1940 U.S. Federal Census of Oleta, Ellis, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Ellis County > 1940 Census of Oleta

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsElmer Hborn about 1922
AdamsJohn Hborn about 1911
AdamsMay born about 1918
AdamsShirley Aborn about 1938
AlexanderBarbara Kborn about 1923
AlexanderEdith Aborn about 1905
AlexanderEdwin Wborn about 1899
AllenHarvey Rborn about 1881
AllenTuell Mborn about 1885
AndersonMarcella born about 1909
AndersonS Dellaborn about 1938
AndersonWilliam Dborn about 1908
AndreeRalph Jborn about 1905
AndreeRalph Jborn about 1934
AndreeWallie Lborn about 1910
AndrewsFloid Tborn about 1917
AndrewsMary born about 1915

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B Surnames

BaconJames Rborn about 1872
BaconMahulda Cborn about 1872
BaileyBertha Rborn about 1933
BaileyEffie Mborn about 1878
BaileyLa Roy Vborn about 1939
BaileyLee Eborn about 1932
BaileyLoys Bborn about 1901
BaileyMahala Rborn about 1928
BaileyMargaritha Eborn about 1901
BaileyVictor Eborn about 1876
BaileyVictor Eborn about 1930
BernardClyde A Bborn about 1909
BernardEva born about 1875
BernardGeorge born about 1875
BernardGladys born about 1909
BernardJannett born about 1920
BernardRalph Fborn about 1912
BernardSue Annborn about 1937
BlannOtis Rborn about 1922
BlannTwila Fborn about 1924
BollingerEva Aborn about 1914
BollingerHawey Aborn about 1914
BollingerJean Kborn about 1934
BonarJames Rborn about 1864
BonarJohn Wborn about 1912
BonarSusannah born about 1866
BonarYlita born about 1913
BowlerEster Aborn about 1892
BowlerGeorge born about 1940
BowlerLeona Mborn about 1911
BowlerLester Lborn about 1913
BowlerNathan Hborn about 1888
BowlerRobeta Jborn about 1938
BowlerStephen Kborn about 1939
BowlerSusie Bborn about 1859
BowlerWilliam Bborn about 1852
BranchMina born about 1891
BranchOtto Cborn about 1885
BrownBillie Bborn about 1908
BrownBillie Lborn about 1929
BrownGeorge Aborn about 1900
BrownL Stalyborn about 1927
BrownMura Mborn about 1934
BulterAlfred Mborn about 1931
BulterGordon Dborn about 1940
BulterMerle born about 1907
BulterRuth born about 1909

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C Surnames

CalhounBilly born about 1925
CalhounLena Jborn about 1894
CalhounWilliam Eborn about 1894
CareyClara Eborn about 1882
CareySamuel Eborn about 1880
CarnesBennie Fborn about 1920
CarnesDorothy Jborn about 1927
CarnesFrank born about 1918
CarnesJohn born about 1879
CarnesJohnie Wborn about 1884
CarpenterEllie Fborn about 1890
CarpenterIra Eborn about 1911
CarpenterLewis Aborn about 1922
CarpenterLouis Aborn about 1885
CarpenterMable Aborn about 1924
CarpenterOran Fborn about 1927
CarpenterOwan Lborn about 1927
CatlinWayne Bborn about 1924
ChalmersDonnie Dborn about 1930
ChalmersDorothy Lborn about 1927
ChalmersEdna Rborn about 1889
ChalmersErnest Sborn about 1901
ChalmersGeorge born about 1904
ChalmersIrene Eborn about 1906
ChalmersKenneth Fborn about 1924
ChalmersPauline Gborn about 1932
ChenowethJoe born about 1868
CloudHenry Aborn about 1874
CoveyCora Iborn about 1876
CoveyHomer Pborn about 1875
CritesCarl Lborn about 1914
CritesLeona Mborn about 1914

