1940 U.S. Federal Census of Prices Chapel, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Prices Chapel

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AcuffAnna born about 1899
AcuffCecil born about 1924
AcuffNancy Fborn about 1870
AcuffWarner born about 1895
AdairCharles born about 1926
AdairIsaac born about 1919
AdairJames born about 1925
AdairJames Fborn about 1891
AdairJohn Wborn about 1917
AdairLouise born about 1922
AdairLuvenia born about 1901
AdairMary born about 1929
AdairMary Ruthborn about 1937
AdairVelma born about 1911
AdairVirginia born about 1927
AdairWalthal Corriganborn about 1896
AdairWesley born about 1920
AlecDonald Leeborn about 1935
AlecGaylon born about 1929
AlecPete born about 1898
AlecRetta born about 1905
AlesCarney born about 1915
AllenCharles born about 1929
AllenDaisy born about 1908
AllenG Wborn about 1876
AllenGeorge Aborn about 1929
AllenJ Fborn about 1870
AllenJessie born about 1937
AllenMollie born about 1874
AllenThurman born about 1908
AllenWillie born about 1931
AndersonBruce born about 1913
AndersonBud born about 1914
AndersonGeorgia born about 1931
AndersonLou born about 1876
AndersonMaggie born about 1912
AndersonNorma Ruthborn about 1937
AndersonOllie born about 1914
AndersonOpal born about 1917
AndersonWiburn born about 1935
AndersonWilliam born about 1872
AndersonWillie born about 1905
AndrewsHelen born about 1939
AndrewsIsabelle born about 1874
AndrewsJohn born about 1910
AndrewsLorene born about 1920
AndrewsR Bborn about 1912
AndrewsRuth born about 1912
ArmstrongEugene born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerBernell born about 1920
BakerElizabeth born about 1883
BakerGrady born about 1914
BaldridgeCalvin born about 1926
BaldridgeJenny born about 1930
BallBarnie born about 1929
BallCharles born about 1914
BallColumbus born about 1925
BallEd born about 1925
BallEffie born about 1892
BallEligah born about 1892
BallFred born about 1917
BallJohnie born about 1914
BallL Eborn about 1873
BallMary Janeborn about 1927
BallMinnie born about 1884
BallMunnie born about 1893
BallOma born about 1921
BallOmega born about 1930
BallOpal born about 1923
BallOpal born about 1925
BallRobert Rborn about 1882
BallRobt Jr born about 1927
BallsA Eborn about 1880
BallsCarol born about 1932
BallsLucy born about 1888
BallsRoyce born about 1925
BallsRuth born about 1920
BarnesBertha born about 1893
BarnesBillie Geneborn about 1930
BarnesBobby Rayborn about 1934
BarnesBoyd born about 1922
BarnesFrank born about 1894
BarnesKatie born about 1924
BarnesMartha born about 1901
BatesJohnson born about 1892
BaumanMyrtle born about 1923
BengeBeulah born about 1910
BengeBob born about 1934
BengeDavid born about 1929
BengeElby born about 1915
BengeGerald Glennborn about 1939
BengeJohn born about 1872
BengeMitch born about 1905
BengeOlevia born about 1871
BengeRichard born about 1905
BengeWatie born about 1920
BiasEva born about 1920
BiasMamie born about 1937
BiasWillie born about 1911
BlackDorothy born about 1922
BlaylockBurland born about 1918
BlaylockFreddie born about 1936
BlaylockMavis born about 1915
BrackenEugene Mborn about 1922
BrackenKathryn born about 1925
BrackettJ Cborn about 1887
BrackettSusie born about 1891
BradleyArchie born about 1919
BradleyCharles born about 1940
BradleyG Oborn about 1915
BradleyJack born about 1881
BradleyJewel born about 1920
BradleyLona born about 1888
BramseEd born about 1872
BramseJessie born about 1885
BramseJoseph born about 1921
BranhamBobbie Leeborn about 1936
BranhamBuddy born about 1939
BranhamClinton born about 1924
BranhamErma born about 1906
BranhamGeneva born about 1927
BranhamGeorge born about 1900
BranhamJeff born about 1864
BranhamJoyce born about 1933
BranhamJuanita born about 1930
BranumLarry born about 1939
BranumLeon born about 1928
BranumOra born about 1898
BranumRay Jr born about 1924
BranumRoy born about 1894
BrewerAlvin born about 1931
BrewerCarl born about 1933
BrewerCarl born about 1940
BrewerGeo T Jrborn about 1925
BrewerGeorge Tborn about 1877
BrewerJim born about 1906
BrewerLillie born about 1916
BrewerMary born about 1938
BrewerSterling born about 1929
BrewerThomas born about 1936
BrewerVena born about 1911
BrewerVirgie born about 1887
BrewerWilliam born about 1939
BrownAmos born about 1888
BrownEben born about 1926
BrownEral born about 1903
BrownEula born about 1923
BrownF Gborn about 1899
BrownPage born about 1922
BrownPaul Rborn about 1925
BurchfielJ Mborn about 1872
BurchfielMartha born about 1871
BurwellLucille born about 1926
BushyheadLorenda born about 1856
BuzzardHardy born about 1895
BuzzardHardy Jr born about 1928
BuzzardLeo born about 1937
BuzzardMary born about 1930
BuzzardMaxine born about 1932
BuzzardNancy born about 1908
ByrdAgnes born about 1893
ByrdCarl born about 1892
ByrdCarlene born about 1924

