1940 U.S. Federal Census of Redland, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Redland

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderC Cborn about 1885
AlexanderJulis born about 1925
AlexanderSherdian born about 1927
AndersonArlie born about 1907
AndersonBonnie born about 1939
AndersonGeneva born about 1923
AndersonGeraldine born about 1927
AndersonJohn born about 1900
AndersonLillie Maeborn about 1901
AndersonR Cborn about 1885
AsherEdna born about 1921
AsherMary Ellenborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BarberAnnie born about 1912
BarberB Jborn about 1934
BarberEllen Lborn about 1936
BarberGeorge Wborn about 1904
BarberL Dborn about 1938
BarberMary born about 1908
BarberRobert Leeborn about 1929
BarberWilliam born about 1912
BarberWilliam Aborn about 1934
BarnesBeulah born about 1925
BarnesDaisy born about 1890
BarnesDawson born about 1886
BarnesErnest born about 1930
BarnesJoe born about 1910
BarnesJosie born about 1915
BarnesLeon born about 1935
BarnesLollie born about 1928
BarnesSammie born about 1931
BarnesYernon born about 1938
BellClara born about 1931
BellClark born about 1876
BellHuston born about 1926
BellL Vborn about 1923
BellLavera born about 1928
BellLizzyetta born about 1920
BellMinnie born about 1910
BellOllie born about 1905
BellSedalia born about 1926
BentonBen Fborn about 1921
BentonBeulah Maeborn about 1939
BentonBirdie born about 1889
BentonBirdie Jborn about 1931
BentonDorothy Jborn about 1934
BentonErnest born about 1911
BentonHazel born about 1925
BentonJim born about 1885
BentonLucile born about 1926
BentonMagnolia born about 1918
BentonWyonie born about 1921
BethelAnna Marieborn about 1932
BethelBeulah born about 1907
BethelLawton born about 1903
BethelNaomi Ruthborn about 1934
BethelTelilba Leeborn about 1930
BethelnDavid Fborn about 1906
BethelnHubert born about 1933
BethelnLander Lborn about 1938
BethelnLillian born about 1872
BethelnMary Leeborn about 1934
BethelnMildred born about 1916
BethelnWanda Lborn about 1936
BibbBetty Louborn about 1925
BibbC ???born about 1918
BibbCharley born about 1892
BibbDonald born about 1928
BibbFanny born about 1901
BibbJackie born about 1937
BibbJerry born about 1932
BibbJoan born about 1934
BibbLenard born about 1922
BibbMabel born about 1920
BibbPhyllis born about 1939
BlevinsFlorence born about 1893
BlevinsGeorge born about 1878
BlockElsie born about 1921
BlockNellie born about 1889
BlockTroy born about 1924
BlockWallace Bborn about 1888
BlurtonAnnie born about 1881
BlurtonDillard born about 1879
BozzeMartha born about 1856
BrannonJohnanna born about 1880
BridgesAnna Vborn about 1928
BridgesJohn Hborn about 1890
BridgesMary born about 1891
BridgesRiley born about 1895
BridgesRobert born about 1924
BrittElizabeth born about 1894
BrittMansel born about 1911
BrownBernice born about 1928
BrownBert born about 1896
BrownErnest Jr born about 1910
BrownJ Rborn about 1879
BrownLeroy born about 1933
BrownLorene born about 1881
BrownNina born about 1937
BrownPatsy born about 1930
BrownRoy Eborn about 1905
BrownRuby born about 1912
BrownVirginia born about 1936
BrownfieldBilly Rayborn about 1928
BrownfieldRuth born about 1905
BroylesLeslie born about 1911
BroylesMary born about 1886
BroylesPearl born about 1917
BroylesVirgle born about 1915
BrunkAgnes born about 1920
BrunkBethel born about 1918
BrunkBillie born about 1930
BrunkDonald Rborn about 1937
BrunkElsie born about 1937
BrunkEva born about 1912
BrunkGeorge born about 1925
BrunkGertrude born about 1921
BrunkJames born about 1918
BrunkJimmie Mborn about 1931
BrunkJoe Perryborn about 1930
BrunkMary Joeborn about 1935
BrunkPerry born about 1891
BrunkRoberta born about 1921
BrunkRuth born about 1893
BrunkRuthie Maeborn about 1939
BrunkStanley born about 1912
BrunkStanley Jr born about 1935
BrunkSusie born about 1899
BrunkVirginia Leeborn about 1936
BurnettDora born about 1877
BurnettE Cborn about 1874
BurnettEven born about 1919
BurnettHerbert born about 1913
BurrClarica born about 1899
BurrDan born about 1898
BurrMary born about 1930
BurrMaurice born about 1930
BurrPat born about 1935
BurrSarah Annborn about 1926
BurrW Jborn about 1924
ButcherArdury born about 1922
ButcherCallie born about 1901
ButcherDonnie Dborn about
ButcherFay born about 1923
ButcherMose born about 1926
ButcherWalter born about 1896
ButcherWalter Jr born about 1921

