1940 U.S. Federal Census of Liberty in Pawnee County, Pawnee, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Pawnee County > 1940 Census of Liberty in Pawnee County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAgnes born about 1874
AdamsElton Wborn about 1939
AdamsHarvey Rborn about 1912
AdamsHazel Lborn about 1914
AdamsJames Rborn about 1911
AdamsMadison born about 1867
AkersJoe Eborn about 1912
AkersJoe Oborn about 1939
AkersJosie Mborn about 1915
AndersonEmma Fborn about 1920
AndersonKenneth born about 1919
AndersonWanda Mborn about 1939
AtterburyJames Fborn about 1870
AtterburyJames Rborn about 1907
AtterburyLouie born about 1872

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B Surnames

BeardAda Rborn about 1876
BeardDavid Vborn about 1908
BishopAlfred Dborn about 1882
BishopAnna Mborn about 1883
BishopEffie born about 1891
BishopEugene Mborn about 1923
BishopJames Tborn about 1882
BradleyMaudie Bborn about 1883
BradleyWalter Sborn about 1870
BradleyWilliam Bborn about 1874
BradleyWillie born about 1878

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C Surnames

ChildersFrank Fborn about 1872
ChildersJuanita Mborn about 1926
ChildersLavell Bborn about 1930
ChildersMabel Pborn about 1922
ChildersMaud Eborn about 1884
ChisamBertie Fborn about 1936
ChisamHellen Rborn about 1924
ChisamJames Eborn about 1896
ChisamKatherin Eborn about 1904
ClarkGertie Wborn about 1894
ClarkTom Mborn about 1895
ClockSherman Wborn about 1877
CoffeyEugene Wborn about 1925
CoffeyLaverne Vborn about 1927
CoffeyLucile Vborn about 1923
CollinsAdolphus Oborn about 1930
CollinsArdell Dborn about 1904
CollinsBaptiste born about 1910
CollinsCharles Eborn about 1938
CollinsChester Lborn about 1924
CollinsDeloris Iborn about 1934
CollinsEllen Mborn about 1887
CollinsFlorine Jborn about 1935
CollinsFrank Bborn about 1885
CollinsGale Kborn about 1921
CollinsHattie born about 1916
CollinsMargret Iborn about 1912
CollinsVictoria Lborn about 1933
ConorroBeatrice born about 1912
ConorroCharles born about 1918
ConorroDean born about 1924
ConorroHattie born about 1889
ConorroReese born about 1878
ConorroReese born about 1920
CooherGeorge born about 1928
CooherHomer born about 1930
CooherHorace born about 1898
CooherMaud born about 1903
CookerCharley Aborn about 1923
CookerDosha Mborn about 1884
CookerJohn Aborn about 1866
CookerRobert Pborn about 1919
CorgillSarah Eborn about 1873
CostnerAnetabell born about 1924
CoxViolet Aborn about 1931
CoxViolet Mborn about 1897
CoxWilliam Oborn about 1897
CramerBetty Jborn about 1936
CramerClaudie Bborn about 1932
CramerClaudine Mborn about 1932
CramerIda Fborn about 1893
CramerJohnie Eborn about 1939
CramerLillie born about 1925
CramerLouise Fborn about 1929
CramerMaxine Jborn about 1933
CramerWilliam Oborn about 1871
CrockerBirdie Eborn about 1912
CrockerDelbert Oborn about 1913
CrockerEstella Mborn about 1939
CrockerIsabell Oborn about 1910
CrockerJack Cborn about 1911
CrockerThelma Dborn about 1940
CrockerWilliam Jborn about 1937
CulverCharlene Eborn about 1927
CulverCharley born about 1918