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C Surnames

CallahanAaron born about 1924
CallahanCarolyn born about 1935
CallahanDenver born about 1927
CallahanNadine born about 1928
CallahanW Rborn about 1891
CallahanWillie born about 1895
CappsBertha born about 1918
CappsJohn Eborn about 1940
CappsTed born about 1907
CarrikerLouisa born about 1854
CarrikerMary born about 1872
CaseyBenton born about 1928
CaseyBertha born about 1908
CaseyBivra born about 1930
CaseyDoris born about 1927
CaseyJ Wborn about 1898
CaseyJoyce born about 1939
CassadyAnn born about 1914
CassadyBilly born about 1932
CassadyCalvin born about 1908
CassadyCalvin born about 1930
CassadyCalvin Jr born about 1933
CassadyClara born about 1906
CassadyDonald born about 1928
CassadyMary Francesborn about 1934
CassadyRay born about 1900
CaughmanBobbie born about 1937
CaughmanCharles born about 1939
CaughmanElbert born about 1910
CaughmanGeneva born about 1934
CaughmanJohnie born about 1932
CaughmanLahoma born about 1935
CaughmanSylvia born about 1908
CaughmanWanda born about 1930
ChapmanMidge born about 1901
ChapmanWm Aborn about 1871
CheekAddie Maeborn about 1938
CheekBarnie born about 1927
CheekBeautine Dborn about 1898
CheekBen born about 1871
CheekBernie born about 1920
CheekBobby born about 1928
CheekCharles born about 1936
CheekDon born about 1930
CheekKathleen born about 1922
CheekLeon born about 1940
CheekLouie born about 1908
CheekNadine born about 1925
CheekPeggy born about 1933
CheekStella born about 1896
ChristenberryAnnie born about 1881
ChristenberryDan born about 1871
ChuculateLizzie born about 1878
ClarkDave born about 1898
ClarkDerwood born about 1922
ClarkJess born about 1893
ClarkMaudie born about 1899
ClarkViolet born about 1902
ClelandOla born about 1919
ColemanAndy born about 1870
ColemanLinnie born about 1879
ColemanLouisa born about 1870
ComingdeerLizzie born about 1922
CooperBetty born about 1931
CooperBurhie born about 1933
CooperClaude born about 1927
CooperRhode born about 1907
CooperRuth born about 1928
CorleyGertie born about 1901
CorleyHelen born about 1935
CorleyRoy born about 1906
CovingtonDonald born about 1934
CovingtonEra born about 1907
CovingtonMarion born about 1905
CovingtonMyrtle born about 1911
CovingtonRuby born about 1907
CreekmoreArvel born about 1916
CreekmoreD Lborn about 1867
CreekmoreMillie born about 1876
CreekmoreOpal born about 1917

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D Surnames

DentonBetty born about 1925
DentonBillie born about 1927
DentonDouree born about 1911
DentonElizabeth born about 1870
DentonFrank born about 1939
DentonGrant born about 1904
DentonHazel born about 1916
DentonHester born about 1908
DentonJackie born about 1936
DentonJames born about 1933
DentonJames Earlborn about 1938
DentonLaurita born about 1929
DiffeeBob born about 1928
DiffeeEssie Helenborn about 1922
DiffeeGeorge born about 1926
DiffeeJeff born about 1894
DiffeeKenneth born about 1928
DiffeeMarion born about 1919
DiffeeMary born about 1880
DiffeeMyrtle born about 1902
DiffeeOva born about 1898
DiffeeRichard born about 1923
DiffeeW Aborn about 1876
DiffeeWayne born about 1934
DoughertyDaisy born about 1878
DoughertyS Rborn about 1880
DuncanFred born about 1912
DuncanJerry born about 1936
DuncanMartha born about 1913
DunnAlbert born about 1915
DunnBob born about 1932
DunnJessie born about 1901
DunnJessie born about 1927
DunnLizzie born about 1898
DunnLucille born about 1928
DunnLula Lborn about 1874
DunnRobert born about 1906
DunnRuby born about 1914
DyerBonnie born about 1927
DyerClara born about 1921
DyerGlenn born about 1939
DyerHarold born about 1924
DyerJake born about 1858
DyerJake born about 1935
DyerJohn born about 1897
DyerMaralene born about 1925
DyerNeil born about 1933
DyerPearl born about 1902
DyerSallie Cborn about 1856
DyerTom born about 1889

