1940 U.S. Federal Census of Paw Paw, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Paw Paw

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertsonBarnly born about 1923
AlbertsonE Rborn about 1891
AlbertsonLula Jborn about 1900
AlbertsonOra Bellborn about 1928
AlfredIra born about 1890
AlfredOrpha born about 1898
AllenBillie Lborn about 1931
AllenEarl Eborn about 1927
AllenEdna Lborn about 1912
AllenEdna Nborn about 1935
AllenElmer Fborn about 1938
AllenEmma Lborn about 1908
AllenEmma Sborn about 1938
AllenEmmit Bborn about 1905
AllenFannie Eborn about 1891
AllenFranklin Bborn about 1910
AllenGeorge Wborn about 1889
AllenGeorge Jr born about 1921
AllenIrine Mborn about 1914
AllenJacob Aborn about 1933
AllenLee Roy Tborn about 1939
AllenMary Eborn about 1922
AllenMildred Pborn about 1931
AllenStande Rborn about 1933
AlversonJames Loydborn about 1937
AlversonSamuel born about 1912
AlversonVergie born about 1918
AmosD Cborn about 1920
AmosL Eborn about 1885
AndersonJames born about 1910
AndersonJohnnie Leeborn about 1936
AndersonOma born about 1916
AndersonRosa Leeborn about 1933
AndresonAndrew Dborn about 1924
AngelBonnie Kborn about 1900
AngelJim born about 1902
AnnEva born about 1892
AnnK Cborn about 1887
AnnVeman born about 1927
ArmstrongEarl Eugeneborn about 1933
ArmstrongLois Maeborn about 1935
ArmstrongRoy born about 1906
ArmstrongSally Maeborn about 1908
ArnelCleo born about 1936
ArnelSamuel born about 1930
ArnelThelma born about 1913
ArnelWalter born about 1912
ArnellCarey born about 1881
ArnellJames born about 1920
ArnellMattie Lborn about 1922
ArnellW Fborn about 1871
ArnellWilliam Dborn about 1923
AsbeilJames Eborn about 1907
AsbeilJames Lborn about 1936
AsbeilNola Jborn about 1929
AsbeilOra Jborn about 1927
AsbeilViola Eborn about 1907
AsbeilVirginia Eborn about 1932
AsherBettie Louborn about 1937
AsherBilly Jeanborn about 1933
AsherGrace born about 1910
AsherJames born about 1930
AsherLouis born about 1910
AtbertsonBetty Joborn about 1939
AtbertsonCora born about 1920
AtbertsonMary Louborn about 1938
AtbertsonRaymond born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAudra born about 1905
BaileyKenneth born about 1930
BaileyOtis born about 1902
BailyEverett Oborn about 1905
BailyJames Edwardborn about 1933
BailyLewis born about 1912
BailyLorene born about 1914
BailyMary born about 1911
BailyNora born about 1886
BailyP Rborn about 1879
BailyS Mborn about 1871
BailyThomas Wborn about 1866
BailyWalter Dborn about 1907
BainesMary Lborn about 1910
BainesMyrte Lborn about 1925
BakkerLean born about 1909
BaldwinLeonard Fborn about 1889
BaldwinSarrah Cborn about 1888
BallLannie born about 1884
BallPecola born about 1922
BanksterBeulah Mborn about 1918
BanksterDoly Dborn about 1884
BanksterLuther Dborn about 1926
BanksterWilmer born about 1914
BankstonEula Pborn about 1923
BarrierEthel Vborn about 1927
BarrierOttos Eborn about 1931
BarrowmanRobert born about 1904
BarrowmanSellon born about 1898
BaskinGeorge born about 1905
BattesEmilee born about 1915
BattesNathaiel born about 1932
BattesWilson born about 1911
BaxterBurl born about 1913
BaxterThelma born about 1916
BeckettG Wborn about 1899
BeckmanFlornence born about 1904
BellC Rborn about 1883
BellClaire born about 1914
BellDowal Wborn about 1932
BellMilton born about 1920
BellRoy Jborn about 1932
BellerMarie Aborn about 1906
BellerRobert Lborn about 1922
BerberClyd born about 1916
BerberClyde Hborn about 1938
BerberEllen Eborn about 1920
BerberTed Rborn about 1919
BetcherVernon Joeborn about 1934
BethelGeorge Rborn about 1930
BettisWalter Rborn about 1918
BibbsErnest born about 1891
BivensJohn born about 1880
BlackEdith born about 1897
BlackardMildred Mborn about 1902
BlackwellD Eborn about 1897
BlackwellEthel Annborn about 1899
BlaylockArnold Oborn about 1933
BlaylockDonald Rborn about 1937
BlaylockElizzie Mborn about 1903
BlaylockEvert Jborn about 1902
BlaylockIlene Eborn about 1924
BlaylockWilma Rborn about 1935
BoatrightRaymond Gborn about 1916
BorgerAlma born about 1915
BorgerAnna Pearlborn about 1940
BorgerRussel born about 1914
BorgerRussell Lborn about 1938
BoydJohn born about 1877
BradleyFrancis born about 1919
BradleyRuby born about 1921
BradshawBarba Jeanborn about 1939
BradshawBetty Louborn about 1933
BradshawBill born about 1903
BradshawEdna born about 1916
BradshawKenneth Oborn about 1938
BreinesAlbert born about 1928
BreinesCleo born about 1924
BreinesE Jborn about 1901
BreinesElla Maeborn about 1934
BreinesIladee born about 1931
BreinesMargrett born about 1904
BridgesAnna born about 1919
BridgesMelvine born about 1918
BrooksThena Oborn about 1853
BrothertonCharles Eborn about 1925
BrothertonJoe Cborn about 1931
BrothertonLois born about 1905
BrothertonMary Vborn about 1927
BrothertonRobbie Rborn about 1928
BrothertonTroy Rborn about 1897
BrothertonWarren Rborn about 1923
BrownAnna born about 1926
BrownAurther born about 1906
BrownCatherine born about 1924
BrownCharley Aborn about 1891
BrownClyde born about 1911
BrownEdgar born about 1918
BrownEdna Marieborn about 1939
BrownEdward born about 1936
BrownEthel Fborn about 1912
BrownEunice born about 1914
BrownFlora born about 1911
BrownGeorge Wborn about 1892
BrownGladys born about 1922
BrownHelen born about 1921
BrownHerbie born about 1935
BrownHoward born about 1887
BrownJ Dborn about 1926
BrownJ Hborn about 1865
BrownJames born about 1917
BrownJames Oborn about 1870
BrownJim born about 1895
BrownJimmie born about 1930
BrownJoseph Clanbusborn about 1931
BrownLearly born about 1886
BrownLoius born about 1910
BrownLora born about 1917
BrownLottie born about 1900
BrownLouisea born about 1855
BrownLucy born about 1892
BrownMaggie born about 1924
BrownMary born about 1866
BrownMildred born about 1926
BrownNora born about 1938
BrownPerry born about 1873
BrownRelda Veraborn about 1938
BrownRoosevelt born about 1901
BrownRoy born about 1922
BrownSam born about 1903
BrownSylvia born about 1936
BrownWalter Janeborn about 1939
BrownZelma Maeborn about 1913
BrownfieldJohn Aborn about 1883
BrownfieldMaude Hborn about 1893
BroyersJ Lborn about 1938
BroyersRay born about 1935
BroyersRube born about 1870
BroylesAlice born about 1885
BroylesAudrey Fborn about 1932
BroylesBertie Mborn about 1908
BroylesDona Sborn about 1937
BroylesErnest Wborn about 1906
BroylesOdos born about 1881
BroylesOra Fborn about 1918
BroylesOwel Jr born about 1909
BusbyNorman born about 1911
BussieAgnes Mborn about 1926
BussieArthur Lborn about 1920
BussieBetty Lborn about 1931
BussieEvelyn Rborn about 1923
BussieFlora Eborn about 1895
BussieWalter Mborn about 1885
ButlerEunice Sborn about 1892

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C Surnames

CacarlindDavid born about 1917
CacarlindEmly born about 1921
CacarlindMillie Jeanborn about 1939
CamelEarl born about 1925
CannonEvert Lborn about 1896
CannonJewel Rborn about 1909
CannonRobert Wborn about 1923
CantwellBillie Jamesborn about 1930
CantwellL Rborn about 1902
CantwellLura Jeanborn about 1933
CantwellVirgenne born about 1902
CaramellJerry Wborn about 1928
CardinAnna born about 1893
CardinColene Wborn about 1930
CardinCoy Cborn about 1931
CardinOscar Jr born about 1939
CardinSilva Rborn about 1925
CardinSwan Nborn about 1891
CardinTom Lborn about 1927
CardinZillah Hborn about 1922
CarrBillie Jborn about 1934
CarrBobby Rborn about 1932
CarrEurica born about 1905
CarrJames Kborn about 1910
CarrMildred Jborn about 1915
CarrRobert Fborn about 1888
CarrRuby born about 1911
CarrRufus Cborn about 1902
CarsonVera born about 1916
CarterI Hborn about 1869
CastleberryEdna born about 1914
CastleberryEdna Maeborn about 1938
CastleberryEssie born about 1902
CastleberryFloyd Jamesborn about 1936
CastleberryFred born about 1880
CastleberryHuston born about 1910
CastleberryRuby born about 1917
CastleberrySam Hutsonborn about 1937
CastleberryShirley Jeanborn about 1940
CawthonRobert Eborn about 1891
ChambersAmanda born about 1894
ChambersAretha born about 1926
ChambersArgo born about 1922
ChambersEdna Maryborn about 1932
ChambersElmer born about 1929
ChambersHazel born about 1925
ChambersJoyce born about 1920
ChambersTom born about 1881
ChambersWillie born about 1935
ChandlerBertha born about 1916
ChandlerCharlie born about 1920
