1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rocky Mountain, Sequoyah, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Sequoyah County > 1940 Census of Rocky Mountain

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonGeorgia born about 1931
AndersonMaggie born about 1914
AndersonViolet born about 1916
AndersonWalter born about 1908
AndersonWilburn born about 1935
AndersonWillie born about 1904
AsbelAnnie born about 1907
AsbelBernerdine born about 1934
AsbelBonnie born about 1919
AsbelCharlene born about 1938
AsbelCharles born about 1932
AsbelClebron born about 1927
AsbelCletes born about 1912
AsbelClumbus born about 1914
AsbelDallis born about 1914
AsbelDallis Jr born about 1939
AsbelDavid born about 1932
AsbelDonald born about 1930
AsbelEmma born about 1910
AsbelEvelyn born about 1935
AsbelG Wborn about 1867
AsbelGilbert born about 1934
AsbelGrady born about 1912
AsbelHarold Daleborn about 1937
AsbelHazel born about 1928
AsbelJack born about 1936
AsbelJames Carrolborn about 1936
AsbelJean born about 1930
AsbelJoe born about 1895
AsbelLillie born about 1916
AsbelLulu Annborn about 1874
AsbelMelvin born about 1909
AsbelMiles born about 1903
AsbelMrs Roy born about 1880
AsbelOkemah born about 1925
AsbelPitchford born about 1909
AsbelPrice born about 1921
AsbelRuby born about 1913
AsbelThelma Leeborn about 1936
AsbelWalter born about 1923
AsburnGrace born about 1913
AsburnJohn born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaldridgeDick born about 1912
BaldridgeGeorge Eborn about 1934
BaldridgeJosie born about 1919
BaldridgeRichard born about 1918
BaneyBelle born about 1906
BaneyEdwina born about 1935
BaneyJoe born about 1922
BaneyLeon born about 1931
BaneyM Dborn about 1929
BaneyPauline born about 1924
BaneyRichard born about 1900
BaneyWanda born about 1927
BarnesAndrey born about 1925
BarnesBeatrice born about 1932
BarnesBill born about 1905
BarnesBill Jr born about 1939
BarnesDallas born about 1929
BarnesEarl born about 1939
BarnesEaster born about 1934
BarnesEddie born about 1925
BarnesEldora born about 1916
BarnesGoldie born about 1906
BarnesJ Mborn about 1873
BarnesJimmy born about 1922
BarnesMary born about 1881
BarnesNoah born about 1900
BarnesRobert born about 1936
BarnesSosa born about 1927
BengeBonnie Maeborn about 1935
BengeDelia born about 1904
BengeDrew born about 1904
BengeIda Belleborn about 1938
BengeOleta born about 1927
BennAda born about 1903
BennDoris Jr born about 1933
BennLaura Lou Janeborn about 1940
BennMelba Joyceborn about 1935
BennObie born about 1927
BennRidge born about 1903
BrackettCharles born about 1932
BrackettIra born about 1909
BrackettIra Jr born about 1931
BrackettNettie born about 1913
Branham??? born about 1937
BranhamArtie born about 1935
BranhamBill born about 1897
BranhamCarl born about 1923
BranhamIrene born about 1935
BranhamIvy Maeborn about 1927
BranhamJ Dborn about 1863
BranhamJerry born about 1902
BranhamJulias born about 1928
BranhamLaura born about 1895
BranhamMary born about 1926
BranhamOra born about 1905
BranhamOsa born about 1931
BranhamRobert born about 1934
BranhamSally born about 1939
BranhamSam born about 1933
BranhamVelma born about 1931
ByrdBettie born about 1922
ByrdBettie Janeborn about 1937
ByrdJohn born about 1903
ByrdOtus born about 1939

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C Surnames

ChuculateBettie born about 1933
ChuculateJohn born about 1901
ChuculateMary born about 1925
ChuculateSallie born about 1906
ChuculateWilliam born about 1928
ColstonAlice born about 1898
ColstonBanger born about 1895
ColstonBobbie born about 1933
ColstonMarie born about 1930
ColstonMarjorie born about 1928
ColstonMorris born about 1926
ColstonTom born about 1935
ColstonWatie born about 1924
ColstonWillie born about 1922

