1940 U.S. Federal Census of Brent, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Brent

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AtkersonAlice born about 1865
AtkersonEvaline Aborn about 1924
AtkersonThelma Jborn about 1939
AtkersonWoodrow Wborn about 1919

B Surnames

BaileyAlbert Rborn about 1929
BaileyBert Fborn about 1881
BaileyBertha Vborn about 1922
BaileyCharley Aborn about 1916
BaileyClara Jborn about 1920
BaileyDelbert Fborn about 1925
BaileyEdna Fborn about 1895
BaileyHerbert Hborn about 1930
BaileyHomer Hborn about 1921
BaileyIca Oborn about 1934
BaileyMay born about 1905
BaileyMinnie Gborn about 1923
BaileyOlan Jborn about 1932
BaileyVera Mborn about 1924
BaileyWilliam Oborn about 1903
BlankenshipEthel Mborn about 1933
BlankenshipFloyd Wborn about 1910
BlankenshipImogene born about 1929
BlankenshipJeweldene born about 1931
BlankenshipViolet born about 1913
BolenEarl Lborn about 1887
BrannonLouis Tborn about 1912
BrannonRuby Mborn about 1916
BrattonCarl born about 1913
BrewerNancy Jborn about 1864
BrogdonAudie Lborn about 1921
BrogdonBeulah Cborn about 1901
BrogdonEdward Fborn about 1929
BrogdonFletcher born about 1891
BrogdonMaggie Lborn about 1924
BrogdonMillie Vborn about 1930
BrogdonR Jborn about 1936
BrownBessie Lborn about 1927
BrownCletis Cborn about 1922
BrownElsie Mborn about 1925
BrownGracie born about 1930
BrownJ Dborn about 1938
BrownLillie Mborn about 1902
BrownLuke Jborn about 1924
BrownLuke Lborn about 1894
BrownUvalia born about 1935
BrownWillard born about 1932
BryantDavid Aborn about 1885
BryantDorothy Dborn about 1926
BryantGeorge Cborn about 1880
BryantIda Cborn about 1928
BryantJuanita Lborn about 1934
BryantLela Mborn about 1922
BryantMaud born about 1898
BryantMelvin Eborn about 1932
BryantRobert Lborn about 1878
BryantTaylor Eborn about 1937
BryantTruman Cborn about 1930
BryantU Lborn about 1924
BurchamBeulah Mborn about 1924
BurchamHomer Aborn about 1899
BurchamJames Aborn about 1939
BurchamJohn Pborn about 1933
BurchamLizzie Aborn about 1935
BurchamMargaret Lborn about 1928
BurchamMargie Vborn about 1931
BurchamRebecca Aborn about 1937
BurchamRobert Bborn about 1925
BurchamVey Eborn about 1898

