1940 U.S. Federal Census of McKey, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of McKey

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckerBobby Wayneborn about 1932
AckerDortha Mayborn about 1925
AckerHarild born about 1930
AckerMeria born about 1905
AckerO Tborn about 1936
AckerPennin born about 1902
AckerRichard born about 1928
AckersAnnie born about 1912
AckersDewie born about 1902
AckersFreda born about 1939
AckersWilma born about 1937
AdairAdair Mollieborn about 1876
AdairEdna born about 1898
AdairJohn born about 1886
AgentC H Asborn about 1893
AgentCharles born about 1929
AgentGrace born about 1907
AllenAudrie born about 1931
AllenCaria born about 1933
AllenCherokee born about 1936
AllenChristen born about 1933
AllenDavid born about 1926
AllenE Lizaborn about 1886
AllenFarris born about 1933
AllenFred born about 1915
AllenGeorge born about 1914
AllenHenry born about 1936
AllenHorace born about 1907
AllenHorace Dearldborn about 1940
AllenLela born about 1910
AllenOdesie born about 1919
AllenRuth born about 1934
AllenSusie born about 1907
AllenT Rborn about 1878
AllenWanda born about 1938
AllenWessley born about 1920
AndersonCharley born about 1922
AndersonD Bborn about 1903
AndersonDan born about 1910
AndersonGeorge born about 1927
AndersonHazel born about 1937
AndersonMary born about 1925
AndersonRoss born about 1929
ArnettMary born about 1879
ArnettN Cborn about 1865
AustinJake born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaGeorge Wellsborn about 1926
BagleyDaeline born about 1933
BagleyDorse born about 1939
BagleyEllamay born about 1933
BagleyFloyed born about 1910
BagleyKathleen born about 1939
BagleyL Cborn about 1912
BagleyLean born about 1912
BagleyLulu Bellaborn about 1938
BagleyMeldona born about 1934
BagleyPatsy Louborn about 1936
BagleySannie born about 1934
BagleyThelma born about 1908
BagleyVera born about 1929
BallBertha born about 1921
BallBonnie born about 1919
BallChristfus born about 1916
BallJessie born about 1915
BallJohnie Mayborn about 1914
BallLucy born about 1925
BallMandy born about 1884
BallR Dborn about 1877
BallRamond born about 1923
BargerBarnly born about 1907
BargerDonald born about 1937
BargerDoris born about 1938
BargerEarl born about 1940
BargerG Wborn about 1876
BargerIrene born about 1908
BargerMerl born about 1940
BargerMimie born about 1891
BargerRosco born about 1917
BarnBud born about 1901
BarnJurldean born about 1932
BarnMargert born about 1904
BarnParnell born about 1933
BarronBlautola born about 1881
BarronC Tborn about 1876
BarseW Tborn about 1875
BartonAgnes born about 1917
BartonEmory Cborn about 1907
BartonHomer born about 1927
BartonJ Hborn about 1871
BartonJohn Jonurborn about 1923
BartonLawerence born about 1910
BartonNorman born about 1933
BartonPansy Mercieborn about 1940
BartonPaul born about 1938
BartonRoberta born about 1890
BartonSophie born about 1916
BeatyEaster born about 1878
BeatyJ Dborn about 1876
BeatyPaul born about 1909
BeckmanA Bborn about 1908
BeckmanBasetta born about 1911
BengeBill born about 1909
BengeBillie born about 1931
BengeCalvus born about 1933
BengeDewey born about 1935
BengeHealy born about 1907
BengeKatie born about 1915
BengeKeneth born about 1932
BengeOkla born about 1915
BengeWanda born about 1937
BergenB Wborn about 1903
BergenBethel born about 1929
BergenBoby born about 1939
BergenDarrell born about 1937
BergenGeorge born about 1936
BergenLlen born about 1934
BergenSadie born about 1904
BerkettAllen born about 1939
BerkettCharley born about 1898
BerkettClayton born about 1936
BerkettElzie born about 1903
BerkettGeo Wborn about 1892
BerkettLoyd born about 1929
BerkettOthe born about 1927
BethanyDelvia born about 1920
BethanyGeneva born about 1937
BethanyNarbin born about 1891
BethongAndrew born about 1923
BethongEarl born about 1903
BethongLaura born about 1880
BethongMary Amborn about 1934
BiasClyde born about 1933
BiasLavon born about 1937
BiasLee J Warborn about 1927
BiasLenard born about 1902
BiasLenard J Rborn about 1931
BiasLeona born about 1908
BierBuster born about 1918
BierCerby Dborn about 1932
BierCestia born about 1930
BierE Lborn about 1894
BierLenora born about 1926
BierLinnie born about 1896
BierPaton born about 1921
BierPaul born about 1927
BlackstonJohn born about 1905
BlackstonSilvia born about 1905
BlairBettie Juneborn about 1928
BlairC Lborn about 1900
BlairEtalee born about 1930
BlairLellamay Spearsborn about 1899
BlairThomas C Lborn about 1932
BlaylockBogie born about 1904
BlaylockJune born about 1932
BlaylockMargie born about 1934
BlaylockMaxine born about 1931
BlaylockMelvin born about 1929
BlaylockMillie born about 1906
BoenDurell born about 1928
BoenGrady born about 1923
BoenHattie born about 1876
BoenJill born about 1904
BoenMildred born about 1925
BoenRaymond born about 1914
BoenWayne born about 1937
BoulardBeen Carlesborn about 1939
BoulardJack born about 1918
BoulardLeasesse born about 1919
BowlandAmous born about 1923
BowlandClifford born about 1926
BowlandDonald Leeborn about 1936
BowlandEdith born about 1921
BowlandEdna born about 1934
BowlandHerbert born about 1924
BowlandMary born about 1901
BowlandPerry born about 1895
BowlandRuth born about 1938
BowlandWatie born about 1928
BowlandWayne born about 1931
BrackettAles born about 1888
BrackettFay born about 1921
BrackettJunior born about 1926
BrackettOpal born about 1922
BrackettPearl born about 1894
BrackettRaymond born about 1915
BrackettTelis born about 1939
BrackettVail born about 1904
BrackettWello born about 1934
BrandtBachal born about 1921
BrandtJack born about 1920
BrannanClarisa born about 1895
BrannanErdala born about 1925
BrannanSam born about 1888
BrannanVelma born about 1932
BraunCharles born about 1913
BraunCharles Wayneborn about 1938
BraunPauline born about 1935
BraunSallie born about 1915
BreashearsGeneva born about 1923
BreashearsLuther born about 1919