ChandlerDorrene born about 1938
ChandlerEarnest born about 1930
ChandlerEllen born about 1890
ChandlerElsie born about 1918
ChandlerEmma born about 1884
ChandlerFrancis born about 1914
ChandlerFrank born about 1913
ChandlerHays born about 1923
ChandlerHelen born about 1924
ChandlerHenry born about 1928
ChandlerJaunita born about 1935
ChandlerJim Mborn about 1871
ChandlerMary Ellenborn about 1939
ChandlerOutlee born about 1919
ChandlerRobert born about 1902
ChandlerRobert Lborn about 1887
ChandlerRuby Lborn about 1929
ChandlerSim Aborn about 1881
ChandlerThomas born about 1926
ChandlerVernie born about 1894
ChandlerWilliam born about 1914
ChandlerWilma Pborn about 1939
CherryAllen born about 1938
CherryDennis Lborn about 1939
CherryElmer born about 1894
CherryEmma Rborn about 1883
CherryGeorgie Lborn about 1921
CherryJean born about 1929
CherryLeona born about 1906
CherryO Dborn about 1907
CherryThelma born about 1909
CherryUlphin Dborn about 1881
CherryUlphin D Jrborn about 1916
CheryD Cborn about 1924
CheryDave Cborn about 1892
CheryDortha Iborn about 1921
CheryEva Lborn about 1893
ChiamDolla Eborn about 1915
ChiamDorsie Jborn about 1938
ChiamEstel born about 1914
ChumleyLinda born about 1883
ChumleyThomas Wborn about 1872
ChurchillAllice Mborn about 1925
ChurchillBonnie born about 1907
ChurchillHenry Wborn about 1882
ChurchillJohnnie Wborn about 1930
ChurchillLoyal Bborn about 1922
ChurchillMay Lborn about 1890
ChurchillPerry Cborn about 1908
ChurchillPerry Gborn about 1938
ChurchillSetha Mborn about 1934
ChurchillWanda Lborn about 1929
ClarkBertha Cborn about 1884
ClarkMae Cathlineborn about 1938
ClarkRuth Lborn about 1922
ClarkW Hborn about 1877
ClarkWalter born about 1918
ClickBetty Jeanborn about 1927
ClickBille Joborn about 1930
ClickBulah Maeborn about 1921
ClickCharles Rborn about 1937
ClickE Vborn about 1918
ClickGary Leeborn about 1940
ClickGerald born about 1915
ClickH Bborn about 1883
ClickHanna born about 1890
ClickHerbert Bborn about 1911
ClickHerbert Lborn about 1934
ClickJacky Gearldineborn about 1938
ClickJean Annborn about 1935
ClickLois Lborn about 1916
ClickMavis Leeborn about 1915
ClickPauline born about 1918
CoalBetty Jeanborn about 1936
CoalInez born about 1937
CoalRoy Wborn about 1939
CoalRuth Lborn about 1940
CoalSadie born about 1918
CoalSam born about 1914
CoffeySarah Jborn about 1860
ColeAudry Lborn about 1932
ColeBobby Jeanborn about 1937
ColeHellen Mborn about 1930
ColeI Tborn about 1918
ColeInons Dborn about 1903
ColeJames Lborn about 1923
ColeJosephine born about 1865
ColeJune Lborn about 1928
ColeMontie Eborn about 1940
ColePritt born about 1894
ColeWilliam Aborn about 1891
ColeWilliam Lborn about 1925
CollinsJess born about 1911
CollinsJess Jr born about 1929
CollinsMarteen born about 1909
CollinsOla Maeborn about 1931
CollirLilyie Maeborn about 1922
CollirRoy Jeanborn about 1924
CommonsGertrude born about 1893
CondrenEmma Lborn about 1931
CondrenGeorgia Mborn about 1902
CondrenGrace Lborn about 1905
CondrenKittie Sborn about 1933
CondrenLeonard Aborn about 1898
CondrenLouise Gborn about 1923
CondrenPatton Lborn about 1928
CondrenRobbie Sborn about 1925
CondrenRobert Wborn about 1921
CondrenRoy Lborn about 1901
CondrenRoy Pborn about 1928
CondrenWillie Eborn about 1937
CondronAlbert Cborn about 1907
CondronEdith Gborn about 1906
CondronMargeret Eborn about 1935
CondronTommy Dborn about 1929
CookEdd born about 1897
CookLora Jameborn about 1938
CookLuenettie born about 1902
CorbitEtta Lborn about 1873
CorbitWilliam Aborn about 1872
CormackCharles Jerryborn about 1935
CormackJ Wborn about 1906
CormackLarry born about 1939
CormackLorene born about 1914
CormackNancy Geneborn about 1936
CottenDella born about 1891
CottenH Aborn about 1890
CrabtreeBilly Dborn about 1938
CurridEthel born about 1916
CurridMarian Cborn about 1937
CurridMartain Dborn about 1939
CurridNancy Ovineborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanialHarry Lborn about 1930
DanialsCharles Wessleyborn about 1932
DanialsElizabeth born about 1898
DanialsFreddie Leeborn about 1934
DanialsH Wborn about 1883
DanialsHoward Eugeneborn about 1923
DanialsRuby Thelmaborn about 1927
DanialsSyble Ireneborn about 1925
DanielRay Dborn about 1921
DaulersCharley born about 1887
DaulersIrene born about 1921
DaulersPauline born about 1926
DaulersWiley born about 1923
DavisAda born about 1894
DavisAurther born about 1908
DavisBess born about 1910
DavisBillie born about 1932
DavisEveril born about 1909
DavisFloyd born about 1938
DavisGlen born about 1929
DavisOren Eborn about 1898
DavisRoy born about 1909
DavisWayne born about 1934
DeanAce born about 1923
DeanAma born about 1894
DeanBetty Joborn about 1931
DeanBud born about 1894
DeanBud born about 1920
DeanCarl born about 1929
DeanCatherine born about 1882
DeanCharley born about 1892
DeanDorthy born about 1926
DeanDoyal born about 1925
DeanElla May Aborn about 1921
DeanErma Leeborn about 1936
DeanHelen born about 1932
DeanHerbie born about 1922
DeanJeneva born about 1925
DeanLousiece born about 1923
DeanMargie born about 1938
DeanOler born about 1896
DeanOllie Maeborn about 1928
DeanThelma born about 1934
DeanVernie Leeborn about 1938
DeanWalter born about 1866
DeanWill Rogersborn about 1936
DeckardSillie Dborn about 1861
DeckerArlen Wborn about 1927
DedmanEsther Mborn about 1913
DedmanGuy Lborn about 1906
DedmanHazel Wborn about 1935
DedmanKenneth Hborn about 1938
DempseyA Aborn about 1913
DempseyBarbara born about 1937
DempseyEdna born about 1914
DickeyFannie Fborn about 1875
DickinsIrene born about 1876
DickinsMiles born about 1873
DoomCharley born about 1902
DouglasFred Hborn about 1903
DouglasNeconis born about 1908
DouglasRobert Lborn about 1929
DunnBoby Leeborn about 1935
DunnFanny born about 1939
DunnGracie born about 1903
DunnJane born about 1862
DunnMae Franceborn about 1937
DunnPhill born about 1887
DurhamAnnie born about 1867
DurhamWarren Lborn about 1867
DuvallEara Vborn about 1923
DuvallElva born about 1921
DuvallJerry Lborn about 1939
DuvallJerry Wborn about 1884
DuvallLela Dborn about 1883
DuvallMarvin Cborn about 1918
DuvallWarren Jborn about 1922
DuvallWilliam Aborn about 1915
DyerEdna Rborn about 1932
DyerEray born about 1907
DyerEugene born about 1930
DyerIda Mborn about 1875
DyerIva Rborn about 1936
DyerJesse born about 1922
DyerMyrtle born about 1904
DyerWilliam Dborn about 1939
DyerWonda born about 1934

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E Surnames

EastepAncle Lborn about 1924
EastepEli born about 1876
EastepElla Jborn about 1887
EastepOdas born about 1923
EastepUlis Wborn about 1926
EdwardsAugust Jborn about 1936
EdwardsBeauford born about 1926
EdwardsBilly Jborn about 1934
EdwardsCas Mborn about 1928
EdwardsCharlie Hborn about 1910
EdwardsCharline born about 1932
EdwardsCorby Rborn about 1936
EdwardsDolly born about 1902
EdwardsDon Rayborn about 1933
EdwardsDoris born about 1936
EdwardsEarl born about 1902
EdwardsEdythe born about 1919
EdwardsErnest Dborn about 1922
EdwardsEthel Mborn about 1939
EdwardsGeorgia Hborn about 1926
EdwardsHarlan Lborn about 1939
EdwardsHaskel Lborn about 1938
EdwardsHughie Lborn about 1924
EdwardsIra born about 1900
EdwardsIra Jr born about 1924
EdwardsJackie born about 1933
EdwardsJames Mborn about 1891
EdwardsJoe Cborn about 1914
EdwardsMattie Vborn about 1907
EdwardsOla Eborn about 1916
EdwardsOma Fborn about 1939
EdwardsRay Pborn about 1931
EdwardsRuben born about 1930
EdwardsRuth Aborn about 1895
EdwardsVernon Lborn about 1938
EdwardsWilliam born about 1928
ElartCleo born about 1909
ElartRuby born about 1910
ElliotCharles Eborn about 1935
ElliotClaud Jr born about 1914
ElliotLois Jborn about 1939
ElliotLona Eborn about 1916
ElliotWilliam Hborn about 1910
EmmeryGeorge born about 1908
EmmeryLiza born about 1898
EmmeryWibert born about 1922
EppsJ Dborn about 1928
EppsPauline born about 1925
EubanksA Bborn about 1908
EubanksArma Fayeborn about 1934
EubanksOla born about 1912
EubanksPatsy born about 1936
EubanksPeggy born about 1938
EvansJoseph Courtneyborn about 1892
EvansLelan Maeborn about 1901
EvansMinnie Fborn about 1885
EvansWilliam Pborn about 1884

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F Surnames

FalknerA Fborn about 1867
FalknerBertha born about 1882
