1940 U.S. Federal Census of Osage in Lincoln County, Lincoln, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Lincoln County > 1940 Census of Osage in Lincoln County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAnna born about 1899
AndersonBetty Lborn about 1933
AndersonBilly Lborn about 1933
AndersonBuford born about 1933
AndersonEarl born about 1892
AndersonElnora Lborn about 1926
AndersonElsie born about 1896
AndersonElton Cborn about 1929
AndersonFloyd Aborn about 1897
AndersonHelen born about 1920
AndersonJerald Rborn about 1939
AndersonKenneth born about 1926
AndersonLee born about 1932
AndersonLola Fborn about 1901
AndersonMary Annborn about 1934
AndersonNell born about 1917
AndersonNorma Fayeborn about 1937
AndersonOscar born about 1891
AndersonRoy Fborn about 1922
AndersonSheldon born about 1924
AndersonSoe born about 1926
AndersonSuzan born about 1854
AndersonWalter born about 1924
ArnoldW Oborn about 1875
ArterburnLorene born about 1917
ArterburnRobert Iborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BairHomer born about 1927
BairHoward born about 1924
BairJohn Mborn about 1903
BairMary born about 1934
BairOla born about 1900
BakerCharles Tborn about 1924
BakerJulius born about 1890
BakerNelda born about 1934
BakerRichard born about 1929
BakerRuby born about 1904
BakerRuth born about 1927
BallAlbert Lborn about 1886
BallClarie born about 1939
BallLola born about 1920
BallThomas born about 1912
BallVenia born about 1892
BarclayClemma born about 1906
BarclayDarret Sborn about 1930
BarclayDoris Leeborn about 1927
BarclayEmma Jborn about 1929
BarclayGuy born about 1895
BarclayPeggy Louborn about 1934
BarclayWayne Eborn about 1937
BarnardFredricka born about 1900
BarnardJames born about 1923
BarnardJess born about 1888
BarnardJessie born about 1890
BarnardRachel born about 1919
BarnardRalph born about 1898
BarnardThressa born about 1922
BarnardWinona born about 1925
BarthBilly Joeborn about 1929
BeadshawEarl born about 1910
BeadshawEdith born about 1911
BeadshawRaymond Dborn about 1935
BeadshawRuth Eborn about 1938
BeamFanny born about 1880
BeardCora Eborn about 1870
BeardW Aborn about 1869
BehrnesDora born about 1882
BehrnesEthel born about 1908
BehrnesJ Dborn about 1920
BehrnesJ Jborn about 1894
BehrnesJess born about 1882
BestJewel born about 1921
BestMaud born about 1889
BestO Sborn about 1873
BinghamLa Sue Aborn about 1939
BinghamLena born about 1915
BlevensBardon born about 1933
BlevensJ Cborn about 1935
BlevensMyrtle born about 1912
BlevensPauline born about 1931
BogueElza Mborn about 1892
BogueMildred born about 1897
BogueWayne born about 1929
BoydstonC Wborn about 1880
BoydstonDaisy born about 1907
BoydstonSteve born about 1933
BrittonEula born about 1915
BrittonGlen born about 1936
BrittonJohn born about 1914
BrittonNorma Rborn about 1940
BrownBeaulah born about 1910
BrownBuddy Maxborn about 1935
BrownEarl born about 1913
BrownFred Aborn about 1883
BrownFred Lborn about 1910
BrownFreda Paulineborn about 1934
BrownGuy Earlborn about 1940
BrownJaunita born about 1923
BrownMaude born about 1881
BrownOlivie Dentonborn about 1936
BrownPatsy Ruthborn about 1934
BrownRuth born about 1913
BunnsAdelene Tborn about 1925
BunnsFloyd Oborn about 1900
BunnsFloyd Reginaldborn about 1922
BunnsLoyd Ronaldborn about 1923
BunnsRhoda Maeborn about 1899
BunnsShirley Joanborn about 1936
BunnsWanda Juneborn about 1929
ByroG Hborn about 1877
ByroLouisa born about 1874
ByroLyle born about 1919

