1940 U.S. Federal Census of Morgan in Murray County, Murray, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Murray County > 1940 Census of Morgan in Murray County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsAllene born about 1916
AdkinsBobby Rborn about 1934
AdkinsCharles Rborn about 1888
AdkinsDonald Fborn about 1936
AlbarizFrancis born about 1938
AlbarizHector born about 1930
AlbarizLeonard born about 1936
AlbarizMary born about 1931
AlbarizNelis born about 1933
AlbarizRosorio born about 1907
AlbarizVictoria born about 1910
AlexanderEdna born about 1904
AlexanderElecta Lborn about 1872
AlexanderGarden Jborn about 1904
AlexanderJohn Tborn about 1867
AlvarizRosario born about 1909
ApersClyde Jborn about 1907
ApersElamoe born about 1905
AubreyTulla Mborn about 1919
AubreyZelda Gborn about 1939
AutreyAb Woodborn about 1872

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B Surnames

BakerClaude Jborn about 1922
BakerCraig Fborn about 1911
BakerHenry Wborn about 1916
BakerLucella born about 1914
BakerLynda Rborn about 1939
BakerOda Bborn about 1882
BakerOra Aborn about 1913
BakerPatsy Jborn about 1935
BakerWilliam Aborn about 1859
BaldwinAllie Mborn about 1907
BaldwinCora Jborn about 1923
BaldwinDalphus Hborn about 1932
BaldwinEdgar Leeborn about 1937
BaldwinGarman Jborn about 1889
BaldwinGarman Mborn about 1937
BaldwinHarrell Bborn about 1939
BaldwinJoyce Nborn about 1932
BaldwinMargaret Aborn about 1929
BaldwinMarget Fborn about 1860
BaldwinRestle born about 1902
BaldwinRobert Aborn about 1935
BaldwinSam Sacannah Bborn about 1859
BaldwinSarah Fborn about 1902
BargerBonnie Bborn about 1897
BargerOra born about 1896
BargerRaymond Hborn about 1921
BarkerCynthia born about 1868
BarkerFred born about 1911
BarkerJames Rborn about 1891
BarranAlford Jborn about 1912
BarranLeona born about 1912
BarrettEssie Maeborn about 1915
BarrettMagie Jborn about 1873
BarrettMary Eborn about 1931
BarrettMaurine Aborn about 1911
BarrettOra Dborn about 1903
BarrettStevens Willieborn about 1910
BarryGeorgie Aborn about 1892
BarryHerbert Gborn about 1891
BarryLee Andyborn about 1924
BaughGladney Sborn about 1906
BaughLee born about 1913
BeacerAda Eborn about 1895
BeacerArale Mborn about 1922
BeacerClaraettea born about 1927
BeacerClyde Fborn about 1920
BeacerJames Tborn about 1867
BeacerMillie Fborn about 1887
BeacerRay Wborn about 1932
BechtalArie Jborn about 1893
BechtalBettie Laseborn about 1930
BechtalCharla Eborn about 1920
BechtalCharles Eborn about 1864
BechtalDora Eborn about 1921
BechtalFrank Priseborn about 1924
BechtalGleming John Aborn about 1914
BechtalRobert Van born about 1932
BechtalWilliam Rborn about 1928
BengeBurl Gborn about 1896
BengeDalta Fborn about 1905
BengeHerbert Fborn about 1925
BennCrawford Hborn about 1901
BennJoan Cborn about 1932
BennOda Lborn about 1913
BennWalter Mborn about 1880
BennettBirdie Lborn about 1872
BennettBuston Bborn about 1905
BennettCharles Pborn about 1870
BennettJessie Aborn about 1871
BennettMurrell Jborn about 1911
BennettWill Dborn about 1895
BibyEdmon Jborn about 1916
BibyJames Fborn about 1921
BibyJoe Sborn about 1865
BinghamBetty Sborn about 1938
BinghamCharles Wborn about 1931
BirdyAline Eborn about 1924
BlackRosa Aborn about 1883
BlackWell Hubborn about 1882
BlaggEdmon Lborn about 1922
BlaggFlora Bborn about 1895
BlaggJohn Jborn about 1927
BlaggJohn Tborn about 1869
BlaggLee born about 1923
BlaggMurry Nborn about 1932
BlaggRossie Cborn about 1904
BlainAda Bborn about 1890
BlainDale Cborn about 1925
BlainFrank Eborn about 1876
BlainRuey Hborn about 1921
BomserFreda Leeborn about 1919
BomserGeorge Mborn about 1875
BomserMaxine Cborn about 1913
BondLacklie Eborn about 1914
BorunsFannie Hborn about 1899
BorunsGrady Charles Fborn about 1914
BorunsJames Jborn about 1865
BorunsMartha Lborn about 1921
BowAlen Jborn about 1919
BowAlvis Dborn about 1890
BowAlvis Jborn about 1919
BowJaunita Jborn about 1923
BowNadian Fborn about 1939
BowRuth Mborn about 1920
BradenJ Cborn about 1876
BrewerClellie Lborn about 1916
BrewerClyde Cborn about 1912
BrewerEla Oborn about 1914
BrewerFreade Aborn about 1939
BrewerGerald Tborn about 1935
BrewerVinita Fborn about 1918
BrewesBailey Juniorborn about 1928
BrewesClifford Rborn about 1920
BrewesHarold Mborn about 1923
BrewesHyawanah Aborn about 1921
BrewesMonroe Hborn about 1883
BrewesRontella Jborn about 1933
BrewesRosa born about 1893
BriscoeAnita Kborn about 1938
BriscoeCharlene Lborn about 1935
BriscoeCharles Rborn about 1904
BriscoeEdrean Gborn about 1932
BriscoeHarold born about 1921
BriscoeOllie Mayborn about 1913
BrockCharlene Jborn about 1924
BrockCharles Eborn about 1920
BrownAdaline Fborn about 1919
BrownBedford Aborn about 1939
BrownBertha Rborn about 1923
BrownCarl Gborn about 1921
BrownCharles Partnerborn about 1877
BrownClarence Mborn about 1915
BrownDaniel Eborn about 1915
BrownEdd Allenborn about 1932
BrownJane Sborn about 1877
BrownJaunita born about 1906
BrownJess Jborn about 1905
BrownLoretta Fborn about 1937
BrownLoyd Rborn about 1936
BrownNoah Eborn about 1933
BrownRosevelt born about 1889
BrownSam born about 1871
BrownSarah Ellenborn about 1873
BrownTommy Pborn about 1931
BurrisDannie Lborn about 1911
BurrisJean Cborn about 1932
BurrisLola Dborn about 1934
BurrisRay Eborn about 1904
BurrisRay Mborn about 1931