FalknerBradie born about 1871
FalknerHerbert born about 1911
FalknerIrwin born about 1915
FalknerJunther Jamesborn about 1926
FalknerKinnie born about 1902
FalknerLe Roy Sborn about 1921
FalknerMattie Luluborn about 1923
FalknerRay born about 1921
FalknerRomona born about 1906
FalknerSlayton born about 1904
FalknerWillie Placeborn about 1930
FaulknerEllen born about 1927
FaulknerHellen born about 1925
FaulknerJack born about 1931
FaulknerMargie Lborn about 1934
FaulknerMarjorie Bborn about 1907
FaulknerMaudie Iborn about 1935
FaulknerMildred Lborn about 1934
FaulknerMinnie born about 1908
FaulknerPeggie born about 1933
FaulknerRoy born about 1904
FaulknerWilliam Cborn about 1900
FaulknerWilliam Rborn about 1931
FaulknerWillie Mborn about 1929
FayeDessie Maeborn about 1926
FayeJonnie born about 1930
FeibelkomEffie Eborn about 1890
FergursonAda born about 1906
FergursonDavie Kborn about 1878
FergursonMax born about 1903
FergusonB Lborn about 1877
FergusonGoldie born about 1910
FergusonMargie Leeborn about 1929
FinesAnnie born about 1922
FlagusonClerence born about 1908
FlagusonJerry born about 1938
FlagusonL Cborn about 1932
FlagusonWincie born about 1906
FleetwoodRex born about 1912
FleetwoodSue Helenborn about 1939
FleetwoodSusie born about 1912
FletcherAllen Aborn about 1940
FletcherBillie Lborn about 1926
FletcherBobby Jborn about 1933
FletcherBonnie Bborn about 1936
FletcherCarl Mborn about 1938
FletcherCharlie Lborn about 1902
FletcherConnie Eborn about 1936
FletcherDenver Cborn about 1927
FletcherElla Fborn about 1923
FletcherHarvey Mborn about 1879
FletcherIda Aborn about 1907
FletcherJane Sborn about 1901
FletcherJesse born about 1888
FletcherJoe Pborn about 1932
FletcherMadeline Aborn about 1916
FletcherMartha Eborn about 1876
FletcherOrvil born about 1910
FloydArthur Hborn about 1918
FloydArthur Tborn about 1886
FloydFay born about 1925
FloydFreeman Lborn about 1935
FloydL Dborn about 1927
FloydLeonard Aborn about 1904
FloydMandy Mborn about 1894
FloydMarie born about 1908
FloydMary Mborn about 1930
FloydMildred Rborn about 1933
FloydOpal Mborn about 1922
FloydRay born about 1925
FlynAugistine born about 1938
FlynCharone born about 1936
FlynClay born about 1933
FlynCurris born about 1924
FlynE Lborn about 1901
FlynJessie born about 1904
FlynLeon born about 1926
FlynOlis born about 1931
FlynQumie born about 1928
FlynnMildred born about 1907
FlynnRuby born about 1929
FlynnVennie born about 1913
FordBriad born about 1915
ForetsErma Wborn about 1921
ForetsErnest Lborn about 1920
ForetsLava Cborn about 1903
ForetsLois Eborn about 1922
ForetsNorma Rborn about 1927
ForetsRoy Aborn about 1898
ForetsRoy Gborn about 1923
FosterAurther born about 1885
FosterCatherine born about 1932
FosterCharley born about 1926
FosterChristiner born about 1891
FosterClyde Wborn about 1898
FosterEugene born about 1936
FosterJohnie Fborn about 1929
FosterLee Robertborn about 1923
FosterMattie born about 1930
FosterPeauline born about 1931
FosterR Tborn about 1928
FosterSulena born about 1933
FosterViola born about 1918
FoxHallie born about 1878
FoxJames Hborn about 1925
FoxJoseph Fborn about 1871
FoxOval born about 1902
FranklingClay Wborn about 1910
FranklingHazel born about 1925
FranklingMary Elizabethborn about 1875
FranklingMildred born about 1923
FranklingRichard Pborn about 1872
FrazierAudry Vborn about 1913
FrazierBonnie Oborn about 1932
FrazierEdna Pborn about 1937
FrazierGarland Lborn about 1935
FrazierGeorgia Mborn about 1933
FrazierImogine born about 1930
FrazierJessie Mborn about 1914
FrazierJohnie Nborn about 1918
FrazierKenneth Jborn about 1939
FrazierMarion Eborn about 1926
FrazierMella Dborn about 1935
FrazierMildred Vborn about 1918
FrazierNorma Jborn about 1937
FrazierPeggy Lborn about 1939
FrazierThomas Wborn about 1901
FreemanBruce born about 1929
FreemanGerite born about 1924
FreemanJames born about 1922
FreemanJim born about 1901
FreemanJohn Wborn about 1875
FreemanLetha born about 1925
FreemanLiza born about 1887
FreetzGeorge born about 1901
FreetzGeorge Jr born about 1923
FreetzGeorgia born about 1938
FreetzJimmie born about 1932
FreetzLucille born about 1914
FreetzMary Louborn about 1934
FreetzPatsy Ruthborn about 1930
FuckD Tborn about 1920
FuckMary Lborn about 1920

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G Surnames

GarettAndrew born about 1932
GarettJoseph born about 1936
GarettL Lborn about 1906
GarettMary Aliceborn about 1933
GarettMaud born about 1905
GarettMurel Wborn about 1930
GarrettClayburn born about 1915
GarrettJohn Rborn about 1878
GarrettJohn Jr born about 1924
GarrettOpal Vborn about 1914
GarrettSevannah born about 1890
GarriganGrace born about 1904
GarriganHubert born about 1906
GeorgeCharles Eborn about 1929
GeorgeClarence Eborn about 1927
GeorgeClarence Oborn about 1905
GeorgeDaisy Wborn about 1906
GeorgeDonald Rborn about 1938
GeorgeMargeret Lborn about 1936
GibbensBluford born about 1937
GibbensChristopher born about 1908
GibbensClaudie Rborn about 1936
GibbensDoil Eborn about 1938
GibbensDonald Fborn about 1939
GibbensElizabeth Mborn about 1875
GibbensFreeman Wborn about 1935
GibbensGloria Fborn about 1932
GibbensJames Sborn about 1871
GibbensJohn Wborn about 1904
GibbensMel born about 1915
GibbensMyrtle Oborn about 1914
GibbensU Vborn about 1931
GibbensWillie Gborn about 1914
GibbonsEssie Mborn about 1917
GibbonsJack born about 1912
GibbonsJames Eborn about 1909
GibbonsJames Jr born about 1938
GibbonsRuby born about 1919
GibsonJewel Bborn about 1914
GibsonLill Wborn about 1910
GibsonPauline Gborn about 1930
GibsonWilliam Aborn about 1931
GilkeyBoby Jborn about 1937
GilkeyBoyd Lborn about 1931
GilkeyCleo Lborn about 1930
GilkeyDortha born about 1924
GilkeyLola Rborn about 1924
GilkeyMalissie Mborn about 1896
GilkeyOscar Jborn about 1890
GilkeySofa born about 1918
GilkeyVerda Cborn about 1926
GilkeyWalter Fborn about 1915
GilkeyWanda Lee Vborn about 1935
GilkeyWilliam Tborn about 1922
GilliamOma born about 1893
GilliamW Cborn about 1879
GilliamW C Jrborn about 1925
Gillian??? born about 1940
GillianBernard born about 1916
GillianMae born about 1915
GillianMelba Jeanborn about 1939
GlaspyFrank born about 1908
GlaspyOla Maeborn about 1921
GlaspyRobbie born about 1930
GoldmanMary born about 1928
GoldmanParthane born about 1901
GoldmanTed born about 1902
GoodmanEdd born about 1880
GoodmanOphelia Cborn about 1892
GoreErma Lborn about 1937
GoreHomer Bborn about 1917
GoreLillian Aborn about 1920
GoreWanda Fborn about 1939
GravesCarolyn born about 1918
GravesFannie born about 1884
GravesHoward born about 1916
GravesWillie Eborn about 1876
GraysonPirena Cborn about 1886
GraysonRus Lborn about 1881
GreenBetty Sborn about 1931
GreenEmma Mborn about 1885
GreenEsther born about 1919
GreenMildred Pborn about 1914
GreenOra Wborn about 1878
GreenPaul Jr born about 1933
GreenRobert Jr born about 1911
GreyF Cborn about 1876
GreyIda born about 1875
GriffinJane Rborn about 1930

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H Surnames

HallumFay born about 1931
HallumGrundie Oborn about 1896
HallumJoice Aborn about 1918
HallumMaude Eborn about 1894
HallumNadean born about 1936
HallumOpal Oborn about 1918
HallumOrban Iborn about 1916
HallumRoy born about 1931
HallumSula Dborn about 1922
HambyBurn Vborn about 1906
HambyMary Jborn about 1887
HambyOwen Rborn about 1925
HambyRebecca Fborn about 1903
HambyRogers Dborn about 1938
HambyRogers Rborn about 1879
HamiltonBilly Wborn about 1938
HamiltonEdith Aborn about 1913
HamiltonEmma Lborn about 1933
HamiltonLawrence Mborn about 1905
HamiltonLawrence Pborn about 1936
HandcoxJohn Hborn about 1910
HanlyBuster Tborn about 1919
HanlyClara born about 1896
HannanHouston Jr born about 1927
HannanJeneva born about 1932
HannanKaty Lborn about 1924
HansonEddy Dborn about 1936
HansonFonda born about 1939
HardageCharles Wborn about 1870
HardwickBuford born about 1923
HardwickEddie Mborn about 1933
HardwickEdward born about 1927
HardwickEthel born about 1906
HardwickGuy born about 1905
HardwickJoseph born about 1932
HardwickLouise born about 1931
HardwickLucindy born about 1861
HardwickRay Rborn about 1939
HardwickRuth Tborn about 1936
HardwickTopp born about 1930
HarmanBeulah born about 1920
HarmanGertrude Fborn about 1939
