1940 U.S. Federal Census of Long in Sequoyah County, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Long in Sequoyah County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlbaDayton Hborn about 1920
AlbaMargisia Cborn about 1919
AllisonHughie born about 1901
AllisonLorene born about 1922
AllisonLudonna born about 1938
AllisonMaude born about 1897
AllisonNoah Teliaborn about 1924
AllisonWoodrow born about 1919
AmosBennie born about 1919
AmosClayton born about 1914
AmosVirginia born about 1927
AmosWayne born about 1922
ArmerDick born about 1870
ArmstrongEarl Wayneborn about 1938
ArmstrongEliza born about 1873
ArmstrongFloy born about 1919
ArmstrongGeorgie Mborn about 1918
ArmstrongHelen born about 1939
ArmstrongHenry born about 1913
AustinWilliam born about 1904
AustinWinnie born about 1894
AvnerClimon born about 1911
AvnerHarold Deanborn about 1937
AvnerL Bborn about 1936
AvnerLeonard born about 1934
AvnerLouise born about 1933
AvnerMelvina born about 1939
AvnerOpal born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakemanJunior born about 1925
BakerArthur Lborn about 1909
BakerBobbie Joeborn about 1933
BakerCleborn born about 1935
BakerDonald born about 1935
BakerEdward born about 1938
BakerEugene born about 1931
BakerGladys born about 1911
BakerHarry born about 1931
BakerHarve Mborn about 1906
BakerInas Geneborn about 1928
BakerIrma Leeborn about 1930
BakerJ Tborn about 1925
BakerJohn Tborn about 1879
BakerMary Annborn about 1938
BakerMary Belleborn about 1908
BakerNathan born about 1933
BakerSusan born about 1882
BaldridgeRuth born about 1890
BarnesBetty born about 1887
BarnesClaude born about 1939
BarnesCommodore Bborn about 1886
BarnesEula born about 1913
BarnesLaura Leeborn about 1935
BarnesLydia born about 1926
BarnesMaey born about 1928
BarnesRaymond born about 1914
BarnesSebrian born about 1925
BarnesWilburn born about 1927
BarnettClayton born about 1931
BasticHazel born about 1930
BasticMaudie born about 1932
BearsClaude born about 1896
BearsCyrus born about 1917
BearsDelma Leeborn about 1928
BearsLorene born about 1917
BearsNora born about 1897
BearsOmer born about 1909
BearsWillie Maeborn about 1916
BelyewBen born about 1888
BelyewBennie born about 1928
BelyewJohn Sborn about 1922
BelyewKatie born about 1892
BelyewRoy born about 1931
BelyewRoy born about 1933
BelyewWillard born about 1917
BenzeDave Wborn about 1870
BenzeJulia born about 1888
BenzeLeonard born about 1910
BenzePauline born about 1925
BernardBillie born about 1938
BernardLavonne born about 1936
BernardLeroy born about 1912
BernardMarline born about 1933
BernardMasie born about 1915
BernardMinnie born about 1875
BernardMorris born about 1909
BernardPearl born about 1914
BernardSelma Ivyborn about 1934
BilyeuxFaud born about 1916
BilyeuxMaggie born about 1920
BilyewJ Pborn about 1885
BlackbirdAda born about 1880
BlackbirdAnick born about 1928
BlackbirdLuelln born about 1929
BlackbirdMargaret born about 1933
BlackbirdNancy born about 1852
BoertingerJohn born about 1914
BoertingerMary born about 1875
BoltrenosJohnie born about 1915
BoydBertha born about 1910
BoydBetty born about 1918
BoydBobbie Glennborn about 1935
BoydC Gborn about 1926
BoydDoris Annborn about 1928
BoydEmma born about 1883
BoydJ Bborn about 1940
BoydJasper Nborn about 1911
BoydJodie Daleborn about 1938
BoydJoseph Mborn about 1895
BoydLucille born about 1912
BoydPatsy Joborn about 1938
BoydTheodore born about 1905
BoydWilliam Hborn about 1909
BradleyDave born about 1878
BradleyDelila born about 1917
BradleyEd born about 1921
BradleySallie born about 1882
BredzesAustin born about 1920
BredzesLizzie born about 1890
BredzesStarling born about 1880
BrockDonald born about 1938
BrockIllet born about 1910
BrockSylvia born about 1935
BrockWalter born about 1905
BrooksCalvin Aborn about 1890
BrooksEdgar Wborn about 1917
BrooksEtta Janeborn about 1928
BrooksGlenna Fayeborn about 1931
BrooksJennie Louborn about 1894
BrooksMarie born about 1924
BrooksMyrtle Aborn about 1922
BrooksOla Aborn about 1926
BrownClara born about 1902
BrownCleo born about 1923
BrownDoyle born about 1940
BrownEarl Wborn about 1914
BrownEthel Mborn about 1913
BrownEunice born about 1931
BrownFloyd born about 1927
BrownGene born about 1933
BrownGeorge born about 1903
BrownGuy born about 1926
BrownIrene born about 1917
BrownIrwin born about 1917
BrownJames Aborn about 1911
BrownJohn born about 1917
BrownLouisa Rborn about 1884
BrownLucile born about 1918
BrownMaxine born about 1935
BrownMerlene born about 1935
BrownNellie born about 1910
BrownOdessa born about 1919
BrownThelma born about 1937
BrownThomas born about 1900
BrownWanda Louborn about 1937
BrownWesley born about 1938
BrownWiley born about 1876
BrownWiley born about 1925
BrownWiley born about 1939
BrownZara born about 1905
BryantHattie Eborn about 1887
BryantSamuel Wborn about 1870
BuzzardBerry born about 1895
BuzzardCherry born about 1930
BuzzardCoeta born about 1929
BuzzardEdmond born about 1936
BuzzardFelix born about 1934
BuzzardG Lborn about 1939
BuzzardHampton born about 1924
BuzzardJack born about 1932
BuzzardJim born about 1921
BuzzardNancy born about 1906
BuzzardRaymond born about 1922
ByrdAnnie born about 1918
ByrdBillie born about 1931
ByrdHelen born about 1900
ByrdJoe born about 1919
ByrdJohnie Leuborn about 1939
ByrdViola born about 1925
ByrdZhade born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CachranAnthony born about 1866
CachranFord born about 1921
CachranLeonard born about 1919
CachranMary born about 1891
CachranNeal born about 1923
CampbellJohn Sborn about 1876
CampbellMinnie born about 1883
CampbellNorvell born about 1912
CampbellRalph born about 1926
CarrIda Mborn about 1880
CarrJames Augustusborn about 1854
CarrMary Jborn about 1875
CarsonEdward born about 1932
CarsonErma born about 1910
CarsonJohn Mborn about 1928
CarsonMerle born about 1937
CarsonSamuel Dborn about 1906
CarsonSamuel Dborn about 1939
CarterBarton born about 1924
CarterBonnie born about 1929
CarterJimmie born about 1919
CarterJimmiedon born about 1939
CarterLonna Maeborn about 1934
CarterLula born about 1886
CarterMae born about 1881
CarterMary born about 1926
CarterReuben Mborn about 1867
CarterRichard born about 1880
