
BrinerJ Cliffordborn about 1901
BrinerMartha Jborn about 1932
BrinerMary Nanborn about 1937
BrinerMathe Gborn about 1880
BrinkDonald Eborn about 1937
BrinkErnest born about 1908
BrinkIda born about 1904
BrinkerhoffBarbara born about 1932
BrinkerhoffL Wallace Jrborn about 1934
BrinkerhoffLa Wallace born about 1908
BrinkerhoffLillian born about 1911
BrokawEthel born about 1887
BrokawJesse born about 1884
BrownDavid born about 1904
BrownDoris born about 1904
BrownEdward born about 1927
BrownNelle born about 1875
BrownRichard born about 1937
BrownThomas born about 1929
BrownfieldClyde born about 1884
BrownfieldGeo Wborn about 1853
BrownfieldLeona born about 1904
BrowningGan born about 1939
BrowningJas Eborn about 1907
BrowningKay born about 1934
BrowningThelma born about 1915
BrunkClifford born about 1919
BrunkFrances born about 1918
BrunkJohn born about 1939
BrunkThomas born about 1939
BryanVervia born about 1895
BryanWilliam Hborn about 1908
BurtJennie born about 1873
BuserMillie born about 1892
BuserOliver Jborn about 1887
BuserVivian born about 1922
ButlerJohn born about 1897

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C Surnames

CabotCarl Lborn about 1925
CabotCaroline Jborn about 1936
CabotDonald Mborn about 1928
CabotHarold Dborn about 1926
CabotHoward Eborn about 1922
CabotHoward Lborn about 1894
CabotJoseph Eborn about 1923
CabotJosephine born about 1899
CainCatherine born about 1902
CainDewey born about 1899
CalhounOrelia born about 1873
CalhounWalter born about 1913
CarpenterEdward Cborn about 1917
CarpenterFay born about 1915
CarpenterGenola born about 1918
CarpenterIva born about 1885
CarpenterJacob born about 1887
CarpenterJohn born about 1916
CarpenterJohn Jr born about 1938
CarpenterLucile born about 1911
CarpenterMildred born about 1919
CarpenterRichard Dborn about 1928
CarpenterSarah Janeborn about 1940
CarrCarrie born about 1893
CarrLawrence Bborn about 1893
CarrRobert born about 1928
CarrVivian born about 1920
CarrallAgnes born about 1851
CarrallMargaret born about 1876
CassCatherine born about 1917
CassChas Eborn about 1912
CassGeorge Wborn about 1877
CassLilly born about 1892
CastleBetty Janeborn about 1930
CastleGenevieve born about 1908
CastleRaymond born about 1929
CastleWilliam Sborn about 1902
CastleWilliam Jr born about 1932
CatonAnnie born about 1861
CatonErma Mborn about 1911
CatonGrace born about 1881
CatonMyrtle born about 1887
CatonRobert born about 1924
CatonWilliam Mborn about 1876
ChaneyEliza born about 1871
ChaneyFrank born about 1867
ClayCarl Wborn about 1910
ClayDavid born about 1929
ClayLucile born about 1904
CobbRobert born about 1887
CobbTheresa born about 1890
CochramSada born about 1882
CochramWilliam born about 1878
CochranBert born about 1876
CochranBessie Jborn about 1899
CochranClyde born about 1882
CochranDorothy Iborn about 1939
CochranDwight born about 1915
CochranErnest born about 1907
CochranEvelyn born about 1926
CochranFern born about 1902
CochranGeorgia born about 1914
CochranHarry born about 1891
CochranHarry Jr born about 1931
CochranJohnny Mborn about 1933
CochranLeslie born about 1921
CochranMabel born about 1929
CochranMargart born about 1901
CochranMary Lborn about 1883
CochranNettie born about 1875
CochranRichard Wborn about 1924
CochranRonnie born about 1936
CochranSonja born about 1939
CochranThelma Lborn about 1928
CochranWalter born about 1900
ColtonAlbert born about 1930
ColtonGary born about 1932
CongerFrancis born about 1916
CongerRose born about 1921
CongerSally born about 1939
CookmanVina born about 1881
CooperFrank Mborn about 1854
CooperMary Cborn about 1867
CornellRuth Ellaborn about 1862
CornellThos Wborn about 1870
CountrymanGenevieve born about 1920
CountrymanJohn born about 1915
CraigsJohn Sborn about 1873
CramerJeannine born about 1931
CramerSilva born about 1901
CrissAnna born about 1895
CrissJacqueline born about 1928
CrissJames born about 1897
CullisonLloyd born about 1875
CullisonSadie born about 1875
CummingsWilhelmina born about 1911
CunninghamAnna Belleborn about 1912
CunninghamBetty Jeanborn about 1929
CunninghamFrank born about 1909
CunninghamJoyce Annborn about 1937
CunninghamMary Louborn about 1939
CutshallAlice born about 1890
CutshallAnna born about 1910
CutshallHazel born about 1915
CutshallJoan born about 1935
CutshallMary born about 1908
CutshallNicholas S Jrborn about 1914
CutshallNicholas Sr born about 1881
CutshallRay born about 1912
CutshallRobert Rayborn about 1938
CutshallVictor born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarrBertha born about 1925
DarrDorris born about 1922
DavisLily born about 1875
DavisMartha Jborn about 1862
DavisStephen born about 1875
DeanBess born about 1896
DeanFloyd born about 1916
DeanV Grantborn about 1892
DerrJas Wborn about 1867
DerrMary Jborn about 1869
DickersonArmor Dborn about 1875
DickersonArthur born about 1916
DickersonBaxter born about 1915
DickersonMorrison born about 1855
DickersonOdessa born about 1878
DobsonCarl born about 1913
DobsonCarl Lborn about 1935
DobsonChristina born about 1915
DobsonJohn Tborn about 1937
DoughertyFrank born about 1870
DoughertyNettie born about 1871
DownerEmma Eborn about 1932
DunlevyClarence born about 1890
DunlevyIva born about 1891
DunlevyRobert born about 1924