HarmanJames Gborn about 1880
HarmanJesse Jborn about 1916
HarmonyW Sborn about 1875
HarrellLela born about 1894
HarrellR Wborn about 1882
HarrisBarba born about 1921
HarrisBlanford born about 1921
HarrisFrank born about 1915
HarrisGilbert born about 1919
HarrisJessie born about 1873
HarrisOrby born about 1915
HarrisRoy born about 1911
HarrisRuby born about 1922
HarrisShirley Aborn about 1937
HarrisViola born about 1883
HarrisonMae born about 1920
HartmanAnnie born about 1877
HartzoCharline born about 1931
HartzoClaud Mborn about 1908
HartzoGeorgia Aborn about 1935
HartzoMary Bborn about 1912
HendersonEdd born about 1886
HenryAlbert born about 1883
HenryMargrett born about 1890
HevronFrank born about 1900
HevronG Wborn about 1928
HevronJohn born about 1913
HevronMary born about 1925
HevronOtelee born about 1929
HevronRessie born about 1903
HevronVelma Eborn about 1934
HevronWilla born about 1922
HigginsAttress born about 1924
HigginsCarma Sueborn about 1927
HigginsDexter born about 1915
HigginsL Cborn about 1889
HigginsMattie Aborn about 1894
HigginsNorma Ruthborn about 1922
HilesAlta born about 1913
HilesDavid born about 1906
HilesMelba Jborn about 1932
HilesNorma Rborn about 1936
HillPearlie Mborn about 1889
HillWilliam Rborn about 1871
HinsonCharles Pborn about 1928
HinsonGeorge Dborn about 1903
HinsonJessie Tborn about 1909
HinsonJoe Bborn about 1929
HinsonRosalie born about 1933
HinyardBobby Jeanborn about 1931
HinyardDarelssean born about 1938
HinyardMae born about 1906
HinyardMary Elizabethborn about 1937
HiteHenry Iborn about 1875
HiteTheodocia born about 1877
HodginsBetty Joborn about 1926
HodginsElla born about 1864
HodginsFlorence Tborn about 1903
HodginsJ Hborn about 1897
HodginsJerome Hborn about 1923
HodginsRose Maryborn about 1938
HoganJack born about 1930
HoganJoe born about 1893
HoganJoe Rayborn about 1921
HoganLawrence born about 1919
HoganMandie born about 1898
HoganRalph born about 1923
HoganRaymond born about 1935
HoganThelma born about 1926
HolderBoyce Eborn about 1910
HolderMildred Rborn about 1916
HolderShurley Jborn about 1936
HollandAhnauske Hborn about 1921
HollandArcolla born about 1881
HollandCaleb Jborn about 1889
HollandJames Zborn about 1874
HollandLillie Aborn about 1881
HollingerElsie Mborn about 1924
HollingerJames Fborn about 1916
HollowayEula Jborn about 1921
HollowayJessie Lborn about 1939
HolstonJames Aborn about 1919
HoltSadie Jborn about 1910
HoltWilliam Tborn about 1910
HomeFrederick born about 1886
HoneyJeff born about 1891
HornBetty Jborn about 1938
HornIda Bborn about 1913
HornIdus Rborn about 1912
HornJunior Rborn about 1932
HornLois Dborn about 1934
HornbackAda born about 1880
HornbackMilton born about 1892
HortonBessie Lborn about 1897
HortonLealon born about 1890
HortonRobert Wborn about 1917
HortonWilliam Tborn about 1878
HouseAnita Oborn about 1924
HouseBertha Mborn about 1902
HouseBetty Sborn about 1927
HouseJohn Iborn about 1920
HouseJohney Hborn about 1922
HouseJulian Fborn about 1900
HouseMamie Lborn about 1921
HousleyEmma born about 1874
HowardCharlie Eborn about 1890
HowardGeard Mborn about 1884
HowardJ Tborn about 1919
HowardJames Robertborn about 1890
HowardLucile Gborn about 1922
HowardMinnie born about 1886
HowardPaul Wborn about 1926
HowardVina Mborn about 1891
HowardsIva born about 1913
HowardsVander born about 1912
HudlandDorthy Maeborn about 1930
HudlandEdward Hborn about 1938
HudlandHenry born about 1890
HudlandJoline born about 1932
HudlandJosephine born about 1932
HudlandW Mborn about 1902
HugginsBertia Lborn about 1936
HugginsBettie Sborn about 1939
HugginsClarcey Mborn about 1921
HugginsEdgar Sborn about 1920
HugginsElizabeth Aborn about 1879
HugginsForeman Elsie Eborn about 1928
HugginsMinnie Mborn about 1915
HugginsOtho Sborn about 1911
HugginsPaul Sborn about 1922
HugginsSamuel Lborn about 1873
HugginsVirgil Eborn about 1918
HughesSilva born about 1888
HughesW Hborn about 1888
HullandEdward Hborn about 1938
HullandHenry Gborn about 1892
HullandWillie Mborn about 1902
HumphreyFred Lborn about 1917
HumphreyGeorge Aborn about 1914
HumphreyJames Tborn about 1927
HumphreyMabel Iborn about 1929
HumphreyMary Fborn about 1887
HumphreyRobert Eborn about 1925
HumphreyWill Tborn about 1885
HumphreyWilliam Jamesborn about 1921
HuntJimmie Dborn about 1940
HuntRuby Lborn about 1934
HunterDurward born about 1905
HunterDurward Dborn about 1929
HunterJimmie Mayborn about 1939
HunterL Dborn about 1936
HunterMinnie born about 1902
HunterOlin born about 1911
HunterPaul born about 1924
HunterPauline born about 1931
HunterPearl born about 1904
HutchinsJessie Maeborn about 1912
HutsonBetty Sueborn about 1935
HutsonBillie Joeborn about 1937
HutsonBonnrey born about 1933
HutsonIvely born about 1908
HutsonWessley born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IveyEva Mborn about 1876
IveyMargeret Pborn about 1924
IveyMary Lborn about 1929
IveyPaul born about 1899
IveyTerrance Eborn about 1926

J Surnames

JacksonCatherine born about 1903
JacksonDelilah Nborn about 1884
JacksonGeorge Fborn about 1908
JacksonGeorgia Mborn about 1931
JacksonGrace Nborn about 1928
JacksonJames Eborn about 1934
JacksonJohn Lborn about 1892
JacksonNorma Sborn about 1937
JacksonPatti born about 1901
JacksonThomas Fborn about 1920
JacksonWanda Rborn about 1935
JacksonWayne Fborn about 1878
JacksonWilma Aborn about 1927
JamesonMary born about 1902
JenningEdna Rborn about 1907
JenningLeonard Aborn about 1913
JenningsEstel born about 1917
JenningsOliver Jborn about 1901
JeremiahA Jborn about 1915
JeremiahAnetta born about 1938
JeremiahJennetta born about 1913
JettonBilly Ikeborn about 1932
JettonEtta born about 1912
JettonFrancis Juannaborn about 1940
JettonIva born about 1892
JettonJ Rborn about 1914
JettonR Jborn about 1889
JohesBuford Gborn about 1910
JohesClathelene Sborn about 1920
JohesJacob Rborn about 1939
JohesThomas Lborn about 1937
JohnesJeremia born about 1916
JohnesJoseph born about 1895
JohnesLola Eborn about 1939
JohnesSylvia Leeborn about 1922
JohnsonBluandenna born about 1877
JohnsonIsiah born about 1912
JohnsonJoe born about 1913
JohnsonJoe Tborn about 1936
JohnsonLee Rborn about 1909
JohnsonLeon born about 1911
JohnsonLewis Aborn about 1939
JohnsonMaggie born about 1868
JohnsonOcie born about 1912
JohnsonPearcy born about 1904
JohnsonPearl born about 1903
JohnsonPearley born about 1914
JohnsonRedrick born about 1910
JohnsonRedrick Jr born about 1939
JohnsonRuth born about 1938
JohnsonSarah born about 1879
JohnsonViola born about 1934
JohnstonElla Vborn about 1938
JohnstonElmer Fborn about 1913
JohnstonEnoch Jborn about 1919
JohnstonLeary Eborn about 1890
JohnstonLeonard Lborn about 1924
JohnstonNeoma Nborn about 1921
JohnstonRoy Jr born about 1887
JonesAnnie Bborn about 1890
JonesEllen Rborn about 1933
JonesHenry Aborn about 1919
JonesHerbert Hborn about 1913
JonesIrine Jborn about 1918
JonesJacob Pborn about 1879
JonesJoe Aborn about 1926
JonesJohnnie Hborn about 1920
JonesLaura Aborn about 1885
JonesLee Rborn about 1928
JonesMarrie Maeborn about 1926
JonesMaude Bborn about 1888
JonesOpal Eborn about 1922
JonesPeggy Jborn about 1929
JonesRay born about 1926
JonesReba born about 1906
JonesThelma born about 1908
JonesVirdie born about 1929
JonesWill born about 1880
JonesZepheniah born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KedoneyIra Cborn about 1917
KedoneyVernice Eborn about 1919
KeeneyLoyl Cborn about 1920
KeeneyMargie Lborn about 1922
KeeneyMargie Rborn about 1939
KellerBetty Louborn about 1924
KellerCharley born about 1936
KellerClara born about 1933
KellerElvira Oborn about 1896
KellerFred born about 1913
KellerJohn Fborn about 1873
KellerVergenia born about 1921
KellerWanda born about 1929
KennedyElera born about 1896
KennedyJames Eborn about 1890
KiddDavid Hborn about 1909
KiddDavid Jamesborn about 1933
KiddElizabeth born about 1909
KiddEvelyn Rborn about 1917
KiddJames Yborn about 1865
KiddLola Mborn about 1929
KiddLorena Mborn about 1936
KiddMalinda Mborn about 1874
KiddR Vborn about 1926
KiddRobert Lborn about 1905
KiethAlice Eborn about 1921
KiethEmma Lborn about 1919
KilgoreJoyce born about 1920
KingJ Nborn about 1865
KingMable born about 1897
KingSohronia born about 1875
KingWill born about 1895
