1940 U.S. Federal Census of Everidge, Choctaw, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Choctaw County > 1940 Census of Everidge

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyBerniece born about 1923
AbernathyE Elizabethborn about 1916
AbernathyElsie born about 1891
AbernathyFloyd born about 1917
AbernathyI Lborn about 1892
AbernathyLynn born about 1926
AbernathyWylie born about 1920
AdamsAlford Rborn about 1931
AdamsEthel born about 1909
AdamsEugene born about 1936
AdamsHelen Aborn about 1938
AdamsJames Eborn about 1912
AdamsLoretta born about 1929
AdamsMary born about 1919
AdamsMillia Jeanborn about 1933
AdamsR Aborn about 1907
AdamsShirley Keithborn about 1940
AdamsonBetty Joeborn about 1932
AddberryJoe born about 1881
AkinsEdward born about 1896
AkinsHelen born about 1923
AkinsJessie born about 1902
AkinsRalie born about 1937
AkinsThelma born about 1934
AkinsZelma born about 1929
AkissJessie born about 1939
AkissMaryette born about 1920
AkissSamuel born about 1919
AlexanderSarah born about 1923
AllenA Cborn about 1917
AllenAllie born about 1908
AllenAlonzo born about 1868
AllenEdd born about 1905
AllenEddie Jeanborn about 1933
AllenElwood born about 1909
AllenGlenn born about 1937
AllenJoe born about 1882
AllenLindsey born about 1927
AllenLuther born about 1878
AllenMartha Leeborn about 1939
AllenMary born about 1917
AllenMary Fborn about 1882
AllenMaurine born about 1919
AllenPauline born about 1875
AllenPlitha born about 1901
AllenRoxanna Isadoreborn about 1872
AllenRuth Annborn about 1935
AllenWilla born about 1870
AlversonBelle born about 1872
AmosJ Wborn about 1868
AmosLilly Bborn about 1877
AmosTommy Jr born about 1930
ArkinBass born about 1904
ArkinFern born about 1909
ArkinPatracia born about 1925
ArmstrongGarry Leeborn about 1939
AshleyBernece born about 1920
AskewCarl born about 1919
AskewFred born about 1900
AskewKitty born about 1860
AskewL Gborn about 1919
AskewMary Jimborn about 1922
AskewVerde Leeborn about 1919
AttsBobby Dwayneborn about 1937
AttsC Cborn about 1889
AttsG Eborn about 1925
AttsVira born about 1897
AttsWanda Ruthborn about 1932
AyersBill born about 1908
AyersEdith born about 1911
AyersMary Elizabethborn about 1938
AyersWesley Wadeborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbDorothy born about 1921
BabbMaurine born about 1894
BabbS Oborn about 1883
BaewerEddie born about 1934
BaewerFreddie born about 1923
BaewerIsaac born about 1887
BaewerIsaac born about 1921
BaewerLinberg born about 1931
BaewerMarnie born about 1893
BaewerPalestine born about 1926
BaewerRobert born about 1917
BaewerWillie born about 1919
BaiseLucy Mayborn about 1883
BallIrene born about 1915
BallKizxie Nborn about 1860
BallTheodore Rborn about 1906
BallWarren Gborn about 1858
BanksAgnes born about 1902
BanksAnna born about 1898
BanksAnnie Bellborn about 1883
BanksCharline born about 1923
BanksClyde born about 1924
BanksEston born about 1927
BanksGeorge born about 1886
BanksHayden born about 1929
BanksJerdelen born about 1921
BanksJim born about 1866
BanksLester born about 1920
BanksMary Jimborn about 1937
BanksRobert born about 1918
BanksRobert Dborn about 1901
BanksVirginia born about 1922
BarnettElmer born about 1911
BarnettJimmy born about 1933
BarnettKathryn born about 1913
BarrAberdine born about 1930
BarrEarnest born about 1910
BarrEarnestine born about 1932
BarrOpal born about 1917
BarrOpal Lillianborn about 1937
BarrickC Cborn about 1873
BarrickFred born about 1867
BarrickJennie born about 1881
BashamElma born about 1912
BashamJessie born about 1920
BashamLula Pearlborn about 1938
BashamWilliam Hborn about 1939
BattiestSusan born about 1867
BayliseK Bborn about 1872
BayliseLeta born about 1872
BeasonDora born about 1899
BeasonJamie born about 1920
BeasonJoy born about 1930
BeasonMargaret born about 1926
BeasonOscar born about 1885
BeatyGeorgia Annborn about 1874
BeatyRobert Fborn about 1874
BeauchampMaud born about 1896
BeayrdEmma born about 1902
BeayrdEmmet born about 1933
BeayrdL Cborn about 1901
BeayrdOmafay born about 1936
BellAnna Ruthborn about 1940
BellArnell born about 1933
BellBillie Joeborn about 1930
BellCarrie born about 1880
BellCharles Reedborn about 1932
BellD Jborn about 1870
BellDaniel born about 1907
BellEthel Maeborn about 1926
BellHurtha born about 1911
BellJaunita born about 1926
BellJessie Mayborn about 1915
BellKenneth born about 1927
BellMable Iolaborn about 1906
BellMamie Nborn about 1904
BellMartin born about 1892
BellRetha born about 1917
BellVernell born about 1935
BellVernon born about 1935
BemensWillie born about 1922
BennetDaniel Lborn about 1891
BennetDelbert born about 1924
BennetDoris born about 1926
BennetEmmet Royborn about 1933
BennetLaura Belleborn about 1897
BennetLester born about 1917
BennetLewis born about 1921
BennetMartha Bellborn about 1936
BennetMary Annborn about 1930
BennetTroy born about 1919
BensonBill born about 1857
BensonBlanche Maeborn about 1926
BensonCharley Bellborn about 1910
BensonChester born about 1915
BensonClara born about 1896
BensonColumbus born about 1896
BensonEster born about 1890
BensonEulin Cborn about 1922
BensonHazel born about 1924
BensonJames born about 1930
BensonMary born about 1893
BensonMary Louisaborn about 1936
BensonRonald born about 1901
BensonRudolph born about 1923
BensonTom born about 1890
BensonWillian born about 1914
BensonWillie born about 1918
BensonWillis born about 1920
BesticPearl born about 1892
BillsAnna Belleborn about 1930
BillsCatherine born about 1928
BillsClara Belleborn about 1935
BillsDavid born about 1919
BillsEd born about 1907
BillsEd born about 1940
BillsFrances Leeborn about 1933
BillsVirginia born about 1907
BillsWilson born about 1911
BillyJerry Sborn about 1939
BillySybil born about 1918
BirdsongLizzie born about 1911
BirdsongRedie born about 1868
BirminghamD born about 1876
BirminghamDavid Jborn about 1932
BirminghamDora Mayborn about 1927
BirminghamE Cborn about 1939
BirminghamEddie Mayborn about 1901
BirminghamGeneva born about 1935
BirminghamJohnny Danielborn about 1924
BirminghamLola Bborn about 1930
BirminghamOra Mayborn about 1925
BirminghamVineta born about 1916
BirminghamWalter born about 1910
BlackwellDorothy Mborn about 1935
BlackwellE Lborn about 1910
BlackwellJoe Annborn about 1932
BlackwellMarie Eborn about 1912
BlairAlice Jewelborn about 1927
BlairCordie Ethelborn about 1906
BlairDorthy Leeborn about 1931
BlairEddie born about 1928
BlairGeorgia Bborn about 1935
BlairIva Cborn about 1911
BlairJames born about 1932
BlairLula born about 1881
BlairMilas born about 1904
BlairNewel born about 1902
BlairRaymon Dborn about 1940
BlairVelma A Mborn about 1924
BlairWilla born about 1939
BlairWilliam born about 1875
BobbEugene born about 1908
BobbHazel born about 1913
BobbPaula Jeanborn about 1937
BobbPhilip Jeanborn about 1939
BohannonAlice Sborn about 1875
BohannonDorothy born about 1905
BohannonRonald Daleborn about 1930
BohannonTommy Louborn about 1928
BohanonBobby born about 1928
BohanonH Jborn about 1901
BohanonHettie born about 1901
BohanonReed born about 1925
BohanonRoy born about 1920
BohanonRuthann born about 1937
BondDora born about 1877
BondW Bborn about 1880
BooneBilly Donborn about 1939
BooneEuna born about 1894
BooneJ Hborn about 1887
BooneJoe born about 1922
BooneJuanita born about 1916
BooneMandy born about 1863
BooneShirley Jeanborn about 1937
BooneW Lborn about 1916
BowlingBessie Mborn about 1891
BowlingBruce born about 1889
BowlingEugenia born about 1923
BowlingGeorge Wborn about 1872
BowlingJames born about 1927
BowlingJohnnie born about 1930
BowlingMargarett born about 1898
BowlingMattalaine born about 1933
BowlingNovel born about 1913
BowlingOthelia born about 1937
BowlingThrome born about 1910
BowlingWilliam Gborn about 1920
BownIda born about 1881
BownIda Roseborn about 1934
BownLuther born about 1913
BradshawJames Cborn about 1867
BrantleyIrene born about 1936
BrantleyLeona born about 1916
BrantleyLettie Evelynborn about 1937
BrantleyMaynard born about 1908
BrantleyMinnie Faeborn about 1939
BrayCecil born about 1931
BrayDaisy Lewisborn about 1933
BrayDelia born about 1928
BrayJohnie Leeborn about 1920
BrayJohnnie born about 1887
BrayLouisa born about 1891
BrayMckirdey born about 1922
BrayMelicu born about 1926
BrayMirchlle Lborn about 1918
BrayNapoleon born about 1925
BrewerAnnie born about 1915
BrewerDarilee born about 1936
BrewerEmma born about 1892
BrewerFrancis born about 1934
BrewerJoe Louisborn about 1937
BrewerKye born about 1881
BrewerLouis born about 1911
BrewerOdis born about 1930
BrewerOllie born about 1926
BrewerOneal born about 1939
BrittBascom born about 1896
BrittBessie born about 1903
BrittCleo born about 1922
BrittJack born about 1926
BrittLucille born about 1924
BronMona born about 1862
BroutleyD Tborn about 1881
BroutleyLettie born about 1876
BrownAbe Davidborn about 1911
BrownAda born about 1939
BrownAddie born about 1898
BrownAlice Mayborn about 1940
BrownAllie born about 1915
BrownAmos born about 1881
BrownArlie born about 1926
BrownArnell born about 1935
BrownBetty Jeanborn about 1938
BrownBobbie Royborn about 1936
BrownCarl born about 1887
BrownCharles born about 1906
BrownCharles Jr born about 1931
BrownCharlie Vborn about 1915
BrownCurlee born about 1924
BrownEartharee born about 1934
BrownEddie Maeborn about 1916
BrownEdgar born about 1935
BrownElla Maeborn about 1935
BrownElrena born about 1914
BrownFainee born about 1919
BrownFair Banksborn about 1917
BrownG Hborn about 1895
BrownGeorge Marvinborn about 1930
BrownGeorgie Leolaborn about 1939
BrownHattie born about 1925
BrownHenry born about 1886
BrownJeanetta Fayborn about 1934
BrownJimmie Leeborn about 1938
BrownLafayette born about 1929
BrownLennie Belleborn about 1920
BrownLeonard born about 1936
BrownLewis born about 1912
BrownLorenza born about 1939
BrownMary born about 1878
BrownMary born about 1887
BrownMary born about 1916
BrownMildred born about 1923
BrownNapolian born about 1924
BrownNellie born about 1892
BrownOllie born about 1932
BrownOttie born about 1932
BrownPaul born about 1915
BrownRoosevelt born about 1907
BrownRosa born about 1914
BrownRoy Lborn about 1910
BrownRuth Evelanborn about 1937
BrownSheb born about 1890
BrownSherman Tborn about 1903
BrownTom Mixborn about 1928
BrownVashti born about 1900
BrownVernell born about 1934
BrownVirginia born about 1923
BrownWayne Davidborn about 1935
BrownWellington born about 1909
BrownWesley born about 1914
BrownWillie Euborn about 1929
BumpassAnnie born about 1909
BumpassChrista Jeanborn about 1929
BumpassJoseph Scottborn about 1934
BumpassJudith Annborn about 1936
BumpassSilas Jborn about 1893
BumpassSunyoa Janeborn about 1928
BurchPearl born about 1884
BurchW Mborn about 1903
BurkeEdward born about 1924
BurkeLeon born about 1926
BurkeNelia born about 1878
BurkeWayford born about 1910
BurksEdgar Lborn about 1907
BurksEva born about 1912
BurksFloyd Wayneborn about 1934
BurlSamuel born about 1924
BusherRosa born about 1924
ButlerAndrew Mborn about 1888
ButlerEmma born about 1887
ButlerKenneth born about 1927
ButlerPhilipp born about 1924
ByanFloyd born about 1927
ByanLeis born about 1928
ByarsG Gborn about 1877
ByarsLulu born about 1892
ByersBert born about 1907
ByersKenneth Rayborn about 1933
ByersLonnie born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaglesPaul Pborn about 1891
CalderCarrie born about 1872
CalderJ Pborn about 1919
CalderJames Doeborn about 1892
CalderJim born about 1870
CalderSusan born about 1907
CallahanAda born about 1902
CallahanDonnie born about 1935
CallahanEvelan born about 1927
CallahanGleendale born about 1938
CallahanJack born about 1930
CallahanLillian born about 1924
CallahanMilburn born about 1932
CallahanVeno born about 1897
CarleyJack born about 1937
CarleyLouise born about 1913
CarleyPatsy Ruthborn about 1935
CarleyRoy Mborn about 1913
CarnElmer Dborn about 1878
CarnLucy Lelaborn about 1881
CarpenterEdith born about 1914
CarpenterNancy Helenborn about 1938
CarpenterSydney born about 1904
CarterElla born about 1886