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C Surnames

CameronAltha born about 1910
CameronAudie born about 1918
CameronBernice born about 1929
CameronBilly born about 1932
CameronDonald born about 1934
CameronElmer born about 1884
CameronEtta born about 1890
CameronEugene born about 1929
CameronLeon born about 1922
CameronLeonard born about 1920
CameronLois born about 1935
CameronLouise born about 1938
CameronMaxine born about 1926
CameronO Dborn about 1940
CameronPatricia born about 1925
CameronPreston born about 1907
CardinNorman born about 1919
CarmichaelAnnie Aborn about 1926
CarmichaelCharles Bborn about 1880
CarmichaelDorthy Leeborn about 1927
CarmichaelMartha born about 1890
CarmichaelOrvel Dborn about 1919
CarmichaelSamuel Pborn about 1922
CarpenterAlta born about 1900
CarpenterElmer born about 1897
CarpenterPaul born about 1924
CastatorBurt born about 1879
CastatorLela Jborn about 1890
CaynerArch born about 1909
CaynerRaymond born about 1922
CaynerVictoria born about 1912
ChastainD Eborn about 1890
ChastainDonald Eborn about 1934
ChastainEthel born about 1895
ChessmoreCharles born about 1938
ChessmoreJim Hborn about 1916
ChessmoreJimmie born about 1939
ChessmoreVera born about 1919
CodeBlanche born about 1924
CodeJames Fborn about 1890
CodeMamie Loisborn about 1929
CodeMelba born about 1922
CodeR Aborn about 1923
CodeReva born about 1898
ColonAnna Maeborn about 1917
ColonEmma Mborn about 1877
ColonFrank born about 1877
CookC Rayborn about 1917
CookClarence Rborn about 1891
CookDora Bborn about 1892
CookEvelyn Eborn about 1922
CookRobert Lborn about 1928
CovingtonJames Tborn about 1872
CovingtonMaybelle born about 1873
CoxDoris born about 1938
CoxHallie born about 1916
CoxJ Aborn about 1919
CrailDorothy born about 1924
CrailLola born about 1900
CrailMinnie Fborn about 1932
CrailObe born about 1927
CrailPaul born about 1895
CrailTroy born about 1934
CrauthersCarl Eborn about 1938
CrauthersClifton born about 1917
CrauthersDonald born about 1931
CrauthersFaye born about 1928
CrauthersHazel born about 1937
CrauthersHelen born about 1935
CrauthersIlene Mayborn about 1939
CrauthersJ Tborn about 1908
CrauthersJohn born about 1933
CrauthersLizza born about 1923
CrauthersLora born about 1910
CrauthersLudena born about 1920
CrauthersMollie born about 1888
CrauthersThelma born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisBeulah born about 1937
DavisDoris Lborn about 1939
DavisE Sborn about 1866
DavisEarl born about 1929
DavisElmer born about 1896
DavisFrank Wborn about 1899
DavisGeorge born about 1924
DavisH Sborn about 1872
DavisJessie born about 1899
DavisJoy Leeborn about 1935
DavisLeroy born about 1905
DavisMarie born about 1900
DavisMary born about 1927
DavisMary Aborn about 1867
DavisNaomi born about 1930
DavisRaymond born about 1933
DavisStella Bborn about 1876
DavisVeva born about 1909
DeanAlice born about 1880
DeanCarl born about 1874
DeslozerCarrie Sborn about 1886
DeslozerHelen born about 1926
DeslozerJessie Dborn about 1915
DeslozerKenneth born about 1923
DillmanAlvin born about 1890
DillmanJannie born about 1894
DillmanTruman born about 1925
DunhamCaroline Sborn about 1931
DunhamDorothy born about 1936
DunhamFanny born about 1903
DunhamHarold born about 1902
DunhamRussell born about 1924

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E Surnames

EarpElsie born about 1896
EarpLee born about 1921
EarpW Loydborn about 1920
EarpW Vborn about 1885
EastwoodLucy born about 1882
EastwoodMaxine born about 1922
EastwoodRobert Mborn about 1882
ElyCarl Eborn about 1940
ElyGlen born about 1912
ElyJ Aborn about 1876
ElyLevi Eborn about 1896
ElyLoretta Jborn about 1938
ElyLouis born about 1918
ElyMarie born about 1922
ElyRichard born about 1924
ElyShirley Lborn about 1919
EstesAnna born about 1909
EstesTillman born about 1902

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F Surnames

FieldingNarcissa born about 1881
FordEloise born about 1934
FordLorene born about 1912
FordMardell born about 1938
FordRobert born about 1936
FordW Hborn about 1911
FordWilla Jeanborn about 1931
FowlerAlbert born about 1907
FowlerClarence born about 1913
FowlerEffie born about 1870