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D Surnames

DavisCharley Sborn about 1869
DavisElizabeth Eborn about 1871
DavisFranklin born about 1934
DavisJosephine born about 1914
DavisMildred Fborn about 1901
DeboltBeverly Jborn about 1927
DeboltSadie Jborn about 1885
DennieLester Lborn about 1921
DennieMarie born about 1903
DennieMay born about 1878
DennieRoy born about 1901
DennisFrank Wborn about 1882
DennisGwendolyn Aborn about 1920
DennisHattie born about 1885
DietzCharles Mborn about 1929
DietzElla Eborn about 1905
DietzReuben Hborn about 1934
DietzRueben Hborn about 1899
DinineCuba Aborn about 1900
DinineEmnet born about 1892
DinineMelva Rborn about 1933
DinineMelvin Cborn about 1930
DinineOwen born about 1919
DinineThelma Jborn about 1928
DinineVirlen Lborn about 1922
DouganEdith Dborn about 1898
DouganGlen Nelsonborn about 1923
DouganStanley born about 1889
DoughertyBatiste Lborn about 1918

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E Surnames

EchohawkLeo born about 1909
EchohawkLida Cborn about 1909
EsterClyde born about 1882
EsterJesse Bborn about 1888

F Surnames

FireshakerFranklin born about 1919
FireshakerGuss born about 1901
FireshakerZelma born about 1921
FloraDovie Rborn about 1898
FloraJerry Wborn about 1938
FloraJohn Cborn about 1891
FloraJohn Cborn about 1932
FloraJosephine Cborn about 1935
FoustHoward Dborn about 1913
FoustLexie Mborn about 1932
FoustRuby Mborn about 1916
FoxGuy born about 1910
FoxGuy Rborn about 1935
FoxLois Lborn about 1909
FusoAmy born about 1891
FusoDonald Vborn about 1919
FusoEarl Lborn about 1915
FusoJohn Fborn about 1874
FusoMerl Fborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GacheBobbie Bborn about 1928
GacheBuddie Dborn about 1930
GacheErnest Gborn about 1934
GacheHazel Mborn about 1909
GacheLola Mborn about 1932
GacheMillard Nborn about 1907
GantArthur Lborn about 1887
GantEdith born about 1887
GantJohn Rborn about 1921
GarlingtonOscar Lborn about 1891
GarlingtonSelma Mborn about 1893
GellerCharlie Bborn about 1882
GellerEverett Eborn about 1920
GellerFannie born about 1888
GellerJonior Lborn about 1930
GellerLeta Mborn about 1923
GibbensWalter Eborn about 1905
GoodfoxAlvena born about 1926
GoodfoxBetty Gborn about 1928
GoodfoxFlora born about 1903
GoodfoxFlorence Mborn about 1937
GoodfoxLawrence born about 1901
GoodfoxLawrence Jr born about 1925
GoodfoxRena Lborn about 1923
GoodfoxWanda Lborn about 1935

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H Surnames

HallumAnna Lborn about 1926
HallumEssie Bborn about 1898
HallumGease Mborn about 1928
HallumJohn Dborn about 1892
HallumJoy Bborn about 1933
HallumLawrence Dborn about 1920
HallumWillie Rborn about 1935
HarrisEthel born about 1898
HarrisEvelyn Lborn about 1925
HarrisFrank born about 1897
HarrisMaryland Sborn about 1882
HarrisMaud Lborn about 1895
HarrisMyron Mborn about 1921
HarrisRussel Dborn about 1918
HartmanAlice Aborn about 1881
HartmanGeorge Oborn about 1880
HawkinsHobert Jborn about 1939
HawkinsJames born about 1885
HawkinsMabel born about 1886
HawkinsMercy born about 1914
HawkinsRena born about 1931
HawkinsRoy born about 1909
HelmsEthel Iborn about 1898
HelmsGale Aborn about 1934
HelmsRemy Aborn about 1892
HelwickChester Oborn about 1909
HelwickGeneva Mborn about 1917
HelwickJackie Bborn about 1935
HelwickNorma Gborn about 1939
HelwickRuby Mborn about 1938
HendersonH Patricborn about 1882
HeskettJess Bborn about 1902
HeskettJesse Lborn about 1931
HeskettJohn Dborn about 1926
HeskettMeda born about 1913
HickmanArlene born about 1933
HickmanBrabra Jeneborn about 1935
HickmanEugene Gborn about 1925
HickmanImogene born about 1931
HickmanKaty Aborn about 1898
HickmanLoreta born about 1928
HickmanMarvin Mborn about 1921
HickmanWalter Vborn about 1897
HickmanWilliam Wborn about 1923
HillAlbert Hborn about 1930
HillGeorge Sborn about 1910
HillPauline Mborn about 1911
HillSamuel Eborn about 1932
HillisEttie Mborn about 1886
HillisFaith Jborn about 1940
HillisFaye Nborn about 1911
HillisHoward Jborn about 1938
HillisJoe Gborn about 1877
HillisOpal Eborn about 1916
HimesMartha Tborn about 1873
HimesWilliam Hborn about 1872
HostutlerAlice born about 1868
HostutlerDavid Dborn about 1868
HutchesonJohn Wborn about 1894
HutchesonMarion Wborn about 1921
HutchesonMary Mborn about 1900