CarterHauston born about 1917
CaryillBernett born about 1938
CaryillBirdie born about 1904
CaryillClarance born about 1924
CaryillEmma born about 1928
CaryillHenry born about 1900
CaryillHollis born about 1925
CaryillIrene born about 1932
CaryillJ Eborn about 1929
CaryillMaybelle born about 1935
CaseyO Sborn about 1867
CaseySarah born about 1867
CashJ Lborn about 1873
CastleberryA Dborn about 1875
CastleberryA Vborn about 1916
CastleberryCadye born about 1914
CastleberryJackie born about 1939
ChambersJohn born about 1875
CherryRobert born about 1872
ChesserH Bborn about 1883
ChismBobbie Sueborn about 1936
ChismL Cborn about 1933
ChismLucy born about 1913
ClantonEarl born about 1910
ClantonLillian born about 1913
ClantonMawin Carlborn about 1936
ClantonRay Earlborn about 1934
ClantonRuth Elmaborn about 1932
ClantonVelma Donborn about 1939
ClarkEdward born about 1937
ClarkEva Bellborn about 1913
ClarkEva Mborn about 1935
ClarkHelen Jeanborn about 1933
ClarkJ Wborn about 1866
ClarkLeonard Fborn about 1903
ClarkLovina born about 1877
ClarkMargaret born about 1939
ClarkMyrttle born about 1931
ClarkRaye born about 1918
ClarkRuby born about 1920
ClementBooker Tborn about 1930
ClineDave born about 1895
CobbJ Aborn about 1882
CochrainBonnie born about 1939
CochrainElizabeth born about 1933
CochrainFrancis born about 1916
CochrainJames Leoborn about 1908
CodyHarriet born about 1901
CodyI Wborn about 1876
CodyNina born about 1882
CodyOrland Eborn about 1933
CodyWilliam Dborn about 1901
ColbJ Rborn about 1922
ColbertAnnie born about 1876
ColbertBorser Rborn about 1915
ColbertCarl born about 1928
ColbertDock born about 1886
ColbertGenie born about 1893
ColbertL Dborn about 1919
ColbertMajor born about 1885
ColbertR Dborn about 1861
ColemanElza Williamborn about 1884
ColemanEmmet Aldaborn about 1887
ColemanMollie born about 1861
ColemanRobert Leeborn about 1881
ColleyClaude born about 1889
ColleyMajorie born about 1886
ColleyPaul born about 1910
CollinsBertha born about 1906
CollinsDoris Evelynborn about 1934
CollinsHal Hborn about 1940
CollinsHomer born about 1902
CollinsJack Rodgersborn about 1936
CollinsJames Wborn about 1920
CollinsJessye born about 1917
CollinsJoseph Cborn about 1881
CollinsLois born about 1917
CollinsLucille born about 1900
CollinsMary Jborn about 1867
CollinsMattie born about 1882
CollinsMrs H Yborn about 1859
CollinsRoy Fborn about 1910
CollinsRoy Nellborn about 1936
CollinsW Oborn about 1870
CollinsWillis born about 1914
CooingtonDelbert born about 1924
CooingtonGertrude born about 1927
CooingtonLoyd Tborn about 1932
CooingtonMamie born about 1929
CooingtonMatilda born about 1891
CooingtonTommy born about 1903
CookBobby born about 1932
CookCora born about 1907
CookFoll born about 1928
CookJoe born about 1926
CookR Eborn about 1906
CookWilliam born about 1924
CooperBillie Royborn about 1939
CooperBurnice born about 1938
CooperElla born about 1910
CooperElmer Pborn about 1908
CooperGlenda born about 1937
CooperHoward born about 1925
CooperJ Tborn about 1918
CooperJames Eborn about 1916
CooperJim born about 1868
CooperJoe born about 1932
CooperJohn Royborn about 1939
CooperKenneth born about 1934
CooperLoretta born about 1936
CooperMarie born about 1921
CooperMaude born about 1883
CooperNancy born about 1919
CornJohnnie born about 1922
CorneilsonFrankie born about 1924
CorneilsonHavert born about 1918
CornellsonBobbie Sueborn about 1934
CornellsonC Wborn about 1932
CornellsonDan born about 1927
CornellsonDoris born about 1925
CornellsonEathul born about 1929
CornellsonG Eborn about 1886
CornellsonJohn born about 1922
CornellsonSue born about 1893
CouchEvelyn born about 1905
CouchFloyd Sborn about 1929
CouchJoe Gaileyborn about 1931
CouchPhillip Rayborn about 1927
CovingtonCarrie born about 1893
CovingtonEmilie born about 1927
CovingtonEmmet born about 1899
CovingtonEthel Mayborn about 1928
CovingtonFloyd born about 1914
CovingtonH Cborn about 1929
CovingtonHettie Mayborn about 1931
CovingtonIua born about 1930
CovingtonJ Nborn about 1888
CovingtonJewel born about 1917
CovingtonJohn Lborn about 1939
CovingtonJuanita born about 1938
CovingtonLulu born about 1882
CovingtonMarvin born about 1924
CovingtonMattie born about 1940
CovingtonMina born about 1914
CovingtonMyrtle born about 1926
CovingtonOra Leeborn about 1920
CovingtonOrvie born about 1921
CovingtonRobert born about 1917
CovingtonS Cborn about 1929
CovingtonW Fborn about 1874
CovingtonWinton born about 1924
CovingtonYladystine born about 1932
CrawfordClarence born about 1912
CrawfordEvelyn born about 1912
CrewsAillen born about 1913
CrewsArlie Vborn about 1931
CrewsJ Aborn about 1890
CrewsLeta born about 1890
CrewsOliver born about 1924
CristalEthel born about 1910
CristalH Gborn about 1900
CristalJoe Jewinborn about 1930
CristalSarah Annborn about 1933
CriswellSally born about 1855
CrossEliza born about 1896
CrossJ G Jrborn about 1926
CrossJames Tborn about 1890
CrowAllie born about 1897
CrowBen born about 1902
CrowCarl born about 1927
CrowErnest born about 1931
CrowFrances born about 1924
CrowJoseph born about 1898
CurtisDeloreis born about 1937
CurtisDimple born about 1925
CurtisDwallie born about 1912
CurtisEsta Mayborn about 1922
CurtisLeonard born about 1916
CurtisLequita Fernborn about 1936
CurtisManuel born about 1907
CurtisManuel Jr born about 1920
CurtisOpal born about 1928
CurtisPearl born about 1908
CurtisW Dborn about 1930
CurtisWindell born about 1932
CurtisWinford born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DakeCharles Wborn about 1884
DakeCharlie W Jrborn about 1915
DakeClytie born about 1891
DakeJ Aborn about 1923
DakeRalph Lborn about 1919
DalmerThurman Jr born about 1933
DangerfieldArday born about 1930
DangerfieldChristine born about 1926
DangerfieldDallard born about 1901
DangerfieldJessie born about 1923
DangerfieldLois born about 1935
DangerfieldWilliam born about 1924
DanielsClydell Twinsborn about 1937
DanielsLauiza born about 1882
DanielsNina born about 1907
DanielsO Dell Twinsborn about 1937
DanielsWill born about 1934
DavidsonAnnie born about 1855
DavidsonBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
DavidsonBobby born about 1929
DavidsonClarence born about 1922
DavidsonCleo born about 1922
DavidsonCora Leeborn about 1925
DavidsonEarl born about 1917
DavidsonEunise born about 1926
DavidsonGene born about 1933
DavidsonGussie born about 1898
DavidsonJ Dborn about 1883
DavidsonJ D Jrborn about 1920
DavidsonJ H Totborn about 1911
DavidsonJames born about 1934
DavidsonJoe born about 1937
DavidsonL D Jrborn about 1930
DavidsonLe D born about 1891
DavidsonLorene born about 1913
DavidsonMary Sueborn about 1928
DavidsonMaxie born about 1939
DavidsonMelba born about 1932
DavidsonPatricia born about 1890
DavidsonThelma born about 1915
DavidsonThomas born about 1921
DavidsonWesley born about 1909
DavisAlice born about 1881
DavisC Wborn about 1873
DavisCordelie born about 1874
DavisDosh born about 1870
DawsonGeneva Doriceborn about 1938
DawsonIola born about 1901
DawsonJ Dborn about 1926
DawsonJessie Mauriseborn about 1938
DawsonJoe Lborn about 1931
DawsonJohn born about 1895
DawsonMargie Mborn about 1931
DawsonMarie born about 1902
DawsonMary born about 1927
DawsonPaul born about 1895
DawsonTheola Marieborn about 1929
DawsonWillie Samuelborn about 1936
DayalJo Anneborn about 1939
DayalJune born about 1936
DayalRuby born about 1914
DayalWinfield born about 1912
DayneC Dborn about 1935
DayneElmer born about 1901
DayneL Aborn about 1935
DayneLaveme born about 1905
DayneMcmillian born about 1927
DcdadeBobby Terrellborn about 1934
DcdadeMildred born about 1915
DcdadeRalph born about 1903
DeffeyesBilly Loeborn about 1930
DeffeyesRachel born about 1909
DeffeyesVictor born about 1908
DennisArnell born about 1935
DennisLoraine born about 1930
DennisMurry born about 1880
DennisWillie Leeborn about 1938
DeshazoFostell born about 1908
DeshazoFrances born about 1933
DeshazoImogene born about 1920
DeshazoLena born about 1885
DeshazoLizzie born about 1907
DeshazoMary Joborn about 1924
DeshazoRaford born about 1915
DeshazoRuby born about 1918
DeshazoT Rborn about 1885
DeshazoWooldridge born about 1922
DevillBessie Ednaborn about 1939
DevillBetty Louiseborn about 1939
DevillDoris Etellaborn about 1926
DevillEsen born about 1908
DevillFrank Juliusborn about 1932
DevillHenry Thomasborn about 1935
DevillWilliam Fborn about 1892
DickensonBobbie Francisborn about 1930
DickensonEmma Jeanborn about 1935
DickensonFayrene born about 1912
DickensonFlora born about 1902
DickensonHubert born about 1904
DickensonInell born about 1925
DickensonJerry Wayneborn about 1934
DickensonJimmie Laryborn about 1939
DickensonJoe Haroldborn about 1932
DickensonSidney Jborn about 1901
DickensonTonnie Jeanborn about 1927
DickensonWillie born about 1923
DickeyH Cborn about 1935
DickeyJeweldine born about 1939
DicksonCollins born about 1921
DicksonDina born about 1900
DicksonJack Baileyborn about 1925
DicksonJosie Cborn about 1891
DicksonLester born about 1921
DicksonM Wborn about 1894
DicksonMarvin born about 1882
DicksonMary Joborn about 1926
DicksonMrs T Aborn about 1876
DicksonRussell born about 1916
DillardClara born about 1908
DillardDonnie born about 1881
DillasR Wborn about 1909
DixonFrancis Mborn about 1933
DixonJessie born about 1888
DixonRuby Mayborn about 1930
DixonSamie Ettaborn about 1926
DonellCarl born about 1928
DonellGeorge born about 1889
DonellJoe Taylorborn about 1925
DonellThora born about 1890
DonerBertha born about 1902
DonerRay Jeanborn about 1935
DossBetty Jeanborn about 1928
DossDurlene born about 1935
DossFelton Dborn about 1907
DossJewel born about 1912
DossLinda Cherylborn about 1932
DoulhitBarney born about 1887
DoulhitDorothy born about 1935
DoulhitGeraldine born about 1925
DoulhitIrlene born about 1927
DoulhitJohnnie born about 1923
DoulhitKatherine born about 1921
DoulhitLois born about 1929
DoulhitPearl born about 1894
DoulhitTroy Leeborn about 1931
DoverEula born about 1913
DoverJack born about 1903
DoyalArthur Bborn about 1889
DoyalTessie born about 1890
DoyelC Cborn about 1891
DoyelMabel born about 1897
DoyelRobert born about 1915
DuffeyerElie Fborn about 1871
DuffeyerJulia born about 1910
DuffeyerNancy born about 1871
DuffeyerWinnie born about 1918
DunningMabel born about 1918
DupreeCallie born about 1887
DurantAnnie Lborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EastAnnice born about 1891
EastAnnie Bellborn about 1930
EastFrances Leeborn about 1932
EastJames born about 1916
EastJoe born about 1886
EffersonHal born about 1918
EffersonIda born about 1873
EffersonMac born about 1870
EllisBert born about 1901
EllisBetty Ellenborn about 1939
EllisClarence born about 1923
EllisHaskel born about 1911
EllisHelen born about 1918
EllisIda born about 1906
EllisJimmie born about 1939
EllisKenneth born about 1932
EllisLonnie born about 1929
EllisPatsy Annborn about 1940
EllisRual Deanborn about 1936
EllisWillie Royborn about 1927
EmersonJames Rayborn about 1934
EmersonJanis born about 1897
EmersonJohnie born about 1927
EmersonTom born about 1882
EmersonWillie Bborn about 1928
EnnisMilas born about 1896
EppersonAllie Mayborn about 1917
EppersonRubus born about 1910
EroffShelley born about 1938
ErvinEd Eborn about 1864
ErvinJessie born about 1933
ErvinWilliam Jborn about 1873
ErwinJessie Leeborn about 1939
ErwinLois born about 1921
ErwinOlen born about 1916
EvanJames born about 1926
EvanPatty Sueborn about 1934
EvanThurman born about 1928
EvansCora born about 1901
EvansJewel born about 1922
EvansJim born about 1887
EvansL Vborn about 1871
EvansMinnie Dborn about 1872
EvansRosalee born about 1880
EveridgeLula born about 1868
EveridgeMary born about 1881
EveridgeMax born about 1879
EwinIrene born about 1922
EwinKennit born about 1911

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F Surnames

FarrisJack born about 1931
FarrisJames born about 1934
FarrisMarvin born about 1905
FarrisOllie born about 1905
FarrisWilma Dunnborn about 1928
FaulkaerEmma born about 1914
FaulknerBen Lborn about 1931