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E Surnames

EdwardsJames Mborn about 1872
EdwardsWinona born about 1878
EllisGeraldine born about 1927
EllisLaveta born about 1922
EllisVirgie born about 1899
EllisWesley born about 1896
EmbertonJ Wborn about 1924
EnglandBert born about 1924
EnglandDarlene born about 1933
EnglandFred born about 1915
EnglandHenry born about 1876
EnglandMathew born about 1900
EnglandMautra born about 1876
EnglandMaynard born about 1936
EnglandOpal born about 1922
EnglandOrvil born about 1925
EnglandParlee born about 1906
EnglandWava Genborn about 1930
EnglandWince born about 1928
ErwinA Gborn about 1887
ErwinDona born about 1912
ErwinDouglas born about 1933
ErwinGlendon born about 1926
ErwinJack born about 1912
ErwinNadine born about 1919
ErwinRaymond born about 1924
ErwinVelma born about 1929

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F Surnames

FarrisCharles born about 1923
FarrisFlavia born about 1900
FarrisGarland born about 1920
FarrisJohn Oborn about 1895
FieldsRoberta born about 1922
FineBilly born about 1924
FineCharles born about 1926
FineDale born about 1928
FineFlora born about 1886
FineIndia born about 1905
FineJack born about 1929
FineJoel born about 1919
FineMary Hopeborn about 1922
FineWilliam born about 1885
FinesDave born about 1886
FinesEva Mayborn about 1891
FitzsimmonsAgnes born about 1900
FitzsimmonsBerenice born about 1922
FitzsimmonsBob born about 1899
FitzsimmonsCarney born about 1923
FitzsimmonsClifford born about 1923
FitzsimmonsColene born about 1937
FitzsimmonsDorothy born about 1925
FitzsimmonsEmmalene born about 1934
FitzsimmonsEula born about 1901
FitzsimmonsJoyce born about 1927
FitzsimmonsLeon born about 1932
FitzsimmonsLois born about 1929
FitzsimmonsWanda born about 1921
FloydArlene born about 1919
FloydDossie born about 1910
FloydGussie born about 1890
FloydWalter born about 1914
FloydWicklied born about 1917
FrizleyGeorgia born about 1869
FulbrightBillie born about 1926
FulbrightDavid born about 1917
FulbrightDrew born about 1891
FulbrightGus born about 1924
FulbrightHettie born about 1895
FulbrightLois born about 1922
FulbrightRoy born about 1939
FulbrightTroy born about 1939
FullbrightBetty Joborn about 1925
FullbrightBeulah born about 1895
FullbrightCarl Hborn about 1919
FullbrightIdus born about 1893
FullbrightMildred born about 1922

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G Surnames

GlassCleo born about 1919
GlassCoolidge born about 1925
GlassEmma born about 1894
GlassInalee born about 1927
GlassJohn born about 1886
GlassJulia born about 1922
GoffSamuel born about 1919
GreenleeFlorence born about 1886
GreenleeVinita born about 1924
GreenleeVirginia born about 1926
GreenleeWanda born about 1927
GreggAlta born about 1901
GreggJohn born about 1863
GriffithAnna Maeborn about 1916
GriffithBaby Annborn about 1939
GriffithBrooks born about 1912
GriffithCharlotte born about 1924
GriffithClaude born about 1881
GriffithGreen born about 1877
GriffithJoan born about 1935
GriffithLee Orlandborn about 1937
GriffithMartha born about 1881
GriffithRobert born about 1915
GriffithUndeen born about 1885
GriffithVelva born about 1908
GriffithWaynell born about 1938
GriffithWorth Wborn about 1905
GriffithsJasper born about 1877
GriffithsMinnie born about 1885
GriffithsRaymond born about 1918
GriffithsVivian born about 1924
GunnJosie born about 1875
GunnR Nborn about 1875

