1940 U.S. Federal Census of Creek in Creek County, Creek, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Creek County > 1940 Census of Creek in Creek County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsWillie born about 1919
AllenEugene born about 1921
AllenHazel born about 1917
AllenJames born about 1920
AllenJohn Henryborn about 1919
AllenLucille born about 1912
AllenMamie born about 1881
AlsupBernice born about 1919
AlsupGladys born about 1905
AlsupKenneth born about 1927
AndersonD Eborn about 1879
AndersonEarl born about 1928
AndersonEdna born about 1887
AndersonElmer born about 1924
AndersonFcotton born about 1917
AndersonNerle* born about 1928
AtwellClyde born about 1935
AtwellEugene born about 1918
AtwellFarrel born about 1921
AtwellGlen born about 1925
AtwellJ Bborn about 1929
AtwellL Gborn about 1927
AtwellMyrtle born about 1899
AtwellShirke* born about 1938
AtwellThel? born about 1931
AtwellWilliam born about 1900
AustAnna Leeborn about 1930
AustArdich born about 1907
AustBillie born about 1928
AustHarry born about
AustMary Louborn about 1933
AustinFrankie born about 1922
AustinHelen born about 1924
AustinLily born about 1887
AustinNathanil born about 1927
AustinWalter born about 1931
AveryAnna Mayborn about 1930
AveryMary Janeborn about 1937
AveryRachel born about
AveryRobert born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerArllie born about 1907
BakerMay born about 1935
BakerNelson born about 1926
BakerToney born about 1907
BakerWillard born about 1930
BarnardFlorence born about 1888
BarnardGeneva born about 1929
BarnardH Dborn about 1884
BarnardIda born about 1895
BarnardJ Hborn about 1888
BarnardJames born about 1918
BarnettNellie born about 1891
BathHa??? born about 1896
BathLe Roy born about 1927
BathMaggie born about 1907
BathRay born about 1912
BeardRaymond born about 1900
BennettRosie born about 1895
BethelBillie born about 1935
BethelGra??? born about 1908
BethelMary Teanborn about 1929
BethelTessie born about 1910
BethelTommy born about 1933
BiggsHannah born about 1932
BiggsMinnie born about 1899
BiggsRobert born about 1898
Birdsong??? born about 1934
BirdsongDarvin born about 1937
BirdsongDonald born about 1938
BirdsongFred born about 1908
BirdsongMollie born about 1876
BlanchardC Lborn about 1878
BlanchardEdna Bborn about 1884
BondElmer Joeborn about 1931
BondGeorgia Leeborn about 1938
BondLeota born about 1921
BondRobert born about 1917
BoydA Cborn about 1890
BoydAndy born about 1921
BoydDayle born about 1930
BoydDessie born about 1916
BoydDoris Joanborn about 1929
BoydEu??? born about 1919
BoydJ Jborn about 1908
BoydJames Carrolborn about 1936
BoydLeota born about 1891
BoydMary Lyanborn about 1938
BoydNorma born about 1923
BoydTroy born about 1932
BoydVelma Jeanborn about 1934
BoydWoodrow born about 1925
BrackeenCarl born about 1924
BrackeenClifton born about 1928
BrackeenRuby born about 1922
BranomAlvin born about 1932
BranomClarence born about 1911
BranomDelbert born about 1922
BranomEsther born about 1929
BranomHernman born about 1927
BranomLizzie born about 1893
BranomSharman born about 1924
BranomWade born about 1926
BrenhamCurtis born about 1919
BrenhamMinerva born about 1921
BringleW Hborn about 1935
BrownOverta born about 1938
BruceAbner born about 1918
BruceBr?wder born about 1908
BruceClaude born about 1907
BruceClayton born about
BruceColeman born about 1917
BruceFloyd born about 1905
BruceHarry born about 1936
BruceHattie Maryborn about 1920
BruceHelen born about 1919
BruceJ Fborn about 1875
BruceLenora born about 1922
BruceLloyd born about 1921
BruceLucas born about 1925
BruceM Rborn about 1884
BruceMargaret born about 1914
BruceNina born about 1910
BrucePhoebe born about 1889
BruceRachel born about 1883
BruceRosa born about 1887
BruceRoy born about 1931
