1940 U.S. Federal Census of Liberty in Woodward County, Woodward, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Woodward County > 1940 Census of Liberty in Woodward County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamGuy born about 1880
AdamKatherine born about 1890
AdamsAnona born about 1905
AdamsBill born about 1898
AdamsDorthy born about 1913
AdamsEdris born about 1925
AdamsJ Lborn about 1939
AdamsJohn Lborn about 1913
AdamsLavon born about 1930
AdamsMadelene born about 1924
AdamsVirgiana born about 1938
AllisonBarbara Lborn about 1936
AllisonBilly Rayborn about 1937
AllisonDorothy born about 1912
AllisonHarlene Joanborn about 1940
AllisonLewis born about 1909
AllisonLewis Eborn about 1935
AllisonMarietta born about 1939
AmosBlanche born about 1910
AmosEldon Oborn about 1940
AmosIla Dborn about 1939
AmosWeber Dborn about 1905
ArnoldHarry Lborn about 1934
ArnoldJearold Wborn about 1935
ArnoldMillroy born about 1892
ArnoldMinnie born about 1910
ArnoldWilliam Hborn about 1928
Asbarn??? born about 1937
AsbarnAndrew born about 1906
AsbarnBetty Jborn about 1934
AsbarnDixie Juneborn about 1940
AsbarnMary Eborn about 1915
AsbarnMary Lborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BairdCarrie born about 1907
BairdFred born about 1881
BairdGrachel born about 1892
BairdJames born about 1906
BarbourE Lborn about 1877
BaxterCharles Gborn about 1883
BaxterCyrus Dborn about 1852
BaxterJean born about 1883
BealsAlice born about 1930
BealsHazel born about 1927
BealsIdabell born about 1909
BealsPaul born about 1896
BealsWayne born about 1925
BeiselAlex born about 1915
BeiselAlvina born about 1913
BeiselHenry born about 1927
BeiselLeah born about 1919
BeiselMargrete born about 1887
BeiselRainhold born about 1916
BeiselRinehart born about 1890
BeiselVictor born about 1911
BergLula born about 1880
BergWm born about 1869
BolatesK Wborn about 1905
BolatesViolet born about 1915
BouquetDora born about 1884
BouquetRosemond born about 1911
BouquetWalter born about 1916
BradleyAda born about 1918
BradleyLowell born about 1914
BuckeAnna born about 1897
BuckeJohn Cborn about 1890
BuckeMelvin born about 1919
BuckeVida born about 1926
BuczinskiFrank born about 1882
BuczinskiLela born about 1924
BuczinskiLeta born about 1927
BuczinskiMary born about 1899
BunchMaggie born about 1908
BunchMelben born about 1930
BunchRobert born about 1898
ButlerAdeline born about 1882
ButlerArthur born about 1907
ButlerHelen born about 1923
ButlerHiram Eborn about 1870
ButlerJames born about 1919
ButlerJay Pborn about 1939
ButlerLeta born about 1909

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C Surnames

CampbellGlen Gborn about 1939
CampbellJulia born about 1898
CampbellLenora Mborn about 1923
CampbellMax Lborn about 1929
CampbellNelda Jborn about 1933
CampbellOrna born about 1922
CampbellRoy born about 1898
CampbellRoy Eborn about 1920
CampbellVona Jborn about 1934
ChristensonChristina born about 1924
ChristensonElmer born about 1899
ChristensonElroy born about 1922
ChristensonLeona born about 1931
ChristensonMary born about 1903
ChristensonRaymond born about 1927
ChristensonRobert born about 1937
ChristmanNeils born about 1864
ClarkEugene born about 1885
ClarkJerry born about 1935
ClarkLeo Lborn about 1925
ClarkLewis Mborn about 1930
ClarkLitha Mborn about 1890
ClarkThomas Bborn about 1932
CobbEarl Lborn about 1909
CobbViolet Cborn about 1919
Colt??? Bborn about 1932
CookAtta born about 1884
CookCecil born about 1914
CookDelbert Lborn about 1934
CookEdith born about 1916
CookFrank born about 1882
CookJohn born about 1912
CookLester born about 1919
CookRobert Aborn about 1936
CooverErnest Eborn about 1890
CooverGlayds born about 1892
CopelandBilly Gborn about 1937
CopelandIvan Dborn about 1938
CopelandMarian born about 1917
CopelandRalph born about 1911
CrossArita born about 1939
CrossEva born about 1905
CrossJosephine born about 1932
CrossMaxine born about 1927
CrossMervin born about 1899
CunninghamClara born about 1906
CunninghamForrest born about 1936
CunninghamOpal Gborn about 1932
CunninghamThomas born about 1896
CunninghamViolet born about 1935
CurryVern born about 1902

