1940 U.S. Federal Census of Blackgum, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Blackgum

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AddyOscar born about 1870
AlexanderJohn born about 1875
AlexanderKattie born about 1894
AndersonWill Jarettborn about 1864
ArnierBert born about 1899
ArnierBert Jr born about 1936
ArnierCharley born about 1901
ArnierChester born about 1925
ArnierIva born about 1906
ArnierLessia born about 1928
ArnierLester born about 1923
ArnierRenia born about 1934
ArnierVelma born about 1932
AyersMargret Jborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaldridgeJames Gborn about 1913
BaldridgeJoyce Mborn about 1940
BaldridgeJuanita born about 1921
BarnoskieAdam born about 1923
BarnoskieAllie born about 1915
BarnoskieBonnie born about 1921
BarnoskieCoseen born about 1877
BarnoskieDovie born about 1881
BarnoskieEaster born about 1921
BarnoskieEffie born about 1926
BarnoskieElizabeth Anborn about 1939
BarnoskieElnora born about 1932
BarnoskieEster born about 1906
BarnoskieHolly born about 1924
BarnoskieJim born about 1910
BarnoskieKattie born about 1918
BarnoskieLizzie born about 1936
BarnoskieLouis born about 1913
BarnoskieNancy born about 1928
BarnoskieSarah born about 1920
BarnoskieSusie born about 1930
BarnoskieWynema born about 1926
BiasBobbie Leeborn about 1938
BiasIrene born about 1911
BiasJack born about 1872
BiasPearry Geanborn about 1934
BiasRalph born about 1911
BillyDewey Leeborn about 1939
BillyDogle born about 1930
BillyHazel Joborn about 1933
BiosClion born about 1908
BiosGuy Hborn about 1903
BiosGuy H J Kborn about 1923
BiosJimmie Donborn about 1938
BiosLilley born about 1885
BiosRobert born about 1916
BledsoeJasper born about 1913
BledsoeJulia Annborn about 1872
BlevinsAda born about 1913
BlevinsH Hborn about 1883
BlevinsHugh Dborn about 1896
BlevinsJames Earlborn about 1914
BlevinsLester born about 1911
BlevinsMary born about 1887
BlevinsMary Louborn about 1932
BlevinsMollie born about 1896
BlevinsMyrtle born about 1932
BlevinsNancy Janeborn about 1856
BlevinsOpal born about 1924
BlevinsRodger born about 1927
BlevinsShirley born about 1938
BlevinsVerlie born about 1938
BlevinsW Eborn about 1852
BlevinsWilliam Dborn about 1887
BloomerAvol born about 1902
BloomerEula born about 1922
BloomerHershel born about 1912
BloomerLoyd born about 1901
BloomerSheiodan born about 1939
BoldinNaomi Jeanborn about 1939
BoozeAlbert born about 1934
BoozeEllen born about 1894
BoozeJess Eborn about 1892
BoozeJewell born about 1929
BoozeRaymond born about 1925
BoringEarl Jborn about 1921
BoringEffie born about 1870
BoringFrank Jborn about 1901
BoringJulia born about 1922
BoringJunior born about 1932
BoringLee Billborn about 1925
BoringMaud born about 1913
BoringO Mborn about 1865
BouchatonMelvin Bborn about 1894
BouchatonVivian born about 1904
BowyerGertrude born about 1904
BowyerW Cborn about 1888
BrauerLesley born about 1881
BrauerSusie born about 1880
BrownB Fborn about 1934
BrownE Wborn about 1932
BrownEdward born about 1896
BrownEula born about 1898
BrownRobert Leeborn about 1928
BurtonJohn born about 1882
BusterLucy born about 1908
ButtryCherokee born about 1915
ButtryClyde born about 1939
ButtryDonallee born about 1934
ButtryOtis born about 1911
ButtryPearl born about 1918
ButtryTalmadge born about 1929
ButtryWanda Leeborn about 1932
ButtryWilliam born about 1903
BuursBartram born about 1876
BuursEarnest born about 1914
BuursLucy born about 1876