BreshearsBessie born about 1895
BreshearsJohn born about 1930
BreshearsLeo born about 1936
BreshearsWalter born about 1887
BridgesG Wborn about 1875
BridgesLizzie born about 1919
BridgesMartha born about 1878
BridgesWillam born about 1923
BrooksCharles born about 1924
BrooksEd born about 1931
BrooksElsie born about 1920
BrooksGilbert born about 1900
BrooksJack born about 1920
BrooksJim born about 1929
BrooksJoe born about 1918
BrooksJohans born about 1895
BrooksJohnie born about 1934
BrooksMack born about 1929
BrooksMarrian born about 1927
BrooksMartha born about 1895
BrooksSarah born about 1925
BrownIrene born about 1871
BrownW Mborn about 1871
BruerfieldAlda born about 1914
BruerfieldAlice born about 1927
BruerfieldClcile born about 1920
BruerfieldJane born about 1929
BruerfieldVivian born about 1892
BurtonGrace born about 1904
BurtonIllo born about 1930
BurtonJ Cborn about 1924
BurtonJessie born about 1934
BurtonLucile born about 1928
BurtonMargett born about 1932
BurtonValter born about 1901
BurtonWadie born about 1922
BynumCallie born about 1872
BynumEdgar born about 1911
BynumJewel born about 1906
BynumMaxine born about 1935
BynumRosie born about 1909
ByraCornelia born about 1927
ByraFamaus born about 1935
ByraJettie born about 1904
ByraJohn born about 1901
ByraTrane born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CableDaisey born about 1918
CableH born about 1879
CableHazel born about 1914
CableWesley born about 1925
CableeStarr born about 1916
CableeWilla Mayborn about 1916
CallahandAlbert Gborn about 1914
CallahandBill Rayborn about 1932
CallahandBillie born about 1932
CallahandBonnie born about 1922
CallahandCherokee born about 1939
CallahandDolores Lborn about 1917
CallahandErvale Mborn about 1934
CallahandJunor born about 1937
CallahandMrs Lizine born about 1892
CallahandOletha born about 1917
CallahandPatton born about 1922
CallahandRaymond born about 1924
CallahandRoy born about 1913
CallahandWauneta born about 1926
CantrellAllme born about 1917
CantrellCarlee born about 1935
CantrellDonald born about 1938
CantrellDorthan born about 1939
CantrellEva born about 1908
CantrellJames born about 1934
CantrellJess Tborn about 1898
CantrellJinnie born about 1914
CantrellKenneth born about 1933
CantrellL Mborn about 1906
CantrellLoyed born about 1930
CantrellLucey born about 1936
CantrellLucile born about 1927
CantrellMary born about 1925
CantrellMaxine born about 1935
CantrellN Bborn about 1915
CantrellNettie born about 1905
CantrellNormale born about 1936
CantrellOpie born about 1910
CantrellSalina born about 1933
CantrellTracy born about 1927
CantrellVirgina born about 1937
CantrellWess Cantrellborn about 1884
CarlentonLara born about 1880
CarlentonLula Vanderbergborn about 1862
CarlentonT Lborn about 1875
CaskeyA Fborn about 1893
CaskeyBetty Janeborn about 1925
CaskeyOra born about 1899
CaskeyPatsy Sueborn about 1930
CaskeyRaemary born about 1934
CasperJames Mborn about 1882
CasperMattie born about 1888
CatlettCatlett L Jborn about 1877
CatlettJ Gborn about 1875
CatlettRosallen born about 1877
CattonCarl Wborn about 1908
CattonLillin born about 1918
ChapmanBuster born about 1939
ChapmanDade born about 1906
ChapmanDonald Mayborn about 1937
ChapmanEdward Leeborn about 1940
ChapmanEugene born about 1931
ChapmanJ Dborn about 1930
ChapmanMay born about 1906
ChapmanPaul Junerborn about 1929
ChosetGilbert born about 1898
ChosetJ Eborn about 1922
ChosetL Cborn about 1924
ChosetLinda Smithborn about 1925
ChosetMary born about 1891
ChosetSilvester born about 1927
ChuculateIsaac born about 1877
ChuculateNellie born about 1882
ClarkAugustin born about 1925
ClarkCarl Dborn about 1889
ClarkHarrison born about 1914
ClarkHelen born about 1897
ClarkLara born about 1922
ClarkMar A Rborn about 1884
ClarkN B Lborn about 1919
ClarkRay born about 1939
ClarkVlerlee born about 1936
ClartaCopland born about 1924
CoakJ Eborn about 1867
CoakLaura Annborn about 1872
CoffmanJim born about 1870
ComptonArzara born about 1902
ComptonCharles Edwardborn about 1930
ComptonClifford born about 1932
ComptonH Ellenborn about 1933
ComptonJ Tborn about 1924
ComptonJessie born about 1903
ComptonLoreta born about 1926
ComptonRuby born about 1923
ComptonSam Pborn about 1892
ComptonW Oborn about 1902
ComptonWalter born about 1920
ConellAline born about 1928
ConellEmer born about 1905
ConellEmmagin born about 1930
ConellFinn born about 1938
ConellGuy born about 1924
ConellJewel Dessborn about 1933
ConellPerry born about 1935
ConellT Cborn about 1900
ConellWalsee born about 1926
CoplandAlford born about 1939
CoplandBen Fborn about 1897
CoplandJawel born about 1920
CoplandJosye born about 1929
CoplandMellie born about 1922
CoplandMoss born about 1925
CoplandOrvil born about 1915
CoplandRoxie born about 1896
CoulterEugen Eborn about 1882
CoulterLottie born about 1912
CoulterMargie born about 1927
CoulterMarrie born about 1884
CoulterMaxie Waltersborn about 1937
CoulterTom born about 1913
CovingtonBarnie born about 1915
CovingtonBettie born about 1925
CovingtonR Cborn about 1939
CovingtonS Lborn about 1888
CovingtonThelma born about 1937
CoxE Mborn about 1876
CoxMorton born about 1923
CoxRamond born about 1926
CoyleEarl born about 1892
CoyleInes born about 1923
CoyleIreane born about 1920
CoyleJ Dborn about 1924
CoyleLidie born about 1894
CoyleMary born about 1930
CoyleMildred born about 1934
CoyleVirio born about 1929
CrookAnsel born about 1922
CrookBurtha born about 1895
CrookClifford born about 1926
CrookDonald Rayborn about 1935
CrookFrank Connleyborn about 1937
CrookGracie born about 1897
CrookGrover born about 1931
CrookHarreed born about 1922
CrookJ Cborn about 1933
CrookJess born about 1895
CrookLoreane born about 1926
CrookLoretta born about 1935
CrookMargrie born about 1924
CrookRoy born about 1920
CrookSteve born about 1894
CrookWauneta Crookborn about 1921
CrookWillis born about 1928