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D Surnames

DalrympleAlbert Mborn about 1873
DanielsSarah Jborn about 1859
DavisAmy Aborn about 1878
DavisClinton born about 1914
DavisEvelyn Iborn about 1917
DavisJesse Eborn about 1891
DavisLee A Rborn about 1902
DavisLeona Aborn about 1922
DavisLewis Hborn about 1918
DavisLouis Rborn about 1897
DavisM Ednaborn about 1892
DavisOnita Maeborn about 1926
DavisWinifred Gborn about 1893
DayM Elaineborn about 1934
DayThelma Oborn about 1913
DostFred Wborn about 1912
DostGoldie Mborn about 1913
DrakeJessie born about 1865
DuonasIrene born about 1915

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E Surnames

EdmondsRoe Lborn about 1875
EdmondsRuth Sborn about 1884
ElliottAce Jborn about 1863
ElliottMary Eborn about 1874
ElliottMary Eborn about 1917
ElliottMyrtle born about 1876

F Surnames

FachDonald Rborn about 1936
FachErnest Cborn about 1893
FachJess Wborn about 1869
FachJessie Aborn about 1871
FachLola Mborn about 1898
FeererJake born about 1910
FeererJoe born about 1892
FeererKatie born about 1893
FeererRena Mborn about 1914
FeererSunshine born about 1924
FenimoreAlbert Eborn about 1877
FenimoreAnna Bellborn about 1921
FenimoreCharley Gborn about 1902
FenimoreDelia Vborn about 1907
FenimoreDorlia Jborn about 1930
FenimoreDorothy Eborn about 1924
FenimoreE Leroyborn about 1938
FenimoreLetha born about 1927
FenimoreLily born about 1881
FenimoreMarvin Aborn about 1926
FenimoreValdo Jborn about 1935
FenimoreVirginia Eborn about 1928
FielAdam born about 1909
FielEdna Mborn about 1910

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G Surnames

GeorgeGladys born about 1906
GeorgeWilliam Aborn about 1905
GlennArlo Lborn about 1922
GlennAthol Lborn about 1897
GlennBruce Hborn about 1920
GlennDon Wborn about 1939
GlennGeraldine Vborn about 1916
GlennJohn Lborn about 1918
GlennRobert Lborn about 1896
GlennRuth born about 1919
GrimesElecta born about 1918

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H Surnames

HainesLinnis Lborn about 1936
HallCarl Tborn about 1884
HallEmma Louborn about 1924
HallLou Eborn about 1889
HammondLeta Aborn about 1911
HammondShirley Eborn about 1929
HanleyAmanda Mborn about 1873
HardertyDorothy Jborn about 1920
HardertyEverett Cborn about 1908
HardestyAlbert Cborn about 1862
HardestyAlbert Cborn about 1940
HardestyAlice Cborn about 1865
HardestyClinton Wborn about 1902
HardestyMildred Wborn about 1917
HartleyCharlie Aborn about 1901
HartleyEarl Lborn about 1925
HartleyMay Vborn about 1903
HartleyNorma Aborn about 1935
HartleyTory Dborn about 1937
HatfieldArron Bborn about 1875
HayworthCharley Eborn about 1865
HeisemanJohn Hborn about 1871
HeisemanWilliam born about 1861
HelmerFreda Mborn about 1914
HelmerHarold Rborn about 1924
HelmerMargaret Eborn about 1888
HiteMary Aborn about 1931
HohweilerBeverly Jborn about 1938
HohweilerChris Cborn about 1898
HohweilerChristian Aborn about 1931
HohweilerChristian C Hborn about 1886
HohweilerChristine Mborn about 1927
HohweilerClarence Mborn about 1922
HohweilerDora Cborn about 1890
HohweilerDorothy Cborn about 1921
HohweilerDwight Dborn about 1939
HohweilerFred born about 1881
HohweilerJake Gborn about 1914
HohweilerJoel Jborn about 1916
HohweilerLaurine Aborn about 1919
HohweilerMary Louborn about 1928
HohweilerMary Pborn about 1917
HohweilerNortha Lborn about 1894
HohweilerTed born about 1916
HohweilerVirginia Lborn about 1925
HokweilerGeorge born about 1875
HokweilerLou born about 1920
HokweilerMarie born about 1881
HooperDorothy Aborn about 1915
HooperRalph Aborn about 1911
HooperRalph Dborn about 1939
HowardMerle born about 1918
HoweCarol Mborn about 1929
HoweFrank born about 1887
HoweOsie born about 1892
HoweStella born about 1894
HoweVernone Mborn about 1924
HubbertFord Wborn about 1916
HubbertRay Mborn about 1882
HubbertTessa Mborn about 1883
HuffJessie born about 1892
HughesBetty Jborn about 1932
HughesEthel Oborn about 1904
HughesHarold Bborn about 1923
HughesHarris Lborn about 1929
HughesIona Mborn about 1927
HughesLucille Fborn about 1935
HughesMary Aborn about 1931
HughesRobert Bborn about 1899
HullBert born about 1884
HullDavid Rborn about 1900
HullGeorge Eborn about 1861
HullIva Bborn about 1881
HullLoura Mborn about 1934
HullViola Mborn about 1915
HullZoa born about 1866
HutchisonClaud Lborn about 1893
HutchisonElva Lborn about 1925
HutchisonEva Mborn about 1917
HutchisonJoe Eborn about 1872
HutchisonLaura Aborn about 1874
HutchisonLeu Ettaborn about 1894