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C Surnames

CalhounArdith Yborn about 1935
CalhounAutumn born about 1937
CalhounBernice Mborn about 1930
CalhounCecil born about 1902
CalhounDorothy Lborn about 1920
CalhounEula born about 1934
CalhounEvert Bborn about 1892
CalhounEvert Bborn about 1922
CalhounGale Aborn about 1929
CalhounHobert Jborn about 1927
CalhounIma Dborn about 1924
CalhounJ Cborn about 1937
CalhounJ Marionborn about 1894
CalhounJ Warrenborn about 1930
CalhounJoe Cborn about 1918
CalhounMarilyn Mborn about 1927
CalhounMartha Jborn about 1908
CalhounMartha Wborn about 1939
CalhounMinerva Jborn about 1899
CalhounNadine Cborn about 1932
CalhounPage born about 1932
CalhounPatrick Hborn about 1926
CalhounRalph born about 1939
CalhounSeigal Mborn about 1924
CalhounSpencer Jborn about 1926
CalhounThorval born about 1925
CalhounVera Bborn about 1904
CalhounWilma born about 1936
CameronDella born about 1885
CameronGladys Iborn about 1925
CameronGlenn Rborn about 1920
CameronIsaac Mborn about 1876
CampbellBobby Jborn about 1939
CampbellHarold Lborn about 1920
CampbellJack Pborn about 1918
CampbellMark Mborn about 1888
CampbellSerena Eborn about 1895
CampbellVera Mborn about 1920
CampbellWayne Hborn about 1923
CauthrenEliza Jborn about 1909
CauthrenFrank Wborn about 1925
CauthrenJames Wborn about 1877
CauthrenMary Dborn about 1881
CauthrenPauline Mborn about 1923
CavesBerthel Mborn about 1925
CavesBessie born about 1933
CavesFloyd Wborn about 1891
CavesHerbert Oborn about 1928
CavesMattie Lborn about 1896
CavesWatie born about 1921
ChastainUlysses Sborn about 1886
ClelandLula Jborn about 1922
ClelandNathaniel Sborn about 1857
ClemensMartha born about 1885
ColeJohnie Eborn about 1919
ColvinDan born about 1861
CookseyGeneva Dborn about 1930
CookseyGeorge Fborn about 1925
CookseyGeorge Lborn about 1888
CookseyHarley Bborn about 1915
CookseyImogene born about 1928
CooperBilly Rborn about 1938
CooperCarrine born about 1918
CooperHoward born about 1917
CooperJ Bborn about 1934
CooperMabel born about 1903
CooperMelvin Lborn about 1939
CooperReba Sborn about 1929
CooperRena born about 1927
CooperWilliam Eborn about 1907
CopelandAlta Lborn about 1928
CopelandArvie Jborn about 1922
CopelandAubrey Aborn about 1917
CopelandBertie Mborn about 1922
CopelandBilly Hborn about 1933
CopelandBilly Jborn about 1939
CopelandCharles Pborn about 1937
CopelandDale Eborn about 1939
CopelandDarcy Lborn about 1926
CopelandDella Bborn about 1890
CopelandDollie born about 1876
CopelandElpha born about 1916
CopelandHelen Mborn about 1921
CopelandJerry Dborn about 1924
CopelandJesse Sborn about 1878
CopelandJoe Eborn about 1935
CopelandLois Wborn about 1933
CopelandMargie Mborn about 1888
CopelandNoah Nborn about 1916
CopelandOrville Iborn about 1919
CopelandPaul Lborn about 1914
CopelandPearl Mborn about 1922
CopelandRobert Fborn about 1894
CopelandVelma born about 1921
CopelandVirgil born about 1912
CorderAnnie born about 1883
CorderThurman born about 1917
CorderWilliam Mborn about 1878
CoxCarmen born about 1909
CoxCherry born about 1931
CoxDaisy Jborn about 1937
CoxDavid Eborn about 1924
CoxEd born about 1865
CoxElizabeth born about 1901
CoxHelen Bborn about 1930
CoxIsaac Sborn about 1895
CoxLillian born about 1903
CoxLuther born about 1927
CoxMaxine Cborn about 1930
CoxNancy Cborn about 1867
CoxNicholas Eborn about 1899
CoxPansy Lborn about 1933
CoxRaleigh Bborn about 1908
CoxRaymond Rborn about 1928
CoxReba Sborn about 1937
CoxRoland Rborn about 1889
CoxSherman Lborn about 1939
CoxVivian born about 1925

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D Surnames

DavisAlbert Lborn about 1905
DavisAlice Mborn about 1905
DavisIvan Kborn about 1937
DavisJune born about 1938
DavisLennie Kborn about 1939
DavisLovana born about 1927
DavisMarie born about 1923
DavisNellie Mborn about 1916
DavisOtto born about 1906
DavisPansy Rborn about 1935
DavisTed Fborn about 1932
DavisThelma Bborn about 1924
DavisVicie born about 1929
DawsonBilly Jborn about 1932
DawsonDavid Dborn about 1872
DawsonDavid Dborn about 1916
DawsonFannie Mborn about 1884
DawsonJessie Bborn about 1920
DawsonKenneth Jborn about 1937
DobbsManuel born about 1914
DubucEdna Aborn about 1928
DubucElsie Lborn about 1935
DubucHoward Sborn about 1926
DubucJessie Lborn about 1918
DubucJoseph Hborn about 1919
DubucMildred born about 1923
DubucRonald Oborn about 1939
DubucWesley Cborn about 1929
DubucWesley Oborn about 1892