FaulknerC Dborn about 1919
FaulknerDoris born about 1930
FaulknerG Wborn about 1925
FaulknerGeorge born about 1896
FaulknerHarold born about 1935
FaulknerNadine born about 1932
FaulknerNora Bellborn about 1921
FaulknerPenneth born about 1928
FaulknerPreston born about 1923
FaulknerViola born about 1899
FeildsL Cborn about 1927
FergusonAllie born about 1905
FergusonL Gborn about 1925
FergusonMary Patborn about 1937
FergusonPeggy Joyceborn about 1933
FergusonSarah born about 1874
FergusonW Cborn about 1894
FergusonW C Jrborn about 1934
FinchAlmon born about 1898
FinchBeatrice born about 1927
FinchHula Leeborn about 1929
FinchJimmie Leeborn about 1930
FinchJoe Leeborn about 1922
FinchJohn born about 1897
FinchLevia born about 1919
FinchLonnie born about 1935
FinchMary born about 1922
FinchMary born about 1939
FinchNaysa Leeborn about 1934
FinneyArthur born about 1905
FinneyAvis born about 1909
FinneyBobby born about 1936
FinneySybil born about 1927
FisherJoseph born about 1902
FishesBennice Jr born about 1925
FishesBennie born about 1899
FishesMae born about 1903
FishesRuth born about 1928
FlanaganAlford Cborn about 1895
FlanaganCharley Fayborn about 1918
FlanaganCurtis born about 1920
FlanaganJoel Hborn about 1927
FlanaganJohn Cborn about 1936
FlanaganLois Cborn about 1917
FlanaganLuda Lborn about 1936
FlanaganOlen Bborn about 1917
FlanaganSara Dborn about 1931
FlanaganStella Mborn about 1897
FlanaganTravis born about 1924
FluellenFrances born about 1919
FluellenGrover born about 1920
FlynnAllie born about 1877
FlynnCharlie born about 1879
FlynnWilliam Mayborn about 1918
FordJohnny Dborn about 1918
FordMary born about 1877
FordOtis Aborn about 1930
FordRuby Cborn about 1922
FordWilliam Mborn about 1933
FosterElsie born about 1902
FosterElsie Marieborn about 1929
FosterFlora born about 1925
FosterGoung born about 1886
FosterHenry born about 1922
FosterJoseph Fborn about 1886
FosterMaudie born about 1921
FosterNancy born about 1891
FosterSadie born about 1933
FosterVeron born about 1930
FosterWillie Floyborn about 1923
FowlerAlva Wborn about 1889
FowlerBell born about 1939
FowlerFaye born about 1935
FowlerGeorge born about 1930
FowlerIndianola born about 1895
FowlerJanet born about 1928
FowlerJohn born about 1926
FoxAnnie born about 1908
FoxFaye born about 1930
FoxGatus born about 1901
FoxGeorge born about 1926
FoxHarold born about 1924
FoxHazel born about 1927
FrambleDorothy born about 1926
FrambleEdgar born about 1894
FrambleOrvil born about 1930
FranksNellie born about 1919
FranzierBen born about 1898
FranzierBennie Lowborn about 1925
FranzierEdith born about 1923
FranzierEloise born about 1930
FranzierEthel born about 1900
FranzierGene born about 1928
FranzierNell born about 1935
FranzierNorma born about 1938
FranzierSonja born about 1939
FranzierWhitney born about 1932
FredrickFannie born about 1885
FredrickO Mborn about 1887
FreemanGeorge born about 1876
FreemanNina Maeborn about 1893
FreemanRosa born about 1880
FreemanS Fborn about 1887
FreemanWalter born about 1918
FreemanWillard born about 1920
FrostA Bborn about 1924
FrostJ Jborn about 1891
FrostLilly born about 1898
FrostWalter born about 1930
FudorEmma born about 1883
FudorHenry Eborn about 1874
FuekerAline born about 1876
FuekerB Fborn about 1880
FuekerHazel born about 1919
FuelkeldJ Wborn about 1862
FuelkeldSuzanne born about 1880
FugettAlbert born about 1926
FugettAurby born about 1918
FugettCharter born about 1921
FugettCholie born about 1917
FugettDoyle born about 1938
FugettGrady born about 1920
FugettHerbert born about 1940
FugettJim born about 1897
FugettMaude born about 1896
FugettMildred born about 1928
FugettMurreona born about 1900
FugettRobert Wborn about 1892
FugettRussell born about 1922
FugettVernon born about 1933
FugettWayne born about 1935
FugettWilma born about 1923
FulbrightEffie born about 1902
FulbrightHenretta born about 1862
FulbrightJim born about 1904
FulbrightJohn Fborn about 1865
FulbrightMary born about 1899
FulbrightMelvin born about 1920
FullerBilly Juneborn about 1933
FullerEarl Jamesborn about 1938
FullerEllen born about 1929
FullerErnest born about 1893
FullerLoyd born about 1918
FullerViola born about 1908
FultonArthur born about 1900
FultonLucille born about 1924
FultonWillie Bborn about 1896
FultzHarding born about 1922
FultzHorace born about 1918
FultzJohnnie born about 1920
FultzLizzie born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaligetlyBeatrice born about 1906
GaligetlyL Hborn about 1885
GalightlyAddie Leeborn about 1930
GalightlyChristine born about 1937
GalightlyJosie born about 1920
GalightlyL Gborn about 1917
GalightlyMaratha born about 1939
GalightlyMarion born about 1929
GalightlyMary Euniceborn about 1927
GalightlyWilliam born about 1935
GarettLinnie born about 1903
GarettMargarett born about 1924
GarettR Aborn about 1877
GarettRobert Leeborn about 1932
GarnerJack born about 1928
GarnerLullie born about 1892
GarnerPercy born about 1922
GarrellBertha born about 1901
GarrellBetty born about 1938
GarrellBillie born about 1932
GarrellFloyd born about 1918
GarrellHalla born about 1925
GarrellJ Dborn about 1929
GarrellJohn Wborn about 1890
GarrellLeonard born about 1926
GarrellLoyd born about 1921
GarrellRogers born about 1936
GarretCharles born about 1862
GarretFlorence born about 1872
GastonBirdie born about 1900
GastonEolan born about 1932
GastonEssie Leeborn about 1939
GastonLe Roy born about 1926
GastonWillie Mayborn about 1935
GatelyA Dborn about 1897
GatelyAddie born about 1903
GatelyDouglas born about 1934
GatelyElizabeth born about 1928
GatelyGrady born about 1923
GatelyH Eborn about 1896
GatelyHoward born about 1936
GatelyLawrence born about 1936
GatelyLee born about 1934
GatelyLena born about 1931
GatelyMyrtle born about 1905
GatelyNedra Maeborn about 1938
GeeslinBeulan born about 1927
GeeslinOleta born about 1929
GentryC Gborn about 1875
GentryEtta born about 1876
GentryJ Aborn about 1871
GentryLeona born about 1874
GeorgeCecil born about 1905
GeorgeCecil Floydborn about 1931
GeorgeNora born about 1909
GilbertAmry Joborn about 1935
GilbertCledeth born about 1910
GilbertFreida born about 1938
GilbertKathleen born about 1933
GilbertRodney S Jborn about 1939
GilbertSilas born about 1908
GivensAnnie born about 1880
GivensAria born about 1901
GivensBruce born about 1898
GivensJesse born about 1896
GivensL Gborn about 1895
GivensLena born about 1896
GivensLola born about 1903
GivensPauline born about 1906
GlensonEdna born about 1908
GlensonEmmet H Hborn about 1910
GlensonRaydene born about 1931
GlensonShirley Jeanborn about 1939
GloverEddie born about 1917
GloverJames born about 1921
GloverRedice born about 1917
GoffAlean born about 1921
GoffAnderson born about 1873
GoffFanny born about 1922
GoffGeneva born about 1913
GoffGreen born about 1908
GoffJunior Williamborn about 1931
GoffMacie born about 1940
GoffNathaniel born about 1917
GoffVirginia born about 1889
GoffW Cborn about 1927
GoffneyAlbert Leeborn about 1931
GoffneyBelton born about 1871
GoffneyIra born about 1892
GoffneyJimmie Leeborn about 1927
GoldenClyde born about 1939
GoldenHarvey born about 1914
GoldenL Dborn about 1934
GoldenNettie born about 1902
GoldenNora born about 1890
GoldenTom Jborn about 1890
GoldenVirginia born about 1936
GoodingDean Wborn about 1926
GoodingFred Jborn about 1927
GoodingHall Lborn about 1932
GoodingHarrie born about 1911
GoodingJesse Bborn about 1896
GoodingOdis born about 1912
GoodingVera born about 1921
GoodingW Bborn about 1915
GoodingWaller Lborn about 1940
GrahamCattie born about 1894
GrahamJ Lborn about 1888
GrahamLois born about 1926
GrahamTom born about 1931
GravesIsaac born about 1909
GravesSusie born about 1904
GrayBelve born about 1892
GrayDonnie Jborn about 1928
GrayIva born about 1901
GrayJerry born about 1895
GrayLem born about 1866
GrayMary Sueborn about 1935
GrayVema born about 1898
GreenAline born about 1929
GreenAnnord born about 1926
GreenCharley Henryborn about 1939
GreenClayton born about 1928
GreenDouglas born about 1906
GreenElsie Evaborn about 1939
GreenFrancis born about 1927
GreenFred Douglasborn about 1937
GreenGeorgia Mborn about 1924
GreenInez born about 1917
GreenIzora born about 1939
GreenLeslie born about 1936
GreenLula Mayborn about 1937
GreenMozella born about 1890
GreenNathan born about 1934
GreenNathanial born about 1915
GreenObedia born about 1929
GreenOrizone born about 1933
GreenPaul born about 1931
GreenPauline born about 1911
GreenPearl Claudborn about 1916
GreenRobert Leeborn about 1938
GreenSammie born about 1902
GreenWalter Eborn about 1889
GreensHettie born about 1901
GreerJesse Leeborn about 1930
GreerMargaret born about 1932
GreerMartha Wborn about 1927
GreerMary Joeborn about 1928
GreerOval born about 1908
GriffinAmos born about 1912
GriffinGardner born about 1915
GriffinGordon born about 1939
GriffinHarry Tborn about 1940
GriffinHattie born about 1881
GriffinHelen born about 1915
GriffinJames born about 1919
GriffinMavis born about 1919
GriffinRoy Geneborn about 1936
GrimesBilly Jackborn about 1938
GrimesEdda born about 1895
GrimesHelen born about 1932
GrimesHoward born about 1913
GrimesIrene born about 1921
GrimesJeff born about 1895
GrimesJoe born about 1916
GrimesMargaret born about 1873
GrimesMargaret born about 1927
GrimesMaude born about 1897
GrimesOctavia born about 1913
GrimesRuby born about 1930
GrimesTwilla born about 1923
GrimesWalter born about 1891
GrimesWalter born about 1935
GrimesWayne born about 1931
GronsFrank born about 1898
GuinE Normanborn about 1932
GuinF Wilmaborn about 1935
GuinMajorie born about 1912
GuinRoy born about 1907
GunAddie Lborn about 1928
GunJoe Hborn about 1894
GunSherman Kborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallElberta born about 1911
HallEmma Mayborn about 1920
HallJohn born about 1914
HallMary Elizabethborn about 1920
HallPaul born about 1927
HallRobert born about 1924
HallRosa born about 1897
HallStell born about 1898
HalldrethWiley born about 1881
HambyBetty Louborn about 1938
HambyBobbie born about 1931
HambyCleo born about 1901
HambyClifford born about 1919
HambyLloyd born about 1926
HambyMildred born about 1929
HambyOlmer born about 1922
HambyRay Donborn about 1933
HambyWilliam born about 1899
HambyWilliam born about 1924
HamillCharlie born about 1879
HamillClara born about 1933
HamillCora born about 1921
HamillFloyd born about 1918
HamillFrances born about 1883
HamillHelen born about 1920
HamillJ Bborn about 1924
HamillJess born about 1916
HamillMarion born about 1929
HamillW Gborn about 1885
HamiltonBertha Leeborn about 1933
HamiltonEarnest born about 1920
HamiltonErmadine born about 1932
HamiltonEthel Mayborn about 1918
HamiltonGeneva born about 1927
HamiltonImogene born about 1922
HamiltonJ Zborn about 1896
HamiltonLawrence born about 1917
HamiltonLeon born about 1935
HamiltonLuciele born about 1930
HamiltonLucy born about 1897
HamiltonMacidonia born about 1901
HamiltonMatthew born about 1891
HamiltonPatsy Ruthborn about 1940
HamiltonRuby born about 1921
HamrickClaudine born about 1922
HamrickHarold born about 1930
HamsonJulyan Fborn about 1873
HancockCharley born about 1867
HancockMary born about 1877
HancookGeney born about 1904
HancookLillie born about 1911
HanesFay born about 1915
HanesHelen born about 1936
HanesJessie Lborn about 1908
HanesRuth Fayborn about 1934
HarbestonPaul Eborn about 1918
HardawayBilly Jackborn about 1939
HardawayErnest born about 1890
HardawayJuanita born about 1935
HardawayMae born about 1913
HardawayMarshall born about 1911
HardawayTessie born about 1894
HareBernice born about 1921
HareClara born about 1927
HareEarl born about 1904
HareElla born about 1928
HareFlora born about 1926
HareJack born about 1874
HareJeppie born about 1892
HarlinElmo born about 1924
HarlinEula Deanborn about 1926
HarlinJ Fborn about 1887
HarlinKatie Bborn about 1890
HarlinWanda born about 1929
HarperBobbie Gborn about 1932
HarperD Cborn about 1882
HarperJames Mborn about 1938
HarperJoyce Lborn about 1930
HarperLavada born about 1913