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G Surnames

GastonBetty born about 1936
GastonMary born about 1919
GastonMary born about 1937
GeorgeClifford born about 1888
GeorgeClyde born about 1927
GeorgeEdna born about 1887
GeorgeIda Mayborn about 1868
GeorgeNaomi born about 1921
GeorgeRobert born about 1924
GibsonAnna born about 1883
GibsonDella born about 1888
GibsonH Cborn about 1887
GibsonJohn Fborn about 1862
GillaspyJohn born about 1875
GillaspyMary Eborn about 1880
GoachDonald Lborn about 1932
GoachEada Aborn about 1923
GoachFrank born about 1899
GoachPearl born about 1900
GoachPearl born about 1912
GoachRodney born about 1939
GoachRoland born about 1931
GoachRussell born about 1934
GoachTheata Mborn about 1936
GoachTommy Rborn about 1925
GoachVelma born about 1929
GoachYeaman born about 1928
GoachYeaman Oborn about 1892
GoodmanArvetta born about 1933
GoodmanCaroll born about 1932
GoodmanDelores born about 1936
GoodmanFrankie born about 1937
GoodmanLonnie born about 1935
GoodmanLorn born about 1903
GoodmanLuella born about 1939
GoodmanThelma born about 1912
GraswoldChanning born about 1914
GraswoldElnora born about 1918
GraswoldHenry born about 1896
GrayElvis born about 1922
GrayFloyd born about 1930
GrayFreddie Wborn about 1935
GrayJohn born about 1897
GrayJohnny born about 1922
GrayLaura born about 1891
GrayLoyd born about 1930
GrayMurel born about 1914
GrayOma born about 1924
GreenfieldCharles born about 1931
GreenfieldEarl born about 1939
GreenfieldFloyd born about 1906
GreenfieldGarl born about 1939
GreenfieldIda born about 1913
GreenfieldJames born about 1935
GreenfieldLouise born about 1928
GreenfieldRoy born about 1907
GreenfieldVera born about 1904
GriffinDelbert born about 1919
GriffinE Mborn about 1868
GriffinMary Jborn about 1877
GriswoldDon born about 1918
GriswoldEunice born about 1883
GriswoldWillard Sborn about 1878
GuardCharlotte born about 1929
GuffinEsther born about 1899
GuffinL Royborn about 1907

