1940 U.S. Federal Census of Elm Grove, Payne, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Payne County > 1940 Census of Elm Grove

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderDore Mborn about 1935
AlexanderIdella Mborn about 1917
AlexanderTheodore born about 1915
ArbuckleMelvin Lborn about 1911
ArmstrongHarlin Vborn about 1913
ArmstrongRaynired born about 1915
AurellCharles Dborn about 1934
AurellHerbert Mborn about 1901
AurellMargret Mborn about 1939
AurellMary Lborn about 1939
AurellOlive Mborn about 1868

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B Surnames

BibyJuanita Mborn about 1933
BibyLee Royborn about 1906
BibyMarjorie Lborn about 1930
BibyMarvin Lborn about 1935
BibyMary Lborn about 1910
BickellLena Mborn about 1902
BlackstoneHarold Cborn about 1909
BlasierJennie born about 1883
BlissAlberta born about 1878
BlissClock Sborn about 1874
BlissHarry Dborn about 1928
BlumerMary born about 1874
BlumerRay Sborn about 1899
BlumerRudolph Vborn about 1897
BockEdna Eborn about 1899
BockOscar Lborn about 1887
BokerMaude Mborn about 1883
BostianDanah Mborn about 1920
BostianEvyan Rborn about 1859
BostianFred Tborn about 1922
BostianIda Lborn about 1894
BostianJimior Rborn about 1927
BostianLavern Eborn about 1924
BostianPeter Aborn about 1861
BostianRay Aborn about 1897
BostianWyman Mborn about 1931
BoughtonKenneth born about 1923
BoughtonMaggie Mborn about 1881
BoughtonRobert Rborn about 1876
BoundsBert born about 1931
BoundsDail born about 1936
BoundsEliza born about 1892
BoundsFrances Mborn about 1903
BoundsGeneva born about 1926
BoundsHadie born about 1914
BoundsPaul Jborn about 1923
BoundsRuben born about 1884
BoundsZeal born about 1892
BowyerDovie Hborn about 1914
BowyerLizzie Mborn about 1888
BowyerMarrin Mborn about 1916
BrewerBessie Pborn about 1914
BrewerDillard Zborn about 1907
BrewerPhillip Hborn about 1935
BristerAlvis Bborn about 1909
BristerAlvis B Jrborn about 1934
BristerFlora Bborn about 1910
BristerGhyath Vborn about 1932
BristerLanna Aborn about 1930
BristerMary Lborn about 1936
BristerMyrtle Mborn about 1885
BristerRobert Iborn about 1880
BristerRobert Pborn about 1938
BrixeyAaron Rborn about 1885
BrixeyBarney Bborn about 1924
BrixeyBonna Fborn about 1929
BrixeyBuddy Aborn about 1933
BrixeyElla born about 1894
BrixeyGenn Sborn about 1919
BrixeyHvelee Rborn about 1923
BrixeyOra Jborn about 1926
BrixeyPrice Ruthborn about 1917
BrownEthel Lborn about 1894
BrownJ Eborn about 1933
BrownJames Jborn about 1885
BryanGeorge Lborn about 1884
BurrisMary Lborn about 1888
BurrisZachary Tborn about 1885
BurtisFred Wborn about 1881
Burton??? A Jborn about 1883
BurtonClarence Aborn about 1919
BurtonMinnie Rborn about 1913
BurtonRay Pborn about 1917
BurtonRose Eborn about 1884
BurtonRuth Eborn about 1922
BurtonRuth Oborn about 1915