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C Surnames

CalvinBridges born about 1923
CameronEugene born about 1884
CatoAlfa born about 1928
CatoAlice born about 1931
CatoArice Benjmanborn about 1872
CatoBessie born about 1934
CatoBill Cborn about 1902
CatoDitha born about 1909
CatoEthel born about 1902
CatoEuleane born about 1936
CatoFrank born about 1938
CatoHazle born about 1940
CatoJames Hborn about 1853
CatoJody born about 1930
CatoLee born about 1876
CatoLola Maeborn about 1925
CatoOla born about 1911
CatoOlson born about 1926
CatoRaymond born about 1933
CatoViola born about 1927
CatoWilliam Rborn about 1920
ClarkAda born about 1891
ClarkLevi born about 1905
ColeAlta born about 1898
ColeBennie born about 1895
ColeBilly born about 1930
ColeDale born about 1932
ColeDicie born about 1901
ColeFern born about 1932
ColeGene born about 1929
ColeJewell born about 1922
ColeKelly born about 1927
ColeOrian born about 1905
ColePauline born about 1928
ColeRuth born about 1934
ColeWesley born about 1926
CollinsAlice born about 1911
CollinsAudrey born about 1925
CollinsCloyee born about 1938
CollinsDawson born about 1908
CollinsDella born about 1918
CollinsElton born about 1900
CollinsErvin born about 1939
CollinsFern born about 1934
CollinsGlen born about 1932
CollinsGrace born about 1928
CollinsJ Benjborn about 1915
CollinsJoyce born about 1930
CollinsJune born about 1936
CollinsKelse born about 1901
CollinsLon born about 1880
CollinsLou born about 1879
CollinsMildred born about 1919
CollinsMorris born about 1931
CollinsNellie born about 1929
CollinsRuby born about 1912
CollinsVelma born about 1928
CollinsVerda born about 1905
CollinsVina Louborn about 1936
CollinsVoyd born about 1927
CollinsWandaloe born about 1934
CookCharley J Rborn about 1919
CookCornell born about 1929
CookEugene born about 1926
CookGeorge Wborn about 1898
CookLois born about 1924
CookLoyd born about 1933
CookMarie born about 1919
CookMaymie born about 1894
CookMildred born about 1925
CookOneal born about 1931
CookRuby born about 1906
CookW Cborn about 1888
CooleyEarnest born about 1923
CooperOscar born about 1930
CourtneyCecil born about 1918
CourtneyClyde born about 1933
CourtneyCora Leeborn about 1939
CourtneyDorothy born about 1930
CourtneyGeorge Lborn about 1909
CourtneyJames Mborn about 1871
CourtneyLilly born about 1880
CourtneyLoren born about 1937
CourtneyLousie born about 1937
CourtneySevella born about 1935
CourtneyVerlin born about 1924
CourtneyW Jborn about 1873
CourtneyWillie born about 1939
CourtneyWillma Bellborn about 1909
CowartArchie Lborn about 1935
CowartB Hborn about 1893
CowartBertha born about 1892
CowartClinton born about 1935
CowartEdna born about 1926
CowartFlorence born about 1871
CowartHelen born about 1939
CowartKenneth born about 1919
CowartLillian born about 1922
CowartMargie born about 1916
CowartRena born about 1929
CowartRuthie born about 1933
CowartTroy born about 1924
CowartVictor born about 1930
CowartViola born about 1922
CragheadDella Fayeborn about 1933
CragheadElorn born about 1923
CragheadEugene born about 1926
CragheadHarve born about 1889
CragheadHattie born about 1890
CragheadLon born about 1876
CragheadVania born about 1887

