1940 U.S. Federal Census of Milton, Le Flore, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Le Flore County > 1940 Census of Milton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyAudry Lborn about 1922
AbernathyClayton Cborn about 1919
AbernathyDaisy Mborn about 1921
AbernathyDolar Eborn about 1888
AbernathyEdward Jborn about 1931
AbernathyFrankie Jborn about 1929
AbernathyJ Bborn about 1916
AbernathyJim Bborn about 1939
AbernathyMary Eborn about 1892
AdamsJean born about 1934
AdamsJohn Lborn about 1903
AdamsLesta born about 1936
AdamsNolia born about 1913
AlcornA Dborn about 1910
AlcornFannie born about 1875
AlcornWilliam Fborn about 1870
AldridgeAnnie Fborn about 1887
AldridgeBeulah Lborn about 1903
AldridgeMartin Lborn about 1875
AndersonDarmon Jborn about 1930
AndersonElsie Fborn about 1913
AndersonJames Cborn about 1932
AndersonNina Fborn about 1937
AndersonSam Hborn about 1906
AndersonSam Lborn about 1939
AndersonWanda Mborn about 1934
ArnoldArdis Eborn about 1925
ArnoldCarmilla Kborn about 1927
ArnoldHouston Yborn about 1903
ArnoldPolly Mborn about 1905
ArnwineFrank Lborn about 1878
ArnwineHoward Bborn about 1919
ArnwineMinnie Lborn about 1885
AttenC F Dickborn about 1894
AttenOllie Mborn about 1896
AustinClifford Lborn about 1873
AutreyHubert born about 1920