CrookWlyus born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughetyMrs Florence born about 1876
DavidCherry born about 1938
DavidDarline born about 1932
DavidDoris born about 1929
DavidLealand born about 1924
DavidLorence born about 1933
DavidMrs Rebecca born about 1899
DavidSherley born about 1936
DavidVelma born about 1927
DentonFredie born about 1938
DentonKarlyan born about 1935
DentonMargarett born about 1916
DentonSalyers born about 1914
DialBarbara born about 1938
DialBaxter born about 1937
DialBillie born about 1920
DialD born about 1874
DialFlourebell born about 1910
DialW Kborn about 1875
DialWillam born about
DillardEdna born about 1937
DillardExie born about 1903
DillardFred born about 1925
DillardJay born about 1934
DillardL Qborn about 1880
DillardWayne born about 1939
DinnFloran born about 1915
DinnRaymond born about 1912
DivelCarrol born about 1933
DivelCharles born about 1930
DivelHarrison born about 1895
DivelIreane born about 1925
DivelJeneva born about 1928
DivelLizie born about 1902
DivelLois Dborn about 1935
DivelVigina born about 1923
DivelWayne born about 1932
DotsonH Vborn about 1918
DotsonHattie born about 1922
DottsonAne Bellborn about 1924
DottsonBell born about 1893
DottsonElline born about 1876
DottsonGeo born about 1884
DottsonMack born about
DottsonMorris born about 1920
DottsonPauline born about 1922
DrakeBillie Roseborn about 1927
DrakeCharles Manuelborn about 1934
DrakeDan Earlborn about 1937
DrakeEmogean born about 1931
DrakeJohn Manuelborn about 1899
DrakeMay born about 1903
DrakeNadine born about 1922
DrakeVilas born about 1925
DrakeW Pborn about 1920
DreckmanBill born about 1920
DreckmanFloreine born about 1917
DunnCharles born about 1863
DunnDora Mayborn about 1939
DunnEdith born about 1918
DunnLinie Mayborn about 1938

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E Surnames

EdgemanDail Rayborn about 1930
EdgemanG Lborn about 1928
EdgemanGrace born about 1935
EdgemanHorace born about 1933
EdgemanInes born about 1926
EdgemanLaura born about 1903
EdgemanSherman born about 1902
EdgemanSherman born about 1938
EdgmanAdie born about 1898
EdgmanAlbert born about 1897
EdgmanAlbert Juniorborn about 1935
EdgmanAllie Van born about 1930
EdgmanAnnie born about 1871
EdgmanBertha born about 1898
EdgmanBill born about 1907
EdgmanBlanch born about 1917
EdgmanBoyed born about 1927
EdgmanCecil born about 1921
EdgmanChristen born about 1927
EdgmanClarence born about 1922
EdgmanClout born about 1926
EdgmanClyde born about 1932
EdgmanCoy born about 1921
EdgmanDellia born about 1887
EdgmanDona born about 1895
EdgmanEvelin born about 1922
EdgmanFloria born about 1928
EdgmanFloyed born about 1927
EdgmanFrank born about 1895
EdgmanG Wborn about 1861
EdgmanHait born about 1926
EdgmanHey born about 1891
EdgmanIma born about 1924
EdgmanIva born about 1919
EdgmanJ Gborn about 1928
EdgmanJanis born about 1926
EdgmanLinda Kayborn about 1939
EdgmanMaraland born about 1935
EdgmanMciemae born about 1937
EdgmanMerle born about 1932
EdgmanMildred born about 1926
EdgmanMontie born about 1929
EdgmanOma born about 1926
EdgmanOple born about 1920
EdgmanRay born about 1922
EdgmanRoxie born about 1924
EdgmanVeneda born about 1922
EdgmanVicie born about 1905
EdgmanVirgal born about 1930
EdgmanVirgina born about 1931
EdgmanWanda born about 1933
EdgmanWenell born about 1922
EdgmanWill born about 1886
EdgmanZeb born about 1886
EdwardBonnie born about 1918
EdwardCal born about 1899
EdwardDortha born about 1927
EdwardG Wborn about 1868
EdwardHarper born about 1906
EdwardLouise born about 1871
EdwardsAlbert Dborn about 1933
EdwardsBeatrice born about 1935
EdwardsBertha born about 1908
EdwardsRobert born about 1931
EdwardsThelma born about 1929
EdwardsWoodro born about 1927
EllisAlonzo born about 1879
EllisBob born about 1896
EllisCleo born about 1920
EllisEady born about 1881
EllisFred born about 1911
EllisG Cborn about 1873
EllisGeorge born about 1910
EllisHenry born about 1890
EllisMable born about 1924
EllisMollie born about 1872
EllisNellie born about 1898
EllisWessley J Rborn about 1919
EskewAileen born about 1925
EskewElbert born about 1898
EskewElvia born about 1922
EskewSedia born about 1902
EskinAvery born about 1925
EskinBobby born about 1933
EskinDelora born about 1930
EskinJms Juanborn about 1927
EskinLoreane born about 1921
EskinRobert born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FainE Sborn about 1866
FainEdith born about 1911
FainEdna born about 1914
FainMartha born about 1871
FainMartha born about 1938
FainMinnie born about 1890
FainR Sborn about 1892
FainRobert born about 1895
FannieGuthrie born about 1889
FannieLeavone born about 1922
FannieRuby born about 1929
FannieRuffaus born about 1929
FieldsJames born about 1934
FieldsJewel born about 1919
FieldsLuther born about 1939
FieldsMarylne born about 1932
FieldsRema born about 1937
FieldsW Bborn about 1910
FieldsW Mborn about 1857
FinesA Cborn about 1918
FinesChloe born about 1912
FinesParis Jeanborn about 1934
FitzmmonsB Gborn about 1909
FitzmmonsBillie Rayborn about
FitzmmonsBonnie born about 1919
FitzmmonsFelcon born about 1936
FitzmmonsMarven born about 1938
FitzmmonsSherly Kborn about
FitzsimmonsAlice born about 1880
FitzsimmonsB Gborn about 1872
FitzsimmonsMary born about 1912
FitzsimmonsShelby born about 1924
FitzsimmonsWilson born about 1918
ForestEmna born about 1893
ForestEugene Balesborn about 1924
ForestJames Elbertborn about 1918
ForestJames Rileyborn about 1883
ForestJocie born about 1920
ForestJunior Royborn about 1934
ForestPhyllis Marieborn about 1932
FosterJim born about 1873
FosterRachel born about 1907
FosterSallie born about 1905
FrachusJim born about 1878
FrachusJimie born about 1916
FrachusJinnie Daleborn about 1938
FrachusMyrtle born about 1889
FrachusSteller born about 1914

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G Surnames