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H Surnames

HaleA Sborn about 1936
HaleAlbert Dborn about 1938
HaleArthur Bborn about 1903
HaleArthur Sborn about 1927
HaleBeatrice born about 1923
HaleCharles Hborn about 1933
HaleClyde born about 1895
HaleE Bborn about 1878
HaleEd born about 1874
HaleEmily born about 1871
HaleEmily Bborn about 1930
HaleEnoch born about 1926
HaleJake born about 1911
HaleJohn Cborn about 1924
HaleLee Dborn about 1934
HaleLenord Fborn about 1924
HaleLetha born about 1904
HaleLucille born about 1915
HaleLula Maeborn about 1926
HaleMargie born about 1936
HaleMarion Mborn about 1932
HaleMarvin Tborn about 1921
HaleMary Cborn about 1938
HaleMay born about 1886
HaleRalph born about 1931
HaleRoy Cborn about 1929
HaleS Fborn about 1870
HaleViola born about 1922
HaleZolie born about 1906
HamRaymond Eborn about 1938
HamVerla Rborn about 1919
HamW Eborn about 1912
HamiltonArlene Eborn about 1920
HamiltonGertie born about 1883
HamiltonJ Mborn about 1871
HamiltonShirley Annborn about 1938
HamiltonWilliam Lborn about 1912
HansenCharles Eborn about 1939
HansenChristian born about 1858
HansenDelores born about 1931
HansenLula Fborn about 1903
HansenMax born about 1905
HansenMyrtle Fborn about 1870
HardestyJohn born about 1872
HardestyPaul born about 1915
HardestyWinnie born about 1881
HarisonElizabeth born about 1914
HarisonMargaret Dborn about 1939
HarisonPatricia Jborn about 1940
HarisonRobert born about 1909
HarmanFlorence born about 1920
HarmanVernon born about 1911
HarmonAlonzo born about 1884
HarmonAma born about 1888
HartAnnie born about 1870
HartClara Aborn about 1930
HartCleo born about 1897
HartJeff born about 1868
HartJoe born about 1887
HartKenneth born about 1918
HartLaurna Leeborn about 1934
HartLorine born about 1921
HartMary Lborn about 1909
HartMary Ritaborn about 1939
HartMelba born about 1922
HartOlan Aborn about 1915
HartRachel Sborn about 1894
HartWilliam Sborn about 1932
HaysGeorge born about 1871
HemphillBetty born about 1925
HemphillDaisy born about 1885
HemphillLaura born about 1918
HemphillRobert born about 1922
HemphillRoy born about 1883
HemphillWalter born about 1927
HermannAlva born about 1937
HermannBonnie born about 1909
HermannCarl born about 1934
HermannCarlo Lborn about 1898
HermannElois born about 1926
HermannEugene born about 1924
HermannLoretta born about 1922
HermannTennesse born about 1933
HerringA Dborn about 1892
HerringAmanda born about 1861
HerringAndrew born about 1898
HerringAnna born about 1926
HerringArthur born about 1927
HerringBilly born about 1935
HerringC Lborn about 1891
HerringCalvin born about 1925
HerringClaude Vborn about 1900
HerringDella born about 1928
HerringEverett born about 1924
HerringFlossie born about 1895
HerringFrona born about 1931
HerringGertie born about 1895
HerringJack born about 1923
HerringJohnnie born about 1933
HerringJohnny born about 1931
HerringLeslie born about 1926
HerringOthel born about 1929
HerringRita Maeborn about 1940
HerringW Hborn about 1857
HerringWilliam born about 1923
HeumannBobby born about 1938
HeumannChester born about 1920
HeumannClota born about 1932
HeumannFloy born about 1936
HeumannGlen born about 1933
HeumannPearl born about 1915
HeumannSarah born about 1940
HeumannTroy born about 1936
HickmanCleo born about 1925
HickmanEllsworth born about 1896
HickmanGeorge born about 1929
HickmanGrace born about 1906
HickmanLeo born about 1927
HickmanNorma born about 1931
HickmanVictora born about 1883
HickmanWanda born about 1930
HicksCora Mayborn about 1906
HicksDale born about 1936
HicksDelores born about 1922
HicksEmma born about 1858
HicksEugene born about 1929
HicksGayle Mayborn about 1938
HicksJorn born about 1935
HicksLois Marieborn about 1932
HicksMerle Leeborn about 1931
HicksRobert born about 1907
HillhouseBertha born about 1885
HillhouseElmer born about 1878
HillhouseFaye born about 1922
HillhouseFrank born about 1911
HillhouseRay born about 1922
HillhouseWalter born about 1923
HobsonA Bborn about 1871
HodsonAncil born about 1907
HodsonArnold born about 1908
HodsonCharles born about 1930
HodsonClark born about 1936
HodsonCurtis born about 1910
HodsonDavid born about 1867
HodsonDewey born about 1934
HodsonDonnie born about 1931
HodsonGary born about 1933
HodsonHoward born about 1931
HodsonLeona born about 1913
HodsonLinval born about 1936
HodsonMinnie Rborn about 1867
HodsonZuba born about 1904
HollamBertha born about 1879
HollamJune Aborn about 1879
HolsingerGalen born about 1923
HolsingerJoseph born about 1894
HolsingerNellie born about 1899
HolsingerPaul born about 1927
HolsingerRonald born about 1932
HopperJames born about 1931
HopperZeola born about 1935
HowardBenjamin born about 1939
HowardBessie born about 1939
HowardClyde Eborn about 1938
HowardDorney Lborn about 1933
HowardElmo born about 1922
HowardElvin born about 1931
HowardFanny born about 1934
HowardFloyd born about 1906
HowardHenry born about 1914
HowardHenry born about 1915
HowardL Eborn about 1871
HowardLinda born about 1911
HowardMelvia born about 1927
HowardMildred born about 1911
HowardPerry born about 1892
HowardRose Leeborn about 1934
HowardRuby born about 1929
HuffmanBertha born about 1891
HuffmanDale born about 1920
HuffmanDoris Jborn about 1931
HuffmanJimmy born about 1935
HuffmanOra born about 1887
HuffmanOra born about 1904
HuffmanViola born about 1913
HuntCharles Sborn about 1930
HuntCharles Wborn about 1886
HuntCora Mayborn about 1896
HuntDonald Eborn about 1938
HuntDorthy born about 1917
HuntEllen Mborn about 1928
HuntHerman Fborn about 1907
HuntIva Mayborn about 1922
HuntIvan born about 1922
HuntJessie Leeborn about 1940
HunterRichard Hborn about 1931
HurstCalvin born about 1925
HurstClifton born about 1928
HurstCurtis born about 1930
HurstFred born about 1922
HurstMarilla born about 1890
HurstMilton born about 1882

