1940 U.S. Federal Census of Campbell, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Campbell

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdneyAlbert born about 1922
AdneyAlvin born about 1920
AdneyFlora born about 1925
AdneyHattie born about 1903
AdneyJunior born about 1927
AdneyOlene born about 1929
AdneyThelma born about 1935
AdneyVasco Oborn about 1892
AllenbaughAvis born about 1926
AllenbaughAzella born about 1889
AllenbaughCarl born about 1924
AllenbaughFred born about 1889
AndersonAllene born about 1937
AndersonBeatrice born about 1911
AndersonBeulah born about 1912
AndersonEugene born about 1931
AndersonJohn Wborn about 1901
AndersonMarjorie born about 1938
AndersonRobert born about 1911
AndersonWilliam born about 1938
AndrewsGladys Rborn about 1929
ArneyAnna Mborn about 1932
ArneyEdna born about 1919
ArneyGeorge Bborn about 1915
ArneyLucy born about 1890
ArneyNana Mborn about 1922
ArringtonJames born about 1871
ArringtonTillie Jborn about 1871
AshcraftCaroline Sueborn about 1939
AshcraftCelia born about 1909
AshcraftEdwin Pborn about 1900
AsseryBobby Nborn about 1936
AsseryBonnie born about 1912
AsseryClyde Mborn about 1930
AsseryDonald Rborn about 1932
AsseryVirginia born about 1934
AtikisonBessie born about 1935
AtikisonDella born about 1939
AtikisonEmma born about 1932
AtikisonEunice born about 1940
AtikisonGrover born about 1886
AtikisonLavola born about 1916
AtikisonMary born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackwaterJohn born about 1864
BallardBobby Jborn about 1937
BallardJoe Pborn about 1934
Barger??? born about 1916
BarrickAnn born about 1918
BarrickBessie born about 1904
BarrickCherokee born about 1928
BarrickDavid born about 1911
BarrickEmoline born about 1883
BarrickGeorge Eborn about 1877
BarrickGordon born about 1924
BartellCarl born about 1920
BartellFannie born about 1899
BartellJohn Wborn about 1896
BattenfieldBetty born about 1871
BeachEdna Maeborn about 1908
BeachElbert Lborn about 1907
BeelBertha born about 1891
BeelCarl Jborn about 1923
BeelCharles Tborn about 1930
BeelDaniel born about 1927
BeelGarland born about 1927
BeelIrene born about 1925
BeelJames Lborn about 1890
BennettArnold Aborn about 1930
BennettArthur Wborn about 1935
BennettBirdie born about 1903
BennettC Coleenborn about 1938
BennettCecil born about 1911
BennettClara Lborn about 1929
BennettD Virginiaborn about 1935
BennettEarl Mborn about 1897
BennettEdna born about 1886
BennettEmma born about 1910
BennettFay Bborn about 1924
BennettGeorge Fborn about 1932
BennettGleason Jborn about 1902
BennettGuy Lborn about 1927
BennettHomer born about 1915
BennettJ Brutonborn about 1922
BennettJ Cborn about 1925
BennettJ Taylorborn about 1874
BennettJohn Aborn about 1875
BennettJohn Rborn about 1911
BennettJoseph Tborn about 1869
BennettLeona Eborn about 1922
BennettLucille Eborn about 1919
BennettMary Aborn about 1902
BennettMary Mborn about 1931
BennettMinnie born about 1909
BennettMurtice Iborn about 1915
BennettN Asburyborn about 1920
BennettNathan Jborn about 1930
BennettOpal born about 1916
BennettR Dorisborn about 1933
BennettRay born about 1916
BennettRobert Hborn about 1938
BennettShirley Aborn about 1939
BennettSybil born about 1904
BennettThelma Lborn about 1910
BennettVerlon Mborn about 1925
BennettViolet Eborn about 1923
BennettW Codyborn about 1912
BennettWalter Mborn about 1899
BiggerstaffHerman Hiborn about 1895
BineAlen born about 1909
BineOral Eborn about 1904
BinkCollee born about 1927
BinkDonald Judsonborn about 1939
BinkDoris Juneborn about 1932
BinkEdith born about 1898
BinkEdith Sueborn about 1935
BinkJack born about 1923
BinkJess Eborn about 1891
BinkJessie Earlborn about 1930
BinkKendenlar born about 1921
BinkMelba Joeborn about 1925
BlackardAlice born about 1923
BlackardHattie born about 1879
BlanchardRubye Bborn about 1901
BlankenshipAlvin born about 1933
BlankenshipBeeda born about 1898
BlankenshipCyrus Eborn about 1894
BlankenshipOscar born about 1919
BlankenshipOvitt born about 1920
BloomerFrieda Yborn about 1938
BloomerGrace born about 1913
BloomerJames born about 1909
BloomerLois Mborn about 1940
BowmanBoston Hborn about 1885
BowmanEsther born about 1896
BowmanGeorge Hborn about 1940
BowmanMarcus Eborn about 1939
BowmanNell Eborn about 1937
BowmanRuby born about 1918
BramlettHomer born about 1911
BramlettMartha Iborn about 1874
BrandonEvelyn born about 1922
BrandonRobert Lborn about 1914
BreedloveCharles Aborn about 1870
BreedloveCharley born about 1889
BreedloveJessie Lborn about 1872
BreedloveMinnie born about 1881
BriggsAmy Lborn about 1919
BriggsBennetha born about 1901
BriggsEzra Zborn about 1867
BriggsJellee born about 1928
BriggsL Vborn about 1927
BriggsMartha born about 1923
BriggsNathaniel born about 1930
BriggsOillemay born about 1932
BriggsRipley born about 1924
BriggsWillie born about 1910
BriggsWillie Bborn about 1897
BriggsWillie B Jrborn about 1920
BrownAlice born about 1888
BrownAndrew born about 1871
BrownAnniebelle born about 1920
BrownBerry born about 1884
BrownCharles Bborn about 1897
BrownCora born about 1888
BrownCurtis born about 1918
BrownErnest Dborn about 1929
BrownFloyd born about 1884
BrownFrancis born about 1929
BrownGeraldine born about 1926
BrownGertrude born about 1922
BrownHarold born about 1925
BrownJimmie Kborn about 1923
BrownJosephine born about 1912
BrownLeroy born about 1936
BrownLolame born about 1923
BrownLucy born about 1901
BrownMaxine born about 1933
BrownMelvin born about 1910
BrownMilburn born about 1914
BrownMildred born about 1931
BrownRobert Jborn about 1940
BrownSarah Rborn about 1898
BrownWyleen born about 1938
BrysonClaude born about 1918
BrysonEdna Jborn about 1924
BrysonEdward born about 1923
BrysonErnest Lborn about 1927
BrysonJ Cborn about 1939
BrysonJohn Hborn about 1890
BrysonJunior born about 1933
BrysonLois born about 1931
BrysonPearl born about 1898
BrysonPearlie Mborn about 1937
BrysonRuby born about 1925
BrysonUla Mborn about 1935
BurksErnest Wborn about 1921
BurksJack Dborn about 1923
BurksJessie Lborn about 1925
BurksJohn Rborn about 1881
BurksJohnnie Bborn about 1931
BurksKatie Lborn about 1883
BurksRuby Lborn about 1927
BurnsThomas born about 1886
BurrisBuddie born about 1903
BurrisElmer born about 1933
BurrisEmmet born about 1926
BurrisEthel born about 1930
BurrisEtter born about 1901
BurrisHelen born about 1936
BurrisMary Eborn about 1935
BurrisMonroe born about 1927
BurrisOtis born about 1934
BurrisRoy born about 1907
BurrisRoy born about 1928
BurrisWalter Lborn about 1939
BusterAggie born about 1897
BusterAnna born about 1931
BusterArthur born about 1936
BusterBurt born about 1939
BusterCharley born about 1927
BusterCorrine born about 1939
BusterIke born about 1901
BusterJunior born about 1933
BusterLipsie born about 1899
BusterLucy born about 1908
BusterLucy born about 1931
BusterMary born about 1871
BusterNancy born about 1936
BusterNellie born about 1930
BusterOllie born about 1924
BusterRuby born about 1937
BusterSally born about 1892
ButteryClyde born about 1906
ButteryMary born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainM Lborn about 1867
CainSarah born about 1880
