1940 U.S. Federal Census of Allan, Murray, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Murray County > 1940 Census of Allan

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AfericaFrank born about 1860
AllanJack Bborn about 1931
ArlineAndrew Aborn about 1898
ArlineJames Rborn about 1909
ArlineJohn born about 1907
ArlineMary Fborn about 1869
ArlineMelba Jborn about 1901
ArlineOlive William Tborn about 1863
ArlineOrville Lborn about 1914
ArlineTheodore Mborn about 1903
ArmstrongSamuel Cborn about 1880
ArmstrongSara Fborn about 1887
ArnoldEvelyn born about 1888
ArnoldJoseph Dborn about 1872

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B Surnames

BaberPatsie Mborn about 1922
BaberWalter born about 1919
BaileyAgness born about 1915
BaileyBabbie Fborn about 1934
BaileyBruce Wborn about 1936
BaileyCharles Cborn about 1913
BaileyJoseph Tborn about 1883
BaileyJosephine born about 1890
BaileyLottie Vborn about 1914
BaileyPeggy Aborn about 1939
BaileyTommy Jborn about 1935
BaileyWanda Cborn about 1934
BaileyWesley Fborn about 1915
BeckCoye Gborn about 1921
BeckJames Hborn about 1888
BeckMattie born about 1887
BeckTillie Mborn about 1921
BedlardEsthel Eborn about 1923
BeleyBessie Lborn about 1902
BeleyEdmon Wborn about 1937
BeleyJoe Oborn about 1928
BeleyRobert Wborn about 1900
BeleyStella Mborn about 1926
BennieHenen Rborn about 1879
BennieSara Eborn about 1891
BirchAnna Pborn about 1895
BirchAnna Rborn about 1937
BirchBetty Iborn about 1918
BirchBillie Jborn about 1923
BirchCharles Gborn about 1939
BirchEric Lborn about 1934
BirchEvelyn Iborn about 1924
BirchHelen Gborn about 1929
BirchLenard Jborn about 1925
BirchLenard Tborn about 1895
BirchLola born about 1892
BirchLora born about 1920
BirchLynn Eborn about 1883
BirchLynn Oborn about 1930
BirchOdell Gborn about 1915
BirchRobert Dborn about 1932
BlackJohn Hborn about 1902
BlackLela Bborn about 1900
BlackWilliam Tborn about 1865
BradleyBetty Cborn about 1929
BradleyGrace Mborn about 1907
BradleyJoe Bborn about 1902
BradleyJoe Cborn about 1928
BranfieldBula Mborn about 1912
BranfieldCarlie Fborn about 1892
BranfieldEleck born about 1908
BranfieldFlora Lborn about 1937
BranfieldHittie Mborn about 1897
BranfieldIda born about 1888
BranfieldJames Hborn about 1886
BranfieldJerry Lborn about 1930
BranfieldJessie Fborn about 1918
BranfieldLawanda Oborn about 1929
BranfieldLenda Sborn about 1939
BranfieldLova Aborn about 1880
BranfieldT Jborn about 1923
BranfieldTemple Bborn about 1925
BranfieldThomas Aborn about 1874
BrittanJohn Hborn about 1877
BrittanMay Tborn about 1878
BrownAbel Bborn about 1893
BrownBabbie Aborn about 1934
BrownBettie Rborn about 1940
BrownDonald Rborn about 1935
BrownGladys Mborn about 1933
BrownIsham Gborn about 1907
BrownJulia Dborn about 1936
BrownLeona Dborn about 1915
BrownSelina born about 1899
BrownVelma Gborn about 1936
BrubakerGilbert Vborn about 1912
BrubakerHazel Mborn about 1927
BrubakerLenna Pborn about 1888
BrubakerRodie born about 1916
BrubakerShirley Jborn about 1936
BrubakerVan B born about 1884
BrubakerWanda Mborn about 1933
BryantLettie Vborn about 1902
BryantManas Fborn about 1892
BuchmanMaggie Mborn about 1871
BuchmanRalph Gborn about 1907
BuchmanWalter Mborn about 1872
BuffingtonHattie Sborn about 1904
BurleyEula Mborn about 1915
BurleyGus Pborn about 1912
BurleyWanda Tborn about 1933
ButlerAllan Gborn about 1938
ButlerC Fborn about 1928
ButlerCallie Fborn about 1909
ButlerNancy Aborn about 1931
ButlerRobert Lborn about 1871
ButlerRobert L Jrborn about 1926
BynumAlma Dborn about 1928
BynumClaud born about 1924
BynumJader Eborn about 1889
BynumJessie Fborn about 1917
BynumKatherine born about 1926