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C Surnames

CaldwellAustin Eborn about 1916
CaldwellHerbert Fborn about 1920
ChilesBlanche born about 1885
ChilesGrace Mborn about 1919
ChilesWilliam Rborn about 1877
ChurchHattie born about 1867
ChurchJoel Dborn about 1886
ChurchLaura Eborn about 1921
ChurchLenn Rborn about 1921
ClackAnnie born about 1912
ClackEzra born about 1860
ClackMabel Mborn about 1892
ClackRoy born about 1892
ClarkAlpha Lborn about 1922
ClarkArthur Nborn about 1878
ClarkBessie Pborn about 1891
ClarkIrma Jeanborn about 1922
ClarkIva Bborn about 1883
ClarkJohn Rborn about 1919
ClarkViola Bborn about 1925
ClaytonDonald Eborn about 1939
ClaytonEdward Oborn about 1905
ClaytonLeta Jborn about 1933
ClaytonVera Vborn about 1907
CoeArnold Kborn about 1907
CoeArtie Mborn about 1888
CoeDewey Eborn about 1863
CoeWilliam Jborn about 1880
ConyersJerald Rborn about 1938
ConyersMonroe Sborn about 1906
ConyersRuby Tborn about 1907
ConyersSandra Lborn about 1936
CookClarrcy Pborn about 1915
CookLeila Sueborn about 1937
CookManford Lborn about 1904
CookShirley Louborn about 1938
CrenshawClaude Eborn about 1914
CrenshawFyette Tborn about 1921
CrossHershall Mborn about 1906
CrossIla Cborn about 1896
CundiffCarrie Kborn about 1881
CundiffDavid Eborn about 1876
CundiffJohn Hborn about 1883
CundiffMary Eborn about 1846

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D Surnames

DarbyBessie Dborn about 1888
DarbyEdwin Sborn about 1933
DarbyEvelyn Aborn about 1923
DarbyWillis Fborn about 1885
DavenportBerneice Aborn about 1920
DavisCharles Fborn about 1896
DavisDorthy Jborn about 1935
DavisGrace Pborn about 1903
DavisRalph Wborn about 1919
DavisRuby Bborn about 1916
DavisWillard Lborn about 1913
DeanDixie Leeborn about 1934
DebaiseRobert Bborn about 1910
DelanoEugene Aborn about 1925
DelanoHattie Lborn about 1905
DelanoSedrick Dborn about 1935
DelanoWilliam Aborn about 1898
DelanoWilliam A Jrborn about 1930
DunlapHarvey born about 1882
DunlapOra Cborn about 1879

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E Surnames

EdenFrank Cborn about 1867
EdenMary Lborn about 1874
EdmondsonLobbie Kborn about 1934
EdmondsonMarie Iborn about 1907
EdmondsonOrlin Kborn about 1909
EdmondsonPatsy Rborn about 1932
EdmondsonRalph Tborn about 1936
EdwardsRobert E Leeborn about 1923
EdwardsRobert Fborn about 1898
EdwardsVergie Lborn about 1900
ElyBessie Mborn about 1914
ElyIva Aborn about 1913
EmersonEffie Lborn about 1898
EmersonElsie Mborn about 1900
EmersonGlen born about 1923
EmersonHomer Jborn about 1890
EmersonIren Mborn about 1924
EmersonJames Mborn about 1868
EmersonJohn Aborn about 1936
EmersonLe Roy born about 1928
EmersonLeo born about 1930
EmersonMaxine Bborn about 1917
EmersonNeoma Lborn about 1921
EmersonNettie Jborn about 1933
EmersonRoscoe born about 1894
EmersonThelma Lborn about 1919

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F Surnames

FaganArcha Mborn about 1915
FaganDennis Mborn about 1935
FaganDoris Rborn about 1931
FaganDorlouise born about 1934
FaganPhillip Jborn about 1939
FaganRay Pborn about 1906
FaunceAnna Aborn about 1875
FaunceElmer Sborn about 1872
FisherAlice Cborn about 1903
FisherCharles Aborn about 1899
FitzpatrickEdna Lborn about 1870
FitzpatrickJohm Mborn about 1862
FlickClay Cborn about 1899
FlickIrvin Rborn about 1914
FlickMinnie Rborn about 1876
FlohrGeorge born about 1862
FlohrJohn born about 1901
FlohrKattie born about 1862
FlohrMargrett born about 1917
FranklinErma Lborn about 1924
FranklinMercedes born about 1926
FrenchClaude Sborn about 1890
FrenchGertrude Jborn about 1924
FrenchJames Mborn about 1934
FrenchVenies born about 1901
FrenchWanda Lborn about 1929
FulkLytele Vborn about 1915
FulkMabele Mborn about 1913