CallahanGary born about 1919
CallahanJames Aborn about 1896
CallahanMinia born about 1896
CallisonBeatrice born about 1920
CallisonDean born about 1910
CallisonDovey born about 1914
CallisonErnest born about 1911
CallisonFay born about 1932
CallisonFloyd born about 1905
CallisonJackie born about 1929
CallisonJames born about 1928
CallisonJimmie born about 1918
CallisonMamie born about 1934
CallisonMary Lborn about 1939
CallisonPershing born about 1919
CallisonRena born about 1887
CallisonRoy born about 1916
CallisonSadie born about 1922
CallisonWesley born about 1884
CampbellBee born about 1893
CampbellDarlene born about 1934
CampbellFaye born about 1925
CampbellGrace born about 1934
CampbellIsaac born about 1886
CampbellJames born about 1926
CampbellJerry born about 1939
CampbellJohn born about 1930
CampbellJohn Rborn about 1928
CampbellLily born about 1897
CampbellMaudie born about 1897
CampbellPaul born about 1923
CantrellDorothy born about 1934
CantrellG Dborn about 1936
CantrellG Deweyborn about 1901
CantrellHelen born about 1932
CantrellJames born about 1930
CantrellLaura born about 1912
CarlileC Raymondborn about 1907
CarlileCharles Rborn about 1876
CarlileForeman born about 1914
CarlileGeneva born about 1918
CarlileJuanita born about 1918
CarlileMary Sborn about 1939
CarlilePiercy Jborn about 1880
CarlileRobert Bborn about 1874
CarlileSue Ellenborn about 1919
CarterAlbert born about 1922
CarterDelvelia born about 1923
CarterFloyd born about 1931
CarterGeorge born about 1932
CarterGertrude born about 1894
CarterJ Melvinborn about 1916
CarterMabel born about 1902
CarterMary Bborn about 1872
CarterOleida born about 1934
CarterOpal born about 1914
CarterOpal born about 1929
CarterWill Eborn about 1883
CaseyCathline born about 1935
CaseyChristopher Cborn about 1869
CaseyIra Lborn about 1915
CaseyJack born about 1936
CaseyNarcissa Cborn about 1872
CasingerBert born about 1929
CasingerBertha born about 1906
CasingerCecil born about 1902
CasingerDeley born about 1868
CasingerRuth Aborn about 1933
CauthernMinnie Mborn about 1938
CauthernPaul Lborn about 1935
CaveBobbie Lborn about 1927
CaveGladys born about 1927
CaveJames Vborn about 1931
CaveLaura born about 1874
CaveMary Jborn about 1937
CaveRobert Jborn about 1874
CawhornBurble Jborn about 1905
CawhornH Broksborn about 1930
CawhornNell Eborn about 1901
ChanceyEarl born about 1896
ChanceyNarcey Virginiaborn about 1907
CheekE E Edwardborn about 1883
CherryDorothy born about 1930
CherryFloyd born about 1901
CherryJess born about 1908
CherryKatie born about 1907
CherryLorene born about 1917
CherryMelvina born about 1873
CherryRoy born about 1899
ChewieBetsy born about 1926
ChewieWillie born about 1897
ChoateBlanche born about 1900
ChoateCharles Lavonborn about 1932
ChoateDa Corneliaborn about 1924
ChoateEmmitte born about 1922
ChoateGladys Coloaneborn about 1929
ChoateMary born about 1884
ChoateMary Meldaborn about 1922
ChoateMary Sueborn about 1939
ChoateOkla born about 1917
ChoateRaymond Dewittborn about 1927
ChoateWilliam born about 1879
ChoatiCharles born about 1871
ChoatiElizabeth born about 1897
ClarkAb born about 1919
ClarkAda born about 1882
ClarkAddie born about 1907
ClarkAlbert Lborn about 1939
ClarkCharles born about 1906
ClarkDonaldson born about 1925
ClarkFlorrinne born about 1930
ClarkGracie born about 1930
ClarkIdella born about 1929
ClarkJackie Lborn about 1940
ClarkLloyd born about 1927
ClarkMedia born about 1917
ClarkMoline born about 1939
ClarkNanny born about 1920
ClarkSid born about 1871
ClimerBoyd born about 1924
ClimerCharles born about 1935
ClimerGlinnice born about 1931
ClimerNathinal born about 1932
CoachmanAnna Cborn about 1939
CoachmanDonnie born about 1912
CoachmanWard born about 1912
CollinsBessie born about 1918
CollinsBetty Kborn about 1940
CollinsBeulah Bborn about 1905
CollinsBrerrie born about 1916
CollinsCalvin Leeborn about 1934
CollinsCarl Lborn about 1939
CollinsDoris Juneborn about 1937
CollinsFrevia Mayborn about 1938
CollinsJames Wborn about 1934
CollinsJessie Bborn about 1932
CollinsLetha Lborn about 1938
CollinsSam Sborn about 1907
CollinsTroy born about 1913
CollinsWillie Walterborn about 1910
CookBonnie born about 1936
CookCharles born about 1930
CookEdward born about 1927
CookGeorge Jborn about 1924
CookGeorge Wborn about 1904
CookGeraldine born about 1939
CookLeroy born about 1919
CookLydia born about 1901
CookNellie born about 1922
CookPaul Fborn about 1940
CookPauline born about 1939
CookThelma Jborn about 1933
CooperWilliam born about 1914
CoppleBobbie born about 1931
CoppleFloss born about 1896
CoppleFrank born about 1894
CoppleHelen born about 1924
CoppleJimmie born about 1933
CoppleMay born about 1927
CoppleNeal born about 1936
CoppleSammie born about 1929
CordrayAlice born about 1919
CordrayBobby Jborn about 1937
CordrayCleo Jr born about 1939
CordrayLeo born about 1916
CorleyAvis born about 1915
CorleyLeroy born about 1939
CorleyMyrtle born about 1915
CorleyNettie Mborn about 1937
CorleyWanda Jborn about 1933
CorleyWanda Jborn about 1935
CotnerClara born about 1920
CotnerJoe born about 1917
CotnerMontess born about 1924
CovingtonBeatrice born about 1926
CovingtonJames born about 1934
CovingtonJohn Wborn about 1891
CovingtonLewis born about 1928
CovingtonMary born about 1903
CovingtonShirley born about 1938
CowartViola born about 1922
CowettGusta born about 1923
CowettHerman born about 1918
CowettMarl born about 1922
CowettPearl born about 1921
CowettR Bborn about 1939
CowettSarah born about 1881
CowettWesley born about 1907
CritesWilliam Edwardborn about 1899
CrumArlie Cborn about 1908
CrumDewey Fborn about 1916
CrumEmma born about 1915
CrumFlorence Aborn about 1920
CrumJ Cborn about 1939
CrumJess Eborn about 1911
CrumLee born about 1932
CrumLouise born about 1934
CrumOddie born about 1917
CrumRuth born about 1934
CrutchfieldJohn born about 1913
CrutchfieldJohnnie Sborn about 1940
CrutchfieldLady born about 1916
CrutchfieldMary Jborn about 1938
CrutchfieldMavis Jborn about 1936
CunninghamCharles Eborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DailyFaye Lborn about 1935
DailyGrace Eborn about 1913
DailySherman born about 1902
DameronBernice born about 1933
DameronCelia born about 1925
DameronGeorge born about 1927
DameronMelvin born about 1898
DameronMelvin Lborn about 1930
DameronSadie born about 1940
DameronVonie born about 1903
DameronVonie born about 1937
DandridgeBen Rborn about 1873
DandridgeFlorrinne born about 1926
DandridgeJ Bborn about 1924
DandridgeJoe born about 1920
DandridgeJulia born about 1891
DanielsFrank born about 1900
DatesBervin born about 1923
DawsonMattie born about 1881
DawsonOma born about 1917
DawsonRichard born about 1873
DealMarvin Jborn about 1919
DealMinnie Mborn about 1892
DealWilliam Pborn about 1889
DempseyEssie born about 1896
DempseyJack born about 1922
DempseyJoseph Eborn about 1876
DempseyN Vernerborn about 1887
DockeryCleo born about 1935
DockeryHenrietta born about 1915
DockeryLittle born about 1922
DockeryMosella born about 1920
DockeryQuinton born about 1929
DockeryRobert W Cborn about 1884
DockeryRobert Jr born about 1925