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D Surnames

DaughertyHenry born about 1877
DaughertyJohn born about 1918
DaughertyLillie born about 1926
DaughertyNanie born about 1890
DavisAlbert Fultonborn about 1924
DavisAnnie born about 1918
DavisArthur Aborn about 1912
DavisBuster Tborn about 1921
DavisCecil born about 1914
DavisCharley Aborn about 1885
DavisCharlsauston born about 1916
DavisDwyne born about 1936
DavisEugune born about 1918
DavisFreeda born about 1922
DavisHarold born about 1937
DavisJack Cletiusborn about 1934
DavisJerry born about 1936
DavisJewel born about 1910
DavisLiley born about 1911
DavisLillian born about 1923
DavisLowell Cborn about 1909
DavisLoys Fayborn about 1931
DavisLuease born about 1939
DavisLula Annieborn about 1891
DavisMadge Marieborn about 1920
DavisMalvin Mccellborn about 1925
DavisMary Ellenborn about 1930
DavisMona born about 1933
DavisNaomi born about 1938
DavisNell born about 1913
DavisOpal born about 1913
DavisRaymond Leeborn about 1927
DavisRonald born about 1934
DavisRuby Lenaborn about 1918
DavisRuth born about 1930
DavisThomas Eborn about 1915
DavisVernon born about 1932
DavisWylil Sborn about 1918
DavizMary Ellaborn about 1864
DirtsellerCarrie born about 1923
DirtsellerElmer born about 1918
DirtsellerEster born about 1924
DirtsellerMary born about 1880
DotsonAnna born about 1910
DotsonDrothy born about 1929
DotsonEdna born about 1937
DotsonHelen born about 1930
DotsonJ Dborn about 1935
DotsonJack born about 1907
DotsonKenneth born about 1926
DotsonOtto born about 1933
DoughertyBlue born about 1902
DrywaterJohnson born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EllisLenoria born about 1921
EllisPatsy Ireneborn about 1939
Elwatt??? born about 1921
ElwattCasie born about 1924
ElwattElsie born about 1892
ElwattGean born about 1927
ElwattSam born about 1888
EvansEstes born about 1909
EvansLois born about 1909
EvansRobert born about 1930

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F Surnames

FaulkArchie Leeborn about 1931
FaulkLaverne born about 1933
FaulkMarvell born about 1935
FaulkOtto born about 1903
FaulkQuay born about 1937
FaulkViola born about 1912
FieldsHarry born about 1921
FineBarbara Annborn about 1938
FineEleanor born about 1939
FineMayme born about 1908
FineWolas Rborn about 1905
FinkDuane born about 1931
FinkEra born about 1908
FinkEugene born about 1923
FinkHoward born about 1928
FinkJ Rborn about 1865
FinkKenneth born about 1926
FinkMarlin Gborn about 1901
FinkSarah Eborn about 1864
FlanaganBertha born about 1900
FlanaganEllajean born about 1929
FlanaganElva born about 1923
FlanaganEugene born about 1895
FlanaganHarvey born about 1925
FlanaganHoward born about 1926
FlanaganLillie born about 1920
ForrestBertha born about 1916
ForrestDorthy born about 1932
ForrestElo born about 1933
ForrestGleason born about 1935
ForrestRoy born about 1911
FoxHerbet born about 1929
FoxNaomi born about 1930
FoxPaul born about 1927
FoxRachel born about 1898
FoxViolet born about 1935
FulsonDortha born about 1939
FulsonJames born about 1881
FulsonJaunita born about 1920
FulsonLula born about 1887
FulsonSanni born about 1914
FulsonWanda Janeborn about 1937
FulsonWilliam Henryborn about 1924
FultonAlta Louborn about 1940
FultonEllen born about 1876
FultonHursel born about 1906
FultonOula born about 1904
FultonVales born about 1924

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G Surnames

GarrisonRobert Mborn about 1890
GibsonEarl born about 1912
GibsonEdmond born about 1933
GibsonHerbert born about 1932
GibsonVerbie born about 1917
GilksonJohn Rborn about 1880
GilksonNina Eborn about 1880
GilksonRuth Aborn about 1911
GirtyBessie born about 1916
GirtyFrench born about 1907
GirtyJohn born about 1934
GirtyKathrine born about 1939
GirtyKatie born about 1880
GirtyMonroe born about 1933
GirtyRobert Lborn about 1936
GirtyRosella born about 1858
GriffinBetty Louborn about 1934
GriffinJack born about 1899