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C Surnames

CallasFloyd born about 1901
CallasMinnie Mborn about 1912
CaneBarbara Aborn about 1937
CaneDavid Rborn about 1882
CaneGlenn Eborn about 1907
CaneGlenn Jr born about 1930
CaneJames Lborn about 1922
CaneLottie Lborn about 1885
CaneMary Cborn about 1921
CaneRochel Aborn about 1907
CantrellMary born about 1883
CantrellO Wborn about 1876
CarterAnn born about 1915
CarterBillie Rayborn about 1930
CarterKenith Wborn about 1939
CarterPreston Eborn about 1937
CarterPreston Iborn about 1911
CaulsonAla Rborn about 1918
CaulsonEula Wborn about 1921
CawellAry born about 1914
CawellBetty Sborn about 1939
CawellHazel Dborn about 1918
CawellIrena Fborn about 1939
CawellJohn Hborn about 1934
CawellLena Jborn about 1938
CawellMurl born about 1916
CawellRaburn Wborn about 1914
ChadwickCecil Mborn about 1896
ChadwickJ Cborn about 1923
ChadwickJoe Annborn about 1935
ChadwickMarie Lborn about 1933
ChadwickNicholas Aborn about 1885
ChadwickWanda Iborn about 1928
ChaffinAnnie Oborn about 1926
ChaffinCalvin Tborn about 1922
ChaffinLoin Oborn about 1923
ChaffinLuther Tborn about 1900
ChaffinMary Lborn about 1939
ChaffinMay Oborn about 1902
ChancyHattie born about 1871
CherayCatherine born about 1904
CherryBetty Lborn about 1885
CherryDessie Lborn about 1918
CherryEarnest Lborn about 1910
CherryElmer born about 1913
CherryFrankie Lborn about 1936
CherryJack Dborn about 1938
CherryJames Hborn about 1881
CherryRobert Dborn about 1940
CherryWilma Dborn about 1931
ChildressDorris Cborn about 1879
ChildressWilliam Bborn about 1873
ChrismanDelpha Aborn about 1885
ChrismanJesse Mborn about 1879
ClintonCarles Cborn about 1881
ClintonDoris Mborn about 1928
ClintonHelen Bborn about 1925
ClintonMartha Jborn about 1885
CoppenbargerAllie born about 1891
CoppenbargerFloyd Eborn about 1917
CoppenbargerHenry Eborn about 1889
CoppenbargerRalph Sborn about 1918
CoppenbargerThomas Rborn about 1923
CoxAndry born about 1893
CoxJettie Mborn about 1892
CoxWanetta Jborn about 1931
CrippenCora Mborn about 1883
CrippenJohn Rborn about 1881
CrumbAlfred Fborn about 1935
CrumbCalum Bborn about 1937
CrumbColbert Lborn about 1911
CrumbCora Bborn about 1912
CrumbReta Cborn about 1933
CrumbTerry Eborn about 1940
CunningtubbyDanley Sborn about 1912
CunningtubbyElisa born about 1888
CunningtubbyIda Gborn about 1892
CunningtubbyIna Mborn about 1920
CunningtubbyJoe born about 1888
CunningtubbyJoseph Jr born about 1931
CunningtubbyMary Jborn about 1876
CunningtubbyRay born about 1913
CunningtubbySara Mborn about 1888
CunningtubbyVirgie Jborn about 1918
CurryAlfred Eborn about 1929
CurryGene Cborn about 1940
CurryLoreane Mborn about 1923
CurryLula born about 1926
CurryMillie born about 1908
CurryWilliam Dborn about 1882
CurryWilliam Eborn about 1913