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C Surnames

CacnerHattie Sborn about 1895
CacnerJohn Hborn about 1892
CacnerJohn Jborn about 1923
CacnerWalter Aborn about 1926
CaldwellCharles born about 1927
CaldwellDorrace born about 1925
CaldwellLom Hborn about 1900
CaldwellMary Joborn about 1938
CaldwellMurrie born about 1880
CaldwellTommie Jborn about 1934
CaldwellVaughan Rborn about 1923
CaldwellVerdis Hborn about 1925
CaldwellVernon Lborn about 1931
CaldwellVivian Mborn about 1928
CaldwellWillie Mborn about 1905
CaldwinBailey Rborn about 1938
CaldwinBillie Jborn about 1934
CaldwinClaudie Dborn about 1935
CaldwinCody Cborn about 1925
CaldwinMarion Jborn about 1929
CaldwinPosy born about 1906
CaldwinRudolph born about 1931
CaldwinTommie Aborn about 1928
CaldwinWalter Fborn about 1924
CaldwinWilliam born about 1896
CallinAltiea born about 1911
CallinColin Pigieborn about 1936
CallinKirby Norma Jborn about 1934
CallinManda Sborn about 1939
CallinOtis Bborn about 1910
CallisJoe Cborn about 1874
CallisRose Tborn about 1886
CampbellMamie born about 1904
CampbellWilliam Gborn about 1899
CanityAlice Gayborn about 1936
CanityJosie Rhnieborn about 1895
CanityMinstan Rborn about 1931
CanityRoy Aborn about 1901
CanityTamana Jborn about 1938
CapeCozzett born about 1927
CapeFern Mborn about 1921
CapeGrover Gborn about 1893
CapeJack Mborn about 1925
CapeJoann born about 1933
CapeJoe born about 1897
CapeSlover born about 1930
CapeVirginia Jborn about 1924
CarrEdith Bborn about 1895
CarrJames Aborn about 1884
CarrJames Hborn about 1917
CarrLynnett born about 1933
CarrMinson Clem Aborn about 1866
CarrRoman Hborn about 1922
CarrSarah Eborn about 1925
CarrWilliam Aborn about 1920
CarrellOlie Bborn about 1881
CarrellRamond born about 1923
CarrellRobert Lborn about 1879
CarterChristine Lborn about 1922
CarterHenry Wborn about 1896
CarterMary Eborn about 1864
CarterMayme Gborn about 1858
CarterOllie Bborn about 1904
CartoeBeckie Gborn about 1910
CartoeBoby Kborn about 1931
CartoeCalipe Mborn about 1907
CartoeChester Sborn about 1940
CartoeJames Dborn about 1926
CartoeJohnie Cborn about 1939
CartoeMargy Cborn about 1935
CartoeMary Lborn about 1929
CartoeMildred Mborn about 1937
CastoeDewey Bborn about 1915
CastoeEdith Mborn about 1922
CastoeGladis born about 1923
CastoeTrvam Jborn about 1920
CatronAlice born about 1886
ChadwickBessie Oborn about 1892
ChadwickJames Mborn about 1870
ChadwickMandy Iborn about 1867
ChaffinBert Cborn about 1908
ChaffinBobby Dborn about 1940
ChaffinEstelle born about 1915
ChaffinJerry Cborn about 1937
ChaffinNorma Ruthborn about 1938
ChapmanClarence Dborn about 1910
ChapmanCornie Dborn about 1916
ChapmanElvin Cborn about 1933
ChapmanGene Hborn about 1937
ChapmanPatsy born about 1940
ChapmanWillena Vborn about 1935
ChavezGabriel born about 1902
ChavezGabriel born about 1905
ChavezRebergia born about 1912
ChavezTeodora born about 1933
ChoffinChester born about 1914
ChoffinMay Bellineborn about 1917
ChristyKatie Pborn about 1918
ChristyLeon Lborn about 1915
ChristyManda Cborn about 1936
ChristyRachel born about 1893
ChronisterCarmelo Eborn about 1893
ChronisterWilliam Wborn about 1891
ClarkArtie Cborn about 1886
ClarkHerman Eborn about 1922
ClarkKenneth Jborn about 1931
ClarkRobert Wborn about 1881
ClementsDewey born about 1900
ClementsEdgar Lborn about 1891
ClrodLucile born about 1921
ClrodRay born about 1911
ColeMartha Fborn about 1878
CollAaron Rborn about 1933
CollBettie Mborn about 1896
CollBillie Rborn about 1921
CollCharlene born about 1925
CollEdward born about 1918
CollGene born about 1903
CollGenn Eborn about 1930
CollIna Mborn about 1896
CollJess born about 1896
CollJess Carlborn about 1920
CollLillie Mborn about 1905
CollRobert Dborn about 1891
CollisAnnie Tborn about 1875
CollisErnest born about 1914
CollisRobert Lborn about 1875
CollumCarmleta Cborn about 1931
CollumGrady Mborn about 1911
CollumJessie Lborn about 1913
CollumM Jborn about 1933
CollumWillie Jayborn about 1935
ColmarBilly Jborn about 1932
ColmarBob Cborn about 1866
ColmarClyde Dborn about 1931
ColmarLan Jborn about 1905
ColmarLillie Aborn about 1873
ColmarRobert Lborn about 1927
ColmarShirly Rborn about 1935
ColmarWillye Mborn about 1908
CramerDocie Cborn about 1903
CramerFrankie Lborn about 1927
CramerLathen Rborn about 1902
CramerRuben Dborn about 1925
CramerWaldon Bborn about 1929
CriderDaisy born about 1873
CrowArtie Eborn about 1907
CrowCharles Eborn about 1928
CrowCharlie Eborn about 1904
CrowNitiadean born about 1926