DonelsonGeorge Wborn about 1873
DoolinElizabeth born about 1871
DoolinFinus Vborn about 1887
DoshierRuby born about 1915
DotsonWarren Jborn about 1922
DoyleTommie born about 1923
DrakeArthur Gborn about 1889
DrakeArtie Hborn about 1923
DrakeCarrie Bborn about 1891
DrakeDorothy Mborn about 1926
DrewHenry born about 1875
DrewMary born about 1877
DykeMarie born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EichlingBertha Cborn about 1920
EichlingBertha Mborn about 1874
EichlingDorothy Nborn about 1905
EichlingJohn Aborn about 1871
EnlowAlta born about 1932
EnlowClyde born about 1928
EnlowRuby born about 1930
EskewDinah born about 1862
EssaryAndy born about 1925
EssaryBeulah born about 1900
EssaryLooney Rborn about 1898
EssaryValeda born about 1921
EstepCoy born about 1924
EstepHerbert born about 1928
EstepLavaughan born about 1927
EvansBetty Lborn about 1937
EvansElizabeth born about 1868
EvansLloyd Jborn about 1902
EvansMildred born about 1920
EvansMyrtle born about 1896
EvansRaymond born about 1935
EvansWinford born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FergusonFrancis born about 1914
FergusonHal Bborn about 1910
FergusonHal B Jrborn about 1933
FergusonHelen born about 1939
FergusonJ Pborn about 1938
FergusonRoy Lborn about 1936
FergusonVirginia born about 1931
FieldsAngie born about 1901
FieldsBetty born about 1937
FieldsCharley born about 1890
FieldsDinal born about 1908
FieldsDorothy born about 1934
FieldsE W Raymondborn about 1940
FieldsKiowa born about 1894
FieldsMary Jborn about 1924
FieldsRoss born about 1906
FineBillie born about 1911
FineJake Hborn about 1878
FineMildred born about 1880
FineRay born about 1908
ForbusBen born about 1935
ForbusBetty Jborn about 1934
ForbusBillie Rborn about 1940
ForbusFreeman born about 1909
ForbusGeneva born about 1939
ForbusHerbert born about 1929
ForbusIrene born about 1927
ForbusJames Wborn about 1937
ForbusRosa Lborn about 1932
ForbusThomas Mborn about 1936
ForbusViola Mborn about 1914
ForbusVivian born about 1923
ForbusWesley born about 1893
ForbusWilla born about 1898
ForbusYuvon born about 1925
ForemanEmma born about 1918
ForemanEula born about 1893
ForemanIva Nborn about 1922
ForemanNed born about 1890
FraleyDess Lborn about 1897
FraleyMamie born about 1901
FraleyMarvin born about 1927
FraleyW Iborn about 1933
FraleyWanda Dborn about 1931
FraleyWenonah born about 1925
FullerBernice born about 1912
FullerDarlene born about 1939
FullerEtta born about 1892
FullerJake born about 1871
FullerJoanne born about 1935
FullerJohnnie born about 1926
FullerKaren Sborn about 1937
FullerLymon born about 1923
FullerRoy born about 1911
FultonStella born about 1907
FultonWilliam Rborn about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GahaganAlice born about 1925
GahaganBell born about 1884
GahaganCharley born about 1923
GalatinAnn Bessborn about 1903
GalatinBillie born about 1925
GalatinBobbie born about 1923
GalatinEloise born about 1930
GalatinJack born about 1927
GalatinJoe Annborn about 1928
GalatinJohnie born about 1939
GalatinRobert Mborn about 1898
GammelJames born about 1873
GarnerBernice born about 1918
GarnerOtho Jr born about 1937
GarrisonAddie Tborn about 1892
GarrisonBobie Leonborn about 1938
GarrisonDonald Rayborn about 1940
GarrisonEddie born about 1900
GarrisonElma born about 1939
GarrisonGarner born about 1933
GarrisonJack Rborn about 1885
GarrisonKarron born about 1937
GarrisonLarry born about 1934
GarrisonLayman born about 1929
GarrisonLon Fborn about 1889
GarrisonLores born about 1912
GarrisonMary born about 1935
GarrisonMildred born about 1926
GarrisonOneida born about 1916
GarrisonSoloma born about 1915
GarrisonWibbur Wborn about 1913
GatesAbe born about 1924
GatesAlbert born about 1876
GatesAlice born about 1922
GatesHenry born about 1917
GatesIda born about 1927
GatesLouie born about 1920
GatesMattie born about 1887
GayCash Mborn about 1889
GayEdward born about 1922
GayHenry born about 1924
GayMary born about 1894
GibsonArthur Lborn about 1904
GibsonCarl Jr born about 1939
GibsonRosamary born about 1920
GlassAlfred Jborn about 1899
GlassAlfreda born about 1928
GlassAnna born about 1861
GlassEarl born about 1904
GlassElla born about 1922
GlassMadge born about 1923
GlassMary born about 1903
GlassMaxine born about 1912
GlassMollie born about 1880
GlassOrville born about 1921
GlassVirginia born about 1923
GlassWalter born about 1909
GottCarl born about 1930
GottEva born about 1901
GottJ Cborn about 1924
GottJames Jborn about 1895
GottJunior Lborn about 1934
GottL Dborn about 1926
GraceCleon born about 1933
GraceEddie born about 1906
GraceJoe Eborn about 1875
GraceMildred born about 1935
GraceNard born about 1886
GracePansy born about 1922
GracePriscilla born about 1908
GrassEdd born about 1923
GrassGenora born about 1934
GrassLevi born about 1900
GrassLily born about 1923
GrassLucy born about 1899
GrassPolly born about 1931
GreenCharles Lborn about 1885
GreenGeorge born about 1925
GreenHenry Lborn about 1932
GreenHubert born about 1921
GreenJuanita born about 1924
GreenLeroy born about 1934
GreenLily born about 1932
GreenLoyd born about 1926
GreenMary born about 1908
GreenReba born about 1928
GreenSusie born about 1930
GreenWilliam Aborn about 1901
GreerFloyd Eborn about 1901
GreerGladys born about 1914
GunterFannie born about 1880
GuyDewie Cborn about 1939
GuyLewie Rborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasFielding Dborn about 1925
HairClara born about 1888
HairWalt born about 1886
HairWilliam Oborn about 1923
HamiltonFred Nborn about 1882
HamiltonZula born about 1905
HammondNorma Rborn about 1938
HammondVinita born about 1918
HartC Charlieborn about 1863
HartNancy Aborn about 1864
HattenEthel born about 1897
HattenFrank born about 1874
HattenVictoria born about 1875
HayesMamie born about 1885
HayesMarcus Lborn about 1878
HayesViola born about 1926
HeamJay born about 1914
HeamMolene born about 1920
HearnHoratio born about 1874
HeathDorothy born about 1921
HeathEdna born about 1923
HeathEliza Jborn about 1890
HeathJames Bborn about 1885
HeathMary born about 1853
HeftonBilly Bborn about 1934
HeftonJohn born about 1926
HeftonLois Lborn about 1932
HeftonMyrtle born about 1888
HeftonNiva born about 1914
HeftonO Lborn about 1913
HeftonR Lborn about 1916
HeftonReba born about 1933
HeftonVernon Dborn about 1939
HeftonWanda Sborn about 1937
HeftonWillene born about 1935
HeftonWilliam Aborn about 1889
HendrixCora born about 1894
HendrixWilliam born about 1906
HenryBobbie born about 1937
HenryCarl born about 1933
HenryClifford born about 1930
HenryJ Eborn about 1925
HenryMartha born about 1936
HenryMary born about 1878
HenryMary born about 1936
HenryNettie born about 1903
HenryNorma born about 1923
HenryOscar Eborn about 1901
HenryRoy born about 1927
HigginsEllene born about 1920
HillNamon born about 1890
HodgeEllis born about 1905
HogeLouis Cborn about 1873
HogeLutitia born about 1874
HolderElizabeth born about 1917
HolemanAlfred born about 1932
HolemanJeffie born about 1896
HolemanLila born about 1927
HolemanMattie born about 1901
HolemanRoy Dborn about 1926
HolemanRuth born about 1899
