1940 U.S. Federal Census of Camp Keltner, Texas, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Texas County > 1940 Census of Camp Keltner

B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BlakeC Aborn about 1874
BlakeG born about 1877
BlauserBertie born about 1871
BoothMary Eborn about 1891
BoothRoy Lborn about 1885
BradfieldJ Cborn about 1877
BuckerAllene born about 1927
BuckerEddie born about 1899
BuckerLloyd born about 1932
BuckerPearl born about 1908

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C Surnames

CarderAlbert Bborn about 1907
CarderBell born about 1903
CarderGladys born about 1910
CarderGrace Eborn about 1879
CarderJ Fborn about 1881
CarderRay born about 1913
ClinkingbeardGlenn born about 1906
ClinkingbeardLeonard born about 1924
ClinkingbeardMamie born about 1907

F Surnames

FinleyLucy born about 1869
FinleyWilliam born about 1868
FisherDonald Gayleborn about 1937
FisherGeorge Gborn about 1897
FisherGeorge Juniorborn about 1927
FisherSylvia born about 1900

G Surnames

GlodenBarton Fborn about 1900
GlodenBobby Devanborn about 1938
GlodenDorothea born about 1897
GlodenEvelyn Rosineborn about 1931
GlodenImogene born about 1931
GlodenJackie born about 1929
GlodenJohn Mborn about 1868
GlodenKenneth born about 1923
GlodenLeslie born about 1895
GlodenLeslie Jr born about 1922
GlodenMatilda born about 1901
GlodenMaxine born about 1925
GlodenMelvin Deanborn about 1935
GlodenNora born about 1907
GlodenW Rborn about 1904
GlodenWilla Deanborn about 1925
GriffethB Rborn about 1898
GriffethEvelyn born about 1934
GriffethLloyd born about 1926
GriffethMabel born about 1900
GriffethRaymond born about 1924
GriffethRussel born about 1931

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H Surnames

HaarBessie born about 1908
HaarGeorge born about 1916
HaarLloyd born about 1935
HaarLois born about 1923
HaarMrs Mary born about 1880
HaarSelma born about 1932
HaarWilliam born about 1901
HamsonAgnes born about 1918
HamsonLester Bborn about 1915
HamsonNathan born about 1883
HarrC Eborn about 1908
HarrLo Raeborn about 1909
HarrRichard Deanborn about 1935
HarrisDelia Oborn about 1882
HarrisWalter Iborn about 1916
HensleyJ Cborn about 1857
HensleyMrs J Cborn about 1867
HicksA Bborn about 1883
HicksCalvin born about 1925
HicksDeloris born about 1922
HicksJohnie born about 1911
HicksKenneth born about 1921
HicksMarle Jeanborn about 1929
HicksOlive born about 1894
HillesGertrude born about 1916
HillesHenry born about 1888
HillesLauran born about 1914
HillesLeo born about 1923
HillesRuth born about 1892
HindsEarl Eborn about 1905
HindsEarlene born about 1934
HindsLloyd Allanborn about 1939
HindsPearl born about 1917
HiserAda born about 1912
HiserL Hborn about 1903

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J Surnames

JacksonBenjamin Sborn about 1877
JohnsonDelbert born about 1933
JohnsonLoretta born about 1929
JohnsonMary born about 1904
JohnsonRobert Paulaborn about 1932
JohnsonRonald born about 1939
JohnsonWillie Pborn about 1905
JulianH Lborn about 1910
JulianOpal born about 1908
JulianRichard Keithborn about 1934

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K Surnames

KernGertrude born about 1896
KernH Tborn about 1878
KernHelen born about 1922
KernHoward born about 1921
KernRuth born about 1926

L Surnames

LandessBliss born about 1889
LandessCurtis born about 1932
LandessElla born about 1914
LandessFreda born about 1935
LandessRuth born about 1933
LarueLouise born about 1922
LaruePaul born about 1916
LewisChester born about 1902
LewisEarl Wborn about
LewisEleanor born about 1907
LewisEmey Maeborn about 1912
LewisHazel born about 1926
LewisLois Marieborn about 1934
LewisLucille Fernborn about 1932
LewisRaymond born about 1927
LunsfordAlta born about 1912
LunsfordBarbara Romanaborn about 1932
LunsfordFaye born about 1913
LunsfordFranklin born about 1912
LunsfordMarvin born about 1932
LunsfordPete born about 1914
LunsfordRaymond Deanborn about 1938

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M Surnames

MillanT Aborn about 1882
MillanW Jborn about 1875
MillerBessie Aborn about 1889
MillerStacy Rborn about 1879

N Surnames

NelsonAudrey born about 1920
NelsonDonald born about 1931
NelsonEdna born about 1897
NelsonEdward Leeborn about 1939
NelsonGeorge born about 1897
NelsonShirley born about 1912

O Surnames

OgleBlaine born about 1888
OgleGrace Doggettborn about 1882

P Surnames

PapayAlta Annborn about 1936
PapayEdward born about 1922
PapayElizabeth born about 1925
PapayGerald Maeborn about 1931
PapayGuy born about 1923
PapayJay born about 1929
PapayJim born about 1893
PapayKenneth Leeborn about 1926
PapayLarry born about 1933
PapayParralee born about 1897
PapayRay born about 1929

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R Surnames

RiceReba born about 1918
RileyHarold Eborn about 1910
RileyMargaret born about 1910

S Surnames

SimmonsAnnie Cborn about 1882
SimmonsHarold born about 1925
SimmonsLemuel Lborn about 1874
SimmonsRay Lborn about 1919
SpencerH Aborn about 1882
SpencerSadie Trueborn about 1890

T Surnames

TalbotClarence born about 1919
TalbotSylvia born about 1920
TalbottBertha born about 1893
TalbottChristene born about 1928
TalbottKathryn born about 1925
TalbottNorine born about 1926
TalbottOla born about 1921
TaylorClifford born about 1917
TaylorElsie Graceborn about 1937
TaylorFairy born about 1917
ThrallBeauford Eborn about 1906
ThrallCarl born about 1935
ThrallHarold born about 1929
ThrallRalph born about 1932
ThrallRuth Lucilleborn about 1908
TuckerAllan born about 1903
TuckerChester born about 1905
TuckerLillian born about 1904
TuckerTommy born about 1938
TuckerVirginia born about 1909
TuckerWarren born about 1935
TuckerZanna Anneborn about 1934

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U Surnames

UllomJohn Hborn about 1907
UllomMaurine born about 1908
UllomMaynard born about 1935
UllomNorma Geanborn about 1934

W Surnames

WeeksClarence Pborn about 1907
WeeksElsie Aborn about 1879
WeeksEmma born about 1914
WeeksRussell born about 1908
WeeksWashington Jborn about 1879
WilsonDorothy born about 1917
WilsonDuane born about 1910
WilsonJames Le Royborn about 1939
WilsonLamont Eugeneborn about 1935
WoodwardJ Cborn about 1873
WoodwardMannah born about 1916

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