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D Surnames

DavisArlie Fborn about 1909
DavisBob Wborn about 1904
DavisBobby Mborn about 1934
DavisJohn Wesleyborn about 1939
DavisKathryn Jborn about 1931
DayDulcie Zborn about 1900
DayEvalorne born about 1928
DayJames Eborn about 1930
DayJoetann born about 1926
DayJohn Hborn about 1922
DayLavennia Aborn about 1924
DayLeonard Aborn about 1918
DayLeonard Bborn about 1896
DayWillie Gborn about 1924
DaytonLeona Eborn about 1900
DaytonMeryl Rborn about 1928
DaytonThomas Cborn about 1893
DeaserDortha Nborn about 1928
DeaserEarl Jborn about 1938
DeaserGordon Lborn about 1930
DeaserLoyd Aborn about 1905
DeaserMildred Mborn about 1934
DeaserOla Vborn about 1907
DeaserRay Gborn about 1931
DeelBilly Rborn about 1935
DeelCrystal Bborn about 1938
DeelJames Aborn about 1932
DeelLela Cborn about 1914
DeelLillie Bborn about 1885
DeelMill Beulah Mborn about 1917
DeelOland born about 1884
DeelWilliam Lborn about 1911
DobbsForrest born about 1890
DobbsGertie Mborn about 1893
DobbsGoerge Lborn about 1889
DocisAnnie Dborn about 1937
DocisBilly Jborn about 1932
DocisElsie Lborn about 1905
DocisJackey Yborn about 1938
DocisJoyce Fborn about 1930
DocisKenneth Dborn about 1926
DocisMatt Dborn about 1906
DocisMyrtle Dborn about 1928
DocisO Gletha Jborn about 1927
DocisPatsy Rborn about 1935
DocisTed Dborn about 1939
DocisWyanda Jborn about 1934
DonahoDoris Eborn about 1923
DonahoWalter Lborn about 1922
DorthyDorothy Iborn about 1933
DorthyJoyce Jborn about 1938
DorthyOple Mborn about 1935
DrewAnnie born about 1887
DrewCarmine Mborn about 1921
DrewDaniel Rborn about 1912
DrewJennie Mborn about 1924
DrewJinnie Lborn about 1938
DrewLucas Emmit Lborn about 1915
DrewWilliam Rborn about 1856
DumphyCharles Bborn about 1921
DuseNadine Vborn about 1920
DuseRobby Nborn about 1928
DuseRupert Nborn about 1924
DyleCarl Aborn about 1927
DyleFloid Lborn about 1924
DyleNola Mborn about 1856

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E Surnames

EasleyBeatrice Lborn about 1938
EasleyGeson Pborn about 1903
EasleyJese Fborn about 1860
EasleyPauline Vborn about 1934
EasleyViola Mborn about 1913
EasleyWilliam Eborn about 1891
EbbinsLeonard Lborn about 1916
EbbinsOna Bborn about 1920
EdensBell Gborn about 1883
EdensEdd born about 1879
EdmondDorryl Rborn about 1936
EdmondHawley Hborn about 1899
EdmondJessie Bborn about 1905
EdmondJoyce Jborn about 1926
EdmondTomme Bborn about 1940
EdwardsBeatrice born about 1898
EdwardsBell born about 1918
EdwardsBilly Jborn about 1939
EdwardsElizabeth born about 1922
EdwardsH B Juniorborn about 1924
EdwardsHarison Eborn about 1898
EdwardsJuanita born about 1922
EdwardsLeonard born about 1920
ElbenerCharles Eborn about 1934
ElbenerCharlie Mborn about 1913
ElbenerCorene born about 1914
ElbenerDonald Gborn about 1938
ElbenerGenda Sborn about 1939
ElbinaAlbert born about 1914
ElbinaClea born about 1922
ElbinaJake born about 1885
ElbinaLamagore born about 1929
ElbinaOra born about 1893
ElbinaStella born about 1925
EllinsArthur Vborn about 1896
EllinsDora Fborn about 1903
EllinsDoris Kborn about 1921
EllinsMirrian Lborn about 1927
EllinsMorris Hborn about 1931
EllinsOmeta Van born about 1924
EsseyBillie Sborn about 1937
EsseyDexter Wborn about 1918
EsseyEarley John Wborn about 1886
EsseyMaude born about 1892
EverettBaraba Aborn about 1939
EverettCharles born about 1900
EverettDorothy Dborn about 1932
EverettImogne Fborn about 1924
EverettMartha born about 1903
EverettRobert Lborn about 1922

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F Surnames

FarrisJack Gborn about 1902
FarrisMinnie born about 1917
FlickElgie born about 1908
FlickLottie Mborn about 1913
FlowersBilly Tborn about 1927
FlowersEwin Rborn about 1923
FloydBeulah Mborn about 1906
FloydHarey Jborn about 1901
FloydKenneth Wborn about 1932
FloydSam Louisborn about 1927
FloydThelma Mborn about 1924
FoxAnnie Rborn about 1891
FoxDuff Nborn about 1891
FoxVelca Uborn about 1923
FrancesRobert Lborn about 1917
FrantzDon Lborn about 1917
FrantzWilma Aborn about 1921
FredrickCora born about 1885
FredrickWatson Len Aborn about 1878
FrostArthur Kborn about 1915
FrostAthalene Aborn about 1918
FrostJames Sborn about 1901
FrostPauline Mborn about 1938
FrostRobert Lborn about 1939
FullerEdgar born about 1903

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G Surnames

GaddyJames Hborn about 1932
GaddyNettie Mborn about 1888
GaddyNevit Jborn about 1877
GallionDaniel Wborn about 1909
GallionMary Lborn about 1919
GarrettArdle born about 1893
GarrettJasper Tborn about 1884
GarrisonArtie Gborn about 1933
GarrisonC Bborn about 1909
GarrisonJames Dborn about 1937
GarrisonMartha Mborn about 1930
GarrisonNannie Rborn about 1913
GarrisonPaul Rborn about 1935
GaylerRoseben Jborn about 1905
GeorgeCelice Mborn about 1931
GeorgeDorthy Mborn about 1924
GeorgeJames Lborn about 1926
GeorgeJulius Nborn about 1922
GeorgeMary born about 1894
GeorgeRobert Lborn about 1889
GibsonBertie Marieborn about 1908
GibsonBruce Sborn about 1927
GibsonForst Bborn about 1904
GibsonJanelle Elaineborn about 1940
GibsonMary Lborn about 1938
GibsonMollie Mborn about 1909
GibsonNeil Cborn about 1933
GibsonRalph Dborn about 1909
GibsonWillie Lborn about 1897
GiddensBillie Gborn about 1927
GiddensCarol Cborn about 1920
GiddensCordie born about 1895
GiddensGladys Jborn about 1932
GiddensJ Cborn about 1923
GiddensPatty Jborn about 1934
GiddensRoger Gborn about 1895
GilbertAnloice Pborn about 1936
GilbertDale Hborn about 1933
GilbertDelbert born about 1928
GilbertDocie Eborn about 1897
GilbertDoniessa Cborn about 1915
GilbertIla Mae Cborn about 1937
GilbertKnox born about 1891
GilbertLeroy Rborn about 1928
GilbertOzell Hborn about 1923
GilbertThelma Mborn about 1917
GodwinAnnie Lborn about 1903
GodwinBilly Jborn about 1927
GodwinBobbie Lborn about 1928
GodwinCharles Rborn about 1935
GodwinWilliam Lborn about 1899
GracyAnna Mborn about 1902
GracyBaby Gborn about 1931
GracyBilly Rborn about 1934
GracyRobert Dborn about 1902
GrayBuford Bborn about 1909
GrayCora born about 1890
GrayMildred Fborn about 1914
GrayRobert Tborn about 1939
GrayWilliam Sborn about 1938
GreesonRuby Mborn about 1922
GreesonSamuel born about 1921
GregoryNancy born about 1856
GuestCharley Eborn about 1923