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D Surnames

DavisEula born about 1926
DavisNettie born about 1924
DavisThelma born about 1933
DavisTom born about 1891
DavisZelma born about 1933
DyerJ Eborn about 1858
DyerSally Eborn about 1856
DyerThomas Jborn about 1889

E Surnames

EllisR Mborn about 1884
EmersonCarline born about 1939
EmersonCurtis born about 1900
EmersonFlorence born about 1910
EmersonGene born about 1931
EmersonPauline born about 1936
EmersonThurman born about 1928
EmersonWanda born about 1933

F Surnames

FergusonBetty Jeanborn about 1927
FergusonRuth born about 1901

G Surnames

GardenhireAline born about 1936
GardenhireClarence born about 1912
GardenhireCokey born about 1918
GardenhireEmma Leeborn about 1933
GardenhireEugene born about 1930
GardenhireFrieda born about 1936
GardenhireGeorge born about 1902
GardenhireLeona born about 1938
GardenhireOcie born about 1928
GardenhireReba born about 1940
GardenshireAnna born about 1911
GardenshireShirley Annborn about 1937
GardenshireTed born about 1914
GilbertBud born about 1890
GrantR Tborn about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaleEmma born about 1866
HaleGeorge born about 1883
HaleSarah born about 1869
HammJ Lborn about 1866
HammLaura Maeborn about 1871
HandAlpha born about 1911
HandBillie Geneborn about 1936
HartClifton born about 1925
HartColeen born about 1928
HartRoy born about 1906
HartWillie born about 1903
HearshDouglas born about 1919
HearshJ Wborn about 1875
HearshLincoln born about 1916
HearshMary Eborn about 1881
HensleyAlice born about 1913
HensleyBill born about 1919
HensleyEster born about 1880
HensleyJ Wborn about 1871
HensleyJimmie born about 1916
HensleyJoe born about 1923
HensleyVelma born about 1922
HoneycuttBillie Bborn about 1940
HoneycuttClara Geneborn about 1934
HoneycuttDorthy born about 1932
HoneycuttGeorge Oborn about 1935
HoneycuttHester born about 1908
HoneycuttJoe born about 1893
HoneycuttZech born about 1931
HothouseFrank born about 1940
HothouseJennie born about 1910
HothouseJohn born about 1900
HouserBelle born about 1870

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J Surnames

JacksonClayton born about 1901

L Surnames

LessleyLucille born about 1911
LessleyRobert born about 1940
LessleyWes born about 1896
LondonB Rborn about 1873
LondonEarl Lborn about 1933
LondonEdna Maeborn about 1935
LondonEthel born about 1902
LondonJack born about 1930
LondonJunior born about 1928
LongArthur born about 1886
LongCora born about 1884
LongHelen Sueborn about 1938
LongNeva Juneborn about 1939

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N Surnames

NedEliza born about 1875

P Surnames

PetersAsia born about 1912
PetersBilly Joeborn about 1928
PetersDoyal born about 1932
PetersJunior born about 1930
PoindexterAndy born about 1921
PoindexterBen born about 1937
PoindexterBen Wborn about 1930
PoindexterBillie born about 1938
PoindexterBobbie born about 1938
PoindexterClarence born about 1919
PoindexterClinton born about 1907
PoindexterEarl born about 1916
PoindexterEggie Loisborn about 1940
PoindexterEthel born about 1910
PoindexterEuel born about 1938
PoindexterEvelyn born about 1934
PoindexterFloyd born about 1923
PoindexterFrances born about 1930
PoindexterFrancey born about 1922
PoindexterJerald born about 1928
PoindexterJim born about 1886
PoindexterJohn Hborn about 1909
PoindexterLevi born about 1921
PoindexterLillie born about 1932
PoindexterLou born about 1877
PoindexterLouella born about 1913
PoindexterMaggie born about 1930
PoindexterMay born about 1921
PoindexterPearl born about 1895
PoindexterRaymond born about 1917
PoindexterRuth born about 1930
PoindexterSylvia Luborn about 1939
PoindexterTom born about 1925
PoindexterViney born about 1928
PoindexterViola born about 1926
PoindexterVirgie born about 1933
PoindexterWill born about 1875
PoindexterWilliam born about 1923
PollardBud born about 1885
PollardCurley born about 1922
PollardNeva born about 1908
PriceAlton born about 1926
PriceBuelah born about 1903
PriceDonnie born about 1924
PriceGeraldine born about 1921
PriceHarold born about 1939
PriceJ Sborn about 1867
PriceJessie Leeborn about 1940
PriceLenora born about 1881
PriceLucille born about 1935
PriceMaxine born about 1933
PriceOttus born about 1902
PriceRoxy Belleborn about 1928
PriceWoodrow born about 1915
PritchetChember born about 1919
PritchetLouise born about 1907
PritchetNancy born about 1913