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E Surnames

EdgingtonBelle born about 1882
EdwardsForest born about 1905
EdwardsMary born about 1908
ElsJohn Mborn about 1935
ElsRose Hborn about 1908
ElsRussell born about 1902
EmlerAlta born about 1901
EmlerArthur born about 1907
EmlerLaura born about 1877
EmlerRena born about 1899
EnglishEdward born about 1924
EvansDorothy born about 1918
EvansHoward born about 1880
EvansIrwin born about 1887
EvansNettie born about 1888
EvansRobert born about 1916

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F Surnames

FarneyWilbur born about 1885
FergusonRachel born about 1885
FinkbeinerErma born about 1897
FinkbeinerJoyce born about 1932
FinnicumDonald born about 1921
FinnicumPaul born about 1889
FinnicumPearl born about 1893
FlemingNettie born about 1880
FoosCarl born about 1911
FoosSylvia born about 1885
FosterDorthy Mayborn about 1939
FosterMary Bborn about 1922
FosterRonder born about 1916
FouteGeorgiana born about 1882
FreetageBetty born about 1933
FreetageDorothy born about 1928
FreetageEdda born about 1933
FreetageHarold born about 1923
FreetageHelen born about 1930
FreetageJohn born about 1896
FreetageMary born about 1893
FreetageMerle born about 1926
FreetageWilma born about 1921
FretugeBernadine born about 1939
FretugeDale born about 1935
FretugeDarold born about 1938
FretugeErnest born about 1906
FretugeMildred born about 1910
FretugeMinnie born about 1930
FretugeMona Jborn about 1933
FryQuinn born about 1869

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G Surnames

GaskillAnna born about 1881
GaskillCharles born about 1939
GaskillClarence born about 1914
GaskillEarl born about 1937
GaskillMary born about 1915
GaskillPorter born about 1882
GaumerBetty born about 1925
GaumerEdward born about 1921
GaumerJennie born about 1900
GaumerJohn born about 1890
GaumerJohn born about 1931
GaumerNellie born about 1923
GayEmma born about 1887
GayHoward born about 1884
GeeseArthur born about 1923
GeeseGeraldine born about 1927
GeeseJoseph Cborn about 1876
GeesePheobe born about 1888
GeeseRussell born about 1902
GessellCarl born about 1918
GessellHarold born about 1891
GessellRuth Aborn about 1894
GillmoreClifford born about 1919
GoffAlfreda Iborn about 1916
GoffDrell Hborn about 1912
GoodwinHarry born about 1900
GoodwinPauline born about 1903
GrayArch born about 1874
GrayMargaret born about 1880
GressClarence born about 1910
GressDale born about 1936
GressEdna Elnoraborn about 1901
GressElda born about 1906
GressElmer born about 1934
GressHelen born about 1905
GressLloyd born about 1937
GressOmah Cborn about 1936
GressRaymond Hborn about 1908
GressRaymond Jr born about 1933
GressRoland Jasborn about 1933
GressRuth born about 1914
GrossBlanche born about 1921
GrossGlenna Lborn about 1936
GrossOlive Wborn about 1913
GrossRobert born about 1939