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H Surnames

HackerCharles born about 1932
HackerFrank born about 1904
HackerRose born about 1907
HackerWilliam born about 1928
HardbargerGeorge born about 1908
HardbargerLouis born about 1932
HardbargerMatilda born about 1933
HardbargerWillie born about 1915
HarlCharles born about 1909
HarlCharles born about 1939
HarlDempsey born about 1935
HarlDessie born about 1912
HarlThelma born about 1934
HarrisonAnnie born about 1938
HarrisonEarl born about 1918
HarrisonElla born about 1921
HarrisonEllen born about 1885
HensleyA Wborn about 1896
HensleyAnna Lborn about 1900
HensleyBuel Bborn about 1920
HensleyLe Roy born about 1939
HensleyWanda born about 1936
HillAnna born about 1897
HillFrances born about 1937
HillFred born about 1922
HillLillie born about 1916
HillRobert born about 1917
HillRoy born about 1899
HillVirginia born about 1940
HindmanBilly Wayneborn about 1937
HindmanCharles born about 1939
HindmanFloyd born about 1917
HindmanJessie born about 1916
HindmanJohn born about 1928
HindmanL Hborn about 1926
HindmanLuther born about 1886
HindmanMary born about 1937
HindmanMaxine born about 1933
HindmanNellie born about 1890
HindmanNola born about 1919
HindmanWilliam born about 1910
HinesNancy born about 1872
HinesTom born about 1870
HoderD Dborn about 1894
HoderD D Jrborn about 1926
HoderMyrtle born about 1895
HoltJ Dborn about 1876
HoltMamie born about 1890
HoltR Dborn about 1928
HouserDaniel born about 1870
HouserMary born about 1880
HouserMay born about 1920
HunterGrace born about 1891
HunterNadene born about 1932
HunterTom born about 1883
HunterWarren born about 1925

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I Surnames

IllegitimatePatricia Annborn about 1939

J Surnames

JacksonEd born about 1872
JamisonBobbie born about 1932
JamisonCleo born about 1912
JamisonHarvey born about 1897
JamisonHarvey Jr born about 1933
JamisonLe Roy born about 1930
JohnsonAdell born about 1918
JohnsonAmos born about 1936
JohnsonAndy born about 1909
JohnsonBennie born about 1939
JohnsonCharles Lborn about 1917
JohnsonEileen born about 1935
JohnsonFlorine born about 1940
JohnsonGeraldine born about 1940
JohnsonJames born about 1904
JohnsonJim born about 1933
JohnsonLucy born about 1914
JohnsonMonroe born about 1915

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K Surnames

KeithEd born about 1928
KeithGeraldine born about 1930
KeithLucy born about 1891
KeithRay born about 1924
KeithSam born about 1886
KeithWillie born about 1926
KiferNina born about 1872
KiferWilliam born about 1870
KirkElla Maeborn about 1923
KirkWoodrow Pborn about 1919
KnightAlta born about 1922
KnightGeorge born about 1883
KnightNona born about 1891
KnightRaymond born about 1927
KuykendallAnna born about 1936
KuykendallBeauford born about 1915
KuykendallHerma born about 1920
KuykendallPerry Leeborn about 1938
KyleAndrew born about 1864
KyleBillie Wayneborn about 1934
KyleFrances born about 1914
KyleImogene born about 1937
KyleJames born about 1868
KyleJames born about 1935
KylePatsy Sueborn about 1935
KyleRoy born about 1915
KyleSusie born about 1915
KyleV born about 1920
KyleW Sborn about 1911
KyleWalter born about 1908
KyleWatie born about 1922
KyleWillard born about 1917
KyleZora born about 1884

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L Surnames

LafayetteBen born about 1938
LafayetteBettie Louborn about 1939
LafayetteMarie born about 1920
LarsonPeter Dborn about 1865
LeonardMargaret born about 1929
LeslieThomas born about 1939
LessleyBob born about 1884
LessleyJane born about 1880
LindseyBen born about 1917
LindseyDave born about 1922
LindseyHazel born about 1922
LindseyT Vborn about 1887
LindseyW Rborn about 1856
LindseyWanda born about 1928
LindseyWillie born about 1891
LingerfeltDoris born about 1930
LingerfeltEmma born about 1899
LingerfeltGrace born about 1923
LingerfeltKay born about 1937
LingerfeltLucille born about 1926
LingerfeltMary born about 1915
LingerfeltOdelle born about 1928
LingerfeltViola born about 1920
LingerfeltWillie born about 1917
LingerfeltWylie born about 1887
LittlejohnBettye Joborn about 1933
LittlejohnJeff born about 1901
LongBilly born about 1936
LongBlanch born about 1880
LongBobbie born about 1938
LongCharles born about 1890
LongClara born about 1916
LongEdgar born about 1933
LongEtta born about 1909
LongEverett born about 1902
LongJames Hborn about 1908
LongJosie born about 1873
LongSallie born about 1880
LongShirley born about 1937
LongThomas Lborn about 1910
LongshoreAnna born about 1927
LongshoreCharles born about 1933
LongshoreCora born about 1903
LongshoreCorina born about 1925
LongshoreDorothy born about 1928
LongshoreFrances born about 1932
LongshoreGloria born about 1931
LongshoreMonroe born about 1936
LongshoreWillis born about 1904