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D Surnames

DartAnsel Gborn about 1879
DartEdna born about 1882
DegartArthur born about 1926
DegartEtta born about 1936
DegartGrace born about 1927
DegartHazel born about 1896
DegartLouie born about 1892
DegartNorman born about 1930
DegartRalph born about 1929
DegartVirgie born about 1933
DobbsHeath born about 1916
DobbsLeota born about 1920
DodgeA Elsworthborn about 1869
DodgeEldon born about 1928
DodgeEthel born about 1907
DodgeHarley born about 1904
DodgeHazel born about 1909
DodgeHelen born about 1934
DodgeLeland born about 1930
DodgeLeslie born about 1928
DodgeLial born about 1900
DodgeMarion born about 1894
DodgeMertie born about 1875
DonelyBeulah born about 1920
DonelyRaymond born about 1917
DrakeMargurite born about 1933

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E Surnames

EmamigerClara born about 1916
EmamigerErnest born about 1939
EmamigerLouis born about 1938
EmamigerOscar born about 1913

F Surnames

FaustCatherine born about 1877
FaustDave born about 1914
FaustGeorge born about 1871
FaustJake born about 1912
FaustLyda born about 1921
FaustRosemary born about 1940
FaustSam born about 1917
Fields??? born about 1899
FieldsBetty born about 1935
FieldsBobby born about 1930
FieldsCharles born about 1921
FieldsDoris born about 1926
FieldsEugene born about 1927
FieldsFrancis born about 1925
FieldsGary Lborn about 1938
FieldsHarriet born about 1922
FieldsIrene born about 1923
FieldsJames born about 1931
FieldsLenola born about 1902
FieldsLeon born about 1919
FieldsMaxine born about 1929
FieldsRalph born about 1894
FieldsRhoda Mborn about 1919
FieldsRonald born about 1939
FieldsRoy born about 1896
FieldsThomas born about 1933
FileHarold born about 1923
FileKenneth born about 1927
FileLellie born about 1931
FileMarie born about 1905
FileRay born about 1897
FileRaymond born about 1924
FitzlerAlex born about 1928
FitzlerAlma born about 1930
FitzlerFred born about 1896
FitzlerFreda born about 1923
FitzlerHerman born about 1917
FitzlerRosie born about 1894
FitzlerWanda born about 1932
FordAlice Iborn about 1912
FordBertie born about 1916
FordErvin Pborn about 1879
FordNitta Aborn about 1883
FrundJoseph Aborn about 1898
FrundPauline born about 1913
FussellEdward Tborn about 1934
FussellElsie Nborn about 1904
FussellFred Iborn about 1931
FussellWilliam Jborn about 1900
FussellWilliam J Jrborn about 1932

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G Surnames

GantzEdith born about 1920
GantzEdward Lborn about 1875
GantzElla Mborn about 1884
GantzMarvin born about 1917
GenterE Wborn about 1876
GenterInez born about 1892
GhoseBeulah Maeborn about 1930
GhoseClaude born about 1892
GhoseEmma born about 1891
GibbartE Gborn about 1887
GibbartEd born about 1900
GibbartJohn born about 1897
GiffordKenneth born about 1938
GiffordLoretta born about 1918
GiffordRay born about 1905
GoreCharles born about 1920
GoreEthel born about 1897
GoreGeo Wborn about 1864
GoreGlen born about 1913
GoreHarry Cborn about 1890
GoreViola born about 1873
GoreWilliam born about 1928
GouserDonald Lborn about 1859
GouserErnest born about 1892
GouserMelvin born about 1902
GouserRonald Jborn about 1940
GuyerJessie born about 1897
GuyerLoren born about 1918
GuyerLysle born about 1893
GuyerLysley Jr born about 1931
GuyerYvonne born about 1922