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B Surnames

BaileyBertha born about 1931
BaileyBeulah Iborn about 1921
BaileyCharley born about 1933
BaileyCharley Cborn about 1883
BaileyEdward Lborn about 1860
BaileyFred Aborn about 1890
BaileyGeorge Eborn about 1928
BaileyHarold Aborn about 1931
BaileyHazel Dborn about 1937
BaileyLinnie born about 1911
BaileyLuther born about 1936
BaileyMalacie Aborn about 1895
BaileyMary Cborn about 1925
BaileyNellie Jborn about 1936
BakerDonald Rborn about 1935
BakerEddie Mborn about 1888
BakerFlossie Lborn about 1909
BakerJames Cborn about 1878
BakerLushus Jborn about 1905
BakerMarlton Lborn about 1927
BakerOdilee born about 1932
BakerReba Lborn about 1926
BakerTroy Jborn about 1937
BakerW Jborn about 1940
BaldwinBert born about
BaldwinBert Jborn about 1928
BaldwinFaye Vborn about 1926
BaldwinHazel Mborn about 1924
BaldwinIna Lborn about 1903
BarkleyBarbara Rborn about 1939
BarkleyHaydon Eborn about 1913
BarkleyNaoma born about 1923
BarnellGenetta Cborn about 1937
BarnellGrace born about 1902
BarnellIoma Lborn about 1933
BarnellJames Hborn about 1904
BarnellJames Hborn about 1935
BarnellMarley Jborn about 1939
BarnellMilton Hborn about 1929
BarnellRobert Oborn about 1931
BarnellVera Fborn about 1938
BatesGrover Cborn about 1889
BatesJames Cborn about 1933
BatesJohn Wborn about 1929
BatesJula Fborn about 1922
BatesStella Mborn about 1897
BatesUla Iborn about 1925
BeanEthel born about 1909
BeanImogene Rborn about 1925
BeanJuanita Nborn about 1923
BeanRobert Bborn about 1874
BeanWilliam Eborn about 1900
BeasleyBertilla Mborn about 1921
BeasleyCharles Rborn about 1939
BeasleyEula Lborn about 1922
BeasleyHayden Hborn about 1896
BeasleyJulia Aborn about 1933
BeasleyMarlin Cborn about 1932
BeasleyMartin Kborn about 1919
BeasleyMyrtle Mborn about 1898
BeasleyPauline Bborn about 1924
BeasleyReba Lborn about 1937
BeasleyThomas Hborn about 1927
BeasleyVanda Lborn about 1926
BeasleyVelma Lborn about 1929
BeasleyWilford Wborn about 1935
BirckelClarence Eborn about 1928
BirckelNellie Mborn about 1896
BirckelNick Aborn about 1890
BlairBetty Jborn about 1934
BlairBobby Gborn about 1937
BlairClyde Sborn about 1915
BlairDelia born about 1910
BlairDonald Lborn about 1930
BlairFrankie Wborn about 1934
BlairGeorge born about 1907
BlairGertrude born about 1915
BlairHester Lborn about 1940
BlairJackie born about 1931
BlairOrville Bborn about 1907
BlairOscar Rborn about 1929
BlairRuth Cborn about 1934
BlairViolet Vborn about 1912
BlanBilly Jborn about 1933
BlanCarl born about 1924
BlanClaude born about 1920
BlanEddie Bborn about 1911
BlanFloyd born about 1920
BlanJames Pborn about 1876
BlanJeo Rborn about 1931
BlanKenneth Cborn about 1911
BlanKenneth Dborn about 1930
BlanMarcus Lborn about 1936
BlanNancy Cborn about 1919
BlanNora Bborn about 1938
BlanRoy Eborn about 1909
BlaylockAlice Fborn about 1939
BlaylockBertie Lborn about 1911
BlaylockBillie Eborn about 1938
BlaylockDixie Lborn about 1924
BlaylockGeorge Wborn about 1906
BlaylockGertie born about 1908
BlaylockHenry born about 1853
BlaylockHoward Jr born about 1928
BlaylockIssac born about 1908
BlaylockJim Aborn about 1919
BlaylockJoe Hborn about 1927
BlaylockKenneth Rborn about 1935
BlaylockLemmy Jborn about 1939
BlaylockMarguerite Wborn about 1930
BlaylockMelba Lborn about 1930
BlaylockMinnie Rborn about 1931
BlaylockPearlie Lborn about 1899
BlaylockRamalee born about 1932
BlaylockWillis Hborn about 1901
BledsoeCecil born about 1924
BledsoeFred Bborn about 1894
BledsoeMarion born about 1929
BledsoeMary Aborn about 1899
BledsoeVirgil born about 1926
BledsorDelia born about 1892
BledsorEva Iborn about 1907
BledsorHarold born about 1929
BledsorHomer Lborn about 1925
BledsorJames Eborn about 1887
BledsorOttie born about 1927
BledsorSam born about 1890
BledsorWilliam Mborn about 1896
BondenArvie born about 1907
BondenEdward Oborn about 1932
BondenElizabeth born about 1934
BondenEllen Fborn about 1930
BondenElven Eborn about 1928
BondenEugene Wborn about 1939
BondenEvelyn Lborn about 1926
BondenMarvin Eborn about 1906
BowdenArnold Lborn about 1934
BowdenEdna born about 1911
BowdenGurstus Yborn about 1907
BowdenKatie Lborn about 1932
BowenDonald Eborn about 1922
BowenHenry Eborn about 1883
BowenJack born about 1925
BowenMable Lborn about 1890
BowenMyrtle born about 1917
BrewerAbb Lborn about 1885
BrewerFronia born about 1889
BryandCassie Eborn about 1916
BryandElzie Oborn about 1913
BryandJohn Tborn about 1877
BryandPatsy Mborn about 1938
BryandR Dborn about 1934
BryandUla Mborn about 1881
BullardCharles Fborn about 1890
BullardMable Fborn about 1897
BursonClaude Aborn about 1899
BursonDonald Wborn about 1932
BursonJimmy Jborn about 1938
BursonJosephine Aborn about 1930
BursonMary Lborn about 1935
BursonOrville Dborn about 1926
BursonPearl Vborn about 1901
BursonRaymond Eborn about 1919

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C Surnames

CarpenterWilliam Aborn about 1875
CarterGeorge born about 1881
CarterJosephine born about 1886
CarterJunior Rborn about 1929
CarterLaura born about 1896
CarterMary born about 1927
CarterNorman born about 1925
CarterRuby Jborn about 1932
CarterThomas Rborn about 1883
CarverLila Rborn about 1893
CarverWalter born about 1894
CleaverAlbert born about 1935
CleaverAlta Mborn about 1937
CleaverBug Hborn about 1925
CleaverJewel Dborn about 1934
CleaverJoe Hborn about 1939
CleaverLizzie born about 1894
CleaverLois born about 1924
CleaverRoe Jborn about 1931
CleaverWilliam Dborn about 1885
CollinsAmmon Mborn about 1870
CollinsMattie born about 1878
CoxFairalee born about 1917
CoxHarold Rborn about 1934
CoxJames Eborn about 1935
CoxLinzy Cborn about 1920
CoxMill Jborn about 1912
CoxRobert Eborn about 1937
CoxViola Gborn about 1939
CulwellAlbert born about 1892
CulwellAlbert Lborn about 1935
CulwellAlma Jborn about 1929
CulwellBelle born about 1891
CulwellBobby Jborn about 1932
CulwellBurch Cborn about 1891
CulwellClarence Cborn about 1911
CulwellClarence Lborn about 1938
CulwellCurtis born about 1921
CulwellDarrel Wborn about 1940
CulwellEdmond Bborn about 1923
CulwellEva Mborn about 1911
CulwellHerschel born about 1919
CulwellHurbert born about 1925
CulwellJames Rborn about 1908
CulwellLorene born about 1929
CulwellMaud born about 1900
CulwellMyrtle Mborn about 1929
CulwellNorma Rborn about 1933
CulwellPauline born about 1928
CulwellRossie Lborn about 1911