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M Surnames

MaddoxAnderson born about 1902
MaddoxLenna born about 1905
MaddoxMary born about 1939
MaddoxSylvia born about 1929
MaddoxWallace born about 1930
MarrsA Bborn about 1880
MarrsAlice born about 1881
MarrsJohn Wborn about 1870
MarrsLolita born about 1922
MarrsMonza born about 1902
MarrsOllie born about 1879
MartinBill born about 1914
MartinEd born about 1881
MartinFay born about 1910
MartinFlorence born about 1924
MartinGeorge born about 1913
MartinJames born about 1937
MartinJim born about 1900
MartinJimmie born about 1924
MartinJohn Bborn about 1922
MartinLetha born about 1928
MartinLois born about 1939
MartinMollie born about 1905
MartinPluma born about 1918
MartinThomas born about 1922
MassingaleAnna Mayborn about 1935
MassingaleCalvin born about 1926
MassingaleDarrel born about 1939
MassingaleEvelyn born about 1929
MassingaleLela born about 1903
MassingaleRiley born about 1903
MassingaleT Jborn about 1932
MassingaleVirginia born about 1928
MastersonAlbert born about 1885
MastersonElnora born about 1920
MastersonElsie born about 1906
MastersonFrank born about 1895
MastersonGene born about 1920
MastersonGladys born about 1912
MastersonJames born about 1901
MastersonLula Leeborn about 1934
MastersonManval born about 1908
MastersonMary born about 1937
MastersonNeldal Jeanborn about 1940
MastersonNorma born about 1909
MastersonOla born about 1885
MayhanCaleta born about 1938
MayhanCletis born about 1917
MayhanJames Rborn about 1939
MayhanOna born about 1917
McClanahanClara born about 1927
McClanahanJessie born about 1894
McClanahanOscar born about 1891
McClanahanPearl born about 1870
McClendonAnna Lauraborn about 1936
McClendonGladys born about 1926
McClendonJ Tborn about 1931
McClendonJohnie born about 1920
McClendonJunior born about 1929
McClendonThomas born about 1922
McClendonTom born about 1887
McClendonWalsie born about 1901
McCombsKimegene born about 1934
McCombsMargaret born about 1930
McCombsNaomi born about 1932
McCombsPearl born about 1897
McCombsWilliam born about 1927
McDonaldBelle born about 1889
McDonaldDonald born about 1934
McDonaldGrace born about 1907
McDonaldHenry born about 1880
McDonaldHerschel born about 1907
McGowanDonald born about 1940
McGowanLola born about 1922
McGowanMelvin born about 1938
McKineyLloyd born about 1912
McKinneyDrew born about 1914
McMurtryKathryn born about 1926
McMurtryMary Louborn about 1930
McMurtryRuby born about 1927
MeltonAnna Leeborn about 1930
MeltonEugene born about 1922
MeltonJ Lborn about 1889
MeltonLloyd born about 1917
MeltonMaude born about 1896
MilamMattie born about 1870
MilamW Hborn about 1875
MillerJane born about 1877
MillerJess born about 1872
MillikinFannie born about 1896
MillikinGeo Wborn about 1886
MillikinOrletta born about 1926
MitchumBirtie born about 1933
MitchumJames born about 1865
MitchumJames born about 1932
MitchumNoah born about 1938
MitchumRaymond born about 1940
MitchumRubin born about 1902
MitchumSylvia born about 1914
MonroeW Hborn about 1884
MontgomeryCinderella born about 1919
MoodyFrank born about 1909
MoodyLyda born about 1908
MorrisAnnie born about 1920
MosbyDorothy born about 1910
MosbyEarl born about 1933
MosbyFlorence born about 1935
MosbyJ Wborn about 1909
MosbyJoseph born about 1940
MosbyR Tborn about 1931
MosbySherrel born about 1938
MossClifford born about 1922
MossCora born about 1891
MossEva born about 1925
MossH Eborn about 1880
MossRobert born about 1927
MossWanda born about 1923

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N Surnames

NashFrank Lborn about 1908
NashIcie born about 1922
NashOctavia born about 1919
NashSallie born about 1881
NashSamuel Gborn about 1921
NicholsClarence born about 1936
NicholsDora born about 1898
NicholsJunior born about 1925
NicholsUtah born about 1922
NicholsWillie born about 1899

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O Surnames

OdonnellBillie born about 1939
OdonnellCarrie born about 1888
OdonnellFoster born about 1907
OdonnellH Wborn about 1884
OdonnellOpal born about 1913
OliverArch born about 1892
OliverCharles born about 1931
OliverEstelle born about 1937
OliverIrene born about 1912
OliverJimmie born about 1929
OliverJohn born about 1887
OliverMaydell born about 1938
OliverOpal born about 1940
OliverThomas born about 1934
OllisJosephine born about 1921
OlsonEd born about 1893
OlsonLassie born about 1898
OwenArtho Dborn about 1916
OwenMartha born about 1875
OwenS Eborn about 1870