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I Surnames

IngleDonald Eborn about 1935
IngleEsibel Iborn about 1930
IngleFrank Hborn about 1897
IngleFrankie Hborn about 1926
IngleIresa Eborn about 1933
IngleJoseph Wborn about 1923
IngleJosie Cborn about 1892
IngleVivian Lborn about 1928
IrelandBeverly Gborn about 1936
IrelandConnie Vborn about 1916
IrelandGlen Eborn about 1910
IrvinCharley born about 1900
IrvinDelilla born about 1900

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J Surnames

JakeAlice born about 1880
JakeCharles Eborn about 1940
JakeEmily born about 1912
JakeHiram born about 1880
JakeJames born about 1925
JakeWallace born about 1909
JimJames Aborn about 1916
JimPriscilla Rborn about 1919
JimSt Elmo born about 1882
JimSussie born about 1890

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K Surnames

KanaberEmmarson born about 1881
KanaberHoward Cborn about 1924
KanaberIda Mborn about 1885
KanaberLawrence Dborn about 1921
KanaberRalph Hborn about 1915
KanaberWindson Lborn about 1912
KerbyLeon Fborn about 1920
KerbyMelvin Lborn about 1924
KerbyNorma Jborn about 1927
KerbyNyle Rborn about 1931
KerbyOllie Lborn about 1900
KerbyRoy Lborn about 1929
KerbyWanda Cborn about 1933
KnettleMary born about 1862

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L Surnames

LangleyErnest Fborn about 1910
LangleyThelma Lborn about 1932
LangleyVelma Eborn about 1934
LangleyViola Rborn about 1912
LangleyWalter Jborn about 1931
LeforceClinton Aborn about 1908
LeforceClinton Eborn about 1940
LeforceGrace Iborn about 1903
LeforceMary Mborn about 1939
LinsenmeyerGertrude Pborn about 1917
LinsenmeyerIda Fborn about 1940
LinsenmeyerWalter Fborn about 1910
LittleeagleMattie born about 1856
LockhartJaunita Jborn about 1931
LockhartLainoda Rborn about 1920
LockhartMcclain Hborn about 1878
LockhartVada Mborn about 1889