BruceSmith born about 1880
BruceWanda born about 1924
BryantDreston* born about 1931
BryantMaude born about 1897
BryantMccarty born about 1902
BufordEmma born about 1896
BufordGertrude born about 1927
BufordJ Wborn about 1897
BufordJoe Earlborn about 1930
BufordUtz born about 1921
BufordVelma Leeborn about 1923
BurkdollGeraldine born about 1914
BurkdollWill? born about 1891
BurrisNancy born about 1889
BurrisW Jborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CanfieldAnna Mayborn about 1930
CanfieldChester born about 1924
CanfieldEliza born about
CanfieldEula born about 1934
CanfieldHarald born about
CanfieldJ Fborn about 1881
CanfieldJewell born about 1907
CanfieldLucella born about 1929
CanfieldOwil* born about 1907
CanfieldPauline born about 1937
CanfieldWilfred born about 1932
CareHugh Donneborn about 1934
CareMay born about 1905
CarterAndrew born about 1919
CarterAnn born about 1894
CarterArbeva born about 1926
CarterJames born about 1876
CarterLee Arthurborn about 1933
CarterLouzetta born about 1928
CarterTheodore born about 1924
CarterThomas born about 1922
CarterWillie Mayborn about 1931
Chandler??? born about 1928
ChandlerA Jborn about 1927
ChandlerBuford born about 1932
ChandlerLauna born about 1924
ChandlerP Gborn about 1881
ChandlerRoy born about 1921
ChandlerVerna born about 1891
ClarkA Jborn about 1893
ClarkJ Dborn about
ClarkOrvol* born about 1923
ClevelandAddie born about 1880
ClypesBermer* born about 1926
ClypesSte??? born about 1929
CobbsCornelius born about 1910
CobbsElsie born about
CobbsIvle* born about 1921
CobbsSylvester born about 1905
CokerAgnes born about 1919
CokerF Wborn about 1918
CokerPatsy Juneborn about 1939
CombsRosie born about 1904
CombsWillie born about 1900
ConnG Wborn about 1892
Coon??? Charlesborn about 1916
CoonCharlie born about 1939
CoonTaylor born about 1887
CooperArnett born about 1933
CooperElizah born about 1928
CooperEthel born about 1898
CooperHerbert Fborn about 1887
CooperJ Cborn about 1881
CooperR Hborn about
CooperRobert Leeborn about 1934
CordellAlbert born about 1924
CordellCarl born about 1923
CordellDarrell born about 1918
CordellDovie Mayborn about 1897
CordellErnest Rayborn about 1930
CordellGene born about 1940
CordellGeorge born about 1933
CordellJack born about 1917
CordellJoe born about 1892
CordellJoe Jr born about 1926
CordellJohnnie born about 1940
CordellJuanita born about 1921
CornahanArlie born about 1903
CornahanCharlotte born about 1928
CornahanUrlla* Mayborn about 1934
CornahanVelma born about 1906
CounElla born about 1910
CounIdly born about 1936
CowanMinnie born about 1880
CraddockArlene born about 1934
CraddockDale born about 1923
CraddockElena born about 1936
CraddockEthel born about 1896
CraddockL Mborn about 1894
CraddockZana born about 1931
CraddockZella born about 1926
CrawfordDonald born about 1937
CrawfordDorothy born about 1930
CrawfordEllen born about 1909
CrawfordFloyd born about 1934
CrawfordFred born about 1927
CrawfordRuby born about 1932
CrawfordSanford born about 1903
CreeAlbert born about 1888
CreeElla born about 1893
CreeEvelyn born about 1926
CreeLula born about 1924
CreekmoreJ Eborn about 1891
CreekmoreLola Mayborn about 1927
CreekmoreLouis born about 1922
CreekmoreZella born about 1894
CrenshawAaron born about 1915
CrenshawDonne born about 1923
CrenshawJ Eborn about 1888
CrenshawSarah born about 1939
CrenshawUna born about 1891
CrenshawWillas born about 1917
CriseGeraldine born about 1926
CriseIrene born about
CriseMomie* born about 1922
CriseNathaniel born about 1923
CriseRobbie Mayborn about 1920
CriseRuby born about 1928
CrosslandW Gborn about 1891
CrowleyRuby born about 1917
CrowleyTom born about 1894
Cuthbert?a?deen born about 1935
CuthbertAlphonse born about 1895
CuthbertDavid born about 1935
CuthbertLytie* Maeborn about 1914