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H Surnames

HacokEffie Jr born about 1891
HacokWalter born about 1876
HacokWlater Jr born about 1925
Harn??? Mborn about 1924
HarnAlbert born about 1885
HarnAlleta born about 1930
HarnAnnabelle born about 1928
HarnFrank born about 1890
HarnGerald born about 1931
HarnJohn Rborn about 1933
HarnJosie Aborn about 1909
HarnLavetta Mborn about 1931
HarnLetha Zborn about 1927
HarnMarian Rborn about 1930
HarnMarlo Wborn about 1934
HarnRoger Pborn about 1936
HarnRuth born about 1910
HarperCarl Iborn about 1911
HarperErnest born about 1873
HarperFrances Eborn about 1919
HarperHannah born about 1883
HarperHerman born about 1913
HarperHoward Eborn about 1920
HarperMargaret born about 1923
HarperRuth Mborn about 1926
HarperVernon Sborn about 1917
HarperVirgil Hborn about 1917
HawkAlpha born about 1868
HawkAnita born about 1920
HawkNellie born about 1881
HeaivilinAleta born about 1927
HeaivilinDonovan born about 1901
HeaivilinLaura born about 1903
HedwickAdelen born about 1875
HedwickWalter Hborn about 1870
HensleyEssie born about 1894
HensleyJake born about 1917
HensleyJames born about 1888
HensleyLeona born about 1918
HensleyMarvin born about 1924
HensleyVenita born about 1921
HibbsDale born about 1924
HibbsElizabeth born about 1896
HibbsErnest born about 1896
HibbsJessie born about 1871
HibbsLarene born about 1922
HibbsLawrence born about 1929
HibbsWarren born about 1870
HighfiellBetty Lborn about 1931
HighfiellDorothy born about 1913
HighfiellJimmie Lborn about 1935
HighfiellKenneth born about 1909
HillClyde born about 1904
HillDonald born about 1939
HillFrank born about 1876
HillHale born about 1936
HillIsel born about 1912
HillJessie born about 1899
HillMarjorie born about 1929
HillWayne born about 1928
HillWilliam born about 1875
Hininger??? born about 1911
HiningerDarrell born about 1921
HiningerDouglas born about 1939
HiningerElveta born about 1934
HiningerEthel born about 1884
HiningerEva born about 1909
HiningerEve born about 1918
HiningerFrankie born about 1932
HiningerHarold born about 1903
HiningerHerbert born about 1904
HiningerIona born about 1916
HiningerJoan born about 1934
HiningerJoseph Jborn about 1873
HiningerJr born about 1931
HiningerLeroy born about 1937
HiningerMollie born about 1906
HiningerTherdo born about 1926
HiningerVerl born about 1929
HllowayDanver born about 1903
HllowayEugene born about 1928
HllowayRobert Dborn about 1930
HllowayStella born about 1907
HllowayWilliam born about 1926
HodenCreota born about 1906
HodenEdward born about 1930
HodenFred born about 1893
HodenJettaann born about 1928
HogueCharles born about 1937
HogueJames Mborn about 1939
HogueJohn born about 1874
HogueJohn Jr born about 1933
HoguePauline born about 1931
HogueRebbecca born about 1935
HogueSylvia born about 1910
HohweilerBetty Louborn about 1923
HohweilerHenry Gborn about 1904
HohweilerLydia born about 1904
HohweilerLydina born about 1934
HolchukMary born about 1863
HolshuhEddie born about 1898
HolshuhRhoda born about 1895
HoughtonHelen born about 1933
HoughtonJohn born about 1887
HoughtonJohn Wborn about 1927
HoughtonNellie Mborn about 1910
HoughtonNorma born about 1936
HulseA Hborn about 1877
HulseyA Wborn about 1890
HulseyKatherine born about 1888
HutsonAlbert born about 1917
HutsonSamuel Jborn about 1913