HarperOlivea born about 1908
HarperRuby Leeborn about 1930
HarperSammie Gborn about 1934
HarrisAma Pearlborn about 1934
HarrisAmos born about 1891
HarrisBarbara Joanborn about 1932
HarrisCarol Annborn about 1934
HarrisDella born about 1889
HarrisElmer George Reedborn about 1929
HarrisEthel born about 1905
HarrisGrant born about 1918
HarrisHerman born about 1913
HarrisInez born about 1914
HarrisJimmie Rborn about 1937
HarrisKatie Leeborn about 1932
HarrisLewis Hborn about 1891
HarrisLucretia born about 1898
HarrisMary born about 1915
HarrisMattie born about 1914
HarrisMaud born about 1925
HarrisMinnie born about 1925
HarrisOla born about 1891
HarrisRuth born about 1911
HarrisSolomon born about 1914
HarrisVerna Dborn about 1922
HarrisW Aborn about 1886
HarrisWillard born about 1930
HarrisWilliam born about 1900
HarrisWilliam Henryborn about 1877
HarrisWilson Aborn about 1910
HarrisonEthel born about 1880
HarrisonHilton Jborn about 1911
HarrisonO Wborn about 1877
HarwoodAnna Jborn about 1910
HarwoodCies Jborn about 1910
HarwoodElbossi born about 1938
HarwoodJoyce Annborn about 1936
HathawayBilly born about 1927
HathawayDoris Jeanborn about 1930
HathawayHester born about 1902
HathawayO Pborn about 1901
HawthorneAnn born about 1913
HawthorneW Wborn about 1914
HayesAnnie born about 1904
HayesHelen born about 1929
HayesJames Lborn about 1937
HayesJohn born about 1891
HayesMary born about 1914
HayesRuth born about 1890
HayesWenonah born about 1921
HaynesAlice born about 1919
HaynesAlyce Ruthborn about 1917
HaynesDave born about 1919
HaynesDona born about 1893
HaynesDoris born about 1915
HaynesGeorge Rborn about 1892
HaynesJessie born about 1914
HaynesJona Leeborn about 1921
HaynesLarry born about 1935
HaynesLottie Beeborn about 1930
HaynesMildred born about 1912
HaynesR J Soborn about 1876
HaynesRobert born about 1921
HaynesRobert Jborn about 1910
HaynesRobert Mborn about 1936
HaynesRoy born about 1917
HaynesRussell born about 1915
HaynesSusan Maryborn about 1887
HaynesWillie Mayborn about 1921
HayttAlbert born about 1932
HayttCharlie born about 1922
HayttDaisy born about 1920
HayttLe Roy born about 1935
HayttMonte born about 1894
HayttNora born about 1926
HayttWill born about 1880
HayttWoodrow born about 1922
HazelwoodC Cborn about 1890
HazelwoodLela born about 1899
HeathFrancis born about 1921
HeathGladys born about 1923
HeathRiley born about 1920
HembreeCharlie born about 1909
HembreeGertrude born about 1913
HembreeRoger born about 1932
HendersonCecil Maeborn about 1922
HendersonClara born about 1881
HendersonD Cborn about 1936
HendersonJohn born about 1896
HendersonJuanita born about 1918
HendersonMarie born about 1926
HendersonMozelle born about 1937
HendersonObeta born about 1925
HendersonRobert born about 1923
HendersonRoosevelt born about 1917
HendersonRoscoe born about 1919
HendersonRuby Jr born about 1922
HendersonShirley Fayeborn about 1939
HendersonSusie born about 1873
HendersonThurlece born about 1902
HendersonWillie born about 1913
HendersonWillie Royborn about 1938
HendricksArtie born about 1896
HendricksEdd born about 1906
HendricksHerbert born about 1936
HenegarDennis born about 1899
HenegarEvelyn born about 1930
HenegarHarold born about 1924
HenegarMabel born about 1904
HenegarMarvin born about 1928
HenegarMattie born about 1872
HenegarMattie Louborn about 1936
HenegarRodolphus born about 1869
HenryClarastine born about 1934
HenryEffie Maeborn about 1930
HenryElmer born about 1918
HenryS born about 1928
HenryWoola Menaborn about 1932
HensuaBetty born about 1864
HensuaU Lborn about 1869
HerndonEdithe born about 1917
HerndonPearl born about 1886
HerndonRebecca born about 1922
HerndonT H 3rdborn about 1939
HerndonT H Jrborn about 1915
HerndonT H Srborn about 1885
HeronDella born about 1907
HeronFrank born about 1905
HeronMarieda born about 1928
HeronToppie born about 1924
HerringStephen born about 1885
HeweyBissie Mayborn about 1934
HeweyLindrey born about 1910
HeweyMattie born about 1914
HeweyVineta Christineborn about 1936
HickmanBernis born about 1894
HickmanBernis Jr born about 1850
HickmanDebork born about 1918
HickmanEstella born about 1901
HickmanGertha Mayborn about 1932
HickmanMinnie Leeborn about 1915
HickmanRobert born about 1896
HickmanRosa Bborn about 1929
HickmanTessie born about 1904
HigginsMattie born about 1872
HigginsWilliam born about 1866
HillAgnes born about 1918
HillBessie born about 1929
HillC Sborn about 1890
HillDela born about 1916
HillEffie born about 1900
HillEthel Rudymborn about 1934
HillGene born about 1924
HillHelen born about 1932
HillMary Ettaborn about 1938
HillOra Leeborn about 1937
HillOvila born about 1935
HillP Hborn about 1862
HillRichard born about 1919
HillhouseMary Juneborn about 1908
HillhousePatricia Jimborn about 1932
HillhousePhillip Williamborn about 1934
HillhouseSyd Aborn about 1901
HimesDavid Nborn about 1867
HimesLee Annaborn about 1876
HitchcockGeorge born about 1920
HoblesJuanita born about 1932
HoblesLetha Maeborn about 1916
HolimanEarnest Aborn about 1912
HolimanFreda born about 1912
HolimanNorman born about 1934
HolimanRandal born about 1938
HollanJim Wborn about 1881
HollandEverett Eborn about 1910
HollandFreda born about 1934
HollandJames born about 1932
HollandJoe Lborn about 1886
HollandLois born about 1911
HollandMinnie born about 1888
HollandPauline born about 1935
HollinGertrude born about 1895
HollinJ Dborn about 1928
HollinOneta born about 1922
HollinPhead T Jborn about 1895
HollinVerna Leeborn about 1928
HollingsheadB Hborn about 1889
HollingsheadFinetta born about 1893
HollingsheadGertrude born about 1935
HollingsheadKibbey Reaborn about 1924
HollingsheadThelma Louiseborn about 1927
HollisBurnell born about 1917
HollisCharles born about 1936
HollisCornelius born about 1918
HollisDortohy born about 1924
HollisErnestine born about 1921
HollisLillie born about 1898
HollisLuther born about 1927
HollisRuby Jeanborn about 1934
HollisT born about 1888
HollisT Hborn about 1931
HollisWarren Gborn about 1929
HolmesMrs C Hborn about 1894
HoltAddie born about 1909
HoltBaline born about 1932
HoltBilly born about 1929
HoltCorse Leeborn about 1935
HoltDonald born about 1940
HoltGeorge Nellborn about 1927
HoltGlenn born about 1925
HoltJim born about 1902
HoltJimmie born about 1937
HomerA Fborn about 1878
HooksJames Oborn about 1884
HooksMary born about 1932
HooksOneta born about 1892
HooperEdith Bborn about 1890
HooperVictor Lborn about 1882
HopsonE Eborn about 1912
HopsonEathel Maeborn about 1918
HopsonLey Jeanborn about 1938
HordLizzie born about 1900
HorneAlbert born about 1869
HorneAlfred born about 1921
HorneJohn Eddborn about 1926
HorneMandy born about 1882
HorneMatha Dborn about 1928
HughesBilly Frankborn about 1928
HughesCleo born about 1915
HughesErma born about 1894
HughesH Mborn about 1922
HughesJ Dborn about 1886
HughesJ Lborn about 1932
HughesJ Wborn about 1890
HughesJohnnie born about 1923
HughesMaggie Lborn about 1918
HughesMinnie born about 1896
HughesRuby Nellborn about 1933
HughesVirgil born about 1916
HughesWille born about 1929
HughesWillie Mayborn about 1920
HughesWilma born about 1924
HughesWoodrow born about 1913
HutchingJoan born about 1939
HutchingJoy Reedborn about 1920
HutchingJulius born about 1912
HutchingMargaret born about 1915
HutchingRodges Deeborn about 1938
HutchingS Jborn about 1872
HutchingTimpy Louiseborn about 1936
HutchingsAudie Marieborn about 1939
HutchingsBernice born about 1930
HutchingsBeulah born about 1904
HutchingsBilly Geneborn about 1931
HutchingsBobby Janeborn about 1931
HutchingsCarol Allenborn about 1939
HutchingsClisto Rborn about 1931
HutchingsDonald born about 1936
HutchingsDorothy born about 1924
HutchingsElizabeth born about 1909
HutchingsElla born about 1893
HutchingsErnest Hborn about 1936
HutchingsErvin Wayneborn about 1923
HutchingsEssie born about 1910
HutchingsEvelyn born about 1919
HutchingsGeorge born about 1893
HutchingsGertrude born about 1924
HutchingsH Aborn about 1927
HutchingsJ Cborn about 1878
HutchingsJ Eborn about 1896
HutchingsJ E Jrborn about 1925
HutchingsJames born about 1938
HutchingsJamie born about 1935
HutchingsJerry born about 1909
HutchingsJessie born about 1901
HutchingsJessie Jr born about 1933
HutchingsJewel born about 1928
HutchingsJoe B Jrborn about 1928
HutchingsJoe Barleyborn about 1906
HutchingsJulia born about 1887
HutchingsKenneth born about 1903
HutchingsLouise born about 1937
HutchingsLulu born about 1897
HutchingsMargaret born about 1927
HutchingsMargaret born about 1931
HutchingsMary Kayborn about 1925
HutchingsMary Leeborn about 1931
HutchingsMinnie born about 1922
HutchingsMona born about 1932
HutchingsOva born about 1913
HutchingsT Hborn about 1885
HutchingsT Randolfborn about 1933
HutchingsTommie born about 1913
HutchinsonLela born about 1872
HyattBilly Rayborn about 1934
HyattClarance born about 1913
HyattHarold Dborn about 1936
HyattHarvey Dborn about 1939
HyattHaskell born about 1909
HyattHazel born about 1916
HyattJudy Fayeborn about 1940
HyattLorene born about 1930
HyattPearl born about 1918
HyattRoyce Mborn about 1940
HyattTommy Geneborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrvinBennie born about 1880
IrvinPearl born about 1880

J Surnames

JamesBismarck born about 1875
JamesP Aborn about 1880
JettonAnna born about 1925
JettonHugh born about 1927
JettonPrince born about 1922
JohnsonAlice born about 1935
JohnsonArnold born about 1928
JohnsonBerneace born about 1938
JohnsonBertie Leeborn about 1936
JohnsonClaudia born about 1923
JohnsonEdith Marieborn about 1939
JohnsonElax Nborn about 1937
JohnsonEugene born about 1925
JohnsonFay Ettaborn about 1933
JohnsonGeorge born about 1903
JohnsonHattie born about 1912
JohnsonJ Dborn about 1931
JohnsonJoe born about 1892
JohnsonMarie born about 1939
JohnsonMary Aliceborn about 1926
JohnsonMattie born about 1906
JohnsonNellie born about 1907
JohnsonParthinne born about 1929
JohnsonRosedell born about 1932
JohnsonS Pborn about 1931
JohnsonSam born about 1911
JohnsonSamuel born about 1934
JohnsonSanysson born about 1927
JonesA Bborn about 1885
JonesBobbie Altusborn about 1936
JonesClaude Estherborn about 1933
JonesElmer born about 1919
JonesGarlin born about 1907
JonesIda Maeborn about 1938
JonesJ Rborn about 1934
JonesJewell born about 1908
JonesJoellen born about 1932
JonesMary Leeborn about 1927
JonesOcie born about 1914
JonesR Cborn about 1919
JonesRachel born about 1917
JonesRoberta born about 1911
JonesRoxie born about 1935
JonesTaylor Leeborn about 1931
JonesTom born about 1864
JonesWillie Leeborn about 1937
JonsonJim Hborn about 1933
JonsonMary Leeborn about 1929
JonsonNora Mayborn about 1930
JonsonRuby born about 1932
JordanBarney born about 1890
JordanLouise born about 1882
JordonMay Bellborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarrBertha born about 1908
KarrGeneva born about 1933
KarrHaskell born about 1930
KarrHenry born about 1924
KarrMontie born about 1901
KeenesBilly Joeborn about 1931
KeenesBonnie born about 1898
KeenesHarvey born about 1897
KeenesHarvey Jr born about 1927
KeenesJames born about 1923
KeenesWilma born about 1925
KeithSusie born about 1867
KellClara born about 1875
KellW Aborn about 1874
KelleyAleta born about 1936
KelleyB Dborn about 1924
KelleyEarl Bruceborn about 1940
KelleyGearldone born about 1927
KelleyLe Roy born about 1925
KelleyLeslie born about 1937
KelleyMarguerita born about 1929
KelleyMarjie born about 1931
KelleyMary born about 1905
KelleyRobert born about 1939
KelleySidney born about 1901
KellyClaude born about 1910
KellyJesse born about 1917
KellyRonald born about 1939
KellyVivian born about 1922
KelsoeCleo born about 1926
KelsoeRuthie Fborn about 1895
KernellCallie born about 1908
KernellCharles Lborn about 1930
KernellCurtis Rayborn about 1939
KernellVirgil born about 1911
KernellVirgil Jr born about 1931
KetchenAra born about 1885
KetchenF Mborn about 1881
KetchenJ Dborn about 1914
KetchenStandley born about 1918
KeylonGladys born about 1914
KeylonHershel born about 1913
KeylonWanda Jeanborn about 1934