GannsLeo born about 1889
GanzAlbert born about 1922
GanzAlice born about 1902
GanzMargie born about 1924
GanzSilas A Lborn about 1895
GardinerEva born about 1917
GardinerRiley born about 1919
GardinerShirley born about 1940
GarrettE Wborn about 1920
GarrettGafford Wborn about 1897
GarrettGrady born about 1933
GarrettJack born about 1928
GarrettMary born about 1926
GarrettPearl born about 1900
GarrettRuth born about 1924
GaryBosenkeara born about 1919
GaryGlennie born about 1919
GassettDorse Juneborn about 1938
GassettEthel born about 1908
GassettGeorge born about 1904
GassettJohn Wrightborn about 1900
GentryEthel born about 1923
GentryEugene born about 1920
GentryFern born about 1922
GentryM Hborn about 1899
GentryNora born about 1901
GinnEmma born about 1928
GinnJmamay born about 1934
GinnMadlen born about 1904
GinnRame born about 1925
GinnThomas born about 1931
GlennThomas born about 1937
GlennTobbie born about 1918
GlennTom Bborn about 1909
GoldenAnnetter born about 1939
GoldenArthur born about 1910
GoldenCharol Jeanborn about 1935
GoldenEllis born about 1920
GoldenJane born about 1872
GoldenVelva born about 1913
GoldenWandlue born about 1932
GoodwinIngram born about 1932
GoodwinIra Pborn about 1896
GoodwinJohn born about 1925
GoodwinMargie born about 1923
GoodwinMinnie born about 1900
GoodwinWesley born about 1928
GoreEugene born about 1928
GoreJess born about 1924
GoreLoren born about 1922
GoreNancy born about 1926
GoreNettie born about 1887
GoreTim born about 1930
GoreTom born about 1880
GoreWayne born about 1920
GormanA Jborn about 1869
GormanDearl born about 1938
GormanDellie born about 1899
GormanFlorence born about 1876
GormanHeldried born about 1924
GunnHattie born about 1899
GunnJ Wborn about 1899

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H Surnames

HadockBaroba born about 1927
HadockC Bborn about 1891
HadockDonald born about 1923
HadockRuthe born about 1888
HalcombBertha Loborn about 1933
HalcombCharles born about 1929
HalcombCorra born about 1905
HalcombR Eborn about 1904
HalcombR Fborn about 1938
HalcombSam born about 1926
HalcombWilliam born about 1924
HalmanEveline born about 1926
HalmanHenry born about 1875
HalmanJ Wborn about 1923
HalmanJessie born about 1879
HalmanSula born about 1932
HaltBetty Joeborn about 1937
HaltJames born about 1919
HaltJoe born about 1895
HaltJohn Aborn about 1932
HaltMinnie born about 1894
HaltOpal born about 1924
HaltRuby born about 1917
HaltWillam born about 1919
HanieMagie born about 1873
HanieR Bborn about 1869
HansieArther born about 1896
HansieDoris born about 1936
HansieMable born about 1901
HansonClyde born about 1935
HansonEarl born about 1925
HansonGeorge born about 1932
HansonIrene born about 1922
HansonJack born about 1927
HansonJess born about 1899
HansonJessie born about 1938
HansonMyrtle born about 1904
HansonWilline born about 1916
HansonWilson Bborn about 1913
HappieFlorence born about 1936
HappieJaran born about 1935
HappieJohn born about 1940
HappieJohn Jborn about 1909
HappieLouisa born about 1905
HappieLucile born about 1933
HappieRodaman born about 1932
HappieWanda born about 1929
HarmonWhesettt born about 1877
HarnsJames born about 1920
HarnsJunnie born about 1880
HarnsL Bborn about 1877
HarnsLale born about 1916
HarpClarence born about 1892
HarpDaisey born about 1921
HarpGeneva born about 1926
HarpGeorge born about 1930
HarpLedean born about 1917
HarpLillian born about 1923
HarpMammie born about 1898
HarpPaul Dborn about 1939
HarpRalph born about 1933
HarrisKeneth born about 1938
HarrisRuth born about 1914
HarrisZeb born about 1912
HarrisonJess born about 1922
HarrisonMrs Mammie born about 1897
HavenAmanda born about 1897
HavenBonnie Sueborn about 1934
HavenHermon born about 1925
HavenJ Bborn about 1897
HavenReva born about 1927
HavenRubydean born about 1928
HavenVernia born about 1923
HavisEarnest born about 1919
HavisIra born about 1917
HavisMerril born about 1901
HavisRoxie born about 1887
HavnerM Bborn about 1864
HavnerMinnet born about 1881
HefleyArvel born about 1931
HefleyCavirg born about 1900
HefleyJunior born about 1926
HefleyL Bborn about 1872
HefleyL Hborn about 1895
HefleyLeona born about 1909
HefleyNynce born about 1922
HefleyO Hborn about 1898
HefleyTucker A Jborn about 1856
HendrixHenry born about 1870
HendrixPatsy born about 1875
HenryBufford Cborn about 1918
HenryDonamay A Bborn about 1940
HenryEthel born about 1938
HenryFred born about 1909
HenryLizzie born about 1913
HenryRobbie born about 1922
HeweyIma Maeborn about 1910
HeweyJohn born about 1908
HicksEffie born about 1898
HicksJ Wborn about 1896
HightBen born about 1931
HightByron born about 1929
HightJune born about 1932
HightLouise born about 1925
HightMarcelle born about 1935
HightMary Louborn about 1937
HightRobert born about 1927
HightRuby born about 1906
HightW Jborn about 1903
HigleCora born about 1871
HigleDavid Hborn about 1868
HigleWillam Hborn about 1910
HobbsBessie born about 1901
HobbsEarnest born about 1900
HobbsH Hborn about 1897
HobbsHarold born about 1929
HobbsKathrine born about 1923
HobbsOla Jeanborn about 1935
HobbsOlen born about 1921
HobbsOletha born about 1930
HobbsOralee born about 1938
HobbsOtis born about 1920
HobbsOwen born about 1939
HobbsPatsy born about 1932
HobbsPauline born about 1925
HobbsWinford born about 1926
HodgeLillie born about 1897
HodgeRufus born about 1895
HodlerC Rborn about 1863
HodlerM E Holderborn about 1862
HolcombHershul born about 1937
HolcombLeatris born about 1929
HolcombPearl born about 1900
HolcombR Lborn about 1893
HollandFay born about 1913
HollandTopay born about 1922
HoltAndy born about 1924
HoltHildreth born about 1922
HoniwellCard born about 1927
HoniwellClyde born about 1922
HoniwellDora born about 1899
HoniwellEdward born about 1935
HoniwellFloyed born about 1938
HoniwellMary born about 1933
HoniwellMildred born about 1925
HoniwellSarah born about 1868