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C Surnames

CarrGeorge born about 1916
CarrGeorge Jr born about 1933
CarrLeroy born about 1937
CarrMary Annborn about 1926
CarrRebecca born about 1905
CarrWanda Rborn about 1931
ChandlerBobby Jaeborn about 1935
ChandlerElla Maeborn about 1933
ChandlerFlosie born about 1921
ChandlerHenry born about 1896
ChandlerL Dborn about 1930
ChandlerOrvell born about 1924
ChandlerThelma born about 1901
ChandlerWilliam Hborn about 1926
CherryLevola born about 1937
CherryLewis born about 1898
CherryLoyd born about 1928
CherryMinnie born about 1901
CherryWadie born about 1925
ClarkAlabama born about 1885
ClarkJ Ralphborn about 1923
ClarkJames Wborn about 1881
ClarkNelda Fborn about 1926
CoanCarol Annborn about 1939
CoanEllis born about 1910
CoanMarie born about 1915
CoanRichard Ellisborn about 1935
CookHelen Annborn about 1929
CookJim Cborn about 1895
CookKathrine Mborn about 1937
CookLeroy born about 1922
CookLillie Ruthborn about 1934
CookMarvin born about 1925
CookMildred Lborn about 1926
CookWillard born about 1901
CooperE Jborn about 1880
CooperEllen born about 1880
CooperMargaret born about 1922
CooperMartin born about 1909
CooperWesley born about 1912
CopelandAlvie born about 1909
CopelandArlie born about 1919
CopelandBarbara Sueborn about 1939
CopelandEthel Lborn about 1921
CopelandGladys born about 1939
CopelandJewel born about 1916
CopelandMargie born about 1914
CopelandMolly Ruthborn about 1936
CopelandNora born about 1880
CopelandVelma Wborn about 1940
CopelandWalter born about 1913
CopelandWilliam born about 1880
CowanKatie born about 1923
CowanLeneard born about 1911
CroslandRosetta born about 1925

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D Surnames

DarityElmer born about 1905
DarityElmer Jr born about 1936
DarityEthel born about 1910
DarityHallie born about 1930
DarityTom born about 1928
DavisEmma born about 1893
DavisFlorria born about 1927
DavisGeorge Edborn about 1936
DavisIsac born about 1892
DavisLuther born about 1923
DavisMagie born about 1930
DavisMinnie born about 1906
DavisNapoleon born about 1895
DavisRamon born about 1924
DavisTheodore born about 1925
DavisUriabelle born about 1934
DayEugene born about 1930
DayImmon born about 1933
DayMeady born about 1900
DaySheb born about 1895
DonleyL Tborn about 1922
DormanEd born about 1885
DormanLovella born about 1917
DormanPeggy born about 1885
DormanRosco Cborn about 1891
DormanRuby Annaborn about 1939
DyerAnna born about 1910
DyerB Jborn about 1924
DyerBerca born about 1880
DyerBilly Rayborn about 1936
DyerBonnie Sueborn about 1938
DyerBradley born about 1919
DyerEvaleen born about 1932
DyerGeorge born about 1927
DyerHarold born about 1906
DyerTruman born about 1917
DyerWalter born about 1908
DyerWilla Maeborn about 1931

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E Surnames

ElliotDolores Maeborn about 1929
ElliottJoe Henryborn about 1931
EnglandAlvis born about 1927
EnglandClifford born about 1921
EnglandElizabeth born about 1923
EnglandFloyd born about 1918
EnglandHattie born about 1888
EnglandJohnnie born about 1926

