1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bryan in Grant County, Grant, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Grant County > 1940 Census of Bryan in Grant County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllisonA Rborn about 1881
AllisonEdith born about 1909
AllisonLonnie Leroyborn about 1937
AllisonMinnie born about 1881
AllisonRalph born about 1909
ArendsGertrude born about 1896
ArendsJohn born about 1889
ArendsRuth born about 1930
ArendsVelva born about 1932

B Surnames

BellinFloyd born about 1927
BellinJennie born about 1905
BellinMarion born about 1902
BolesLyle born about 1897
BosterRollo born about 1917
BurkheadW Mborn about 1902

C Surnames

CallagyBarney born about 1923
CarrMaud born about 1878
CarterDorothy born about 1919
CarterJack born about 1911
CarterLois Annborn about 1935
CasfordAnnie born about 1897
CasfordJ Aborn about 1888
CasfordJ Dborn about 1860
ChaplinEmma born about 1888
ChaplinGrover born about 1886
ChaplinKenneth born about 1926
ChaplinVeryl born about 1915
ChesterClarence born about 1883
ChesterDessie born about 1888
ChitwoodAlbert born about 1872
ChitwoodBlanche born about 1923
ChitwoodEmil born about 1921
ChitwoodIda Blanchborn about 1891
CookDonald born about 1925
CookEarl born about 1890
CookEarline born about 1922
CookEdith born about 1891
CookNell born about 1921
CoopelandKenneth born about 1918
CooperriderEverett born about 1916
CooperriderIvan Mborn about 1885
CooperriderMary Aborn about 1890
CrawfordElisebeth Aborn about 1885
CrawfordWillis born about 1881
CurrierAmy born about 1912
CurrierBob born about 1929
CurrierCharles born about 1929
CurrierCleve born about 1935
CurrierDonna born about 1935
CurrierE Tborn about 1906
CurrierEtta born about 1901
CurrierEunice born about 1922
CurrierEvelyn born about 1910
CurrierFred Gborn about 1874
CurrierInez born about 1921
CurrierLeroy born about 1931
CurrierMary Mborn about 1933
CurrierNina born about 1939
CurrierOra Aborn about 1881
CurrierW Gborn about 1867
CurrierWilliam Hborn about 1905
CurrierWilliam Tborn about 1938
CurrierWillie Deanborn about 1935

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D Surnames

DahemHelen born about 1921
DahemLeland born about 1919
DarsettBillie born about 1930
DarsettBobbie born about 1932
DarsettDean born about 1934
DarsettJames Rborn about 1911
DarsettNora Iborn about 1912
DickAdelbert born about 1872
DickElvyn A Cborn about 1905
DickPhoebe Eborn about 1874
DorsettClem born about 1900
DorsettDora born about 1875
DorsettH Bborn about 1870
DowellBryan born about 1908
DowellCora Aborn about 1877
DowellDarl born about 1931
DowellJennie born about 1907
DowellJuanita born about 1930
DowellS Mborn about 1874

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E Surnames

EdwardsClara born about 1904
EdwardsE Wborn about 1895
EdwardsJame Eugeneborn about 1931
EvansCurtis Dborn about 1868
EvansLeora Cborn about 1879

F Surnames

FalkeDavid Leeborn about 1937
FalkeLloyd born about 1930
FalkeOtto E Jborn about 1903
FalkeRegina born about 1908
FalkeWilma Jeanborn about 1934
FinkHelen born about 1922
FinkRichard born about 1916
FisherArthur born about 1888
FisherEdna born about 1901
FitzgeraldDelmer born about 1926
FitzgeraldEdna born about 1898
FitzgeraldJ Wborn about 1884
FitzgeraldLoren born about 1925
FretzNora born about 1916

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G Surnames

GantierEllen born about 1852
GantierFrances born about 1894
GantierLeland born about 1888
GeerA Eborn about 1870
GibsonMabel born about 1911
GibsonSandra Annborn about 1938
GilgerJessie born about 1893
GilgerOtto born about 1885
GronemanEdward born about 1906
GronemanFern born about 1908
GronemanJames Rborn about 1939
GronemanJohn Eborn about 1937
GrubbArthur born about 1907
GrubbMarrice born about 1939
GrubbMilton born about 1937
GrubbVera born about 1911