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D Surnames

DanahoRachel Aborn about 1880
DanahoWalter Lborn about 1877
DanahoWoodrow born about 1919
DanielBarden Gborn about 1906
DanielFreda Hborn about 1914
DanielsAbe born about 1872
DanielsAbe Jr born about 1912
DanielsClara Mborn about 1917
DanielsEura Aborn about 1881
DanielsJulia Aborn about 1935
DavasiheRaymond Aborn about 1925
DavisAl born about 1901
DavisAlmeda Bborn about 1923
DavisEsther Oborn about 1903
DavisJames Hborn about 1912
DavisJames H Jrborn about 1936
DavisLackey Eborn about 1931
DavisMaggie born about 1889
DavisMarilyn Fborn about 1938
DavisMary Mborn about 1891
DavisNenniam Dborn about 1880
DavisPatrice Rborn about 1931
DavisRobert Sborn about 1889
DavisRobert S Jrborn about 1925
DavisThelma Iborn about 1912
DayTillie Mborn about 1895
DayWalter Bborn about 1887
DeatheregeAbner Fborn about 1887
DeatheregeAlfred Rborn about 1913
DeatheregeArdelie born about 1917
DeatheregeMary Lborn about 1924
DeatheregeNathan Hborn about 1918
DeatheregeVada Pborn about 1893
DesverBen Dborn about 1917
DevisCecil Dborn about 1927
DevisLeroy Bborn about 1923
DevisLige Tborn about 1879
DevisLize Tborn about 1904
DevisMaudie Sborn about 1937
DixonBeula Iborn about 1906
DixonBilly Jr born about 1924
DixonBobbie G Jrborn about 1925
DixonEra Mborn about 1905
DixonFrank Jborn about 1900
DixonLeta Rborn about 1928
DixonMary Lborn about 1924
DixonWilliam Jborn about 1896
DoyleCharles born about 1877
DoyleOdar Dayleborn about 1870
DuchamAda Mborn about 1889
DuchamCanley Lborn about 1923
DuchamElmary Aborn about 1889
DuchamLeland Aborn about 1916
DupshaCharlie Jborn about 1931

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E Surnames

EarleyCecil Bborn about 1921
EarleyMilburn Tborn about 1874
EarleyMinnie Cborn about 1887
EdgensCarlos Fborn about 1925
EdgensHazel Mborn about 1933
EdgensJ Wborn about 1929
EdgensJohn Wborn about 1890
EdgensLilla Mayborn about 1936
EdgensMattie Oborn about 1893
EdgensNana Oborn about 1927
EdgensVerly Eborn about 1931
EdgmanAnnie born about 1925
EdgmanDelbert born about 1921
EmbryBarbarba Jborn about 1932
ErvinAlice born about 1921
ErvinBettie Mborn about 1911
ErvinBooker Tborn about 1913
ErvinBooker T Jrborn about 1936
ErvinC Gborn about 1934
ErvinCleveland born about 1933
ErvinFreddy Eborn about 1919
ErvinFreddy Jr born about 1939
ErvinTom Kborn about 1939
ErvinVirgie born about 1938
ErvinVivian born about 1937
ErwinClare born about 1875
ErwinDewitt born about 1923
ErwinLeroy Rborn about 1921
ErwinRuth born about 1890
EthertonEthel Mborn about 1900
EthertonJimmy Lborn about 1927
EthertonJohn Pborn about 1928
EthertonLillian Jborn about 1934
EthertonMax Eborn about 1898
EthertonWinnie Mborn about 1933