KirkJess Aborn about 1908
KirkLeona born about 1911
KirkLois Margrettborn about 1934
KirkwoodGeneva Fborn about 1920
KirkwoodJames Lborn about 1926
KirkwoodKennith Eborn about 1922
KirkwoodLeon Oborn about 1915
KirkwoodSela born about 1891
KirshoffElibesath born about 1865
KrumsiekAlice born about 1899
KrumsiekBarbarba born about 1936
KrumsiekFred Mborn about 1927
KrumsiekFred Wborn about 1896
KrumsiekJ Nborn about 1923
KrumsiekJeraldine born about 1931
KrumsiekJoie born about 1928
KrumsiekRoyce born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabassBill born about 1902
LabassCalvin born about 1925
LabassOla born about 1904
LamleyCallie Mborn about 1923
LamleyEzek Lborn about 1874
LamleyMary Jborn about 1882
LamleyMary Lborn about 1922
LangMartha Lborn about 1858
LangfordAlva born about 1908
LangfordMable born about 1888
LasiterCarl Wborn about 1923
LasiterDale Jborn about 1932
LasiterDave Dborn about 1904
LasiterEssie Tborn about 1904
LasiterEwell Lborn about 1927
LasiterFay Lborn about 1930
LasiterGrace Bborn about 1938
LasiterRay Lborn about 1930
LasiterRoy Dborn about 1924
LasterClaud born about 1891
LasterDon Cborn about 1939
LasterFred Mborn about 1917
LasterFred Jr born about 1938
LasterLillie Gborn about 1891
LasterM Vborn about 1878
LasterMarie born about 1918
LasterMollie Rborn about 1919
LasterS Rborn about 1868
LaymanBetty Leeborn about 1919
LaymanCora born about 1892
LaymanLee born about 1890
LaymanM Lborn about 1918
LeeA Cborn about 1919
LeeBessie Lborn about 1929
LeeBilly Jborn about 1935
LeeDave Fborn about 1918
LeeEllen Aborn about 1886
LeeEmma Jborn about 1920
LeeFrank Eborn about 1892
LeeJames Pborn about 1915
LeeJoe Eborn about 1933
LeeJohn Wborn about 1922
LeeLizzie Mborn about 1928
LeeMargie Mborn about 1920
LeeMary Jborn about 1894
LeeRobert Eborn about 1926
LeeRuth Virginiaborn about 1938
LeeTom Cborn about 1924
LeeWashington born about 1884
LeeWashington Jr born about 1922
LegersonBell born about 1910
LegersonVelma born about 1912
LeningtonArlee Hborn about 1915
LeningtonArlie Hubertborn about 1938
LeningtonSudie born about 1916
LenthalMarjorie born about 1917
LewisBilly Eborn about 1938
LewisBonney born about 1901
LewisCassie Mborn about 1915
LewisDaisy born about 1928
LewisDorthy born about 1931
LewisElmer Eborn about 1908
LewisFount Eborn about 1883
LewisFred Hborn about 1921
LewisHazel born about 1906
LewisHubert Hborn about 1917
LewisHue Vborn about 1888
LewisJ Wborn about 1933
LewisJames born about 1936
LewisJunior born about 1934
LewisL Bborn about 1908
LewisMildred Fborn about 1932
LewisOra Lborn about 1920
LewisRobert Lborn about 1936
LewisRobert Wborn about 1911
LewisRosalee born about 1911
LewisTed Rborn about 1921
LewisTedddy born about 1939
LewisThelma born about 1924
LewisTom Cborn about 1926
LindseyD Pborn about 1907
LindseyDavid born about 1928
LindseyDella born about 1908
LindseyEugene born about 1936
LindseyGeneva born about 1932
LindseyMelba born about 1930
LindseyNadine born about 1934
LitchenorJoe born about 1871
LoganRobert born about 1908
LongFred born about 1902
LongLorene born about 1920
LongLoretta born about 1939
LonghornCharles Mborn about 1877
LonghornMary born about 1877
LuckAlbert Dborn about 1888
LuckCecil born about 1925
LuckJ Gborn about 1928
LuckLucy Lborn about 1892
LuckMorris born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackeyHazel born about 1919
MackeyJohnnie born about 1913
MackeyLee Royborn about 1935
MankinsGeorge born about 1901
MartinBradley born about 1893
MartinCharles Dborn about 1939
MartinEmma born about 1910
MartinErnest born about 1928
MartinFred Bborn about 1926
MartinFred Rborn about 1905
MartinJame born about 1875
MartinMinnie born about 1904
MartinNadine Oborn about 1925
MartinNorma Rborn about 1937
MartinPearl Eborn about 1894
MartinWade Hborn about 1928
MartinWilliam Hborn about 1929
MasonCharley born about 1910
MasonMary Wborn about 1937
MasonR Eborn about 1876
MasonRaymond born about 1914
MasonRaymond Wborn about 1939
MasonRiley born about 1921
MasonViveaine born about 1917
MatheneyAndie Rborn about 1935
MatheneyCalvin Sborn about 1905
MatheneyConzady born about 1882
MatheneyHerman Vborn about 1911
MatheneyHowell Bborn about 1933
MatheneyLaurey Dborn about 1937
MatheneyLaury Nborn about 1875
MatheneyPaul Dborn about 1933
MatheneyWillie Eborn about 1913
MatheneyWyonoma born about 1920
MathewsDonald Eborn about 1935
MathewsDorsie Mborn about 1937
MathewsEarl Wborn about 1909
MathewsMargeret Rborn about 1931
MathewsMary Cborn about 1940
MathewsPaul Cborn about 1929
MathewsPearl Lborn about 1910
MathisAnnie Mborn about 1909
MathisEmmitt born about 1901
MathisLeo Lborn about 1927
MathisWillie Aborn about 1937
MatthewsGeneva born about 1920
MatthewsGeneviev born about 1919
MatthewsMary born about 1887
MatthewsMary born about 1924
MatthewsRichard Dborn about 1883
MaxwellC Pborn about 1871
MaxwellClantha Aborn about 1914
MaxwellObrey Wborn about 1904
MaxwellW Mborn about 1861
MayMaudie born about 1890
MayfieldAmandi Cborn about 1874
MayfieldJ Bborn about 1870
McAdooEthel born about 1893
McAfeeCatherine born about 1940
McAfeeElizabeth born about 1938
McAfeeFlossie born about 1933
McAfeeIda Bellborn about 1904
McAfeeJohn born about 1893
McAfeeMarmo born about 1936
McAlisterBobby Jeanborn about 1939
McAlisterCynthia Ireneborn about 1872
McAlisterEdger born about 1917
McAlisterJerry Daleborn about 1936
McAlisterMildred born about 1920
McCainBelly Jeanborn about 1938
McCainLouise Mborn about 1937
McClainCatherine born about 1927
McClainFelix born about 1870
McClainLillie Mborn about 1929
McClainNellie born about 1873
McClaineBell Zborn about 1894
McClaineCalvin born about 1926
McClaineCintis born about 1922
McClaineCoolige born about 1924
McClaineLeo Lborn about 1937
McClaineMaxie born about 1895
McClaineMaxie Jr born about 1920
McClainePettis born about 1928
McClaineVirgil Lborn about 1933
McClaineVirgina Lborn about 1935
McClaineWardell born about 1919
McClaineWillard born about 1930
McClaineWonda Mborn about 1932
McClardBetty Jborn about 1939
McClardHazel Iborn about 1916
McClardHesley Hborn about 1895
McClardJimmie Tborn about 1940
McClardLee Roy Wborn about 1936
McClardMary Fborn about 1937
McClendonMilton born about 1864
McCleodBobbie Jackborn about 1933
McCleodBulah Maeborn about 1928
McCleodEverett born about 1905
McCleodHattie born about 1908
McCleodMartha Ellenborn about 1936
McCleodWanda Leeborn about 1930
McCrackenJohn Rborn about 1871
McCrackenNancy Jborn about 1890
McDonalBerlin born about 1939
McDonalNepolion born about 1936
McDonalRoberta born about 1914
McDonalWillie born about 1915
McEversClysta Vborn about 1927
McEversHenry born about 1902
McEversMyrtle Bborn about 1910
McEversWilma Lborn about 1931
McGrawJoseph Iborn about 1918
McGrawJoseph Jr born about 1938
McGrawThelma born about 1922
McGuirAlbert Lelandborn about 1935
McGuirAlfred born about 1933
McGuireDelphie Maeborn about 1935
McGuireGoldie Lborn about 1938
McGuireLeroy Fborn about 1931
McGuireLetha Violaborn about 1903
McGuireLucille born about 1925
McGuireOatie Fborn about 1870
McGuireWilliam Dborn about 1921
McKinzieEston born about 1923
McKinzieEthel born about 1901
McKinzieGussie born about 1926
McKinzieMackie born about 1933
McKinzieRoy born about 1901
McKinzieWilkie born about 1925
McNattAllen Leeborn about 1937
McNattAlvis born about 1915
McNattBobby Charlesborn about 1940
McNattLeonard born about 1917
McNattLuceille born about 1919
McNattRuby born about 1922
McWaterBobbie born about 1917
McWaterJ Wborn about 1915
McWaterJames Dborn about 1939
McWhirterBenson born about 1919
McWhirterEffie born about 1910
McWhirterJohn born about 1880
McWhirterNona born about 1887
McWhirterOpal born about 1924
McWhirterRoy Jamesborn about 1932
MetcalfDarrell born about 1939
MetcalfE Jborn about 1908
MetcalfEdith born about 1912
MetcalfJauneta born about 1931
MethenyB Mborn about 1871
MethenyMary Eborn about 1871
MiglBuster born about 1910
MiglJanice born about 1938
MiglLola born about 1908
MiglOnitea born about 1939
MiglRobert L Jrborn about 1940
MiglRobert Tborn about 1918
MiglRuby Ireneborn about 1918
MiglWinnie Kayborn about 1938
MillerAlice born about 1877
MillerArther Jborn about 1909
MillerBertha born about 1914