HolemanTeddie born about 1930
HolemanVernon born about 1935
HolmesClaudie Cecilborn about 1898
HolmesGlenn Wheelerborn about 1924
HolmesL A Jrborn about 1925
HolmesLonnie Albertborn about 1891
HolmesMorris Eborn about 1918
HublerDouglas born about 1932
HublerElla born about 1903
HublerFrances born about 1934
HublerFranklin born about 1937
HublerJosephine born about 1926
HublerLeroy born about 1939
HublerMary born about 1928
HublerMoroni born about 1930
HublerPenrose born about 1924
HublerPeter Pborn about 1900
HublerS Georgeborn about 1922
HuffJohn Nborn about 1895
HuffNovella born about 1927
HuffOdell born about 1923
HughartAlta born about 1923
HughartClifford born about 1929
HughartDoyle born about 1932
HughartFlora born about 1902
HughartIshmell born about 1925
HughartMarion born about 1939
HughartMollie M Jborn about 1874
HughartPaul born about 1937
HughartSilas born about 1934
HughartW Clayborn about 1895
HughesBenjamin Fborn about 1876
HughesBetsy born about 1890
HughesColleen born about 1929
HughesElizabeth born about 1889
HughesJohn Hborn about 1907
HughesMattie born about 1914
HughesRuth born about 1932
HughesVerme Wborn about 1921
HughesWilliam Eborn about 1923
HuntElza Mborn about 1935
HuntElzan born about 1918
HuntJ Isomborn about 1939
HuntS Josephborn about 1911
HuntWilliam Lborn about 1937
HunterDarrell born about 1928
HunterFred Wborn about 1930
HunterJohn Wborn about 1901
HunterKenneth Mborn about 1933
HunterMary Aliceborn about 1925
HunterSoka born about 1907
HutchingsBillie born about 1938
HutchingsEra born about 1911
HutchingsGarrett born about 1907
HutchingsVirginia Lborn about 1936
HutchingsWanda born about 1940
HutchingsWilma born about 1931

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I Surnames

IngleEthel born about 1899
IngleGeneva born about 1931
IngleMack born about 1928
InglePaul born about 1936
IngleRuth born about 1926
IngleThomas born about 1922
IngleTom born about 1890

J Surnames

JacksonBill born about 1919
JacksonCarl born about 1913
JacksonCurtis born about 1916
JacksonEllen born about 1911
JacksonFranklin Dborn about 1933
JacksonGeorge born about 1923
JacksonJ Cborn about 1937
JacksonJ Williamborn about 1890
JacksonLucille born about 1938
JacksonOllie born about 1892
JacksonVera born about 1917
JamesAline born about 1921
JamesAnnie born about 1893
JamesArthur born about 1920
JamesChristine born about 1940
JamesClara born about 1933
JamesEllar born about 1923
JamesFlora born about 1938
JamesHarvey Lborn about 1883
JamesHarvey Jr born about 1925
JamesJesse born about 1908
JamesJohn born about 1872
JamesL Richardborn about 1936
JamesLeroy born about 1931
JamesMartha born about 1921
JamesMaud born about 1873
JamesRalph Cborn about 1912
JamesSarah born about 1887
JamesTom Eborn about 1878
JamesTommie born about 1924
JeffriesThelma born about 1931
JettonJames Rborn about 1920
JettonJames R Jrborn about 1939
JettonJohn Raymondborn about 1940
JettonMary Eborn about 1921
JohnsonEdna Mborn about 1920
JohnsonGlenda Lborn about 1938
JohnsonMarvin Rborn about 1940
JohnsonPerry born about 1917
JohnsonSusie born about 1902
JohnstonAlva born about 1902
JohnstonBarbara Cborn about 1939
JohnstonErma Eulaborn about 1898
JohnstonFaye born about 1920
JohnstonHelen Deanborn about 1929
JohnstonJames Mborn about 1894
JohnstonLeroy born about 1934
JohnstonLuther born about 1924
JohnstonRoscoe Cborn about 1892
JohnstonRuby Genevaborn about 1927
JohnstonVirginia born about 1922
JonesGillis born about 1920
JordanBeautine born about 1924
JordanBillie born about 1935
JordanCarl Dborn about 1926
JordanDorothy Lborn about 1939
JordanLily born about 1904
JordanSam born about 1881
JumperHunter born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KennieAnna Mborn about 1920
KennieErnest born about 1917
KettnerBessie born about 1905
KettnerW Harrisonborn about 1893
KingAnna born about 1930
KingEmma born about 1892
KingH Leeborn about 1885
KingLee Jr born about 1924
KingPauline born about 1926
KingThomas Aborn about 1925
KinslowLucy born about 1870
KoonceJames Fborn about 1882
KooncePearl born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LackeyAda born about 1871
LackeyCharles Eborn about 1863
LackeyEdythe born about 1908
LackeyMinnie born about 1877
LairdFaye born about 1923
LairdHarold born about 1915
LairdJames born about 1925
LairdLillie Pborn about 1896
LaneWalter born about 1903
LaskeyBettie Geanborn about 1927
LaskeyBryan Oborn about 1925
LaskeyCharles born about 1923
LaskeyEthel born about 1934
LaskeyKenneth born about 1933
LaskeyOra born about 1904
LaskeyOtto born about 1904
LaskeyRuth born about 1931
LaskeyWilma born about 1936
LawrenceEugene born about 1919
LeafLeroy born about 1934
LeeGaines born about 1908
LeeJames Edwardborn about 1940
LeeRuby born about 1918
LewisBarney born about 1932
LewisConrad born about 1938
LewisGeraldine born about 1925
LewisHarold born about 1921
LewisJackie Dborn about 1930
LewisLee Jborn about 1885
LewisLela born about 1895
LewisMarie born about 1935
LiddleBetty Rborn about 1886
LiddleEdward born about 1933
LiddleEugene born about 1931
LiddleMabel born about 1912
LiddleWilliam Dborn about 1909
LincolnBessie born about 1917
LincolnFanny Mborn about 1933
LincolnFrank born about 1937
LincolnJohnnie Lborn about 1939
LincolnMartin born about 1901
LinscumJessie born about 1921
ListonDorothy Lborn about 1922
ListonJack born about 1901
ListonJackie Mborn about 1927
ListonNellie born about 1903
ListonRay born about 1935
ListonRosemary born about 1939
ListonRuth born about 1924
ListonWayne born about 1931
LocustJess born about 1870
LoftinMay Myrtleborn about 1870
LoftinWilliam Tborn about 1865
LondaginEmley born about 1863
LondaginJohn Dborn about 1882
LondaginMattie born about 1880
LouisArtie born about 1928
LoweAddie born about 1900
LoweCarnell born about 1927
LoweGeneva born about 1924
LoweJames Wborn about 1921
LoweJim born about 1892
LumarNancy Jborn about 1888
LumarSamuel Bborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MahoneyBessie born about 1922
MahoneyFrancis born about 1920
MahoneyIrma born about 1896
MahoneyLillian born about 1924
MannonAlpha born about 1920
MannonAndy born about 1935
MannonBessie born about 1903
MannonVelma born about 1906
MannonViolet born about 1903
MannonWilliam born about 1901
MarlowLavey born about 1924
MartinAlice born about 1863
MartinBertha born about 1903
MartinDanton born about 1934
MartinEdith born about 1880
MartinGoldie born about 1917
MartinH Bborn about 1921
MartinHarvey Kborn about 1902
MartinHenry born about 1894
MartinJuanita born about 1925
MartinLois born about 1927
MartinLon born about 1885
MartinMaxine born about 1930
MartinOdell born about 1921
MassingillNewt Aborn about 1894
MathewsArthur Cborn about 1880
MathewsCarnell born about 1908
MathewsMattie born about 1883
MathewsOwen born about 1920
MathisColeen born about 1935
MathisFanny born about 1913
MathisHarley Cborn about 1937
MathisHenry born about 1909
MathisJohn Wborn about 1934
MathisPauline born about 1933
MatthewsAda born about 1887
MatthewsArthur born about 1930
MatthewsCharles Bborn about 1875
MatthewsEdna Earleborn about 1919