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D Surnames

DaileyBetty Jborn about 1924
DaileyFannie Mborn about 1888
DaughertyDavid Dborn about 1883
DaughertyEdward Nmborn about 1923
DaughertyFrank Oborn about 1927
DaughertyJames Cborn about 1917
DaughertyJames Eborn about 1939
DaughertyJosephine born about 1895
DaughertyNova Jborn about 1918
DaughertyThelma Mborn about 1937
DavisAgnes Lborn about 1932
DavisAlfred born about 1915
DavisAnnie born about 1875
DavisCharley Wborn about 1922
DavisClaude Jr born about 1930
DavisDorthy Mborn about 1930
DavisJohn Tborn about 1867
DavisLouise Wborn about 1928
DavisMarie Lborn about 1929
DavisNora Mborn about 1913
DavisSusie born about 1905
DavisVirgil born about 1903
DeckerLavenia Vborn about 1859
DeckerWilliam Sborn about 1892
DidesAmaziah Mborn about 1872
DidesArtie Mborn about 1875
DidesOlin born about 1902
DidesTony born about 1914
DillardCleo Pborn about 1894
DillardMary born about 1875
DillardRobert Aborn about 1884
DosherBenner Mborn about 1915
DosherDennen Cborn about 1891
DosherLaura Jborn about 1863
DoughettyLela Iborn about 1917

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E Surnames

EmbregAnna Belleborn about 1904
EmbregBetty Jborn about 1933
EmbregChester Aborn about 1899
EmbregGeorge Eborn about 1923
EmbregViola Fborn about 1925
EmbregWilliam Aborn about 1939
EmbreyHiram Wborn about 1913
EmbreyIra Cborn about 1887
EmbreyRoxine born about 1867
EmbreyVelma Oborn about 1921

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F Surnames

FinksAda Bborn about 1902
FinksHenry Lborn about 1893
FinksJames Rborn about 1860
FinksSimson Fborn about 1902
FlathFrankie born about 1931
FolsomWreneta born about 1920
FoxGeorge Cborn about 1871
FoxMallie Aborn about 1873
FoxNate born about 1876
FoxWilliam Mborn about 1873

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G Surnames

GambleAlta Dborn about 1913
GambleHarriett born about 1861
GambleNoble Rborn about 1929
GambleOdis Dborn about 1906
GambleOlen Dborn about 1931
GambleRobert Hborn about 1887
GarnerAlbie Hborn about 1885
GarnerCharles Lborn about 1925
GarnerIda Mayborn about 1892
GarnerLester Vborn about 1926
GarverJane Gborn about 1874
GarverJessie Bborn about 1888
GarverTalitha Aborn about 1889
GollihurAb born about 1877
GollihurIda Mborn about 1883
GrahamClyde born about 1908
GrahamJohn Wborn about 1872
GrahamRuby Lborn about 1919
GraiseTommie Rborn about 1903
GreenmyerArlie born about 1917
GreenmyerDella born about 1894
GreenmyerLadean born about 1931
GreenmyerLonemma born about 1925
GuinHilliard Wborn about 1874
GuinLoyd born about 1921
GutherEalmon Lborn about 1884
GutherJames Eborn about 1919
GutherJames Eborn about 1921
GutherLena Aborn about 1935