CarterSan born about 1915
CarterValma Leeborn about 1921
CarterWilliam born about 1916
ClappingsAlberta born about 1912
ClappingsEugene born about 1932
ClappingsHarold born about 1912
ClappingsJerald born about 1935
ClappingsJerry born about 1935
ClisnerCora Billieborn about 1939
ClisnerLeonard born about 1905
ClisnerLeroy born about 1928
ClisnerLola born about 1932
ClisnerMaggie born about 1909
ClisnerTressie born about 1930
CluckDorothy born about 1928
CluckLeonard born about 1929
ColeBellie Eborn about 1926
ColeCharley Dborn about 1878
ColeClarence born about 1923
ColeDrewey born about 1911
ColeGene born about 1913
ColeGeorge born about 1920
ColeHazel born about 1931
ColeHenry Cborn about 1897
ColeHershel born about 1938
ColeJ Bborn about 1935
ColeLettie born about 1900
ColeLizzie born about 1879
ColeMyrtle born about 1898
ColeNewton Cborn about 1894
ColeOlene born about 1921
ColeRuby born about 1924
ColeTheora born about 1925
ColeVanell born about 1927
ColemanCharles born about 1886
ColemanClara born about 1933
ColemanEliza born about 1917
ColemanEmma born about 1915
ColemanHenry born about 1935
ColemanIrene born about 1933
ColemanJim born about 1914
ColemanKye born about 1920
ColemanLeda Maeborn about 1936
ColemanRichard born about 1913
CollierBarbara Iborn about 1932
CollierEdith Iborn about 1899
CollierKenneth Wborn about 1936
CollierSamuel Eborn about 1890
CollinsAlma born about 1892
CollinsAlulton born about 1920
CollinsBen Fborn about 1890
CollinsBoyce born about 1921
CollinsDarwin born about 1927
CollinsEugene born about 1917
CollinsEwell Deanborn about 1934
CollinsGeneva born about 1923
CollinsHerbert born about 1930
CollinsLeighton born about 1925
CollinsMadelle born about 1918
CollinsStanley born about 1932
ComstockCharley born about 1897
ComstockLeota born about 1928
ComstockNeddie born about 1935
ComstockNellie born about 1935
ComstockSarah born about 1900
ComstockWilliam born about 1930
CornwellElla born about 1882
CornwellWilliam born about 1861
CoxAlma born about 1903
CoxJames Dborn about 1869
CoxMinnie born about 1901
CoxRhoda Aborn about 1876
CraggArminda born about 1857
CreekmoreCharley Fborn about 1880
CreekmoreFrona born about 1900
CreekmoreMatthew born about 1862
CrowBob born about 1925
CrowCharley born about 1916
CrowHazel born about 1923
CrowIke born about 1890
CrowLily born about 1890
CrowMartha born about 1923
CrowMilam born about 1919
CrowMitchell born about 1928
CurlClara born about 1888
CurlEunice born about 1919
CurlHenry born about 1940
CurlMoze Eborn about 1921
CurlOpal Jborn about 1919
CurlOtis born about 1915
CurlThomas Bborn about 1878
CurryBillie born about 1925
CurryEdith born about 1922
CurryEthel born about 1923
CurryLee born about 1895
CurryWatie born about 1918
CurryWiley born about 1938
CzarnikowBonita born about 1930
CzarnikowGeorge born about 1894
CzarnikowIda Thelmaborn about 1925
CzarnikowMary Aborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DallasBart born about 1895
DallasJennie born about 1910
DallasLily born about 1927
DallasLucy born about 1933
DallasMaggie born about 1925
DallasMckinley born about 1923
DallasSallie born about 1920
DaltonDoris born about 1919
DaltonJohn Aborn about 1863
DanghertyBertha born about 1905
DanghertyBetty born about 1900
DanghertyFoggie born about 1925
DanghertyGeorge born about 1937
DanghertyInfant born about 1939
DanghertyJack born about 1902
DanghertyJosie born about 1933
DanghertyRider born about 1931
DanghertyTony born about 1896
DavisAlvie born about 1873
DavisBennie Royborn about 1928
DavisBillie Hborn about 1930
DavisBonnie Sborn about 1933
DavisCarl born about 1926
DavisCarl Dborn about 1895
DavisCleon born about 1936
DavisFrank born about 1925
DavisGilbert born about 1920
DavisGladys born about 1923
DavisGlenn born about 1928
DavisInfant born about 1939
DavisIrma Lynnborn about 1939
DavisJ Rborn about 1932
DavisJewel born about 1923
DavisLeon born about 1929
DavisMary born about 1898
DavisMildred born about 1922
DavisSarah born about 1937
DavisShurman born about 1901
DavisWilliam Sborn about 1898
DearsDella born about 1905
DearsDon born about 1939
DearsHubert born about 1901
DearsKent born about 1937
DearsRichard Aborn about 1929
DearsRoger born about 1932
DennerCarol Mborn about 1937
DennerHarold Rborn about 1938
DennerIva Jborn about 1940
DennerLeona Lborn about 1918
DennerVirgil Cborn about 1914
DenneyClaude Rborn about 1915
DenneyElsie Mborn about 1921
DenneyMargaret born about 1937
DenneyMargie born about 1938
DennyEarl born about 1927
DennyGeorge born about 1940
DennyGilbert born about 1930
DennyHarve born about 1891
DennyJ Bborn about 1932
DennyLois born about 1903
DickHenry born about 1890
DickMabelle born about 1927
DickOcie born about 1933
DickRobylene born about 1935
DickWade born about 1937
DowningLeona born about 1922
DuncanArtie born about 1867
DuncanFrank born about 1910
DutyAlbert born about 1889
DutyAndrew born about 1897
DutyAnnie born about 1873
DutyBert born about 1908
DutyDoctor Fborn about 1884
DutyDoris born about 1937
DutyEarl Dunnborn about 1929
DutyFlora Aborn about 1890
DutyHenry born about 1926
DutyIrene born about 1929
DutyMaczine born about 1935
DutyMonroe born about 1913
DutyStella born about 1911
DutyWilma Jeanborn about 1938
DutyZella born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EagbodtArthur born about 1927
EagbodtEugene born about 1922
EagbodtGeorge born about 1926
EagbodtMabel born about 1923
EagbodtNancy born about 1921
EagbodtWarren born about 1925
EagerEvaline born about 1926
EagerLela born about 1936
EagerLevi born about 1931
EagerLila born about 1911
EagerMaggie born about 1934
EagerOada born about 1927
EagleBert born about 1939
EagleBetsy born about 1893
EagleBillie Geneborn about 1932
EagleCecil born about 1929
EagleDora born about 1936
EagleJaunita born about 1937
EagleJim born about 1886
EagleKiki Mborn about 1907
EagleLeroy born about 1932
EagleLizzie born about 1932
EagleMary born about 1908
EagleOllie born about 1896
EagleRichard born about 1926
EagleRosa born about 1928
EagleSarah born about 1909
EagleSissie born about 1934
EagleSusie born about 1940
EagleWilliam born about 1909
EdwardsAlbert Wborn about 1907
EdwardsAlice born about 1922