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I Surnames

IngrahamBobby born about 1930
IngrahamCharles born about 1921
IngrahamCharley born about 1892
IngrahamGeorge born about 1922
IngrahamHelen born about 1936
IngrahamJane born about 1896
IngrahamJimmie born about 1934
IngrahamNeola born about 1928
IngrahamVennita born about 1925
IngrahamWalter born about 1926
IsterDelbert born about 1910
IsterEvart born about 1882
IsterVerda born about 1888

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J Surnames

JacksonDixie Leeborn about 1937
JacksonEdna Mborn about 1931
JacksonEthel born about 1925
JacksonI Williamborn about 1911
JacksonJ Walterborn about 1884
JacksonJ Walter Jrborn about 1909
JacksonJohn Aborn about 1939
JacksonLeatice born about 1916
JacksonWalter Eborn about 1933
JacksonWilliam Hborn about 1934
JamesJesse Fborn about 1882
JamesJohn Wborn about 1916
JamesJulia Sborn about 1889
JaquesEva born about 1893
JaquesWm Fborn about 1887

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K Surnames

KayDave Aborn about 1862
KayLaura born about 1869
KetchCharles born about 1880
KetchJennie born about 1881

L Surnames

LarkeyChad born about 1919
LarkeyClair born about 1925
LarkeyFrancis born about 1921
LarkeyLola ???born about 1940
LarkeyPluma born about 1894
LarkeyZane born about 1922
LeathermanBobby Joeborn about 1920
LeathermanDoris Rborn about 1939
LeathermanElla born about 1914
LeathermanJ Eborn about 1879
LeathermanJames Jr born about 1936
LeathermanNorma born about 1934
LeathermanRoss born about 1913
LeeBarbara Eborn about 1869
LeeGrant born about 1873
LoomisDelbert born about 1938
LoomisDuane born about 1934
LoomisDwight born about 1939
LoomisFred born about 1904
LoomisLovilla born about 1930
LoomisMarilyn born about 1932
LoomisMary born about 1888
LoveHomer born about 1895
LoveLela born about 1897
LoveThelma Jeanborn about 1931
LovellCharley born about 1891
LovellHenry born about 1883
LovellMargaret born about 1856
LovellVernis born about 1885
LuddenAndrew Zborn about 1892
LuddenLetha Rborn about 1926
LuddenMaude born about 1890
LusenEdna born about 1926
LusenKatherine born about 1929

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M Surnames

MahawAlice Mborn about 1926
MahawDavid Rborn about 1895
MahawFern born about 1905
MahawFred born about 1865
MahawJackie born about 1937
MahawLarry born about 1939
MahawMarcella born about 1932
MahawMary Dborn about 1929
MajorDewey Bborn about 1932
MajorOtis Eborn about 1893
MajorWanda Aborn about 1928
MarstonEnid born about 1908
MarstonGes Jr born about 1907
MarstonRichard born about 1932
MarstonRobert born about 1938
MasonCharles Nborn about 1879
MasonHenry Aborn about 1886
MasonLester born about 1918
MasonLizzie born about 1876
MasonMartha born about 1880
McCaslinCora born about 1885
McCaslinDaisy born about 1878
McCaslinLeona born about 1916
McCaslinLucille born about 1919
McCaslinLyle born about 1922
McCaslinMeton born about 1875
McCaslinRay Sborn about 1908
McCaslinRollie born about 1910
McCaslinRoy born about 1917
McCaslinThelda born about 1936
McCaslinVerla Jborn about 1939
McClellanAlfred born about 1924
McCormickBarbara born about 1883
McCormickLester born about 1881
McDowellEdgar born about 1915
McDowellHazel born about 1913
McMahenFred born about 1908
McMahenLula born about 1903
McMahonEarl born about 1918
McMahonLaura Mborn about 1886
McMahonLilly Mborn about 1923
McMahonMartha Lborn about 1926
McMahonThomas Jborn about 1873
McNaughtBuck born about 1933
McNaughtDelbert born about 1905
McNaughtRoy Lborn about 1931
McNaughtShirley Jborn about 1936
McNaughtWanettia born about 1912
MillardFrank Cborn about 1878
MillardNellie born about 1878
MilnerBillie Joeborn about 1929
MilnerJames Royborn about 1927
MilnerNellie Mayborn about 1923
MilnerOrilla born about 1899
MilnerRaymond Eborn about 1928
MilnerRichard born about 1862
MilnerRichard Bborn about 1921
MilnerRobert Eborn about 1934
MilnerRuby Pearlborn about 1925
MinnickEssie born about 1901
MinnickL Lborn about 1897
MinnickLeslie born about 1921
MinnickViolet born about 1925
MontgomeryCula born about 1933
MontgomeryMargert born about 1904
MontgomeryW Wborn about 1889
MoodyHerbert born about 1900
MoodyViola born about 1897
MorganIda Mborn about 1885
MorganTom Wborn about 1874
MyersBennie Lborn about 1936
MyersCalvin Lborn about 1939
MyersEdna born about 1910
MyersJohn L Jrborn about 1931
MyersLewis born about 1907
MyersLillie Eborn about 1901
MyersMary Lborn about 1934