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M Surnames

MarisAnnie born about 1874
MarisJoe born about 1908
MarjorieR born about 1921
MarlowJune Eborn about 1932
MarlowLena Vborn about 1882
MarlowMay Fborn about 1904
MarlowRichard Jamesborn about 1933
MarlowRoger Allenborn about 1934
MarlowVictor Lborn about 1935
MarlowWilliam Aborn about 1917
MarrsCallye Mborn about 1902
MarrsEmma Tborn about 1931
MarrsGarland Eborn about 1938
MarrsGeorge Hborn about 1885
MarrsLouise Eborn about 1933
MarrsLucile born about 1934
MarrsWilma Mborn about 1929
MathewsGilbert Fborn about 1936
MathewsLouise born about 1917
MathewsNannie born about 1881
MathewsPhilip born about 1905
MathewsPhilip Iborn about 1937
MathewsStacy born about 1911
MathewsWilliam Eborn about 1939
MattinglyFloyd Hborn about 1919
MattinglyGeorge born about 1882
MattinglyLawrence Aborn about 1917
MattinglyWilma Bborn about 1928
MavityPauline Mborn about 1917
MavityTruman Cborn about 1918
MayfieldMary Aborn about 1885
McClainCharle Rborn about 1885
McClainGeorgia born about 1887
MersonerCordella Eborn about 1909
MersonerHerman Aborn about 1899
MersonerHerman Wborn about 1934
MersonerLouis Aborn about 1932
MersonerRoy Aborn about 1931
MinthornBrigam Pborn about 1918
MinthornJulia Mborn about 1890
MinthornWilbur born about 1908
MooreAltha Iborn about 1924
MooreDoris Mborn about 1928
MooreElva Mborn about 1903
MooreGeorge Vborn about 1900
MooreGeorge Wborn about 1933
MooreGladys Mborn about 1930
MooreMaxine Fborn about 1922
MoorePearl Dborn about 1911
MoorePeter Lborn about 1939
MooreSevesteen Aborn about 1931
MooreSidney Jborn about 1904
MooreThedore Vborn about 1933
MooreWilma Dborn about 1929
MorrisAdren born about 1869
MorrisMary Cborn about 1875
MosesPlatt born about 1875
MullennaxEthel Lborn about 1923
MullennaxEthel Mborn about 1902
MullennaxFloyd Lborn about 1924
MullennaxJames Aborn about 1894
MullennaxJames Iborn about 1921
MullennaxVirgil Fborn about 1926
MurryIda born about 1887
MurryStand born about 1871

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N Surnames

NelsonHerbert Aborn about 1929
NelsonMary Rborn about 1906
NelsonTom Jborn about 1891
NelsonWilliam Aborn about 1927
NemrickAlma Mborn about 1915
NemrickEltom Wborn about 1935
NemrickGweneth Hborn about 1938
NemrickLawrence born about 1908

O Surnames

OhneClora Jborn about 1904
OhneRobert Fborn about 1899
OhneVerlin Aborn about 1930
OsborneEffie born about 1905
OsborneGerald Aborn about 1926
OsborneMattie Mborn about 1938
OsborneMinnie Vborn about 1935
OsbornePearl born about 1928
OsborneRomona Lborn about 1933
OsborneSamuel born about 1899
OwensPauline born about 1919
OwensWilliam Nborn about 1921

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P Surnames

PetersIva born about 1912
PetersJesse Rborn about 1873
PetersNellie born about 1882
PetersOpal born about 1920
PikerClaudie Pborn about 1915
PikerGerald Aborn about 1907
PikerGeraldine Yborn about 1938
PikerKeadron Fborn about 1928
PikerOrita Cborn about 1929
PorterBobbie Rborn about 1935
PorterCharlie Hborn about 1899
PorterCurtis Aborn about 1940
PorterDeloris Lborn about 1938
PorterDoris Mborn about 1933
PorterFloyd Vborn about 1919
PorterFreda Mborn about 1914
PorterJoy Dborn about 1927
PorterJunior born about 1922
PorterKate Mborn about 1894
PorterLoyd Mborn about 1919
PorterMax Fborn about 1924
PorterTed Rborn about 1913
PotterHenry Cborn about 1922
PotterMarion Tborn about 1876
PottsLoyd Eborn about 1889
PottsMary Iborn about 1869
PowellArmanda Aborn about 1857
PowellJohn Wborn about 1858
PriceBellie Rborn about 1930
PriceBessie Mborn about 1938
PriceEdith born about 1924
PriceErvin Iborn about 1931
PriceEster Rborn about 1929
PriceFrances Fborn about 1926
PriceIda Vborn about 1881
PriceIrvin born about 1899
PriceLouise born about 1935
PriceMuan Fborn about 1908
PriceOma Fborn about 1902
PriceOrenza born about 1910
PriceRolph Lborn about 1933
PriceWilliam born about 1934
PriceWillie Rborn about 1939