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I Surnames

IngleBobbie Lborn about 1932
IngleErnest Lborn about 1879
IngleGeorgia Eborn about 1911
IngleL Emmaborn about 1860
IngleOra Iborn about 1879
IngleVirgil Lborn about 1905

J Surnames

JacksonClarence born about 1912
JacksonJames Wborn about 1861
JohnstonAlice Mborn about 1874
JohnstonCharles Cborn about 1913
JohnstonCharles Lborn about 1937
JohnstonCharles Wborn about 1877
JohnstonEffie Dborn about 1883
JohnstonJames Jborn about 1871
JohnstonJim Aborn about 1859
JohnstonJo Annborn about 1939
JohnstonPaula Jborn about 1915

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K Surnames

KennedyAnnie Vborn about 1913
KennedyLoyd Aborn about 1906
KennedyPeggy Jborn about 1930

L Surnames

LahannFred born about 1866
LaughreyCalvin Aborn about 1891
LaughreyCalvin Bborn about 1931
LaughreyEd born about 1865
LaughreyJoel Cborn about 1933
LaughreyMary Fborn about 1877
LedbetterElden J Cborn about 1929
LeeDalford Dborn about 1927
LeeDonnie Rborn about 1936
LeeOpal Iborn about 1905
LeeRay born about 1901
LenningtonCecil Hborn about 1924
LenningtonDelores Wborn about 1927
LenningtonGrace born about 1910
LenningtonIowa born about 1902
LenningtonJessie born about 1906
LenningtonLucy born about 1900
LenningtonMargie Lborn about 1925
LenningtonOtis Rborn about 1926
LestersBertha born about 1904
LestersElsie Maeborn about 1921
LestersWanona Maeborn about 1933
LestersWorthy Eborn about 1897
ListerBirbie Pborn about 1871
LongJohn Rborn about 1867
LuckAlbert Aborn about 1908
LuckGary Aborn about 1933
LuckVera Mborn about 1907
LuneCena Gborn about 1919
LunePatsy Rborn about 1939
LuneW Russellborn about 1920

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M Surnames

MagnessCarrie Mborn about 1918
MagnessMaggie Mborn about 1877
MagnessRichard Aborn about 1882
ManorCharles Dborn about 1894
ManorCharles Wborn about 1934
ManorMildred Rborn about 1899
MansoEster born about 1889
MayfieldBenjamin born about 1897
McCandlessOrville Wborn about 1927
McCandlessV Beulahborn about 1907
McCrearyAnna Mborn about 1886
McCrearyJames Aborn about 1915
McCrearyRay born about 1884
McCrearyRex Lborn about 1935
McCrearySadie born about 1876
McCrearyVirgil Jborn about 1912
McCrearyWinfield born about 1868
MikamFred born about 1888
MillerDorothy Mborn about 1926
MillerRay Aborn about 1928
MillerRoscoe Aborn about 1901
MillerZida Mborn about 1904
MineryEdward born about 1882
MineryEffie Eborn about 1889
MinnichHattie Mborn about 1874
MinnichJohn Dborn about 1866
MogerGrace Rborn about 1917
MoonClarence Bborn about 1880
MooreMerle born about 1921
MorehartBetty Jborn about 1924
MorehartFrank Eborn about 1894
MorehartFranklin Iborn about 1926
MorehartGladys Eborn about 1896
MorehartO Juneborn about 1930
MorganDonald Rborn about 1924
MorganLon Rborn about 1898
MorganLucille Mborn about 1906
MorganMary Louborn about 1927
MurphyWilliam Eborn about 1867
MurrayLavena Dborn about 1913
MurrayRoy Gborn about 1908
MurryHerbert Rborn about 1934
MurryStanley Derborn about 1938
MyersArchie Lborn about 1901
MyersEldon Rborn about 1931
MyersIrene Mborn about 1900