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N Surnames

NattzJohn born about 1873
NattzMary born about 1922
NecombAllie Mborn about 1879
NecombHarry Rborn about 1876
NecombOrval born about 1911

P Surnames

PaageAbraham born about 1880
PaageErnest born about 1920
PeilPauline born about 1921
PeilSam born about 1917
PetersonChris born about 1862
PeughArthur born about 1896
PeughDewey Mborn about 1899

R Surnames

RameyAline born about 1923
RameyDallas born about 1914
RameyEliza born about 1895
RameyGlen born about 1899
RameyIrene born about 1935
RameyLeslie Eborn about 1897
RameyLoretta born about 1939
RameyMyrta born about 1925
RameyOrval born about 1933
RameyThelma born about 1900
RameyVera born about 1921
RameyWayne born about 1930
ReddBetty born about 1929
ReddBetty Lborn about 1937
ReddBilly Joborn about 1932
ReddDr born about 1920
ReddEdward born about 1937
ReddEdward Wborn about 1909
ReddFloyd born about 1928
ReddHelen born about 1940
ReddHoward born about 1923
ReddJessie Lborn about 1918
ReddJs Eborn about 1875
ReddLeota born about 1928
ReddLewis born about 1914
ReddMyrtle born about 1888
ReddRalph born about 1925
ReddRuby born about 1921
ReeseIda Bborn about 1864
ReeseJ Jborn about 1859
ReeseRoy born about 1902
ReinhardtAlbert born about 1898
ReinhardtRachel born about 1901
RenndayEldon born about 1939
RenndayGeorge born about 1916
RenndayNeva born about 1916
RidenourCourtney Aborn about 1887
RidenourElsie born about 1891
RidenourGeorge born about 1928
RidenourKathryn born about 1930
RidenourRoselle born about 1926
RobisonErma born about 1924
RobisonHollis born about 1925
RobisonNancy born about 1884
RobisonWallace Lborn about 1882
RosendaleBetty Louborn about 1940
RosendaleC Fborn about 1885
RosendaleDonald born about 1932
RosendaleGladys born about 1909
RosendaleHelen born about 1917
RosendaleKeith born about 1916
RosendaleLaveda born about 1934
RosendaleLena Fayeborn about 1939
RosendaleLilian born about 1890
RosendaleLilian born about 1907
RosendaleMinnie born about 1888
RosendaleO Mborn about 1890
RosendaleOrnel born about 1911