MatthewsHenry Jborn about 1925
MatthewsJessie Iborn about 1891
MatthewsLawrence born about 1927
MatthewsLotha born about 1927
MatthewsMarshall Rborn about 1858
MatthewsMary Elenborn about 1920
MatthewsPaul Jborn about 1892
MatthewsPaul J Jrborn about 1922
MatthewsRebecca born about 1877
MatthewsTed born about 1907
MatthewsWesley born about 1925
MayesCarl Dborn about 1933
MayesDimple born about 1906
MayesNathan born about 1930
MayoBuster born about 1900
MayoGertrude born about 1910
MayoMaria born about 1878
MayoWillie born about 1876
McClainBobbie Jborn about 1938
McClainEthel born about 1910
McClainJames Aborn about 1932
McClainJimmie Rborn about 1936
McClainOlaf born about 1907
McCoyBillie Bborn about 1938
McCoyBruce born about 1927
McCoyEvaline Rborn about 1931
McCoyGeraldine born about 1930
McCoyJames born about 1924
McCoyLaura born about 1914
McCoyLem born about 1903
McCoyLeon Eborn about 1936
McCoyMack A Dborn about 1905
McCoyMiggie born about 1908
McDonaldBenjamin Hborn about 1891
McDonaldChristopher Cborn about 1878
McDonaldJohn A Hborn about 1889
McDowellMartha born about 1886
McElhaneyGeorge S Lborn about 1901
McElhaneyIda born about 1937
McElhaneyJewell born about 1908
McElhaneyJewell Dborn about 1939
McElhaneyJohn born about 1933
McElhaneyLee Fborn about 1936
McElhaneyLloyd born about 1939
McElhaneyLucille born about 1932
McElhaneyMaggie born about 1916
McElhaneyNancy born about 1934
McElhaneySamuel born about 1935
McElhaneyStanley born about 1927
McElhaneySusan born about 1932
McElhaneyV Florenceborn about 1937
McElhaneyWilliam Lborn about 1930
McFaddenGeorge born about 1903
McFaddenJessie born about 1907
McMahanClarcie born about 1905
McMahanCleo born about 1921
McMahanDollie born about 1927
McMahanJames born about 1925
McMahanJohn Jborn about 1903
McMahanLeo born about 1922
McMahanTisha born about 1928
McMahanWilliam born about 1929
McMahonClinton born about 1926
McMahonDorothy Eborn about 1937
McMahonGracie born about 1895
McMahonHazel born about 1928
McMahonHelen born about 1932
McMahonIvan born about 1924
McMahonLinnie born about 1894
McMahonOscar born about 1895
McMahonRaymond born about 1930
McMahonVera Oborn about 1926
McMahonWilla Mborn about 1927
McMahonWillard born about 1923
McMahonWinford born about 1925
McNameeAlfred Lborn about 1896
McNameeBlanche born about 1872
McNameeClyde born about 1912
McNameeJack born about 1918
McNameeJim born about 1907
McNameeJoe born about 1867
McNameeMack born about 1901
McNameeThomas born about 1898
McNattE Jborn about 1927
McNattEarl born about 1929
McNattIda born about 1924
McNattIva born about 1936
McNattMary born about 1899
McNattWilliam Jborn about 1897
MeekAda born about 1867
MeekAdda born about 1884
MeekAlice Fayeborn about 1939
MeekEva Mayborn about 1936
MeekGenora born about 1896
MeekGlady born about 1917
MeekLesley born about 1907
MeekLois born about 1933
MeekLuther born about 1903
MetcalfSarah Lborn about 1874
MetcalfWilliam Aborn about 1864
MillerCordellia born about 1870
MillerThomas Kborn about 1875
MillerWilliam Oborn about 1863
MontgomeryBetty Lborn about 1940
MontgomeryFanny born about 1885
MontgomeryHenry born about 1926
MontgomeryMason born about 1924
MontgomeryNellie born about 1913
MontgomeryRosanna born about 1938
MontgomeryWilson born about 1913
MooreAndrew born about 1907
MooreDelvia born about 1886
MooreFields born about 1883
MooreGrover Cborn about 1933
MooreHattie born about 1912
MooreJohn Dborn about 1931
MooreWalter Jborn about 1882
MooreWilliam born about 1876
MorganAlice born about 1908
MorganEllis born about 1910
MorganEstelle born about 1926
MorganHarry Mborn about 1876
MorganHarry M Jrborn about 1929
MorganJackie born about 1931
MorganJohnie born about 1905
MorganMamie Jborn about 1939
MorganOpal born about 1920
MorganVelma born about 1901
MorganVestta born about 1933
MorresLee born about 1926
MorresWalter born about 1928
MorrisBobby Jborn about 1934
MorrisCarl born about 1903
MorrisEdith born about 1920
MorrisEdward born about 1905
MorrisElla born about 1886
MorrisFranklin Wborn about 1922
MorrisGeorge born about 1879
MorrisHarold Eborn about 1934
MorrisIva Jborn about 1934
MorrisJessie born about 1914
MorrisJonna Lborn about 1936
MorrisJustice born about 1904
MorrisLevi born about 1913
MorrisNathana Lborn about 1939
MorrisOpal born about 1918
MorrisPocahontas born about 1912
MorrisRuby Zborn about 1937
MorrisS Isomborn about 1939
MorrisThomas Jborn about 1880
MortonAaron Cborn about 1923
MortonDaniel born about 1932
MortonDon born about 1926
MortonE Genevaborn about 1920
MortonFrank Hborn about 1890
MortonIva Mborn about 1919
MortonJames born about 1930
MortonLeland born about 1921
MortonLois Jborn about 1937
MortonMinnie born about 1896
MortonRalph born about 1935
MortonReuben born about 1927
MossCharles Cborn about 1895
MossCharles Eborn about 1938
MossCharles Jr born about 1934
MossDorothy Eborn about 1934
MossHarold born about 1929
MossIrene born about 1922
MossJim born about 1880
MossLois born about 1925
MossMabel born about 1924
MossMaggie born about 1897
MossMyrtle born about 1925
MossPearl born about 1905
MossR Bborn about 1927
MossW Jborn about 1930
MullerIma Jborn about 1933
MullinsBurl Gborn about 1898
MullinsCarl born about 1939
MullinsCodie born about 1926
MullinsEdgar born about 1921
MullinsFanny born about 1935
MullinsInez born about 1923
MullinsJohnnie born about 1933
MullinsLydia Tborn about 1939
MullinsMary born about 1936
MullinsMollie born about 1908
MusgroveEddie born about 1881
MusgroveEddie Jr born about 1922
MusgroveFanny born about 1904
MusgroveHerbert born about 1924
MusgroveRoss born about 1932
MusgroveSpain born about 1923
MusgroveTimmie born about 1935
MusgroveUna born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NailMatthew born about 1927
NannyFrancis born about 1923
NannySamantha born about 1872
NoelEdward Cborn about 1891
NoelLawarance born about 1939
NoelLeo born about 1929
NoelMary Fborn about 1932
NoelVictoria born about 1910
NoelWayne born about 1931
NoisyAda born about 1919
NoisyBillie Fborn about 1939
NoisyCharley born about 1927
NoisyClara Jborn about 1936
NoisyComtassel born about 1904
NoisyEdna born about 1934
NoisyJesse Jborn about 1939
NoisyJohn born about 1895
NoisyJosie born about 1900
NoisyMary Sborn about 1938
NoisyNannie born about 1919
NoisyNellie born about 1925
NoisyOscar born about 1930
NoisySam born about 1910
NoisySissie born about 1903
NoisySusie born about 1917
NoisyTom born about 1878
NoisyWaggie born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackAlfred born about 1921
PackAlma born about 1934
PackCherry born about 1912
PackClinton born about 1935
PackFrank born about 1885
PackFrederick born about 1927
PackGerald born about 1939
PackJoseph born about 1939
PackLawrence born about 1912
PackLois born about 1932
PackMamie born about 1914
PackMildred born about 1930
PackOma born about 1896
PackRosemary born about 1923
ParkerGlen Aborn about 1939
ParkerLeah born about 1870
ParkerMaudie born about 1915
ParkerRoosevelt born about 1913
ParksAlpha born about 1912
ParksFrank born about 1882
ParsleyMurtie Eborn about 1891