EdwardsAndy Jborn about 1875
EdwardsB Lborn about 1934
EdwardsBeatrice born about 1905
EdwardsBrad Vborn about 1872
EdwardsCharlene born about 1936
EdwardsClarence born about 1920
EdwardsEdmond born about 1922
EdwardsEssie born about 1892
EdwardsEuland born about 1933
EdwardsEunice born about 1926
EdwardsEvanna born about 1938
EdwardsFinis born about 1921
EdwardsGladys born about 1909
EdwardsGrover Cborn about 1885
EdwardsHattie born about 1872
EdwardsHettie born about 1910
EdwardsIrene born about 1937
EdwardsIsom born about 1899
EdwardsIva Iborn about 1903
EdwardsIva Pborn about 1929
EdwardsMary born about 1926
EdwardsMuy born about 1924
EdwardsOtis born about 1918
EdwardsPaul born about 1914
EdwardsPaul Bborn about 1900
EdwardsPaul B Jrborn about 1931
EdwardsSallie born about 1882
EdwardsSylvia born about 1932
EdwardsVirginia born about 1939
EdwardsWilliam born about 1930
EdwardsWilma born about 1921
ElyAther born about 1898
ElyBethel Eborn about 1876
ElyDonald Cborn about 1921
ElyMaud Eborn about 1874
EubanksBill born about 1917
EubanksDallas born about 1923
EubanksJack born about 1925
EubanksJohin Eborn about 1898
EubanksNellie born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarsClarence born about 1911
FarsJerry born about 1919
FarsOpal born about 1917
FarsWilliam born about 1936
FilesClarence Eborn about 1912
FilesMyrtle born about 1910
FlanaganBertha born about 1882
FlanaganDean born about 1917
FlanaganDiana Sueborn about 1939
FlanaganLilian born about 1918
FlanaganO Cborn about 1937
FlanaganOlen Cborn about 1916
FlanaganThele Aborn about 1915
FlanaganThomas Vborn about 1885
FleetwoodNathaniel born about 1921
FleetwoodOdetta born about 1923
FleetwoodSarah Mborn about 1862
FleetwoodTheodore born about 1919
FodderSequoyah born about 1923
FrazierFloyd Fborn about 1896
FrazierGeorge Bborn about 1923
FrazierHattie born about 1932
FrazierHerman born about 1921
FrazierLeonard born about 1919
FrazierRosie born about 1882
FrazierRuby born about 1925
FrazierVernie born about 1922
FrazierVina born about 1897
FrazierWilma born about 1935
FrazierWoodrow born about 1913
FreeJohn Eborn about 1880
FreeOtis born about 1920
FreeRuth born about 1887
FullerDulton born about 1926
FullerEdward born about 1932
FullerEverett Fborn about 1938
FullerRuby born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GleenAnnie born about 1896
GleenBillie Wborn about 1928
GleenGeneva born about 1922
GleenHugo born about 1919
GleenMildred Iborn about 1931
GleenOrville born about 1896
GlorySarah born about 1910
GoffBelle born about 1906
GoffEarnest born about 1937
GoffGeneva Belleborn about 1939
GoffHildred born about 1918
GoffJames Pborn about 1856
GoffLoyd Mborn about 1935
GoffRobert Mborn about 1893
GoffVirginia Leeborn about 1927
GoodrichMartha born about 1897

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H Surnames

HaanPaul Kennethborn about 1936
HamiltonBetty Ruthborn about 1935
HamiltonCharley Mborn about 1867
HamiltonClifford born about 1913
HamiltonEmily Jameborn about 1875
HamiltonJosephine born about 1936
HamiltonLuther born about 1915
HamiltonMillie Bborn about 1916
HamiltonRuby born about 1918
HamiltonVirginia Demonborn about 1938
HammersGeorgie Leeborn about 1933
HammersMarion born about 1930
HammersPatsy Joborn about 1937
HammersTip born about 1894
HammersZella born about 1911
HardinMartin Kborn about 1890
HartGoldie born about 1927
HartHazel born about 1919
HartHenry Mborn about 1891
HartMinnie born about 1889
HartRoy born about 1930
HartSusie born about 1924
HayesBertha Nborn about 1901
HayesDon Lborn about 1933
HayesJackie Eborn about 1926
HayesJames Devilborn about 1936
HayesRuby Cborn about 1930
HelmsEarl Tborn about 1901
HelmsEmma Jeanborn about 1926
HelmsLucile born about 1903
HendersonBecky born about 1911
HendersonDonald born about 1939
HendersonElmer Bborn about 1901
HendersonEvelyn born about 1868
HendersonHiram Rborn about 1909
HendersonJack born about 1936
HendersonMary born about 1914
HendersonOpal born about 1915
HendersonRobert Leeborn about 1939
HendersonWanda born about 1937
HendersonWilliam born about 1907
HendersonWilliam Jr born about 1938
HenisRoy born about 1911
HenisVerda born about 1916
HenisVernon Wborn about 1932
HensonAlonzo born about 1901
HensonBeulah born about 1904
HensonC Lborn about 1933
HensonCarl born about 1923
HensonFate born about 1925
HensonHerbert born about 1931
HensonLoyd born about 1927
HensonRamsfoge born about 1935
HensonWilma Leeborn about 1929
HinesGatsey born about 1911
HinesGeo born about 1931
HinesGerry Wborn about 1882
HinesJ Dborn about 1939
HinesJeff born about 1907
HinesN Cborn about 1928
HoartGatsip born about 1915
HoartHerthel Eborn about 1935
HoartMarvin Hborn about 1913
HobbsClay born about 1921
HodgeReba born about 1920
HodgeRoy Jborn about 1907
HodgeWilliam Bborn about 1939
HoggardMargaret Eborn about 1876
HoggardShelby Hborn about 1878
HollimanBud born about 1934
HollimanElmer born about 1927
HollimanJohn born about 1911
HollimanJoyce Deanborn about 1939
HollimanLaura born about 1909
HollimanMinnie Leeborn about 1932
HolstLavada born about 1913
HolstOmer born about 1939
HolstRoy born about 1907
HolstRoy born about 1933
HoltCledo born about 1924
HoltDan born about 1927
HoltDayton born about 1921
HoltGeneva born about 1923
HoltGranville born about 1928
HoltJess born about 1922
HoltJoyce born about 1931
HoltOleta born about 1926
HoltTheodora born about 1933
HoltViola born about 1903
HoodAlbert born about 1912
HoodAnnie born about 1876
HoodBillie Joeborn about 1928
HoodDoshia Leeborn about 1932
HoodEvelyn born about 1934
HoodGeorge born about 1924
HoodHoward born about 1920
HoodJennie Jborn about 1900
HoodJohn Tborn about 1874
HoodLola born about 1911
HoodMargaret born about 1919
HoodMary born about 1926
HoodPerry Jeanborn about 1938
HoodRaymond Jborn about 1918
HoodReta Juneborn about 1935
HoodRoy Dongasborn about 1932
HornAnna Louborn about 1932
HornJoe born about 1934
HornNadine born about 1936
HornOscar born about 1918
HornPerry born about 1938
HornVadis born about 1919
HowartonGeorge Wborn about 1865
HowellBeulah born about 1913
HowellBillie Royborn about 1936
HowellBobbie Charlesborn about 1936