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S Surnames

SchickedayFaye born about 1914
SchickedayGuy born about 1914
SchickedayLarry born about 1938
SchlagelDonna Jeanborn about 1938
SchlagelNora born about 1918
SchlagelRaymond born about 1916
ScrristDarlene born about 1937
ScrristDarwin born about 1939
ScrristLydia born about 1908
ScrristRoyal born about 1915
ShieldsLizzie born about 1876
ShieldsSam Dborn about 1869
ShirkeyEdna Lborn about 1893
ShirkeyJohn Eborn about 1892
SlottmannLucy born about 1901
SlottmannTheodore born about 1897
SmithArlon born about 1921
SmithDeloris born about 1939
SmithDorthy born about 1931
SmithEdith Roseborn about 1930
SmithEunice born about 1919
SmithFrancis born about 1906
SmithJerry Rborn about 1940
SmithKenneth born about 1918
SmithLesten born about 1901
SmithNolan born about 1936
SmithOwen born about 1894
SmithPaul born about 1906
SmithVelma born about 1924
SonnenbergLydia born about 1874
SonnenbergTheodore born about 1856
StarkLoren born about 1894
StarkWilliam Eborn about 1881
StinnettJohn born about 1901
StinnettNellie Mborn about 1936
StinnettR Linzaborn about 1867
StinnettVelma born about 1911
StoneGrace born about 1893
StoneRobert born about 1917
StoneThomas born about 1885
StonerFred born about 1905
StonerMelton Aborn about 1928
StonerNettie Louborn about 1926
StonerRalph born about 1904
StonerRoma born about 1932
StonesMartha born about 1878
StottmannCatherine born about 1928
StottmannGeorge Wborn about 1936
StottmannJohn born about 1939
StottmannLucy Annborn about 1931
StottmannRachael Aborn about 1934
StottmannTheodore Jr born about 1926
StricklerCarl born about 1886
StricklerCarl Jr born about 1928
StricklerDarlene born about 1938
StricklerDelores Mborn about 1934
StricklerEdward born about 1918
StricklerInez born about 1914
StricklerKatie born about 1896
StricklerLeslie born about 1931
StricklerLily born about 1924
StricklerMary born about 1926
StricklerSam born about 1914
SweetViola born about 1912
SweetWalter born about 1911
SweetWilma born about 1932
SymonsJosie born about 1891
SymonsRobert born about 1928
SymonsWi Lborn about 1888

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T Surnames

TaylorDean Eborn about 1939
TaylorEarl born about 1901
TaylorMarvin born about 1934
TaylorMelvin Lborn about 1932
TaylorNora born about 1916
TaylorNora Eborn about 1935
TaylorWilliam Lborn about 1937
ThomasonFrank Aborn about 1870
ThomasonMary born about 1872
TibbetsJulia Hborn about 1851
TibbetsRussell born about 1875
Tonnar born about 1858
TonnarJames Eborn about 1859
TruittKenneth born about 1927
TuttleFrancis born about 1932
TuttleFred born about 1892
TuttleKate born about 1908
TuttleKatherine born about 1937
TuttleShirley born about 1930

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W Surnames

WalkerBeulah born about 1927
WalkerFred born about 1899
WalkerHazel born about 1900
WalkerJoe born about 1931
WalkerMarian born about 1923
WalkerNadine born about 1929
WalkerRuby born about 1925
WalkerWaldo born about 1934
WarnerSilas born about 1867
WarnerSusie Aborn about 1876
WatkinsAva born about 1900
WatkinsEvelyn born about 1933
WatkinsForrest born about 1925
WatkinsL Edwardborn about 1902
WatkinsLula Mayborn about 1936
WatkinsMary Edytheborn about 1929
WatkinsRuth born about 1927
WeiszbrodAlta born about 1899
WeiszbrodAsaneath born about 1922
WeiszbrodCharlene Gborn about 1937
WeiszbrodEarl born about 1912
WeiszbrodElizabeth born about 1915
WeiszbrodGlendina born about 1919
WeiszbrodHubert born about 1924
WeiszbrodJoe born about 1929
WeiszbrodJohn born about 1897
WeiszbrodJohn Eborn about 1939
WeiszbrodLoretta born about 1938
WeiszbrodRobert Lborn about 1935
WeiszbrodThomas born about 1917
WeiszbrodThomas Eborn about 1934
WendorfMabel born about 1879
WhiteFrank Aborn about 1863
WinslowBert born about
WinslowCaroline born about 1927
WinslowEthel Kborn about 1889
WinslowJulia Eborn about 1925
WinstonHugh born about 1914
WinstonMildred born about 1922
WrightMary born about 1852
WycoffDennis born about 1906
WycoffLeroy born about 1926
WycoffRosa born about 1900

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Y Surnames

YeagerAdah born about 1918
YeagerAnnalea born about
YeagerDelford born about 1911
YeagerGerald Aborn about 1938
YoungerCalvin born about 1934
YoungerClifford born about 1931
YoungerEthel born about 1902
YoungerWalter born about 1889

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