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E Surnames

EllisBetty Lborn about 1936
EllisCharles Nborn about 1924
EllisDolores Iborn about 1934
EllisEva Eborn about 1915
EllisEvalene born about 1932
EllisJames Eborn about 1892
EllisJames Eborn about 1939
EnglandDarrol born about 1939
EnglandDonald Rborn about 1935
EnglandTom born about 1911
EnglandWiss born about 1915

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F Surnames

FannonChas Eborn about 1931
FannonClara Jborn about 1933
FannonLenora Nborn about 1926
FannonPauline born about 1921
FargoAsa Rborn about 1905
FargoBilly Jborn about 1927
FargoBobby Jborn about 1936
FargoBurtie Cborn about 1929
FargoCharles Aborn about 1875
FargoCharles Hborn about 1936
FargoClara Vborn about 1936
FargoClarence Aborn about 1902
FargoEdna Eborn about 1905
FargoGertrude Gborn about 1907
FargoHazel Lborn about 1923
FargoHelen Bborn about 1926
FargoJesse Bborn about 1914
FargoJoe Aborn about 1930
FargoJoe Wborn about 1904
FargoJohn Aborn about 1911
FargoLeta Hborn about 1903
FargoLorene Aborn about 1924
FargoMildred Lborn about 1929
FargoPansy Lborn about 1933
FargoPatsy Lborn about 1933
FargoRosa Eborn about 1877
FargoRosa Mborn about 1929
FargoRuby Mborn about 1913
FargoRuby Mborn about 1934
FootleCharles born about 1895
FootleCharles Jborn about 1920
FootleFannie born about 1896
FootleGovernor born about 1930
FootleJuanita born about 1926
FootleOrville born about 1925
FootlePatricia born about 1937
FootleSadie born about 1928
ForemanAda Mborn about 1936
ForemanAileen born about 1913
ForemanAmos Eborn about 1921
ForemanBetty Jborn about 1937
ForemanCarl Eborn about 1936
ForemanCarol Jborn about 1939
ForemanEdward Bborn about 1901
ForemanEmmett Eborn about 1926
ForemanJ Timothyborn about 1870
ForemanKenneth born about 1931
ForemanMargaret Aborn about 1935
ForemanMary Aborn about 1939
ForemanNettie born about 1877
ForemanRichard Dborn about 1938
ForemanRichard Eborn about 1914
ForemanRobert Fborn about 1932
ForemanRuth Eborn about 1915
ForemanRuth Mborn about 1917
ForemanTimothy Jborn about 1908
FoutAlfred Oborn about 1923
FoutDan born about 1909
FoutEdith Mborn about 1933
FoutEula Gborn about 1938
FoutGarland born about 1924
FoutGeorge born about 1911
FoutLucinda Cborn about 1874
FoutMildred Lborn about 1921
FoutMonroe Jborn about 1877
FoutRhoda Lborn about 1916
FoutWanda Fborn about 1935
FoutZora born about 1903

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G Surnames

GobleDonald Cborn about 1930
GobleDoyle Mborn about 1932
GobleForeman Lborn about 1935
GobleJackie Lborn about 1937
GobleJuanita Dborn about 1911
GobleLouie Cborn about 1909