HowellCatherine Galeborn about
HowellDaon Lindellborn about 1938
HowellElla born about 1901
HowellHaden born about 1934
HowellHarold born about 1939
HowellJ Bborn about 1935
HowellJ Wborn about 1934
HowellJaunita born about 1933
HowellJodie born about 1928
HowellJohn Aborn about 1912
HowellLester born about 1908
HowellLewis Lborn about 1910
HowellMaggie born about 1910
HowellMarian born about 1872
HowellMary Jeanborn about 1931
HowellMelvie born about 1912
HowellMinnie born about 1933
HowellPerry Leeborn about 1938
HowellStanley born about 1930
HowellTommie born about 1903
HowellVelma Leeborn about 1935
HultmanEd born about 1894
HultmanEddie Leeborn about 1925
HultmanElla born about 1907
HultmanJames born about 1927
HultmanJohnie Daleborn about 1937
HultmanMagie Louborn about
HultmanMarie born about 1932
HultmanModean born about 1929
HultmanWilma Jeanborn about 1935
HumphreyAra born about 1925
HumphreyBarbara Sueborn about 1937
HumphreyElmer born about 1899
HumphreyElmer Deanborn about 1934
HumphreyIva born about 1906
HumphreyLewis born about 1927
HumphreyMelba born about 1939
HutchsonClayborn born about 1894
HutchsonElbert born about 1892
HutchsonJentie born about 1902
HydeAaron born about 1926
HydeDaisy born about 1890
HydeErander born about 1909
HydeMose born about 1904
HydeMose Cborn about 1883
HydeMose Dborn about 1928
HydePauline born about 1924
HydeRobert born about 1939
HydeSammie Geneborn about 1930
HydeWilda Leeborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IencoMary born about 1866

J Surnames

JamesEdgar Cborn about 1884
JamesWillie Mborn about 1894
JenkinsChristine born about 1936
JenkinsEverett born about 1939
JenkinsJessie Bborn about 1927
JenkinsMyrtle born about 1905
JenkinsRoy born about 1899
JeremiahBobbie Clayborn about 1933
JeremiahBr??? Deanborn about 1939
JeremiahCharles Gayborn about 1935
JeremiahJunior born about 1922
JeremiahMabel born about 1912
JeremiahMaud born about 1883
JeremiahRobert born about 1907
JeremiahRobert Aborn about 1881
JeremiahRonald Clintonborn about 1937
JeremiahTed born about 1907
JilesCharles Lawtonborn about 1930
JilesJess Juniorborn about 1939
JilesJess Lborn about 1910
JilesJohn Wayneborn about 1932
JilesTressie born about 1908
JohnsGeorge born about 1874
JohnsMary Annborn about 1889
JohnsonAlice Cborn about 1895
JohnsonAndrew born about 1931
JohnsonAnnie born about 1903
JohnsonEnice born about 1928
JohnsonFloyd born about 1925
JohnsonGeorge Rborn about 1927
JohnsonGeorge Telborn about 1901
JohnsonJackie born about 1933
JohnsonJaunita born about 1924
JohnsonJonnelia born about 1935
JohnsonJoseph born about 1885
JohnsonJune born about 1895
JohnsonLeo born about 1929
JohnsonOleta born about 1931
JohnsonRalph born about 1925
JohnsonWillie born about 1890
JonesChester Pborn about 1885
JonesElnora born about 1885
JonesJames Aborn about 1939
JonesJohn Aborn about 1923
JonesJohnie Noelborn about 1939
JonesJulia born about 1890
JonesLester Eborn about 1888
JonesNoel born about 1918
JonesRussell born about 1915
JonesSegnoyok born about 1915
JonesStella born about 1922
JulesJeraldine born about 1939
JulesLorene born about 1935
JulesMargi born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeasterCharles Hornerborn about 1871
KeasterMary Ellenborn about 1929
KeasterWilliam Eborn about 1901
KeasterZeffie Bborn about 1901
KeenArley born about 1924
KeenClarence born about 1922
KeenElma born about 1920
KeenEmma Leeborn about 1936
KeenEnzone born about 1930
KeenGeorge born about 1871
KeenGeorge Lborn about 1905
KeenJ Wborn about 1928
KeenJosie born about 1870
KeenJosie born about 1908
KeenLavena Idaborn about 1897
KeenLee Jborn about 1901
KeenLeonard Jr born about 1926
KeenMay born about 1901
KeenR Cborn about 1928
KeenRoby Mborn about 1929
KeenTroy born about 1916
KeenWilliam Ninaborn about 1893
KelleyClayton born about 1935
KelleyCleo born about 1933
KelleyEdith born about 1914
KelleyMose Eborn about 1911
KelleyVirgil born about 1919
KelliyAddie born about 1892
KelliyAndy born about 1913
KelliyGlennie born about 1935
KelliyJames born about 1888
KelliyJessie born about 1917
KelliyJimmie born about 1928
KelliyMary Annborn about 1923
KelliyMildred born about 1926
KelliyWilliam born about 1914
KiddleDora born about 1916
KiddleJohn Hborn about 1913
KiddleLucile born about 1938
KnoffCharley born about 1923
KnoffGeorgia born about 1900
KnoffRuby born about 1922
KnoffThomas born about 1895
KnoffTroy born about 1925
KressfieldAmos born about 1937
KressfieldEmma born about 1892
KressfieldEmma Jeanborn about 1928
KressfieldEwen Mborn about 1892
KressfieldHouston born about 1926
KressfieldOla Maeborn about 1930
KressfieldSeth born about 1935
KressfieldVirgie Leeborn about 1932

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L Surnames

LandonCleo born about 1920
LandonElmo born about 1922
LandonEmma Jeanborn about 1928
LandonEtta born about 1898
LandonJ Bborn about 1926
LandonSam born about 1893
LapinAnderson born about 1849
LapinOna born about 1894
LapinOziar born about 1892
LapinRuth born about 1919
LarrymoreJohn born about 1886
LarrymoreNora born about 1891
LarrymoreVona born about 1907
LarsenBessie born about 1905
LattimoreBillie Charlesborn about 1934
LattimoreJohn Samuelborn about 1935
LattimoreLabours Fayeborn about 1939
LattimoreMagnolia born about 1917
LattimoreRobert Bborn about 1915
LessleyCarnell born about 1929
LessleyDoris Annborn about 1935
LessleyRuby born about 1911
LimoreAudra born about 1929
LimoreBarbara Sueborn about 1939
LimoreDorothy born about 1932
LimoreEdgar born about 1922
LimoreFlorence born about 1927
LimoreRedna born about 1900
LimoreWymona born about 1935
LinesAnnie born about 1906
LinesCharley born about 1930
LinesGarland born about 1938
LinesGeorgia born about 1935
LinesIra Leeborn about 1928
LinesJames born about 1904
LinesMatthew born about 1932
LoweHelen Lamarborn about 1938
LoweLewis born about 1916
LoweLizzie born about 1919
LowryBessie born about 1924
LowryBillie Royborn about 1925
LowryBonnie born about 1920
LowryBonnie born about 1921
LowryJewell born about 1929
LowryLamina born about 1902
LowryRuby born about 1922
LowryTroy born about 1897
LowryTroy Juniorborn about 1928
LowryWanda Leeborn about 1932