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F Surnames

FarrisMinnie Dborn about 1886
FarrisSam Bborn about 1908
FathmanAlma Tborn about 1936
FathmanHarold Wborn about 1940
FathmanMaud Lborn about 1907
FathmanRuby Jborn about 1927
FathmanTheodgar born about 1906
FathmanWanda Lborn about 1932
FaulknerHugh Aborn about 1899
FaulknerLorwence born about 1925
FaulknerMattie born about 1897
FitchJohn Bborn about 1908
FitchKatherine Cborn about 1912
FocheHelen Tborn about 1923
FocheLuther Lborn about 1916
FooneyAndrew Lborn about 1902
FooneyCarolyn Rborn about 1934
FooneyEala Fborn about 1899
FosterAmelia Mborn about 1884
FosterFred Fborn about 1868
FrancesDam Bborn about 1898
FrancesDora Mborn about 1917
FrancesWilliam Bborn about 1893
FrancesWilliam Mborn about 1919
FranklinWilliam born about 1911
FrantAnnie Eborn about 1904
FrantH Cborn about 1895
FrantVirgil Rborn about 1928
FrazinJack Bborn about 1874
FrazinLoren born about 1930
FrazinNanie born about 1896
FrenchDalton Tborn about 1909
FrenchJasper Tborn about 1934
FrenchLottie born about 1914
FrenchViola Mborn about 1932

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G Surnames

GeurinHarvey Dborn about 1918
GeurinLuthur Lborn about 1885
GeurinMyrtle Eborn about 1883
GillespieEddie Lborn about 1902
GillespieSara Aborn about 1907
GoodlaeRush born about 1867
GreenAdam Cborn about 1922
GreenAllan Fborn about 1890
GreenAllan Jborn about 1930
GreenAlpha Lborn about 1935
GreenAmy Pborn about 1931
GreenJessie Nborn about 1924
GreenJohn Mborn about 1925
GreenLloyd Hborn about 1928
GreenLouis Mborn about 1926
GreenMyrtle Mborn about 1895
GreenPerry Nborn about 1934
GreenVelma Oborn about 1923
GreenVivian Lborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HabbsAttie born about 1884
HabbsNellie Pborn about 1887
HabbsWanda Lborn about 1924
HallCharleta born about 1861
HallDelia born about 1904
HallJohn Mborn about 1852
HamiltonDavie born about 1884
HamiltonGeorge Nborn about 1883
HamiltonJankins born about 1913
HamiltonVivian Vborn about 1922
HamiltonWerman Wborn about 1919
HarnerAlice Lborn about 1920
HarnerHarry Nborn about 1887
HarnerMary Bborn about 1891
HarrellH Ellenborn about 1912
HarrisonBalzie born about 1897
HarrisonCharley born about 1894
HarrisonNace born about 1896
HathcockClyde Cborn about 1910
HathcockJames Hborn about 1935
HathcockR Oborn about 1938
HathcockRuth born about 1915
HeadrichCamala Oborn about 1934
HeadrichEasie Mborn about 1908
HeadrichElmer Eborn about 1936
HeadrichFrances Fborn about 1925
HeadrichJardy Lborn about 1929
HeadrichRalph Fborn about 1899
HenaleyCatherine Bborn about 1919
HenaleyMelva Gborn about 1939
HenaleyOscar Lborn about 1917
HerndanAlbert Cborn about 1902
HerndanOla Aborn about 1913
HignightJ Wborn about 1870
HodgeBonnie Mborn about 1936
HodgeGeorgia Lborn about 1925
HodgeJessie Mborn about 1928
HodgeJohn Hborn about 1898
HodgeJohnnie Cborn about 1933
HodgeThelma Lborn about 1908
HodgeWanata born about 1939
HowardGeorge Gborn about 1886
HowardGeorgia Iborn about 1933
HowardLuthur Wborn about 1928
HowardOlie Jborn about 1894
HowardSara Fborn about 1925
HowardThomas Fborn about 1922
HugginsErnice Dborn about 1921
HugginsHarry Bborn about 1883
HugginsJewell Dborn about 1913
HugginsJohn Dborn about 1939
HugginsMary Mborn about 1891
HugginsRay Mborn about 1917
HugginsRobert Dborn about 1929
HugginsRuby Vborn about 1914
HungEliza Aborn about 1865
HungFrank Sborn about 1865
HuntAlvin Tborn about 1930
HuntEmma Tborn about 1906
HuntJ Tborn about 1925
HuntJohn Tborn about 1903
HuntRichard Daleborn about 1928
HurstAlma born about 1882
HurstDave born about 1885