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H Surnames

HamArlis Bborn about 1923
HamDoyle Wborn about 1924
HamEnglish Bborn about 1881
HamEstella Eborn about 1893
HamHerbert Eborn about 1923
HamJewell Mborn about 1927
HamlinMartha born about 1887
HardyEdith Lborn about 1937
HardyHenry born about 1904
HardyHenry Lborn about 1935
HardyRuby Iborn about 1909
HarpAndrew Aborn about 1892
HarpArthur Lborn about 1927
HarpBetty born about 1888
HarpBolly Dborn about 1933
HarpCarmelita born about 1939
HarpCecil Eborn about 1916
HarpClara Aborn about 1908
HarpClaude Cborn about 1886
HarpEsther Eborn about 1916
HarpEula Mborn about 1909
HarpJennie Bborn about 1931
HarpJewelene born about 1936
HarpRubin born about 1921
HarpWilliam Eborn about 1905
HeaganHenry Gborn about 1887
HeaganIda Mborn about 1884
HendrixGeorge Aborn about 1871
HendrixJohn Jborn about 1909
HendrixLucille Lborn about 1924
HendrixMartha born about 1890
HendrixOtto Aborn about 1921
HendrixRiley Wborn about 1875
HicksMalitha Aborn about 1877
HicksWilliam Gborn about 1876
HiggsBrodie born about 1916
HiggsRilla born about 1921
HiltonClyde Lborn about 1922
HolleyEarvin Eborn about 1918
HolleyLeon born about 1921
HolleyRobert Eborn about 1939
HopkinsThelma Mborn about 1924
HopperGayle Pborn about 1935
HortonDonald Eborn about 1937
HortonGuy Lborn about 1931
HortonGuy Oborn about 1907
HortonJerry Wborn about 1939
HortonLena Aborn about 1928
HortonLouise Vborn about 1938
HortonNorman Eborn about 1914
HortonOlean Mborn about 1910
HortonSusie Aborn about 1917
HousemanHoward Mborn about 1909
HowardHarry Hborn about 1873
HowardLoretta Jborn about 1930
HowardPearl Oborn about 1910

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I Surnames

IngramWillie Jborn about 1905

J Surnames

JonesDale Eborn about 1937
JonesFlora Bborn about 1887
JonesLawrence Mborn about 1913
JonesMinnie Cborn about 1860
JonesRhoda Bborn about 1915
JonesWalter Wborn about 1888

K Surnames

KennedyBen Wborn about 1920
KennedyDennis Wborn about 1939
KennedyDoris Jborn about 1935
KennedyLarry Jborn about 1939
KennedyLawrence Eborn about 1910
KennedyMaud Mborn about 1912
KennedyMildred Mborn about 1922
KingsboroughBenjamin Fborn about 1905
KingsboroughBillie Pborn about 1928
KingsboroughDouglas Aborn about 1931
KingsboroughEmma Mborn about 1931
KingsboroughMary Sborn about 1927
KingsboroughWillie Mborn about 1905
KinseyHazel Lborn about 1909

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L Surnames

LaughertyBen Fborn about 1855
LefloreFloyd Eborn about 1930
LefloreJohn Wborn about 1904
LefloreJos Wborn about 1934
LefloreLura Aborn about 1932
LefloreOva born about 1904
LeflorePaul Wborn about 1928
LefloreWynona Vborn about 1939
LewisKit Lborn about 1877
LongAnna Lborn about 1911
LongDon Lborn about 1929
LongJewell Vborn about 1904
LongLatrella Rborn about 1931
LongWilliam Cborn about 1937
LovellAlta Cborn about 1930
LovellJunell born about 1938
LovellLindell Rborn about 1939
LovellMarcus Mborn about 1892
LovellOpal born about 1921
LovellPearl born about 1897
LovellPricilla born about 1918
LovellRobert Vborn about 1916
LovellShirley Lborn about 1939
LovellWilliam Fborn about 1919
LukerLavana Dborn about 1929

