1940 U.S. Federal Census of Penn in Woodward County, Woodward, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Woodward County > 1940 Census of Penn in Woodward County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonEdd born about 1868
AndersonJennie born about 1895

B Surnames

BishopBobbie born about 1935
BishopErnest born about 1924
BishopEtta born about 1901
BishopGeorgia born about 1921
BishopLaura Mayborn about 1927
BishopMary Ellenborn about 1926
BishopMerion born about 1929
BishopNaomi born about 1932
BishopRuth born about 1931
BishopVirgil born about 1930
BishopWilliam born about 1922

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C Surnames

ChaseOscar born about 1906
ChaseVirginia born about 1917
ClarkBulind Gborn about 1939
ClarkElvin Jborn about 1937
ClarkLydin Iborn about 1914
ClarkV Lborn about 1914

D Surnames

DautelH Oborn about 1906
DavisC Iborn about 1887
DavisCharles born about 1930
DavisElizabeth born about 1920
DavisEsther Aborn about 1891
DavisEsther Mborn about 1925
DavisHarvey born about 1918
DavisHenery born about 1912
DavisM Dborn about 1888
DavisM J Rborn about 1924
DavisT Burkborn about 1934
DayClarence Oborn about 1906
DayDoris born about 1909
DayLeila born about 1935
DevensHarold born about 1918
DevensJ Fborn about 1879
DevensLester born about 1913
DevensMary Jborn about 1902
DottersG Dborn about 1891
DottersGeorgia born about 1923
DottersLillie born about 1892
DottersThelma born about 1919

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F Surnames

FergersonBettie born about 1927
FergersonEugene born about 1926
FergersonGarald Dborn about 1934
FergersonHazel born about 1903
FergersonHelen born about 1924
FergersonJohn born about 1899
FergersonMary Eborn about 1868

G Surnames

GrassJohn Hborn about 1911

H Surnames

Harley??? born about 1921
HarleyCarley born about 1912
HarleyDale born about 1939
HellingDonald born about 1938
HellingHarold Dborn about 1909
HellingRichard born about 1935
HellingRonald born about 1938
HellingViola born about 1911
HepnerDavey Lborn about 1938
HepnerEdith born about 1912
HepnerHarold Dborn about 1931
HepnerJean born about 1903
HepnerLottie Mborn about 1871
HepnerNelson Dborn about 1934
HepnerPaul born about 1909
HepnerReta born about 1914
HinkleEthel Dborn about 1892
HinkleFrancis born about 1930
HinkleL Cborn about 1883
HinkleLuther born about 1926
HinklePhillip born about 1928
HinkleViola born about 1922
HughesC Eborn about 1878
HughesNola born about 1879
HughesOscar born about 1914
HughesRosana Jborn about 1940
HughesVelma born about 1912

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K Surnames

KetchumEugene born about 1919

L Surnames

LittonLouise Mborn about 1882
LittonRobert Lborn about 1878
LoughlinJohn Mborn about 1900
LoughlinMary Mattleborn about 1934
LoughlinNovela born about 1931
LoughlinSidney born about 1933
LoughlinThora Hborn about 1905
LucasClarrie born about 1919
LucasElbert born about 1886
LucasElbert Tborn about 1918
LucasEva born about 1886

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M Surnames

MartinHobert born about 1914
MartinsonChester Dborn about 1890
MartinsonJimmie Leeborn about 1921
MartinsonMyrtle Nborn about 1891
McNuttA Wborn about 1870
McNuttMildred Vborn about 1925
McNuttSudie Jborn about 1873
McNuttVera Jeanborn about 1924
MeshimanEddy Leeborn about 1934
MeshimanRubby born about 1916
MulnixAnnie born about 1877
MulnixGladis born about 1908
MulnixL C Rborn about 1906

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N Surnames

NixonDale born about 1914
NixonDollie born about 1894
NixonE Lborn about 1896
NixonEmard Lborn about 1916
NixonMaizy born about 1919
NixonRay Cborn about 1890
NixonVerna born about 1900

P Surnames

ParsonsCliford born about 1911
ParsonsGene born about 1934
ParsonsJoan born about 1938
ParsonsMabel born about 1912
PhillipsEva Mayborn about 1915
PhillipsHarold Dborn about 1936
PhillipsPaul born about 1913
PhillipsRay Deanborn about 1934
PhillipsRoman Sborn about 1938
PhillipsVerla Jeanborn about 1940
PlumleeA Dborn about 1862
PlumleeClella born about 1898
PlumleeH Wborn about 1898
PlumleeIone born about 1932
PlumleeIrena born about 1919
PlumleeT Wborn about 1864
PlumleeWesley born about 1934

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R Surnames

Rains??? born about 1935
RainsRoy born about 1912
RainsWilma born about 1908

S Surnames

SampleEza Sborn about 1917
SampleLewis Wborn about 1936
SampleLorin Wborn about 1915
SampleWesley Eborn about 1939
SelmanAnnie Eborn about 1885
SelmanDorlis Aborn about 1924
SelmanGreen Lborn about 1873
SelmanJames Lborn about 1923
SelmanSam Fborn about 1922
ShaullJessie born about 1923
ShaullLeeta born about 1925
ShaullMarvin born about 1921
ShaullNellie ???born about 1938
ShaullNina born about 1897
ShaullVashti born about 1920
ShaullW Rborn about 1899
ShaullWalter Jborn about 1931
ShoresEllen born about 1875
SwainEthel born about 1915
SwainRaymond born about 1896
SyrieChester Lborn about 1911
SyrieGerald Jborn about 1939
SyrieThelma born about 1920

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T Surnames

ThorneMatild born about 1885
ThorneThos Bborn about 1876

W Surnames

WadkinsWilford born about 1921
WalkerEthel born about 1893
WalkerGilbert born about 1920
WalkerNaomi born about 1917
WalkerSimpson born about 1891
WalkerSimpson Jr born about 1923
WalkerThelma born about 1914
WalkerWesley born about 1930
Waychoff??? born about 1932
WaychoffDean born about 1935
WaychoffJ Mborn about 1910
WaychoffJulian Mborn about 1940
WaychoffThelma Rborn about 1913
Welty??? Aborn about 1889
WeltyElsworth born about 1921
WeltyIna born about 1924
WeltyLewis born about 1930
WeltyMinnie born about 1894
WeltyNora Bborn about 1881
WeltyPhillip born about 1923
WeltySinah born about 1892
WhitcombAudie born about 1883
WhitcombDelois born about 1913
WhitcombR Rborn about 1880
WhitcombSina born about 1923
WilliamsAbert born about 1929
WilliamsAlmire born about 1897
WilliamsHomer born about 1927
WilliamsVernon born about 1931
WilliamsW Eborn about 1891
WilliamsWilliam born about 1926
WilsonLuna born about 1895
WilsonRay born about 1893

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