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H Surnames

HaleAllen born about 1921
HaleAndra Mborn about 1925
HaleDixie Fayborn about 1940
HaleEddie Dborn about 1905
HaleEunice Bborn about 1937
HaleIda Jborn about 1882
HaleJasie Iborn about 1903
HaleJoe Hborn about 1929
HaleJohn Hborn about 1892
HaleLola Vborn about 1902
HaleMary Lborn about 1939
HaleMelvin Aborn about 1923
HaleMinnie Oborn about 1929
HaleReese Hborn about 1889
HaleRoberta Tborn about 1932
HaleRose Vborn about 1934
HaleScott Hborn about 1917
HaleShirley Mborn about 1939
HaleVoila Maeborn about 1906
HaleWilliam Nborn about 1876
HaleWinnie Nborn about 1919
HallCharlie Eborn about 1937
HallDavis Eborn about 1917
HallJohn Eborn about 1915
HamptonBoby Rborn about 1932
HamptonCecil born about 1909
HamptonChristine Oborn about 1906
HamptonEthel Oborn about 1900
HamptonGilbert Pborn about 1930
HamptonLean Eborn about 1906
HamptonMate born about 1915
HamptonOmigine Mborn about 1924
HamptonRichard born about 1927
HamptonWillie Jborn about 1934
HaneyAber Pborn about 1899
HaneyAnnielee born about 1892
HaneyEarl Pborn about 1923
HaneyGeorge Mborn about 1891
HaneyIna born about 1915
HaneyJannie Bborn about 1899
HaneyJessie Leeborn about 1923
HaneyJohn Nidborn about 1923
HaneyJunior J Wborn about 1930
HaneyMildred Marieborn about 1940
HaneyShirley Joanborn about 1937
HaneyVernon Aborn about 1929
HaneyWilliam Iborn about 1912
HaroldAlbert Aborn about 1933
HaroldHarold Hborn about 1929
HaroldHerbert Eborn about 1933
HaroldPaul Eborn about 1938
HarrisFrank Fborn about 1878
HarveyCurtis Wborn about 1915
HarveyDallie Mborn about 1917
HarveyVirginia Cborn about 1939
HaveyAllie Lborn about 1879
HaveyLuther Bborn about 1874
HaveyPauline Cborn about 1921
HaweArthur Hborn about 1913
HaweCharlie Fborn about 1898
HaweDorthy Jeanborn about 1935
HaweElmer Hborn about 1913
HaweFrancis Sborn about 1915
HaweKaren Mborn about 1938
HaweMazella born about 1915
HaweMyrtle born about 1883
HayerBetty Aborn about 1928
HayerBetty Sborn about 1928
HayerJohn Cborn about 1918
HayerLera Wborn about 1921
HayerMaggie Oborn about 1890
HayerSam Kborn about 1884
HayesGladys Mborn about 1917
HayesKenneth Lborn about 1911
HayesMaxine Bborn about 1936
HendricksonElizabeth Oborn about 1928
HendricksonJohn Bborn about 1891
HendricksonJohn Hborn about 1933
HendricksonOma Lborn about 1939
HendricksonOma Mborn about 1904
HendricksonPaul Kborn about 1901
HendricksonTahwaneh Cborn about 1935
HenryAlma Mborn about 1887
HenryEugene Cborn about 1919
HenryJoe J Hborn about 1880
HenryRubby Eborn about 1923
HerbacekBeny Aborn about 1938
HerbacekDennis Joeborn about 1935
HerbacekIda Mborn about 1915
HerbacekWm Jborn about 1900
HillJuanita Mborn about 1916
HillObern Eborn about 1916
HillPatsy Mborn about 1937
HillardHaskell Eborn about 1925
HooserAlton Aborn about 1897
HooserAlton Jborn about 1919
HooserLulla Bborn about 1897
HowardAnna Lborn about 1938
HowardFranklin Dborn about 1934
HowardFred Wborn about 1886
HowardJ Jborn about 1924
HowardMinnie Mborn about 1932
HowardMinnie Wborn about 1901
HowardPatsy Vborn about 1920
HowardRichard Gborn about 1929
HowardWilliam born about 1927
HoweArthur Wborn about 1936
HoweBailey Cborn about 1903
HoweCharles Fborn about 1935
HoweNita Cborn about 1938
HoweRita Mborn about 1938
HoweVesta Vborn about 1919
HowellChristline born about 1918
HowellConnie Louiseborn about 1931
HowellLester Bborn about 1916
HowellRobert Lborn about 1888
HowellRuby Gborn about 1887
HubackBill Jborn about 1917
HunterEva Yvonneborn about 1933
HunterEvlyn Lborn about 1935
HunterJerry Dborn about 1930
HunterJess Jborn about 1894
HunterJesse Jborn about 1926
HunterZora Bborn about 1906

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J Surnames

JamerDranian Mborn about 1908
JamerLaura Lborn about 1911
JamerMary Hborn about 1936
JamerMorna Jborn about 1923
JamesBlock born about 1878
JamesCurvin Lborn about 1921
JamesDillard Bborn about 1924
JamesDorthey Pborn about 1922
JamesEdgar Rborn about 1919
JamesEdwin Eborn about 1924
JamesGeorge Aborn about 1900
JamesJesse Rborn about 1928
JamesMilton Jborn about 1896
JamesNorma Jborn about 1929
JamesReba Jborn about 1933
JamesRebecca Nborn about 1883
JenkinsArchie Mborn about 1902
JenkinsEva Eborn about 1917
JenkinsGaldie Mborn about 1934
JohnsonEuler Jborn about 1915
JohnsonJames Gborn about 1935
JohnsonJames Rborn about 1884
JohnsonJessie Mborn about 1917
JohnsonKeneth Lborn about 1939
JohnstonAlma Jborn about 1909
JohnstonBert Mborn about 1903
JohnstonBobby Joeborn about 1937
JohnstonHarold Gborn about 1927
JonesBelle Mborn about 1901
JonesBobby Kborn about 1939
JonesClifford Wborn about 1938
JonesFrasie Cborn about 1918
JonesJess Pborn about 1907
JonesJohn Dborn about 1890
JonesJohn Juniorborn about 1923
JonesKatherine Cborn about 1911
JonesLee Royborn about 1918
JonesMargert Eborn about 1935
JonesNewton Gborn about 1895
JonesRoger Kborn about 1919
JonesRuby Pborn about 1896
JonesSam born about 1893
JonesSamuel Jborn about 1938
JonesThomis Jborn about 1862
JonstonJoe Sborn about 1860
JonstonPrude Mborn about 1866
JoynesCordia Eborn about 1887
JoynesEugene Bborn about 1924
JoynesFloria Bborn about 1923
JoynesFrank Aborn about 1919
JoynesGilbert Jborn about 1917
JoynesLynn Aborn about 1911