H Surnames

HallClara Lborn about 1906
HallRuby Jborn about 1935
HallUdell Fborn about 1931
HardinAnise born about 1916
HardinCora Mborn about 1885
HardinEvert born about 1940
HardinHarold Dborn about 1936
HardinHomer Wborn about 1908
HardinJoe Fborn about 1938
HardinJohn Mborn about 1886
HardinJohn Wborn about 1933
HardinLola Mborn about 1932
HardsonDonald Wborn about 1937
HardsonMildred Jborn about 1917
HardsonWayne Eborn about 1905
HarmonAudrey Lborn about 1919
HarmonBetty Sborn about 1939
HarmonBilly Jborn about 1930
HarmonIma born about 1890
HarmonJack born about 1887
HarmonJack born about 1927
HarmonJewel Rborn about 1910
HarmonMinnie born about 1893
HarmonOpal born about 1916
HarmonWhetsett born about 1888
HarrisCharlie Lborn about 1880
HarrisClifford Rborn about 1926
HarrisHazel Oborn about 1932
HarrisHerbert Hborn about 1939
HarrisJames Rborn about 1929
HarrisJesse Fborn about 1920
HarrisLois Sborn about 1928
HarrisMyrtle Mborn about 1904
HarrisSally Lborn about 1895
HarrisThelma Sborn about 1934
HarrisWillard Hborn about 1918
HayesGeorge Wborn about 1881
HaysAlta Jborn about 1905
HaysDewey born about 1934
HaysDonald born about 1937
HaysElmer born about 1929
HaysGeorge Hborn about 1882
HaysJulidean born about 1930
HenryErman Lborn about 1911
HenryHazel Rborn about 1939
HenryLesola born about 1922
HenryRuby born about 1911
HenryTruman Jborn about 1918
HogwoodDora Bborn about 1882
HogwoodGeorge Sborn about 1916
HollisHubert Dborn about 1913
HollisJ Kennethborn about 1937
HollisJames Aborn about 1911
HollisMargaret Mborn about 1867
HollisMelba Sborn about 1935
HollisRecia Aborn about 1915
HollisSol Cborn about 1906
HolmesC Hborn about 1882
HolmesJessie born about 1891
HolmesOlan Fborn about 1922
HolmesRaymond Lborn about 1927
HolmesShirley Mborn about 1931
HopwoodBessie Mborn about 1920
HopwoodJames Eborn about 1939
HopwoodJames Hborn about 1915
HouseB Fborn about 1939
HouseBenjamin Fborn about 1908
HouseBetty Jborn about 1931
HouseEvaline born about 1936
HouseMargaret born about 1934
HouseMartha Jborn about 1870
HouseTessie born about 1912
HouseWilliam Tborn about 1873

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I Surnames

IsraelAbner Bborn about 1875
IsraelBobby Lborn about 1939
IsraelClyde born about 1908
IsraelDonald born about 1933
IsraelEdna Vborn about 1911
IsraelEthel born about 1901
IsraelFrank born about 1916
IsraelJimmie Rborn about 1937
IsraelLaveda born about 1926
IsraelLettie born about 1875
IsraelMildred born about 1932
IsraelOra Lborn about 1935

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J Surnames

JacksonA Juanitaborn about 1924
JacksonAlbert Lborn about 1913
JacksonAndrew Bborn about 1915
JacksonArthur Aborn about 1893
JacksonCamilla born about 1934
JacksonCherokee born about 1917
JacksonClell Dborn about 1917
JacksonDonald born about 1930
JacksonDonald Lborn about 1938
JacksonEdward born about 1938
JacksonErnest Rborn about 1901
JacksonEssie Pborn about 1905
JacksonHubert Oborn about 1925
JacksonJ Dborn about 1925
JacksonJames Fborn about 1924
JacksonJames Sborn about 1905
JacksonJames Sborn about 1929
JacksonJesse Mborn about 1869
JacksonJewel born about 1927
JacksonKenneth Rborn about 1933
JacksonLillie Lborn about 1914
JacksonLloyd Kborn about 1931
JacksonLorene Vborn about 1936
JacksonLouise born about 1934
JacksonMary Aborn about 1939
JacksonMary Cborn about 1879
JacksonMary Lborn about 1932
JacksonMary Nborn about 1876
JacksonNora Mborn about 1897
JacksonPearl born about 1903
JacksonR Lborn about 1926
JacksonRobert Mborn about 1935
JacksonThelma born about 1935
JacksonWilliam Lborn about 1922
JenkinsHelen Mborn about 1934
JenkinsJesse Eborn about 1877
JenkinsLouise born about 1936
JenkinsNorma Mborn about 1908
JenkinsTheodore Rborn about 1902
JohnsonFloyd Dborn about 1940
JohnsonLizzie born about 1893
JohnsonMary born about 1934
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1938
JohnsonNorma born about 1920
JohnsonRichard born about 1914
JohnsonWalter born about 1920
JonesGillon born about 1884
JonesMollie born about 1860