F Surnames

FariceE Lborn about 1877
FarmerBillie Hughborn about 1935
FarmerJ Rborn about 1898
FarmerJames Freddieborn about 1939
FarmerJessie Sueborn about 1929
FarmerJohn Hborn about 1923
FarmerLessie Maeborn about 1927
FarmerMary Louborn about 1936
FarmerMattie Annborn about 1931
FarmerTheano born about 1901
FieldsAnna Estaborn about 1927
FieldsGeorgia Maeborn about 1932
FieldsRobert Leeborn about 1930
FieldsWillie Maeborn about 1921
FletcherJames Rolandborn about 1869
FletcherSallie born about 1880
FlowersMinnie born about 1921
FlurryBilly Joeborn about 1932
FlurryEveleen born about 1924
FlurryIrene born about 1922
FlurryJohn Henryborn about 1929
FlurryLeroy born about 1920
FlurryMinnie born about 1900
FlurryOrabell born about 1927
FlurryVirginia Leeborn about 1939
FlurryWallace born about 1934
FlurryWill born about 1873
FlurryWillie Maeborn about 1937
FormanEdward Lborn about 1938
FormanLydia born about 1890

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G Surnames

GallowayFlossie born about 1889
GallowayFrank born about 1926
GallowayIrene born about 1921
GallowayJames Bborn about 1882
GallowayPaul Edborn about 1923
GallowayPauline born about 1920
GashEveline born about 1915
GatesAlvin born about 1909
GatesAlvin Jr born about 1938
GatesDelia born about 1936
GatesGarualee born about 1934
GatesIcsie born about 1908
GatesJanetta born about 1929
GatesNorma born about 1933
GatesVita born about 1929
GreenAnnita Janeborn about 1939
GreenBobby Rborn about 1934
GreenDoris Lborn about 1930
GreenDorsey born about 1922
GreenElla born about 1866
GreenFred born about 1919
GreenGladys Mborn about 1913
GreenHerbert born about 1917
GreenHosea born about 1896
GreenI Jborn about 1888
GreenLillie Maeborn about 1935
GreenNora born about 1891
GreenSeigel born about 1865
GreenStanley born about 1928
GreenTommie born about 1904
GunterBilly born about 1939
GunterGrace born about 1917
GunterJohn born about 1912
GunterJohn Cborn about 1937
GunterMabel born about 1920

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H Surnames

HannsJ Jborn about 1871
HannsLeroy Jborn about 1929
HannsM Sborn about 1886
HarvelCharleen born about 1930
HarvelDale born about 1935
HarvelDelmer born about 1923
HarvelEthelee born about 1927
HarvelHorace born about 1901
HarvelPearl born about 1905
HeatheockBessie born about 1909
HeatheockFranklin born about 1938
HeatheockRuby born about 1939
HeatheockThomas born about 1912
HildbrandBelta born about 1915
HildbrandJesse born about 1893
HildbrandJohn Wborn about 1906
HildbrandMaggie born about 1881
HildbrandSisie born about 1901
HilerGenevia born about 1909
HilerGeorge Rborn about 1938
HilerGerald Rayborn about 1936
HilerRamon born about 1907
HilesAlonza born about 1894
HilesBilly Joeborn about 1933
HilesL Dborn about 1929
HilesMinnie born about 1904
HillbrandGlades born about 1910
HillbrandRoland born about 1898
HoweHattie Louborn about 1934
HoweJohn Oborn about 1929
HoweJosie Fayborn about 1932
HoweRuby Oborn about 1926
HowellPanola born about 1868
HumphreyJerry born about 1857
HustonCharles born about 1931
HustonJerry born about 1916
HustonSon Tomborn about 1913
HustonSusie born about 1883
HustonTom born about 1884