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M Surnames

MagleyJohn Yborn about 1861
MagleyLee Gborn about 1900
MagleyThomas Jborn about 1885
MahanAlma Aborn about 1920
MahanBetty Jborn about 1933
MahanDelbert Eborn about 1923
MahanDella Gborn about 1896
MahanGeraldine Dborn about 1926
MahanGertrude Wborn about 1929
MahanHelen Fborn about 1940
MahanIssac Fborn about 1857
MahanOrval Jborn about 1918
MahanSallie Eborn about 1877
MahanSeth Eborn about 1894
MannAlfred Jborn about 1929
MannBennie Aborn about 1903
MannElbert Lborn about 1926
MannGeorge Eborn about 1904
MannWoodene Lborn about 1936
MarshallBernice Fborn about 1936
MarshallDeloris Cborn about 1933
MarshallEston Vborn about 1913
MarshallEvelyn Mborn about 1916
MarshallWilma Jborn about 1938
MassaAndrew Dborn about 1865
MassaHarriet Lborn about 1865
MassaLeo Dborn about 1923
MauriceCharles Eborn about 1931
MauriceHearold Dborn about 1928
MauriceJames Eborn about 1938
MauriceVera Mborn about 1912
MauriceWilliam Aborn about 1913
MauriceWilliam Cborn about 1930
MayAndrew born about 1914
MayHoward born about 1901
MaySarah Mborn about 1877
MayTed born about 1905
McCollomBetty Jborn about 1929
McCollomDortha Jborn about 1937
McCollomGrace Lborn about 1892
McCollomHoward Lborn about 1932
McCollomJewel Tborn about 1897
McCollomJunior Jborn about 1925
McCollomMaggie Dborn about 1876
McCollomMark Hborn about 1894
McCollomMyrtle Bborn about 1897
McCollomThomas Jborn about 1859
McCornBarnie Rborn about 1926
McCornGeorgia born about 1907
McCornJohn Hborn about 1889
McCornTom born about 1897
McCornWilliam Oborn about 1929
McCornWillie Eborn about 1888
McElenyAmel Eborn about 1893
McElenyMary Eborn about 1895
McElhaneyChester born about 1916
McElhaneyCleo Lborn about 1923
McElhaneyDennie born about 1891
McElhaneyJola Mborn about 1920
McElhaneyMerle Wborn about 1938
McElhaneyNellie Mborn about 1919
McElhaneyNorma Jborn about 1917
McElhaneyOscar Eborn about 1913
McLemoreSam Cborn about 1873
MeyersJadie Rborn about 1931
MeyersJames Eborn about 1937
MeyersLucie born about 1913
MeyersRaymond born about 1909
MitchellBillie Jborn about 1930
MitchellGeorge Wborn about 1906
MitchellLebera born about 1934
MitchellMormedean born about 1938
MitchellMyrtle Mborn about 1908
MontgomeryEdna Mborn about 1926
MontgomeryMay born about 1905
MontgomerySarah Fborn about 1930
MontgomeryWalter Dborn about 1902
MorganAnis born about 1929
MorganBetty Jborn about 1939
MorganBillie born about 1937
MorganCarl Tborn about 1916
MorganCharles Eborn about 1934
MorganCharley Hborn about 1892
MorganEdgar born about 1910
MorganElvin born about 1923
MorganJames born about 1928
MorganLucy Vborn about 1915
MorganMina born about 1925
MorganWillie born about 1895
MyersDenis Mborn about 1912
MyersHomer Eborn about 1907
MyersJames Eborn about 1880
MyersLeona born about 1937
MyersOrvil Gborn about 1914
MyersThelma born about 1917

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N Surnames

NailCharley Hborn about 1927
NailFranky born about 1932
NailGeorge Aborn about 1874
NailJohn Wborn about 1938
NailLillie Mborn about 1900
NailLula Mborn about 1935
NailMyrtle born about 1925
NailRuley Mborn about 1930
NivenBetty Jborn about 1931
NivenBobbie Jborn about 1928
NivenEd born about 1892
NivenErmlea Kborn about 1926
NivenEthel Aborn about 1898
NivenJack Wborn about 1920
NixonAndrew Jborn about 1888
NixonArthur Hborn about 1925
NixonBurl born about 1896
NixonCharles Eborn about 1932
NixonColumbus Hborn about 1878
NixonDenver Rborn about 1935
NixonDimple Mborn about 1925
NixonDoyle Dborn about 1921
NixonFlorence born about 1881
NixonGates Dborn about 1930
NixonHarold Eborn about 1936
NixonHazel Mborn about 1921
NixonHerman Dborn about 1938
NixonIna Gborn about 1898
NixonIrene Dborn about 1923
NixonJames born about 1897
NixonJeanetta Mborn about 1928
NixonJimmie Lborn about 1939
NixonJimmie Wborn about 1935
NixonJoan born about 1931
NixonJodie Cborn about 1933
NixonLawrence Dborn about 1893
NixonLeola Mborn about 1920
NixonLlouise born about 1936
NixonLoeta Fborn about 1924
NixonLoretha Mborn about 1939
NixonLoyd Eborn about 1923
NixonLuella Iborn about 1927
NixonLuther born about 1892
NixonNora Oborn about 1902
NixonOda Oborn about 1902
NixonOlen Hborn about 1924
NixonOrian Dborn about 1934
NixonOteka Fborn about 1938
NixonPauline Pborn about 1912
NixonRhube born about 1907
NixonRoland Rborn about 1928
NixonThelma Mborn about 1936
NixonUnice Gborn about 1900
NixonVada Lborn about 1894
NixonVernon Lborn about 1919