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J Surnames

JacobsCaroline Eborn about 1935
JacobsCharolet Jborn about 1938
JacobsLee Mborn about 1913
JacobsMable Lborn about 1922
JamesAlferd born about 1920
JamesCornelius born about 1928
JamesLyman born about 1918
JamesMary born about 1898
JamesNepolin Jborn about 1923
JamesOpaline born about 1933
JamesOrvin born about 1915
JamesPercy Bborn about 1930
JamesRay Tborn about 1935
JenningsDas born about 1915
JenningsGoldie born about 1918
JohnsonArvill Bborn about 1911
JohnsonDorothy Jborn about 1929
JohnsonJewel Eborn about 1911
JohnsonMarie Fborn about 1933
JonesBetty Lborn about 1930
JonesBillie Jborn about 1935
JonesDorthy Lborn about 1931
JonesLauzania born about 1905
JonesLeoan born about 1898
JonesWalter Lborn about 1933
JonesWanda Aborn about 1938

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K Surnames

KellyJames Aborn about 1935
KellyLinda Oborn about 1940
KellyLula Mborn about 1915
KeltyCarol Jborn about 1934
KeltyEarl Tborn about 1902
KeltyLois Eborn about 1906
KennedyAnesie Mborn about 1907
KennedyHardey Lborn about 1900
KenneyJeanne Aborn about 1936
KenneyMax Rborn about 1931
KenneyRuth Lborn about 1933
KilmerRaymond Mborn about 1920
KilmerTray Jr born about 1939
KilmerVelma Sborn about 1921
KingBula Mborn about 1903
KingIrene Bborn about 1916
KingJessie Fborn about 1924
KingLillian Dborn about 1927
KingMartha Iborn about 1894
KingViola Lborn about 1922
KingWilliam Aborn about 1888
KnappBillie Jborn about 1929
KnappBillie Rborn about 1938
KnappCleo Lborn about 1907
KnappEarnest Bborn about 1938
KnappEmma Cborn about 1878
KnappNellie Mborn about 1915
KnappShirley Jborn about 1936
KnappTom Jborn about 1916
KnappTom J Jrborn about 1939
KnappWilliam Rborn about 1906

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L Surnames

LangCharley Mborn about 1921
LangEula born about 1935
LangSam Bborn about 1880
LangVera Cborn about 1896
LannyClarence born about 1919
LannyDorthy born about 1921
LannyElbern Wborn about 1939
LembertJay Cborn about 1925
LembertJohn Wborn about 1862
LennierNora Gborn about 1911
LennierPaul Rborn about 1911
LesslyClara Gborn about 1895
LesslyDan Eborn about 1926
LesslyMaurice Wborn about 1912
LesslyMelville Gborn about 1889
LewisCharles Eborn about 1913
LewisEllen born about 1881
LewisJames Fborn about 1885
LewisJohn Nborn about 1904
LewisMammie Lborn about 1929
LewisNorman Fborn about 1928
LewisRobert Hborn about 1879
LewisThelma Fborn about 1910
LorneyBlanch Cborn about 1916
LorneyClinton Jborn about 1936
LorneyFrank Rborn about 1914
LutherAlfred Sborn about 1925
LutherBennie Pborn about 1932
LutherClarence Eborn about 1900
LutherEdna Fborn about 1903
LutherFrancis Cborn about 1936
LutherJack Eborn about 1923
LutherMargie Eborn about 1927