HouseEdna born about 1914
HousePatrica born about 1939
HouseSamuel Houseborn about 1914
HowellPearl born about 1893
HowellWalter born about 1908
HuffJohn born about 1924
HuffJuleane born about 1922
HuffZoeb born about 1891
HunterDaisy born about 1887
HunterDemerlene Willamborn about 1932
HunterJ Cborn about 1875

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I Surnames

IrishAnnie born about 1882
IrishLuther born about 1879
IrishNamono born about 1924
IrishZola born about 1920

J Surnames

JacksonAleto born about 1915
JacksonArmenty born about 1934
JacksonAttoma born about 1902
JacksonBonnie born about 1938
JacksonCarl born about 1936
JacksonCarleta born about 1935
JacksonCharles born about 1934
JacksonDonald born about 1937
JacksonGilbert born about 1921
JacksonH Lborn about 1870
JacksonHellen born about 1928
JacksonLee born about 1899
JacksonMary born about 1926
JacksonRobert born about 1931
JacksonWilliam Hborn about 1905
JamesAlene born about 1926
JamesAmie Robesonborn about 1903
JamesArther born about 1898
JamesAthel born about 1931
JamesBertha born about 1910
JamesBillie Rayborn about 1938
JamesCharley born about 1935
JamesClyde born about 1930
JamesDellia born about 1872
JamesEdith born about 1922
JamesHenry born about 1895
JamesJerry born about 1940
JamesJewel born about 1924
JamesMardi Eborn about 1905
JamesMary Jamesborn about 1905
JamesMelba born about 1928
JamesP Mborn about 1901
JamesPauline born about 1933
JamesRoland born about 1928
JamesRosa born about 1899
JamesRosallhe born about 1930
JamesShelba Jeanborn about 1937
JamesT Oborn about 1868
JamesTodd born about 1926
JessBaily born about 1886
JessDellie L Boggsborn about 1928
JessFlorence born about 1887
JessRuthie born about 1878
JohamArnold born about 1936
JohamColleen born about 1934
JohamDelao born about 1923
JohamFlaral born about 1928
JohamJay born about 1925
JohamJewell Deanborn about 1930
JohamKiaioacal born about 1921
JohamLee Lborn about 1895
JohamLulla born about 1901
JohamOdell born about 1932
JohamPatsy Seeborn about 1938
JohnsonJmo born about 1922
JohnsonMarpy born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeckCocky born about 1929
KeckHermon born about 1923
KeckJ Eborn about 1896
KeckPegie born about 1926
KeithClarence born about 1914
KeithFloyd born about 1912
KeithHellen born about 1938
KeithNancy born about 1923
KeithSamie born about 1935
KeithVaila born about 1918
KightCarl Sueborn about 1940
KightMelvie born about 1923
KightMildred born about 1921
KightS??? born about 1919
KightStanley Wesleyborn about 1916
KightVandale born about 1921
KightVirgina born about 1925
KightW Bborn about 1891
KightZoe born about 1895
KingGeo born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LancasterBob born about 1939
LancasterGertrude born about 1910
LancasterJ Vborn about 1912
LancasterRobert born about 1914
LancasterShereland born about 1937
LancasterVart born about 1885
LandAlma born about 1916
LandAnnie born about 1892
LandAva born about 1919
LandDavied born about 1929
LandGeorge born about 1895
LandLouise born about 1922
LandWinsor born about 1924
LangEterae born about 1909
LangMartha born about 1933
LangNealey born about 1909
LartBillie born about 1930
LartFrancis born about 1921
LartGeogia born about 1902
LartJohn Collinsborn about 1890
LartRichard born about 1927
LartRudy born about 1922
LartRuffus born about 1893
LaweryCharles born about 1926
LaweryE Hborn about 1896
LaweryHolder born about 1921
LaweryJessie born about 1901
LaweryWanda Thompsonborn about 1930
LeightBonie born about 1906
LeightFloyed born about 1900
LeightMammie born about 1933
LeightMargie born about 1926
LeightWessley born about 1929
LittlejohnCharles born about 1927
LittlejohnJ Wborn about 1903
LittlejohnJennie Frankborn about 1939
LittlejohnPatsey Ruthborn about 1930
LittlejohnReba born about 1925
LittlejohnWinnie born about 1902
LongCarl born about 1940
LongDeloras born about 1938
LongFrances born about 1929
LongJimmie born about 1917
LongMartha born about 1931
LongRay born about 1906
LongRaymond born about 1937
LutherBessie born about 1900
LutherHutchins born about 1912
LutherLaird born about 1929
LutherRutham born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacmaryByers born about 1876
MaggardEmery born about 1919
MaggardLouise born about 1920
MaggardLoyal born about 1940
MaihusAnnie born about 1913
MaihusClaud born about 1913
MaihusMyrtle born about 1937
MarroBessie born about 1932
MarroCharley born about 1929
MarroGladys born about 1912
MarroMildred born about 1936
MarroRosa born about 1934
MarroSam born about 1938
MarroSusie born about 1930
MarroTayler born about 1908
MarroWillie born about 1940
MarrsE Fborn about 1869
MarrsEtta born about 1880
MartinAlbert born about 1908
MartinBarnes Elzieborn about 1908
MartinHarvie born about 1920
MartinJ B Martinborn about 1868
MartinKatherleen born about 1919
MartinLillie born about 1908
MartinShirley Doisborn about 1940
MartinShirley Mayborn about 1938
MaseyClaud born about 1872
MaseyJerry born about 1931
MaseyMargrt born about 1934
MaseyMasey born about 1901
MaseySam born about 1898
MatheusWalter born about 1916
MathisDelan born about 1930
MathisDonald born about 1926
MathisEdna born about 1938
MathisEula born about 1910
MathisJack Aborn about 1894
MathisRuthie born about 1936
MayBillie born about 1934
MayKathrine born about 1914
MayLela born about 1912
MayMannie born about 1906
MayNate born about 1886
MaySherman born about 1908
MayW Mborn about 1881
MayWanda born about 1937
MayhanAlice born about 1935
MayhanColee born about 1929
MayhanEllen born about 1896
MayhanFrank born about 1915
MayhanJim born about 1892
MayhanJunior born about 1927
MayhanLillen born about 1925
McAlureB Oborn about 1895
McAlureGeorge born about 1925
McAlureLillie born about 1902
McAlureOtto born about 1931
McAlureRoy Leeborn about 1933
McAlureSyble born about 1923