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K Surnames

KasermanAlan Eborn about 1927
KasermanDave Cborn about 1891
KasermanDonolgene Dborn about 1923
KasermanErma Lborn about 1924
KasermanGladys Eborn about 1901
KasermanHelen Rayborn about 1938
KasermanLester Lborn about 1920
KerbyAlbert Eborn about 1911
KerbyAlbert Gborn about 1934
KerbyEugene Jborn about 1916
KerbyGaylan Rborn about 1937
KerbyOpal Aborn about 1912
KerbyOtis Hborn about 1909
KerbySterling Gborn about 1930
KileHattie Eborn about 1884
KileOllie Belleborn about 1922
KileRush Hborn about 1878
KileStock Bridge Eleaborn about 1867
KingMaggie Bborn about 1870
KingSarah Mborn about 1876
KirbyAmos Cborn about 1918
KirbyAnnaloys born about 1936
KirbyBernice Oborn about 1926
KirbyBetty Rborn about 1939
KirbyBirdie Mborn about 1914
KirbyBobby Jborn about 1931
KirbyCarrie Mborn about 1885
KirbyCharles Sborn about 1924
KirbyChristine born about 1939
KirbyCoy Dborn about 1914
KirbyEugene born about 1929
KirbyJessie Gborn about 1903
KirbyJoe Mborn about 1871
KirbyJohn Wborn about 1882
KirbyLaura born about 1907
KirbyLester Coyborn about 1939
KirbyMunson Hborn about 1938
KirbyNorris Fborn about 1933
KirbyOmar Lborn about 1901
KirbyOna Oborn about 1910
KirbyPatty Jborn about 1936
KirbyPearl Lborn about 1923
KirbyVera Mborn about 1907
KirbyWesly Hborn about 1902
KirbyWesly Jborn about 1924
KirbyWillie Cborn about 1886

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L Surnames

LanceBeatrice born about 1902
LanceBelly Georgeborn about 1939
LanceBird Jr born about 1928
LanceHelen Rborn about 1931
LanceJames Dborn about 1933
LanceMadson Sborn about 1892
LanceMarry Eborn about 1930
LanceMyrtle Lborn about 1925
LancePearl Aborn about 1923
LanceSoney Boyborn about 1937
LanceThluamah born about 1936
LawranceJanes Fborn about 1870
LawranceLouisa Lborn about 1870
LenaElla Oborn about 1930
LenaErnest Jborn about 1923
LenaErnest Lborn about 1906
LenaNadin Bborn about 1932
LenaRachel Lborn about 1926
LenaRobert Bborn about 1934
LenaRuth born about 1936
LenaTomma Lborn about 1939
LewisBernice Eborn about 1935
LewisBurter Eborn about 1908
LewisCharlie Aborn about 1895
LewisDesline Mborn about 1912
LewisEdna Lborn about 1908
LewisEllen Wborn about 1900
LewisEvella Jborn about 1933
LewisLoyd Sborn about 1906
LewisViola Mborn about 1926
LindseyDollie Dborn about 1893
LindseyDoyle Zborn about 1914
LindseyEstell Fborn about 1917
LindseyThwannah Yborn about 1936
LindseyZ B Junerborn about 1936
LindseyZerriel Bborn about 1892
LinneyAdell born about 1907
LinneyOlen Hborn about 1908
LinvilleAllie Tborn about 1898
LinvilleErnest Fborn about 1924
LinvilleHarse Lborn about 1927
LinvilleJim Jborn about 1892
LinvilleMattie Aborn about 1864
LinvilleVirginia Rborn about 1935
LovelessBernice Gborn about 1916
LovelessBetty Jeanborn about 1925
LovelessCarl Wborn about 1913
LovelessDon Jborn about 1922
LovelessHester Sborn about 1893
LovelessWalter Cborn about 1887
LoweAda Naomaborn about 1921
LoweMary Aliceborn about 1939
LoweNancy Mborn about 1882
LucorAbrey born about 1900
LucorAnna Gayesborn about 1939
LucorGeneva Jborn about 1918
LucorJames Rborn about 1936
LucorJulior Rborn about 1938
LucorRay Jborn about 1907
LuferAlma born about 1917
LuferDewel born about 1884
LuferElbert Wborn about 1919
LuferRuther born about 1887
LunaRomasa born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MafrWillie Rborn about 1908
MafryBilly Jborn about 1931
MafryFlay Oborn about 1913
MafryTommy Jborn about 1938
MaggardHubert Lborn about 1924
MannAubrey Rborn about 1927
MannBillie Lborn about 1934
MannCorda born about 1905
MannDaniel Mborn about 1888
MannDoyel Dborn about 1934
MannGlenn Bborn about 1930
MannJames Lborn about 1896
MannKence Ynezborn about 1932
MannLula Aborn about 1898
MannOrcell Cborn about 1931
ManningHarry Cborn about 1877
MashRegie Cborn about 1908
MashRichard Dborn about 1939
MashRuby Lborn about 1908
MatlockMargarite Mborn about 1875
MatlockNathan Jborn about 1878
MatrenbocherEddie Rborn about 1939
MatrenbocherOneta Mborn about 1920
MatrenbocherOrace born about 1914
MatsonByron Kborn about 1919
MatsonGene Uborn about 1893
MatsonRalph Eborn about 1926
MatsonVera Gborn about 1899
McClureBilly Rayborn about 1932
McClureClara Eborn about 1908
McClureJames Mborn about 1926
McClureJames Rborn about 1905
McCollumGoren born about 1856
McComasOpal Mborn about 1921
McDonaldWelmer Rborn about 1907
McDonaldWilma Tborn about 1916
McGibanyAudra Kborn about 1894
McGibanyJames Cborn about 1923
McGibanyJohn Tborn about 1922
McGibanyTom Wborn about 1885
McGibanyWilliam Lborn about 1927
MillerAlbert Mborn about 1895
MillerGladys Eborn about 1928
MillerJ Rborn about 1925
MillerMatiem born about 1874
MillerOtha Mborn about 1898
MillerWesley Gborn about 1932
MitchelDan Leeborn about 1922
MitchelHester born about 1897
MitchelLecena born about 1921
MitchelMary Eborn about 1933
MitchelRobert Lborn about 1890
MitchelRuby Mborn about 1930
MitchelTude born about 1925
MitchellArlene born about 1878
MitchellDwain Gborn about 1926
MitchellElmon Pborn about 1903
MontgomeryClifford Eborn about 1920
MontgomeryFord Tborn about 1894
MontgomeryJohn Henryborn about 1922
MontgomeryMaxine Hborn about 1927
MontgomeryThomas Aborn about 1919
MooreAllie Fborn about 1919
MooreCharles Aborn about 1938
MooreNorma Jborn about 1936
MooreRay Wborn about 1915
MooreRus Jamesborn about 1912
MooreThomas Eborn about 1880
MooreVirgie Lborn about 1910
MorganAlma Lborn about 1906
MorganCharles Leeborn about 1925
MorganDolph Rborn about 1904
MorganFrank Jborn about 1911
MorganFrankie Jborn about 1914
MorganGary Nborn about 1939
MorganJanie Kborn about 1940
MorganLacetta Jborn about 1932
MorrisonAnna Ruthborn about 1937
MorrisonDewey Cborn about 1913
MorrisonFlora Eborn about 1914
MorrisonGeraldean born about 1940
MorrisonLeroy Jborn about 1935
MotsenbackerCrystal Eborn about 1939
MotsenbackerDoma Sborn about 1938
MotsenbackerGladys Lborn about 1917
MotsenbackerHerbert Dborn about 1917
MotsenbackerHubert Wborn about 1917
MotsenbackerMay Cborn about 1889
MotsenbackerMurrel Eborn about 1918
MotsenbackerWilliam Tborn about 1884
MurphyJames Mborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealEmma Mborn about 1908
NealHarlin Lborn about 1913
NealJohn Fborn about 1905
NealRuby Fborn about 1905
NobleEarnest Kborn about 1903