KeysJessie Lonborn about 1939
KeysLillian born about 1921
KeysV Berlborn about 1917
KigerEdith born about 1924
KigerGeneva born about 1934
KigerHarrey Cborn about 1892
KigerHarry Carlborn about 1931
KigerModell born about 1922
KigerRuth born about 1927
KigerThelma born about 1897
KilgoreBonnie Maeborn about 1930
KilgoreFreda born about 1933
KilgoreJack Hborn about 1938
KilgoreLloyd born about 1900
KilgoreMillie born about 1910
KilgoreWilliam born about 1874
KingBeatrice born about 1918
KingFranzetta born about 1923
KingGarfield born about 1910
KingHelen born about 1911
KingJohnny born about 1894
KingRosa Evelynborn about 1928
KinsworthyArie born about 1894
KinsworthyBilly Joeborn about 1924
KinsworthyC Rborn about 1881
KinsworthyFaith born about 1933
KinsworthyHelen born about 1931
KinsworthyJoy born about 1929
KinsworthyKatherine born about 1922
KinsworthyMyrble born about 1921
KinsworthyVignon born about 1935
KinsworthyWayne born about 1926
KirklandBillie Rueborn about 1930
KirklandDennis born about 1933
KirklandLetha born about 1906
KirklandMettie Sueborn about 1927
KirklandMildred born about 1924
KirklandSherwood born about 1892
KirklandShirley born about 1936
KirklandWilbor born about 1922
KirkpatrickEvelyn born about 1929
KirkpatrickJohn Lborn about 1905
KirkpatrickJohn L Jrborn about 1932
KirkpatrickKate born about 1911
KitchenKaty Sueborn about 1910
KitchenPatricia born about 1932
KitchenVirgil Sborn about 1903
KizerCarole Annborn about 1937
KizerDaisy born about 1910
KizerGranville Lborn about 1912
KizerIva Maeborn about 1919
KizerJerry Pborn about 1917
KizerJimmy Ronborn about 1940
KizerLee Troyborn about 1922
KizerLorene born about 1915
KizerMaudie Mborn about 1894
KizerMudie Eborn about 1926
KlineEdward born about 1921
KnightClara born about 1913
KnightK Yborn about 1909
KnightLola Belleborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LamanBlanche born about 1900
LamanDon born about 1931
LamanEdgar born about 1921
LamanOpal Leeborn about 1923
LamanWillie Tborn about 1892
LamayA Lborn about 1868
LambertLeon born about 1924
LambertMrs Willie born about 1888
LamdrethBert born about 1919
LamdrethClyde born about 1921
LamdrethDewey born about 1916
LamdrethLige born about 1886
LandJ Bborn about 1925
LandVarnel born about 1902
LandVera born about 1902
LandersL Bborn about 1896
LandersMissouri Belleborn about 1922
LandersSudie Maeborn about 1896
LandersTarzan born about 1920
LandrethBen born about 1883
LandrethBennie born about 1930
LandrethEarnest born about 1922
LandrethEra born about 1914
LandrethGarry Lborn about 1937
LandrethGeneva born about 1913
LandrethGeorge born about 1918
LandrethJanis Ruthborn about 1939
LandrethJewel born about 1896
LandrethJimmie born about 1895
LandrethJohnie born about 1922
LandrethLarry Dborn about 1937
LandrethMaggie born about 1927
LandrethMargie born about 1922
LandrethMary Leeborn about 1930
LandrethOra born about 1925
LandrethShirly Annborn about 1935
LangstonDaisy Leeborn about 1931
LangstonJ Tborn about 1929
LaniousEsther born about 1893
LaniousJ Eborn about 1891
LarueAnnie Leeborn about 1925
LarueCharles born about 1940
LarueCora Aborn about 1888
LarueEmergell born about 1936
LarueHerman born about 1938
LarueHoyt born about 1927
LarueIris born about 1920
LarueMamie born about 1912
LarueWillie born about 1911
LarueWillie Royborn about 1934
LathamThelma born about 1910
LatmerF Dborn about 1889
LeeAlbert born about 1924
LeeAnnie born about 1865
LeeDan Jr born about 1922
LeeDorothy Jr born about 1922
LeeGlen Wborn about 1936
LeeGus Gborn about 1883
LeeHarry born about 1909
LeeIrma born about 1911
LeeJim born about 1922
LeeLillian born about 1897
LeeLouice born about 1917
LeeMargaret Aborn about 1854
LeeNorwood born about 1934
LeeRay born about 1927
LeeRuby born about 1920
LeeThelma Jborn about 1938
LeeWarren born about 1922
LeeWilliam Sborn about 1880
LeeWilma Deanborn about 1935
LeggettBetty Jeanborn about 1933
LeggettBilly Maeborn about 1930
LeggettBish born about 1906
LeggettCody born about 1911
LeggettHershel born about 1925
LeggettLois born about 1927
LeggettMary Annborn about 1939
LemonsJ Wborn about 1917
LemonsMattis born about 1921
LemonsVesta born about 1883
LenoxA Bborn about 1918
LenoxForest born about 1888
LenoxJ Bborn about 1939
LenoxJ Cborn about 1924
LenoxMarie born about 1923
LenoxRuthie Mayborn about 1930
LenoxTeler born about 1884
LeroyDavid born about 1918
LeroyFloyd Isaacborn about 1939
LeroyLorene born about 1921
LesterElzie born about 1916
LesterHallis Royborn about 1938
LesterIrene born about 1919
LesterJerry Wborn about 1936
LesterJohn born about 1913
LesterLillian born about 1883
LesterShirley Jr born about 1940
LesterSybil born about 1927
LesterWilliam Lborn about 1873
LewisBud Wborn about 1867
LewisLouise born about 1932
LewisParalee born about 1935
LewisSarah born about 1880
LindenDorothy born about 1929
LindenEmma born about 1894
LindenEverett Lborn about 1925
LindenGertrude born about 1917
LindenH Wborn about 1888
LindenMelva born about 1924
LindenMildred born about 1922
LindenWinford born about 1916
LittlejohnEarl born about 1906
LittlejohnEsther born about 1914
LittlejohnL Lborn about 1868
LittlejohnLula born about 1895
LittlejohnMamie born about 1895
LittlejohnMary Leeborn about 1927
LittlejohnRoss born about 1918
LittlejohnToy born about 1915
LittlejohnWilliam born about 1872
LittlejohnWilliam born about 1928
LivingstonJim born about 1871
LockhartEdd born about 1873
LockhartMaime born about 1892
LoganJoe born about 1908
LoganVera born about 1917
LongAcel H Hborn about 1889
LongAda born about 1902
LongChas Sborn about 1908
LongElley Loreneborn about 1932
LongHarold Rayborn about 1939
LongJohnny born about 1918
LongLena born about 1914
LongMarady born about 1926
LongNora born about 1924
LongOpal Paulineborn about 1936
LoydArilla born about 1892
LoydCharlie born about 1908
LoydMrs Sarah born about 1874
LoydSown born about 1879
LuckerEarlie born about 1918
LuckerEugene born about 1915
LuemstonElizabeth born about 1922
LuemstonNathanal born about 1921
LuperA Bborn about 1920
LuperFlo Annaborn about 1934
LuperIva born about 1901
LuperJack born about 1923
LynchNancy born about 1871
LyonHelen born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabryOliver born about 1926
MabryOphelia born about 1920
MabryWilliam born about 1922
MahanJames Hborn about 1910
MahanVirginia born about 1910
MahanVirginia Annborn about 1939
ManningDwain born about 1932
ManningIda Mayborn about 1900
ManningJohn Wborn about 1897
ManningNolan born about 1934
ManningTravis born about 1922
ManningTredia Joyborn about 1927
ManningWander Janeborn about 1930
MantoothDorthy Jeanborn about 1928
MantoothFred born about 1917
MantoothLottie born about 1882
MantoothMillard born about 1916
MantoothMillie Leeborn about 1892
MantoothThelma Lborn about 1913
MantoothW Aborn about 1930
MantoothWill born about 1882
MantoothWilliam Gborn about 1892
MarshalCalvin born about 1868
MarshalEvelan born about 1928
MarshalFrances born about 1875
MartinAnn Ruthborn about 1927
MartinHenry born about 1936
MartinJ Wborn about 1938
MartinLula Maeborn about 1926
MartinMerle born about 1916
MasonVirginia born about 1926
MassengaleRobert born about 1911
MatheniaAlfred born about 1894
MatheniaCarrie born about 1904
MatheniaClyde born about 1919
MatheniaCora born about 1919
MatheniaEmma Jeanborn about 1921
MatheniaMajor born about 1920
MatheniaWilma Jeanborn about 1939
MathesA Mborn about 1875
MathesT Tborn about 1879
MauldinMark born about 1914
MauldinOna born about 1912
MauldinWayne born about 1937
MaxA Jborn about 1890
MaxDonnie born about 1930
MaxFlorence born about 1892
MaxHazel born about 1923
MaxLarry born about 1934
MaxLee born about 1910
MaxRuth born about 1912
MaxTommy born about 1916
MaxcyDorothy born about 1927
MaxcyFay born about 1920
MaxcyJ Eborn about 1886
MaxcyLouis Eborn about 1916
MaxcyMargie Fayborn about 1939
MaxeyArtha Leeborn about 1937
MaxeyDonald Leeborn about 1939
MaxeyGrasie Jborn about 1915
MaxeyR Lborn about 1914
MayAda born about 1894
MayHarrey born about 1926
MayLeonard born about 1882
MayerFreddie Sueborn about 1933
MayerJeanine born about 1937
MayerMattie born about 1919
MayoEvelyan born about 1924
MayoRalph born about 1918
McAdamJim born about 1891
McArtyBillie born about 1902
McArtyCharles Earlborn about 1936
McArtyDarlene born about 1934
McArtyHoward born about 1931
McArtyJaunita born about 1938
McArtyOllie Bellborn about 1927
McArtyVada born about 1909
McArtyWilbor born about 1929
McCabeFaith born about 1936
McCabePaul Lborn about 1938
McCabeViola born about 1915
McCabeWilliam Cborn about 1940
McCartyBetty born about 1881
McCartyNelson born about 1881
McCartyO'dessa born about 1924
McClanhanMary Elizabethborn about 1881
McClanhanWilliam born about 1877
McClareHenry Anaborn about 1938
McClareJ Hborn about 1914
McClareNillie born about 1919
McCleanyVernie born about 1916
McCleanyViola born about 1895
McCommonFelix born about 1895
McCommonSue born about 1899
McCulloughDaniel born about 1912
McCulloughFrankie born about 1918
McDadeBillie Rborn about 1936
McDadeEstell born about 1918
McDadeNorma Lborn about 1938
McDadeSidney born about 1879
McDadeTasie Jborn about 1939
McDadeWanda born about 1934
McDadeWilliam Mborn about 1914
McDanielMrs Joe born about 1904
McDanillClara born about 1938
McDanillMary born about 1916
McDonaldClyde born about 1926
McDonaldErna Leeborn about 1919
McDonaldIna born about 1924
McDonaldLucius born about 1922
McDonaldOzie born about 1918
McDonaldPelas born about 1889
McDonelCarl Fborn about 1888
McDonelClarence born about 1935
McDonelClyde born about 1922
McDonelCurtis born about 1916
McDonelDonald born about 1938
McDonelEthel born about 1917
McDonelGolden Bborn about 1897
McDonelH Fborn about 1900
McDonelJimmie born about 1925
McDonelVara born about 1917
McFaddenIra Bellborn about 1932
McFaddenLouise born about 1930
McFaddenMamie born about 1912
McFaddenMonette born about 1935
McFaddenW Bborn about 1911
McFaddenWilma born about 1938
McFarlandDavid Eborn about 1917
McFarlandEzra Leeborn about 1924
McFarlandFairy Nborn about 1925
McFarlandLawrence born about 1920
McFarlandLevena Fborn about 1895
McFarlandMalcom born about 1890
McFarlandMalcomn Eborn about 1934
McFarlandMargie Fborn about 1930
McGeeEmma Aborn about 1900
McGeeGreen Rborn about 1902
McGeeHenry born about 1875
McGrewDorthy Mayborn about 1935
McGrewHal born about 1913
McGrewMarie born about 1911
McGrewW Rborn about 1937
McGrewWilliam born about 1939
McHarryInez born about 1920
McHarryL Cborn about 1914
McHarryPatsy Annborn about 1940
McIntoshRobbie born about 1908
McKenzieJame Leolisborn about 1920
McKenzieNorman born about 1923
McKenzieRoy Daleborn about 1928
McKinneyBuster born about 1899
McKinneyCarrie born about 1929
McKinneyJoe born about 1927
McKinneyNancy born about 1899
McMillinLucy born about 1884
McMillinW Rborn about 1876
McNealBilly Jewelborn about 1925
McNealCalma born about 1918
McNealJ Eborn about 1877
McNealMarjorie born about 1933
McNealMary born about 1889
McNealMary Ednaborn about 1923
McNealSarah Annborn about 1928
McNealThomas Wayneborn about 1930
McNeilAlvin born about 1908
McNeilDavie born about 1915
McNeilJack born about 1937
MeadAlice born about 1938
MeadBillie Jborn about 1936
MeadGary Daneborn about 1940
MeadIris born about 1916
MeadJames Aborn about 1909
MeltonAnnie Maeborn about 1924
MerrellEd born about 1907
MerrellHazel born about 1901
MerrellJohn Eborn about 1878
MerrellLilly born about 1912
MesserAlma born about 1925
MesserBilly Donborn about 1940
MesserEdd born about 1899
MesserGladys born about 1904
MesserGlayd born about 1907
MesserJ Dborn about 1902
MesserJessie born about 1896
MesserJohn born about 1924
MesserJoyce born about 1932
MesserJuanita born about 1931
MesserJunior born about 1926
MesserLaftis born about 1923
MesserLottie Lueborn about 1934
MesserLuther born about 1901
MesserMable born about 1901
MesserMarie born about 1929
MesserMary Joborn about 1935
MesserMorrine born about 1924