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P Surnames

ParkerBetty Sborn about 1930
ParkerGuy Iborn about 1893
ParkerHelen Lborn about 1932
ParkerJames Aborn about 1923
ParkerRobert Eborn about 1934
ParkerSusie Iborn about 1902
ParkerWilliam Nborn about 1925
ParverEura Aborn about 1922
ParverJames Eborn about 1884
ParverLeonard born about 1917
PeersonBarbara Jborn about 1935
PeersonFay Rborn about 1909
PeersonJackie Fborn about 1930
PeersonShirley Dborn about 1936
PeersonWalter Jborn about 1906
PhillipsAnnie Mborn about 1885
PhillipsEverett Mborn about 1885
PhillipsFred born about 1918
PhillipsHenry Yborn about 1872
PhillipsLillie born about 1880
PhillipsPaul born about 1920
PhillipsSallie born about 1887
PhillipsThomas J Bborn about 1926
PhillipsVirgil Tborn about 1917
PriceAlma Lborn about 1913
PriceAndy Wborn about 1939
PriceArvis Lborn about 1917
PriceAudian born about 1938
PriceDallas Aborn about 1897
PriceDolores born about 1927
PriceImogene born about 1929
PriceLela born about 1899
PriceVivian born about 1924

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Q Surnames

QueenAaron Hborn about 1909
QueenElbert Rborn about 1933
QueenPearl Pborn about 1909
QueenRoy Lborn about 1939
QueenWanda Lborn about 1935

R Surnames

RactorMary Eborn about 1865
RectorDalton Tborn about 1921
RectorJames Wborn about 1889
RectorMildred Lborn about 1919
RectorSusie Vborn about 1895
RillerBetty Aborn about 1935
RillerBillie Dborn about 1937
RillerCharles Dborn about 1933
RillerHansel Lborn about 1932
RillerJames Aborn about 1907
RillerJim Jr born about 1930
RillerMarie Wborn about 1928
RillerMattie Iborn about 1914
RillerYvonne Vborn about 1939
RitterArthur Gborn about 1927
RitterClara Cborn about 1933
RitterDock born about 1930
RitterFrank Tborn about 1882
RitterLee Oborn about 1914
RitterLetha Mborn about 1928
RitterMary W Lborn about 1939
RitterMaxine Lborn about 1920
RitterNolen born about 1924
RitterOlin born about 1921
RitterRoland born about 1925
RitterTennessee Lborn about 1885
RomineFrank born about 1906

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S Surnames

SatterCharles Aborn about 1933
SharpBen Gborn about 1898
SharpErma born about 1904
SharpIdes Lborn about 1896
SharpLynford Cborn about 1936
SharpMammie born about 1909
SharpVerna Mborn about 1926
ShoresBobby born about 1934
ShoresDorothy Bborn about 1912
ShoresEddie Hborn about 1911
ShorrN Jborn about 1926
ShorrNolen Cborn about 1905
ShorrNolen Jr born about 1930
ShorrOrpha Eborn about 1906
ShorrRuby Aborn about 1925
ShortBillie born about 1930
ShortDovie born about 1908
ShortEugene born about 1927
ShortEvelyn born about 1925
ShortHoward Lborn about 1939
ShortKenneth born about 1934
ShortMarvin born about 1901
SimpsonLeslie Lborn about 1918
SimpsonMarie Lborn about 1922
SmithAda born about 1875
SmithAlbert Lborn about 1907
SmithAlice Mborn about 1869
SmithAudry Aborn about 1934
SmithBetty Lborn about 1931
SmithBillie Tborn about 1927
SmithEdward born about 1936
SmithElla born about 1910
SmithJames Vborn about 1873
SmithLenota Dborn about 1939
SmithVirginia born about 1929
SnellingsThompson born about 1888
SouthernMary Lborn about 1874
SouthernNellie Eborn about 1905
SullivanJimmie born about 1903
SullivanNyla Mborn about 1924
SullivanRobert Eborn about 1930
SummerAgnes Iborn about 1914
SummerBen Fborn about 1913
SummerRoger Dborn about 1940
SummersJoe born about 1916
SummersWrenetta Bborn about 1917