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H Surnames

HackenbrachtHarold born about 1922
HackenbrachtIrma born about 1893
HackenbrachtMildred born about 1915
HahnBernard born about 1909
HahnBernard Geneborn about 1940
HahnBeulah born about 1907
HallAnderson Nborn about 1867
HallDoris Jborn about 1919
HallEsther born about 1907
HallEugene born about 1903
HallFloyd Mborn about 1917
HallGene born about 1925
HallHarriett born about 1930
HallJack born about 1923
HallJoan born about 1926
HallKenneth born about 1940
HallLarna born about 1929
HallLester born about 1900
HallLois Kborn about 1925
HallLorin Dborn about 1896
HallNellie born about 1903
HallNora born about 1903
HallRoberta born about 1934
HallSara Aborn about 1867
HallWayne born about 1924
HallWilliam Bborn about 1861
HamiltonAlla born about 1869
HamiltonLaura born about 1912
HammersleyBetty born about 1930
HammersleyElla born about 1899
HammersleyEvelyn born about 1924
HammersleyHarold born about 1918
HammersleyOrpha born about 1919
HammersleyRay born about 1892
HammersleyVirgil born about 1920
HammondAlice Mborn about 1909
HammondCarl Wborn about 1906
HamptonDonald born about 1939
HamptonLaura born about 1919
HamptonW Royborn about 1915
HamzaAnnie born about 1934
HamzaFranklin born about 1936
HamzaPaul Kborn about 1932
HarboltClara born about 1888
HarboltWilliam born about 1885
HardestyGladys Gborn about 1902
HartColumbus Eborn about 1869
HartPrudence Mborn about 1869
HawkCarl born about 1912
HawkCarl Wborn about 1934
HawkDorothy born about 1912
HawkLinda Annborn about 1939
HeadFloyd Hborn about 1892
HeadHarold Bborn about 1922
HeadSilva Eborn about 1902
HeatonAnna born about 1886
HellerAlfred Pborn about 1881
HellerLawrence born about 1910
HellerWilma born about 1910
HenderickEdward born about 1907
HenderickMary born about 1913
HendersonAnderson Rborn about 1874
HendersonCharles born about 1904
HendersonMary born about 1877
HendersonMildred born about 1908
HendersonMyrtle born about 1877
HendersonRonald Jborn about 1930
HendersonThos Wborn about 1902
HenrichFlora born about 1900
HenrichGeorge born about 1888
HillChester born about 1916
HillDorothy Mayborn about 1911
HillGaylord Kborn about 1936
HillGeorge Rborn about 1894
HillGeorge W Srborn about 1867
HillLuretta Aborn about 1939
HillLuther Gborn about 1937
HillLuther Oborn about 1913
HillMary born about 1918
HillNellie born about 1896
HollandClara born about 1880
HollandFern born about 1915
HollandHarry born about 1879
HollingsworthAnna Mborn about 1918
HollingsworthEtta born about 1880
HollingsworthFred born about 1876
HostetterMinnie born about 1897
HostetterRobert born about 1930
HostetterVictor born about 1929
HostetterWilbert born about 1893
HoverAgnes born about 1902
HoverCecile Mborn about 1881
HoverClifford Cborn about 1878
HoverHarriet born about 1926
HoverOrin born about 1901
HowellAbner born about 1890
HowellAgnes born about 1860
HowellCecil born about 1920
HowellDonard born about 1893
HowellDorothy born about 1917
HowellEdward born about 1867
HowellHarold born about 1929
HowellMary born about 1914
HowellRay born about 1903
HowellRobert born about 1915
HowellSally born about 1891
HowellSarah born about 1895
HowellTrilva Jborn about 1926
HuffAlfred born about 1927
HuffCarrie Mborn about 1872
HuffChas born about 1929
HuffClarice born about 1909
HuffEdward Bborn about 1872
HuffEllen Wborn about 1926
HuffErnest born about 1912
HuffFern born about 1913
HuffFrank Eborn about 1877
HuffRoland born about 1906
HuffSarah Janeborn about 1932
HullLulu born about 1905
HullOlyn Fborn about 1906
HumphreyRaymond born about 1903
HumphreyRose born about 1913
HumphreyWilliam born about 1931
HunterAgnes Cborn about 1866
HunterRobert born about 1863
HustonHarvilla born about 1921
HustonHubert born about 1915
HustonMary born about 1887