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Q Surnames

QuimbyEd born about 1882
QuimbyIna Lborn about 1916
QuimbyJossie Mborn about 1896
QuimbyTessebel Fborn about 1924
QuimbyWilford Eborn about 1921

R Surnames

RaibournHenry Eborn about 1896
RaibournMartha Jborn about 1876
RavisJeane born about 1884
RedburnDanial Cborn about 1939
RedburnDaniel Lborn about 1903
RedburnHaskel Lborn about 1927
RedburnMary Jborn about 1909
RedburnMaxine Lborn about 1931
RenoldsKenneth born about 1922
RipleyBessie Fborn about 1894
RipleyCharles born about 1940
RipleyGeorge Gborn about 1889
RipleyGeorge Gborn about 1917
RipleyHazel Nborn about 1914
RipleyIsac Rborn about 1912
RipleyIsac Rborn about 1939
RipleyRuth Iborn about 1925
RipleyWilliam Dborn about 1934
RobertsGertie Mborn about 1910
RobertsNorma Hborn about 1938
RobertsRicharda Iborn about 1939
RobertsRush Jborn about 1909
RoderClaud Eborn about 1933
RoderJames Eborn about 1893
RoderMabel Oborn about 1901
RoderNina Mborn about 1935
RoderRuby Eborn about 1932

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S Surnames

SallerEdna Mborn about 1908
SallerJimmie Rborn about 1929
SallerJohn Sborn about 1940
SallerKenneth Hborn about 1933
SallerLeslie Hborn about 1927
SallerMarion Jborn about 1936
SallerMarjorie Dborn about 1931
SallerNancy Eborn about 1938
SallerWilliam born about 1925
SallerWilliam Hborn about 1904
SayerCatherine Aborn about 1901
SayerDonald Fborn about 1936
SayerElwood Jborn about 1908
SayerElwood Jborn about 1935
SayerEmery Jborn about 1866
SayerGenevieve Rborn about 1939
SayerKieth Eborn about 1912
SayerMargie Kborn about 1929
SayerNila Lborn about 1910
SayerSarah Fborn about 1872
SayerStewart Eborn about 1925
SayerSyrus Eborn about 1894
SchmittEllen born about 1901
SchmittEvelyn Dborn about 1937
SchmittMartine Aborn about 1900
SextonJohn Wborn about 1857
ShawCharles Fborn about 1889
ShawEdna Jborn about 1917
ShawElton Fborn about 1922
ShawFern Iborn about 1925
ShawJessie Lborn about 1916
ShawMary Eborn about 1896
ShawVada Jborn about 1929
ShawVera Aborn about 1929
ShelladyEthel born about 1889
ShelladyRalph Hborn about 1921
ShelladyWilliam Bborn about 1886
ShidgelAlbert Hborn about 1918
ShidgelElsie Mborn about 1897
ShidgelEverett Lborn about 1919
ShidgelHazel Aborn about 1925
ShidgelHazel Lborn about 1918
ShidgelHerbert Rborn about 1921
ShidgelIda Mborn about 1906
ShidgelLee Aborn about 1916
ShidgelLula Jborn about 1936
ShidgelMildred Dborn about 1939
ShidgelNelson Wborn about 1899
ShidgelNelson Wborn about 1928
ShidgelRoy Oborn about 1891
ShidgelVina Mborn about 1927
ShidgelVincent Wborn about 1923
ShiptonEdith Rborn about 1891
ShiptonEdward Eborn about 1925
ShiptonLester Iborn about 1889
SmithAndy Kborn about 1903
SmithBertha Eborn about 1935
SmithHiram Rborn about 1937
SmithMay born about 1912
SmithOris Fborn about 1899
SmithRobert Lborn about 1939
SneedRay Jborn about 1927
SneedRosa Eborn about 1905
SneedRosa Mborn about 1932
SneedRoy Tborn about 1896
SneedRoy Tborn about 1934
SorellsBertha Lborn about 1911
SorellsClifford Wborn about 1929
SorellsDonaroy born about 1936
SorellsEvelyn Gborn about 1939
SorellsHerman Lborn about 1933
SorellsVelma Lborn about 1931
SorellsWillington Cborn about 1896
SpellmanBernard Aborn about 1897
SpellmanMabel Cborn about 1889
StaffordNolan Cborn about 1911
StokesDaris Gborn about 1927
StokesEvral Lborn about 1894
StokesFred Rborn about 1915
StokesLuster Eborn about 1913
StokesMerle Lborn about 1934
StokesMildred Gborn about 1917
StokesPhyllis Mborn about 1937
StokesRobert Wborn about 1891
StokesWillie Hborn about 1931
StrothmanCarl Jborn about 1914
StrothmanCharles Jborn about 1880
StrothmanClifton Jborn about 1917
StrothmanLucile Fborn about 1924
StrothmanPheoba Gborn about 1887
SummersHenry Wborn about 1869
SuneagleElmer born about 1894