LynchBob Tborn about 1894
LynchDon born about 1937
LynchR Lborn about 1925
LynchRose born about 1902
LynchSankie born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

ManghamCharley born about 1893
ManghamEdna born about 1918
ManghamLetres Bborn about 1937
MannJess Jborn about 1855
MannViola born about 1897
MastonBert born about 1897
MastonColene born about 1929
MastonGeorge born about 1923
MastonLily born about 1897
MastonRoy born about 1927
MastonWalter born about 1921
Matthews??? born about 1929
MatthewsBertha born about 1929
MatthewsBonnie born about 1921
MatthewsCarl Wborn about 1919
MatthewsElmer Leeborn about 1934
MatthewsEthel born about 1901
MatthewsHarvey born about 1926
MatthewsHastings born about 1930
MatthewsHenry born about 1937
MatthewsJessie born about 1919
MatthewsLillian born about 1933
MatthewsMamie born about 1897
MatthewsMarie born about 1923
MatthewsPaul Eborn about 1921
MatthewsPercy born about 1921
MatthewsRoby born about 1927
MatthewsSallie born about 1922
MatthewsThomas Bborn about 1896
MatthewsWilliam Mborn about 1900
McAnelleyArthur born about 1926
McAnelleyEugene born about 1936
McAnelleyGeorge born about 1929
McAnelleyHouston born about 1931
McAnelleyJess born about 1897
McAnelleyMargaret born about 1932
McAnelleyMyrtle born about 1899
McAnelleyVirgi born about 1920
McGlauthlinBillie born about 1939
McGlauthlinDonald born about 1934
McGlauthlinEugene born about 1938
McGlauthlinLela born about 1916
McGlauthlinWillie Eborn about 1911
McKenzieBillie Joeborn about 1938
McKenzieE C Jrborn about 1935
McKenzieEctor born about 1905
McKenzieEugene born about 1940
McKenzieJr born about 1936
McKenzieSarah born about 1907
McKinzieHannah born about 1874
McKinzieToy born about 1917
McKinzieWilliam born about 1898
McMurryCharles Eborn about 1900
McMurryCharles Eborn about 1934
McMurryMary born about 1911
McMurryRobert born about 1937
McMurryThelma born about 1928
McPhersonAmbrese born about 1924
McPhersonDove born about 1895
McPhersonEmma born about 1896
McPhersonFlorence born about 1933
McPhersonLeon born about 1921
MillerArtie born about 1899
MillerCharley born about 1878
MillerJaunita born about 1927
MillerJulia born about 1871
MillerJulia Fayeborn about 1935
MillerMargaret born about 1927
MillerMinnie born about 1895
MillerOleta born about 1930
MillerTom born about 1906
MillerWilliam born about 1910
MillsBernice born about 1926
MillsGuy born about 1898
MillsGwenn born about 1934
MillsJ Aborn about 1924
MillsJaunita born about 1923
MillsLouise born about 1930
MillsLula born about 1893
MitchellOma Leeborn about 1893
MitchellThomas Lborn about 1885
MitchelleClarious born about 1920
MitchelleLonnie Jamesborn about 1939
MitchelleLonnie Nborn about 1915
MontgomerySam born about 1911
MontgomeryVivian born about 1911
MorrisonClaude born about 1908
MorrisonNina born about 1910
MorrisonPearl Deanborn about 1938
MortonBessie born about 1905
MortonClyde born about 1916
MortonElis born about 1921
MortonElsie born about 1924
MortonFaye born about 1920
MortonGary born about 1937
MortonHarvey born about 1917
MortonInfant born about 1940
MortonJaunita born about 1933
MortonJewel born about 1910
MortonJewel born about 1928
MortonLester born about 1890
MortonNova born about 1915
MortonRena born about 1898
MortonTom born about 1858
MortonVernal born about 1918
MotenBetty Jeanborn about 1939
MotenDean born about 1936
MotenEvelyn born about 1925
MotenImogene born about 1926
MotenJohnie born about 1939
MotenLouise born about 1928
MotenLucy born about 1894
MotenMargi born about 1936
MotenMyra born about 1932
MotenOscar born about 1900
MotenViola born about 1915
MotonFern born about 1927
MotonJean born about 1923
MurphyCharley born about 1935
MurphyIsaac Fborn about 1908
MurphyJeraldine born about 1938
MurphyL Cborn about 1936
MurphyMargaret born about 1928
MurphyMary born about 1915
MurphySammie Leeborn about 1931
MurphyWanda Leeborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAllene born about 1927
NelsonBillie Joeborn about 1933
NelsonDallas born about 1907
NelsonJunior born about 1934
NelsonMaxine born about 1929
NelsonNina Louborn about 1931
NelsonSarah born about 1908
NelsonVirgnia born about 1938
NofireAbel born about 1936
NofireAkie born about
NofireBillie Geneborn about 1932
NofireBillie Jeanborn about 1932
NofireCherry Leeborn about 1933
NofireMose born about 1938
NofireRobert born about 1912
NofireUva Belleborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OgdenBuddie born about 1937
OgdenFloyd born about 1905
OgdenGeorge Mborn about 1932
OgdenMary Frenceborn about 1931
OgdenRudie born about 1908
OmoEugene born about 1934
OmoFlossie born about 1905
OmoLarry Deanborn about 1931
OmoWilford born about 1904
OmoWilma born about 1924
OmsOren born about 1929
OmsRaymond Eborn about 1902
OmsRoy Eborn about 1900
OmsRueith born about 1938
OmsThern born about 1925
OmsThurman born about 1939
OmsVaudie born about 1906
OmsVerna born about 1922
OnealBurl born about 1917
OnealEdgar Bborn about 1939
OnealMabel born about 1917
OsbornHenry born about 1875
OsbornTenney born about 1878
OsburnEugene born about 1903
OsburnFlorence born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerHazel born about 1911
ParkerJ Lborn about 1928
ParkerLouise born about 1934
ParkerMarvin born about 1908
ParrisMose Oborn about 1892
ParrisPrudie born about 1898
ParrisRoy Hborn about 1924
PartainAlvie born about 1916
PartainArville born about 1920
PartainCecil born about 1926
PartainElla born about 1894
PartainJr born about 1940
PartainJulia born about 1918
PartainLum born about 1895
PartainLuther born about 1920
PartainVelma born about 1935
PeaceH L Jrborn about 1926
PeaceKatie born about 1894
PeaceLindsey born about 1895
PeaceMelba born about 1922
PeaceVerna Blancheborn about 1924
PendergrassArtie born about 1923
PendergrassCharley Jborn about 1878
PendergrassClifton born about 1909
PendergrassEtta Eborn about 1914
PendergrassHarley born about 1921
PendergrassHazel born about 1925
PendergrassLucy Rborn about 1906
PendergrassMelissa Dborn about 1882
PendergrassOkla born about 1915
PendergrassOlen born about 1919
PerryGrace Scottborn about 1909
PerryTheodore Oborn about 1903
PhelpsAda Ruthborn about 1937