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J Surnames

JenningsCecil born about 1915
JenningsGeneva born about 1918
JenningsJoyce Lborn about 1936
JohnsonRoss Lborn about 1867
JohnstonBeulah born about 1892
JohnstonClarence born about 1884
JohnstonElsie born about 1907
JohnstonKarl born about 1889
JohnstonLida born about 1866
JohnstonPaul born about 1921
JohnstonWard born about 1917
JonesGeorge born about 1860
JonesHannah Eborn about 1867
JonesHarold born about 1928
JonesMartha born about 1910
JonesMary Eborn about 1929
JonesNorma Jborn about 1935
JonesRhea Louborn about 1931
JonesWilbur born about 1907

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K Surnames

KassonGeorgia born about 1928
KassonPatricia born about 1932
KennedyDorothy born about 1911
KingLeslie Mborn about 1939
KingWanda Mborn about 1921
KingWilliam born about 1921
KiserMary born about 1880
KisteHelen born about 1913
KisteJames Hborn about 1913
KisteJames H Jrborn about 1931
KisteThomas Lborn about 1933
KobelElmer Gborn about 1907
KobelMary Rborn about 1912
KreiderHazel born about 1900

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L Surnames

LappAlice born about 1885
LappCatherine born about 1917
LappEverett born about 1913
LappJohn born about 1935
LarrickLouella born about 1915
LathamArminda born about 1880
LathamBernice born about 1907
LathamBessie born about 1914
LathamEdna born about 1922
LathamJames born about 1909
LathamMary born about 1915
LathamRobt Bborn about 1903
LawrenceJames born about 1877
LawrenceLeona born about 1880
LehmanCarl born about 1913
LehmanEmma born about 1882
LehmanJohn Pborn about 1879
LeifferAlmon born about 1887
LeifferLaura born about 1897
LeighningeBert born about 1867
LeighningerElma born about 1889
LeighningerU Grantborn about 1864
LewisHarry born about 1862
LiggettFrank born about 1869
LighningerDaniel Cborn about 1877
LighningerLavina born about 1878
LighningerWalter born about 1908
LintLetha born about 1913
LintMarjorie born about 1920
LintWilliam Aborn about 1906
LockardMargaret born about 1872
LongCarl born about 1914
LongEva born about 1897
LongFrancis born about 1928
LongGretchen born about 1910
LongLucille born about 1914
LongStella born about 1873
LongWalter Rborn about 1897
LoosOlive born about 1858
LorenzAda Mborn about 1874
LorenzWilliam Hborn about 1873
LowerFloyd born about 1894
LowerFrancis born about 1925
LowerLucile born about 1900
LutzDorothy born about 1864
LutzGeorge born about 1858
LutzJohn born about 1897