MillerDyall Mborn about 1936
MillerEarlie Mborn about 1912
MillerEffie Mborn about 1933
MillerJames Gborn about 1931
MillerMamie born about 1890
MillerVirgie Lborn about 1939
MitchelJames born about 1914
MitchellBen born about 1900
MitchellGay??? born about 1936
MitchellLa Verne born about 1929
MitchellMargraet Joborn about 1931
MitchellNorma born about 1904
MizellAlta Iborn about 1909
MizellMargeret Rborn about 1934
MobleyHettie Mborn about 1897
MobleyNorma Jr born about 1930
MobleyThomas Bborn about 1934
MobleyThomas Fborn about 1890
ModosonOna born about 1913
MolineJohn born about 1862
MondierAlice born about 1919
MondierBobbie Leanborn about 1939
MondierEdd born about 1912
MondierLean born about 1902
MondierLucy born about 1908
MondierRobert born about 1916
MondierRobert Danielborn about 1939
MondierSarah born about 1873
MooreAlvy Lborn about 1921
MooreBenjaman Sborn about 1905
MooreCharles Oborn about 1924
MooreDaniel Bborn about 1871
MooreElla Mborn about 1923
MooreJames Vborn about 1938
MooreLillie Mborn about 1883
MooreOscar Jborn about 1916
MoreLevie born about 1887
MoreSusie born about 1895
MorialCassie born about 1878
MosleyColumbus Lborn about 1909
MosleyEddie Lborn about 1934
MosleyElla born about 1894
MosleyMattie Aborn about 1881
MosleyMorris Lborn about 1919
MosleyRobert born about 1876
MosleySidney born about 1901
MossHattie born about 1867
MotonBill born about 1921
MotonIda born about 1884
MotonPaul born about 1925
MurphyLiza Jborn about 1881
MurphyWilliam Lborn about 1877
MyersBessie Mborn about 1931
MyersFred Tborn about 1884
MyersJoe Aborn about 1894
MyersJoe Jr born about 1932
MyersMabel Lborn about 1925
MyersMargie Eborn about 1899
MyersMary Jborn about 1928
MyersMattie Lborn about 1929
MyersMaudie Lborn about 1926
MyersRaymond Eborn about 1936
MyersRose Aborn about 1938
MyersVermell Kborn about 1933
MyersVernon Lborn about 1908
MyresB Jborn about 1917
MyresMargaret born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeilEmm born about 1921
NewtonAlice born about 1926
NewtonAligue born about 1896
NewtonGarfield born about 1913
NewtonManual born about 1936
NicholsMartine born about 1857
NicholsWaylon Rborn about 1877
NickelsonJeff born about 1850
NickelsonMary born about 1862
NormanAudie Gborn about 1897
NormanEssoyak Eborn about 1918
NormanInez Aborn about 1923
NormanJohn Eborn about 1879
NormanLafern born about 1938
NormanRuby Eborn about 1920
NorwoodEugene born about 1939
NorwoodJames born about 1909
NorwoodNathaniel born about 1934
NorwoodOllie born about 1917
NorwoodTom born about 1870
NunnJohn Iborn about 1877
NunnPearlie Tborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OatsLula born about 1900
OcusBirt born about 1891
OllisJim born about 1894
OsborneBillie Danborn about 1940
OsborneHazel born about 1922
OsborneOpal born about 1919
OusleyMary Louborn about 1929
OwensAlean born about 1918
OwensAlfred born about 1908
OwensAmerica Lborn about 1898
OwensAmos Dborn about 1927
OwensBobby Jborn about 1936
OwensCassie Mborn about 1885
OwensCharlie Eborn about 1894
OwensEdward Aborn about 1927
OwensEdward Jborn about 1935
OwensEugene Cborn about 1925
OwensFrancis Gborn about 1938
OwensFranklin Mborn about 1917
OwensFreda Fborn about 1939
OwensFreeman Gborn about 1916
OwensGeneva Fborn about 1940
OwensHenry Lborn about 1909
OwensHerman Eborn about 1884
OwensJohn Bborn about 1895
OwensLahoma born about 1918
OwensLela Oborn about 1924
OwensLeonard Fborn about 1905
OwensLois Jborn about 1920
OwensMargaret Hborn about 1934
OwensMargeret Cborn about 1928
OwensMarie Iborn about 1921
OwensMarion Fborn about 1884
OwensMarion Lborn about 1939
OwensMildred Mborn about 1931
OwensMinnie Lborn about 1883
OwensOpal Bborn about 1922
OwensPatsy Fborn about 1936
OwensPearl Mborn about 1908
OwensRoland Wborn about 1924
OwensRuth Lborn about 1937
OwensTed Lborn about 1926
OwensbyJack Bborn about 1926
OwensbyNeoma Lborn about 1923
OwensbyPauline born about 1914
OwensbySadie Fborn about 1886
OwensbySankie Lborn about 1879
OwensbyTom Bborn about 1906
OwnsAlfred born about 1884
OwnsBarbra Jeanborn about 1937
OwnsCleo born about 1938
OwnsJereledine born about 1931
OwnsLeo born about 1938
OwnsMamudie born about 1910
OwnsPauline born about 1930
OwnsStelle Maeborn about 1935
OwnsbyElden Eborn about 1934
OwnsbyTysie Fborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadenB Mayborn about 1900
PadenBelly born about 1927
PadenDaisy born about 1923
PadenJames born about 1923
PadenJoyice born about 1930
PadenMae Edleborn about 1926
PadenO Cborn about 1898
PaineIrwie Bborn about 1922
PaineMinnie Iborn about 1883
ParkerJohn Bborn about 1931
ParkerJohn Jborn about 1892
ParkerMarie Bborn about 1930
ParryAndrew born about 1926
ParryAnna Maeborn about 1931
ParryClerence born about 1925
ParryDaisy born about 1901
ParryElnore born about 1928
ParryJame born about 1895
PattersonAlbert Sborn about 1890
PattersonBenjhnnan Jborn about 1932
PattersonBonniea Juneborn about 1936
PattersonCarl born about 1913
PattersonCharles Eddborn about 1933
PattersonEthel Mborn about 1896
PattersonGeorgia Maeborn about 1929
PattersonInez born about 1914
PattersonJoe born about 1926
PattersonLela born about 1896
PattersonM Hborn about 1887
PattersonMarvine H Jrborn about 1920
PattonLillie Eborn about 1891
PattonWilliam Sborn about 1884
PattyC Jborn about 1906
PattyHarriet born about 1874
PattyL Wborn about 1886
PearsonLem born about 1883
PearsonLouis born about 1915
PearsonMolly born about 1892
PecefulA Cborn about 1926
PecefulBillie Paulborn about 1932
PecefulBobby Jeanborn about 1936
PecefulDonal Rayborn about 1934
PecefulFreda Maeborn about 1921
PecefulJ Rborn about 1929
PecefulOsker born about 1924
PecefulStella born about 1902
PecefulVernon born about 1890
PercefulBetty born about 1926
PercefulEllen Ruthborn about 1936
PercefulI Eborn about 1888
PercefulJack Nborn about 1916
PercefulNellie born about 1896
PercefulRoy Jeanborn about 1928
PettisMary Lborn about 1926
PettsyGeorge born about 1905
PettsyLizzie born about 1901
PettyHenry born about 1878
PettyJim Pborn about 1876
PettyLessley born about 1899
PettyLetsa born about 1870
PhelanHelen Rborn about 1933
PhelanPearl Lborn about 1895
PhillipeAnna Leeborn about 1930
PhillipeArchie born about 1909
PhillipeBonnie Louiseborn about 1914
PhillipeMadelene born about 1935
PhillipeNannie Louiseborn about 1932
PoindexterArdith born about 1911
PoindexterTilda born about 1873
PoseyElizabeth Eborn about 1905
PoseyWill born about 1911
PowellColene born about 1932
PowellEugene born about 1928
PowellJ Rborn about 1935
PowellJames born about 1924
PowellJanie born about 1902
PowellJoe Bborn about 1902
PowellJoe Jr born about 1927
PowellWilma Jeanborn about 1939
PratherDora born about 1905
PressleyBessie born about 1888
PressleyC Fborn about 1884
PressleyCorndlia born about 1865
PressleyJ Wborn about 1868
PressleyJames Aborn about 1912
PressleyJames Jborn about 1886
PressleyLeonard born about 1917
PressleyMary born about 1920
PressleyMyrtle born about 1908
PressleyPauline born about 1914
PriceAurther born about 1922
PriceBernice born about 1919
PriceBillie Waynborn about 1940
PriceHelen born about 1889
PriceRoy born about 1916
PriceRoy Jr born about 1936
PriceSam born about 1886
PruittBobby born about 1933
PruittJames born about 1927
PruittMintre born about 1910
PruittRoy born about 1905
PryorErnest Eborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamseyCarl Cborn about 1918
RamseyCharlit Dborn about 1939
RamseyJohn Fborn about 1865
RamseyMary Aborn about 1920
RamseyPearl Lborn about 1890
RamseyThomas Fborn about 1937
RayLillie Lborn about 1883
RayLinzie Aborn about 1893
ReavisAlmeda born about 1928
ReavisEarl Wayneborn about 1937
ReavisElmer born about 1909
ReavisElmer Jr born about 1932
ReavisEsther born about 1913
ReavisFrancis born about 1913
ReavisFreling born about 1925
ReavisL Zborn about 1922
ReavisLeoana born about 1888
ReavisPeggy born about 1934
ReavisRose Ellenborn about 1939
ReavisRuby born about 1918
ReavisSherman born about 1924
ReavisW Hborn about 1885
RedfordW Mborn about 1868
RedmanEdna Gborn about 1872
RedmanJohn Wborn about 1865
ReedElmer born about 1887
ReedVetrers born about 1916
ReedWill born about 1895
ReschAda born about 1893