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P Surnames

ParkerAlvin Bborn about 1886
ParkerAlvin Jr born about 1928
ParkerEarl born about 1914
ParkerHelen born about 1926
ParkerMamie born about 1924
PerryDonald born about 1925
PerryEd born about 1885
PerryLaura born about 1926
PerryRobert Wayneborn about 1928
PerryWilliam born about 1923
PetersArthur born about 1923
PetersDora born about 1890
PetersFloy born about 1907
PetersFred born about 1907
PetersGoodlow born about 1919
PetersGrady born about 1913
PetersJoe Frankborn about 1939
PetersJoseph born about 1864
PetersLeon born about 1926
PetersManual born about 1887
PetersMary Louborn about 1921
PetersPlunia born about 1916
PetersRamona born about 1939
PettitBessie born about 1901
PettitJack born about 1878
PettitLela Geneborn about 1939
PettitLolita born about 1935
PettitLucinda born about 1932
PettitOna Wakaborn about 1937
PettitThomas born about 1938
PettitWilliam born about 1914
PhillipsEarl born about 1910
PhillipsIrene born about 1913
PhillipsJ Hborn about 1883
PhillipsJerry Annborn about 1937
PhillipsOla Belleborn about 1898
PhillipsSeeb born about 1889
PhilpotBill born about 1921
PhilpotCallie born about 1885
PhilpotCharles born about 1910
PhilpotCharles Jr born about 1939
PhilpotCharlie born about 1880
PhilpotCharlie Jr born about 1922
PhilpotElza born about 1915
PhilpotGeorge born about 1928
PhilpotGrace born about 1930
PhilpotJack born about 1934
PhilpotLee born about 1886
PhilpotLizzie born about 1893
PhilpotLouise born about 1934
PhilpotLoveda born about 1915
PhilpotNorman born about 1919
PhilpotOleeta born about 1920
PhilpotOpal born about 1913
PhilpotRoy Lborn about 1917
PhilpotRuby born about 1939
PhilpotRuth born about 1922
PhilpotVelma born about 1937
PhilpotWesley born about 1923
PinkertonHelen born about 1933
PinkertonKathleen born about 1914
PinkertonWatie born about 1910
PitmanSavola born about 1921
PitmanW S Jrborn about 1916
PorterAnnie born about 1881
PorterArvene born about 1915
PorterBetty Louiseborn about 1936
PorterCharles born about 1895
PorterDelmas born about 1919
PorterGoldie born about 1922
PorterJulia born about 1910
PorterRobert Gborn about 1879
PorterRuby born about 1913
PowellLettie born about 1871
PriceBeryl born about 1913
PriceCharles born about 1930
PriceFloyd born about 1914
PriceJaunita born about 1939
PriceKeith born about 1937
PriceMae born about 1933
PriceMartha born about 1929
PriceMary Sueborn about 1931
PricePatsy born about 1936
PricePauline born about 1918
PriceW Tborn about 1898