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J Surnames

JacksonAce Eborn about 1917
JacksonE Jborn about 1937
JacksonGenevia born about 1921
JacksonKennith born about 1939
JenkinsE Nborn about 1900
JenkinsMaud born about 1894
JenningsJ Oborn about 1885
JenningsJ Oborn about 1922
JenningsLorene born about 1892
JodanBobby Joeborn about 1938
JodanDoris Leeborn about 1936
JodanLeslie born about 1912
JodanMarine born about 1915
JodanMary born about 1933
JohnsonEarmon born about 1914
JohnsonElnore born about 1910
JohnsonEster born about 1914
JohnsonHattie born about 1882
JohnsonJackie Rayborn about 1935
JohnsonJimmie born about 1918
JohnsonLa Vada born about 1921
JohnsonLouis Eborn about 1923
JohnsonRobert Leeborn about 1928
JohnsonSherdian born about 1930
JohnsonSherman born about 1930
JohnsonWallace born about 1876
JohnsonWillis born about 1926
JonesBetty Sueborn about 1936
JonesFloyd born about 1907
JonesJohn born about 1890
JonesJunne Sylvesterborn about 1933
JonesMyrtie Maeborn about 1913
JonesMyrtie Maeborn about 1932
JonesNancy Louborn about 1939
JonesVester born about 1901
JordanAnna Mariaborn about 1936
JordanBilly Rayborn about 1930
JordanBonnie Sueborn about 1938
JordanDonald Leeborn about 1934
JordanRebecca born about 1873
JordanSteve born about 1872
JordanSteve Jr born about 1908
JordanSusie born about 1908

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K Surnames

KingB Wborn about 1937
KingBen Wborn about 1865
KingBennie Jborn about 1913
KingBetty born about 1934
KingClara Maeborn about 1939
KingE Cborn about 1894
KingLillie Lborn about 1904
KingLizzie born about 1881
KingMyron Lborn about 1932
KingPatsy born about 1928

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L Surnames

LadfordDonald Dborn about 1936
LadfordEva born about 1900
LadfordJohn born about 1900
LallisNancy born about 1871
LambertEdna Fborn about 1927
LambertLucile born about 1925
LambertOma Leeborn about 1917
LambertPaul Deanborn about 1937
LambertRuby born about 1921
LambertW Eborn about 1876
LangstonAustin born about 1933
LangstonDennis born about 1917
LangstonDora born about 1899
LangstonEulas born about 1922
LangstonIda born about 1873
LangstonJ Tborn about 1935
LangstonJasper born about 1920
LangstonLeanna born about 1923
LangstonOtis born about 1915
LangstonRobert Leeborn about 1931
LangstonS Lborn about 1905
LangstonSilas born about 1929
LeeW Jborn about 1890
LesleyCaroline Jborn about 1937
LesleyElizabeth born about 1935
LesleyRufus Wborn about 1903
LesleyVerda Mborn about 1903
LewisBetty Louborn about 1939
LewisE Jborn about 1914
LewisLillie Maeborn about 1919
LinkerA Eborn about 1886
LinkerA E Jrborn about 1937
LinkerEtta born about 1902
LinkerVirginia born about 1928
LollisCharles born about 1929
LollisWilliam Aborn about 1872

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M Surnames

MaddoxAlice Aborn about 1904
MaddoxBell born about 1906
MaddoxBetty Bborn about 1935
MaddoxCarl Bborn about 1938
MartinAdolph born about 1900
MartinCharley born about 1879
MartinFay born about 1919
MartinFlora born about 1870
MartinJohn born about 1885
MartinJohnnie born about 1923
MartinMary born about 1898
MartinOla born about 1921
MaxwellCampbell Lborn about 1926
MaxwellImegene born about 1929
MaxwellJames Odellborn about 1897
MaxwellKerm born about 1907
MaxwellMarie born about 1918
MaxwellOra Janeborn about 1892
MaxwellVral B Bborn about 1930
MayeLillie born about 1881
McKinnyBell born about 1875
McKnabbBilly Donborn about 1924
McKnabbClyde born about 1887
McKnabbIoy Jeanborn about 1929
McKnabbJack Eborn about 1936
McKnabbJerry Benborn about 1934
McKnabbJessie Mborn about 1903
McKnabbPatsy Lynnborn about 1933
McKnabbUna Maeborn about 1889
McKnabbWilliam born about 1903
MearronFinnis born about 1929
MearronM Mborn about 1876
MearronRosalie born about 1927
MearronViolet born about 1896
MearronZelmore born about 1925
MiddletonAna born about 1910
MiddletonArbury Rborn about 1939
MiddletonArlene born about 1918
MiddletonDoris Gborn about 1940
MiddletonGenevia born about 1932
MiddletonJarland Bborn about 1930
MiddletonJeff Lborn about 1890
MiddletonL Williamborn about 1937
MiddletonMargie born about 1925
MiddletonMilba Lborn about 1934
MiddletonRamon born about 1918
MiddletonTommy born about 1919
MooreAtrle Bellborn about 1914
MooreBen I Mborn about 1940
MooreBill born about 1911
MooreEuphania born about 1936
MooreUdell born about 1939
MoquettCass born about 1912
MoquettMabel born about 1919
MoquettRetha born about 1937
MorganOscar born about 1890