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M Surnames

MahardySam born about 1879
MarmtinLes Rborn about 1894
MarmtinMinnie Lborn about 1897
MarrieCarrie Eborn about 1892
MarrieCharley born about 1915
MarrieEarnest born about 1927
MarrieOphelia born about 1930
MarrisBernice Mborn about 1916
MarrisFay Eborn about 1918
MarrisHaskell Eborn about 1920
MarrisLadala Eborn about 1922
MarrisVirginia Hborn about 1894
MartinClaus Fborn about 1889
MartinHazel born about 1913
MartinHoward Tborn about 1933
MartinJimmie Rborn about 1908
MartinMelvin Gborn about 1926
MartinOttie Mborn about 1890
MartinRobert Oborn about 1908
MartinTruman born about 1911
MasearAbe born about 1890
MasearLuna Vborn about 1904
McCannEvery Cborn about 1914
McCannIsabel born about 1865
McCannWm born about 1883
McCrayBeatrice Gborn about 1933
McCrayBillie Jborn about 1924
McCrayLizzie Aborn about 1900
McCrayPete born about 1900
McCullanCharley Mborn about 1932
McCullanJames W Jrborn about 1929
McCullanJanne Wborn about 1903
McCullanJewell born about 1904
McCullanMary Fborn about 1940
McCullanRay Jborn about 1937
MenillMaymie Eborn about 1889
MenkranJames Fborn about 1885
MenkranMaud born about 1886
MenkranPaul Eborn about 1907
MooreAneta Rborn about 1925
MoserAlline born about 1937
MoserBabbie Dborn about 1940
MurrayBowen Bborn about 1885
MurrayBowen B Jrborn about 1930
MurrayHazel Oborn about 1923
MurrayJack Lborn about 1914
MurrayMary Eborn about

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N Surnames

NeighlearsDoris Fborn about 1935
NeighlearsHaylan Jborn about 1908
NeighlearsLedia Mborn about 1915
NewlinGary Dborn about 1939
NewlinJerrill Cborn about 1934
NewlinJudy Kborn about 1939
NewlinPaul Mborn about 1913
NewlinSylvia Jborn about 1914
NewmanAlvin Hborn about 1902
NewmanCora Eborn about 1873
NewmanHenry Gborn about 1876
NugenLeon born about 1925

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O Surnames

OdellC Pborn about 1865
OliverArdis Eborn about 1921
OliverLena Jborn about 1896
OliverMarvin Vborn about 1887
OliverOleta Cborn about 1918
OliverPreston born about 1915

P Surnames

PaeBillie Rborn about 1934
PaeLoreta Fborn about 1928
PaeMaud Mborn about 1896
PaeWilburn Wborn about 1921
PaeWill Wborn about 1892
PagueJohn Bborn about 1912
ParriskFrancis Mborn about 1916
ParriskMable Wborn about 1936
ParriskTray Oborn about 1907
PatrickAnnie Lborn about 1909
PatrickCarrie Eborn about 1930
PatrickHenderson Rborn about 1894
PerdesArgelia Pborn about 1924
PerdesFannie Bborn about 1890
PerdesLant Lukeborn about 1886
PerdesToy born about 1921
PerryBurl Eborn about 1939
PerryDan Cborn about 1936
PerryDan Jborn about 1865
PerryEllen born about 1867
PerryJane Rborn about 1934
PerryMurray Cborn about 1907
PhillipsAdel born about 1875
PhillipsW born about 1866
PierceGeorge Eborn about 1904
PierceHazel born about 1933
PierceHelen born about 1907
PierceHoward Wborn about 1935
PierceJimmie Wborn about 1939
PierceLouise Pborn about 1930
PierceMarzarie born about 1927
PitchfordAmsley Lborn about 1883
PitchfordEdith Mborn about 1883
PittegrewAnora born about 1898
PittegrewEdgar Fborn about 1925
PittegrewEdward Fborn about 1925
PittegrewMarvin Eborn about 1930
PittegrewWilliam Jborn about 1894
PriddeyAlene Lborn about 1903
PriddeyFred Eborn about 1903
PriddeyJames Kborn about 1927