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G Surnames

GarvinBessie Mborn about 1932
GarvinElsie Fborn about 1928
GarvinHelen Iborn about 1910
GarvinHerbert born about 1907
GarvinMelvin Lborn about 1935
GibsonElsie Mborn about 1928
GibsonGearldine Eborn about 1926
GibsonGeorge Wborn about 1889
GibsonZollie Mborn about 1889
GlassSarah Aborn about 1862
GoodsonClaudice Bborn about 1914
GoodsonClaudice E Jrborn about 1940
GoodsonVerna Pborn about 1914
GrissomDale Bborn about 1924
GrissomHattie Mborn about 1897
GrissomJessie Cborn about 1921
GrissomPerry Aborn about 1894
GrovesJames Lborn about 1940
GrovesLeo Cborn about 1912
GrovesMargret Bborn about 1914

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H Surnames

HaleClesson Jborn about 1910
HaleMollie born about 1905
HallNancy Jborn about 1862
HallThomas Bborn about 1859
HamiltonBertha Aborn about 1896
HamiltonJames Cborn about 1921
HamiltonJoseph Wborn about 1895
HamiltonThelma born about 1918
HardyClara Eborn about 1922
HardyFrank Lborn about 1895
HardyJames Wborn about 1924
HardyMildred Gborn about 1899
HardyRobert Sborn about 1931
HarralDoyle Rborn about 1929
HarralFloy Mborn about 1905
HarralGlynda Leborn about 1927
HarralRay Hborn about 1908
HarralRay Jr born about 1928
HarralRita Maeborn about 1925
HastingsFrances Jborn about 1907
HastingsJoel Hborn about 1904
HawkinsClaude Gborn about 1909
HeltonImogene Lborn about 1922
HeltonJack Lborn about 1939
HeltonLennard Fborn about 1918
HenkleDayna Lborn about 1925
HenryClyde Wborn about 1913
HerodPearl Nborn about 1890
HerodRay Vborn about 1893
HillAndrew Jborn about 1885
HillJessie Mborn about 1900
HillermanJohn Rborn about 1872
HolbrookArthur Cborn about 1882
HolbrookDaisy Aborn about 1883
HolbrookDavid Bborn about 1934
HolbrookJohnie Bborn about 1909
HolbrookVira Lborn about 1913
HornBlanche Lborn about 1897
HornBulie Lborn about 1925
HornDavid Bborn about 1923
HornJane Vborn about 1930
HornJimmie Tborn about 1927
HornWilliam Aborn about 1896
HornWilliam Oborn about 1920
HudgensGrace born about 1900
HudgensMary Jr born about 1930
HudgensRobert Mborn about 1896
HurstHarley Vborn about 1894
HurstMildred Mborn about 1911

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J Surnames

JacksonMararet Lborn about 1875
JacksonMerrit Eborn about 1874
JenkinsHattie Lborn about 1938
JenkinsHerbert Sborn about 1911
JenkinsLida Fborn about 1936
JenkinsLida Nborn about 1917
JohnsonAlice Mborn about 1864
JohnsonDorothy Lborn about 1905
JohnsonErvin Cborn about 1912
JohnsonGerald Lborn about 1935
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1931
JohnsonLarry Gborn about 1937
JohnsonMargie Lborn about 1935
JohnsonMinnie Rborn about 1910
JohnsonNathilde born about 1897
JohnsonOlive Iborn about 1939
JohnsonRachel Aborn about 1914
JohnsonRay Hborn about 1892
JohnsonRay Lborn about 1933
JohnsonRaymond Aborn about 1908
JohnsonRaymond Pborn about 1933
JohnsonRuby Lborn about 1913
JohnsonRuth Mborn about 1922
JohnsonShirley Mborn about 1936
JohnsonTalton Dborn about 1910
JohnsonWalter Lborn about 1935
JohnsonWanda Jborn about 1939
JohnsonWilliam Jborn about 1903
JudgeIva Mayborn about 1887
JudgeLester Rborn about 1926
JudgeWalter Aborn about 1927
JudgeWilliam Hborn about 1873