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H Surnames

HammettJ Aborn about 1869
HammettOla born about 1910
HarrisColleen born about 1936
HarrisDaniell Eugeneborn about 1922
HarrisGilbert born about 1929
HarrisIrmadean born about 1927
HarrisJosie D Gborn about 1901
HarrisLovine born about 1925
HarrisOra born about 1906
HartArduey born about 1925
HartClyde born about 1911
HartJ Cborn about 1939
HartLucille born about 1922
HartTalitha born about 1920
HartVelma born about 1937
HendricksA Samborn about 1871
HendricksElezbeth born about 1935
HendricksEli born about 1907
HendricksEllis born about 1901
HendricksEmma born about 1933
HendricksJohn born about 1930
HendricksMan* born about 1918
HendricksNancy born about 1901
HendricksReacher born about 1907
HendricksSirah born about 1938
HendricksWanlou born about 1932
HicksAndy born about 1880
HicksEllen born about 1918
HicksTom born about 1918
HodgsonMae born about 1917
HodgsonWillard Sborn about 1912
HoltBetsy Louborn about 1927
HoltCorra born about 1901
HoltMatt born about 1894
HoltPatsy Ruthborn about 1934
HopkinsArthur born about 1932
HopkinsBirdie Kayborn about 1936
HopkinsCarroll born about 1934
HopkinsEdna born about 1916
HouglandDortha born about 1924
HouglandEarl born about 1916
HussonCurby born about 1907
HussonLouise born about 1937
HussonMartha born about 1908
HussonRemlove born about 1937
HustonBill born about 1912
HustonDock born about 1920
HustonHarlen born about 1928
HustonJohn Hborn about 1887
HustonLottie born about 1887
HustonLylie born about 1924
HustonOrlen born about 1930
HustonOther born about 1915

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlbert born about 1936
JohnsonBennie born about 1921
JohnsonEarnest born about 1913
JohnsonFloyd born about 1938
JohnsonL Dborn about 1924
JohnsonMable born about 1930
JohnsonMary Mborn about 1937
JohnsonMason born about 1931
JohnsonSteve born about 1871
JohnsonSteven born about 1919
JohnsonSusie born about 1918
JohnsonVictory born about 1893
JohnsonWashington born about 1927
JohnsonYounger born about 1923

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K Surnames

KaggsAudrey born about 1905
KaggsCloey born about 1932
KaggsEldrige born about 1931
KaggsFloyd born about 1929
KaggsInez born about 1926
KaggsJ Aborn about 1902
KaggsKenneth born about 1940
KaggsLeoze born about 1935
KayWillie born about 1918
KeerKerbie born about 1911
KyleE Lborn about 1873
KyleEleanor born about 1877

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L Surnames

LeafNellie born about 1870
LeeAlva Carlborn about 1937
LeeBulah Maeborn about 1898
LeeCharls Vannborn about 1934
LeeDella born about 1921
LeeDorthy Janiceborn about 1939
LeeElsie Maeborn about 1924
LeeH Eborn about 1871
LeeHenry Edwardborn about 1930
LeeJames Lynnborn about 1932
LeeJohn Ogdenborn about 1937
LeeLila born about 1911
LeeNorma Irineborn about 1931
LeeO Sborn about 1913
LeeOwen Wborn about 1898
LeeSpy Jimborn about 1905
LinthicumArchie born about 1918
LinthicunBob born about 1930
LinthicunFannie born about 1897
LinthicunJohn Fborn about 1896
LinthicunVirgle born about 1923
LinthicunWilbert born about 1935
LocustAbraham born about 1938
LocustEdith born about 1935
LocustElla born about 1912
LocustJess born about 1908
LocustJohn born about 1874
LocustMyria born about 1934
LocustWuttie born about 1895
LoucusoDorothy born about 1923
LoucusoJack born about 1913
LowisElsie born about 1933
LowisIda born about 1936
LowisJosh born about 1910
LowisLucy born about 1909
LowisTom born about 1931