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R Surnames

RaddleBruce Tborn about 1925
RaddleEd Jr born about 1923
RaddleEdgar Mborn about 1884
RaddleEmma Lborn about 1917
RaddleJoe Bborn about 1928
RaddleMattie Eborn about 1892
RadgusDorris Lborn about 1925
RadgusJohn Wborn about 1920
RadgusSara Mborn about 1891
RaperBill born about 1922
RaperFreeman Tborn about 1929
RaperHerbert Wborn about 1918
RaperLama Rborn about 1924
RaperMary Eborn about 1926
RaperVerda Mborn about 1899
RaperWilliam Jborn about 1895
RobertsDean Lborn about 1916
RobertsRudean born about 1939
RobertsRuth Gborn about 1921
RoodyJesse Fborn about 1904
RoodyLorene Aborn about 1916
RoseFrank Hborn about 1925
RoseGarry Rborn about 1931
RoseJohn Bborn about 1901
RoseLan Oborn about 1904
RoseNeal Pborn about 1934
RosePhiliane Jborn about 1929
RossMyrtle Gborn about 1893
RunyanBetty born about 1919
RunyanMaud Rborn about 1889
RunyanRoy Bborn about 1886
RussellAtha Lborn about 1889
RussellClobarn Rborn about 1883
RussellEvert born about 1919
RussellFauella born about 1920
RussellFay Hborn about 1912
RussellFrank born about 1860
RussellHattie born about 1912
RussellThelma Gborn about 1908
RussellWilliam born about 1883
RussellWilliam Jr born about 1940
RuthedgeElaie Mborn about 1908
RuthedgeMaxie Cborn about 1907

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S Surnames

SadlerAlex Mborn about 1900
SadlerMattie born about 1878
SartinEmma Mborn about 1878
SasebeeBessie Gborn about 1902
SasebeeEarnest Cborn about 1901
SawellBen Tborn about 1896
SawellBillie Cborn about 1937
SawellGladys Mborn about 1918
ShartJessie Rborn about 1905
ShartMollie born about 1866
ShartR Dborn about 1898
SheehamClaud Gborn about 1916
SheehamLela Mborn about 1913
Shira??? Mborn about 1924
ShiraBilley Gborn about 1926
ShiraLawrence Eborn about 1893
ShiraVirgie born about 1904
ShortCharles Wborn about 1893
ShortTollie Iborn about 1893
SimsAmor born about 1911
SimsArvana Tborn about 1934
SimsClarence Eborn about 1907
SimsDan Hborn about 1930
SimsWayne Eborn about 1938
SmithAlanzo born about 1875
SmithMary Eborn about 1875
SmithViola Aborn about 1921
SmootJ Cborn about 1934
SmootLeeroy born about 1935
SparksLanney Hborn about 1931
SparksLewis Gborn about 1899
SparksLewis Jr born about 1926
SparksLinnie born about 1906
StadamJessie Jborn about 1872
StansberryCecil Bborn about 1905
StansberryCecil Jr born about 1927
StansberryHoward Wborn about 1931
StansberryLillian Fborn about 1907
StansberryRichard Dborn about 1929
StegallLuella Eborn about 1862
SteneCalvin Nborn about 1938
SteneChester Mborn about 1914
StenePearl Vborn about 1915
SteneWilsie Jborn about 1937

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T Surnames

TerryIne born about 1894
TetersHazel Fborn about 1926
TetersJohn Bborn about 1921
TetersLucie born about 1893
TetersMary Aborn about 1923
TetersPerry Rborn about 1932
TetersWalter Lborn about 1891
ThomasCarolie Mborn about 1921
ThomasDora Cborn about 1887
ThomasFoster Hborn about 1921
ThomasJac Bborn about 1924
ThomasJessie Dborn about 1886
ThomasJessie Dborn about 1929
ThomasLeanette born about 1885
ThomasMarcus Mborn about 1884
ThomsonBillie Cborn about 1939
ThomsonCharles Aborn about 1884
ThomsonJack Tborn about 1926
ThomsonKenith born about 1937
ThomsonLaura born about 1889
ThomsonNorman Hborn about 1931
ThomsonRalph born about 1918
ThomsonThelma born about 1913
ThorntonColumbus Jborn about 1926
ThorntonJ Rborn about 1928
ThorntonJohn Rborn about 1871
ThorntonRutha Cborn about 1908
TranfordGail born about 1904
TuckerEmiley Jborn about 1873
TuckerGeorge Sborn about 1864
TuleyEd Fborn about 1895
TuleyEdna Pborn about 1919
TuleyHelen Mborn about 1928
TuleyJ Tborn about 1923
TuleyJames Eborn about 1933
TuleyOllie born about 1897
TurittInez Aborn about 1877
TurnerElizabeth born about 1910
TyrieMary Jborn about 1881