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M Surnames

MackeyHazel born about 1890
MackeyJohn Nborn about 1875
MactavishChristine born about 1940
MactavishHelen born about 1910
MactavishJoseph Aborn about 1910
MagnessLucile born about 1892
MagnessThos Nborn about 1901
MargaretGrace Lborn about 1900
MargaretLester Lborn about 1893
MargaretVelma Lborn about 1919
MarlottMarie Iborn about 1871
MarloweDonald Dborn about 1928
MarloweDonald Kborn about 1906
MarloweLaura born about 1907
MarlowePhyllis Jborn about 1931
MarquandMinor born about 1867
MarquandRosa born about 1869
MartinJames Eborn about 1922
MarvinArthur born about 1925
MarvinEva born about 1907
MarvinNova Jeanborn about 1931
MarvinPerl born about 1900
MarvinWilliam born about 1926
MastersonMargaret Jborn about 1859
MatchettEverett born about 1910
MatchettLouissa born about 1914
MathiarJohn born about 1859
MaxwellBetty born about 1922
MaxwellEsther born about 1932
MaxwellHilliard born about 1930
MaxwellLula born about 1909
MaxwellWilliam born about 1904
McAllisterGeorge Fborn about 1871
McClaryJane born about 1874
McClaryJohn Fborn about 1875
McClearyBeverly born about 1926
McClearyDonald born about 1928
McClearyEdith born about 1905
McClearyEmma born about 1876
McClearyHarlan born about 1933
McClearyHenry born about 1875
McClearyJacob born about 1867
McClearyJohn born about 1904
McClureRobt Iborn about 1918
McClureRobt Jborn about 1883
McConnellGladys born about 1920
McConnellRichard born about 1918
McCormacCarl born about 1914
McCormacMary Eborn about 1915
McCormickHarold born about 1914
McCormickLaura born about 1917
McCormickRodney born about 1940
McCoyArthur born about 1914
McCoyBeverly Jr born about 1929
McCoyEmma born about 1892
McCoyFrank Gborn about 1892
McCoyLavina born about 1919
McCoyWilbur Eborn about 1912
McCoyWilliam born about 1926
McCuneNora Jborn about 1886
McElfreshHelen Leeborn about 1939
McElfreshMartha born about 1920
McElfreshWalter born about 1912
McFarlandLeola born about 1885
McGregorBetty Jborn about 1922
McGregorConstance born about 1920
McGregorHarry Lborn about 1929
McGregorIda born about 1870
McGregorJ Harryborn about 1897
McGregorTwila Iborn about 1899
McPhersonEdwin born about 1888
McPhersonRebecca born about 1868
McReaHelen born about 1913
McReaJoseph born about 1915
MeitzlerCarl Fborn about 1872
MeitzlerMyrta Eborn about 1874
MetzJohn Thomasborn about 1886
MichelJennie born about 1888
MichelJesse born about 1882
MiddletonDale born about 1918
MiddletonEdna born about 1912
MiddletonJames born about 1883
MiddletonJoseph born about 1916
MillerBetty born about 1923
MillerCarl born about 1905
MillerFern born about 1903
MillerFrances born about 1890
MillerHarry born about 1885
MillerHelen born about 1914
MillerIsaac born about 1864
MillerJ Carl Jrborn about 1939
MillerMyrtle born about 1879
MillerNancy Joeborn about 1936
MillerRussell born about 1902
MillerRussell Jr born about 1924
MillerRuth born about 1903
MilliganMary born about 1878
MilliganWilliam born about 1877
MinnickClara born about 1875
MizerArch born about 1907
MizerBen born about 1861
MizerCharlotte born about 1901
MizerChas Bborn about 1888
MizerCora Bborn about 1870
MizerHelen Lborn about 1892
MizerIra Bborn about 1867
MizerJanice Eborn about 1926
MizerKathryn born about 1868
MizerLois Jborn about 1928
MizerLorice Bborn about 1904
MizerMary born about 1908
MizerMary Jborn about 1864
MizerSamuel Cborn about 1894
MizerSamuel L Jrborn about 1924
MizerWilloughby born about 1901
MobleyJames born about 1937
MobleyJerry born about 1939
MobleyKenneth born about 1915
MobleyMary born about 1917
MooreCarmelia born about 1876
MooreCharles Rborn about 1908
MooreClyde Rborn about 1932
MooreEdith Mborn about 1935
MooreHelen born about 1909
MooreJesse Dborn about 1908
MooreJoan Bettyborn about 1901
MooreJune Eborn about 1939
MooreMarabie born about 1888
MooreMary born about 1937
MooreMary Ellanborn about 1927
MooreNellie Retaborn about 1924
MooreReta Lyoneborn about 1900
MooreRobert Lborn about 1934
MooreWilliam Rborn about 1928
MooreWillis born about 1896
MooreheadSophie born about 1871
MoorehedJus born about 1924
MulvaneEdna born about 1905
MulvaneMartha born about 1932
MulvaneOra Edwinborn about 1903
MyersFrank born about 1905
MyersMartha born about 1865
MyersOsborne born about 1863

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N Surnames

NelsonEdgar born about 1867
NelsonEllen born about 1877
NewmanJerrald born about 1912
NewmanSara born about 1912
NewtonJane born about 1868
NicholasDennis Eborn about 1930
NicholasLaila born about 1927
NicholasOwen born about 1897
NicholasRheva born about 1908
NicholsGeorge born about 1915
NicholsonFlora born about 1891
NicholsonGeorge born about 1918
NormanBessie Cborn about 1877
NormanDavid born about 1935
NormanDorothy Jborn about 1912
NormanEdith born about 1902
NormanEmery born about 1866
NormanFrank born about 1877
NormanHarry Eborn about 1933
NormanIssac born about 1909
NormanJack Eborn about 1936
NormanJames Kborn about 1936
NormanJohn F Jrborn about 1925
NormanJohn Jborn about 1895
NormanLena born about 1917
NormanLou Jeanborn about 1935
NormanMaggie born about 1867
NormanPhyllis born about 1909
NormanRobert Dborn about 1932
NormanRobert Eborn about 1930
NormanRose born about 1882
NormanThomas Mborn about 1937
NormanThos Cborn about 1910
NormanVirgie born about 1899
NormanVirgil Jr born about 1929
NormanWilliam Eborn about 1872
NorrieCarl born about 1913
NorrieHildesgarde born about 1916
NorrieRolland Eborn about 1938
NorrisChas Mborn about 1901
NorrisMargaret born about 1869