ReschClyde Hborn about 1920
ReschCurtis Rborn about 1913
ReschJohn Fborn about 1888
ReschWilliam Aborn about 1910
RevelesNettie born about 1899
ReynoldsArthur Lborn about 1928
ReynoldsBernice born about 1931
ReynoldsCleo born about 1922
ReynoldsClethon Aborn about 1892
ReynoldsHenry R Sborn about 1881
ReynoldsLewis Eborn about 1935
ReynoldsMary Lborn about 1899
ReynoldsMcclough born about 1927
ReynoldsMelva Jborn about 1937
ReynoldsRose Mborn about 1934
ReynoldsThelma Hborn about 1924
RicharsonMaude Sborn about 1902
RicharsonMelgar Jborn about 1889
RicharsonMorris Aborn about 1936
RiddleElmo Jborn about 1921
RiddleHomer Uborn about 1926
RiddleJean Eborn about 1893
RiddleJohn Wborn about 1890
RiddleVera Lborn about 1923
RigelCora born about 1887
RigelLevie born about 1897
RightMary born about 1884
RightWill born about 1875
RobbinsAlice born about 1908
RobbinsJames born about 1938
RobbinsLorene born about 1929
RobbinsMargrett born about 1925
RobbinsRaymond born about 1933
RobbinsRobert born about 1901
RobbinsRolan born about 1936
RobergEmma born about 1935
RobertsAltha Lborn about 1933
RobertsEvan born about 1926
RobertsFrank born about 1922
RobertsHattie Lborn about 1940
RobertsIsack born about 1924
RobertsJoe Davidborn about 1939
RobertsJohnnie born about 1936
RobertsM Cborn about 1920
RobertsMaggie born about 1901
RobertsMajor born about 1890
RobertsMargrett born about 1931
RobertsRuben born about 1929
RogersBobby Jborn about 1929
RogersCarmelila born about 1932
RogersCharles Wborn about 1936
RogersEdna born about 1912
RogersElmer born about 1909
RogersErma Ilborn about 1940
RogersGail born about 1935
RogersGreame born about 1908
RogersJackie Royborn about 1938
RogersJames Dborn about 1924
RogersJohn Albertborn about 1934
RogersJohn Gborn about 1882
RogersLillian Aborn about 1891
RogersOdessa Fborn about 1922
RogersOtt Lborn about 1933
RogersPhyllis born about 1937
RogersStella born about 1914
RogersWilliam Hborn about 1927
RolandDortha Fborn about 1931
RolandIva Rborn about 1929
RolandLesley Dborn about 1927
RolandMaudie Eborn about 1899
RolandMildred Dborn about 1924
RolandOscar Dborn about 1893
RolandWilliam Fborn about 1918
RossenDee born about 1920
RossenLillie born about 1921
RozeyRebecha born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagelyG Aborn about 1861
SandersFannie born about 1886
ScottJames Tborn about 1852
SeigalRobert born about 1918
ShackelfordBert Tborn about 1888
ShackelfordBilly Lborn about 1935
ShackelfordCleo Tborn about 1911
ShackelfordDale Lborn about 1925
ShackelfordDella Mborn about 1923
ShackelfordDonald Lborn about 1939
ShackelfordEarlene Mborn about 1936
ShackelfordGarald Dborn about 1928
ShackelfordHallie Mborn about 1915
ShackelfordHazel Lborn about 1923
ShackelfordIven Jborn about 1907
ShackelfordJames Rborn about 1932
ShackelfordJesse Bborn about 1887
ShackelfordJohn Wborn about 1885
ShackelfordJohnnie Mborn about 1931
ShackelfordJudith Mborn about 1940
ShackelfordKenneth Mborn about 1927
ShackelfordLillie Mborn about 1933
ShackelfordLois Nborn about 1893
ShackelfordMarshall Jborn about 1900
ShackelfordMaxie Dborn about 1939
ShackelfordMyrtle Lborn about 1880
ShackelfordO Dborn about 1917
ShackelfordOra Lborn about 1933
ShackelfordPat Iborn about 1937
ShackelfordR Lborn about 1932
ShackelfordRamond Lborn about 1905
ShackelfordRay Bborn about 1925
ShackelfordReba Fborn about 1914
ShackelfordSarah Eborn about 1911
ShackelfordSteven Tborn about 1916
ShackelfordWilliam Fborn about 1934
ShackelfordWilliam Hborn about 1877
ShadellAudra Mborn about 1921
ShadellGussie Fborn about 1904
ShadellJoe Fborn about 1934
ShadellLuther Mborn about 1899
ShadellOpal Lborn about 1925
ShennBarbara Annborn about 1938
ShennJonnie Leeborn about 1939
ShennLucille born about 1919
ShennSherman born about 1914
ShepardJean born about 1926
ShepardLon born about 1879
ShepardMarie born about 1924
ShepherdRockie Aborn about 1888
ShipmanJaunita born about 1928
SimblerOdenia born about 1883
SimsonHugh born about 1850
SimsonMary Bborn about 1891
SingletonAllen born about 1919
SingletonEdna Mborn about 1927
SingletonJoel Aborn about 1919
SingletonRuby Jborn about 1922
SmetockeFrank born about 1870
SmetockeMattie born about 1865
SmithAlvin born about 1916
SmithBilly Leeborn about 1938
SmithClaud born about 1890
SmithEdna Lborn about 1918
SmithHarold Rborn about 1935
SmithHenry Cborn about 1914
SmithHerschel born about 1929
SmithIvan Cborn about 1933
SmithJimmie born about 1939
SmithLee Royborn about 1930
SmithLillian Eborn about 1914
SmithLillie born about 1911
SmithLillie Dborn about 1921
SmithMargaret born about 1919
SmithMary Eborn about 1879
SmithMary Lborn about 1939
SmithOla born about 1895
SmithRay born about 1918
SmithRaymond Lborn about 1907
SmithSallie born about 1910
SniderBobby born about 1932
SniderCathern born about 1934
SniderDaisy Gborn about 1910
SniderFrances born about 1937
SniderJames born about 1936
SniderPatty Leeborn about 1931
SniderPink Jborn about 1911
SniderSammie Sueborn about 1939
SouddressGeorge born about 1875
SouddressLina born about 1879
SoutherlandAlbert Hborn about 1931
SoutherlandAlbert Jr born about 1923
SoutherlandCharles Rborn about 1937
SoutherlandDonald Rborn about 1929
SoutherlandHazel born about 1925
SoutherlandJaunita born about 1921
SoutherlandPearl Lborn about 1902
SoutherlandWilliam Cborn about 1895
SoutherlandWilliam Cborn about 1927
SparkmanBeulah born about 1910
SparkmanJohn Hborn about 1904
SpearsLarence Hborn about 1908
SpearsOra Oborn about 1913
SpeerBuster born about 1912
SpeerDonal Rayborn about 1934
SpeerLorene born about 1917
SpenceAndy born about 1903
SpenceBamon born about 1931
SpenceBetty Joborn about 1931
SpenceDamon Cborn about 1932
SpenceJessie Bborn about 1900
SpenceJosie born about 1904
SpenceLewis Hborn about 1898
SpenceLewis Jr born about 1934
SpenceLoyd born about 1929
SpenceStllea Marieborn about 1936
SpenceZelphia born about 1933
SpoonJ Fborn about 1895
StanfillBetty Ruthborn about 1931
StanfillClara born about 1911
StanfillRaymond Dborn about 1928
StanfillW Aborn about 1907
SteelDavid born about 1924
SteelMarion Lborn about 1883
SteelMary born about 1885
StewartBoyd Rborn about 1917
StewartMellissa born about 1917
StewartMyrt Fborn about 1913
StrahanEmma born about 1897
StrahanMckinely born about 1897
StrahinEarnest born about 1928
StrahinH Sborn about 1884
StrahinMarcellas born about 1884
StrahinMilton born about 1934
StrahinVergie born about 1919
StrublerCharley born about 1873
StrublerSylvester born about 1880
StumpffMrs A Aborn about 1877
SullivanJohn born about 1873
SultBarabara born about 1933
SunderdickBen born about 1876
SunderdickLeon born about 1914
SunderdickW Hborn about 1906
SuttonGeorge Eborn about 1909
SuttonJack Eborn about 1932
SuttonJames Dborn about 1934
SuttonJeraldean born about 1930
SuttonVera Aborn about 1911
SvenbladJaunita Lborn about 1927
SvenbladNorma Rborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TankersleyClaudie Vborn about 1925
TaylorBeulah Rborn about 1901
TaylorBill born about 1904
TaylorBillie born about 1928
TaylorEvelyn born about 1908
TaylorFloyd born about 1902
TaylorFrank Tborn about 1914
TaylorG Eborn about 1895
TaylorGladys born about 1908
TaylorGladys born about 1914
TaylorHattie Hborn about 1884
TaylorHenneth born about 1932
TaylorHubert born about 1923
TaylorIrene born about 1908
TaylorJack born about 1933
TaylorJames born about 1893
TaylorJo Annborn about 1929
TaylorLois Lborn about 1938
TaylorLoretta born about 1934
TaylorLuther Gborn about 1913
TaylorMeredith born about 1935
TaylorMinnie born about 1907
TaylorStella born about 1901
TaylorTommy Wayneborn about 1940
TerryBillie Rborn about 1932
TerryDelbert Kborn about 1937
TerryEdward Aborn about 1926
TerryEffie Mborn about 1897
TerryElzie Lborn about 1921
TerryJack Eborn about 1925
TerryOttis Aborn about 1918
TerryPaul Fborn about 1934
TerryRube born about 1896
TersallThomas Tborn about 1935
TeylorBetty Lborn about 1930
TeylorCleo Gborn about 1908
TeylorGuy Gborn about 1928
TeylorJohn Rborn about 1908
TeylorJohn Jr born about 1927
TeylorMary Cborn about 1937
TeylorVirginia Lborn about 1924
ThomasAnna born about 1876
ThomasBunch born about 1930
ThompsonBoots born about 1938
ThompsonConnelius Tborn about 1919