MesserOpal Jeanborn about 1933
MesserOtha born about 1902
MesserW Aborn about 1922
MesserWalter Eborn about 1940
MiddletonAddie born about 1900
MiddletonChoice Aborn about 1926
MiddletonD Bborn about 1918
MiddletonEdd born about 1890
MiddletonFrank Eugeneborn about 1933
MiddletonHarlan Floydborn about 1939
MiddletonJames Sborn about 1930
MiddletonJo Annborn about 1927
MiddletonJohn Sborn about 1873
MiddletonMary Eddborn about 1931
MiddletonMissoiri Annborn about 1885
MiddletonPibblene born about 1923
MiddletonStacy born about 1925
MiddletonThurman born about 1929
MilanMary Janeborn about 1875
MillerCarol born about 1938
MillerG Pborn about 1863
MillerLallie born about 1872
MillerMargaret born about 1906
MillerPerda born about 1896
MillerW Pborn about 1872
MinchewBilly Joyceborn about 1932
MinchewByron born about 1924
MinchewLois born about 1922
MinchewOla born about 1899
MinchewPalmer born about 1896
MinterHosie Leeborn about 1920
MinterLes born about 1893
MinterRaymond Leeborn about 1922
MitchellMattie born about 1892
MoffitJessie Luborn about 1927
MoffitMaudie born about 1898
MoffitT Bborn about 1889
MoffitThomas Jr born about 1922
MoodyAlexander born about 1860
MoodyBilly Jr born about 1933
MoodyClarence born about 1913
MoodyFranklin Dborn about 1938
MoodyFreddie Jr born about 1935
MoodyLillie Nborn about 1927
MoodyMabel born about 1925
MoodyMartha born about 1899
MoodyOpal born about 1930
MoodyPerlodeous born about 1874
MoodyRichard born about 1899
MoonreJim born about 1866
MooreAdis born about 1921
MooreAlva Joeborn about 1928
MooreCallie Cborn about 1896
MooreCarl born about 1918
MooreClydine born about 1917
MooreFloyd born about 1914
MooreHelen born about 1916
MooreJames Lborn about 1880
MooreMolly born about 1867
MooreRoy born about 1924
MorelandBobbie Sueborn about 1929
MorganEllen born about 1921
MorganElma born about 1925
MorganEthel born about 1927
MorganHaskel born about 1929
MorganIona born about 1889
MorganLawerence born about 1913
MorganLeon born about 1919
MorganMary born about 1934
MorganMelvin born about 1927
MorganPearl born about 1898
MorganPierce born about 1892
MorganR Cborn about 1886
MorganWillie born about 1917
MorlandArmon born about 1911
MorlandHelen born about 1935
MorlandPatsy born about 1936
MorlandRuth Lborn about 1931
MorrisDave born about 1914
MorrisEthel born about 1881
MorrisMary Helmborn about 1920
MorrisWilliam born about 1875
MosesAlbert Nelsonborn about 1931
MosesAlma Louiseborn about 1920
MosesLula born about 1896
MosesRobert Louisborn about 1925
MosesStell Thomasborn about 1927
MullinsAlma born about 1908
MullinsEtta born about 1879
MullinsFred born about 1902
MullinsN Lborn about 1872
MullinsWarren born about 1934
MullinsWayne born about 1937
MurrellEdgar Dborn about 1908
MurrellHarold born about 1927
MurrellLydia born about 1921
MurrellObia Bborn about 1884
MurrellVan born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaborsLoyd born about 1917
NanceAudie born about 1915
NanceBill Lborn about 1909
NanceGary born about 1940
NanceMurlene born about 1935
NancyAgnes born about 1873
NashClyde born about 1931
NashCoice born about 1925
NashDonald born about 1923
NashEugene born about 1897
NashFlorence born about 1899
NashLola born about 1877
NashMarie born about 1921
NashO born about 1871
NatsonE Bborn about 1883
NatsonLaura Maeborn about 1936
NatsonRuby born about 1910
NatsonShirley Annborn about 1938
NealAnnie Leeborn about 1912
NealDuglas born about 1883
NealLeroy born about 1933
NealMary Leeborn about 1931
NeeseDortha born about 1929
NeeseGenetta born about 1926
NelmsJesse born about 1895
NelmsJessie Essoonborn about 1921
NelmsOra Leeborn about 1900
NelmsRamona born about 1930
NelmsVerna born about 1924
NelmsWindell born about 1928
NelsonBetty Louborn about 1933
NelsonBird born about 1890
NelsonBonnie Ruthborn about 1931
NelsonEnoch Sborn about 1890
NelsonIsaac born about 1874
NelsonJohn Hborn about 1915
NelsonKenneth Wborn about 1935
NelsonLeonard born about 1911
NelsonLois born about 1917
NelsonManton born about 1884
NelsonMerle Edwinborn about 1939
NelsonRachel Leeborn about 1912
NelsonRoy born about 1920
NelsonS Lborn about 1935
NelsonSamuel Eborn about 1877
NelsonTheda Mayborn about 1926
NelsonWinnie Leeborn about 1892
NewbillFrances born about 1920
NewbillRoy Loisborn about 1938
NicholsC Bborn about 1892
NicholsEmma born about 1895
NicholsRaymond Conborn about 1915
NixCora born about 1894
NixFarris born about 1892
NixHarney born about 1925
NixWanda Sueborn about 1933
NolanJimmy Leeborn about 1911
NolanMiranda born about 1911
NolanNeva born about 1917
NolanParthenia born about 1877
NolanPete born about 1909
NorridChessie Leeborn about 1937
NorridDessie born about 1935
NorridEssie born about 1935
NorridEula born about 1922
NorridJ Mborn about 1888
NorridJohnnie Maeborn about 1930
NorridLafayette born about 1938
NorridLeon Cborn about 1916
NorridLiddy Wborn about 1893
NorridLiza born about 1918
NorridMarion Mborn about 1939
NorridQuenie born about 1927
NorridWillie born about 1925
NorrisDaisy born about 1876
NorrisDaisy Annborn about 1926
NorrisIrene born about 1937
NorrisJ Nborn about 1910
NorrisJ Rborn about 1896
NorrisJackie born about 1933
NorrisJoy born about 1929
NorrisJudy born about 1936
NorrisLuella born about 1902
NorrisM Lborn about 1886
NorrisMarice born about 1914
NorrisRoy Jeanborn about 1924
NorrisRuby Bborn about 1875
NorrisRuth born about 1909
NorrisVelma Mborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesAlice born about 1901
OakesAna born about 1913
OakesBetty born about 1932
OakesBuddie born about 1926
OakesCharles born about 1927
OakesEdgar born about 1891
OakesEdgar born about 1924
OakesImogene born about 1930
OakesJ Eborn about 1913
OakesLonzo Dborn about 1907
OakesMargaret born about 1867
OakesMarie born about 1890
OakesMaudie Ruthborn about 1935
OakesNadine born about 1922
OakesPearl born about 1889
OakesRobbie born about 1924
OakesRobert born about 1929
OakesRosa Eborn about 1877
OakesThomas Eborn about 1891
OakesTom Evelynborn about 1920
OakesVera Mayborn about 1938
OakesWalter born about 1916
OakesWilliam Nborn about 1890
ObieF Davisborn about 1893
ObieMarie born about 1927
ObieRoy born about 1921
ObieVergie born about 1896
OklesAnnie born about 1892
OklesE Eborn about 1888
OklesErnest Dborn about 1934
OsbanBob born about 1913
OsbanBobbie Francesborn about 1936
OsbanCarlon born about 1939
OsbanGeneva born about 1934
OsbanMinnie born about 1915
OsbornClaudine born about 1922
OsbornJ Aborn about 1881
OsbornLucille born about 1931
OsbornVester born about 1926
OwensArcenia born about 1906
OwensRoosevelt born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceCleo born about 1925
PaceEmma born about 1896
PaceJeff born about 1888
PaceLally born about 1898
PaceLeoma born about 1930
PaceLillian born about 1924
PaceMyrtle born about 1892
PaceRuthie born about 1927
PagneElisha born about 1859
PalmerJ Lborn about 1877
PalmerMattie born about 1886
ParkerGuss born about 1881
ParkerJoe born about 1922
ParkerLaura born about 1904
ParkerLillie Mayborn about 1926
ParkerWillie born about 1923
PattersonAletha born about 1925
PattersonAnnie Leeborn about 1911
PattersonBilly Joeborn about 1933
PattersonElizabeth born about 1927
PattersonHelon born about 1891
PattersonHershall born about 1909
PattersonLetoria born about 1924
PattersonLinza Maeborn about 1932
PattersonNathaniel born about 1927
PattersonVslley born about 1921
PaymeJ Gborn about 1894
PaymeJohnnie born about 1923
PaymeNettie born about 1896
PaytonAda born about 1907
PaytonGearld born about 1929
PaytonKenneth born about 1924
PaytonOscar born about 1901
PaytonRalph born about 1927
PaytonRoy born about 1931
PearcyGeorge born about 1924
PearcyHoward born about 1897
PearcyKathryn Blinnborn about 1931
PearcyMaggie Lborn about 1927
PearcyMary Leeborn about 1916
PearcyMrs T Dborn about 1888
PearcyPaul born about 1922
PearlEtta Maeborn about 1934
PearlGay born about 1902
PearlHerman born about 1920
PearlPercy born about 1884
PearlSherman born about 1921
PearyBill born about 1913
PearyMary born about 1917
PebsworthBilly Fayborn about 1939
PebsworthBobby Joborn about 1936
PebsworthRoy born about 1929
PebsworthU Pborn about 1896
PebsworthWillie born about 1908
PettyEtta born about 1892
PettyHattie Francisborn about 1920
PettyKatherine born about 1922
PhifferDave born about 1870
PierceSylvia born about 1922
PierceWillard born about 1920
PiggsArthur born about 1883
PiggsKatie Leeborn about 1923
PikeHelen born about 1928
PikeMiley born about 1889
PikeMorinel born about 1925
PikeOlen born about 1919
PikeValley born about 1922
PikeVolie born about 1922
PittsCherry Cborn about 1913
PittsLa Venia born about 1916
PizerT Cborn about 1869
PlankJasper Eborn about 1867
PlankRosanna Aborn about 1881
PoleBassel born about 1927
PoolAnnie born about 1887
PoolBen born about 1933
PoolBetty born about 1901
PoolEarnest born about 1900
PoolEdgar born about 1928
PoolHenry born about 1937
PoolJoy born about 1930
PoolM Eborn about 1880
PoolMarle born about 1923
PoolMasey born about 1935
PowellBayless born about 1869
PrichardLouise born about 1922
PrinceBamuel born about 1934
PrinceEugene born about 1923
PrinceGracie born about 1925
PrinceH Pborn about 1898
PrinceJeweline born about 1929
PrinceR Lborn about 1937
PrinceVonzell born about 1927
PrinceWanda born about 1900
PulliamEdwin Jr born about 1931
PulliamMelvin born about 1925
PulliamVera born about 1902
PulliamWilliam born about 1895
PulliamWilliam Jr born about 1924
PurceArthur Jborn about 1901
PurceArthur Jr born about 1925
PurceFlorence born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RacbuckAlice born about 1916
RagsdallHerman born about 1925
RagsdallPat born about 1923
RagsdallRaymond born about 1920
RagsdallRuth born about 1905
RagsdallTom born about 1921
RagsdallW Aborn about 1894
RajahJimmy Leeborn about 1926
RajahM Pborn about 1931
RajahManda born about 1906
RandallHiram born about 1900
RandallLottie born about 1890
RankinGreta Joyceborn about 1932
RankinJack born about 1926
RankinJrlie Fosterborn about 1934
RankinMargaret born about 1927
RankinMrs Gertie born about 1906
RankinTroy Deanborn about 1930
ReaClyde born about 1903
ReaRosa born about 1876
ReaRube born about 1873
RecordLoretta born about 1920
RecordReta Lsueborn about 1940
ReddingDorthy born about 1929
ReddingFrances born about 1927
ReddingJane born about 1937
ReddingJimmie born about 1939
ReddingLester Fborn about 1935
ReddingLewis born about 1894
ReddingLola born about 1902
ReddingLorene born about 1923
ReddingMartha Sueborn about 1931
ReddingMary born about 1926
ReddingRobert E Leeborn about 1925
ReedCurtis born about 1920
ReedJosie Mayborn about 1887
ReedOkanita born about 1924
RhinehartBilly Joeborn about 1935
RhinehartDavey Leeborn about 1916
RhinehartDonald Kennethborn about 1937
RhinehartJosie born about 1895
RhinehartNedom born about 1902
RhinehartW Cborn about 1925
RhodesAddie born about 1899
RhodesDorothy born about 1924
RhodesDorothy Maeborn about 1939
RhodesEvelyn born about 1932
RhodesFlorence born about 1926
RhodesGlenn born about 1938
RhodesHarliss born about 1894
RhodesHerman born about 1923
RhodesJames Nborn about 1909
RhodesLorene born about 1927
RhodesLynn born about 1938
RhodesMarguerite born about 1931
RhodesMaxine born about 1919
RhodesMuriel born about 1928
RhodesOleta Annborn about 1938
RhoneEmmet born about 1905
RhoneL Cborn about 1931
RhoneL Dborn about 1932
RhoneMamie born about 1898
RhoneWillie Leeborn about 1929
RobenRachel born about 1911
RobenTommy born about 1910
RobertsDoris born about 1932
RobertsEddie born about 1911
RobertsEddie Louisborn about 1934
RobertsEli born about 1915
RobertsElzonia born about 1912
RobertsMary Evelynborn about 1936
RobinsonBilly Wardborn about 1932
RobinsonEarl Wborn about 1932
RobinsonElva born about 1913
RobinsonEmma Louiseborn about 1934
RobinsonF Sborn about 1881
RobinsonFlossie born about 1910
RobinsonFrank born about 1920
RobinsonI Oborn about 1889
RobinsonJackie Nealborn about 1936