O Surnames

OwensJess Jborn about 1882
OwensLafayette Sborn about 1877
OwensMinnie Eborn about 1881

P Surnames

ParberEdmon Fborn about 1878
ParberElmo Eborn about 1928
ParberJeanette Fborn about 1923
ParberLela Pborn about 1899
ParrishCe Juniorborn about 1930
ParrishClaude born about 1902
ParrishImogen Jborn about 1927
ParrishLeaton Rayborn about 1939
ParrishOrna Cborn about 1928
ParrishRosey Lborn about 1910
ParrishRosie Maeborn about 1936
ParrishWilliam Jborn about 1932
PattersonCecil born about 1909
PayneDoyle Jborn about 1918
PayneHelen Maryborn about 1917
PayneLula Aborn about 1891
PayneRoy Sborn about 1913
PerkinsBobbie Rborn about 1934
PerkinsClayton Johnborn about 1893
PerkinsJames Kborn about 1936
PerkinsMonroe Hborn about 1911
PerkinsVilma Mborn about 1915
PettigrowOrilla Gborn about 1927
PinbstonCass born about 1907
PinbstonFrankie Hborn about 1919
PinbstonJames Fborn about 1937
PinbstonMedlock Robert Vborn about 1938
PinkstonBannie Jborn about 1911
PinkstonFrances Tborn about 1885
PinkstonGeorg Leeborn about 1922
PinkstonJ Cborn about 1920
PinkstonJemel Bborn about 1925
PinkstonLaney born about 1909
PotesBert Oborn about 1936
PotesBetty Aborn about 1940
PotesEdith Mborn about 1938
PotesHerbert Fborn about 1908
PotesRichmond Gborn about 1931
PotesRuby Eborn about 1910
PreastCharles Tborn about 1925
PreastEva Mborn about 1928
PreastJay Dborn about 1935
PreastJim Tborn about 1895
PreastLillian Fborn about 1933
PreastMay Ginnieborn about 1903
PriceFlora born about 1906
PriceO C Juniorborn about 1935
PriceOrden Cborn about 1909
PriceWash Lewisborn about 1868
PriddyGeorge Mborn about 1877
PriddyMattie Dborn about 1890
PriddyOrcial Dborn about 1919
PritchandAlbert Eborn about 1922
PritchandBertha Mborn about 1891
PritchandGeorge Oborn about 1876
PruittAnetta born about 1896
PruittRayford Mborn about 1901
PughClayton born about 1904
PughGwendolyn born about 1930
PughHilda Oborn about 1908
PughJuannah Aborn about 1931
PughLan born about 1900
PughMargaret Dborn about 1872
PughPaul Hborn about 1935
PughRobert Lborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaglandPaul Kborn about 1903
RaglandPearl Lborn about 1908
RainsBarton born about 1928
RainsDoris Ruthborn about 1931
RainsDortha Maeborn about 1926
RainsMabel born about 1908
RainsRobert Wborn about 1900
RashBetty Dborn about 1939
RashBilly Wborn about 1931
RashJewell Lborn about 1911
RashJimmie Lborn about 1934
RashLeonard Lborn about 1905
RenegarCharile Sborn about 1875
RenegarKatie Pborn about 1889
RevesManuel born about 1910
ReyerJessie born about 1901
ReyerManuel born about 1901
RhodesEthel Gborn about 1914
RhodesGene Mborn about 1921
RhodesGladys born about 1892
RhodesGrace Jborn about 1925
RhodesJohn Aborn about 1887
RhodesLola Jessborn about 1934
RhodesWillie Wborn about 1906
RiveraDorthia Sonborn about 1937
RiveraEliza born about 1926
RiveraJacinto born about 1892
RiveraJohn born about 1931
RiveraJohn Aborn about 1886
RiveraMargaret born about 1908
RiveraRay born about 1939
RiveraRichard born about 1927
RiveraRose born about 1935
RiveraTom born about 1934
RobbinsAnna Mborn about 1899
RobbinsClifford Cborn about 1921
RobbinsDale Rborn about 1931
RobbinsGeorge Mborn about 1891
RobbinsJewel Fayborn about 1925
RobbinsJoel Rayborn about 1925
RobersonClara born about 1865
RoeAnnie Leeborn about 1905
RoeBenjamin Leeborn about 1928
RoeClaudie Rborn about 1940
RoeEarl Loydborn about 1933
RoeFrankling Sborn about 1903
RoeFreada Rborn about 1930
RoeGrace Cborn about 1904
RoeJames Bborn about 1931
RoeJames Mborn about 1932
RoeRay Pborn about 1903
RoeWesby Fborn about 1935
RolandAlma Mborn about 1934
RolandDees Raymondborn about 1918
RolandHollis Hborn about 1908
RolandJaunita Jborn about 1928
RolandLela Mborn about 1908
RoseHelen Oborn about 1913
RoseJohn born about 1914
RossEdd Wborn about 1873
RossLatimer Bettieborn about 1903
RossLaullen Eborn about 1877
RossMarie Jborn about 1923
RossanEd Simsonborn about 1882
RoundtreeBoby Joeborn about 1926
RoundtreeChenbern Lborn about 1901
RoundtreeJimmie Rborn about 1931
RoundtreeLizzie Bborn about 1902
RoundtreeMilburn Fborn about 1921
RoundtreeOdessa Mborn about 1928
RoundtreeWilliam Lborn about 1924
RuseHorse Pborn about 1924
RushtonGuy Sborn about 1904
RushtonJoe Marieborn about 1912
RushtonMary Mborn about 1931
RushtonNiel Gborn about 1937
RussenHubert Lborn about
RycraftHarold born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlerEra Mborn about 1908
SadlerEvelyn Oborn about 1926
SadlerRaymond Aborn about 1931
SadlerWilliam Fborn about 1899
SamplesLloyd Lborn about 1905
SamplesNellie Mborn about 1907
SamplesNory Aborn about 1873
SandobalAntuns born about 1913
SandobalArmando born about 1935
SandobalFred born about 1936
SandobalLeonard born about 1893