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H Surnames

HardwickMarie born about 1902
HardwickMerle born about 1921
HardwickRobert Mborn about 1898
HardwickWayne born about 1926
HawkinsEarl Aborn about 1908
HawkinsEarl Duaneborn about 1937
HawkinsMyrtle Fborn about 1893
HedgecockElvina Ruthborn about 1900
HedgecockMelvin born about 1907
HedgecockMillie born about 1868
HobbsAllen born about 1925
HobbsBernard born about 1932
HobbsBetty born about 1935
HobbsCecol born about 1921
HobbsDaroyle born about 1939
HobbsDonna born about 1939
HobbsDouglas born about 1927
HobbsElga born about 1900
HobbsIvan born about 1922
HobbsMarshall Aborn about 1894
HunterVelma born about 1912
HunterW Eborn about 1910

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K Surnames

KemperRuth born about 1920
KemperWilliam born about 1919
KirbyDon born about 1924
KirbyGeorgia Mborn about 1889
KirbyGuy Rborn about 1880
KirbyJuanita born about 1926
KirbyTroy born about 1883
KistlerGrace Eborn about 1898
KistlerJacob Wborn about 1897
KistlerMay Wborn about 1924

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L Surnames

LambL Bborn about 1918
LambMaye born about 1918
LipsettClarence born about 1875
LipsettWilliam Dborn about 1923

M Surnames

MathisFred born about 1884
MathisFred Johnborn about 1920
MathisHarry born about 1882
MathisMamie born about 1886
MathisMarcetta born about 1883
McGahaClarence born about 1898
McGahaDale born about 1935
McGahaDelbert born about 1933
McGahaHarlan born about 1921
McGahaHazel born about 1901
McGahaWarren born about 1928
McKeeHazel Ruthborn about 1925
McKeeMrs Oren born about 1881
MeierRaymond born about 1914
MeierViola born about 1912
MillerClara born about 1906
MillerEd Lborn about 1901
MillerEdna born about 1900
MillerErma born about 1924
MillerEthel born about 1899
MillerImogene born about 1922
MillerJoe born about 1896
MillerJohn born about 1887
MillerJunior born about 1931
MillerLester born about 1928
MillerMarie Joeborn about 1924
MillerMarvin born about 1926
MillerMary Louborn about 1927
MillerRuby born about 1925
MitchellDonald born about 1912
MitchellGuy born about 1882
MitchellJack Donaldborn about 1937
MitchellNina born about 1918
MitchellWillie born about 1884
MontgomeryHerschel Vborn about 1868
MontgomeryIna Fborn about 1874
MooreBarbara Annborn about 1931
MooreJanice born about 1935
MooreJoan born about 1938
MooreMary Lborn about 1909
MoorePatracia born about 1939
MooreTomas Jborn about 1905
MulkeyCaroline born about 1939
MulkeyEdith Maeborn about 1916
MulkeyEdna Maeborn about 1936
MulkeyRonald born about 1915
MurryFrank Eborn about 1877
MurryMary born about 1874

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P Surnames

PetersonFrank Cborn about 1893
PetersonThelma Maeborn about 1922
PetersonTheresa born about 1891
PorterBessie born about 1903
PorterMarie born about 1876
PrillimanAnnell born about 1933
PrillimanIva Marieborn about 1935
PrillimanJoe born about 1906
PrillimanLewis Arnoldborn about 1938
PrillimanMyrtle Iborn about 1910
PrillimanRex Arlleeborn about 1937
PrinceAlvin born about 1915
PrinceArthur born about 1910

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R Surnames

ReddingLeland born about 1916
RupeCharley born about 1920
RupeClara Mborn about 1890
RupeDavid born about 1918