RobinsonJames Eborn about 1909
RobinsonJeniece born about 1939
RobinsonJinnie Mborn about 1929
RobinsonMargaret born about 1882
RobinsonMorris born about 1930
RobinsonMyra Mayborn about 1928
RobinsonNora born about 1893
RobinsonOren born about 1936
RobinsonSam Owenborn about 1928
RobinsonScottie Tborn about 1937
RobinsonW Hborn about 1913
RobisonAlberta born about 1898
RobisonBertha born about 1903
RobisonBob born about 1894
RobisonCharles born about 1940
RobisonCurtis born about 1926
RobisonDobbin born about 1890
RobisonE Eborn about 1883
RobisonElizabeth born about 1930
RobisonHarriet born about 1860
RobisonHomer born about 1906
RobisonIone born about 1905
RobisonJ Dborn about 1930
RobisonJim Henryborn about 1931
RobisonLee born about 1935
RobisonMaggie born about 1888
RobisonMartha Annborn about 1861
RobisonMaurice born about 1918
RobisonOpal born about 1916
RobisonPaul born about 1911
RobisonWilliam born about 1904
RoeBill born about 1896
RogersViola born about 1902
RominesCam Mborn about 1876
RominesEthel born about 1910
RominesGeorge born about 1907
RominesKatie born about 1883
RoseDock Willieborn about 1900
RoseElla born about 1917
RoyAbbie Jborn about 1933
RoyChancey Vborn about 1931
RoyCorrie born about 1893
RoyDavis Jeanborn about 1939
RoyEd born about 1894
RoyEdgar born about 1918
RoyEdward born about 1937
RoyGene Wborn about 1937
RoyLexie born about 1920
RoyObry born about 1927
RoyQuincey Bborn about 1929
RoyRuth born about 1926
RoyVance born about 1885
RubornDayton born about 1935
RubornEvan born about 1940
RubornJames Elliotborn about 1938
RubornVelma Maeborn about 1915
RubornWrie Dborn about 1901
RuckerAlma born about 1924
RuckerBerneace born about 1926
RuckerClara born about 1929
RuckerCleotis born about 1935
RuckerHara born about 1927
RuckerLonia born about 1901
RuckerOllie born about 1921
RuckerOscar born about 1920
RuckerSam born about 1896
RuckerThelma Leeborn about 1934
RuckerWillie Jborn about 1932
RulewanMary Leeborn about 1926
RulewanWilliam born about 1929
RussellAlice born about 1916
RussellBobbie Joeborn about 1940
RussellCallie born about 1904
RussellJewel born about 1916
RussellMartha born about 1935
RussellRoy Eborn about 1913
RussellRoy Hborn about 1900
RussellRoy Haskellborn about 1937
RussellTroy born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersDaisy born about 1888
SandersJim born about 1864
SandersO Bborn about 1874
SassemonA Hborn about 1872
SassemonN Aborn about 1882
SatterfieldAra Mborn about 1905
SatterfieldBenjamin Fborn about 1870
SatterfieldBenjamin Hborn about 1936
SatterfieldBertha Mborn about 1893
SatterfieldDenzel born about 1930
SatterfieldDouglas born about 1921
SatterfieldFlora born about 1899
SatterfieldFloyd born about 1925
SatterfieldGuy born about 1893
SatterfieldLeora born about 1918
SatterfieldLeroy born about 1920
SatterfieldOdel born about 1918
SatterfieldRoy born about 1897
SatterfieldThillar born about 1907
SatterfieldTroy Mborn about 1939
SavageRosa born about 1871
SavageWilliam born about 1870
ScaffM Lborn about 1881
ScaffMinnie born about 1886
ScottAlice born about 1920
ScottAllan born about 1937
ScottClark born about 1908
ScottDorothy born about 1928
ScottEvah Eborn about 1886
ScottGenieve born about 1888
ScottGeorgia Leeborn about 1936
ScottGoldie Maeborn about 1934
ScottGrover Cborn about 1889
ScottHazel born about 1916
ScottJaunita Fernborn about 1935
ScottLee born about 1917
ScottMary Francesborn about 1939
ScottNancy born about 1913
ScottRuthmell born about 1925
ScottW Aborn about 1875
ScottWilliam Jeanborn about 1937
ScrogginDorthy Mayborn about 1931
SearelsEdmond born about 1930
SearelsEmogene born about 1926
SearelsGeorge born about 1890
SearelsJames born about 1937
SearelsJohn born about 1924
SearelsLouise born about 1933
SearelsMadie born about 1927
SearelsMaime born about 1905
SearelsShirlles born about 1935
SecrestDessie born about 1888
SessamonAudrey Jborn about 1931
SessamonBetty Jeanborn about 1933
SessamonBilly Rayborn about 1936
SessamonCarrine born about 1926
SessamonFloyd born about 1939
SessamonHenry born about 1929
SessamonJackie born about 1927
SessamonLloyd born about 1939
SessamonRay born about 1903
SessamonVirgie born about 1903
SextonAdis born about 1917
SextonFlorence born about 1917
SextonMyrtle born about 1891
SextonReece born about 1877
SextonSarah Catherineborn about 1937
ShawDuke born about 1877
ShawJessie born about 1919
ShawLester born about 1921
ShawPauline born about 1924
SheehanAnnie Maeborn about 1926
SheehanH Mborn about 1894
SheehanH Mborn about 1932
SheehanLord Deanborn about 1929
SheehanMattie born about 1896
SheehanNorma Jr born about 1938
SheffeldElbert born about 1916
SheffeldElnora born about 1919
SheffeldTurner born about 1938
ShehanAce born about 1897
ShehanAcie Leonborn about 1933
ShehanMary Ettaborn about 1905
ShehanMervin Morrisborn about 1937
SheltonL Tborn about 1928
SheltonLeverne born about 1931
SheltonPeggy born about 1922
SheltonPete born about 1904
SheltonSleeta born about 1887
SheltonViola born about 1905
SherfieldCurlee born about 1919
SherfieldElmore born about 1923
SherfieldHerman born about 1921
SherfieldJohn Dborn about 1923
SherfieldMattie born about 1890
SherfieldTurner born about 1884
ShoalsAlberta born about 1929
ShoalsBertha born about 1925
ShoalsCornelious born about 1909
ShoalsElsie Leeborn about 1934
ShoalsHomer Dborn about 1930
ShoalsIoma Dborn about 1931
ShoalsJ Cborn about 1933
ShoalsJ Dborn about 1927
ShoalsJ Pborn about 1900
ShoalsJoe born about 1904
ShoalsLena born about 1932
ShoalsLouisa born about 1894
ShoalsLuthia born about 1912
ShoalsMargaret born about 1881
ShoalsMary born about 1877
ShoalsMattie born about 1912
ShoalsNubbie born about 1872
ShoalsWillie born about 1909
SimmerBillie Jborn about 1936
SimmonsBlanch born about 1872
SimmonsJohn born about 1876
SimmonsMaude born about 1878
SimpsonAlberta born about 1912
SimpsonOsborn born about 1875
SimsAda born about 1895
SimsAnnie born about 1876
SimsBarbara born about 1932
SimsBonnie born about 1936
SimsCharlie born about 1881
SimsCharlie born about 1925
SimsDonnie born about 1936
SimsJewel born about 1896
SimsMaudie born about 1923
SimsPhillip born about 1902
SimsVerle born about 1928
SlatonJ Wborn about 1866
SlatonLucille born about 1918
SlatonMarcus born about 1908
SlatonNancy Aliceborn about 1871
SlatonRobert born about 1916
SlatonTaye born about 1896
SmartGeraldine born about 1910
SmartJohnie born about 1926
SmartNellie born about 1892
SmartOscar born about 1890
SmartOscar Leeborn about 1940
SmartPauline born about 1936
SmartWiseman born about 1902
SmithAlice born about 1867
SmithAnnie born about 1890
SmithArthur born about 1897
SmithAttrul born about 1910
SmithBarney Oakesborn about 1926
SmithBetty Ruthborn about 1932
SmithCarl Jborn about 1930
SmithCharlie Aborn about 1926
SmithChristine born about 1927
SmithDale born about 1938
SmithDillard born about 1922
SmithEdna born about 1926
SmithEdward Wborn about 1882
SmithEmma Eborn about 1899
SmithFannie born about 1901
SmithFlorence Nborn about 1900
SmithGeneva born about 1927
SmithHelen Marieborn about 1923
SmithIda Louborn about 1907
SmithIrene born about 1923
SmithJ born about 1876
SmithJames born about 1935
SmithJames Aborn about 1893
SmithJames Pborn about 1932
SmithJanice born about 1935
SmithJess born about 1891
SmithJessie Hborn about 1932
SmithJohn born about 1929
SmithJoseph born about 1922
SmithLeonard born about 1906
SmithLeslie born about 1889
SmithLethal Jr born about 1939
SmithLethel born about 1912
SmithLettie born about 1913
SmithMargaret born about 1874
SmithMargaret born about 1919
SmithMargie born about 1912
SmithMartha born about 1904
SmithMartha born about 1938
SmithMary born about 1907
SmithMary born about 1919
SmithMildred born about 1934
SmithMrs Ca born about 1890
SmithOleana born about 1875
SmithRosa born about 1890
SmithSadie born about 1919
SmithSam Lborn about 1863
SmithSyble born about 1925
SmithWalter born about 1877
SmithWanda born about 1915
SmithWillard born about 1922
SmithWilliam born about 1895
SmitheEllen Fborn about 1908
SmitheSinia born about 1879
SmitheVance born about 1875
SossamonJimmie Cborn about 1917
SossamonW Aborn about 1909
SpenceBill born about 1896
SpillsBillie born about 1930
SpillsGeorge born about 1917
SpillsOpal born about 1910
SpillsTrice born about 1903
SpringsAsa born about 1920
SpringsBennie born about 1899
SpringsBennie Maeborn about 1917
SpringsClarance born about 1919
SpringsElla born about 1892
SpringsGranville born about 1891
SpringsHouston Leeborn about 1911
SpringsJack born about 1892
SpringsMary born about 1895
SpringsPaul born about 1924
SpringsPeggy Leeborn about 1938
SpringsRonald born about 1936
SpringsRuby born about 1899
SpringsRufus Cborn about 1908
SpringsSimmon born about 1900
SpringsWillie born about 1915
SpringsWinfred born about 1919
StandferBilly Ve Aborn about 1934
StandferFreddie Lowborn about 1937
StandferKay Francesborn about 1936
StandferSue born about 1916
StandferV O Billborn about 1916
StevensBillie born about 1939
StevensEmma born about 1905
StevensFranklin born about 1932
StevensHelen born about 1922
StevensJoe born about 1934
StevensJohn born about 1936
StevensKenneth born about 1926
StevensNancy born about 1924
StevensOscar born about 1897
StevensSherman born about 1930
StevensonEmma born about 1891
StevensonNora born about 1903
StewardJennie born about 1868
StewartKenneth born about 1934
StewartOdessa born about 1936
StewartStanley Eborn about 1939
StinnettGrady born about 1910
StinnettHershell born about 1936
StinnettLula born about 1914
StinnettSammie born about 1932
StoneAline born about 1937
StoneBell born about 1892
StoneNed born about 1927
StoneOrlie born about 1895
StoneReddy born about 1930
StoneWilford born about 1933
StonerBilly Catherineborn about 1937
StonerOpal born about 1912
StonerOrvil Lewisborn about 1930
StonerWanda Leeborn about 1933
StoryCora born about 1883
StoryJames Theoborn about 1922
StrahanAlice Lborn about 1929
StrahanClaraneel born about 1922
StrahanDwight born about 1929
StrahanEthel born about 1905
StrahanJuanita Lborn about 1929
StrahanLillie Estelleborn about 1940
StrahanLouis born about 1905
StrahanNannie born about 1908
StrahanPhillip born about 1932
StrahanR Pborn about 1936
StrahanSammie born about 1901
SturgesAnna Kborn about 1913
SturgesJohn born about 1908
SummerAl born about 1926
SummerAnita born about 1939
SummerBarney born about 1892
SummerCora born about 1881
SummerErma Dellborn about 1924
SummerFloyd born about 1934
SummerKenneth born about 1928
SummerLetha born about 1918
SummerMargaret born about 1898
SummerPreston born about 1902
SummerTom born about 1864
SummerTommie born about 1920
SumnerGeorgie Leeborn about 1925
SumnerPaica born about 1912
SumnerSallie born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarkingtonGlenna Mayborn about 1933
TarkingtonM Cborn about 1932
TarkingtonMartin born about 1935
TarkingtonRoxie born about 1930
TarkingtonVenesia born about 1911
TaylorArnold born about 1929
TaylorBessie born about 1908
TaylorBonnie Dborn about 1883
TaylorCatherine born about 1937
TaylorDeward born about 1925
TaylorDonald born about 1903
TaylorEva Janeborn about 1940
TaylorJohn Fborn about 1860
TaylorLorene born about 1927
TaylorMarion born about 1932
TaylorNettie Mayborn about 1938
TaylorRosa born about 1889
TedderJoe Ezraborn about 1933
TedderMary Vborn about 1930
TedderMelvin born about 1900
TedderMelvin Jr born about 1938
TedderNecy Maeborn about 1905
TedderNora Berthaborn about 1925
TerryLillie Mayborn about 1926
TerryMrs Maud born about 1886
TerryOtis born about 1921
TestermanC Eborn about 1890
TestermanCurtis born about 1937
TestermanEthel born about 1933
TestermanEvelyn born about 1928
TestermanJoe born about 1922
TestermanMaggie born about 1901
TestermanNora born about 1926
TestermanOpal born about 1924
TestermanRay born about 1921
ThomasAlice born about 1869
ThomasBama born about 1892
ThomasBernard born about 1924
ThomasI Tborn about 1920
ThomasJ Dborn about 1924