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O Surnames

OakliefWayne born about 1921
OlingerJohn born about 1874
OlingerMinnie born about 1878
OwensCarrie born about 1886
OwensClistia born about 1859
OwensFloyd born about 1886
OwensKenneth born about 1908
OwensNelle born about 1911
OwensRichard Kborn about 1939
OzmunElizabeth born about 1896
OzmunKent Fborn about 1929
OzmunLucille Eborn about 1924
OzmunSylvester Pborn about 1893

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P Surnames

ParkhillSarah Aborn about 1858
PattersonCharles born about 1890
PattersonEloise born about 1903
PattersonJames born about 1901
PattersonLantz born about 1924
PattersonMartha born about 1933
PattersonMelba born about 1932
PayneKenneth born about 1914
PayneRonald born about 1939
PayneThelma born about 1914
PhillabaumAlex Hborn about 1896
PhillabaumIda born about 1898
PhillabaumWinifred born about 1918
PhillipClyde Wborn about 1884
PhillipJohn Eborn about 1881
PhillipNorma born about 1886
PhillipRegina born about 1883
PhillipsJohn Eborn about 1911
PhillipsMary Ruthborn about 1915
PorterJennie born about 1872
PorterOscar born about 1870
PowellCharles born about 1927
PowellDonald born about 1924
PowellEvangeline born about 1931
PowellHarriett born about 1869
PowellJessie born about 1906
PowellJohn born about 1933
PowellLewis Dborn about 1854
PowellRosalie born about 1928
PrattRalph born about 1913
PrattThelma born about 1915
PriceGlenn Eriousborn about 1931
PriceMary Aborn about 1933
PriceMary Annborn about 1905
PriceWilliam Gborn about 1905
PritchardLeliah born about 1870
PritchardWilliam born about 1861
PurdyAlford Bborn about 1897
PurdyCharles born about 1924
PurdyDella born about 1905
PurdyDolores born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RalphElsie Pborn about 1881
RalphLewis Eborn about 1908
RalphWilliam born about 1878
RandlesEugene born about 1924
RandlesGeo Eborn about 1887
RandlesIda born about 1888
RandlesMyrte born about 1867
RandlesVelma Iborn about 1919
ReddickAda born about 1922
ReddickChester born about 1918
ReddickDelbert born about 1914
ReddickFrederick born about 1920
ReddickLettie Mborn about 1892
ReddickRaymond Rborn about 1890
ReddickVenora born about 1915
ReedChas Hborn about 1902
ReedEthel born about 1910
ReedGene born about 1928
ReedLarry born about 1931
ReedSue Ellaborn about 1938
RegulaAlvin born about 1892
RegulaBetty Jborn about 1925
RegulaEmma born about 1893
RegulaEvelyn born about 1927
RegulaRobert Eborn about 1923
RehardDonald born about 1930
RehardJesse born about 1889
RehardJessie born about 1910
RehardLillian born about 1873
RehardMabel born about 1896
RehardPaul born about 1918
RehardReva Janeborn about 1927
RehardRexford born about 1912
RehardVerna born about 1890
RehardWillie born about 1914
RehardWilloughby born about 1893
RendellFred Hborn about 1863
RidenourFlorence born about 1901
RidenourMary born about 1924
RidenourOtto Sborn about 1901
RidenourRobert born about 1929
RidenourRobert Rodgerborn about 1929
RippleAlice born about 1866
RippleHugo born about 1886
RippleHugo Dborn about 1927
RippleLois born about 1897
RobertsCarlton Fborn about 1905
RobertsMartha Annborn about 1934
RobertsMary Marionborn about 1905
RobinsonEssie born about 1880
RobinsonSamuel born about 1877
RobsonBlanche born about 1884
RobsonCuppard born about 1882
RogersAnna born about 1876
RoneyFlorence born about 1899
RoneyFrank born about 1892
RoneyMarjorie born about 1924
RoofBarbara Kayborn about 1937
RoofBetty Louborn about 1930
RoofBeulah Fborn about 1911
RoofCarole born about 1932
RoofChas Bborn about 1912
RoofGerry Joonneborn about 1932
RoofHarold born about 1909
RoofHelen born about 1909
RoseGeorge born about 1874
RoseMildred born about 1911
RoseOlive born about 1886
RossBruce Gordonborn about 1935
RossCharity born about 1876
RossCora born about 1875
RossEdward born about 1876
RossGertrude born about 1883
RossHarold Edgarborn about 1903
RossJames Pborn about 1870
RossLeota Louiseborn about 1910