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N Surnames

NewStella Aborn about 1873
NewWilliam Wborn about 1870
NormanCorinne Hborn about 1918
NormanFred Wborn about 1913
NormanKenneth Rborn about 1938

O Surnames

OwensAlvin Lborn about 1912
OwensHelen Lborn about 1920

P Surnames

PantleE Ardianborn about 1937
PantleEdward Rborn about 1903
PantleFloria Lborn about 1927
PantleGlenna Dborn about 1933
PantleJanice Hborn about 1939
PantleKattie born about 1902
ParisBellie Eborn about 1925
ParisFairy Jborn about 1936
ParisHawey Bborn about 1928
ParisJohn Wborn about 1922
ParisRuby Eborn about 1889
PerrinJohn Aborn about 1881
PersonsMargarett Aborn about 1898
PersonsRalph Jborn about 1924
PersonsRalph Mborn about 1893
PorterBlanche Wborn about 1907
PorterMamie Jborn about 1879
PorterSallie Sborn about 1888
PorterWade Hborn about 1880
PorterWilliam Hborn about 1913
PorterWilliam Sborn about 1872
PrakeBarbara Jborn about 1940
PrakeWilbur Eborn about 1917
PrakeZella Mborn about 1918
PriceE Bborn about 1875
PriceLucy born about 1856

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R Surnames

ReeseJames Mborn about 1898
ReeseMary Lborn about 1906
ReiningerFrank Jborn about 1883
ReiningerJohn Wborn about 1855
ReiningerMabel Eborn about 1881
RiersonJosephine born about 1877
RiersonSam born about 1875
RobertsAlma Rborn about 1917
RobertsDelvie Bborn about 1916

S Surnames

SchneiderAgnes Eborn about 1913
SchneiderCathrine born about 1880
SchneiderElbert Jborn about 1912
SchneiderJ Rosettaborn about 1920
SchneiderJames Dborn about 1939
SchneiderLoren Wborn about 1916
SchultzEdward born about 1896
SchultzWilma Eborn about 1898
ScottJackie Annborn about 1939
ScottMadge Eborn about 1915
ScottPaskell Eborn about 1914
SheldonEdith Lborn about 1900
SheldonGeorge Vborn about 1927
SheldonVernon born about 1896
ShutoCary Gborn about 1875
ShutoCordelia born about 1883
ShutoDale born about 1922
SloonEd Sborn about 1865
SloonMattie Aborn about 1868
SmithAndrew Lborn about 1877
SmithAsury Gborn about 1865
SmithBilly Jborn about 1930
SmithBobby Lborn about 1933
SmithClarence Jborn about 1881
SmithEdith Eborn about 1915
SmithElma Bborn about 1907
SmithFronie Gborn about 1878
SmithHelen Lborn about 1925
SmithJennie Bborn about 1876
SmithJohn Eborn about 1884
SmithJohn Jborn about 1921
SmithLee Royborn about 1927
SmithLena Lborn about 1885
SmithLuella Fborn about 1922
SmithM Ireneborn about 1919
SmithRobert Aborn about 1901
SmithRobert Lborn about 1922
SmithRosa Lborn about 1910
SmithRoy born about 1876
SmithStella born about 1881
SmithUna Tborn about 1891
SmithWiliam Bborn about 1901
SperlingHarry Jborn about 1898
SperlingIona Pborn about 1916
SperlingJeraldine Rborn about 1918
SperlingLloyd Kborn about 1920
StaltersEva Tborn about 1897
StaltersJ Frankieborn about 1919
StaltersJohn Fborn about 1897
StaltersLester Eborn about 1926
StephanGeorge Gborn about 1880
StephanLura Eborn about 1883
StephanRose Mborn about 1929
StephanYvonne C A Bborn about 1920
StevensDorothy Cborn about 1924
StevensHerbert Eborn about 1882
StevensLottie Mborn about 1893
StewartBetty Lborn about 1929
StewartC Herbertborn about 1922
StewartCharlie Wborn about 1914
StewartClaude Hborn about 1888
StewartNamomi Lborn about 1923
StewartRose Wborn about 1916
StonerArlena Aborn about 1916
StonerCharles Wborn about 1913
StonerDonald Rborn about 1937
StonerRonald Dborn about 1939
StonesAlonzo Rborn about 1885
StonesAlpha M Dborn about 1887