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K Surnames

KautzBenjiman Fborn about 1926
KautzBettie Lborn about 1930
KautzDoris Wborn about 1934
KautzHattie Eborn about 1908
KautzHenry born about 1880
KautzIda Lborn about 1932
KautzLee Royborn about 1921
KautzMargret Eborn about 1888
KautzRaymond born about 1911
KautzRaymond Jr born about 1939
KautzSamuel Hborn about 1926
KerbyJohn Sborn about 1860
KinkadeMary Mborn about 1894
KinkadeVirgle Lborn about 1901
KinnamonLorene Eborn about 1921
KinnamonWalter Pborn about 1920
KinzieBessie born about 1900
KinzieCarrol Oborn about 1936
KinzieCharles Aborn about 1896
KinzieCharles Oborn about 1933
KinzieLewis Oborn about 1928
KinziePauline Oborn about 1922
KinzieRaymond Oborn about 1925
KirbyBettie Rborn about 1922
KirbyDoyle Bborn about 1926
KirbyFrank Bborn about 1885
KirbyJames Sborn about 1936
KirbyLaree Aborn about 1901
KirbyLodiene Kborn about 1922
KirbyThomas Sborn about 1934
KirkBilly Eborn about 1929
KirkFloyd born about 1900
KirkLloyd born about 1922
KirkLouise born about 1925
KirkMittie born about 1903
KnightEdward Gborn about 1903
KnightGeorge Hborn about 1903
KnightJames Dborn about 1922
KnightMaude Eborn about 1886
KnottDale Jborn about 1930
KnottEsther Vborn about 1924
KnottLeota Oborn about 1900
KnottMontie Jborn about 1900
KnottRobert Mborn about 1925
KolbGerald Lborn about 1936
KolbJoseph born about 1900
KolbJunise born about 1930
KolbKatie Tborn about 1906
KolbPauline Iborn about 1928

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L Surnames

LakeEarnest Cborn about 1906
LakeJessie Jr born about 1905
LakeKenneth Wborn about 1930
LakeSamuel Eborn about 1937
LakeVernon Eborn about 1933
LaytonRobert Hborn about 1924
LaytonWanda Lborn about 1921
LeachClair Mborn about 1917
LeachHarry Hborn about 1886
LeachMaudie Aborn about 1893
LeeEllen Aborn about 1901
LeeJohn Eborn about 1931
LeeJohn Eborn about 1937
LeeSamuel born about 1893
LeeTuene Dborn about 1928
LegateJohn Aborn about
LegateRoss born about 1912
LegateRuth Oborn about 1911
LegateSallae Aborn about 1939
LestermanInez Cborn about 1902
LestermanJohn Wborn about 1895
LestermanJohnny Dborn about 1933
LongDonald Rborn about 1938
LongJessie Lborn about 1917
LongMirl Cborn about 1911
LongRuby Lborn about 1934
LonganClifford Hborn about 1906
LonganViola Sborn about 1919