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N Surnames

NaborsImogene born about 1932
NaborsJames Lborn about 1938
NaborsMabel born about 1911
NaborsTaft born about 1908
NewberryClarence born about 1927
NewberryClifford born about 1929
NewberryEarl Lborn about 1906
NewberryEthel born about 1907
NicholsElizabeth born about 1906
NicholsEllis born about 1873
NicholsHester born about 1881
NicholsJohnnie born about 1905
NicholsMary Louborn about 1914
NicholsPearl born about 1933
NunleyClara born about 1910
NunleyMinor born about 1874
NunleyMinor born about 1938
NunleyMirandy born about 1886
NunleyRuthie Mborn about 1931
NunleyStella born about 1933
NunleyTem born about 1904

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O Surnames

OderAlbert born about 1923
OderJames born about 1930
OderJoyce Mayborn about 1934
OderMaud born about 1888
OshaughnessyWelma born about 1886

P Surnames

PaceClarence born about 1902
PaceNanny Joborn about 1934
PaceWinefred born about 1910
PatrickJ Philipborn about 1927
PatrickJesse born about 1895
PatrickMurl born about 1923
PatrickMyrtle born about 1892
PattersonBelle born about 1912
PattersonGenevia born about 1932
PattersonTom born about 1907
PempertonSybil born about 1917
PettitMildred born about 1927
PettitMinnie born about 1904
PettitMrylyn born about 1890
PettitO Dborn about 1859
PhelonCherokee Billborn about 1938
PhelonEd Leeborn about 1935
PhelonHenry born about 1908
PhelonNettie born about 1914
PresleyKatherine born about 1881
PresleyOscar born about 1878

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R Surnames

RansonFrank born about 1919
RelifordBernice born about 1935
RelifordCharles Fborn about 1939
RelifordCharley born about 1882
RelifordDorothy born about 1933
RelifordEmma Leeborn about 1916
RelifordErce born about 1918
RelifordEva born about 1910
RelifordHenry Lborn about 1937
RelifordHomer born about 1923
RelifordJ Vborn about 1934
RelifordJack born about 1908
RelifordLillian born about 1881
RelifordLonzo born about 1917
RelifordMae Faeborn about 1932
RelifordMarie born about 1917
RelifordMarvaleen born about 1939
RelifordMary Aliceborn about 1935
RelifordOcie born about 1913
RelifordOcie Leeborn about 1934
RelifordPatty born about 1937
RelifordPaul Fborn about 1926
RhoodesFred born about 1920
RhoodesImogene born about 1926
RhoodesJoe Pborn about 1885
RhoodesLee born about 1922
RhoodesMolly born about 1885
RhyanA Fborn about 1890
RhyanEvyll born about 1922
RhyanJ Lborn about 1928
RhyanPearl born about 1896
RhyanR Vborn about 1925
RhyanVernon born about 1920
RolandAlex born about 1905
RossGlenda Maeborn about 1940
RossMargaret born about 1920
RossVernon born about 1919
RoyanErnest Lborn about 1887
RussellCassie born about 1935
RussellCharles born about 1933
RussellCharley born about 1910
RussellCleo born about 1913
RussellEmma Fernborn about 1938
RussellJess born about 1923
RussellJimmie Rayborn about 1939
RussellL Jborn about 1885
RussellMary Annborn about 1892