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T Surnames

TannahillJeff Eborn about 1886
TannerArmilda born about 1855
TannerCharles Hborn about 1879
TannerCharles Nborn about 1918
TannerEva Lborn about 1888
TannerJames Jborn about 1873
TannerJames Vborn about 1920
TannerLula Gborn about 1880
TanseyEffie Fborn about 1890
TanseyJohn Aborn about 1888
TatumBulah born about 1907
TatumJaunita Lborn about 1929
TatumLuke born about 1908
TatumLuke Aborn about 1938
TatumMillard Aborn about 1932
TatumViola Lborn about 1930
TeaguesJohn born about 1898
ThurberJames Rborn about 1939
ThurberLester Jborn about 1911
ThurberVernia Cborn about 1915
TuckerClyde Eborn about 1916
TuckerMelba Jborn about 1919
TurnerRobert born about 1898

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V Surnames

VanarsdellBertha Aborn about 1901
VanarsdellHenry Dborn about 1922
VanarsdellRoy Sborn about 1900
VanarsdellVirginia Mborn about 1926
VanarsdellYvonne Mborn about 1928
VasAddie Eborn about 1935
VasCharles Hborn about 1937
VasRachel born about 1912
VasRena Cborn about 1939
VasWilliam Jborn about 1909
VinsonJesse Oborn about 1884
VinsonMay Eborn about 1890

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W Surnames

WagonerCarmen Lborn about 1926
WagonerHazel Aborn about 1892
WagonerMarshal Aborn about 1891
WaightAlice born about 1864
WaightClarence born about 1885
WaightIsac Fborn about 1865
WebberWesley born about 1921
WebsterGeorge Fborn about 1913
WebsterGeorgie Lborn about 1939
WebsterNellie Lborn about 1919
WelkerDelbert Rborn about 1937
WelkerPatsy Mborn about 1939
WelkerRalph Rborn about 1916
WelkerShirley Aborn about 1936
WelkerSylvia Mborn about 1916
WellsBertha born about 1892
WellsGeorge Eborn about 1891
WestmorelandAbury Cborn about 1926
WestmorelandBulah Bborn about 1906
WestmorelandEvertt Eborn about 1897
WhiteGrant born about 1894
WilsonAda Gborn about 1892
WilsonArthur born about 1888
WilsonArthur Gborn about 1922
WilsonLoreta born about 1928
WilsonWayne born about 1924

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