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D Surnames

DavisBetty Jeanborn about 1933
DavisDaisy born about 1935
DavisEvanda born about 1932
DavisNaomi born about 1912
DavisRobert born about 1909
DavisSam Juanborn about 1937
DavisonBill born about 1862
DeckerDorrell* born about 1905
DeckerG Wborn about 1870
DeckerMyrtle born about 1870
DempsterBlanche born about 1875
DempsterErnest born about 1874
DiclerDorthy born about 1918
DiclerNoel born about 1907
DiclerPatsy born about 1937
DonaldsonDelores born about 1936
DonaldsonHomer born about 1912
DonaldsonMarion born about 1938
DonaldsonRuby born about 1919
DoveJ Hborn about 1868
DumosAaron born about 1922
DumosEarl born about 1936
DumosIvory born about 1917
DumosJanie born about 1901
DumosMa??? born about 1920
DumosSam born about 1891
DuncanEllen born about 1873
DuncanJ ??born about 1875

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E Surnames

Edwards??? born about 1921
EdwardsBronnie Leeborn about 1905
EdwardsClifton born about 1922
EdwardsDorothy born about 1925
EdwardsElmer born about 1897
EdwardsErnest born about 1939
EdwardsGeorge born about 1898
EdwardsJack Everettborn about 1930
EdwardsJackson born about 1895
EdwardsJames born about 1872
EdwardsJames born about 1937
EdwardsLecey* born about 1922
EdwardsManuel born about 1922
EdwardsMary born about 1892
EdwardsRo? born about 1928
EdwardsWilliam born about 1905
EllisArllie born about 1901
EllisLillian born about 1900
EllisSamuel born about 1926
ErnestCarrie born about 1892
ErnestEd born about 1884
EslickBert born about 1908
EslickClaudie born about 1921
EslickEarl born about 1918
EslickElla Fayborn about
EslickGarland born about 1923
EslickJim born about 1895
EslickLenore born about 1939
EslickLester born about 1919
EslickPa??? born about 1894
EslickRuth born about 1932
EslickViola born about 1914
EvansBarbara born about 1865
EvansGene born about 1920
EvansStella born about 1889
EvansW Sborn about 1883

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F Surnames

FarbsCorrina born about 1932
FarbsDressa Bborn about 1920
FarbsJoe born about 1890
FarbsMargaret born about 1885
FergusonEugenia born about 1897
FergusonFrank born about 1888
FergusonT?nn??son born about 1919
FergusonVirgie born about 1916
FlowersFrank born about 1882
FordBessie born about 1905
FordBillie born about 1938
FordCharles born about 1933
FordEdward born about 1933
FordJ?mmy born about 1936
FordJames born about 1934
FordLeon born about 1939
FordLucille born about 1908
FordMaggie Mayborn about 1932
FordWillie born about 1902
FosterAlbert born about 1932
FosterCay born about 1923
FosterEarl born about 1921
FosterElla born about 1887
FosterGlen born about 1924
FosterJ Sborn about 1877
FosterNellie born about 1918
FosterNovella born about 1916
FosterWillie born about 1934
FosterWyatt born about 1909
FritzCharley born about 1898
FritzCora born about 1918
FritzLena born about 1874
FritzTillie born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarretA Mborn about 1908
GarretClydell born about 1933
GarretSusie born about 1909
GarrisonMyrtle born about 1879
GarrisonR Eborn about 1877
GaryLula born about 1900
GellerAlpha born about 1916
GellerAlvin Rayborn about 1936
GellerJames born about 1905
GellerLeonard born about 1892
GellerPeggy Joanborn about 1939
GellerRachel born about 1936
GoodmanAgnes born about 1906
GoodmanHarold born about 1935
GoodmanNeal born about 1929
GoodmanPearl born about 1933
GoodmanReva born about 1900
GoodmanRichard born about 1931
GoodmanW Wborn about 1895
GoodmanWalter born about 1898
GordonA Jborn about 1916
GordonA J Jrborn about 1937
GordonDoris Mayborn about 1920
GordonGertrude born about 1911
GordonLeonard born about 1939
GordonLessie Mayborn about 1938
GordonRobert Henryborn about 1935
GordonWillie born about 1905
GordonWillie Jborn about 1931
GraysonCharles born about 1931
GraysonJoe born about 1898
GraysonJoe born about 1932
GraysonRosa born about 1913
GraysonRuth born about 1938
GregoryBetty Janeborn about 1939
GregoryHelen born about 1931
GregoryJ Eborn about 1908
GregoryVera born about 1912
GregoryVernon born about 1934
GrissomLeslie born about 1898
GroomsDavid born about 1925
GroomsDorothy born about 1921
GroomsJames born about 1928
GroomsMadjie* born about 1893
GroomsMary born about 1925
GroomsW Hborn about 1877
GroomsWilliam born about 1931
GulerEva born about 1917
GuyDorothy born about 1932
GuyE??? born about 1934
GuyLou born about 1937