RossMinor born about 1884
RossTavia born about 1866
RossTwilva born about 1925
RossWanda born about 1916
RossWilmer Eborn about 1928
RushAlice born about 1883
RushErnest Eborn about 1880
RushEverett born about 1902
RushIris born about 1925
RushValetta born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagerDoris Louiseborn about 1929
SagerMarquis born about 1904
SagerMarquis Jr born about 1927
SagerThelma born about 1909
SandlesHomer born about 1920
SangsterLaura born about 1860
ScheetzArline Kborn about 1912
ScheetzPaul Fborn about 1911
ScheetzSally Bborn about 1939
SchlarbHelen Lborn about 1920
SchwindtCharles born about 1939
SchwindtDorothy born about 1933
SchwindtHoward born about 1902
SchwindtMary born about 1929
SchwindtSarah born about 1903
ScottClara Eborn about 1856
SeesHazel born about 1891
SeesLyvonne born about 1930
SeesMadeline born about 1916
SeesRay born about 1890
SeesRobert born about 1926
SeesRoy Jr born about 1923
SettleBernice born about 1903
SettleDon born about 1898
SettleIna born about 1935
ShafferJas Cborn about 1885
SharrockBertha born about 1905
SharrockEarl born about 1903
SharrockMary born about 1878
SharrockOrr Vborn about 1863
SharrockRobert born about 1925
ShawBessie Dborn about 1879
ShawClarice born about 1918
ShawElla Eborn about 1884
ShawGene born about 1919
ShawGeo Nborn about 1878
ShawGladys born about 1904
ShawJack born about 1919
ShawJohn born about 1872
ShawLee Oborn about 1882
ShawLouis Cassborn about 1857
ShawLucian born about 1879
ShawMabel born about 1917
ShawMadge Jborn about 1924
ShawMaude Lborn about 1880
ShawOtto born about 1908
ShawPauline born about 1914
ShawRobert born about 1917
ShawRose Eborn about 1882
ShawThomas Nborn about 1875
ShawWinifred born about 1882
SheetsClarence born about 1882
SheetsJennie born about 1889
SheetsJennie born about 1921
SheetsKay born about 1923
ShepherdChas Eborn about 1863
ShepherdMary Hborn about 1866
SheroskyThomas born about 1925
ShockNynn born about 1889
ShrimplinLewis born about 1908
ShrimplinWanda born about 1908
ShryockJerry Bborn about 1886
ShryockLillian born about 1886
ShryockMartha born about 1872
ShurtzHubert born about 1912
ShurtzMiranda born about 1859
SimmonsAdrain born about 1914
SimmonsAnna born about 1889
SimmonsGary Aborn about 1939
SimmonsHannah born about 1915
SimmonsRichard born about 1927
SimmonsSamuel born about 1888
SimmonsTwila Ioneborn about 1922
SimmonsVerner born about 1911
SmithAura Bborn about 1896
SmithBetty born about 1925
SmithBetty Mborn about 1920
SmithFloyd born about 1917
SmithPauline Jborn about 1918
SmithSam Mborn about 1891
SpragueCleveland born about 1889
SpragueRachel born about 1921
SpragueRuby born about 1899
StakesHyle born about 1918
StakesMildred born about 1923
StantzHarvey born about 1890
StantzSarah born about 1855
StartsDorothy born about 1903
StartsPatricia born about 1927
StertzRamona born about 1929
StevensonJosephine born about 1879
StevensonWilliam born about 1870
StinerNancy born about 1860
StoneChristopher born about 1872
StoneEarl born about 1906
StoneElva born about 1879
StoneGertrude born about 1880
StoneHarry born about 1877
StoneHenriette born about 1877
StoneMary Vborn about 1903
StoneWilliam Eborn about 1879
StricklerForest Aborn about 1911
StullJames Dunsonborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorLottie Adelaborn about 1910
TedlieBento Fborn about 1883
TedlieChalmer born about 1923
TedlieFlora born about 1885
TedlieTruman born about 1915
ThompsonBessie Mborn about 1884
ThompsonChas Hborn about 1877
ThompsonDello born about 1878
ThompsonEtta Mborn about 1882
ThompsonGeorge born about 1878
ThompsonGrace Lborn about 1892
ThompsonHarold born about 1921
ThompsonJack Cborn about 1926
TillonAnna born about 1911
TillonCarl born about 1931
TillonErvil Eborn about 1911
TurnerCarl Eborn about 1939
TurnerDoris born about 1918
TurnerGeorge born about 1914
TurnerJames born about 1884
TurnerMargaret born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmstottJohn Cborn about 1863