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R Surnames

RainwarterEthel Eborn about 1893
RainwarterMartha born about 1933
RainwarterWarren born about 1889
RandallHattie born about 1916
RandallJames born about 1934
RichardsonAlice born about 1909
RichardsonBoyd born about 1909
RichardsonDelbert born about 1923
RichardsonLogan born about 1925
RichardsonLura born about 1886
RichardsonMargaret born about 1924
RichardsonMary Belleborn about 1929
RichardsonT Aborn about 1882
RichardsonTheodore born about 1919
RichardsonTheron born about 1932
RichardsonThomas born about 1939
RichardsonTruman born about 1916
RichardsonVelma born about 1931
RidensNancy Annborn about 1877
RisenhooverAda born about 1896
RisenhooverBeatrice born about 1924
RisenhooverBuck born about 1900
RisenhooverClaud born about 1892
RisenhooverDona born about 1932
RisenhooverEarl born about 1932
RisenhooverJoe born about 1921
RisenhooverLeon born about 1926
RisenhooverMaggie born about 1933
RisenhooverMatilda born about 1877
RisenhooverOlta Mayborn about 1938
RisenhooverOna born about 1932
RisenhooverR Gborn about 1932
RisenhooverSallie born about 1904
RisenhooverVesta born about 1924
RisenhooverWilliam born about 1928
RobertsCarl born about 1922
RobertsE Jborn about 1874
RobertsEugene born about 1927
RobertsFloyd born about 1910
RobertsHarold born about 1930
RobertsJames Wborn about 1894
RobertsJessie born about 1903
RobertsJosie born about 1904
RobertsLe Roy born about 1925
RobertsMerl born about 1929
RobertsTroy born about 1933
RodenClyde born about 1921
RodenLula born about 1883
RodenW Tborn about 1879
RosinCarl born about 1928
RosinComindeer born about 1878
RosinCynthia born about 1925
RosinDora born about 1940
RosinJames born about 1936
RosinJohn born about 1932
RosinLeo born about 1930
RosinNancy born about 1920
RosinPaul born about 1923
RosinWinnie born about 1900
RussellHenry born about 1882
RussellSarah born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalleeMarjorie born about 1926
ScogginsAgnes born about 1896
ScogginsAllen Eborn about 1922
ScogginsGrace born about 1921
ScogginsNickey born about 1930
ScogginsPauline born about 1918
ScogginsPerry born about 1897
ScogginsRobert born about 1924
ScogginsWayne born about 1925
ScottBertha born about 1895
ScottBilly born about 1930
ScottJack born about 1912
ScottJimmie born about 1932
ScottJosephine born about 1913
ScottPhyllis born about 1935
ScottWilliam Wborn about 1877
SeatonClemer born about 1937
SeatonEvit born about 1893
SeatonFannie born about 1902
SecondiDorothy born about 1928
SecondiIma Geneborn about 1932
SecondiRuby born about 1908
SecondiThomas Jr born about 1934
SecondiTom born about 1905
SellsBettie Louborn about 1940
SellsBill born about 1898
SellsBillie born about 1924
SellsBillie Joeborn about 1930
SellsBob born about 1938
SellsCelia born about 1868
SellsClarence born about 1902
SellsDonald born about 1934
SellsEmona Sueborn about 1936
SellsHason born about 1900
SellsHenry Lborn about 1891
SellsJona born about 1902
SellsLa Verne born about 1927
SellsLa Wanna born about 1939
SellsLouise born about 1928
SellsMarie born about 1936
SellsMary Janeborn about 1932
SellsModean born about 1914
SellsOma born about 1908
SellsPeter Dborn about 1856
SellsRose born about 1912
SellsRuth born about 1931
SellsSammie born about 1938
SellsVaughn born about 1925
ShanksBobby born about 1932
ShanksJames born about 1926
ShanksJohn Eborn about 1920
ShanksLa Homa born about 1924
ShanksLillian born about 1933
ShanksPauline born about 1922
SherrellJ Sborn about 1885
SherrellPearly born about 1889
SherrellVanoy born about 1924
SherwoodEmma born about 1890
SherwoodErvin born about 1909
SherwoodFlorence born about 1918
SherwoodGeorge born about 1886
SherwoodGladys born about 1917
SherwoodJanet born about 1938
SherwoodJohn born about 1858
SherwoodJohn Advanborn about 1908
SherwoodL Dborn about 1911
SherwoodOthal born about 1915
ShoemakerJosephine born about 1908
ShoemakerLavona born about 1939
ShoemakerOrval born about 1910
ShoemakerRobbie born about 1940
SimmonsEunita born about 1920
SimmonsJess born about 1910
SlaterAvis born about 1902
SlaterCharles Wborn about 1904
SlaterEdna born about 1936
SlaterEva born about 1931
SmalleyLaura Annborn about 1875
SmalleyLen Jborn about 1875
SmithJames born about 1880
SmithJulius born about 1913
SmithMittie born about 1889
SouthernBeulah born about 1903
SouthernBilly born about 1939
SouthernDale born about 1926
SouthernDonald born about 1933
SouthernEugene born about 1924
SouthernJoan born about 1937
SouthernLoreda born about 1923
SouthernLovetta born about 1921
SouthernMaxine born about 1928
SouthernShirley born about 1935
SouthernSidney born about 1931
SouthernWill born about 1901
SouthernWillard born about 1919
SouthernWillard born about 1922
SparksBen Johnborn about 1922
SparksDonald born about 1936
SparksEarl born about 1918
SparksEffie born about 1897
SparksHooley born about 1911
SparksJ L Jrborn about 1928
SparksJack born about 1915
SparksJoyce born about 1933
SparksLester born about 1890
SparksLoyalviah born about 1932
SparksMary born about 1896
SparksMary Jamesborn about 1926
SparksMildonia born about 1937
SparksNoah born about 1893
SparksNoah Jr born about 1923
SparksReba Geanborn about 1931
SparksWilmae born about 1924
SparksWoody born about 1917
SpearsDonald born about 1940
SpearsDorothy born about 1939
SpearsEarl born about 1931
SpearsErbert born about 1891
SpearsErmon born about 1917
SpearsFreddie born about 1935
SpearsJohn born about 1933
SpearsLorene born about 1923
SpearsLouise born about 1926
SpearsOlta born about 1939
SpearsVictoria born about 1902
StaplesInez born about 1915
StaplesJoe born about 1900
StewartAlta born about 1902
StewartBert born about 1900
StewartBert Jr born about 1927
StewartHomer born about 1920
StewartJackie born about 1932
StewartMary Jeanborn about 1940
StewartMerlin born about 1923
SwimmerEdward born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorCarrie born about 1893
TaylorCherokee born about 1918
TaylorClayton born about 1915
TaylorEthel born about 1902
TaylorG Bborn about 1899
TaylorJack born about 1917
TaylorJohn Hborn about 1889
TaylorLouise born about 1921
TaylorThomas born about 1926
TaylorVinita born about 1919
TaylorVirgil Jr born about 1939
ThompsonBill born about 1883
ThompsonLizzie born about 1888
ToneyBrother born about 1938
ToneyHaskel born about 1922
ToneyInfant born about 1940
ToneyLois born about 1930
ToneyMaggie born about 1903
ToneyMildred born about 1928
ToneyNora Jeanborn about 1932
ToneyOlice born about 1924
ToneyRaymond born about 1926
ToneyReedy born about 1900
ToneySonny born about 1938
ToneyWayne born about 1929
TrammelL Mborn about 1895
TrasperWm Dborn about 1938
TubbsJoe born about 1883
TubbsO Wborn about 1907
TubbsOlta born about 1908
TurnerArthur born about 1926
TurnerIra born about 1930
TurnerJeff born about 1892
TurnerJimmie born about 1940
TurnerKathryn born about 1923
TurnerMarjorie born about 1934
TurnerMary born about 1927
TurnerNancy born about 1892
TurnerOrville born about 1914
TurnerRuby born about 1920
TurnerTreccie born about 1920
TuttleChester born about 1910
TuttleLorraine born about 1934
TuttleVera born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UprightC Wborn about 1877
UprightEdith born about 1879