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T Surnames

TaggartC Oborn about 1886
TahannAda Cborn about 1910
TahannEldon Lborn about 1935
TahannJoseph Hborn about 1907
TahannVernon Wborn about 1929
TaylorAnna born about 1889
TaylorC Birdieborn about 1870
TaylorJoseph Lborn about 1890
TaylorOrval Wborn about 1921
TaylorWilliam Iborn about 1866
TeagueCarl Uborn about 1937
TeagueMartha Cborn about 1902
TeagueWilliam Fborn about 1896
TowmanRuby born about 1920
TraceyEnola Lborn about 1910
TraceyJanice Jborn about 1937
TraceyWalter Lborn about 1913
TuggleWillie Eborn about 1907
TuneJoseph Rborn about 1888
TuneOllie Mborn about 1891
TuneRoseanna born about 1921
TyrrellBilly Bborn about 1921
TyrrellCarl Lborn about 1925
TyrrellGeorge Hborn about 1886
TyrrellLeo Ulborn about 1928
TyrrellLora Pborn about 1890
TyrrellRosie born about 1867

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W Surnames

WalkineFloyd Lborn about 1926
WalkineWilma Mborn about 1921
WareBetty Jborn about 1923
WareE Lborn about 1926
WareE Lavinborn about 1892
WareErnest Aborn about 1920
WareJoan born about 1918
WareJosephine Aborn about 1899
WareKathryn Iborn about 1896
WareNicholas Dborn about 1895
WareNicholas Dborn about 1927
WareShirley born about 1932
WatkinsAaron Lborn about 1909
WatkinsCharles Eborn about 1931
WatkinsDarlin Nborn about 1933
WatkinsFloyd Dborn about 1932
WatkinsLloyd Eborn about 1929
WatkinsRuby Rborn about 1909
WatkinsVernon Wborn about 1935
WatkinsVirgle Tborn about 1935
WauhabOmer Lborn about 1910
WauhobGeorge Nborn about 1883
WauhobMabel Gborn about 1888
WebbE Maryborn about 1877
WeeksArther Rborn about 1884
WeeksGracie born about 1880
WeisAlice Eborn about 1923
WeisMary Eborn about 1926
WellsOlene Dborn about 1913
WhiteL Dborn about 1914
WhiteLowane Sborn about 1936
WhiteRuby born about 1917
WhiteVonetta Fborn about 1939
WhiteheadAlice Iborn about 1890
WhiteheadEmery Eborn about 1885
WilcoxJoseph Nborn about 1903
WilcoxMatie Bborn about 1870
WilliamsDorthy Fborn about 1913
WilliamsJohnnie Dborn about 1940
WilliamsRosetta Mborn about 1938
WilliamsWilbur Dborn about 1914
WingetKathleen Rborn about 1934
WingetLoretta Sborn about 1911
WrightEmma Wborn about 1896
WrightJohn Fborn about 1891
WysongEdith Eborn about 1903
WysongR Nadineborn about 1921
WysongWalter Hborn about 1901

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Z Surnames

ZiglerLeroy Hborn about 1926
ZiglerLouise Mborn about 1907
ZiglerMary Eborn about 1875
ZiglerPerry Gborn about 1897

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