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K Surnames

KeadleLaura born about 1898
KuykendalTilda born about 1934

L Surnames

LaneA Jborn about 1926
LaneAlice born about 1924
LaneJ Dempseyborn about 1928
LaneO Dborn about 1921
LaneOpal born about 1923
LanePleasant Rborn about 1871
LaneTempie Lborn about 1888
LawrenceJasper Pborn about 1860
LawrenceJasper Pborn about 1932
LewisDovie Mborn about 1927
LewisGom born about 1892
LewisJeff born about 1926
LewisLeander Jborn about 1860
LewisSarah born about 1933
LollisAlf born about 1893
LollisEthel born about 1913
LollisHazel Lborn about 1935
LollisHershel Jborn about 1937
LollisM Tborn about 1933
LollisMildred Sborn about 1940
LoweBetty Jborn about 1936
LoweElsie Mborn about 1906
LoweNoel Aborn about 1934

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M Surnames

MaenusEdward Lborn about 1919
MaenusEva Oborn about 1920
MaenusFrances born about 1939
MainusFrances Vborn about 1935
MainusJames Aborn about 1908
MainusJohn Dborn about 1933
MainusLillie Iborn about 1914
MainusMacie Aborn about 1935
MainusMargie Dborn about 1937
MainusMarie Fborn about 1927
MainusMary Fborn about 1878
MainusMattie Eborn about 1910
MainusSol born about 1914
MainusVirgil born about 1921
MainusWilliam Jborn about 1872
MartinJeweldean born about 1931
McAdowsAddie Mborn about 1890
McAdowsBonnie Aborn about 1918
McAdowsCurtis Cborn about 1936
McAdowsEula Fborn about 1927
McAdowsEunice Jborn about 1931
McAdowsEva Lborn about 1921
McAdowsHenry Rborn about 1878
McAdowsWilliam born about 1922
McAdowsWinnie born about 1924
McCannSammie born about 1929
McCombsArie Bborn about 1937
McCombsIdus Fborn about 1907
McCombsIdus Mborn about 1940
McCombsOpal Mborn about 1914
McCombsVerba Lborn about 1936
McNattCharity born about 1896
McNattGeraldine born about 1940
McNattJames Wborn about 1873
McNattLucille born about 1935
McNattVelma Jborn about 1920
McNattVernie Lborn about 1919
MeadowsElsie Mborn about 1916
MeadowsOrville Rborn about 1939
MeadowsRobert Uborn about 1937
MeadowsW Debsborn about 1912
MerrillBilly Gborn about 1929
MerrillElzie Hborn about 1932
MerrillGrace Vborn about 1908
MerrillKenneth Dborn about 1938
MerrillMack born about 1900
MerrillMaxine Wborn about 1925
MerrillVelma Uborn about 1927
MorganBetty Mborn about 1939
MorganBilly Rborn about 1938
MorganEarl Wborn about 1915
MorganRuby Jborn about 1921
MorganSam Rborn about 1920
MorittzCharley Nborn about 1916
MorittzThelma Wborn about 1920
MorseAmos Lborn about 1918
MorseBilly born about 1931
MorseEugene born about 1915
MorseHerbert born about 1929
MorseJohn born about 1938
MorseJuanita born about 1927
MorseLeola Jborn about 1876
MorseLillian born about 1933
MorseRoy Wborn about 1905
MorseT Gborn about 1935
MorseWincie born about 1907
MoserAlton Bborn about 1922
MoserEli Aborn about 1890
MoserLena Wborn about 1923
MoserOra Bborn about 1921
MoserOra Dborn about 1936

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N Surnames

NeighborsAlbert Lborn about 1932
NeighborsElmer born about 1913
NeighborsJames Eborn about 1934
NeighborsRethel Mborn about 1914
NeighborsRoy Mborn about 1939
NelsonAlice Eborn about 1880
NelsonGeorge Cborn about 1868
NelsonGeorge Cborn about 1919
NorridBarbara Sborn about 1937
NorridCarl Eborn about 1936
NorridJames Bborn about 1938
NorridMahulda Eborn about 1878
NorridMina Mborn about 1904
NorridPatsy Lborn about 1930
NorridViolet born about 1911
NorridWatie Mborn about 1907
NorridWillie Bborn about 1898