PhelpsBernell Lborn about 1930
PhelpsCharley Wborn about 1915
PhelpsClarence born about 1927
PhelpsDexter born about 1898
PhelpsDora born about 1906
PhelpsDorman born about 1933
PhelpsEarl born about 1926
PhelpsEarl born about 1927
PhelpsEarnest born about 1935
PhelpsEllis born about 1928
PhelpsEthel born about 1903
PhelpsFrank Cborn about 1901
PhelpsGilbert born about 1924
PhelpsGlenn born about 1932
PhelpsJessie Jborn about 1929
PhelpsLeroy Wborn about 1934
PhelpsLorene born about 1934
PhelpsLoyd born about 1939
PhelpsLuca born about 1894
PhelpsLuther born about 1924
PhelpsManuel Fborn about 1926
PhelpsMargaret Lborn about 1939
PhelpsMildred Iborn about 1936
PhelpsMorine Oborn about 1928
PhelpsNannie Lborn about 1902
PhelpsOlive born about 1877
PhelpsOtis born about 1935
PhelpsPearl born about 1896
PhelpsPernie born about 1922
PhelpsRuey born about 1909
PhelpsScott born about 1896
PhelpsVal Fborn about 1903
PhelpsVelma Nborn about 1930
PhelpsVera Maeborn about 1940
PhelpsWalter born about 1919
PhilcotWilbur born about 1900
PinkertonBen born about 1916
PinkertonEdgar Leeborn about 1906
PinkertonGussie born about 1881
PinkertonHazel born about 1914
PinkertonHerbert Leeborn about 1934
PinkertonJack born about 1919
PinkertonJames Bborn about 1939
PinkertonLola born about 1908
PinkertonNora born about 1918
PinkertonOkemoh born about 1931
PinkertonThomas Hborn about 1912
PinkertonVinnie born about 1882
PolecotEmma born about 1922
PolecotGeorge Pborn about 1913
PolecotGeorgia born about 1940
PolecotIsaac born about 1894
PolecotLevi born about 1894
PolecotOphelia Mborn about 1938
PolecotSarah Mborn about 1914
PolecotWalter born about 1867
PrewettAnnie Maeborn about 1939
PrewettArmind born about 1903
PrewettBessie born about 1910
PrewettBobbie born about 1935
PrewettClell Stanleyborn about 1931
PrewettEarnest born about 1929
PrewettHerman born about 1927
PrewettJettie Fayeborn about 1939
PrewettJimmie Haroldborn about 1929
PrewettJoyce Jeanborn about 1934
PrewettMarcelete born about 1936
PrewettMarvin Mborn about 1897
PrewettMelba born about 1936
PrewettMyrtle born about 1910
PrewettNancy born about 1931
PrewettOcie Eborn about 1907
PrewettSelia Fayeborn about 1931
PrewettUdell born about 1927
PrewettVelma Fayeborn about 1938
PrewettVeroni Bborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuallsBertha Juneborn about 1938
QuallsEugene born about 1936
QuallsEva born about 1910
QuallsLarson born about 1931
QuallsTheo born about 1906

R Surnames

ReddenAnna born about 1919
ReddenEthel Mborn about 1892
ReddenEugene born about 1918
ReddenJ Rborn about 1931
ReddenLouise born about 1925
ReddenMose Oborn about 1887
ReddenVernie Wborn about 1914
ReddenWarren born about 1921
ReedBuck born about 1916
ReedDavid Hborn about 1889
ReedDilsa Gayborn about 1918
ReedJohn born about 1893
ReedKatherine born about 1933
ReedLillian born about 1913
ReedPatsy born about 1934
ReedTom born about 1862
ReederJulius Pborn about 1867
ReederSarah born about 1872
ReynoldsJames Eborn about 1868
ReynoldsNellie born about 1867
RhodesClarence born about 1901
RhodesClarence Sborn about 1930
RhodesEmma born about 1879
RhodesVerda born about 1904
RichardsonAlbert born about 1936
RichardsonAlene born about 1930
RichardsonBernice born about 1939
RichardsonBillie born about 1932
RichardsonClaudie born about 1935
RichardsonHenry Bborn about 1876
RichardsonIng Rborn about 1871
RichardsonLevada born about 1940
RichardsonLizzie born about 1890
RichardsonMary born about 1880
RichardsonNettie born about 1911
RichardsonPearl born about 1922
RichardsonUllis born about 1902
RiddleAnnie born about 1889
RiddleBuster born about 1932
RiddleClarence born about 1936
RiddleEva born about 1870
RiddleGladys born about 1928
RiddleJack born about 1923
RiddleJohn Hborn about 1874
RiddleLucy born about 1890
RiddleMildred born about 1933
RiddleNewt born about 1913
RoastingearArthur born about 1904
RoastingearClarice born about 1904
RoastingearDola born about 1903
RobinsonCalvin born about 1899
RobinsonLeona born about 1921
RogersAugustus born about 1923
RogersCharlotte born about 1884
RogersDessie Maeborn about 1931
RogersEdna Leeborn about 1933
RogersElmer Jborn about 1906
RogersHarvey born about 1938
RogersThelma born about 1927
RogersVera born about 1926
RogersWanda Joborn about 1935
RogersZula Mborn about 1908
RoggClaude Rborn about 1906
RoggHazel Iborn about 1914
RoggJaroldine born about 1937
RoggKenneth born about 1936
RoggMelinda Hborn about 1872
RoggThomas Hborn about 1870
RominesGeorge born about 1865
RominesLuella born about 1885
RominesRosetta born about 1918
RossAlthee born about 1921
RossArvil Leeborn about 1939
RossRaymond born about 1916
RowningAmanda born about 1875
RussellBonnie born about 1927
RussellCarl born about 1901
RussellDallas born about 1927
RussellEdna born about 1902
RussellJune born about 1929
RussellJunior born about 1929
RussellMelvin born about 1935
RussellRay born about 1932
RussellRoy born about 1932
RussellRuby Fayeborn about 1937
RussellRuthie Maeborn about 1937
RussellWesley born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersEd born about 1931
SandersEif born about 1930
SandersGeorge born about 1895
SandersHershel Jr born about 1939
SandersIda born about 1882
SandersJimmie born about 1912
SandersJimmie born about 1935
SandersJosie born about 1894
SandersLily born about 1888
SchottFlorence born about 1912
SchottFloyd Lborn about 1910
SchottJohnie born about 1936
SchottNorman born about 1929
SchottWallace born about 1932
ScottCora Bborn about 1884
ScottFrank Dborn about 1904
ScottFrank Juniorborn about 1936
ScottGeorge born about 1919
ScottJames H Cborn about 1865
ScottJohn born about 1888
ScottLaura born about 1894
ScottLowell born about 1926
ScottR Gborn about 1934
ScottTom born about 1885
ScottVera Dborn about 1914
ScottWaneve born about 1925
ScottWilliam Qborn about 1875
ScrottCharles born about 1884
ScrottJoanna born about 1885
SeaboltAnita Ruthborn about 1939
SeaboltBillie Jr born about 1930
SeaboltClaude born about 1922
SeaboltDan born about 1905
SeaboltDe Loris born about 1939
SeaboltDoris born about 1937
SeaboltElizabeth Eborn about 1929
SeaboltFay born about 1931
SeaboltGeorgia born about 1912