ParsleySamuel Lborn about 1881
ParsleyVelma Rborn about 1924
PattonDaisy born about 1917
PattonJackie Cborn about 1939
PattonTillman born about 1918
PattonTillman Jr born about 1937
PayneBillie born about 1928
PayneBonnie born about 1921
PayneE Angusborn about 1890
PayneEarl born about 1910
PayneEd born about 1888
PayneEdna born about 1925
PayneFlorence born about 1890
PayneFrankie born about 1932
PayneGeorge Wborn about 1877
PayneGladys born about 1913
PayneGlennie born about 1928
PayneGuy born about 1922
PayneJay born about 1918
PayneJewel born about 1926
PayneJoanna born about 1887
PayneJune born about 1931
PayneLela born about 1891
PayneMay Dborn about 1933
PayneNathan born about 1936
PayneNeary Tborn about 1933
PayneOllie born about 1923
PayneRex born about 1921
PierceCharles Aborn about 1932
PierceClara born about 1881
PierceSue Eborn about 1925
PinsonSue born about 1862
PlunkettCharles Lborn about 1938
PlunkettClyde Cborn about 1908
PlunkettColleen born about 1929
PlunkettIra born about 1940
PlunkettJack born about 1931
PlunkettJohn Allenborn about 1936
PlunkettLauragene born about 1926
PlunkettMrytle Mborn about 1907
PlunkettRay born about 1933
PollardEffie born about 1920
PollardFranklin born about 1937
PollardJoyce born about 1939
PollardRoy born about 1914
PopeC Burlborn about 1939
PopeEddy Jborn about 1940
PopeEdward Gborn about 1909
PopeGeorgia Aborn about 1908
PopeGlendof Aborn about 1937
PopeJosie Pborn about 1919
PopeM Alleneborn about 1930
PopeW Clarkborn about 1912
PopeWanda Lborn about 1935
PowellIsom born about 1873
PowellVictoria born about 1875
PraterClarence born about 1910
PraterSamuel Aborn about 1873
PrattVirgil Lavonborn about 1925
PrinceAlice born about 1873
PrinceBonnie born about 1932
PrinceBristow born about 1927
PrinceEstelle born about 1911
PrinceJ Huseborn about 1874
PrinceJuanita born about 1929
PrinceLouise born about 1935
PrinceM Mackborn about 1900
PrinceM Mack Jrborn about 1937
PrinceMarion born about 1938
PrinceWalkie born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuallsAlma born about 1915
QuallsClyde Gborn about 1901
QuallsFlossie born about 1937
QuallsGeorge Jr born about 1940
QuallsIzora Fborn about 1939

R Surnames

RecordClayton born about 1892
RecordClayton Jr born about 1927
RecordLila born about 1900
RecordVira born about 1918
ReditonMary born about 1861
ReedEudora Eborn about 1914
ReedGrace born about 1924
ReedJames born about 1926
ReedLouise Cborn about 1912
ReedMarzee born about 1902
ReedRufus Eborn about 1882
ReelBen born about 1878
ReelBennie born about 1924
ReelZed born about 1886
RenfroClyde born about 1903
RenfroErma born about 1936
RenfroHazel born about 1924
RenfroHiram born about 1865
RenfroJulia born about 1907
RenfroJulius born about 1937
RenfroMelvin born about 1932
RenfroRosa Jborn about 1869
RenfroWayne born about 1925
RenfroWyleen born about 1928
ReseckerChristian Jborn about 1876
ReseckerGeraldine born about 1937
ReseckerLatherial born about 1915
ReseckerLonnie born about 1911
ReseckerLonnie Jr born about 1939
ReseckerMarvin Jborn about 1935
ReseckerQueen Vborn about 1884
ReseckerWylma Jborn about 1933
RichardsCora Jborn about 1926
RichardsEdgar Hborn about 1888
RichardsFlora Mborn about 1940
RichardsHarold Rborn about 1933
RichardsHugh Eborn about 1935
RichardsHugh Gborn about 1907
RichardsJack born about 1937
RichardsOpal born about 1916
RichardsPatsy Rborn about 1938
RichardsSarah born about 1888
RisleyCarmel born about 1937
RisleyClifton born about 1914
RisleyDonald born about 1936
RisleyFlorinne born about 1939
RisleyMaud born about 1915
RoachAlbert born about 1928
RoachAnna born about 1876
RoachLewis born about 1934
RoachRobert born about 1907
RoachRoy born about 1929
RoachViola born about 1908
RoarkBeatrice born about 1896
RoarkBonnie born about 1928
RoarkCap born about 1893
RoarkCecil born about 1926
RoarkCharles Cborn about 1896
RoarkCharley born about 1936
RoarkClara Rborn about 1899
RoarkDarlene born about 1924
RoarkFrank born about 1925
RoarkLillian born about 1932
RoarkLois born about 1934
RoarkMartha born about 1865
RoarkMonnie born about 1930
RoarkPaul born about 1939
RoarkRichard born about 1933
RoarkRuth born about 1927
RobinsonAlbert born about 1920
RobinsonArvil born about 1933
RobinsonConnie born about 1926
RobinsonDella Mborn about 1938
RobinsonEd Fborn about 1895
RobinsonHelen born about 1928
RobinsonHester born about 1888
RobinsonJewell born about 1922
RobinsonNora born about 1916
RobinsonPauline born about 1924
RobinsonWillis born about 1897
RobisonBertie born about 1898
RobisonBetty born about 1934
RobisonBeulah born about 1937
RobisonDonna Lborn about 1927
RobisonG Wborn about 1930
RobisonHazel born about 1921
RobisonOscar born about 1895
RobisonWalter born about 1932
RodgersElmo born about 1921
RodgersFrancis Bborn about 1902
RodgersJohn Wborn about 1858
RodgersLuther Rborn about 1891
RodgersRoy Mborn about 1924
RogersBobby Jborn about 1939
RogersClarence Wborn about 1904
RogersClaude Aborn about 1939
RogersClifford born about 1919
RogersDixie born about 1886
RogersEd born about 1888
RogersEthel born about 1896
RogersGertie born about 1921
RogersIra Jborn about 1926
RogersJohn Tborn about 1920
RogersLucy Bborn about 1931
RogersMaud born about 1890
RogersNancy born about 1880
RogersS Billborn about 1915
RogersSarah Eborn about 1924
RogersViolet Iborn about 1921
RogersWarren born about 1921
RogersWilliam born about 1871
RoseAgnes born about 1897
RoseFern Gborn about 1912
RoseJ Edgarborn about 1912
RoseJoel born about 1936
RoseLouise born about 1934
RoseMarie born about 1940
RoseWarren Jborn about 1904
RossJoe born about 1882
RossLeda born about 1885
RossOtis born about 1917
RossonJoyce born about 1925
RossonNola Mborn about 1921
RossonOscar Dborn about 1940
RossonSnead born about 1901
RossonWilliam Dborn about 1939
RossonWilliam Hborn about 1917
RoweJohn born about 1908
RoweSlater born about 1906
RunyonAddie born about 1897
RunyonBeulah born about 1919
RunyonDonna born about 1937
RunyonEarl born about 1919
RunyonGeniva born about 1933
RunyonIrvin born about 1906
RunyonJunior born about 1929
RunyonLeda born about 1927
RunyonMaggie born about 1909
RunyonMarshall born about 1888
RunyonMary born about 1925
RussellEva born about 1920
RussellLou Eborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamBobby Jborn about 1932
SamCharley born about 1864
SamG Eddieborn about 1934
SamTommie born about 1915
SamViolet born about 1918
SandersHobert born about 1902
SatterfieldAnna born about 1901
SatterfieldEssie born about 1928
SatterfieldEugene born about 1930
SatterfieldFlorrinne born about 1923
SatterfieldJohnnie born about 1922
SatterfieldLloyd born about 1934
SatterfieldLonnie born about 1918
SatterfieldLoyd Rborn about 1938
SatterfieldOleta born about 1925
SatterfieldTom born about 1894
SatterfieldVera born about 1919
SchliderLillie born about 1875
SchliderRobert born about 1876
SchlingGrayce born about 1907
SchlingJ Royeborn about 1928
SchlingJohn Oborn about 1937
SchlingOscar Hborn about 1903
SchlingPamella born about 1935
ScogginsJames Hborn about 1918
ScogginsJohn Dborn about 1931
ScogginsJohn Mborn about 1894