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P Surnames

PattersonCharley Pborn about 1916
PattersonGenola Mborn about 1937
PattersonGrover Cborn about 1893
PattersonLoretta Lborn about 1919
PattersonMelba Cborn about 1939
PattersonRuby Lborn about 1921
PattersonWatie Eborn about 1932
PayneDonna Lborn about 1940
PayneWilbur born about 1910
PayneWilma Fborn about 1914
PitmanLillie Mborn about 1897
PitmanWayne Cborn about 1924
PittsArgus Aborn about 1929
PittsBonnie Mborn about 1904
PittsDollie Mborn about 1924
PittsEdward Jborn about 1919
PittsElsa Mborn about 1925
PittsFred Lborn about 1897
PittsFred Lborn about 1926
PittsHattie born about 1895
PittsHazel Lborn about 1935
PittsJoyce Mborn about 1933
PittsLloyd Wborn about 1938
PittsMarie Hborn about 1932
PittsOllie Fborn about 1924
PittsRecie Bborn about 1929
PittsThomas Hborn about 1899
PlunkettFred born about 1871
PotterEmalois born about 1935
PotterEunice Gborn about 1931
PotterMargie Mborn about 1904
PotterMarvin Wborn about 1929
PotterMaxine Dborn about 1927
PotterOttow Wborn about 1892
PotterRuby Eborn about 1926
PotterTroy Jborn about 1933
PowellAlice Eborn about 1918
PowellCharley born about 1873
PowellClayton Dborn about 1919
PowellDorothy Iborn about 1940
PowellElmo born about 1918
PowellPearl Mborn about 1921
PowellReba Lborn about 1940
PowellVirginia Lborn about 1939
PraterFloyd born about 1897
PraterR Lborn about 1936
PraterRosa Cborn about 1916
PrattMary Aborn about 1925
PriceShirley Bborn about 1930

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R Surnames

RichardsonCora Hborn about 1914
RichardsonErnest Fborn about 1913
RichardsonFreda Mborn about 1937
RichardsonJohn Eborn about 1903
RichardsonMalinda Eborn about 1882
RichardsonOla born about 1915
RichardsonWilliam Fborn about 1883
RiddleEffie born about 1913
RossBetty Dborn about 1937
RossEugene Gborn about 1935
RossPatsy Lborn about 1936
RossShirley Aborn about 1939
RossWalsie born about 1918
RotertAlva Lborn about 1910
RotertCharles Fborn about 1934
RotertEmma Mborn about 1914
RotertLavonne born about 1939
RotertLela Iborn about 1930
RotertLeon Hborn about 1932
RotertLeroy born about 1936
RotertLois Lborn about 1938
RowlandClifford born about 1928
RowlandEarl born about 1926
RowlandEarl Mborn about 1930
RowlandEdna Fborn about 1934
RowlandEva Mborn about 1932
RowlandFranklin Dborn about 1923
RowlandJill Mborn about 1909
RowlandJuanita Lborn about 1937
RowlandMildred born about 1924
RowlandNellie Rborn about 1931
RowlandNora born about 1900
RowlandPauline Jborn about 1928
RowlandWilliam Hborn about 1935

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S Surnames

ScottBates born about 1915
ScottBeulah Lborn about 1924
ScottHarold Jborn about 1939
ScottHazel Lborn about 1915
ScottHoyt Hborn about 1920
ScottLoreece born about 1923
ScottOwen Wborn about 1914
ScottRonald Lborn about 1937
ScottRoscoe Dborn about 1879
ScottVernon Pborn about 1908
ScottWillie Mborn about 1917
SmithBilly Gborn about 1932
SmithCharley Jborn about 1917
SmithDimple Rborn about 1921
SmithHugh Jborn about 1908
SmithMary Mborn about 1938
SpencerEvadine Jborn about 1925
SpencerGoldie Gborn about 1909
SpencerOtto Jborn about 1899
SpencerOtto Lborn about 1934
SpencerPatsy Lborn about 1931
SpencerRebecca Jborn about 1877
SpencerRupert born about 1896
SpencerSally Jborn about 1938
SpencerStella Gborn about 1902
SpencerTom Hborn about 1939
SpencerWilliam Aborn about 1875
SpencerWyoma Lborn about 1923
StephensonDale born about 1934
StephensonEdna Mborn about 1901
StephensonLovellen born about 1933
SwindellCarl Eborn about 1934
SwindellClaud Lborn about 1937
SwindellElla Mborn about 1911
SwindellPaul Rborn about 1909