SeaboltJennie born about 1891
SeaboltLawrence born about 1907
SeaboltLois Rborn about 1910
SeaboltLowrybean born about 1936
SeaboltLoy born about 1935
SeaboltRaymond born about 1907
SeaboltRuby born about 1913
SeaboltSadie Maeborn about 1934
SeaboltScott born about 1875
SeaboltVirgie born about 1911
SeaboltWillie Lborn about 1906
SeatonBessie born about 1906
SeatonCharley Rborn about 1877
SeatonChristine born about 1926
SeatonFloyd Wborn about 1898
SeatonJames Aborn about 1901
SeatonLige born about 1933
SeatonMarie born about 1931
SeatonMattie born about 1904
SeatonMollie born about 1874
SevenstarAlice born about 1920
SevenstarAtsie born about 1890
SevenstarBetsy born about 1915
SevenstarCharley born about 1914
SevenstarFrank born about 1926
SevenstarInfant born about 1939
SevenstarJain born about 1901
SevenstarLewis born about 1935
SevenstarNelson born about 1917
SevenstarRichard born about 1915
ShakinbushDavis Geneborn about 1935
ShakinbushJoyce ???born about 1936
ShakinbushKenneth Joeborn about 1939
ShakinbushLevi born about 1901
ShakinbushRuby born about 1912
ShakinbushWilliam born about 1905
ShakinbushWilliam born about 1934
SimsEthel born about 1907
SimsJess Wborn about 1889
SimsKatie born about 1926
SimsLena Maeborn about 1938
SimsLouise born about 1931
SimsPony born about 1929
SimsQuanah born about 1936
SimsStarr born about 1925
SmallCleo born about 1917
SmallInfant born about 1939
SmallOpal born about 1922
SmithEdward Franceborn about 1871
SmithLena Fborn about 1880
SoopJohn Maeborn about 1907
SoopMary Annborn about 1921
SoopNancy born about 1881
SoopRaymos born about 1930
SpeirBurnell born about 1937
SpeirCharles Wborn about 1873
SpeirLula born about 1877
SpeirMaudene born about 1913
SpoonLee born about 1920
SpurBillie born about 1929
SpurHubert born about 1901
SpurJessie born about 1901
SpurOllie born about 1934
SpurTheta born about 1923
StephensonBen born about 1874
StephensonTannie born about 1881
StevensonsCora born about 1906
StevensonsMargie born about 1930
StevensonsMonroe born about 1901
StevensonsWarren born about 1929
StewartFay born about 1929
StewartNealey born about 1912
StewartPauline born about 1933
StewartThelma born about 1929
StewartTony born about 1901
StitesBillie Jeanborn about 1934
StitesCharlene born about 1936
StitesDallas born about 1922
StitesEllen born about 1863
StitesGeorge born about 1901
StitesHarold Deanborn about 1939
StitesJunior born about 1930
StitesLee Eborn about 1908
StitesLela born about 1899
StitesLewis born about 1893
StitesLorene born about 1924
StitesNysa Leahborn about 1928
StitesPauline born about 1920
StitesRachel born about 1923
StitesRuby born about 1915
StvensterCharles Eborn about 1938
StvensterEd born about 1915
StvensterJohn born about 1939
StvensterLucy born about 1917
SummerhillAlene born about 1939
SummerhillDean Dborn about 1900
SummerhillDelbert born about 1911
SummerhillEmma Louborn about 1937
SummerhillFaye born about 1922
SummerhillGladys born about 1917
SummerhillHazel born about 1939
SummerhillIva born about 1930
SummerhillLetha born about 1926
SummerhillLindy born about 1901
SummerhillLoyd born about 1923
SummerhillMaggie born about 1921
SummerhillQuisie born about 1928
SummerhillRobert born about 1913
SummerhillVelma born about 1935
SummerhollLoy born about 1921
SummerhollLula Belleborn about 1923
SummerhollNita born about 1926
SummerhollTeda born about 1873
SuttonAnn born about 1934
SuttonAnnitta born about 1874
SuttonArtie born about 1905
SuttonClayton born about 1937
SuttonDayton born about 1937
SuttonDenton born about 1925
SuttonDonald born about 1935
SuttonEarnest born about 1906
SuttonEdna born about 1915
SuttonEvelyn born about 1922
SuttonGeorge born about 1897
SuttonGeorge Lewisborn about 1939
SuttonLewis born about 1869
SuttonLorene born about 1921
SuttonMargie Fayeborn about 1938
SuttonMartha born about 1933
SuttonRaymond born about 1915
SuttonRosaline born about 1939
SuttonVelma born about 1933
SuttonWillie born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaborAlva born about 1878
TaborBess born about 1910
TaborBilly born about 1928
TaborCass born about 1915
TaborDiana born about 1931
TaborDoyle Deanborn about 1930
TaborElizabeth born about 1922
TaborEmma born about 1908
TaborEmzie Beautineborn about 1924
TaborIsaac Mborn about 1911
TaborJames born about 1874
TaborJimmie born about 1921
TaborNancy Arzinaborn about 1889
TaborRex born about 1922
TaborSallie born about 1879
TaborVernon born about 1912
TaborVinyon born about 1925
TaylorGeorge Lborn about 1936
TaylorInfant born about 1940
TaylorJannie Mborn about 1938
TaylorJim born about 1905
TaylorLuke born about 1928
TaylorSammie Leeborn about 1937
TaylorSarah born about 1911
ThomasBurman born about 1906
ThomasCorda born about 1912
ThomasEverett Gborn about 1908
ThomasHelen born about 1918
ThomasHerman born about 1930
ThomasJohn Dborn about 1909
ThomasLouise born about 1934
ThomasOdona born about 1910
ThomasRegena Luellaborn about 1928
ThompsonDorothy born about 1923
ThompsonJimmie Royborn about 1940
ThomsonArtamissie born about 1882
ThomsonIra Mborn about 1879
TimmyElmer born about 1919
TimmyRachel born about 1872
TornDan born about 1920
TornEthel born about 1900
TornJames Mborn about 1880
TornMary Aliceborn about 1878
TownzenIda born about 1901
TownzenOscar born about 1896
TrammellAddie born about 1902
TrammellAldean born about 1921
TrammellDoris Louiseborn about 1924
TrammellElmer Mborn about 1898
TrammellLeora Fayeborn about 1926
TurnerAlbert born about 1903
TurnerClarence Leeborn about 1933
TurnerDonnie born about 1939
TurnerDorothy born about 1937
TurnerIra Ireneborn about 1880
TurnerJoseph Aborn about 1873
TurnerKatherine Wborn about 1936
TurnerLawrence Bborn about 1911
TurnerLeoma Eborn about 1934
TurnerLizzie born about 1908
TurnerMinnie born about 1919
TylerDora Eborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanderheidonHendric Leonborn about 1937
VanderheidonHerman born about 1912
VanderheidonPearl born about 1912
VanderheidonWanda Louiseborn about 1934
VannBetty Wborn about 1929
VannDayton born about 1935
VannEdna Mborn about 1906
VannFrank Jborn about 1905
VannHubert Lborn about 1940
VannIra born about 1909
VannJack born about 1931