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M Surnames

MasonAder Francisborn about 1935
MasonAlice Bellborn about 1928
MasonCecil Mborn about 1930
MasonEdgaron born about 1896
MasonEunice Mborn about 1925
MasonJemmie Allenborn about 1937
MasonSlone Mayborn about 1901
MasonVirlen Mayborn about 1939
MasonWilliam Cborn about 1922
MathewsCertus born about 1913
MathewsOrville born about 1914
MathewsRobert born about 1936
MathewsVictor Rborn about 1913
MathewsWilliam Ramieborn about 1934
MatthewSamuel born about 1920
MattosMary Louborn about 1923
MattosWoodrow born about 1917
McClainElla born about 1873
McClainFred born about 1900
McConolMike born about 1931
McCoyAberham born about 1924
McCoyBetty Louborn about 1926
McCoyEdith born about 1922
McCoyFrancis born about 1932
McCoyFrank born about 1932
McCoyGertie born about 1902
McCoyLester born about 1928
McCoyMary Ellenborn about 1934
McCoyRachel born about 1876
McCoyUnicevan born about 1938
McCoyWilliam Mborn about 1894
McFarlonW Fborn about 1864
MillerBill born about 1890
MillerF Eborn about 1929
MillerHettie born about 1897
MillerL Dborn about 1925
MorrisAnnie born about 1935
MorrisCornelia born about 1927
MorrisDave born about 1877
MorrisDortha born about 1903
MorrisEllen Maeborn about 1926
MorrisGeorge Wborn about 1926
MorrisHastings born about 1922
MorrisHercules born about 1925
MorrisHoolie born about 1931
MorrisJess born about 1909
MorrisJoe born about 1875
MorrisJoe born about 1933
MorrisJosie born about 1909
MorrisLeo born about 1929
MorrisLeona born about 1924
MorrisLorene born about 1935
MorrisLucy born about 1934
MorrisLuke born about 1874
MorrisLuther born about 1903
MorrisMarie born about 1928
MorrisMartin born about 1939
MorrisNancy born about 1881
MorrisNancy born about 1906
MorrisNorene born about 1937
MorrisRachel born about 1899
MorrisRiley born about 1937
MorrisUna Maeborn about 1936
MorrisVernon Aborn about 1900
MullenVictora born about 1892
MullenWill Aborn about 1891

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P Surnames

PaneLeon born about 1935
PattersonAlvin Eborn about 1887
PattersonBessie born about 1890
PattersonClessie born about 1919
PeoplesGladys born about 1915
PeoplesHarley born about 1910
PeoplesHarley Jr born about 1939
PeoplesJames born about 1937
PeoplesWilma born about 1935
PockAleen born about 1917
PockAlice born about 1912
PockAllen Jborn about 1914
PockBilly Wayneborn about 1935
PockCarl Vborn about 1928
PockCecil born about 1930
PockCharley born about 1908
PockClarance born about 1907
PockCleo born about 1914
PockDaisy born about 1883
PockGladys Lborn about 1915
PockJ Aborn about 1873
PockKenneth born about 1934
PockL Mborn about 1889
PockLee born about 1888
PockLeon born about 1936
PockLon born about 1910
PockLorene born about 1924
PockM Mborn about 1888
PockOllie born about 1915
PockPhyllis born about 1934
PockRemalos born about 1932
PockRobert Fborn about 1906
PockTalmage born about 1937
PockVernon Dborn about 1935
PockWesley born about 1920
PockWesley Jr born about 1939
PockWill Hborn about 1878
PoisonsJennie born about 1919
PoisonsLeo born about 1915
PowersJackie Bborn about 1926
ProterMildred born about 1914
PruittBessie born about 1930
PruittCarl born about 1934
PruittCarrie Issibellborn about 1903
PruittDan born about 1923
PruittDonald Leeborn about 1938
PruittGeorge born about 1893
PruittLois born about 1935
PruittLucille born about 1938
PruittMary Carolineborn about 1871
PruittOpal Leeborn about 1908
PruittTroy born about 1929
PruittVergie Issibellborn about 1920
PruittWilliam Hborn about 1890

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R Surnames

RayBirdie born about 1914
RayMary Cborn about 1895
RemerE Dborn about 1884
RemerHazel born about 1915
RemerHelen born about 1925
RemerHenry born about 1927
RemerMerle born about 1921
RemyD Eborn about 1877
RidgwayFrank born about 1884
RidleyOdell born about 1940
RileyEnlow born about 1890
RileyEthel born about 1892
RisleyBurton Mborn about 1851
RisleyCupriece born about 1931
RisleyDelphia born about 1926
RisleyDonald born about 1929
RisleyMelvin born about 1908
RisleyNellie Pborn about 1906
RisleyPhills born about 1935
RitterAda born about 1895
RitterAlbert born about 1897
RitterB born about 1930
RitterBillie born about 1932
RitterEthel born about 1902
RitterGlyn born about 1934
RitterHarold Jborn about 1926
RitterJerald born about 1935
RitterLovely born about 1923
RitterLyn born about 1934
RitterMartha Eborn about 1875
RitterMerel born about 1925
RitterRuby born about 1938
RitterWill Hborn about 1892
RitterWilma born about 1928
RoarWanice born about 1938
RockAlvin born about 1913
RockMijia born about 1922
RogersBessie born about 1892
RogersEdith born about 1921
RogersJimmie born about 1926
RogersJohn Eborn about 1925
RogersL Gborn about 1932
RogersLovely born about 1907
RogersMae born about 1905
RogersNina Maeborn about 1921
RogersRuth born about 1925
RogersVernor born about 1935
RogersWilliam Pborn about 1891
RoofAlmeda born about 1900
RoofRoy born about 1886
RoweDorthy born about 1918
RoweFrank born about 1919
RoweHarold born about 1938
RoweJohn Williamborn about 1929
RoweLois born about 1923
RoweMarie born about 1920
RoweMaud Lborn about 1898
RoweThomas born about 1935
RowlandInez born about 1922
RowlandJ Dborn about 1916
RowlandMargaret Louisaborn about 1939
RoyArvin Oborn about 1911
RoyBessie born about 1928
RoyDoyal Wborn about 1937
RoyElla born about 1906
RoyEssie born about 1928
RoyFloyd born about 1931
RoyJohnie born about 1901
RoyKathern born about 1936
RoyLee Royborn about 1938
RoyLola Mayborn about 1940
RoyLoys Vborn about 1939
RoyMelvin born about 1934
RoyOpal born about 1926
RoyRuby Lo Rettaborn about 1920
RunyonLorenia born about 1913
RunyonR Sborn about 1910