SandobalLeonard born about 1900
SandobalLeonard Jborn about 1937
SandyJimmy Lborn about 1933
SandyLoyce Bborn about 1915
SandyMose Sborn about 1908
SaundarsEdna Mborn about 1905
SaundarsMildred born about 1932
SaundersAndrew Kborn about 1938
SaundersArciel born about 1939
SaundersAuther Eborn about 1892
SaundersCecil born about 1909
SaundersCharley Jborn about 1928
SaundersCharlie born about 1901
SaundersHarcie Lborn about 1931
SaundersIren Mborn about 1929
SaundersMary Eborn about 1935
SaundersOttis born about 1926
SaundersPittise Jborn about 1936
SharpAlice born about 1913
SharpBessie Annborn about 1914
SharpBethel Bborn about 1901
SharpDoyle Eborn about 1935
SharpEverett Iborn about 1937
SharpHarey Fborn about 1908
SharpLouis Wborn about 1933
SharpeFloy Aborn about 1922
SharpeJewel Jborn about 1900
SharpeMuggins born about 1904
SharpePatsy Vborn about 1938
SharpeThomas Mborn about 1924
SharpeZell Lborn about 1929
ShepherdH Irene Bborn about 1920
ShepherdJames Rborn about 1915
ShulerClarie Leeborn about 1929
ShulerCoper L Bborn about 1929
ShulerGladis Lborn about 1902
ShulerHelen Mborn about 1923
ShulerJa Juneyborn about 1933
ShulerJohn Nborn about 1879
ShulerLillie Genborn about 1931
ShulerMcabee Prudayborn about 1877
ShulerNay Iborn about 1911
ShulerParish Afordborn about 1896
SingletonColey Pborn about 1879
SingletonLaura born about 1894
SipesFoster Cborn about 1921
SipesFranklin Dborn about 1934
SipesGeorge Nborn about 1923
SipesJesse Aborn about 1933
SipesJoan born about 1924
SipesMary Jborn about 1930
SlateBetty Joeborn about 1934
SlateDollie Iborn about 1914
SlateHarold Eborn about 1931
SlateJerry Dborn about 1936
SmithAndrew Jadsonborn about 1939
SmithBettie Louborn about 1933
SmithDan born about 1882
SmithDavid Mborn about 1910
SmithEdd born about 1871
SmithEsther Lborn about 1909
SmithHoward born about 1914
SmithKith Keith Kborn about 1933
SmithLena Ruthborn about 1927
SmithMary Eborn about 1908
SmithMaudie born about 1899
SmithMelan Bborn about 1926
SmithRosy Leeborn about 1925
SmithRubin Lborn about 1903
SmithSarah born about 1855
SmithW Mborn about 1920
StansDorthy Gborn about 1924
StansKenneth Rayborn about 1936
StansR H Juniorborn about 1924
StansRobert Hborn about 1903
StansRuby Mborn about 1914
StemCharles born about 1912
StephensAnnie born about 1863
StephensJohn Eborn about 1923
StephensMarkh born about 1925
StephensonLouis Hemborn about 1925
StephensonLula Mborn about 1902
StephensonSamuel born about 1886
StrangeTracis Eborn about 1913
StrempleEssie Bborn about 1901
StrempleVester Eborn about 1899
StringArthur born about 1904
StringLillie Mborn about 1905
StringLillie Mborn about 1907
StringReagan Jesser Jborn about 1923
StringReagan Leon Wborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalkingtonCharles Nborn about 1938
TalkingtonEula Aborn about 1921
TalkingtonOscar Dborn about 1918
TaylorCharles born about 1879
ThorntonJoe born about 1871
ThorntonMary Eborn about 1871
ToddBetty Lusieborn about 1932
ToddGarald Eborn about 1908
ToddGlan Rborn about 1940
ToddJoe born about 1913
ToddJohn born about 1872
ToddLena Janesborn about 1936
ToddMildred born about 1919
ToddNadine Eborn about 1924
ToddShirley Jborn about 1938
TollisonBeryl Aborn about 1901
TollisonKinley Eborn about 1897
TomlinsonHudson Wborn about 1875
TomlinsonKathryn Jborn about 1921
TomlinsonMaud Mborn about 1886
TomlinsonPaul Wayneborn about 1926
ToothBruce Fborn about 1904
ToothEthel Jborn about 1914
TrotterAlvin born about 1901
TrotterBobby Rayborn about 1939
TrotterEla Ellaborn about 1929
TrotterJessie Bellborn about 1920
TrotterKemith Aborn about 1933
TrotterRaymond Rborn about 1935
TrotterWanda Lborn about 1931
TuckerDorothy Jborn about 1930
TuckerEdith Lborn about 1925
TuckerGeorgia born about 1892
TuckerJohn Lborn about 1886
TuckerLamis Gborn about 1927
TuckerMinnie Lborn about 1918
TuckerVerma Gborn about 1934
TunerDeward Oborn about 1916
TunerTernes born about 1885
TurnbowDella Fborn about 1938
TurnbowDwain Dborn about 1908
TurnbowNelton Kborn about 1936
TurnbowVeda Dborn about 1933
TurnbowVergie Eborn about 1910
TurnbowZella Mborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalberBetty Juneborn about 1934
WalberDan Wendellborn about 1937
WalberJuanita Tborn about 1916
WalberThomas Cborn about 1909
WalkerGladys Aborn about 1906
WalkerOra Wborn about 1903
WalkerTandy Kborn about 1857
WallaceAmelia Aborn about 1899
WallaceBass Wborn about 1892
WallaceBrice Deeborn about 1935
WallaceBrice Mborn about 1897
WallaceClyde Wborn about 1905
WallaceDavid Mborn about 1867
WallaceDetta born about 1933
WallaceEddie Mooreborn about 1940
WallaceEdna born about 1921
WallaceKathleen Nborn about 1938
WallaceLouise Mborn about 1927
WallaceLulia Leeborn about 1929