VannJames Lborn about 1926
VannJames Wborn about 1896
VannJohn born about 1908
VannMina born about 1907
VannOra born about 1910
VannRalph born about 1937
VannRetha Annborn about 1939
VannRoy born about 1934
VannShirley Mayborn about
VictoryHester born about 1932
VictoryRaymond Edborn about 1923
VictoryTruman born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerBertie born about 1911
WalkerClayton Eborn about 1910
WalkerHenry born about 1890
WalkerLouise born about 1928
WalkerMollie born about 1877
WalkerPhoebe born about 1910
WalkerVelma born about 1932
WaltersAkie born about 1897
WaltersBetty Helenborn about 1933
WaltersBuford born about 1928
WaltersChick born about 1895
WaltersChristopher born about 1931
WaltersClara born about 1930
WaltersDarrell born about 1898
WaltersDewey born about 1931
WaltersEdna born about 1920
WaltersElsie born about 1916
WaltersEunice born about 1932
WaltersEva born about 1925
WaltersFlossie born about 1912
WaltersFrancis Mborn about 1893
WaltersHaut born about 1888
WaltersIrma born about 1918
WaltersJack Eborn about 1916
WaltersJerry born about 1938
WaltersJoan born about 1938
WaltersJohnie born about 1922
WaltersLee born about 1919
WaltersLowell born about 1917
WaltersMargaret born about 1937
WaltersMaud born about 1890
WaltersMaud born about 1898
WaltersMaude born about 1909
WaltersMellie born about 1893
WaltersNoah born about 1922
WaltersRalph born about 1924
WaltersRobert Mborn about 1908
WaltersRoy born about 1906
WaltersRuth Evaborn about 1935
WaltersSam born about 1928
WaltersShirley born about 1939
WaltersSye born about 1897
WaltersTed born about 1913
WaltersTroy born about 1922
WaltersWanda born about 1925
WashingtonRufus born about 1900
WashingtonSarah born about 1900
WatersAfie born about 1910
WatersBillie Wayneborn about 1936
WatersCharley born about 1901
WatersEmma Belleborn about 1919
WatersGeorge born about 1918
WatersJim born about 1887
WatersLillian born about 1924
WatersMargaret born about 1880
WatersMavis born about 1927
WatersMike born about 1898
WatersOkemah born about 1921
WatersWilliam born about 1894
WatkinsClaude born about 1906
WatkinsJanie born about 1896
WatkinsLevada born about 1892
WatkinsMagdalene born about 1926
WatkinsMarion Eborn about 1883
WatkinsMartle born about 1931
WatkinsMary born about 1925
WatkinsPaul born about 1928
WattsEliza Mborn about 1862
WeavelAlbert born about 1897
WeavelArch born about 1923
WeavelLevi born about 1927
WeavelLuelle born about 1929
WeavelLuke born about 1924
WeavelMargaret born about 1933
WeavelMose born about 1931
WeavelTom born about 1919
WeaverAda Bborn about 1912
WeaverBill born about 1936
WeaverCharley born about 1936
WeaverDavid born about 1933
WeaverDavid Lborn about 1867
WeaverEster born about 1931
WeaverJames born about 1936
WeaverJwel born about 1930
WeaverLee born about 1912
WeaverLena born about 1915
WeaverLucy born about 1900
WeaverMae born about 1932
WeaverMarie born about 1929
WeaverMinnie born about 1926
WeaverPaul born about 1907
WeaverRoy Fborn about 1910
WeaverSena born about 1935
WeaverVerba born about 1923
WeaverVergi born about 1919
WeaverVernon born about 1939
WeaverVirginia born about 1939
WelchCaroline born about 1936
WelchEdith born about 1914
WheelerEdgar Oborn about 1864
WhisenhuntBen Fborn about 1886
WhisenhuntEarnest born about 1909
WhisenhuntHarvey born about 1928
WhisenhuntJack born about 1926
WhisenhuntLee Rborn about 1923
WhisenhuntSarah born about 1885
WhiteElla born about 1892
WhiteLawrence born about 1916
WhiteLocke born about 1891
WhiteMary Lborn about 1861
WhiteMt born about 1918
WhiteMuriel born about 1926
WhiteOren Wborn about 1861
WileyEmma Jeanborn about 1934
WileyLeona born about 1913
WileyRaymond born about 1910
WilkeyBertha born about 1932
WilkeyFannie born about 1897
WilkeyFred born about 1897
WilkeyOpal born about 1921
WilsonEliza Catherineborn about 1875
WinsteadJulia born about 1900
WinsteadMattie Mborn about 1870
WinsteadNoma born about 1901
WinsteadRoy born about 1928
WinsteadTom born about 1901
WinsteadTroy born about 1910
WinsteadWinfield Cborn about 1872
WoodMartin Cborn about 1877
WoodsDaisy born about 1934
WoodsDelia born about 1906
WoodsEtta born about 1897
WoodsFloura born about 1927
WoodsFrancis born about 1907
WoodsJames Lborn about 1894
WoodsJaunita born about 1925
WoodsJessie born about 1924
WoodsJoe born about 1904
WoodsJolene born about 1937
WoodsJunior born about 1926
WoodsMabel born about 1923
WoodsSarah born about 1885
WoodsSylvia born about 1934
WoodsVerdella born about 1930
WoodsWillie born about 1875
WoodsWoodrow born about 1919
WoodwardArmel born about 1929
WoodwardBeulah Fborn about 1913
WoodwardCharles Bborn about 1911
WoodwardCharles Lborn about 1880
WoodwardEdmond Hborn about 1902
WoodwardFranklin born about 1924
WoodwardJohn Nborn about 1890
WoodwardJosephine born about 1898
WoodwardLola Deanborn about 1924
WoodwardLucile born about 1923
WoodwardRuth born about 1939
WoodwardWayne born about 1920
WoodyBessie born about 1890
WoodyCharles Eborn about 1931
WoodyChristine born about 1927
WoodyClemon born about 1924
WoodyDewie born about 1921
WoodyFrancis Hborn about 1892
WoodyGlenn Lewisborn about 1929
WoodyJanelle born about 1939
WoodyJim born about 1915
WoodyJohn Eborn about 1887
WoodyLahoma born about 1937
WoodyMarcedith born about 1939
WoodyMargi born about 1928
WoodyMary born about 1921
WoodyMildred Hborn about 1920
WoodyRaymond born about 1909
WoodyShirley Royborn about 1938
WoodyVela born about 1918
WorkmanCurtis born about 1931
WorkmanEddie born about 1932
WorkmanEdith born about 1932
WorkmanElmer born about 1926
WorkmanImogene born about 1939
WorkmanJess born about 1901
WorkmanMartha born about 1902
WorkmanPat born about 1924
WorkmanRussell born about 1928
WorkmanWanda Lilyborn about 1935
WortheanAlma born about 1909
WortheanBillie Jr born about 1931
WortheanJaunita born about 1926
WortheanMarvin born about 1905
WortheanNorene born about 1929

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Y Surnames

YocumCharles Loydborn about 1931
YocumCharley born about 1887
YocumDella born about 1930
YocumOrville born about 1927
YocumWilma Jaunitaborn about 1932

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