McCoyEllen born about 1899
McCoyVigina Joeborn about 1895
McFadenJeuel born about 1918
McFadenSid born about 1905
McFadenVelme Leeborn about 1936
McGowanDaie born about 1928
McGowanGean born about 1907
McGowanMarie Joeborn about 1930
McGowanRuby born about 1911
McInturfA Eborn about 1858
McInturfCan born about 1917
McInturfCharles Dicksonborn about 1939
McInturfCharley Dborn about 1912
McInturfDora A Bborn about 1918
McInturfDortha born about 1917
McInturfEva born about 1891
McInturfFlorence born about 1937
McInturfMarie born about 1913
McInturfW Tborn about 1883
McKenlyArchie born about 1917
McKenlyElsie born about 1897
McKenlyJohn born about 1891
McKenlyMary born about 1858
McKenlyWayne born about 1922
MearsHoward born about 1913
MearsInfant born about 1940
MearsJ Hborn about 1871
MearsKatherine born about 1912
MearsMellie born about 1882
MearsValvin born about 1934
MearsVirgina born about 1937
MellerEmma born about 1880
MellerL Aborn about 1880
MhitcoxRamey born about 1901
MillerAnnie born about 1880
MillerH born about 1880
MondayBerdine born about 1932
MondayDilia born about 1866
MondayJ Aborn about 1857
MondayOple born about 1925
MoodyAndrew born about 1919
MoodyBertha born about 1922
MoodyE Rborn about 1879
MoodyVicy born about 1880
MorrisAnnie born about 1869
MorrisAudrie born about 1904
MorrisE Bborn about 1928
MorrisElbert born about 1934
MorrisElmo born about 1924
MorrisFannie born about 1895
MorrisJ Dborn about 1867
MorrisJ Dborn about 1922
MorrisJames born about 1928
MorrisJeff born about 1928
MorrisJune born about 1931
MorrisKatie born about 1905
MorrisMadge born about 1925
MorrisMillard born about 1895
MortonTonnie born about 1877
MrsnittieBaroshean born about 1888
MrsnittieJune born about 1922
MrsnittieRiley born about 1911
MrsnittieSoonard born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagtanBill born about 1913
NagtanDereco born about 1922
NagtanManuel born about 1916
NagtanMary born about 1881
NancyD Spencerborn about 1865
NealDallie born about 1903
NealE Cborn about 1877
NealEvert born about 1925
NealFay born about 1917
NealIreane born about 1939
NealJohn born about 1928
NealJuner born about 1931
NealQuinton born about 1934
NealRalph born about 1935
NefireJohn born about 1890
NelsonInama born about 1920
NelsonJ Hborn about 1888
NelsonJ Vborn about 1920
NelsonJuneva born about 1923
NelsonLester born about 1916
NelsonNeoma born about 1927
NelsonPaul born about 1927
NelsonVelma Jeanborn about 1939
NelsonWillie born about 1893
NeutonLorean born about 1920
NeutonW Rborn about 1915
NewtonCleo born about 1892
NewtonFrank born about 1935
NewtonJulius born about 1928
NewtonMarie born about 1934
NewtonMarvin born about 1913
NewtonPaul born about 1932
NewtonRaymond Infantborn about 1940
NewtonTressie born about 1916
NewtonW Tborn about 1886
NickBillie born about 1939
NickGeorgia born about 1923
NickJoseph Simborn about 1898
NickMary born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OgdanAlbert born about 1925
OgdanEdgar Lborn about 1918
OgdanIda born about 1882
OgdanLina born about 1922
OgdanTom born about 1880
OnealMina born about 1919
OnealPatsy born about 1939
OnealRaymod Cborn about 1918
OrndoffC Hborn about 1867
OrndoffDollie born about 1909
OrndoffHobert born about 1907
OrndoffLina born about 1881
OrndoffNorman born about 1932
OrndoffPaul born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PattersonAnnie born about 1869
PattersonEugene born about 1928
PattersonLearine born about 1930
PattersonLewis born about 1869
PattersonLoretta born about 1938
PattersonLula born about 1907
PattersonRalph born about 1909
PeetFoster born about 1895
PennyAmy born about 1885
PennyJ Wborn about 1883
PennyJissie Keithborn about 1921
PerryC Cborn about 1877
PerryClaud born about 1913
PerryEdna born about 1903
PerryJuniour born about 1927
PerryL Hborn about 1873
PerryMary born about 1933
PerryNolen born about 1913
PerryRachel born about 1919
PerryRonnie born about 1872
PetreeE Dborn about 1896
PetreeRuby born about 1906
PhilipsBernice born about 1924
PhilipsBessie born about 1926
PhilipsBobby born about 1934
PhilipsBufford born about 1899
PhilipsMaggrte born about 1902
PhilipsMildred born about 1936
PierceAlpunt born about 1908
PierceMartha born about 1864
PohlmanHarel born about 1931
PohlmanJohn born about 1925
PohlmanLex born about 1893
PohlmanLoria born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RackleyHallie born about 1914
RackleyNola born about 1904
RackleyWanda Mayborn about 1934
RaineyClaria born about 1908
RaineyIad born about 1906
RaseyClaud born about 1928
RaseyGeneva born about 1924
RaseyHaskel born about 1932
RaseyJossie born about 1936
RaseyKattie born about 1900
RaseyMiean born about 1922
RaseySheroletto born about 1938
RaseyW Mborn about 1878
RealAdam born about 1923
RealAder born about 1925
RealAllen born about 1917
RealAllen Cborn about 1885
RealDavie born about 1937
RealDottie born about 1918
RealIda born about 1890
RealJ Rborn about 1883
RealJene born about 1939
RealPerthene born about 1885
RealSilas born about 1928
RealStarr born about 1935
RealVirgina born about 1931
ReevesW Bborn about 1911
RemyCalvin born about 1921
RemyCarmon born about 1929
RemyCecil born about 1918
RemyFrancis born about 1926
RemyRay born about 1913
RemyRoy born about 1924
RemyRue born about 1888
RichardsonJohn born about 1880
RichardsonLara born about 1872
RiggsDora born about 1919
RiggsNolen born about 1911
RiggsNolen Jborn about 1939
RobertsAudry born about 1924
RobertsB Gborn about 1929
RobertsBen Gborn about 1896
RobertsGradie born about 1921
RobertsJ Wborn about 1907
RobertsKarma born about 1919
RobertsMyrtle born about 1901
RobertsWillam Margaretborn about 1919
RochelleAletha born about 1934
RochelleCherokee born about 1923
RochelleJ Lborn about 1898
RochelleJames born about 1925
RochelleLarence born about 1923
RochelleMaud born about 1925