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H Surnames

Hammonds born about 1921
HammondsTray born about 1918
HardinEva born about 1913
HardinGuy born about 1903
HarrisElizabeth born about 1901
HarrisJames born about 1904
HarrisonBarry Leeborn about 1930
HarrisonBenjamin born about 1906
HarrisonC Nborn about 1871
HarrisonGeorge born about 1919
HarrisonGrace born about 1934
HarrisonHattie born about 1880
HarrisonHenry born about 1930
HarrisonJohn born about 1878
HarrisonLaura born about 1880
HarrisonLaura born about 1911
HarrisonLeura born about 1923
HarrisonOcie Leeborn about 1936
HarrisonWalter born about 1929
HayterHenry born about 1890
HayterLucy born about 1891
HeadBeckie born about 1899
HeadClois* Jeanborn about 1935
HeadColie born about 1928
HeadE Hborn about 1900
HeadElnora born about 1912
HeadFay born about 1919
HeadHomer born about 1892
HeadJohn born about 1897
HeadKenneth Rayborn about 1938
HeadLevisa born about 1872
HeadLloyd born about 1921
HeadLyda ???born about 1934
HeadMargarite born about 1924
HeadMinta born about 1902
HeadRalph born about 1922
HeadRaymond born about 1925
HeodCoy born about 1927
HeodGus born about 1931
HeodOma born about 1911
HeodRelvin* born about 1932
HeodWarren born about 1903
HeodWillis born about 1928
HerkimerEdna born about 1903
HerkimerFred born about 1900
HerkimerFred born about 1925
HerkimerGeraldine born about 1922
HerkimerMarjorie born about 1927
HinesBob born about 1919
HinesCarie Leeborn about 1929
HinesDelores born about 1940
HinesElizabeth born about 1907
HinesErleen born about 1932
HinesEva born about 1883
HinesLloyd born about 1912
HinesLo?e? born about 1923
HinesOrville born about
HinesOrville born about 1906
HinesRichard born about 1875
HinesRuth born about 1913
HockettAllie born about 1913
HockettDolores born about 1935
HockettFrederick born about
HockettJames born about 1932
HockettShirly born about 1937
HockettVictor born about 1909
HubbardB Hborn about 1898
HubbardNom??? born about 1928
HubbardTheophalis born about 1921
HurstCora born about 1900
HurstEdwin born about 1926
HurstEssie Mayborn about 1930
HurstGeorge born about 1884
HurstJunior born about 1932
HurstLat??? born about 1933
HurstMildred born about 1928
HurstPaul born about 1935
HurstRay born about 1939
HuskeyBeulah born about 1929
HuskeyCarrie Mayborn about 1923
HuskeyGeorge born about 1933
HuskeyGladys born about 1938
HuskeyJames born about 1936
HuskeyJoan born about 1931
HuskeyJulia Fayborn about
HuskeyLena born about 1927
HuskeyMinnie born about 1903
HuskeyOllie born about 1901