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Q Surnames

QuentonLouie born about 1910

R Surnames

RafferJoe born about 1932
RafferLiddie born about 1901
RafferTom born about 1910
RandolphBarbara Sueborn about 1937
RandolphBeatrice born about 1929
RandolphGoodlow born about 1926
RandolphJoe Henryborn about 1932
RandolphJohn Eborn about 1924
RandolphNancy born about 1898
RandolphOkla born about 1934
RandolphSam born about 1896
RiggsC Cborn about 1885
RiggsFlorida born about 1894
RiggsHarmon born about 1916
RiggsLuella born about 1925
RiggsMaggie born about 1931
RiggsMarie born about 1937
RiggsPaul born about 1927
RiggsRalph born about 1924
RiggsTom born about 1887
RoarkLouise born about 1861
RutledgeHoward born about 1931
RutledgeWilma born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersIda born about 1880
SandersJim born about 1912
StewartIrene born about 1921
StewartLoyd born about 1920
StewartPhyllis born about 1940
StinnettLea born about 1924
StinnettLois born about 1924
StinnettMettie born about 1885
StinnettOra Maeborn about 1922
StinnettW Fborn about 1877

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T Surnames

ThomasAlvin born about 1929
ThomasCharlie born about 1939
ThomasClay born about 1933
ThomasDempsey born about 1932
ThomasEd born about 1899
ThomasFaye born about 1931
ThomasFaye born about 1934
ThomasGilbert born about 1927
ThomasHerbert born about 1924
ThomasJames born about 1938
ThomasLois born about 1935
ThomasMabel born about 1922
ThomasMartha born about 1872
ThomasMaxie born about 1937
ThomasNancy born about 1913
ThomasOlen born about 1929
ThomasVida born about 1907
ThomasWalter born about 1896
ThomasWilson born about 1910
TigueClaud born about 1900
TigueCuby Zellaborn about 1935
TigueDonald Rayborn about 1938
TigueIrene born about 1936
TigueJ Dborn about 1924
TigueJoyce born about 1933
TigueLillie born about 1903
TigueLorene born about 1927
TigueVirginia Mayborn about 1938
TigueW Cborn about 1926

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V Surnames

VanderhiderClarence born about 1929
VanderhiderHurshel born about 1909
VanderhiderMarjie born about 1938
VanderhiderMaxine born about 1932
VanderhiderRuby born about 1911
VanderhiderTroy born about 1934
VannatterWilbur born about 1876

W Surnames

WalkupAlbert born about 1900
WalkupAlma born about 1905
WalkupCornell born about 1933
WalkupJames born about 1937
WalkupMilly born about 1928
Webster??? born about 1876
WebsterDavid born about 1927
WebsterElly born about 1912
WebsterJohn born about 1923
WebsterMaggie born about 1929
WebsterVivian born about 1938
WebsterWilbert born about 1936
WebsterWillie born about 1902

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Y Surnames

YoungAdabelle born about 1926
YoungErvin Jborn about 1922
YoungHoward born about 1930
YoungJessie Otisborn about 1932
YoungLeonard born about 1928
YoungOpal Marieborn about 1920
YoungOtis born about 1897

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