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J Surnames

JacobsAlfred born about 1914
JacobsCecil born about 1901
JacobsHarold born about 1913
JacobsLouise born about 1919
JohnstonOrleane born about 1869
JutierHazel born about 1912
JutierJ Hborn about 1902
JutierJames Cborn about 1939
JutierLula Aborn about 1938

K Surnames

KathaJohn born about 1905
KathaJohn Bborn about 1933
KathaMary born about 1912
KathaTed Lborn about 1940
KayChester born about 1918
KayE Aborn about 1895
KayShirley born about 1897
KennAlbert Mborn about 1870
KennedyW Rborn about 1869
KeryFrieda born about 1905
KeryKenneth born about 1933
KeryRamona born about 1925
KeryRaymond born about 1902
KilgoreMaggie born about 1862
KinderGeorge born about 1935
KinderHarold born about 1928
KinderMamie born about 1905
KinderTom born about 1899
KirkwoodAlma Jeanborn about 1940
KirkwoodBetty Joborn about 1936
KirkwoodCharles born about 1937
KirkwoodGracie born about 1911
KirkwoodJ Dborn about 1932
KirkwoodLoraine born about 1931
KirkwoodS Kborn about 1908
KirkwoodStanford born about 1939
KoonseEvelyn born about 1902
KoonseMargie Annborn about 1934
KoonseMebla Leeborn about 1925
KoonseR Wborn about 1899
KostedChris born about 1886
KostedChristine born about 1920
KostedJosephine born about 1892

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L Surnames

LamorWilliam Fborn about 1872
LamorZella Bborn about 1891
LaneGeorge Cborn about 1893
LaneNora born about 1892
LassterMae born about 1910
LassterMary Lborn about 1938
LassterMertz born about 1896
LeeNora born about 1895
LeeViva Lborn about 1928
LeeW Hborn about 1887
LowerEthel Jeanborn about 1928
LowerHarrold born about 1926
LowerJames Gborn about 1890
LowerLouise born about 1922
LowerMartha Janeborn about 1917
LowerOttie born about 1891
LowerRichard born about 1923
LowerRuth born about 1936
LoweryBetty born about 1935
LoweryEsther born about 1904
LoweryPeggy born about 1936
LyeClyde born about 1894
LyeJoe born about 1890
LyeMarie born about 1920

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M Surnames

MagnerAdah born about 1885
MagnerW Oborn about 1883
MainJohn born about 1895
MainLizzie born about 1897
MartinDarrel born about 1930
MartinLusi born about 1871
MathemsPreston born about 1911
MathemsRoger born about 1936
MathemsVelma born about 1909
MathewsBilly born about 1926
MathewsDorothy born about 1908
MathewsGeorge Pborn about 1883
MathewsJack Billborn about 1928
MathewsJimmy born about 1926
MathewsLarry Maxborn about 1939
MathewsLeon born about 1933
MathewsLucille born about 1906
MathewsMarjorie Lborn about 1931
MathewsNadine born about 1924
MathewsWilliam Sborn about 1906
MatthewsColdie born about 1892
MatthewsDee born about 1931
MatthewsEarla born about 1926
MatthewsEmery born about 1929
MatthewsErdis born about 1924
MatthewsEthel born about 1898
MatthewsEthel born about 1921
MatthewsEugene born about 1923
MatthewsJess born about 1900
MatthewsKate born about 1897
MatthewsPreston born about 1924
MatthewsQuiney born about 1927
MatthewsRuth born about 1929
McFarlinAlfie born about 1934
McFarlinArthur born about 1902
McFarlinArthur born about 1937
McFarlinClearance born about 1938
McFarlinHenry born about 1933
McFarlinJames born about 1926
McFarlinLee Royborn about 1931
McFarlinMary Leeborn about 1940
McFarlinNina born about 1932
McFarlinOlivie born about 1929
McFarlinSarah Jborn about 1928
McFarlinWellie born about 1902
McFarlingBill born about 1903
McFarlingBilly born about 1925
McFarlingW Hborn about 1863
McKennaJohn Lborn about 1859
McKennaNora born about 1875
McKeownAda born about 1901
McKeownGlen Hborn about 1900
McKeownMargret Eborn about 1928
McKeownWilliam Hborn about 1921
McMutryBobby born about 1931
McMutryBruce born about 1925
McMutryJuanita born about 1928
McMutryL Sborn about 1890
McMutryLeonard born about 1938
McMutryLois born about 1921
McMutryNellie born about 1901
MelsonAlva born about 1931
MelsonG Mborn about 1900
MelsonG Royborn about 1936
MelsonMable born about 1906
MelsonVirgil born about 1926
MerritAdolph Dborn about 1893
MillerE Lborn about 1889
MillerEverett Lborn about 1883
MoloyBilly born about 1931
MoloyJaunita born about 1928
MoloyNellie born about 1907
MoloyOscar born about 1899
MoloyWanda born about 1932
MyersHattie born about 1866
MyrickBetty Jeanborn about 1933
MyrickIlene born about 1922
MyrickIra Cborn about 1893
MyrickIra Jr born about 1926
MyrickIrene Cborn about 1902
MyrickLucian born about 1924