ThomasJim born about 1893
ThomasMyrtle born about 1900
ThomasNora born about 1921
ThomasTillman born about 1893
ThorntonE Jborn about 1908
ThorntonPansey born about 1916
ThorpeGene born about 1918
TillmanAnna born about 1921
TillmanJohn Kborn about 1883
TillmanViola born about 1883
TisherAlice born about 1867
TisherW Eborn about 1863
TombeMay Ellaborn about 1929
TombeThelma Reeborn about 1928
TombsLeo born about 1900
TomlinsonJeanette born about 1920
TomlinsonR Vborn about 1925
TomlinsonRuby born about 1894
TomlinsonRufus born about 1891
TompsonDoris born about 1932
TowersHerbert born about 1896
TowersLenard born about 1931
TowersMary born about 1894
TowersRulley Mayborn about 1927
TowersToy Richardborn about 1929
TranthamFloyd born about 1913
TranthamJauneta born about 1920
TreadwayAliva Rborn about 1930
TreadwayBernice born about 1915
TreadwayHarolee born about 1923
TreadwayImogene born about 1928
TreadwayJewel born about 1925
TreadwayJimmie born about 1932
TreadwayJoyce Annborn about 1937
TreadwayKenneth born about 1936
TreadwayLillian born about 1894
TreadwayMarbel born about 1910
TreadwayMattie Bborn about 1932
TreadwayMorell born about 1929
TreadwayNorma Dellborn about 1935
TreadwayOdell born about 1927
TreadwayRueben born about 1909
TreadwayWoodrow born about 1915
TuckerCyntha born about 1893
TuckerDalton born about 1932
TuckerGid born about 1879
TuckerLillian born about 1929
TuckerMarshall born about 1927
TuckerRoscoe born about 1919
TuckerWillie Maeborn about 1918
TuckerWilma born about 1922
TurnerDora born about 1877
TurnerEdna born about 1901
TurnerEre born about 1906
TurnerJ Tborn about 1874
TurnerMattie born about 1875
TurneyBowman born about 1893
TurneyDouglas born about 1919
TurneyHarden born about 1921
TurneyIda Lueborn about 1895
TurneyJ Bborn about 1925
TylerClem born about 1887
TylerCounie born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpchurchAllyne born about 1932
UpchurchBetty Joborn about 1928
UpchurchEddie born about 1902
UpchurchEddie Louiseborn about 1939
UpchurchEdrie born about 1910
UpchurchEmma born about 1903
UpchurchJacke Nellborn about 1934
UpchurchLorene born about 1922
UpchurchWillie born about 1910
UpchurenAllan born about 1921
UpchurenGertrude born about 1887
UpchurenJ Dborn about 1923
UpchurenJ Rborn about 1885
UpchurenLois born about 1925
UpchurenMargaret born about 1855
UpchurenRoberta born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanlueRoy born about 1903
VaughanGeorgia Annborn about 1912
VaughanJames Vborn about 1919
VaughanJesse Lborn about 1894
VaughanJessie Mayborn about 1926
VaughanRichard born about 1925
VaughanWilliam born about 1906
VaughnSallie born about 1926
VersellBert born about 1888
VersellV Jborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadleyBillie Ruthborn about 1924
WadleyE Lborn about 1894
WadleyEula born about 1874
WadleyHomer Lborn about 1885
WadleyL Mborn about 1910
WadleyQuince born about 1922
WadleyRobert born about 1927
WadleyTasie born about 1894
WaferBessie born about 1888
WaferEdd born about 1882
WagonerLea born about 1906
WalkerAnderson born about 1867
WalkerAubridene born about 1925
WalkerElizabeth Lborn about 1868
WalkerLizzie born about 1892
WalkerTom born about 1926
WallaceBobbie Rborn about 1937
WallaceClester born about 1933
WallaceEdward born about 1931
WallaceLeslie born about 1907
WallaceMary Ethelborn about 1915
WallaceMildred Mborn about 1897
WallaceRoy Eborn about 1891
WallaceRoy E Jrborn about 1926
WallaceTerie born about 1913
WallaceVester born about 1931
WallaceWalter born about 1912
WaltonBilly born about 1926
WaltonCharles Tborn about 1930
WaltonD Jborn about 1916
WaltonFannie Kayborn about 1908
WaltonMaida Kborn about 1884
WardAmes born about 1885
WardBetty Jeanborn about 1931
WardCharles born about 1938
WardCollie born about 1886
WardDale born about 1923
WardE Lborn about 1881
WardErvina born about 1887
WardF Eborn about 1919
WardFrances Sueborn about 1933
WardFranis Lborn about 1907
WardGay Nellborn about 1936
WardGrace born about 1912
WardGus born about 1906
WardJewel born about 1915
WardLillian born about 1912
WardMarie born about 1923
WardMildred born about 1919
WardNellie born about 1906
WardRobert Leeborn about 1931
WardSamuella Pearlborn about 1938
WardWayne born about 1928
WardWilbur Deanborn about 1940
WardWill born about 1911
WareCorinne born about 1915
WareEugene born about 1913
WareOtho Q T Douglasborn about 1930
WareRay Geneborn about 1934
WarrenBertha born about 1916
WarrenCatherine born about 1934
WarrenClyde born about 1916
WarrenElvin Royborn about 1938
WarrenEtta born about 1908
WarrenGeorge born about 1882
WarrenHubert Jborn about 1905
WarrenLonzs Fborn about 1935
WarrenMarion born about 1892
WarrenTommie Jeanborn about 1937
WarrenWilburn Lborn about 1936
WartyAltha born about 1920
WartyLaveme born about 1923
WashingtonElla born about 1910
WashingtonErnestine born about 1937
WashingtonEugene born about 1906
WashingtonH Dborn about 1929
WashingtonHatha born about 1890
WashingtonJewell Aborn about 1935
WashingtonLewis born about 1922
WashingtonMatha born about 1933
WashingtonRuley Maeborn about 1928
WashingtonVirgil born about 1898
WatsonHenry born about 1873
WatsonLaura born about 1882
WatsonViolet born about 1892
WatsonWillard born about 1913
WatsonWilliam born about 1933
WattsFern born about 1924
WattsJulia Marieborn about 1871
WattsPearl born about 1910
WattsSolomon Jborn about 1871
WattsWillard Oborn about 1903
WayattJames Hborn about 1881
WayattKatheryn born about 1921
WayattMary Bellborn about 1885
WayattWoodrow born about 1918
WebbSam born about 1906
WhitakerRuby born about 1883
WhitakerT Rborn about 1884
WhiteA Tborn about 1848
WhiteEarly born about 1907
WhiteRoxie born about 1907
WhitfieldMattie Leeborn about 1929
WhitfieldNeoma born about 1922
WidersFred born about 1912
WidersJames born about 1914
WidersParalee born about 1882
WidersRichard Eborn about 1881
WilkinsAndrew Jborn about 1885
WilkinsAndrew Jr born about 1922
WilkinsArchie born about 1889
WilkinsBetty Louborn about 1922
WilkinsCatherine born about 1937
WilkinsChloe born about 1905
WilkinsDessie Mayborn about 1921
WilkinsEdna born about 1893
WilkinsEdward born about 1923
WilkinsEgruse Kborn about 1888
WilkinsElsie born about 1918
WilkinsFayrene born about 1933
WilkinsFloyd born about 1936
WilkinsFrances born about 1923
WilkinsH Steveborn about 1891
WilkinsInogene born about 1929
WilkinsJack born about 1906
WilkinsJean born about 1928
WilkinsJessie Deanborn about 1932
WilkinsJohn Cborn about 1917
WilkinsJohn Wborn about 1933
WilkinsLeon born about 1927
WilkinsLeona born about 1923
WilkinsLeonard born about 1928
WilkinsLillian Mayborn about 1895
WilkinsLula Eborn about 1895
WilkinsLuza born about 1894
WilkinsMarie born about 1926
WilkinsMary Joeborn about 1938
WilkinsMattie born about 1898
WilkinsMattie Bborn about 1936
WilkinsNorma Leeborn about 1930
WilkinsOllie born about 1902
WilkinsOscar born about 1894
WilkinsRay born about 1932
WilkinsRobert born about 1921
WilkinsRosa Deanborn about 1930
WilkinsVance born about 1925
WilkinsVirginia born about 1932
WilkinsVivian born about 1931
WilkinsWalter born about 1886
WilliamsAline born about 1921
WilliamsArdelle born about 1938
WilliamsArlene born about 1921
WilliamsBertha born about 1920
WilliamsBilly born about 1930
WilliamsBobby born about 1934
WilliamsCora born about 1892
WilliamsCristena born about 1912
WilliamsDavid born about 1907
WilliamsDuglas born about 1922
WilliamsElsie born about 1904
WilliamsEmma born about 1888
WilliamsFranklin D Rooseborn about 1939
WilliamsGarfield born about 1886
WilliamsGene born about 1938
WilliamsGeneva born about 1933
WilliamsGilbert born about 1916
WilliamsHaley born about 1930
WilliamsHaskill Jr born about 1922
WilliamsJames Childesborn about 1923
WilliamsJaunita born about 1925
WilliamsJoel Eborn about 1927
WilliamsLeon born about 1910
WilliamsLorey Maeborn about 1916
WilliamsLouise born about 1924
WilliamsManton born about 1910
WilliamsMarvin born about 1926
WilliamsMary Fborn about 1938
WilliamsMary Lillianborn about 1933
WilliamsMary Louiseborn about 1935
WilliamsMay born about 1905
WilliamsMollie born about 1880
WilliamsMorine born about 1927
WilliamsMrs E Cborn about 1890
WilliamsN Hborn about 1900
WilliamsNoble born about 1925
WilliamsRichard born about 1908
WilliamsThelma born about 1914
WilliamsThomas Jborn about 1885
WilliamsWilma Deanborn about 1931
WilliamsZelma born about 1923
WillisCollin born about 1901
WillisDorothy born about 1934
WillisEunice born about 1932
WillisFrances born about 1926
WillisJoe Mborn about 1892
WillisLaquita born about 1938
WillisMaudie Bborn about 1892
WillisRotha born about 1909
WillisWill born about 1922
WillsMary born about 1910
WilsonBertha born about 1906
WilsonCathline born about 1902
WilsonL Harlemborn about 1903
WilsonLige born about 1875
WilsonMary Eborn about 1928
WingsJ Lborn about 1876
WiterJohn born about 1912
WoodCharlotte Marieborn about 1929
WoodChoice Dborn about 1922
WoodEdith Kborn about 1907
WoodElsie Royborn about 1930
WoodEugene born about 1926
WoodEunice born about 1900
WoodGeorge Rborn about 1900
WoodHal born about 1924
WoodJanie born about 1906
WoodJulius Aborn about 1905
WoodKenneth Aborn about 1935
WoodLowanda Jeanborn about 1934
WoodMary Doralynborn about 1938
WoodMary Margatborn about 1932
WoodNarborn Jborn about 1904
WoodNorman Wborn about 1936
WoodPerry born about 1936
WoodR Dborn about 1921
WoodRobert born about 1900
WoodRoy born about 1926
WoodShelby born about 1933
WoodVera born about 1936
WoodVernon Dborn about 1931
WoodWander Jeanborn about 1929
WoodWilma born about 1912
WoodsAretha born about 1934
WoodsBartie Maeborn about 1913
WoodsCharley born about 1917
WoodsDorothy Mayborn about 1938
WoodsEugene born about 1876
WoodsEugene Jr born about 1910
WoodsEvelina born about 1908
WoodsHazel born about 1930
WoodsI Bborn about 1920
WoodsInfant Gborn about 1940
WoodsJ Cborn about 1867
WoodsJames born about 1917
WoodsJohn Hborn about 1888
WoodsLee born about 1910
WoodsLorence born about 1933
WoodsMajie Leeborn about 1911
WoodsMinel born about 1908
WoodsRosa born about 1883
WoodsW Jborn about 1929
WoodsWilma Nellborn about 1939
WorthyAlice born about 1937
WorthyAllne born about 1912
WorthyBeatrice born about 1924
WorthyCora Ellborn about 1926
WorthyDelbert born about 1911
WorthyEmmajean born about 1932
WorthyFrank born about 1875
WorthyJesse born about 1921
WorthyLomuel Fborn about 1865
WorthyMelvin born about 1920
WrightBetty Jeanborn about 1932
WrightD Cborn about 1935
WrightGuy born about 1893
WrightHester born about 1919
WrightJames born about 1911
WrightJames born about 1938
WrightLala born about 1910
WrightMary born about 1893
WyattAnn born about 1931
WyattBilly born about 1937
WyattClifton Cborn about 1885
WyattDelories born about 1927
WyattElizabeth born about 1905
WyattEmma born about 1904
WyattFayat born about 1907
WyattHerbert born about 1935
WyattHiram born about 1929
WyattHugh born about 1928
WyattJoe born about 1939
WyattJoe Hborn about 1903
WyattNola Sueborn about 1935
WyattNoma born about 1933
WyattWilliam Dborn about 1883
WynnAnnie Mayborn about 1901
WynnArthur born about 1892
WynnIda born about 1885
WynnThomas born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkDora born about 1885
YorkLon born about 1882
YoungAlzeta born about 1933
YoungAngie born about 1866
YoungCharlie Vborn about 1920
YoungCleveland born about 1911
YoungDossie Leeborn about 1931
YoungEva born about 1897
YoungGwendola born about 1919
YoungHannas born about 1913
YoungIrel born about 1901
YoungJeremiah born about 1932
YoungLee born about 1937
YoungLee Royborn about 1939
YoungLorenza born about 1921
YoungLou Vadaborn about 1936
YoungMable born about 1924
YoungMary Leeborn about 1934
YoungMay born about 1938
YoungN Eborn about 1922
YoungNehimiah born about 1932
YoungOdesa Mayborn about 1927
YoungP Eborn about 1928
YoungPope born about 1890
YoungR Dborn about 1925
YoungRuby born about 1924

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