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlbert born about 1899
JohnsonCharles born about 1939
JohnsonDon? born about 1901
JohnsonEleanor born about 1931
JohnsonEleanor born about 1932
JohnsonEllie born about 1882
JohnsonElmer born about 1924
JohnsonHarry born about 1900
JohnsonHomer born about 1922
JohnsonJim born about 1890
JohnsonJim born about 1894
JohnsonLee born about 1897
JohnsonLola Jeanborn about 1935
JohnsonMary born about 1934
JohnsonMurtle born about 1938
JohnsonRobert born about 1938
JohnsonRobert Leeborn about 1926
JohnsonRobert Leeborn about 1935
JohnsonSullivan born about 1904
JohnsonSusan born about 1936
JohnsonWill born about 1927
JohnsonWill born about 1929
JonesBethel born about 1910
JonesBillie Rayborn about 1931
JonesLillie born about 1878
JonesRay Bborn about 1904
JonesRonnie born about 1933
JonesShirley Annborn about 1935
JonesT Bborn about 1885
JonesVal Jeanborn about 1937
JonesWayne born about 1939

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K Surnames

KilpatrickCeola born about 1922
KilpatrickEveline born about 1879
KilpatrickHenry born about 1873
KilpatrickLou?een born about 1913
KingArthus born about 1917
KingJames born about 1922
KingLucile born about 1929
KingMartha born about 1889
KingS Pborn about 1881

L Surnames

Laffoon??? born about 1899
LaffoonDoretta born about 1930
LaffoonF Fborn about 1897
LaffoonWilliam born about 1928
LaffoonWilma born about 1924
LeasureAlbert born about 1926
LeasureHelen born about 1937
LeasureMary born about 1900
LeasureR Eborn about 1904
LeasureVelma Leeborn about 1935
LeeW Wborn about 1880
LesterEarl born about 1926
LesterElizabeth born about 1898
LesterImogene born about 1921
LesterNancy Rborn about 1857
LesterR Cborn about 1923
LesterRo?? born about 1897
LesterRo?iebelle born about 1928
LevingstonKenneth born about 1931
LevingstonPlezzi* born about 1907
LevingstonTroy born about 1905
LevingstonVivian born about 1936
LewisThomas born about 1917
LindseyMary born about 1859
LivingstonBert born about 1894
LivingstonBuddie born about 1927
LivingstonGrace born about 1900
LivingstonLorene born about 1920
LivingstonPauline born about 1922
LivingstonWilliam born about 1924
LozierAda born about 1906
LozierDeforest born about 1921
LozierErnest born about 1896
LozierEva Leoborn about 1920
LozierFrances Jeanborn about 1931
LozierJerry born about 1939
LumanM ?born about 1867