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N Surnames

NeilAlbert born about 1904
NeilBetty born about 1933
NeilDale born about 1930
NeilDoris born about 1925
NeilEvelyn born about 1938
NeilIda born about 1903
NewtonFred born about 1883
NewtonGayle born about 1931
NewtonMary born about 1883
NicholsEdgar Eborn about 1892
NixonMary Cborn about 1888
NixonOttis Eborn about 1897
NollahBertha born about 1894
NollahG Lborn about 1888

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O Surnames

OliverCorine born about 1939
OliverGertrude born about 1890
OliverHarrel born about 1927
OliverHelen born about 1936
OliverIrene born about 1917
OliverJimmie born about 1934
OliverLoyd Rborn about 1908
OliverNora born about 1910
OliverRay Dborn about 1888
OlmstcadJohn Cborn about 1867
OlmstcadMargaret Cborn about 1870

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P Surnames

ParkerBeatrice born about 1912
ParkerErnest Lborn about 1910
ParkerEvelyn born about 1931
ParkerPattsy born about 1934
PayneAnna born about 1882
PayneJohn Tborn about 1883
PayneOrdell born about 1916
PerrinArthur Dborn about 1934
PerrinFlora born about 1932
PerrinGoldie born about 1906
PerrinJeraldine born about 1927
PerrinMarriane born about 1936
PerrinSherman born about 1896
PerrinSherman Rborn about 1926
PettyEva Bessborn about 1925
PierceC Bborn about 1895
PoolElla born about 1868
PoolHarold born about 1922
PoolHarry born about 1897
PoolMamie born about 1899
PorterB Fborn about 1884
PorterEmily born about 1931
PorterFlorence born about 1886
PorterJane born about 1924
PorterJewel born about 1922
PorterJime born about 1884
PorterMinnie born about 1928
PorterRay born about 1926
PowellNancy Cborn about 1870
PowellOla born about 1904
PowellTony Lborn about 1912

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R Surnames

RalstonBobbie born about 1932
RalstonElba Eborn about 1895
RalstonEunice born about 1922
RalstonInez born about 1900
RalstonKenneth born about 1930
RalstonNora Fborn about 1925
RatcliffEdith born about 1917
RatcliffEdith Fborn about 1896
RatcliffJ Aborn about 1885
RatcliffJohn born about 1916
RatcliffRichard born about 1924
RealViola born about 1924
RealWillie Wborn about 1919
ReedArthur born about 1888
ReedCarrie Aborn about 1885
ReedGarold born about 1923
ReedLeroy Bborn about 1917
ReedMerel born about 1922
ReedRaymond born about 1921
ReedRobert born about 1928
ReedRoberta born about 1931
ReedVera born about 1925
ReedyBetty Juneborn about 1935
ReedyBilly born about 1933
ReedyEva born about 1920
ReedyFrank born about 1911
ReedyFrank Rborn about 1938
ReedyGusta born about 1914
ReedyHelen Jborn about 1932
ReedyJ Dborn about 1899
ReedyJ Dborn about 1932
ReedyJuanita born about 1927
ReedyJunior born about 1931
ReedyKenneth born about 1929
ReedyLewis Eborn about 1936
ReedyMelvin born about 1907
ReedyRuth born about 1913
ReedyWalter born about 1936
RoeBilly Rborn about 1931
RoeEmsdale born about 1939
RoeFloyd born about 1922
RoeGlenn born about 1924
RoeJackie Mborn about 1933
RoeJames Lborn about 1937
RoeJohn Leeborn about 1940
RoeLucille born about 1926
RoeRobert Cborn about 1928
RoeVivian born about 1903
RoeWilliam Eborn about 1901
RossCharley born about 1873