RochelleSunilda born about 1895
RopeAda born about 1891
RopeAleato born about 1926
RopeLeon born about 1928
RopeWatie born about 1887
RoseBobby Rayborn about 1939
RoseCletus born about 1917
RoseJess Rborn about 1914
RosePatsey born about 1936
RoseSherlie born about 1938
RossBettie born about 1930
RossClara born about 1929
RossJeneva born about 1917
RossLeana born about 1938
RossLouis born about 1933
RossNettie born about 1897
RossW Hborn about 1906
RossWatie Thomasborn about
RossWessley Wborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersAdair born about 1880
SandersAnna Yborn about 1891
SandersByrs A???born about 1897
SandersC Stahiaborn about 1915
SandersCarl born about 1922
SandersCarugan born about 1921
SandersD Vborn about 1876
SandersJ Tborn about 1882
SandersKatherine born about 1917
SandersMare born about 1919
SandersMillie born about 1867
SandersOleta born about 1921
SandersPearl born about 1891
SandersSaria Rborn about 1881
SarerBen born about 1921
SarerJohnie born about 1937
SarerLillie born about 1926
SarerSteller born about 1894
SarerW Hborn about 1884
SarerWalter born about 1923
SarerWillam born about 1913
SatterleEthel born about 1897
SatterleJ Rborn about 1890
SaylersAdean born about 1929
SaylersAletryle born about 1927
SaylersBerniece A Bborn about 1920
SaylersGoldie born about 1886
SaylersJohnie born about 1922
SaylersWalter born about 1884
SaylersWilburss born about 1924
SchomanDolores born about 1924
SchomanJack born about 1896
SchomanPheoba born about 1903
SchomanPine born about 1921
ScogginsEmalie Eborn about 1875
ScogginsJohn Sborn about 1875
SeaboltMary born about 1917
SeaboltThomas born about 1937
SeaboltVirgal born about 1913
SearsCharlott Anborn about 1939
SearsChristopher Cloborn about 1918
SearsEttar born about 1879
SearsJohn Harveyborn about 1873
SearsMerrell born about 1921
SeitzJohn Thomasborn about 1869
SeitzMelvina Eborn about 1873
SelfGeo born about 1882
SelfJ Hborn about 1880
SelfMollie born about 1883
SelfSanders born about 1912
SelfTonis born about 1917
SephtonEarl born about 1923
SephtonJames Lborn about 1879
SephtonMary born about 1926
SephtonRalph born about 1920
SephtonSusie born about 1883
SettingChas born about 1904
SettingDunn Steveborn about 1874
ShanksBarbara Annborn about 1936
ShanksBillie born about 1939
ShanksG Aborn about 1916
ShanksLynn born about 1916
ShawCharley born about 1940
ShawFay born about 1935
ShawFrank born about 1910
ShawMinnie Leeborn about 1937
ShawStella born about 1913
SheyFannie born about 1899
SheyW Fborn about 1894
SimondsBoby Gailborn about 1938
SimondsCleo born about 1925
SimondsEster born about 1900
SimondsGlen born about 1929
SimondsLeo born about 1925
SimondsT Oborn about 1922
SimondsW Lborn about 1888
SimondsW Lborn about 1921
SizemoreBillie born about 1938
SizemoreFay born about 1922
SizemoreJoel born about 1919
SizemoreWayne born about 1939
SmithBell born about 1914
SmithCallie born about 1907
SmithCora born about 1905
SmithDartha born about 1938
SmithEdna born about 1939
SmithEllis born about 1909
SmithGamer born about 1934
SmithGeorge born about 1921
SmithGrace born about 1891
SmithH Eborn about 1893
SmithJairl born about 1926
SmithJess born about 1902
SmithJunior born about 1937
SmithKeneth born about 1930
SmithLee born about 1886
SmithLoreane born about 1924
SmithMartle born about 1935
SmithMarydee born about 1919
SmithMaxie born about 1938
SmithMerie born about 1933
SmithPawleth born about 1939
SmithPeggie born about 1938
SmithStellea born about 1928
SmithViria born about 1927
SmithW Aborn about 1902
SnowAdres Mborn about 1896
SnowBillie born about 1931
SnowMinnie born about 1896
SnowRetha born about 1936
SnowWarn Jamesborn about 1922
SnowWillard born about 1925
SparksBradie born about 1920
SparksC Wborn about 1882
SparksCharley born about 1924
SparksDee born about 1906
SparksDollie born about 1918
SparksDrewie born about 1921
SparksEd born about 1911
SparksF Dborn about 1891
SparksFreda born about 1921
SparksHettie born about 1893
SparksIda Leneborn about 1934
SparksIrene born about 1934
SparksJoice born about 1931
SparksLorene born about 1932
SparksMaudie born about 1882
SparksRick born about 1909
SparksThelma born about 1905
SpencerBeatrice born about 1906
SpencerBirt born about 1929
SpencerBob born about 1938
SpencerDelbert born about 1925
SpencerJames born about 1935
SpencerLittleton born about 1882
SpencerManuel born about 1933
SpencerNorman born about 1940
SpencerVioela born about 1927
StacyA Jborn about 1868
StacyJessie born about 1873
StarrHonmer born about 1891
StellyErmerlov born about 1931
StellyFrank Mborn about 1889
StellyJocie born about 1892
StellyNina born about 1924
SteuartAlson born about 1938
SteuartBill born about 1904
SteuartBillie born about 1932
SteuartBillie Joeborn about 1935
SteuartDan born about 1875
SteuartEdgar born about 1936
SteuartElla born about 1910
SteuartGeorge born about 1931
SteuartJewel born about 1904
SteuartKenith born about 1921
SteuartW Sborn about 1910
StevemanCornell born about 1929
StevemanJ Dborn about 1927
StevemanJeweldon born about 1926
StevemanMattie born about 1888
StevemanO Lborn about 1887
StevemanO Lborn about 1921
StevemanPelbent born about 1924
StevensonBill born about 1907
StevensonBob born about 1936
StevensonDart born about 1934
StevensonGladus born about 1908
StevensonMay born about 1938
StewartAnnie born about 1912
StewartBige born about 1908
StewartCecil born about 1916
StewartDale born about 1932
StewartDonald born about 1930
StewartHarrell born about 1932
StewartJohn born about 1920
StewartMargrtt Annborn about 1934
StewartMary born about 1892
StewartNoble born about 1927
StewartOple Priceborn about 1911
StewartRalph born about 1887
StewartTip born about 1918
StoneBirt born about 1913
StoneJ Wborn about 1876
StoneJoesh born about 1907
StoneJohn Wborn about 1926
StoneKatherine born about 1924