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M Surnames

MackCharles Cborn about 1936
MajorsEthel Mborn about 1938
MajorsFloyd Wborn about 1908
MajorsOneta Mborn about 1933
MajorsPauline Eborn about 1913
MajorsRuth Eborn about 1931
MajorsTrula Iborn about 1936
MaroneyJohn Mborn about 1876
MarquisEdward Jborn about 1900
MarquisEdwina Fborn about 1933
MarquisHarvin Lborn about 1926
MarquisLessa Eborn about 1907
MarquisMarrin Dborn about 1935
MarsballAllbert Eborn about 1893
MarsballHarriet Mborn about 1858
MarsballPaul Eborn about 1933
MarsballVerna Mborn about 1895
MarsballWanda Lborn about 1927
MarshallHerbert Dborn about 1887
MarshallMinnie Aborn about 1887
MaxwellClarence Eborn about 1940
MaxwellJohn Dborn about 1911
MaxwellLinnie Lborn about 1910
MaxwellThelma Pborn about 1938
MaxwellWilliam Mborn about 1934
MaxwellWilma Lborn about 1929
MayfieldCharles Eborn about 1881
MayfieldRex Aborn about 1911
MayfieldRuth born about 1881
McBrideAlva Jborn about 1896
McBrideStella Vborn about 1897
McCuenWarren Wborn about 1937
McCuistionArthur Lborn about 1901
McCuistionRertee born about 1911
McDanielsFlora Jborn about 1924
McDanielsWilliam Tborn about 1918
McGeeGeorge Hborn about 1930
McGilvreyAnita Wborn about 1929
McGilvreyGadys born about 1897
McGilvreyJoyce Mborn about 1936
McGilvreyLea Mborn about 1937
McGilvreyLelia Lborn about 1931
McGilvreyLinza Pborn about 1896
McGilvreyMarilyn born about 1933
McGilvreyMax Gborn about 1923
McGilvreyRobert Mborn about 1926
McGilvreyRonand Gborn about 1924
McGilvreyWilliam Dborn about 1928
McGlownAlverta Hborn about 1900
McGlownCharles Wborn about 1900
McGlownRoberta Mborn about 1924
McGuireGeorge Lborn about 1926
McGuireGrant Wborn about 1875
McGuireLizzie born about 1900
McGuireMax Lborn about 1935
McGuireVernice born about 1894
McGuireWilford Dborn about 1929
McGuireWilliam Fborn about 1919
McGurkCarmen Lborn about 1939
McGurkCarol Aborn about 1937
McGurkMarge Jborn about 1917
McGurkNorval Eborn about 1913
McLainAncil Lborn about 1916
McLainCecil born about 1894
McLainDaniel born about 1937
McLainDavid Rborn about 1939
McLainKathryne Lborn about 1918
McLainLain Aborn about 1915
McLainMary Lborn about 1918
McLainNorris Rborn about 1922
McLainRalph Eborn about 1887
MearsMable Cborn about 1886
MearsPreston Jborn about 1883
MickEarnest born about 1910
MickFrank born about 1883
MickHattie born about 1892
MickRalph Cborn about 1908
MickRozell born about 1887
MontgomeryJohn Wborn about 1880
MontgomeryLula Mborn about 1889
MooreLulu Iborn about 1903
MooreWillard Cborn about 1903
MoormanClarence Cborn about 1879
MoormanLizzie Iborn about 1888
MoormanZella Gborn about 1906

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N Surnames

NettlesEtta born about 1896
NettlesJames Pborn about 1892
NettlesMargaret R Jborn about 1921
NettlesMona Bborn about 1914
NettlesPhillip Fborn about 1918
NickelsGerald born about 1921
NickelsMack Tborn about 1921
NickelsMinnie Fborn about 1900
NickelsPat Cborn about 1932
NickelsVan born about 1896
NottinghamAngelena F Mborn about 1879
NottinghamBelle born about 1894
NottinghamDonald Oborn about 1929
NottinghamDorthy Jr born about 1937
NottinghamErastus born about 1887
NottinghamGeorge Wborn about 1898
NottinghamGlen Eborn about 1928
NottinghamGoredema born about 1931
NottinghamIrene born about 1922
NottinghamJames Nborn about 1927
NottinghamJohn Nborn about 1917
NottinghamJohn Rborn about 1895
NottinghamLaura Lborn about 1900
NottinghamMary born about 1902
NottinghamNona Mborn about 1930
NottinghamRobert Jborn about 1924
NottinghamWayne Cborn about 1925