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S Surnames

SaxonLeonard born about 1895
SayreAlfa born about 1898
SayreEva born about 1917
ScottJosphine born about 1939
ScottMariha born about 1915
SimmonsFloyd Hborn about 1930
SimmonsJ Kborn about 1891
SimmonsJ K Jrborn about 1938
SimmonsLois Maeborn about 1925
SimmonsLovenia Dborn about 1928
SimmonsPaul Eborn about 1927
SimmonsPearl born about 1902
SimmonsRoy Wborn about 1923
SkaggsAlice born about 1878
SkaggsClem born about 1906
SkaggsGlendola born about 1934
SkaggsJ Bborn about 1936
SkaggsJ Eborn about 1871
SkaggsMelva Jeanborn about 1932
SkaggsRoy born about 1938
SkaggsViola born about 1915
SkiefCharles Albertborn about 1937
SkiefGoldy born about 1910
SkiefKeneth born about 1934
SkiefLotty Mayborn about 1935
SkiefOlley Van born about 1939
SkiggsCarleen born about 1929
SkiggsHoward born about 1931
SkiggsJ Tborn about 1936
SkiggsOla born about 1910
SkiggsRemlou born about 1934
SkiggsThedora born about 1908
SkiggsThelma born about 1939
SmithBabbela born about 1934
SmithCharlie born about 1926
SmithChristaine born about 1924
SmithCrosslen born about 1931
SmithEdith born about 1928
SmithEdward Leeborn about 1934
SmithFields born about 1934
SmithFine born about 1926
SmithGeorge born about 1884
SmithGowes Kayborn about 1930
SmithJamior born about 1926
SmithJohn born about 1936
SmithLilah born about 1895
SmithLohoma born about 1924
SmithLucy Louborn about 1936
SmithManual born about 1933
SmithMary born about 1901
SmithMary Annborn about 1888
SmithMary Bborn about 1895
SmithNarcie born about 1922
SmithNellie born about 1917
SmithNettie born about 1897
SmithO Jborn about 1915
SmithPauline born about 1937
SmithPhillip born about 1912
SmithR Bborn about 1923
SmithRalph Bborn about 1922
SmithRoadh born about 1904
SmithRobert born about 1917
SmithSam born about 1876
SmithSarah born about 1890
SmithSequoyah born about 1926
SmithSmithy Ben Smithborn about 1938
SmithStoke born about 1891
SmithTom born about 1884
SmithWaunita born about 1920
SmithWilliam Lborn about 1921
StanhopeJackie Leeborn about 1931
StanhopeJames born about 1933
StanhopeLouise born about 1939
StanhopeMaye born about 1911
StanhopeMerven born about 1935
StanhopeVina born about 1915
StarrPaul born about 1913
StarrSusie born about 1878
StarrZekiel born about 1877
StubbsLillie born about 1879
StubbsSam born about 1870
SulimerArduey born about 1925
SulimerBessie born about 1902
SulimerCalvin born about 1927
SulimerCharls born about 1929
SulimerElma Maeborn about 1933
SulimerJohn Lborn about 1933
SulimerLoyd born about 1931
SulimerRobert born about 1923
SummerlinDale born about 1934
SummerlinJonas born about 1920
SummerlinJoyce born about 1936
SummerlinLelia born about 1900
SummerlinMary born about 1939
SummerlinS Jborn about 1892
SummerlinVirgil born about 1928
SummerlinVirginia born about 1930
SumterEliza born about 1886
SumterJohn Eborn about 1884