V Surnames

VanderheidenBonnie born about 1940
VanderheidenFlora born about 1933
VanderheidenJessie born about 1910
VanderheidenRuben born about 1912
VannGeorge born about 1875
VannJessie born about 1889
VanzandtRuby born about 1920
VanzandtWilma born about 1939

W Surnames

WaltersKathryn born about 1930
WebbAudie born about 1923
WebbBarbara born about 1936
WebbBathus born about 1926
WebbBen born about 1894
WebbBen Jr born about 1939
WebbBertha born about 1924
WebbDwight born about 1928
WebbEdgar born about 1933
WebbEdna born about 1939
WebbEllen born about 1868
WebbEmma born about 1898
WebbErnest born about 1929
WebbGeraldine born about 1922
WebbGoldie born about 1906
WebbImogene born about 1928
WebbJack born about 1889
WebbJessie born about 1931
WebbMabel born about 1917
WebbMary born about 1920
WebbNettie born about 1910
WebbOdel born about 1932
WebbOlen born about 1922
WebbRube born about 1919
WebbThomas Jr born about 1934
WebbTom born about 1912
WebbVada born about 1925
WebbWaholeta born about 1926
WebbWanda Sueborn about 1936
WebbWatie born about 1904
WebbWatie born about 1930
WebbWillie born about 1931
WebbWm Jacksonborn about 1864
WessonFlora born about 1913
WessonKatie born about 1932
WessonMildred Dborn about 1934
WessonW Aborn about 1905
WestCarl born about 1937
WestColita born about 1933
WestLula born about 1896
WestM Lborn about 1883
WestPaul born about 1926
WestRoy born about 1923
WestSanford born about 1931
WestThomas born about 1935
WestWarren born about 1922
WhitworthAgnes born about 1912
WhitworthBerenice born about 1918
WhitworthClara born about 1924
WhitworthJoe born about 1881
WhitworthNorma born about 1927
WhitworthRobert born about 1920
WhitworthSallie born about 1886
WhitworthVerna born about 1940
WilieMyrtle born about 1889
WoodA Eborn about 1899
WoodBonnie born about 1905
WoodBonnie ???born about 1940
WoodErnest born about 1937
WoodJunior born about 1923
WoodKenneth born about 1930
WoodLoy born about 1927
WoodMary born about 1932
WoodThelma born about 1925
WoodsBessie born about 1928
WoodsCharles born about 1937
WoodsDenver born about 1937
WoodsJack born about 1923
WoodsJesse born about 1918
WoodsJewel born about 1898
WoodsJoellen born about 1938
WoodsJunie born about 1882
WoodsMargaret born about 1936
WoodsModene born about 1914
WoodsRosa Leeborn about 1931
WoodsWilliam Hborn about 1912
WrightJohn born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyHastings Hborn about 1913
YanceyLiza born about 1869
YanceySue born about 1913
YancyCarney born about 1921
YancyElmer born about 1897
YancyIrene born about 1911
YancyJoaquin born about 1939
YancyMax born about 1929
YancyVinnie born about 1899
YancyWayne born about 1924
YoungArt born about 1916
YoungEvelyn born about 1919
YoungLula Mayborn about 1928
YoungMalion born about 1878
YoungMattie born about 1887
YoungNora born about 1903
YoungOra born about 1920
YoungRoy born about 1936
YoungTheodore born about 1924
YoungW Fborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZulkeyLeroy born about 1921

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