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V Surnames

VealSusan Eborn about 1880
VealThomas Cborn about 1873
VineyardBettie Jborn about 1934
VineyardBillie Gborn about 1936
VineyardBobbie Nborn about 1939
VineyardBuster V Kborn about 1917
VineyardEssie born about 1919
VineyardFern born about 1938
VineyardMarie Tborn about 1918
VineyardMelburnde born about 1914
VineyardSusie born about 1917
VineyardWalter Lborn about 1911

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W Surnames

WalkerAlore Lborn about 1874
WalkerWilliam Pborn about 1863
WarrenCharles Rborn about 1934
WarrenDonald Wborn about 1939
WarrenEdgar Jborn about 1892
WarrenEdith Vborn about 1909
WarrenGarland Rborn about 1936
WarrenHenry Jborn about 1930
WarrenHenry Lborn about 1909
WarrenIrene Aborn about 1915
WarrenJean Aborn about 1938
WarrenLeroy born about 1915
WarrenMary Fborn about 1929
WarrenMilda Rborn about 1932
WatersClance Fborn about 1924
WatersIley Wborn about 1884
WatersSadie Pborn about 1899
WatsonAllene born about 1928
WatsonCarl Tborn about 1939
WatsonCarrell Rborn about 1937
WatsonClarence born about 1930
WatsonDouglass born about 1923
WatsonFarris Gborn about 1921
WatsonFarris Jborn about 1891
WatsonHarty born about 1900
WatsonJewell Mborn about 1920
WatsonLavelta born about 1932
WatsonMarvin born about 1926
WatsonRay Cborn about 1916
WatsonRoselda born about 1935
WebeerBetty Jborn about 1931
WebeerCornie Cborn about 1910
WebeerHorace Cborn about 1907
WestClara Fborn about 1928
WestDelia born about 1865
WestElmer Tborn about 1914
WestLettie born about 1883
WestLettie Lborn about 1923
WestLorene born about 1919
WestRobert born about 1882
WestVirginia Mborn about 1937
WhiteBessie Bborn about 1908
WhiteBillie Tborn about 1931
WhiteFrankie Fborn about 1903
WhiteGuy Rborn about 1905
WhiteGuylene born about 1935
WhiteJerry Dborn about 1936
WhiteJimmie Gborn about 1929
WhiteLawanda Fborn about 1937
WhiteMargie Lborn about 1928
WhiteRobbie Jborn about 1933
WhiteWill Mborn about 1887
WilliamsJ Wborn about 1928
WillisPasty Lborn about 1939
WillisSam Hborn about 1908
WillisSammie Rborn about 1934
WillisWillie Bborn about 1906
WilsonAdis Jborn about 1906
WilsonCallie Mborn about 1910
WilsonCora Bborn about 1882
WilsonEdward Eborn about 1934
WilsonEvelyne Jborn about 1930
WilsonHarold Lborn about 1931
WilsonJames Oborn about 1928
WilsonJohn Wborn about 1876
WilsonMinnie Cborn about 1909
WilsonOnie Mborn about 1916
WilsonRaymond Hborn about 1917
WilsonRutha Jborn about 1933
WilsonTommy Jborn about 1937
WilsonWilburn Hborn about 1880
WilsonWilliam Oborn about 1928
WilsonWilliam Tborn about 1912
WinbornAubrey Dborn about 1938
WinbornBettie Jborn about 1939
WinbornCalvin Sborn about 1872
WinbornElizabeth Hborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanzeyAnna born about 1904
YanzeyGlenn Rborn about 1931
YanzeyHelen Gborn about 1928
YanzeyInfant born about 1940
YanzeyLain Gborn about 1927
YanzeySaretha Wborn about 1939
YanzeyWillie Tborn about 1904
YatesCharley born about 1886
YatesDora Aborn about 1863
YoungAnna Rborn about 1927
YoungEugene Fborn about 1930
YoungGeneva Sborn about 1908
YoungJohn Sborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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