S Surnames

SaucekEmil Mborn about 1912
SaucekGeorge born about 1914
SaucekMary born about 1889
SaucekMathias born about 1875
SchmitzDonna Jeanborn about 1935
SchmitzFritz born about 1900
SchmitzHelen born about 1904
SchmitzIlla Eborn about 1903
SchmitzLena born about 1909
SchmitzNorma Jeanborn about 1937
SchmitzRalph born about 1908
SchmitzWilliam born about 1871
SchunemanBessie born about 1896
SchunemanFred born about 1894
SchunemanHenry Jborn about 1899
SchunemanLouise Henryborn about 1932
SchunemanMaude born about 1905
SchunemanVina Maeborn about 1931
SettergreenEstelle born about 1896
SettergreenJ Wborn about 1892
SharpAlvin born about 1923
SharpEdna Mborn about 1894
SharpFreda Maeborn about 1931
SharpHenry born about 1898
SharpMuriel born about 1926
SmithCarrol born about 1920
SmithDave born about 1874
SmithEve born about 1893
SmithGrace born about 1919
SmithHazel born about 1914
SmithVera Maeborn about 1922
SnyderBertha born about 1883
SnyderW Cborn about 1883
SoucekCharley born about 1875
SoucekJoe born about 1910
SoucekJoe Lborn about 1880
SoucekMaxwell Wborn about 1916
SoucekPauline born about 1887
SpoonEarl born about 1922
SpoonFrances born about 1893
StaggersAva born about 1935
StaggersFarnum born about 1897
StaggersGerald born about 1930
StaggersJewel born about 1931
StaggersMerle born about 1903
StebbinsArgile born about 1915
StebbinsLorene born about 1919
StocksenAdolph born about 1899
StocksenDavid born about 1938
StocksenHerman born about 1916
StocksenLena born about 1886
StocksenMargret born about 1911
StocksenMarvin born about 1908
StocksenRamon born about 1936
StocksenRuby born about 1933
StocksenVernon born about 1919
StocksenWm born about 1880
StockwellBetty born about 1927
StockwellBillie born about 1922
StockwellEdna born about 1892
StockwellRosetta born about 1915
StockwellRuby born about 1923
StockwellW Eborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TebowDelbert born about 1927
TebowDon Eugeneborn about 1923
TebowDonald born about 1897
TebowDortha born about 1923
TebowDwain born about 1930
TebowEdith born about 1900
TebowGerald Jeneborn about 1935
TebowJim born about 1935
TebowJoe Annborn about 1909
TebowJune Annborn about 1928
TebowKarl born about 1896
TebowKenneth born about 1909
TebowLeonard born about 1925
TebowLloyd born about 1920
TebowLois born about 1926
TebowLora born about 1909
TebowLyle Deanborn about 1931
TebowRex born about 1933
TebowRuth born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmbehaunBetty Jeanborn about 1931
UmbehaunChristine born about 1914
UmbehaunMarelyn Leeborn about 1938
UmbehaunOtto born about 1910
UmbehaunPhylis Annborn about 1940
UmbehaunWanda Jr born about 1933

V Surnames

VaughnRobert Bborn about 1866
VernonBernice born about 1931
VernonDorthy born about 1929
VernonDwain born about 1940
VernonEvan born about 1928
VernonKenneth Rayborn about 1935
VernonViola born about 1907
VernonZ Rborn about 1900

W Surnames

WebsterDeloris born about 1931
WebsterDonald born about 1939
WebsterEdna born about 1895
WebsterMarvin born about 1907
WebsterMildred born about 1904
WebsterR Eborn about 1867
WellyAlex born about 1880
WellyBertha born about 1886
WhiteCharlotte born about 1935
WhiteLoren born about 1936
WhiteMargurite born about 1909
WhiteOrville born about 1907
WhiteWarren born about 1936
WhiteheadBetty born about 1935
WhiteheadDale born about 1934
WhiteheadK Hborn about 1911
WhiteheadMilo born about 1932
WhiteheadMyrtle born about 1913
WhiteheadSybil born about 1938
WhitingDonna Dorisborn about 1936
WhitingDoris Iborn about 1911
WhitingHarry Wborn about 1902
WhitingJacqueline born about 1925
WhitingJerry Deanborn about 1932
WhitingLillian Bborn about 1906
WhitingLola Jeanneborn about 1928
WhitingRalph Tborn about 1903
WhitingRichard Clineborn about 1934
WillmanBeatrice born about 1924
WillmanEncil born about 1902
WillmanGrace born about 1900
WillmanGuy born about 1898
WillmanLois born about 1927
WillmanLyle born about 1920
WillmanMae born about 1908
WillmanVirgil born about 1935
WoolseyCharles Eborn about 1926
WoolseyChas Eborn about 1882
WoolseyColleene born about 1922
WoolseyPearl born about 1891

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