StoneMelvinie born about 1886
StoneNettie Melvinaborn about 1940
StoneRuth born about 1922
StoneTheodore born about 1922
StrandClyde born about 1924
StrandEva born about 1925
StrandHelen born about 1933
StrandMinnie born about 1897
StrandT Cborn about 1893
StraudAllen born about 1925
StraudBillie Royborn about 1936
StraudLavania born about 1917
StraudLeroy born about 1940
StraudPershing born about 1938
StraudWessly born about 1937
SwaffordClarnel J Bborn about 1926
SwaffordMinnie born about 1905
SwaffordUgean born about 1923
SwanD Kborn about 1927
SwanEdward born about 1921
SwanGertrude born about 1885
SwanW Bborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalkhAvedo born about 1926
TalkhCarthal born about 1930
TalkhDanl born about 1923
TalkhGraves born about 1885
TalkhRosse born about 1893
TalkhS??? born about 1937
TalkhTarry born about 1935
TalleyAnnie born about 1898
TalleyJ Mborn about 1878
TarbettClaud born about 1889
TaylerAudrey born about 1923
TaylerCharles Wayneborn about 1931
TaylerCherokee born about 1918
TaylerJames Tborn about 1894
TaylerMillie born about 1898
TaylersAugusta born about 1917
TaylersDon born about 1939
TaylersJ Bborn about 1880
TaylersOwen born about 1907
TaylorAndy born about 1879
TaylorArmon born about 1923
TaylorBarbra born about 1939
TaylorCarletto born about 1928
TaylorEtter born about 1891
TaylorFlorence born about 1902
TaylorGlenn born about 1938
TaylorInfant born about
TaylorJohn Billborn about 1926
TaylorKelley born about 1913
TaylorMark born about 1898
TaylorRuby born about 1918
ThomasLorene born about 1920
ThomasManual Jonesborn about 1938
ThomasManul born about 1910
ThomasVirgina born about 1939
ThomasonArval born about 1928
ThomasonB Wborn about 1923
ThomasonDarline born about 1933
ThomasonDunn born about 1894
ThomasonJ Mborn about 1926
ThomasonLeona born about 1930
ThomasonLetha born about 1896
ThompsonClair born about 1907
ThompsonEly born about 1893
ThompsonJames Wborn about 1894
ThompsonJeraldine born about 1935
ThompsonMargret born about 1858
ThompsonRay Leeborn about 1931
TimmerDoshia born about 1880
TimmerG Pborn about 1886
TimmerJuniacer Hayesborn about 1926
TimmerKatie Atwoodborn about 1901
TimmerMicky born about 1923
TuglerFredrick born about 1939
TuglerJack born about 1918
TuglerLenora born about 1922
TuglerMinnie born about 1899
TylerArvel born about 1908
TylerBillie born about 1939
TylerCharley born about 1935
TylerDonald Jeanborn about 1929
TylerE Tborn about 1927
TylerForest born about 1906
TylerJames born about 1937
TylerMarie born about 1912
TylerPave Royborn about 1931
TylerRuth born about 1909
TylerTherron born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VessellBeane Lueborn about 1935
VessellDelilah born about 1897
VessellE Fborn about 1897

W Surnames

WagesEthel born about 1896
WagesJ Ivorayborn about 1927
WagesW Hborn about 1924
WardAzalee born about 1928
WardC Fborn about 1925
WardCharles born about 1904
WardDonald Rayborn about 1937
WardEdith born about 1903
WellsElvie born about 1918
WellsElvis born about 1939
WellsLola born about 1920
WeonkcampbellHarly born about 1923
WeonkcampbellWillie born about 1904
WessonCasey born about 1885
WessonHelen born about 1929
WessonJ Aborn about 1884
WessonJohn born about 1914
WessonLeveta born about 1935
WessonNettie born about 1916
WessonShelby born about 1937
WestEd born about 1891
WestEvert born about 1920
WestJohne born about 1926
WestJulia born about 1892
WestWatie born about 1932
WhisettC Bborn about 1880
WhisettFlorence born about 1879
WillamCarl born about 1924
WillamJ Cborn about 1904
WillamLewis born about 1922
WillamSarah born about 1881
WillamsAllie born about 1918
WillamsLloid born about 1900
WillamsRuby born about 1918
WillayblyDorthy born about 1926
WillayblyFay born about 1930
WillayblyHazel born about 1908
WillayblyJ Hborn about 1906
WillayblySela born about 1933
WilliamsJ Aborn about 1874
WilsonBetty Joborn about 1936
WilsonCollin Eborn about 1926
WilsonDella born about 1904
WilsonH Tborn about 1872
WilsonHuie born about 1927
WilsonJames Aborn about 1923
WilsonJames Eborn about 1902
WilsonWilliam Hborn about 1929
WilsonWillie born about 1882
WinklerNeoma born about 1928
WinklerPearl born about 1916
WinklerWalter born about 1904
WinklerWilma born about 1938
WinselClyde born about 1891
WinselEarl born about 1902
WinselRiney born about 1858
WitburnSpears born about 1918
WoodwardAlta born about 1923
WoodwardAsa born about 1899
WoodwardDortha born about 1922
WoodwardHannah Mborn about 1858
WoodwardHershel born about 1925
WoodwardHubert born about 1930
WoodwardIra born about 1888
WoodwardJ Cborn about 1880
WoodwardJ Sborn about 1856
WoodwardMartha born about 1906
WoodwardMary Eborn about 1881
WoodwardMelba born about 1931
WoodwardRobert born about 1886
WoodwardShoat Charityborn about 1877
WoodwardTonise born about 1927
WrightEsther Juneborn about 1938
WrightGertrude born about 1922
WrightJimie born about 1910
WrightLora Bellborn about 1939
WrightMary Annborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaurslyFay born about 1909
YaurslyOleda born about 1939
YaurslyStanley born about 1903
YoungAlford born about 1932
YoungBaby born about 1937
YoungBenjamin born about 1921
YoungBillie born about 1936
YoungDora born about 1939
YoungEller born about 1937
YoungFrank born about 1895
YoungGeorge born about 1893
YoungLegvan born about 1934
YoungMargett born about 1920
YoungNadie born about 1919
YoungNormal born about 1933
YoungSophia born about 1915
YoungVelmer born about 1935
YoungWillam Bborn about 1910
YoungWoods Jamesborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeindlerBillie born about 1935
ZeindlerClinton born about 1937
ZeindlerElzie born about 1904
ZeindlerGeorge born about 1933
ZeindlerJohnnie born about 1923
ZeindlerLeroy born about 1927
ZeindlerPearel born about 1913

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