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M Surnames

MacarterAlton born about 1922
MacarterBobbie born about 1928
MacarterFrank born about 1881
MacarterFrankie born about 1931
MacarterLaura born about 1900
MacarterMargie born about 1934
MacarterModeline* born about 1937
MajorBillie born about 1935
MajorCecil born about 1907
MajorClarence born about 1903
MajorHorace born about 1854
MajorMildred born about 1925
ManesBood born about 1907
ManesLeovard born about 1931
ManesLorena born about 1914
ManesRosa Annborn about 1936
ManuelMary born about 1880
MarrowClaud born about 1912
MarrowEverett born about 1909
MarrowLena born about 1913
MarrowMabel born about 1920
MarrowPearl born about 1888
MarrowRuth born about 1928
MarrowWillard born about 1876
MartenonBruce born about 1928
MartenonElzy born about 1926
MartenonLouis born about 1904
MartenonLouis born about 1937
MartenonRay born about 1933
MartenonRaymond born about 1930
MartenonVirginia born about 1910
MatlockI?os Mayborn about 1934
MatlockLloyd born about 1914
MatlockMarjorie Fayborn about 1937
MatlockViola born about 1916
MaxwellCarl born about 1934
MaxwellClyde born about 1914
MaxwellDonald born about 1939
MaxwellDoris born about 1937
MaxwellLetha born about 1916
MayAlfred born about 1929
MayClaude born about 1922
MayElizabeth born about 1924
MayJane born about 1926
MayL?en born about 1889
MayRuth Annborn about 1932
MayW Jborn about 1907
McClesterBertie born about 1879
McClesterJ Cborn about 1878
McCown??zzie born about 1898
McCownAna?las born about 1922
McCownCardie Mayborn about 1929
McCownErnestine born about 1932
McCownFrederi?? born about 1923
McCownGeraldine born about 1926
McCownIrene Infantborn about
McCownJean Carolborn about 1939
McCownJohn born about 1876
McCownJosephine born about 1934
McCownLillie Mayborn about 1931
McCoyHoover* born about 1930
McCoyPhyllis born about 1925
McDanielErwin born about 1922
McDanielIrvin born about 1903
McDanielJames born about 1925
McDanielJanie born about 1928
McDanielLeonard born about 1930
McDanielNo??? born about 1905
McIntireCharles born about 1934
McIntireColleen born about 1936
McIntireDorine born about 1929
McIntireJackie born about 1932
McIntireOpal born about 1911
McIntireWilliam born about 1909
McIntireWm Jborn about 1930
McKissickCelie born about 1882
McKissickHazel born about 1923
McKissickJohn born about 1920
McKissickLeroy born about 1915
McKissickNelie* born about 1921
McNaeGeorge born about 1939
McNaeJohn born about 1895
McNaeWa?? born about 1902
MfcgucroCle? born about 1901
MfcgucroGeorge born about 1934
MfcgucroMary Bellborn about 1940
MfcgucroMelvin born about 1924
MfcgucroMildred born about 1929
MfcgucroMillard born about 1932
MfcgucroTharman* born about 1926
MfcgucroWillie born about 1903
MillerBilly born about 1931
MillerElmer born about
MillerGeorge born about 1904
MillerHelen born about
MillerJack born about 1933
MillerLillian born about 1907
MillerNorah Leeborn about 1866
MillsBellie born about 1935
MillsChloe born about 1913
MillsClifford born about 1937
MillsW Eborn about 1913
MitchelDonald born about 1926
MitchelMaine born about 1924
MooreBarbara born about 1877
MooreDon Kborn about 1929
MooreDorothy born about 1923
MooreEva Maeborn about 1900
MooreFrances born about 1933
MooreLucille born about 1901
MoorePauline born about 1927
MooreR Vborn about 1894
MooreR V Jrborn about 1925
MooreWard born about 1865
MooreWesley born about 1865
Morgan??? born about 1925
MorganCatherine born about 1897
MorganCharles born about 1896
MorganClydie born about 1930
MorganEthel born about 1923
MorganJimmey born about 1934
MorganLouis born about 1922
MorganMary Lucielleborn about 1928
MorganSammie born about 1918
MorrisSam born about 1880
MorrowBenton born about 1920
MorrowChestale Ferneborn about 1940
MorrowClarence born about 1908
MorrowLily born about 1889
MorrowOlive born about 1917
MorrowRodney born about 1881
MorrowRussell born about 1905
MullinsAddie born about 1890
MullinsDeller* born about 1926
MullinsEllen born about 1926
MullinsGeneva born about 1924
MullinsJohn Kborn about 1885
MullinsLowrence born about 1916
MyersC Qborn about 1882
MyersNellie born about 1888
MyersWanda Jeanborn about 1930

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N Surnames

NaplesClaude born about 1913
NaplesMay born about 1918
NaplesPhyllis born about 1939
NoelsRhode born about 1856
NoelsW Bborn about 1884