ScogginsJosephine born about 1937
ScogginsJulia born about 1894
ScogginsLemon born about 1935
ScogginsMary born about 1929
ScogginsRay born about 1924
ScottCollie Sborn about 1878
ScrewsMay born about 1883
ScrewsWilliam born about 1878
SeayAlbert Jborn about 1910
SeayAlta Bborn about 1916
SeayBobbie Rborn about 1936
SeayFrancis born about 1906
SeayGeorge Eborn about 1916
SeayGeorge Lborn about 1938
SeayHazel Mborn about 1933
SeayJames born about 1938
SeayJames Tborn about 1880
SeayJohn Bborn about 1912
SeayPearlie Mborn about 1936
SeayRaymond Fborn about 1938
SeayRhoda born about 1915
SeayThomas born about 1935
SeigristGrace born about 1909
SeigristH Walterborn about 1893
SeigristJ Wborn about 1935
SeigristJon Pborn about 1937
ShadeAda born about 1908
ShadeAlma born about 1900
ShadeCharley born about 1929
ShadeElmer born about 1923
ShadeEmogene born about 1933
ShadeEugene born about 1926
ShadeGeraldine born about 1930
ShadeGussie Mborn about 1939
ShadeHenry born about 1935
ShadeJack born about 1927
ShadeJoe Lborn about 1937
ShadeJohn born about 1937
ShadeL Cborn about 1915
ShadeLeo born about 1921
ShadeLucille born about 1928
ShadeLulu born about 1881
ShadeMaggie born about 1928
ShadeRachel born about 1914
ShadeRaymond born about 1922
ShadeRedbird born about 1917
ShadeRichard born about 1903
ShadeRosa Mborn about 1939
ShadeSarah born about 1915
ShadeTheodore born about 1929
ShadeTommie born about 1929
ShadeWilliam born about 1927
ShadeWilliam Dborn about 1902
ShadeWilliam Mborn about 1880
ShoresFlora born about 1908
ShoresJames Hborn about 1929
ShoresMonte born about 1907
ShoresNorva Rheaborn about 1931
ShoresWanda Louiseborn about 1935
ShubertBlanche born about 1907
ShubertJimmie born about 1932
ShubertLawrence born about 1908
SkinnerArchie born about 1932
SkinnerElmer born about 1914
SkinnerLeonard born about 1919
SkinnerMay born about 1897
SkinnerOnelis born about 1928
SkinnerRiley born about 1922
SkinnerWillie born about 1893
SkinnerWillie Jr born about 1938
SkipperAnderson born about 1874
SkipperMinnie born about 1885
SloanArthur Wborn about 1936
SloanBetty Jborn about 1939
SloanClifford Eborn about 1910
SloanElla Fborn about 1880
SloanHarrison Jborn about 1875
SloanJuanita born about 1919
SloanNola born about 1914
SloneHazel Mborn about 1925
SloneJ Tborn about 1929
SloneJunior born about 1931
SloneMarie born about 1911
SloneOzella born about 1927
SloneRosetta born about 1936
SmithAlex born about 1900
SmithAlvia born about 1924
SmithAnna Bborn about 1886
SmithBobbie born about 1940
SmithCharles Eborn about 1938
SmithCharley born about 1898
SmithCharley Aborn about 1883
SmithDella Mborn about 1933
SmithDiane born about 1935
SmithDuke born about 1882
SmithEva Jborn about 1911
SmithEverett born about 1928
SmithFloyd born about 1928
SmithGertie born about 1902
SmithGertie Rborn about 1906
SmithGertrude born about 1900
SmithGilmer born about 1926
SmithHarold Dborn about 1934
SmithHomer born about 1931
SmithJames Cborn about 1940
SmithJames Eborn about 1934
SmithJess born about 1905
SmithJewel born about 1915
SmithJoe born about 1914
SmithJohn born about 1875
SmithKenneth Hborn about 1928
SmithLawrence born about 1932
SmithMary born about 1860
SmithMary Eborn about 1866
SmithMary Iborn about 1933
SmithMildred Mborn about 1931
SmithNoah born about 1898
SmithRosamary born about 1936
SmithRosella born about 1930
SmithRoy Jborn about 1937
SmithRuby born about 1924
SmithRuth born about 1898
SmithSavannah born about 1934
SmithWilliam Lborn about 1934
SmithWillie born about 1919
SmithWillie Aborn about 1905
SmithsonCecil born about 1938
SmithsonDanb born about 1910
SmithsonDarrell born about 1936
SmithsonGerald Tborn about 1933
SmithsonVera Mborn about 1913
SorleyArbie born about 1912
SorleyDorthy Adellborn about 1932
SorleyFrankie Lborn about 1912
SosbeeBen Hborn about 1889
SosbeeBen Jr born about 1928
SosbeeGertrude born about 1897
SpearsAuston born about 1891
SpearsDarlene born about 1937
SpearsGeneva born about 1913
SpearsJanice born about 1940
SpearsRay born about 1935
SpeckCarrie born about 1861
SpeckJ Andrewborn about 1908
StandridgeDarlene born about 1939
StandridgeJennie born about 1921
StandridgeLorene born about 1940
StandridgeMitchell born about 1911
StealerAnna born about 1913
StephensCharles born about 1931
StephensEvaline born about 1926
StephensNova born about 1924
StevensEverett born about 1902
StevensLily born about 1898
StevensRuby born about 1931
StroudDonald born about 1935
SummerlinAlfred born about 1939
SummerlinArtie born about 1907
SummerlinBell born about 1925
SummerlinBertie born about 1930
SummerlinBurt born about 1905
SummerlinBurt Jr born about 1932
SummerlinEdna Eborn about 1937
SummerlinElla born about 1931
SummerlinEthel born about 1907
SummerlinJeff Hborn about 1901
SummerlinJohn born about 1935
SummerlinPearl born about 1928
SummerlinRoosevelt born about 1934
SummerlinThelma born about 1927
SummerlinVirgil born about 1934
SummerlinWalter born about 1929
SummersBilly Mackborn about 1930
SummersBlanche born about 1897
SummersCharley Cborn about 1880
SummersJane Kborn about 1924
SummersLila born about 1934
SummersMinnie Leeborn about 1926
SummersThomas born about 1921
SumpterAlmeda born about 1908
SumpterAndrew born about 1906
SumpterAnna Dborn about 1924
SumpterCecile born about 1917
SumpterClarence born about 1910
SumpterClifford born about 1938
SumpterDorothy born about 1936
SumpterGerald Lborn about 1938
SumpterHarold born about 1930
SumpterHoward born about 1926
SumpterM Ruthborn about 1934
SumpterOdis born about 1940
SumpterOrvil born about 1932
SunagoowieElla born about 1922
SunagoowieFrancis born about 1940
SunagoowieJack born about 1914
SutterfieldKatherine born about 1864
SwearenginEllen born about 1917
SwearenginEthel born about 1895
SwearenginEugene born about 1921
SwearenginGrady born about 1919
SwearenginJames Wborn about 1884
SwearenginWilliam Jborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBillie Jborn about 1938
TaylorDonald Rborn about 1930
TaylorFloyd Lborn about 1928
TaylorLloyd Dborn about 1927
TaylorLucy born about 1908
TaylorWilliam Tborn about 1900
TecumsehGeorge born about 1886
TecumsehRobert born about 1920
TeeheeAnna born about 1902
TeeheeCharley born about 1904
TeeheeDavis born about 1937
TeeheeDora born about 1880
TeeheeHouston born about 1920
TeeheeJesse born about 1881
TeeheeLouella born about 1922
TeeheeMaudie born about 1925
TeeheeNarnene Rborn about 1939
TeeheeRosella born about 1904
TerrellAlbert born about 1932
TerrellArthur Pborn about 1931
TerrellBetty Tborn about 1927
TerrellCatharine born about 1939
TerrellCharles Rborn about 1931
TerrellDoyle born about 1931
TerrellFlorence born about 1917
TerrellHouston born about 1937
TerrellJames Oborn about 1930
TerrellJewel Rborn about 1934
TerrellJohn Jborn about 1905
TerrellLeonard born about 1907
TerrellLola born about 1934
TerrellMartie born about 1906
TerrellOrpha born about 1908
TerrellSamuel born about 1909
TerrellSamuel Jr born about 1934
ThomasAcron born about 1897
ThomasAlia born about 1904
ThomasBillie born about 1939
ThomasBilly Rborn about 1930