ThompsonHazel Vborn about 1908
ThompsonHazel Vborn about 1939
ThompsonIvory Mborn about 1919
ThompsonLeon born about 1917
ThompsonOddessa born about 1919
ThompsonWill Mborn about 1892
ThroneFrank born about 1872
TidwellNettie Jborn about 1887
TidwellRichard Fborn about 1867
TimpleAnna born about 1899
TimpleAnna born about 1937
TimpleDela born about 1926
TimpleGracie born about 1930
TimpleIna born about 1933
TimpleJohnie born about 1923
TimpleMartin born about 1891
TimplePerry born about 1936
TippitCora born about 1911
TippitJearl Lborn about 1939
TippitJim born about 1911
TippitJimmie Lborn about 1933
TippitSammie Lborn about 1935
TolesAlice born about 1893
TolesAnnais Aborn about 1891
TolesClerence Hborn about 1917
TolesEdward Eborn about 1937
TolesElmer born about 1926
TolesNora Eborn about 1927
TolesPearline born about 1928
TolesRaymond born about 1920
TrammellNane Sborn about 1860
TreatElmer born about 1907
TreatFrank born about 1909
TreatRean Maeborn about 1909
TreatTommy Frankborn about 1937
TreatWilliam Franklingborn about 1866
TrippEller Mborn about 1891
TrippFoster Jborn about 1924
TrippGreen Sborn about 1870
TrosperDale Gborn about 1934
TuckLawson Jborn about 1923
TuckerEdith born about 1909
TuckerEura born about 1905
TuckerPaul Eborn about 1928
TurnerCharles Fborn about 1872
TurnerEarl Jborn about 1922
TurnerLaura Lborn about 1912
TurnerN born about 1877
TurnerRobert Bborn about 1921
TurnerSherman born about 1901
TurnerWilson Wborn about 1914
TurnerZona born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VannBerlin born about 1925
VannDavie born about 1913
VannJim born about 1888
VannOllie born about 1918
VannOsie born about 1917
VansonLema Nborn about 1915
VansonTennie Bborn about 1923
VanzandtGeorge Jr born about 1919
VaughanAlfred Lborn about 1871
VaughanCalvin Wborn about 1925
VaughanDocia Eborn about 1915
VaughanJames Aborn about 1908
VaughanJames Cborn about 1884
VaughanMona Rborn about 1937
VaughanRocksalena Cborn about 1876
VaughanRube Dborn about 1920
VaughanRuby Iborn about 1909
VaughanSteven Cborn about 1875
VaughanWade Jborn about 1904
VaughtJack born about 1903
VesselCarol Jborn about 1934
VesselJimmie Oborn about 1940
VesselMurriel Dborn about 1932
VesselOdas Jborn about 1910
VesselOpal Vborn about 1914
VestBillie Jborn about 1933
VestHubert Eborn about 1923
VestJ Rborn about 1922
VestMary Joeborn about 1931
VestOtto Hborn about 1896
VestReba Sborn about 1937
VestStella Mborn about 1900
VestVirginia Lborn about 1939
VetetoEdgar Otisborn about 1923
VetetoJ Oborn about 1890
VetetoSarah Lucilleborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldonClaud Vborn about 1907
WaldonEunice Mborn about 1906
WaldonGarland Aborn about 1925
WaldonJohn Bborn about 1937
WaldonMarion Fborn about 1930
WaldonMary Jborn about 1935
WaldonSteven Hborn about 1939
WalkerBobbie Jeanborn about 1931
WalkerC Dborn about 1910
WalkerCecil born about 1910
WalkerIsaac Wborn about 1884
WalkerJ Bborn about 1929
WalkerJonel born about 1933
WalkerPatsie born about 1936
WalkerWillie born about 1925
WaltersCarl Jr born about 1939
WaltersCharles Eborn about 1936
WaltersColonel Lborn about 1910
WaltersGerald Dborn about 1934
WaltersLois Mborn about 1930
WaltersMona Wborn about 1913
WaltersOpal born about 1911
WaltersOscar Eborn about 1932
WannCharlie Mborn about 1892
WannHerbert Aborn about 1927
WannJannie Sborn about 1893
WannRoberta Vborn about 1928
WannWalter Hborn about 1925
WardAddie Bborn about 1928
WardMary born about 1926
WardNancy born about 1907
WardNellie born about 1927
WardTimothy born about 1923
WardWillie Lborn about 1905
WareBillie born about 1932
WareEdward born about 1911
WareNaomi born about 1913
WarrenFrank born about 1868
WarrenLizzie born about 1888
WarrenPress born about 1836
WashburnA Cborn about 1889
WashburnEthel born about 1893
WashingtonGeary born about 1877
WashingtonMinnie born about 1890
WassamBarba Annborn about 1939
WassamMarion born about 1899
WassamOpal born about
WatersCharlie Dborn about 1890
WatersDoil Oborn about 1916
WatersImogene Jborn about 1921
WatersMay born about 1896
WattsBeulah born about 1916
WattsCharles Cborn about 1914
WattsEloise born about 1936
WattsHarold Wborn about 1940
WattsHazel born about 1909
WattsHoward born about 1911
WattsJohn Wborn about 1938
WattsMaggie Bborn about 1877
WattsPink born about 1912
WattsPreston born about 1933
WattsRoda born about 1916
WattsSharon Ruthborn about 1939
WattsThomas Lborn about 1868
WeaverElla Mborn about 1910
WeaverEvelyn Cborn about 1935
WeaverIda Gborn about 1886
WeaverKenneth Lborn about 1937
WeaverLesley Hborn about 1911
WeaverWilliam Cborn about 1939
WebbViolet Rborn about 1917
WessleyAdolph born about 1921
WessleyBetty Jeanborn about 1935
WessleyMary Loisborn about 1939
WessleyMelvene born about 1917
WessleyThula born about 1919
WessleyWilliam Wborn about 1934
WestJaunita Bborn about 1902
WestJesse Oborn about 1902
WhatleyBertie Zborn about 1896
WhatleyBillie Lborn about 1939
WhatleyCallie Lborn about 1940
WhatleyEl Duaneborn about 1937
WhatleyEugene Lborn about 1916
WhatleyFranklin Dborn about 1936
WhatleyGrover Cborn about 1886
WhatleyMarie Eborn about 1920
WhatleyRex Bborn about 1934
WhatleyWayne Dborn about 1930
WhatleyWilliam Jborn about 1923
WhiteAlice born about 1871
WhiteAndy born about 1872
WhiteClerence born about 1911
WhiteHarry born about 1872
WhiteLaura born about 1886
WhiteLonnie born about 1909
WhiteLonnie Jr born about 1931
WhiteRaziolla born about 1911
WhitmerClem Mborn about 1911
WhitmerClem Wborn about 1934
WhitmerDonald Aborn about 1937
WhitmerGlen Mborn about 1934
WhitmerIola Pborn about 1911
WhitworthJerry Aborn about 1939
WhitworthLena Aborn about 1915
WightMarion Oborn about 1916
WightMontea Jborn about 1921
WightNellie born about 1894
WightRoy Aborn about 1894
WightRoy Jr born about 1919
WilamsEdger born about 1921
WilamsMinnie born about 1921
WilbornDelma Jborn about 1935
WilbornElmer born about 1915
WilbornElmer Jr born about 1936
WilbornJonathan born about 1938
WilbornLottie born about 1916
WilbornThelma born about 1939
WilburnIsaac born about 1911
WilburnJames born about 1881
WilburnLily born about 1892
WillhideMelvin born about 1876
WilliamMollie Louborn about 1930
WilliamsArguster born about 1928
WilliamsGertha Lborn about 1918
WilliamsIrene born about 1911
WilliamsJinnie Daleborn about 1933
WilliamsMary born about 1884
WillifordCharlie Bborn about 1879
WillifordLaura Vborn about 1860
WillifordOscar Bborn about 1884
WillisBertha born about 1894
WilsonArthur Cborn about 1931
WilsonDorthy Mborn about 1930
WilsonJack born about 1928
WilsonJeweline born about 1933
WilsonJosephine born about 1933
WilsonOzel Wborn about 1905
WilsonSamantha born about 1917
WolfFloyd Aborn about 1908
WolfGatsie Gborn about 1914
WolfJ Lborn about 1931
WolfLela Mborn about 1906
WolfLucelle born about 1882
WolfMarvin Cborn about 1911
WolfMildred born about 1921
WolfOrvil Nborn about 1939
WolfOwie Gborn about 1917
WolfPirena Lborn about 1937
WolfWonda Jborn about 1934
WoodG Wborn about 1874
WoodIrene born about 1888
WoodRuth born about 1871
WrightBessie born about 1910
WrightBetty Ruthborn about 1937
WrightHelen Vergeniaborn about 1929
WrightJerry born about 1935
WrightJim Wborn about 1925
WrightJonnie born about 1889
WrightL Cborn about 1882
WrightRalph born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YadonB born about 1875
YadonCatherine born about 1920
YadonMary born about 1876
YoungLete born about 1893
YoungSen born about 1892
YoungTilda born about 1923
YoungbloodClayton born about 1891
YoungbloodNetie born about 1902
YoungbloodVirsie born about 1912
YountAda born about 1895
YountBobbie Jeanborn about 1930
YountCharley Wborn about 1892
YountElba Maxineborn about 1923
YountEthel born about 1894
YountGeorge born about 1891
YountGuy born about 1917
YountJeanette born about 1927
YountLenner born about 1863
YountShadrack born about 1860
YuttermanFrank Sborn about 1904
YuttermanHerman Hborn about 1932
YuttermanHubert Bborn about 1934
YuttermanNina Mborn about 1909
YuttermanNorma Mborn about 1927
YuttermanOllie Bborn about 1939
YuttermanRyman Fborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiviananLula born about 1872

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