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S Surnames

SadlerElvy born about 1920
SandersGeorge Eborn about 1896
SandersLowell born about 1919
SayersDelbert Sborn about 1907
SayersJane born about 1932
SayersLawrence Lborn about 1883
SayersLela born about 1913
SayersMatilda born about 1875
SayersMell born about 1887
SayersRobert born about 1935
SayersS Sborn about 1872
SayersValley born about 1897
ScottCharles Tborn about 1934
ScottCyril Gborn about 1910
ScottElizabeth Jborn about 1935
ScottJoseph Pborn about 1881
ScottStella Mborn about 1887
ScottTalbert Gborn about 1884
SeitsingerBobbie born about 1930
SeitsingerLena Bborn about 1909
SeitsingerR Wborn about 1905
SeitsingerWalter born about 1934
SeitsingerWendell born about 1936
ShoverJohn born about 1922
ShoverLottie born about 1887
ShoverSam born about 1888
SmithBessie born about 1913
SmithBeulah born about 1919
SmithDarrell born about 1940
SmithDudley born about 1893
SmithErma born about 1936
SmithEvelyn born about 1909
SmithGayle born about 1917
SmithL Rborn about 1885
SmithLeola born about 1921
SmithLeslie Eborn about 1910
SmithLouise born about 1931
SmithMonte born about 1911
SmithNorma Jborn about 1935
SmithOpal born about 1916
SmithPatsy born about 1938
SmithRay born about 1919
SmithSarah born about 1868
SmithW Hborn about 1867
SmithWalter Hborn about 1904
SmithWilliam born about 1914
SmithWilliam Dborn about 1939
SolomonDonna Janeborn about 1938
SolomonEstelle born about 1920
SolomonLester born about 1918
SpurgeonTheron born about 1913
SpurgeonTheron Hborn about 1938
SpurgeonVelma born about 1920
StaffordCular born about 1910
StaffordFloyd Rborn about 1909
StanfordDavid born about 1938
StanfordDoris born about 1917
StanfordJohn Dborn about 1910
StatonBessie born about 1897
StatonEldon born about 1893
StatonHarold born about 1921
StatonPauline born about 1919
StevensAlice born about 1933
StevensCarol Sueborn about 1939
StevensDeward born about 1903
StevensDorothy born about 1924
StevensGene born about 1929
StevensGeneva born about 1938
StevensHarrold born about 1927
StevensJaunita born about 1931
StevensJohn Lborn about 1877
StevensJohnny born about 1921
StevensLaura Aborn about 1882
StevensLeonard born about 1927
StevensRuby born about 1909
SwigartKate born about 1857
SwigartManie born about 1884
SwigartRita born about 1917
SwingleHelen born about 1908
SwingleLaura born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackettBilly born about 1935
TackettCharles born about 1909
TackettMable born about 1908
TackettRaymond born about 1929
TarltonAustin born about 1924
TarltonBertie born about 1896
TarltonHenry born about 1893
TarltonJ Eborn about 1902
TarltonJunior born about 1925
TarltonRuby born about 1905
TarltonWallace born about 1921
TateA Hborn about 1884
TateIda born about 1884
TaylorCarl born about 1920
TaylorClyde born about 1937
TaylorFrancis born about 1896
TaylorJames born about 1922
TaylorLucy born about 1926
TaylorMarie born about 1934
TaylorMyrtle born about 1902
TaylorRalph born about 1932
TaylorRuth born about 1924
TaylorWesely born about 1928
ThompsonBetty Marieborn about 1932
ThompsonHarry born about 1903
ThompsonJack Aborn about 1932
ThompsonJames Wborn about 1880
ThompsonNellie born about 1883
ThompsonVirginia born about 1909
TibbetRoy born about 1926
TolesA Cborn about 1875
TolesAnna Bellborn about 1935
TolesArthur born about 1911
TolesBobbie Wborn about 1940
TolesChloe born about 1901
TolesDale born about 1931
TolesEarl born about 1927
TolesEdna born about 1939
TolesFlora Eborn about 1919