P Surnames

People??? born about 1938
People??? Jeanborn about 1934
People?ona born about 1902
PeopleAlfred born about 1925
PeopleCaldora* born about 1927
PeopleDolores born about 1930
PeopleDor?thy born about 1922
PeopleElo?ha born about 1895
PeopleJuanita born about 1933
PeopleJunior born about 1936
PeopleLeo born about 1939
PeopleMoris born about 1931
PeopleTheresa born about 1928
PeopleVivie born about 1923
PeoplesArchie born about 1929
PeoplesElvin born about 1933
PeoplesGeorge born about 1925
PeoplesGladys born about 1905
PeoplesJ Rborn about 1926
PeoplesJohn born about 1901
PeoplesLefverna* born about 1927
PeoplesLeon born about 1924
PeoplesRobert Leeborn about 1931
PeoplesRosie born about 1937
PeoplesTro?a Leeborn about 1932
Perry??? Enosborn about 1890
PerryAbraham born about 1930
PerryEdna born about 1900
PerryKenneth born about 1928
PerryMaudie born about 1890
PerryPauleeta* born about 1926
PerryRay born about 1939
PerrySam born about 1909
PerrySeattie born about 1924
PerryValrie born about 1920
PerryWilliam born about 1924
PerryWilliam ?born about 1875
PikeBobbie born about 1936
PikeDelores born about 1934
PikeJunnie born about
PikeLydie born about 1901
PikeRalph born about 1893
PinehillL?onnie born about
PinehillLeo born about 1893
PinehillSallie born about 1864
PorterMargaret born about 1868
PorterN Pborn about 1867

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R Surnames

RaeEarl born about 1903
RaeEarlene born about 1936
RaeHelen born about 1934
RaeLillie born about 1909
RaeLouise born about 1938
RaeViola born about 1937
RamseyRay born about 1892
RealElizabeth born about 1855
RichburgClarence born about 1932
RichburgClore* born about 1904
RichburgFrank born about 1901
RichburgFrank Jr born about 1926
RichburgOrval born about 1924
RobertsonClaude born about 1925
RobertsonJewell born about 1930
RobertsonMay born about 1926
RobertsonThomas born about 1919
RobertsonWillie Dborn about 1928
RossanderIva born about 1905
RossanderJohn born about 1905
RotliffDelmer born about 1921
RozadaleRaymond born about 1894
RozadaleWinnie born about 1903
RpbertsHannah born about 1862
RpbertsJ Bborn about 1928
RpbertsShirley born about 1903
RpbertsWatson born about 1897