ThomasBobbie Jborn about 1932
ThomasBuck Mborn about 1897
ThomasCatherine born about 1931
ThomasCrystel born about 1937
ThomasDora born about 1906
ThomasEva born about 1901
ThomasFrank born about 1923
ThomasGordon born about 1932
ThomasHarve born about 1869
ThomasIrene born about 1919
ThomasJames born about 1937
ThomasJane born about 1872
ThomasJoan born about 1939
ThomasJoyce born about 1934
ThomasLena born about 1934
ThomasLeona Mborn about 1928
ThomasLois born about 1935
ThomasLucy Bborn about 1928
ThomasMaoma born about 1896
ThomasMark born about 1900
ThomasMary born about 1932
ThomasMelvin born about 1921
ThomasMike born about 1938
ThomasMildred born about 1926
ThomasNathalee born about 1926
ThomasNick born about 1919
ThomasPauline born about 1932
ThomasRay born about 1924
ThomasRuth born about 1930
ThomasSherman born about 1936
ThomasSybil born about 1923
ThomasWanda born about 1925
ThomasWanda born about 1932
ThomasonJohn Hborn about 1875
ThomasonLula born about 1891
ThompsonJess born about 1861
TollisonPete born about 1911
TuckerLena born about 1874
TwistCharles born about 1938
TwistDaisy Mborn about 1898
TwistEdward born about 1928
TwistEthel Tborn about 1894
TwistLouise born about 1935
TwistTreda born about 1926
TwistVerl born about 1919
TynerCoy born about 1924
TynerDona born about 1898
TynerHoward born about 1921
TynerJohn Wborn about 1890
TynerWaldo born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodDale Wborn about 1933
UnderwoodE Cecilborn about 1904
UnderwoodEdna born about 1905
UnderwoodEdna Fborn about 1935
UnderwoodElizabeth born about 1938
UnderwoodGloria Bborn about 1931
UnderwoodPaul Pborn about 1929
UseryJohn Wborn about 1871
UsherEmma born about 1921
UsherVirgil born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanceLela born about 1895
VanceM Cecil Cborn about 1895
VanzantMary Aborn about 1925
VanzantRockwell born about 1898
VickersVirgie Lborn about 1936
VincentGerald born about 1905
VincentNora Aborn about 1884

W Surnames

WalkerCharlene born about 1938
WalkerFaye born about 1920
WalkerIrvin born about 1917
WaltersAlvin born about 1913
WaltersLloyd born about 1904
WaltersNossie born about 1904
WaltersRuth Helenborn about 1915
WarrenBerlie born about 1923
WarrenClariece Mborn about 1914
WarrenCora Lborn about 1927
WarrenHelen born about 1934
WarrenHoover born about 1929
WarrenIva Dborn about 1930
WarrenJames Tborn about 1925
WarrenLaura born about 1932
WarrenLouis born about 1938
WarrenMary Aborn about 1936
WarrenOla born about 1901
WarrenPeter Jborn about 1877
WarrenPeter Jborn about 1936
WarrenWallace Wborn about 1912
WarseatLorene born about 1931
WarseatMinnie born about 1927
WarseatNancy born about 1894
WarseatStanley Mborn about 1924
WarseatUla Mborn about 1934
WashingtonAlbert born about 1930
WashingtonDora born about 1933
WashingtonEffie born about 1915
WashingtonFelda born about 1921
WashingtonFlora born about 1925
WashingtonGeorge born about 1908
WashingtonJasper born about 1923
WashingtonKelley born about 1907
WashingtonLee born about 1939
WashingtonLena born about 1927
WashingtonP Albertborn about 1935
WashingtonPolly born about 1891
WashingtonTeehee born about 1939
WashingtonUnaveh born about 1936
WashingtonWesley born about 1897
WatsonNomia born about 1921
WatsonRosie born about 1882
WatsonTom Aborn about 1877
WebberAdam born about 1905
WebberCharley born about 1878
WebberMary born about 1922
WebberRichard born about 1908
WebsterMaudie born about 1901
WebsterSherman born about 1904
WellsBillie born about 1922
WellsLizzie born about 1883
WheelerJ Lianborn about 1939
WheelerRetta born about 1921
WhisenantJohn Mborn about 1889
WhisenantJohnie born about 1921
WhisenantMary Jborn about 1887
WhiteWilliam born about 1885
WildcatAlec born about 1890
WildcatBernice born about 1928
WildcatBetsy born about 1924
WildcatCharles born about 1895
WildcatCherokee born about 1934
WildcatColton born about 1893
WildcatDavy born about 1929
WildcatJess born about 1917
WildcatLeona born about 1939
WildcatLillian born about 1930
WildcatLily born about 1927
WildcatNannie born about 1910
WildcatNed born about 1921
WildcatSarah born about 1932
WildcatSarah born about 1937
WildcatWalter born about 1932
WileyJess born about 1875
WileyMike born about 1869
WileyRoxie born about 1870
WillardCharely Sborn about 1878
WillardSarah born about 1875
WilliamsAlbert Mborn about 1868
WilliamsAlma born about 1927
WilliamsB Wayneborn about 1940
WilliamsCarl born about 1917
WilliamsCharlene born about 1937
WilliamsEarleian born about 1922
WilliamsEdward Bborn about 1891
WilliamsEmma born about 1893
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1938
WilliamsJean born about 1930
WilliamsMary Aborn about 1872
WilliamsMary Sborn about 1905
WilliamsNevada born about 1886
WilliamsOpal born about 1919
WilliamsSid born about 1911
WilliamsWillie Rborn about 1885
WillmanB Lorneborn about 1933
WillmanBobie Joeborn about 1928
WillmanEarl Deanborn about 1935
WillmanJames Nborn about 1930
WillshireJohn Lborn about 1880
WilsonRichard Dborn about 1926
WinnDorothy Jborn about 1922
WinnJames born about 1924
WinnJoan born about 1937
WinnLillian born about 1913
WinnNan born about 1930
WinnNannie Eborn about 1878
WinnNevanell born about 1932
WinnPhil Iii born about 1927
WinnPhilip born about 1870
WinnPhillip Sborn about 1912
WinnPhillip Jr born about 1923
WinnViolet born about 1900
WinnWilliam Tborn about 1935
WithrowAleen born about 1927
WithrowBetty Jborn about 1926
WithrowCletis Oborn about 1935
WithrowDorothy Dborn about 1934
WithrowFay born about 1930
WithrowSusie born about 1905
WithrowTim born about 1900
WithrowWylma born about 1924
WithrowZane born about 1938
WoffordElsie born about 1924
WoffordGeneral Cborn about 1938
WoffordGladys born about 1916
WolberFrank Gborn about 1878
WolberMary Eborn about 1868
WolfKatie born about 1890
WoodsCharles Hborn about 1878
WoodsJames Lborn about 1866
WoodwardJ Luchoborn about 1890
WootenCathleen born about 1929
WootenEffie born about 1908
WootenJ Cborn about 1935
WootenJunus born about 1906
WootenLevell born about 1931
WootenNellie born about 1908
WootenPawnee born about 1927
WootenShirlene born about 1938
WootenThurman born about 1910
WootenWinford born about 1932
WootonLois Opalborn about 1909
WorleyBertha born about 1912
WorleyGeorge Eborn about 1939
WorleyGuy born about 1902
WornerLenna born about 1933
WrightHarlan born about 1894
WrightMollie born about 1866
WrightWard born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YancyElizabeth born about 1911
YancyLahoma born about 1939
YancyOliver Rborn about 1908
YandellPearl born about 1895
YandellRuth born about 1927
YochamAnnie Eborn about 1906
YochamBertha born about 1938
YochamBillie Tborn about 1937
YochamDonald Lborn about 1940
YochamFreddie born about 1936
YochamJohn born about 1905
YochamLorene born about 1932
YochamLoretta born about 1930
YochamRuby born about 1934
YoungErcy born about 1872
YoungEugene born about 1930
YoungHop Tborn about 1871
YoungHop T Jrborn about 1912
YoungI Jborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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