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S Surnames

SabinClinton Jr born about 1935
SabinGerald born about 1925
SabinRamon born about 1930
SmithAlfred Nborn about 1911
SmithCharles born about 1932
SmithCharley born about 1906
SmithE Aborn about 1855
SmithElis born about 1921
SmithLavetta born about 1909
SmithMary born about 1876
SmithOkla born about 1909
SnyderOdis born about 1920
SparkmanC Wborn about 1888
SparkmanCarl born about 1921
SparkmanCharles Lborn about 1935
SparkmanEmily born about 1890
SparkmanGrace born about 1918
SparkmanJack born about 1923
SparkmanJoe born about 1913
SparkmanKennith born about 1928
SparkmanMarcelle born about 1926
SparkmanMelba born about 1932
SparkmanMildred born about 1921
SparkmanSam born about 1862
SpringwaterBoyd born about 1912
SpringwaterBuddy born about 1925
SpringwaterDavid Lborn about 1940
SpringwaterEdith born about 1923
SpringwaterEster born about 1920
SpringwaterH Cborn about 1877
SpringwaterHenry Jr born about 1926
SpringwaterJessie born about 1888
SpringwaterJessie born about 1912
SpringwaterPaul born about 1939
StampsCharles E Dborn about 1939
StampsElla born about 1923
StampsJoe born about 1905
StampsJonah born about 1873
StampsLucille born about 1915
StampsLuke born about 1876
StampsMary born about 1879
StampsMillie born about 1920
StampsWillie Annborn about 1880
StewartArthur Fborn about 1905
StewartMarie born about 1914
StumbaughOra Rborn about 1898
StumbaughR Hborn about 1895
StumbaughR Hborn about 1920

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T Surnames

TalorLizzie born about 1870
TaylorEuerma born about 1904
TaylorLizzie Bborn about 1926
TaylorRamon born about 1896
TaylorRamon Jr born about 1923
TaylorRichard Tborn about 1929
ThompsonHosea born about 1896
ThompsonIda born about 1897
TreatBobby Johnborn about 1936
TreatElsie born about 1915
TreatGeorge Fborn about 1926
TreatJewel born about 1905
TreatJohn born about 1894
TriggsBoyd born about 1900

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U Surnames

UnderwoodClyde Lborn about 1923
UnderwoodEdna born about 1908
UnderwoodGertrude born about 1939
UnderwoodImogene born about 1925
UnderwoodRamon Jr born about 1921
UnderwoodRaynon born about 1890

V Surnames

VanbibberAltha born about 1911
VanbibberColleen born about 1931
VanbibberHoward born about 1939
VanbibberJane born about 1936
VanbibberRussell born about 1912
VanbibberWayne born about 1932
VanzendtG Wborn about 1869
VanzendtJosephine born about 1917
VanzendtRamon Dborn about 1922
VaughtTherman born about 1899

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W Surnames

WagersAddie born about 1862
WagersAnnie born about 1915
WagersBessie born about 1903
WagersBetty Geborn about 1932
WagersC Mborn about 1888
WagersEva Jeanborn about 1935
WagersGeorge born about 1895
WagersHelen Jborn about 1939
WagersJ Hborn about 1904
WagersJ Wborn about 1933
WagersLois Juneborn about 1934
WagersNorma Fborn about 1935
WallaceLeroy born about 1922
WattsAnnie Lborn about 1867
WattsLudie Bellborn about 1916
WelshColeen born about 1924
WelshCora born about 1892
WelshE Jborn about 1931
WelshHomer Dborn about 1916
WelshIrene born about 1926
WelshJames Leroyborn about 1937
WelshJeff born about 1887
WelshLucille born about 1939
WelshMildred born about 1928
WelshOtto born about 1934
WelshPearl born about 1917
WesleyRobert born about 1882
WilliamsDan born about 1878
WilliamsLula born about 1879
WillifordCharles Pborn about 1935
WillifordClifford born about 1908
WillifordJoe Edwardborn about 1939
WillifordLoren born about 1908
WillifordVelma Sborn about 1937
WillmanImogene born about 1930
WillmanJessie Maeborn about 1928
WillmanNovella Rborn about 1932
WilsonArdury born about 1927
WilsonBetty born about 1932
WilsonClara born about 1881
WilsonDave born about 1869
WilsonEffie born about 1889
WilsonFay born about 1924
WilsonJ Mborn about 1882
WilsonJack born about 1920
WilsonJames Rborn about 1913
WilsonJesse born about 1896
WilsonJesse born about 1898
WilsonLavern born about 1938
WilsonLonnie born about 1913
WilsonLonnie Jr born about 1939
WilsonLucinda born about 1906
WilsonMarie born about 1920
WilsonMay born about 1924
WilsonVera born about 1921
WinstonDave born about 1877

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Y Surnames

YoungbloodBuddy born about 1888
YoungbloodClarence born about 1925
YoungbloodVlora born about 1891

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