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T Surnames

TaylorAuda born about 1908
TaylorC Bborn about 1902
TaylorFamous born about 1932
TaylorJoan born about 1929
TaylorRichard born about 1936
TaylorUphema born about 1932
TaylorWynoia born about 1927
ToberAlice born about 1888
ToberW Tborn about 1878
ToleyJohn born about 1877
ToleyLenor born about 1890
TurneyArbie Jborn about 1925
TurneyArizona born about 1894
TurneyBen born about 1921
TurneyGeneva born about 1919
TurneyRoscoe Cborn about 1887
TurneyRoscoe Jr born about 1923
TwistBobie born about 1929
TwistBonnie born about 1905
TwistCecil born about 1934
TwistEva Sueborn about 1932
TwistFred born about 1936
TwistGean born about 1930
TwistGenevieve born about 1926
TwistGeorge born about 1902
TwistGlenn born about 1938
TwistJ Dborn about 1925
TwistVernon born about 1939

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V Surnames

VanceCalvin born about 1919
VannGeorge born about 1903
VannJohnson born about 1922

W Surnames

WaltersMargaret born about 1858
WarnakeGladys born about 1934
WarnakeJ P Lewisborn about 1933
WarnakeLewis born about 1907
WarnakeOna born about 1913
WarnakeRichard Lewisborn about 1940
WarnekeJr born about 1930
WaterEdna born about 1934
WatrsLindy Bborn about 1929
WeatherfordSam born about 1886
WeberRaymond born about 1931
WeberSemeria born about 1936
WeberWynema born about 1933
WebesterBessie born about 1885
WebesterGeorge Wborn about 1877
WebesterJack born about 1925
WebesterJimmie born about 1923
WebesterMary born about 1928
WebesterRosy born about 1930
WellsAnna born about 1904
WellsBarbara born about 1939
WellsBetty Louborn about 1937
WellsCalvin born about 1883
WellsClifford born about 1904
WellsElmer born about 1920
WellsFrancis born about 1927
WellsHomer born about 1933
WellsJack Bborn about 1930
WellsJohnie born about 1935
WellsJohny born about 1912
WellsLeo born about 1888
WellsLizzie born about 1883
WellsLoranzie Dollborn about 1927
WellsRaymond born about 1923
WellsRosie Leeborn about 1895
WellsStanley born about 1921
WellsVergine born about 1922
WesnerMargret Cborn about 1890
WesnerNora Aborn about 1893
WheelerErvin born about 1926
WheelerRoy born about 1890
WheelerSamantha born about 1895
WhiteAttie born about 1912
WhiteClara Ruthborn about 1930
WhiteDonal born about 1934
WhiteLawerence born about 1908
WhiteLeon born about 1932
WhitehouseLorene born about 1927
WhitmireAlbert born about 1935
WhitmireAlma born about 1913
WhitmireGeorge born about 1894
WhitmireGeorge Dborn about 1939
WhitmireGilbert born about 1937
WigginsGrace born about 1886
WigginsHugo Aborn about 1888
WillamsIda born about 1875
WillamsJohn Tborn about 1873
WoodMary Ellenborn about 1915
WoodWilliam Eborn about 1892
WrightBarbara Annborn about 1939
WrightBluford born about 1926
WrightColene born about 1928
WrightDelilia born about 1902
WrightElizabeth born about 1920
WrightGeorge born about 1904
WrightHappy Jborn about 1937
WrightJohn Fborn about 1892
WrightLavena born about 1930
WrightLee Royborn about 1907
WrightLee Roy Jrborn about 1933
WrightLovely Carlborn about 1937
WrightMae born about 1902
WrightMattie born about 1924
WrightPatsy Bellborn about 1932
WrightRobert Hborn about 1895
WrightRobert J Rborn about 1921
WrightThomas Jeffersonborn about 1935
WrightVoda born about 1911
WrightWillam born about 1934
WrightWilliam Sborn about 1878

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