V Surnames

ValentineHarold born about 1913
ValentineLucile born about 1918
ValentinePatricia Kborn about 1939
VandusenBen born about 1902
VandusenC Lindberghborn about 1928
VandusenDelores born about 1930
VandusenFrank born about 1873
VandusenLaura born about 1890
VandusenLenore born about 1870
VandusenLeona born about 1905
VandusenLeroy born about 1888
VannesseDanice born about 1871
VansickleBelle born about 1867
VansickleJoseph Wborn about 1860
VenselHarry Iborn about 1911
VenselJohn Hborn about 1870
VenselSusanna born about 1884
VercoeJosephine born about 1911
VercoeSamuel born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WahlChester born about 1922
WahlFrederick born about 1931
WahlHarold born about 1924
WahlJustin Kborn about 1900
WahlMary born about 1901
WalkerByron born about 1912
WalkerEdward born about 1934
WalkerLois born about 1915
WalkerSarah born about 1860
WaltersAlletta born about 1938
WaltersCarrie Mborn about 1882
WaltersChas Eborn about 1882
WaltersEloise born about 1916
WaltersGoldie born about 1917
WaltersJames born about 1915
WarrenChas Eborn about 1901
WarrenEva Mayborn about 1877
WarrenGeorge born about 1871
WatersChas Rborn about 1894
WatersJohn born about 1888
WatersLaura born about 1890
WatersLeula born about 1895
WatersMargaret Aborn about 1870
WeaverLeora born about 1914
WeaverRaymond born about 1911
WeingarthHoward born about 1921
WeingarthLula born about 1906
WeingarthMary Jborn about 1931
WeingarthWalter born about 1886
WelchHarold Eborn about 1930
WelchJames born about 1924
WelchRhuema born about 1913
WelkerLemon born about 1861
WelkerMary born about 1865
WestAlexander born about 1857
WestDoris Mayborn about 1923
WestEdith born about 1886
WestFlorence born about 1904
WestHarvilla born about 1891
WestMartha born about 1863
WestRaymond born about 1888
WestWalter born about 1890
WestWalter Bborn about 1904
WestWalter Jr born about 1923
WestfallGuenevere born about 1918
WestfallJeffrey Bborn about 1940
WestfallThomas born about 1920
WheelerBertram born about 1931
WheelerEdward born about 1876
WhitakerIrwin born about 1866
WhiteBernadine born about 1916
WhiteLena Gelnnborn about 1889
WhiteLois born about 1925
WhiteThomas born about 1899
WickensChas Oborn about 1881
WickensLillian Mborn about 1887
WigginsBlanche Aborn about 1887
WigginsBonny Jborn about 1931
WigginsBryan born about 1900
WigginsCleveland born about 1886
WigginsDonald born about 1927
WigginsEdna Bborn about 1904
WigginsEugene born about 1924
WigginsEvelyn born about 1916
WigginsFloyd born about 1899
WigginsLee born about 1905
WigginsLouis Aborn about 1886
WigginsMarie born about 1902
WigginsRobert Lborn about 1937
WigginsRoland born about 1901
WigginsSadie born about 1901
WigginsT Addisonborn about 1900
WigginsWillard born about 1922
WigginsWilliam Aborn about 1937
WikeMary born about 1862
WilcoxAlbert born about 1912
WilcoxAlbert Eborn about 1939
WilcoxHarold born about 1937
WilcoxMildred born about 1920
WilleyBertha born about 1885
WilleyClarence Eborn about 1882
WilleyHarold born about 1929
WilleyLawrence born about 1916
WilliamJohn Wborn about 1871
WilliamsAsa born about 1921
WilliamsCdelia Fborn about 1875
WilliamsCharlotte born about 1872
WilliamsGrover Cborn about 1889
WilliamsMaude born about 1889
WolfeHenry born about 1881
WolfeLester Eborn about 1871
WolfeRuby born about 1899
WolfeWillis born about 1899
WolfordJack Mborn about 1919
WolfordWilliam Dborn about 1916
WolfordWilliam Fborn about 1870
WrightCarrie born about 1872
WrightDaniel Lborn about 1925
WrightDarius Eborn about 1863
WrightMabel born about 1890
WrightMary Eborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarnellMary Aborn about 1858
YoungLillie born about 1913

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