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S Surnames

SaerWalton born about 1876
SandCarson born about 1872
SandDalton born about 1914
SandHattie born about 1916
SandJoan born about 1880
SandRebecca born about 1919
SandersJim born about 1901
SandersJohn born about 1933
SandersJulia born about 1907
SandersL? Chitaborn about 1938
SchonfeldAlbert born about 1908
SchonfeldBillie born about 1938
SchonfeldJerry born about 1939
SchonfeldLula born about 1918
SchonfieldArdon born about 1924
SchonfieldElda born about 1886
SchonfieldOliver born about 1916
SelfAlveter Jeanborn about 1934
SelfClaudia born about 1901
SelfCo??? Joinborn about 1937
SelfDallos born about 1939
SelfDollie born about 1881
SelfElsa Rborn about 1901
SelfEstelle born about 1917
SelfF Bborn about 1908
SelfGertie born about 1913
SelfJoe born about 1907
SelfMelva Deanborn about 1932
SelfShirley born about 1935
SelfViolet born about 1921
SellarsAbner born about
SellarsAnnie born about 1914
SellarsBeryl born about 1916
SellarsHelen born about 1921
SellarsNancy born about 1868
SellersMel Leeborn about 1890
SellersOl??? born about 1891
SeneyJ Pborn about 1871
SeneyLoura born about 1866
SharrochIda born about 1872
ShocklerBonita born about 1938
ShocklerEule?? born about 1933
ShocklerMarion born about 1913
ShocklerOpal born about 1915
ShockleyEdith born about 1869
ShockleyTom born about 1865
Shonfield??? born about 1931
SimsE Gborn about 1880
SimsLe?? born about 1889
SmithBill born about 1880
SmithEmma Fayborn about 1931
SmithGeorge Bborn about 1902
SmithJ Fborn about 1928
SmithRosa born about 1903
SmithVelma born about 1924
SolomonLuke born about 1886
StandeferBlanche born about 1892
StandeferDorothy born about 1924
StandeferE Cborn about 1884
StevensEllworth born about 1926
StevensRuth born about 1924
SuekingOlin born about 1909
SuekingOra born about 1876
SuekingW Hborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAddie Pearlborn about 1921
TaylorClemina Leeborn about 1940
TaylorPriscilla born about
TaylorVelma born about 1929
TaylorWillie born about 1872
ThomasAline born about 1901
ThomasCharles born about 1898
ThomasClaude born about 1894
ThomasElwie* born about 1922
ThomasFred born about 1924
ThomasJ??? born about 1939
ThomasJacks born about 1937
ThomasJewell born about 1915
Tiger??? Mayborn about 1932
TigerHenry born about 1913
TigerMontie Louborn about 1936
TigerOtie born about 1892
TigerVada born about 1922
TomHendrix born about 1898
Toombs??arence born about 1903
ToombsRostta* born about 1904
ToombsShelley born about 1903
ToombsT born about 1902
TulsaFixico* born about 1910
TulsaPhoebe born about 1921
TurnerAnna born about 1905
TurnerBertie born about 1917
TurnerJim born about 1892
TurnerJoyc Leeborn about 1940
TurnerLee born about 1872
TurnerMargaret born about 1864
TurnerOscar born about 1918
TurnerShirley Fayborn about 1940
TurnerW Dborn about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanClifford born about 1930
VanDelbert born about 1931
VanDuan Jborn about 1889
VanEsttier* born about 1905
VanRalph born about 1933
VanWanda Leeborn about 1932
VannBertilena born about 1915
VannC Fborn about 1907
VannCharlene born about 1921
VannD Cborn about 1874
VannEliza born about 1876
VaunAdrian born about 1927
VaunCarrie born about 1900
VaunEulin* born about 1935
VaunIvon born about 1925
VaunJoan born about 1929
VaunLeonard born about 1923
VaunNadine born about 1933
VaunV Rborn about 1896
VestleLiza born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallaceAlberta born about 1921
WallaceJulia born about 1931
WallaceLa??? born about 1919
WallaceMaxine born about 1930
WallaceO??? born about 1910
WareAubrey born about 1933
WareF Wborn about 1908
WarePhyllis born about 1870
WarePhyllis born about 1930
WashingtonClements born about 1920
WashingtonJohn born about 1877
WashingtonMary born about 1878
WashingtonVance?? born about 1927
WatkinsAnbrey* born about 1930
WatkinsJ Hborn about
WatkinsLl?? born about 1932
WatkinsLowell born about 1924
WatkinsMyrtle born about 1908
WestMozelle born about 1934
WestNancy Leeborn about 1918
WestPercy born about 1914
WestWillie born about 1936
WesterFankie born about 1929
WesterHynes born about 1909
WesterKelsie born about 1931
WesterLe Roy born about 1899
WesterWillie Dborn about 1874
WhiteDo??? born about 1932
WhiteJames born about 1929
WhiteJessie born about 1926
WhiteLe??? born about 1922
WhiteLillian born about 1909
WhiteMarvin born about 1928
WhiteMyrtle born about 1892
WilliamsJohn born about 1880
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1879
WilliamsNancy born about 1885
WilliamsRosie born about 1890
WilmanEd born about 1884
WilmanEdward born about 1926
WilmanEthel born about 1920
WilmanL Fborn about 1929
Wilson?auhue born about 1930
WilsonCarol born about 1939
WilsonChester born about 1930
WilsonEdith born about 1911
WilsonGeorge Wborn about 1883
WilsonGracie Mayborn about 1931
WilsonIda born about 1896
WilsonJack born about 1936
WilsonJohn born about 1878
WilsonJohnnie born about 1924
WilsonKenneth born about 1937
WilsonLe Roy born about 1922
WilsonLester born about 1904
WilsonLester born about 1930
WilsonLole born about 1932
WilsonMarjorie Fayborn about 1934
WilsonPearl born about 1897
WilsonRuby born about 1925
WolfeErna born about 1902
WolfeLue?lle born about 1926
WolfeMarie born about 1924
WolfeOtis born about 1901
WolfeSalina born about 1928
WrightCharity born about 1909
WrightHenry born about 1906
WyattJosie born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungerEddie born about 1902
YoungerNilly born about 1914

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