WallaceMaurice Mborn about 1916
WallaceMollie Eborn about 1901
WallaceNorma Mborn about 1931
WallacePauline Dborn about 1923
WallaceRoxie Aborn about 1875
WallaceStanley Wborn about 1939
WallaceWood Rae Wborn about 1918
WalperOla born about 1879
WardCharles Tborn about 1891
WardFlorence Vborn about 1893
WatsonBetty Zborn about 1936
WatsonDennis born about 1910
WatsonFloyd Wborn about 1928
WatsonHarold Gborn about 1924
WatsonJerry Dborn about 1935
WatsonJohn Wborn about 1893
WatsonJohnnie Lborn about 1932
WatsonMargaret Aborn about 1922
WatsonMary Fborn about 1937
WatsonNancy Sborn about 1939
WatsonOwen Gborn about 1914
WatsonPearl Lborn about 1908
WatsonRobert Gborn about 1931
WatsonRosa Leeborn about 1915
WatsonShirley Aborn about 1936
WatsonTommie Aborn about 1915
WatsonVera Mborn about 1901
WatsonWilliam Sborn about 1884
WatsonWillie Pborn about 1924
WayneBertie Sborn about 1930
WayneHaynes Hborn about 1925
WealBilly Lborn about 1918
WealCarrie Eborn about 1883
WealSidny Sborn about 1873
WeddleArtemes born about 1905
WeddleDianna Lborn about 1897
WeddleEmily Jborn about 1938
WeddleEthel Lborn about 1932
WeddleFlorence Aborn about 1924
WeddleHattie Vborn about 1928
WeddleMildred Pborn about 1925
WeddleRobert Bborn about 1902
WeddleRobert Sborn about 1926
WeddleVeda born about 1912
WensbyDelia Cordieborn about 1904
WensbyEdith Dborn about 1937
WensbyGeorge Rborn about 1938
WensbyMary Jborn about 1933
WensbyRuby Mborn about 1924
WestBailey Wborn about 1930
WestBettie Sborn about 1880
WestBilly Jborn about 1929
WestBofert Lborn about 1909
WestCharles Lborn about 1931
WestCharlie Bborn about 1884
WestDallas Eborn about 1921
WestDonlord Lborn about 1934
WestEdith Leeborn about 1905
WestEdith Mborn about 1926
WestGeneva born about 1906
WestHoldsclam Sarah Vborn about 1866
WestJ Wborn about 1922
WestJayan born about 1935
WestJess born about 1893
WestJoe Deanborn about 1939
WestJohn Tborn about 1903
WestJohn Tborn about 1930
WestLacada Eborn about 1911
WestLaiz Lborn about 1928
WestManda Vborn about 1923
WestPaul Bborn about 1917
WestPearl born about 1893
WestR Lborn about 1930
WestRaymond Bborn about 1919
WestThomas Dborn about 1890
WestUna Leeborn about 1891
WestVeraie Rborn about 1937
WestWillie Lborn about 1904
WhiteCharles Fborn about 1910
WhiteDaniel born about 1939
WhiteJames Bborn about 1936
WhiteKatherine Vborn about 1917
WhiteMargat Sborn about 1876
WhitenClara Cborn about 1897
WhitenLorene Fborn about 1922
WhitenO Bborn about 1923
WhitenOral Lborn about 1924
WhitenPerscille born about 1921
WhitenRaymon Dborn about 1914
WhitenWalter Aborn about 1918
WhitenWalter Hborn about 1893
WhitenWayne Iborn about 1927
WilkinsCloe Lborn about 1937
WilkinsCora Aborn about 1938
WilkinsLilith Iborn about 1914
WilkinsRay Lborn about 1902
WillesFrancis born about 1855
WilliamAlfraed Lborn about 1924
WilliamVelmal born about 1929
WilliamsClaud Eborn about 1905
WilliamsClaud Mborn about 1935
WilliamsEdna Cborn about 1891
WilliamsEmerlie Eborn about 1926
WilliamsEvette Rborn about 1922
WilliamsGeorge Gborn about 1929
WilliamsHedrick Lean Iborn about 1921
WilliamsJoe Aborn about 1925
WilliamsJulian Lborn about 1937
WilliamsLaura Vborn about 1903
WilliamsLee born about 1894
WilliamsLeo Eborn about 1926
WilliamsLucinda born about 1872
WilliamsLurreldean born about 1924
WilliamsLuther Mborn about 1891
WilliamsMack Nborn about 1899
WilliamsMarion Fborn about 1880
WilliamsMary Jborn about 1917
WilliamsOllie Mborn about 1894
WilliamsPatsy Tborn about 1931
WilsonGeorge Bborn about 1911
WilsonJuanita born about 1917
WilsonRichard Lborn about 1936
WoodGeorg Aborn about 1898
WoodGeorg Wborn about 1857
WoodMyrtle Maeborn about 1898
WoodcockCarl Eborn about 1882
WoodcockEssie Hborn about 1897
WoodsAda Maeborn about 1932
WoodsEmer Roeborn about 1937
WoodsHattie Leeborn about 1911
WoodsJesse Leeborn about 1927
WoodsJim Aborn about 1873
WoodsJosh Aborn about 1901
WrightJoseph Bborn about 1893
WrightLaura Jborn about 1893
WyattAlice Fborn about 1912
WyattArcil born about 1940
WyattBen Mborn about 1888
WyattCrel Aborn about 1939
WyattEugene Bborn about 1928
WyattJames Vborn about 1908
WyattJudith Mborn about 1923
WyattLora born about 1911
WyattMarion Jborn about 1917
WyattPhoredine Wborn about 1927
WyattRoberta Jborn about 1939
WyattRoy Lborn about 1914
WyattTrula Bborn about 1915
WyattWillie born about 1898

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Y Surnames

YadwinWilliam born about 1870
YinglingBett Lueborn about 1930
YinglingEdgar Cborn about 1886
YinglingLula Mborn about 1896
YoungBarbara Mborn about 1936
YoungBenjamin Fborn about 1914
YoungBenny Mborn about 1937
YoungShirley Aborn about 1939
YoungYvonne Lborn about 1920

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