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O Surnames

OverholtBeverly Aborn about 1937
OverholtDarrel Wborn about 1931
OverholtJess Hborn about 1925
OverholtJessie Mborn about 1903
OverholtLeona Gborn about 1928
OverholtNorma Gborn about 1928
OverholtOra Hborn about 1904
OverholtWilliam Cborn about 1940

P Surnames

PackerWilliam born about 1867
ParkerJune Lborn about 1933
PerkinsNellie Lborn about 1896
PerkinsRupert Dborn about 1898
PhillipsEiel born about 1917
PhillipsEttie born about 1876
PhillipsFrank Oborn about 1922
PhillipsJohn Nborn about 1871
PolingAddie Eborn about 1868
PolingAndrew Jborn about 1864
PolingBurl Cborn about 1920
PolingEthel Pborn about 1930
PolingFrancis Lborn about 1924
PolingMartha Lborn about 1899
PolingSigel Jborn about 1897
PriceDolly Jborn about 1934
PriceEstella Mborn about 1931
PriceGene Cborn about 1900
PriceLola Lborn about 1906
PriceMelvin Jborn about 1913
PriceSylvia Jborn about 1929
PriestAnna Bborn about 1895
PriestCharles Dborn about 1879
PriestWillie Cborn about 1915

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R Surnames

RainsAlice Mborn about 1893
RainsEdgar Lborn about 1919
RainsOrval Gborn about 1893
RainsOrvalynn Eborn about 1917
RainsVira born about 1921
RainsWillis Bborn about 1922
RamseyCarolyn Lborn about 1940
RamseyClarence born about 1928
RamseyClyde born about 1897
RamseyNellie born about 1895
RamseyPaul born about 1920
RamseyPauline born about 1928
RamseyWilla Mborn about 1920
RasmussenAddie Aborn about 1907
RasmussenJack Dborn about 1936
RasmussenJohenn born about 1928
RasmussenLewis Aborn about 1906
RasmussenLouis Mborn about 1937
RasmussenNorma Lborn about 1930
RasmussenNorval Dborn about 1939
RetherfordAddie Fborn about 1911
RetherfordFannie Aborn about 1878
RetherfordNathan Rborn about 1873
RickstrewAlbert Aborn about 1910
RickstrewAudrey Jborn about 1936
RickstrewJean Eborn about 1938
RickstrewMeldred Lborn about 1908
RollinsRuth Aborn about 1915
RoundtreeBilly Eborn about 1939
RoundtreeHazel Vborn about 1922
RoundtreeJames Wborn about 1919

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S Surnames

SavageBilly Lborn about 1933
SavageGertrude Gborn about 1910
SavageJeff Lborn about 1906
SavageLindy Rborn about 1935
ScholtzAugust Jborn about 1879
ScholtzKatherine born about 1886
SessonsBobbie Cborn about 1926
SessonsClarence born about 1898
SessonsElsie Mborn about 1928
SessonsGladys Mborn about 1902
SessonsRay Rborn about 1921
SessonsRoy Lborn about 1923
SmithArtie Eborn about 1935
SmithCharles Eborn about 1931
SmithDoil Wborn about 1916
SmithFernie Fborn about 1939
SmithJewell Mborn about 1918
SmithKing born about 1933
SmithLeona born about 1922
SmithLeslie born about 1922
SmithNaomi born about 1926
SmithNina Mborn about 1924
SmithPauline Iborn about 1924
SmithRegina born about 1903
SmithVirgil Mborn about 1872
SneesbyNora Eborn about 1900
SneesbyThomas Eborn about 1897
StokesBettie Jborn about 1924
StokesFred born about 1893
StokesRuth Sborn about 1902
StoneClarence Hborn about 1867
StoneIda born about 1865
SynderAndrew born about 1919