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T Surnames

TaylorEdward Lborn about 1924
TaylorEttie Lborn about 1899
TaylorEugene Gborn about 1933
TaylorHenry Bborn about 1923
TaylorJames Dborn about 1939
TaylorJoe Bborn about 1894
TaylorNatheds Mborn about 1931
TaylorVernon Eborn about 1937
ThrasherGladys Iborn about 1906
ThrasherIra Tborn about 1910
ThrasherNaomi Cborn about 1936
TurnerBarbara Lborn about 1939
TurnerCharlotte Oborn about 1936
TurnerGertrude born about 1909
TurnerGlen Hborn about 1932
TurnerLoui Gborn about 1931
TurnerNaomi Gborn about 1934
TurnerRobert Gborn about 1893

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W Surnames

WallsDoris Lborn about 1940
WallsJessie Nborn about 1914
WallsLeonard Eborn about 1916
WallsLouise born about 1938
WallsMamie Iborn about 1904
WallsMandy Lborn about 1872
WallsPerry Bborn about 1911
WallsWilliam Fborn about 1872
WaltersEffie Aborn about 1890
WaltersGladys born about 1924
WaltersJesse Lborn about 1888
WaltersLoretta Gborn about 1939
WaltersPerdita born about 1918
WaltersRowdy born about 1922
WaltersRoy Lborn about 1912
WatsonAlice born about 1920
WatsonCarl born about 1922
WatsonClyde Eborn about 1937
WatsonFreeman born about 1920
WatsonJ Cborn about 1917
WeichyelErnest W Gborn about 1893
WeichyelRose Sborn about 1897
WestFanny born about 1909
WestTurner Wborn about 1911
WhitneyAron Leeborn about 1939
WhitneyBobby Jborn about 1930
WhitneyClara Wborn about 1921
WhitneyHerman Lborn about 1933
WhitneyHerman Wborn about 1913
WhitneyIda born about 1908
WhitneyJerry Hborn about 1929
WhitneyLee born about 1889
WhitneyMarvin Hborn about 1908
WhitneyMinnie Bborn about 1885
WhitneyWillie Rborn about 1935
WilliamsAlice Gborn about 1933
WilliamsAlma Vborn about 1939
WilliamsAlpha Eborn about 1927
WilliamsBert born about 1884
WilliamsClaud Cborn about 1902
WilliamsClaudie Eborn about 1930
WilliamsDonald Jborn about 1934
WilliamsEdna Mborn about 1889
WilliamsFred Lborn about 1908
WilliamsGeneva Nborn about 1932
WilliamsInfant born about 1939
WilliamsJame F Lborn about 1935
WilliamsJames Tborn about 1872
WilliamsJesse Gborn about 1903
WilliamsJoseph Aborn about 1937
WilliamsJulia Oborn about 1875
WilliamsLois Kborn about 1937
WilliamsMaggie Lborn about 1935
WilliamsMinnie Eborn about 1908
WilliamsOrla Mborn about 1909
WilliamsPauline Dborn about 1928
WilliamsPeggy born about 1924
WilliamsPluma Gborn about 1935
WilliamsRoy Hborn about 1919
WilliamsRuby Oborn about 1926
WilliamsTellie Lborn about 1929
WilliamsThomas Fborn about 1901
WilliamsVivian born about 1924
WiswellBertha Mborn about 1911
WiswellBetty Sborn about 1939
WiswellHenry born about 1873
WiswellJames Fborn about 1904
WiswellJames Jborn about 1927
WiswellJesse Bborn about 1913
WiswellLillian Eborn about 1919
WiswellLo Vonda Sborn about 1937
WiswellWanda Pborn about 1930
WoodruffBetty Mborn about 1902
WoodruffCaroline Sborn about 1938
WoodruffFlorence Wborn about 1904
WoodruffFrank Mborn about 1901
WoodruffHershel born about 1923
WoodruffJack Lborn about 1932
WoodruffLee born about 1898
WoodruffNorma Jborn about 1933
WoodruffRay Mborn about 1927
WoodruffVivian Lborn about 1924

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