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T Surnames

ThatewellArlewayne born about 1939
ThatewellBetty Jborn about 1930
ThatewellBob Lborn about 1928
ThatewellHazel Lborn about 1935
ThatewellImogene born about 1936
ThatewellJohn Hborn about 1892
ThatewellVickla born about 1910
ThomasBessie Iborn about 1908
ThomasDudley Lborn about 1916
ThomasGwen born about 1924
ThomasJames Eborn about 1898
ThomasJoseph Eborn about 1920
ThomasLavenia Lborn about 1869
ThomasLoyd Cborn about 1922
ThomasMay Mborn about 1889
ThomasSwaney Rborn about 1931
ThompsonBilly born about 1930
ThompsonEthel Vborn about 1902
ThompsonHomer Lborn about 1901
ThompsonHomer L Jrborn about 1926
ThompsonJosephine Fborn about 1935
ThompsonRoss born about 1877
ThompsonWanda born about 1935
TolbertBeulah born about 1899
TolbertBlanche Hborn about 1931
TolbertCharles Eborn about 1929
TolbertCharles Eborn about 1936
TolbertClara Jborn about 1925
TolbertClara Lborn about 1905
TolbertCleo Hborn about 1915
TolbertDaniel Lborn about 1934
TolbertEliga Lborn about 1871
TolbertEveleta born about 1935
TolbertEverett Eborn about 1905
TolbertGerald Wborn about 1934
TolbertMary Aborn about 1876
TolbertMyrtle born about 1903
TolbertOra Mborn about 1929
TolbertRay Wborn about 1908
TolbertRomalee born about 1937
TolbertSamuel Dborn about 1897
TolbertShelby Dborn about 1925
TolbertThelma Dborn about 1927
TolbertVonetta Iborn about 1920

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V Surnames

VackettBillie Rborn about 1937
VackettLavinia Jborn about 1933
VackettMatha born about 1916
VackettMerle Wborn about 1935
VackettRoy born about 1912
VaughanEarl Eborn about 1930
VaughanEdna Mborn about 1912
VaughanErnest Eborn about 1908
VaughanGeorge Wborn about 1880
VaughanKatherine Wborn about 1933
VaughanOleta Rborn about 1931

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W Surnames

WallenArmona Lborn about 1935
WallenEthel Lborn about 1917
WallenThurman Rborn about 1936
WallenValdonia Eborn about 1915
WallenWillie Sborn about 1910
WeatherfordBobby born about 1931
WeatherfordClifford Rborn about 1906
WeatherfordJane born about 1908
WeaverAaron born about 1883
WeaverAlma Mborn about 1906
WeaverAnna Lborn about 1924
WeaverErma Lborn about 1937
WeaverGean Leroyborn about 1939
WeaverJeraldean born about 1932
WeaverJohn Hborn about 1856
WeaverJudge Nborn about 1903
WeaverJudge N Jrborn about 1930
WeaverLury Bborn about 1885
WeaverSamuel Mborn about 1927
WeaverThomas Jborn about 1935
WhitfieldClara Aborn about 1902
WhitfieldDonald Dborn about 1928
WhitfieldEugene Eborn about 1932
WhitfieldFrankie Dborn about 1934
WhitfieldJynell born about 1936
WhitfieldLeonard Lborn about 1924
WhitfieldMarie Fborn about 1922
WilliamsBeulah Fborn about 1925
WilliamsBuddy Wborn about 1938
WilliamsBuford Fborn about 1922
WilliamsCallie Aborn about 1902
WilliamsDoshia Pborn about 1878
WilliamsIsac Dborn about 1877
WilliamsJuanita Lborn about 1927
WilliamsLuther Wborn about 1897
WilsonArthur Cborn about 1880
WilsonArthur C Jrborn about 1929
WilsonBertha Nborn about 1898
WilsonDavid Wborn about 1898
WilsonOthel born about 1919
WilsonPatricia Lborn about 1938
WilsonScnora born about 1894
WilsonUla Mborn about 1910
WilsonVerlon Lborn about 1922
WilsonWanda born about 1922

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