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T Surnames

TaylorAlva Aborn about 1902
TaylorAndrew born about 1847
TaylorBessie born about 1884
TaylorKeith Lborn about 1913
TaylorLenard Rborn about 1890
TaylorLillian born about 1898
TaylorMary Sborn about 1879
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1875
TaylorWilliam Tborn about 1872
TeddletonClarence Dborn about 1917
TenneyEarnest Rborn about 1940
TenneyGrace Eborn about 1907
TenneyHarold Eborn about 1902
TenneyMaxine Rborn about 1939
TenneyRodney Eborn about 1936
TettletonDorris Jborn about 1939
TettletonJesse Rborn about 1907
TettletonNorris Lborn about 1935
TettletonTruley born about 1914
ThomasNona Bborn about 1864
ThomasRay born about 1910
Thompson born about 1920
ThompsonAnnie Mborn about 1894
ThompsonAnnie Rborn about 1933
ThompsonBernice Rborn about 1939
ThompsonCarl Eborn about 1914
ThompsonJack born about 1881
ThompsonJohn Rborn about 1924
ThompsonJoy Tborn about 1915
ThompsonLa???der Dborn about 1884
ThompsonLouella Mborn about 1885
ThompsonLuther born about 1912
ThompsonMary Fborn about 1916
ThompsonMattie Lborn about 1931
ThompsonMike Hborn about 1928
ThompsonNorman Gborn about 1919
ThompsonPat born about 1914
ThompsonRoie Leeborn about 1925
ThompsonRuby Mborn about 1924
ThompsonSallie born about 1866
TinesBeunceh* Mborn about 1907
TinesOpal Lborn about 1927
TinesThomas Vborn about 1935
TinesThomas Wborn about 1905
TiptonEva Lborn about 1889
TiptonRay born about 1883
TreasterBert Wborn about 1884
TromplerClaris V Jborn about 1931
TromplerLara Aborn about 1902
TromplerRuben Rborn about 1898
TromplerRuben Jr born about 1936
TurnhamDon Aborn about 1939
TurnhamEva Vborn about 1901
TurnhamGlendale born about 1931
TurnhamJan Aleeborn about 1937
TurnhamVirginia Rborn about 1924
TurnhamWiley Wborn about 1899
TurnhamWilliam Jr born about 1927

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V Surnames

VernerAlice Eborn about 1920
VernerGarfield born about 1923
VernerMitchell Jborn about 1872
VernerTyree Rborn about 1921
VernerWilliam Tborn about 1913

W Surnames

WalkerAnna Eborn about 1889
WalkerFred born about 1885
WalkerJaunita Eborn about 1917
WalkerLester Vborn about 1905
WalkerLoretta Mborn about 1938
WalkerMary Jborn about 1863
WallaceHomer Mborn about 1907
WallaceMary Eborn about 1934
WallaceOpitha Gborn about 1909
WallenBettie Lborn about 1927
WallenGeo Hborn about 1935
WallenIrvin Eborn about 1922
WallenLeroy Jborn about 1920
WallenMary Kborn about 1924
WallenMittie Aborn about 1893
WallenStuvie Cborn about 1895
WaltersDurley Lborn about 1911
WaltersLela Bborn about 1906
WaltersLucy Hborn about 1911
WaltersOwen Aborn about 1905
WaltersOwen A Jrborn about 1928
WeemsJoney Eborn about 1875
WeemsMinnie Bborn about 1878
WestDaisy Vborn about 1903
WestDavid Oborn about 1904
WestGarry Rborn about 1938
WestLarayne Lborn about 1914
WestNorma Jborn about 1930
WestWillis Aborn about 1912
WhitelyCamilla Nborn about 1888
WhitelyDarsie Fborn about 1930
WhitelyJerry Bborn about 1927
WhitelyLula Mborn about 1919
WhitelyOscar Wborn about 1887
WhitelySammie Mborn about 1934
WhitmoreLeo Lborn about 1933
WhitmoreLeona Mborn about 1932
WhitmoreLester Wborn about 1907
WhitmoreMillie born about 1909
WickeDortha Eborn about 1925
WickeElizabeth born about 1894
WickeFred born about 1890
WickeTheadore Eborn about 1919
WiseEvertt born about 1919

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