TolesFrank Aborn about 1913
TolesFrank Alvinborn about 1939
TolesGeorgia born about 1937
TolesGeraldean born about 1929
TolesHazel born about 1938
TolesIda Mayborn about 1892
TolesJune born about 1930
TolesMelvin born about 1928
TolesPearl born about 1908
TolesRobert born about 1901
TolesRoy born about 1903
TolesRuth born about 1931
TolesSybil born about 1926
TolesWilliam born about 1924
TolesWilma Jeanborn about 1932
TolesWinnie born about 1925
TubleClara born about 1908
TubleHerbert born about 1930
TubleJimmy born about 1931
TubleMelvin born about 1928
TubleOscar born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldmanBlanche born about 1914
WaldmanH Wborn about 1908
WaldmanJohn Eborn about 1937
WaldmanMargie Cborn about 1933
WaldmanRoxie Cborn about 1934
WaldmanSue Eborn about 1940
WallesAline born about 1925
WallesCharles born about 1895
WallesConnie born about 1904
WallesHarman Sborn about 1940
WallesHoward born about 1931
WallesJuanita born about 1928
WallesLawrence born about 1934
WallesMarshall Aborn about 1938
WallesOlen born about 1923
WallesOpal Rayborn about 1936
WalliamsGladis born about 1915
WalliamsLeroy born about 1939
WalliamsPhylis Annborn about 1937
WalliamsRoy born about 1910
WaltersBeatrice born about 1917
WaltersGuy Aborn about 1937
WaltersNoble born about 1917
WaltersPeggy Louborn about 1940
WaltersVirginia born about 1937
WaltkinsBonnie Jeanborn about 1923
WaltkinsLula born about 1886
WaltkinsW Cborn about 1884
WardJoseph Hborn about 1859
WatersJulia born about 1864
WatkinsA Cborn about 1924
WatkinsAddie born about 1935
WatkinsClarence born about 1893
WatkinsEarl born about 1908
WatkinsEthel born about 1920
WatkinsFreida born about 1929
WatkinsGerald born about 1939
WatkinsIrvin Wborn about 1919
WatkinsJean born about 1933
WatkinsLennie born about 1912
WatkinsMargery born about 1934
WatkinsMaxine born about 1912
WatkinsMellie born about 1919
WatkinsNorman born about 1922
WatkinsOrval born about 1911
WatkinsPatsy born about 1939
WatkinsPauline born about 1918
WatkinsPearl born about 1895
WatkinsRay born about 1927
WatkinsShirley Fborn about 1935
WatkinsWallace born about 1940
WatkinsWilmetta born about 1935
WestMary born about 1910
WhithamCleo born about 1918
WhithamDaisy born about 1882
WhithamHaley born about 1928
WhitthamIra born about 1878
WilliamsA Cborn about 1927
WilliamsAllen Fborn about 1892
WilliamsGeorge Aborn about 1847
WilliamsIrene born about 1929
WilliamsJimmy born about 1932
WilliamsLeroy Fborn about 1918
WilliamsLeslie born about 1921
WilliamsLidia born about 1898
WilliamsWynoma born about 1916
WilsonFlorence born about 1923
WiseleyAlta Mayborn about 1939
WiseleyEttemae born about 1913
WiseleyF Tborn about 1877
WiseleyFreddie born about 1935
WiseleyHarry Fborn about 1911
WiseleyMaud born about 1881
WiseleyOmalee born about 1931
WiseleyVirgle born about 1934
WoodDonald born about 1939
WoodElmer born about 1913
WoodIrene born about 1917
WoodMary Louborn about 1937
WooliverCharles born about 1860
WrightEverett born about 1894
WrightFrank born about 1938
WrightGeorge born about 1928
WrightGeorge Lborn about 1915
WrightGerald born about 1933
WrightGilbert born about 1931
WrightGrace Eborn about 1938
WrightHazel born about 1908
WrightMarion born about 1926
WrightMartha born about 1939
WrightMary born about 1936
WrightNora born about 1930
WrightRaymond born about 1924
WrightZella born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatonDavid Hborn about 1934

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